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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-agent.el [gnus-5_10-branch

From: Andreas Schwab
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-agent.el [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:15:21 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-agent.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-agent.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Jul 22 16:46:11 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/gnus-agent.el       Thu Jul 22 16:45:46 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,3744 ----
+ ;;; gnus-agent.el --- unplugged support for Gnus
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
+ ;;        Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen <address@hidden>
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'gnus)
+ (require 'gnus-cache)
+ (require 'nnmail)
+ (require 'nnvirtual)
+ (require 'gnus-sum)
+ (require 'gnus-score)
+ (require 'gnus-srvr)
+ (require 'gnus-util)
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+       (require 'itimer)
+     (require 'timer))
+   (require 'cl))
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (autoload 'gnus-server-update-server "gnus-srvr")
+   (autoload 'gnus-agent-customize-category "gnus-cus")
+ )
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-directory (nnheader-concat gnus-directory "agent/")
+   "Where the Gnus agent will store its files."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type 'directory)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-plugged-hook nil
+   "Hook run when plugging into the network."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type 'hook)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-unplugged-hook nil
+   "Hook run when unplugging from the network."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type 'hook)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-fetched-hook nil
+   "Hook run when finished fetching articles."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type 'hook)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-handle-level gnus-level-subscribed
+   "Groups on levels higher than this variable will be ignored by the Agent."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type 'integer)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-expire-days 7
+   "Read articles older than this will be expired.
+ If you wish to disable Agent expiring, see `gnus-agent-enable-expiration'."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type '(number :tag "days"))
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-expire-all nil
+   "If non-nil, also expire unread, ticked and dormant articles.
+ If nil, only read articles will be expired."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type 'boolean)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-group-mode-hook nil
+   "Hook run in Agent group minor modes."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type 'hook)
+ ;; Extracted from gnus-xmas-redefine in order to preserve user settings
+ (when (featurep 'xemacs)
+   (add-hook 'gnus-agent-group-mode-hook 'gnus-xmas-agent-group-menu-add))
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-summary-mode-hook nil
+   "Hook run in Agent summary minor modes."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type 'hook)
+ ;; Extracted from gnus-xmas-redefine in order to preserve user settings
+ (when (featurep 'xemacs)
+   (add-hook 'gnus-agent-summary-mode-hook 'gnus-xmas-agent-summary-menu-add))
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-server-mode-hook nil
+   "Hook run in Agent summary minor modes."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type 'hook)
+ ;; Extracted from gnus-xmas-redefine in order to preserve user settings
+ (when (featurep 'xemacs)
+   (add-hook 'gnus-agent-server-mode-hook 'gnus-xmas-agent-server-menu-add))
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-confirmation-function 'y-or-n-p
+   "Function to confirm when error happens."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type 'function)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-synchronize-flags 'ask
+   "Indicate if flags are synchronized when you plug in.
+ If this is `ask' the hook will query the user."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Always" t)
+                (const :tag "Never" nil)
+                (const :tag "Ask" ask))
+   :group 'gnus-agent)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-go-online 'ask
+   "Indicate if offline servers go online when you plug in.
+ If this is `ask' the hook will query the user."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :type '(choice (const :tag "Always" t)
+                (const :tag "Never" nil)
+                (const :tag "Ask" ask))
+   :group 'gnus-agent)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-mark-unread-after-downloaded t
+   "Indicate whether to mark articles unread after downloaded."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'gnus-agent)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-download-marks '(download)
+   "Marks for downloading."
+   :version "21.1"
+   :type '(repeat (symbol :tag "Mark"))
+   :group 'gnus-agent)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-consider-all-articles nil
+   "When non-nil, the agent will let the agent predicate decide
+ whether articles need to be downloaded or not, for all articles.  When
+ nil, the default, the agent will only let the predicate decide
+ whether unread articles are downloaded or not.  If you enable this,
+ groups with large active ranges may open slower and you may also want
+ to look into the agent expiry settings to block the expiration of
+ read articles as they would just be downloaded again."
+   :version "21.4"
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'gnus-agent)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-max-fetch-size 10000000 ;; 10 Mb
+   "Chunk size for `gnus-agent-fetch-session'.
+ The function will split its article fetches into chunks smaller than
+ this limit."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type 'integer)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-enable-expiration 'ENABLE
+   "The default expiration state for each group.
+ When set to ENABLE, the default, `gnus-agent-expire' will expire old
+ contents from a group's local storage.  This value may be overridden
+ to disable expiration in specific categories, topics, and groups.  Of
+ course, you could change gnus-agent-enable-expiration to DISABLE then
+ enable expiration per categories, topics, and groups."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type '(radio (const :format "Enable " ENABLE)
+                 (const :format "Disable " DISABLE)))
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-expire-unagentized-dirs t
+   "*Whether expiration should expire in unagentized directories.
+ Have gnus-agent-expire scan the directories under
+ \(gnus-agent-directory) for groups that are no longer agentized.
+ When found, offer to remove them."
+   :type 'boolean
+   :group 'gnus-agent)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-auto-agentize-methods '(nntp nnimap)
+   "Initially, all servers from these methods are agentized.
+ The user may remove or add servers using the Server buffer.
+ See Info node `(gnus)Server Buffer'."
+   :type '(repeat symbol)
+   :group 'gnus-agent)
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-queue-mail t
+   "Whether and when outgoing mail should be queued by the agent.
+ When `always', always queue outgoing mail.  When nil, never
+ queue.  Otherwise, queue if and only if unplugged."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type '(radio (const :format "Always" always)
+               (const :format "Never" nil)
+               (const :format "When plugged" t)))
+ (defcustom gnus-agent-prompt-send-queue nil
+   "If non-nil, `gnus-group-send-queue' will prompt if called when
+ unplugged."
+   :group 'gnus-agent
+   :type 'boolean)
+ ;;; Internal variables
+ (defvar gnus-agent-history-buffers nil)
+ (defvar gnus-agent-buffer-alist nil)
+ (defvar gnus-agent-article-alist nil
+   "An assoc list identifying the articles whose headers have been fetched.  
+ If successfully fetched, these headers will be stored in the group's overview
+ file.  The key of each assoc pair is the article ID, the value of each assoc
+ pair is a flag indicating whether the identified article has been downloaded
+ \(gnus-agent-fetch-articles sets the value to the day of the download).
+ 1) The last element of this list can not be expired as some 
+    routines (for example, get-agent-fetch-headers) use the last
+    value to track which articles have had their headers retrieved.
+ 2) The function `gnus-agent-regenerate' may destructively modify the value.")
+ (defvar gnus-agent-group-alist nil)
+ (defvar gnus-category-alist nil)
+ (defvar gnus-agent-current-history nil)
+ (defvar gnus-agent-overview-buffer nil)
+ (defvar gnus-category-predicate-cache nil)
+ (defvar gnus-category-group-cache nil)
+ (defvar gnus-agent-spam-hashtb nil)
+ (defvar gnus-agent-file-name nil)
+ (defvar gnus-agent-send-mail-function nil)
+ (defvar gnus-agent-file-coding-system 'raw-text)
+ (defvar gnus-agent-file-loading-cache nil)
+ ;; Dynamic variables
+ (defvar gnus-headers)
+ (defvar gnus-score)
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Setup
+ ;;;
+ (defun gnus-open-agent ()
+   (setq gnus-agent t)
+   (gnus-agent-read-servers)
+   (gnus-category-read)
+   (gnus-agent-create-buffer)
+   (add-hook 'gnus-group-mode-hook 'gnus-agent-mode)
+   (add-hook 'gnus-summary-mode-hook 'gnus-agent-mode)
+   (add-hook 'gnus-server-mode-hook 'gnus-agent-mode))
+ (defun gnus-agent-create-buffer ()
+   (if (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-agent-overview-buffer)
+       t
+     (setq gnus-agent-overview-buffer
+         (gnus-get-buffer-create " *Gnus agent overview*"))
+     (with-current-buffer gnus-agent-overview-buffer
+       (mm-enable-multibyte))
+     nil))
+ (gnus-add-shutdown 'gnus-close-agent 'gnus)
+ (defun gnus-close-agent ()
+   (setq gnus-category-predicate-cache nil
+       gnus-category-group-cache nil
+       gnus-agent-spam-hashtb nil)
+   (gnus-kill-buffer gnus-agent-overview-buffer))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Utility functions
+ ;;;
+ (defun gnus-agent-read-file (file)
+   "Load FILE and do a `read' there."
+   (with-temp-buffer
+     (ignore-errors
+       (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (read (current-buffer)))))
+ (defsubst gnus-agent-method ()
+   (concat (symbol-name (car gnus-command-method)) "/"
+         (if (equal (cadr gnus-command-method) "")
+             "unnamed"
+           (cadr gnus-command-method))))
+ (defsubst gnus-agent-directory ()
+   "The name of the Gnus agent directory."
+   (nnheader-concat gnus-agent-directory
+                  (nnheader-translate-file-chars (gnus-agent-method)) "/"))
+ (defun gnus-agent-lib-file (file)
+   "The full name of the Gnus agent library FILE."
+   (expand-file-name file
+                   (file-name-as-directory
+                    (expand-file-name "agent.lib" (gnus-agent-directory)))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-cat-set-property (category property value)
+   (if value
+       (setcdr (or (assq property category)
+               (let ((cell (cons property nil)))
+                     (setcdr category (cons cell (cdr category)))
+                     cell)) value)
+     (let ((category category))
+       (while (cond ((eq property (caadr category))
+                     (setcdr category (cddr category))
+                     nil)
+                    (t
+                     (setq category (cdr category)))))))
+   category)
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (defmacro gnus-agent-cat-defaccessor (name prop-name)
+     "Define accessor and setter methods for manipulating a list of the form
+ Given the call (gnus-agent-cat-defaccessor func PROPERTY1), the list may be
+ manipulated as follows:
+   (func LIST): Returns VALUE1
+   (setf (func LIST) NEW_VALUE1): Replaces VALUE1 with NEW_VALUE1."
+     `(progn (defmacro ,name (category)
+               (list (quote cdr) (list (quote assq)
+                                       (quote (quote ,prop-name)) category)))
+             (define-setf-method ,name (category)
+               (let* ((--category--temp-- (make-symbol "--category--"))
+                      (--value--temp-- (make-symbol "--value--")))
+                 (list (list --category--temp--) ; temporary-variables
+                       (list category)   ; value-forms
+                       (list --value--temp--) ; store-variables
+                       (let* ((category --category--temp--) ; store-form
+                              (value --value--temp--))
+                         (list (quote gnus-agent-cat-set-property)
+                               category
+                               (quote (quote ,prop-name))
+                               value))
+                       (list (quote ,name) --category--temp--) ; access-form
+                       )))))
+   )
+ (defmacro gnus-agent-cat-name (category)
+   `(car ,category))
+ (gnus-agent-cat-defaccessor
+  gnus-agent-cat-days-until-old             agent-days-until-old)
+ (gnus-agent-cat-defaccessor
+  gnus-agent-cat-enable-expiration          agent-enable-expiration)
+ (gnus-agent-cat-defaccessor
+  gnus-agent-cat-groups                     agent-groups)
+ (gnus-agent-cat-defaccessor
+  gnus-agent-cat-high-score                 agent-high-score)
+ (gnus-agent-cat-defaccessor
+  gnus-agent-cat-length-when-long           agent-length-when-long)
+ (gnus-agent-cat-defaccessor
+  gnus-agent-cat-length-when-short          agent-length-when-short)
+ (gnus-agent-cat-defaccessor
+  gnus-agent-cat-low-score                  agent-low-score)
+ (gnus-agent-cat-defaccessor
+  gnus-agent-cat-predicate                  agent-predicate)
+ (gnus-agent-cat-defaccessor
+  gnus-agent-cat-score-file                 agent-score-file)
+ (gnus-agent-cat-defaccessor
+  gnus-agent-cat-enable-undownloaded-faces agent-enable-undownloaded-faces)
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (defsetf gnus-agent-cat-groups (category) (groups)
+     (list 'gnus-agent-set-cat-groups category groups)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-set-cat-groups (category groups)
+   (unless (eq groups 'ignore)
+     (let ((new-g groups)
+           (old-g (gnus-agent-cat-groups category)))
+       (cond ((eq new-g old-g)
+              ;; gnus-agent-add-group is fiddling with the group
+              ;; list. Still, Im done.
+              nil
+              )
+             ((eq new-g (cdr old-g))
+              ;; gnus-agent-add-group is fiddling with the group list
+              (setcdr (or (assq 'agent-groups category)
+                          (let ((cell (cons 'agent-groups nil)))
+                            (setcdr category (cons cell (cdr category)))
+                            cell)) new-g))
+             (t
+              (let ((groups groups))
+                (while groups
+                  (let* ((group        (pop groups))
+                         (old-category (gnus-group-category group)))
+                    (if (eq category old-category)
+                        nil
+                      (setf (gnus-agent-cat-groups old-category)
+                            (delete group (gnus-agent-cat-groups
+                                           old-category))))))
+                ;; Purge cache as preceeding loop invalidated it.
+                (setq gnus-category-group-cache nil))
+              (setcdr (or (assq 'agent-groups category)
+                          (let ((cell (cons 'agent-groups nil)))
+                            (setcdr category (cons cell (cdr category)))
+                            cell)) groups))))))
+ (defsubst gnus-agent-cat-make (name &optional default-agent-predicate)
+   (list name `(agent-predicate . ,(or default-agent-predicate 'false))))
+ ;;; Fetching setup functions.
+ (defun gnus-agent-start-fetch ()
+   "Initialize data structures for efficient fetching."
+   (gnus-agent-create-buffer))
+ (defun gnus-agent-stop-fetch ()
+   "Save all data structures and clean up."
+   (setq gnus-agent-spam-hashtb nil)
+   (save-excursion
+     (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+     (widen)))
+ (defmacro gnus-agent-with-fetch (&rest forms)
+   "Do FORMS safely."
+   `(unwind-protect
+        (let ((gnus-agent-fetching t))
+        (gnus-agent-start-fetch)
+        ,@forms)
+      (gnus-agent-stop-fetch)))
+ (put 'gnus-agent-with-fetch 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+ (put 'gnus-agent-with-fetch 'edebug-form-spec '(body))
+ (defmacro gnus-agent-append-to-list (tail value)
+   `(setq ,tail (setcdr ,tail (cons ,value nil))))
+ (defmacro gnus-agent-message (level &rest args)
+   `(if (<= ,level gnus-verbose)
+        (message ,@args)))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Mode infestation
+ ;;;
+ (defvar gnus-agent-mode-hook nil
+   "Hook run when installing agent mode.")
+ (defvar gnus-agent-mode nil)
+ (defvar gnus-agent-mode-status '(gnus-agent-mode " Plugged"))
+ (defun gnus-agent-mode ()
+   "Minor mode for providing a agent support in Gnus buffers."
+   (let* ((buffer (progn (string-match "^gnus-\\(.*\\)-mode$"
+                                     (symbol-name major-mode))
+                       (match-string 1 (symbol-name major-mode))))
+        (mode (intern (format "gnus-agent-%s-mode" buffer))))
+     (set (make-local-variable 'gnus-agent-mode) t)
+     (set mode nil)
+     (set (make-local-variable mode) t)
+     ;; Set up the menu.
+     (when (gnus-visual-p 'agent-menu 'menu)
+       (funcall (intern (format "gnus-agent-%s-make-menu-bar" buffer))))
+     (unless (assq 'gnus-agent-mode minor-mode-alist)
+       (push gnus-agent-mode-status minor-mode-alist))
+     (unless (assq mode minor-mode-map-alist)
+       (push (cons mode (symbol-value (intern (format "gnus-agent-%s-mode-map"
+                                                    buffer))))
+           minor-mode-map-alist))
+     (when (eq major-mode 'gnus-group-mode)
+       (let ((init-plugged gnus-plugged)
+             (gnus-agent-go-online nil))
+         ;; g-a-t-p does nothing when gnus-plugged isn't changed.
+         ;; Therefore, make certain that the current value does not
+         ;; match the desired initial value.
+         (setq gnus-plugged :unknown)
+         (gnus-agent-toggle-plugged init-plugged)))
+     (gnus-run-hooks 'gnus-agent-mode-hook
+                   (intern (format "gnus-agent-%s-mode-hook" buffer)))))
+ (defvar gnus-agent-group-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (gnus-define-keys gnus-agent-group-mode-map
+   "Ju" gnus-agent-fetch-groups
+   "Jc" gnus-enter-category-buffer
+   "Jj" gnus-agent-toggle-plugged
+   "Js" gnus-agent-fetch-session
+   "JY" gnus-agent-synchronize-flags
+   "JS" gnus-group-send-queue
+   "Ja" gnus-agent-add-group
+   "Jr" gnus-agent-remove-group
+   "Jo" gnus-agent-toggle-group-plugged)
+ (defun gnus-agent-group-make-menu-bar ()
+   (unless (boundp 'gnus-agent-group-menu)
+     (easy-menu-define
+      gnus-agent-group-menu gnus-agent-group-mode-map ""
+      '("Agent"
+        ["Toggle plugged" gnus-agent-toggle-plugged t]
+        ["Toggle group plugged" gnus-agent-toggle-group-plugged t]
+        ["List categories" gnus-enter-category-buffer t]
+        ["Add (current) group to category" gnus-agent-add-group t]
+        ["Remove (current) group from category" gnus-agent-remove-group t]
+        ["Send queue" gnus-group-send-queue gnus-plugged]
+        ("Fetch"
+       ["All" gnus-agent-fetch-session gnus-plugged]
+       ["Group" gnus-agent-fetch-group gnus-plugged])
+        ["Synchronize flags" gnus-agent-synchronize-flags t]
+        ))))
+ (defvar gnus-agent-summary-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (gnus-define-keys gnus-agent-summary-mode-map
+   "Jj" gnus-agent-toggle-plugged
+   "Ju" gnus-agent-summary-fetch-group
+   "JS" gnus-agent-fetch-group
+   "Js" gnus-agent-summary-fetch-series
+   "J#" gnus-agent-mark-article
+   "J\M-#" gnus-agent-unmark-article
+   "@" gnus-agent-toggle-mark
+   "Jc" gnus-agent-catchup)
+ (defun gnus-agent-summary-make-menu-bar ()
+   (unless (boundp 'gnus-agent-summary-menu)
+     (easy-menu-define
+      gnus-agent-summary-menu gnus-agent-summary-mode-map ""
+      '("Agent"
+        ["Toggle plugged" gnus-agent-toggle-plugged t]
+        ["Mark as downloadable" gnus-agent-mark-article t]
+        ["Unmark as downloadable" gnus-agent-unmark-article t]
+        ["Toggle mark" gnus-agent-toggle-mark t]
+        ["Fetch downloadable" gnus-agent-summary-fetch-group t]
+        ["Catchup undownloaded" gnus-agent-catchup t]))))
+ (defvar gnus-agent-server-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (gnus-define-keys gnus-agent-server-mode-map
+   "Jj" gnus-agent-toggle-plugged
+   "Ja" gnus-agent-add-server
+   "Jr" gnus-agent-remove-server)
+ (defun gnus-agent-server-make-menu-bar ()
+   (unless (boundp 'gnus-agent-server-menu)
+     (easy-menu-define
+      gnus-agent-server-menu gnus-agent-server-mode-map ""
+      '("Agent"
+        ["Toggle plugged" gnus-agent-toggle-plugged t]
+        ["Add" gnus-agent-add-server t]
+        ["Remove" gnus-agent-remove-server t]))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-make-mode-line-string (string mouse-button mouse-func)
+   (if (and (fboundp 'propertize)
+          (fboundp 'make-mode-line-mouse-map))
+       (propertize string 'local-map
+                 (make-mode-line-mouse-map mouse-button mouse-func))
+     string))
+ (defun gnus-agent-toggle-plugged (set-to)
+   "Toggle whether Gnus is unplugged or not."
+   (interactive (list (not gnus-plugged)))
+   (cond ((eq set-to gnus-plugged)
+          nil)
+         (set-to
+          (setq gnus-plugged set-to)
+          (gnus-run-hooks 'gnus-agent-plugged-hook)
+          (setcar (cdr gnus-agent-mode-status)
+                  (gnus-agent-make-mode-line-string " Plugged"
+                                                    'mouse-2
+          (gnus-agent-go-online gnus-agent-go-online)
+          (gnus-agent-possibly-synchronize-flags))
+         (t
+          (gnus-agent-close-connections)
+          (setq gnus-plugged set-to)
+          (gnus-run-hooks 'gnus-agent-unplugged-hook)
+          (setcar (cdr gnus-agent-mode-status)
+                  (gnus-agent-make-mode-line-string " Unplugged"
+                                                    'mouse-2
+   (set-buffer-modified-p t))
+ (defmacro gnus-agent-while-plugged (&rest body)
+   `(let ((original-gnus-plugged gnus-plugged))
+     (unwind-protect
+         (progn (gnus-agent-toggle-plugged t)
+                ,@body)
+       (gnus-agent-toggle-plugged original-gnus-plugged))))
+ (put 'gnus-agent-while-plugged 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+ (put 'gnus-agent-while-plugged 'edebug-form-spec '(body))
+ (defun gnus-agent-close-connections ()
+   "Close all methods covered by the Gnus agent."
+   (let ((methods (gnus-agent-covered-methods)))
+     (while methods
+       (gnus-close-server (pop methods)))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun gnus-unplugged ()
+   "Start Gnus unplugged."
+   (interactive)
+   (setq gnus-plugged nil)
+   (gnus))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun gnus-plugged ()
+   "Start Gnus plugged."
+   (interactive)
+   (setq gnus-plugged t)
+   (gnus))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun gnus-slave-unplugged (&optional arg)
+   "Read news as a slave unplugged."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (setq gnus-plugged nil)
+   (gnus arg nil 'slave))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun gnus-agentize ()
+   "Allow Gnus to be an offline newsreader.
+ The gnus-agentize function is now called internally by gnus when
+ gnus-agent is set.  If you wish to avoid calling gnus-agentize,
+ customize gnus-agent to nil.
+ This will modify the `gnus-setup-news-hook', and
+ `message-send-mail-real-function' variables, and install the Gnus agent
+ minor mode in all Gnus buffers."
+   (interactive)
+   (gnus-open-agent)
+   (add-hook 'gnus-setup-news-hook 'gnus-agent-queue-setup)
+   (unless gnus-agent-send-mail-function
+     (setq gnus-agent-send-mail-function
+         (or message-send-mail-real-function
+             message-send-mail-function)
+         message-send-mail-real-function 'gnus-agent-send-mail))
+   ;; If the servers file doesn't exist, auto-agentize some servers and
+   ;; save the servers file so this auto-agentizing isn't invoked
+   ;; again.
+   (unless (file-exists-p (nnheader-concat gnus-agent-directory "lib/servers"))
+     (gnus-message 3 "First time agent user, agentizing remote groups...")
+     (mapc
+      (lambda (server-or-method)
+        (let ((method (gnus-server-to-method server-or-method)))
+        (when (memq (car method)
+                    gnus-agent-auto-agentize-methods)
+          (push (gnus-method-to-server method)
+                gnus-agent-covered-methods)
+          (setq gnus-agent-method-p-cache nil))))
+      (cons gnus-select-method gnus-secondary-select-methods))
+     (gnus-agent-write-servers)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-queue-setup (&optional group-name)
+   "Make sure the queue group exists.
+ Optional arg GROUP-NAME allows to specify another group."
+   (unless (gnus-gethash (format "nndraft:%s" (or group-name "queue"))
+                       gnus-newsrc-hashtb)
+     (gnus-request-create-group (or group-name "queue") '(nndraft ""))
+     (let ((gnus-level-default-subscribed 1))
+       (gnus-subscribe-group (format "nndraft:%s" (or group-name "queue"))
+                           nil '(nndraft "")))
+     (gnus-group-set-parameter
+      (format "nndraft:%s" (or group-name "queue"))
+      'gnus-dummy '((gnus-draft-mode)))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-send-mail ()
+   (if (or (not gnus-agent-queue-mail)
+         (and gnus-plugged (not (eq gnus-agent-queue-mail 'always))))
+       (funcall gnus-agent-send-mail-function)
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (re-search-forward
+      (concat "^" (regexp-quote mail-header-separator) "\n"))
+     (replace-match "\n")
+     (gnus-agent-insert-meta-information 'mail)
+     (gnus-request-accept-article "nndraft:queue" nil t t)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-insert-meta-information (type &optional method)
+   "Insert meta-information into the message that says how it's to be posted.
+ TYPE can be either `mail' or `news'.  If the latter, then METHOD can
+ be a select method."
+   (save-excursion
+     (message-remove-header gnus-agent-meta-information-header)
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (insert gnus-agent-meta-information-header ": "
+           (symbol-name type) " " (format "%S" method)
+           "\n")
+     (forward-char -1)
+     (while (search-backward "\n" nil t)
+       (replace-match "\\n" t t))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-restore-gcc ()
+   "Restore GCC field from saved header."
+   (save-excursion
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (while (re-search-forward (concat gnus-agent-gcc-header ":") nil t)
+       (replace-match "Gcc:" 'fixedcase))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-any-covered-gcc ()
+   (save-restriction
+     (message-narrow-to-headers)
+     (let* ((gcc (mail-fetch-field "gcc" nil t))
+          (methods (and gcc
+                        (mapcar 'gnus-inews-group-method
+                                (message-unquote-tokens
+                                 (message-tokenize-header
+                                  gcc " ,")))))
+          covered)
+       (while (and (not covered) methods)
+       (setq covered (gnus-agent-method-p (car methods))
+             methods (cdr methods)))
+       covered)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun gnus-agent-possibly-save-gcc ()
+   "Save GCC if Gnus is unplugged."
+   (when (and (not gnus-plugged) (gnus-agent-any-covered-gcc))
+     (save-excursion
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (let ((case-fold-search t))
+       (while (re-search-forward "^gcc:" nil t)
+         (replace-match (concat gnus-agent-gcc-header ":") 'fixedcase))))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-possibly-do-gcc ()
+   "Do GCC if Gnus is plugged."
+   (when (or gnus-plugged (not (gnus-agent-any-covered-gcc)))
+     (gnus-inews-do-gcc)))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Group mode commands
+ ;;;
+ (defun gnus-agent-fetch-groups (n)
+   "Put all new articles in the current groups into the Agent."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (unless gnus-plugged
+     (error "Groups can't be fetched when Gnus is unplugged"))
+   (gnus-group-iterate n 'gnus-agent-fetch-group))
+ (defun gnus-agent-fetch-group (&optional group)
+   "Put all new articles in GROUP into the Agent."
+   (interactive (list (gnus-group-group-name)))
+   (setq group (or group gnus-newsgroup-name))
+   (unless group
+     (error "No group on the current line"))
+   (gnus-agent-while-plugged
+     (let ((gnus-command-method (gnus-find-method-for-group group)))
+       (gnus-agent-with-fetch
+         (gnus-agent-fetch-group-1 group gnus-command-method)
+         (gnus-message 5 "Fetching %s...done" group)))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-add-group (category arg)
+   "Add the current group to an agent category."
+   (interactive
+    (list
+     (intern
+      (completing-read
+       "Add to category: "
+       (mapcar (lambda (cat) (list (symbol-name (car cat))))
+             gnus-category-alist)
+       nil t))
+     current-prefix-arg))
+   (let ((cat (assq category gnus-category-alist))
+       c groups)
+     (gnus-group-iterate arg
+       (lambda (group)
+       (when (gnus-agent-cat-groups (setq c (gnus-group-category group)))
+         (setf (gnus-agent-cat-groups c)
+                 (delete group (gnus-agent-cat-groups c))))
+       (push group groups)))
+     (setf (gnus-agent-cat-groups cat)
+           (nconc (gnus-agent-cat-groups cat) groups))
+     (gnus-category-write)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-remove-group (arg)
+   "Remove the current group from its agent category, if any."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let (c)
+     (gnus-group-iterate arg
+       (lambda (group)
+       (when (gnus-agent-cat-groups (setq c (gnus-group-category group)))
+         (setf (gnus-agent-cat-groups c)
+                 (delete group (gnus-agent-cat-groups c))))))
+     (gnus-category-write)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-synchronize-flags ()
+   "Synchronize unplugged flags with servers."
+   (interactive)
+   (save-excursion
+     (dolist (gnus-command-method (gnus-agent-covered-methods))
+       (when (file-exists-p (gnus-agent-lib-file "flags"))
+       (gnus-agent-synchronize-flags-server gnus-command-method)))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-possibly-synchronize-flags ()
+   "Synchronize flags according to `gnus-agent-synchronize-flags'."
+   (interactive)
+   (save-excursion
+     (dolist (gnus-command-method (gnus-agent-covered-methods))
+       (when (file-exists-p (gnus-agent-lib-file "flags"))
+       (gnus-agent-possibly-synchronize-flags-server gnus-command-method)))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-synchronize-flags-server (method)
+   "Synchronize flags set when unplugged for server."
+   (let ((gnus-command-method method))
+     (when (file-exists-p (gnus-agent-lib-file "flags"))
+       (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *Gnus Agent flag synchronize*"))
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (nnheader-insert-file-contents (gnus-agent-lib-file "flags"))
+       (if (null (gnus-check-server gnus-command-method))
+         (gnus-message 1 "Couldn't open server %s" (nth 1 gnus-command-method))
+       (while (not (eobp))
+         (if (null (eval (read (current-buffer))))
+             (gnus-delete-line)
+           (write-file (gnus-agent-lib-file "flags"))
+           (error "Couldn't set flags from file %s"
+                  (gnus-agent-lib-file "flags"))))
+       (delete-file (gnus-agent-lib-file "flags")))
+       (kill-buffer nil))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-possibly-synchronize-flags-server (method)
+   "Synchronize flags for server according to `gnus-agent-synchronize-flags'."
+   (when (or (and gnus-agent-synchronize-flags
+                (not (eq gnus-agent-synchronize-flags 'ask)))
+           (and (eq gnus-agent-synchronize-flags 'ask)
+                (gnus-y-or-n-p (format "Synchronize flags on server `%s'? "
+                                       (cadr method)))))
+     (gnus-agent-synchronize-flags-server method)))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Server mode commands
+ ;;;
+ (defun gnus-agent-add-server ()
+   "Enroll SERVER in the agent program."
+   (interactive)
+   (let* ((server       (gnus-server-server-name))
+          (named-server (gnus-server-named-server))
+          (method       (and server
+                             (gnus-server-get-method nil server))))
+     (unless server
+       (error "No server on the current line"))
+     (when (gnus-agent-method-p method)
+       (error "Server already in the agent program"))
+     (push named-server gnus-agent-covered-methods)
+     (setq gnus-agent-method-p-cache nil)
+     (gnus-server-update-server server)
+     (gnus-agent-write-servers)
+     (gnus-message 1 "Entered %s into the Agent" server)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-remove-server ()
+   "Remove SERVER from the agent program."
+   (interactive)
+   (let* ((server       (gnus-server-server-name))
+          (named-server (gnus-server-named-server)))
+     (unless server
+       (error "No server on the current line"))
+     (unless (member named-server gnus-agent-covered-methods)
+       (error "Server not in the agent program"))
+     (setq gnus-agent-covered-methods 
+           (delete named-server gnus-agent-covered-methods)
+           gnus-agent-method-p-cache nil)
+     (gnus-server-update-server server)
+     (gnus-agent-write-servers)
+     (gnus-message 1 "Removed %s from the agent" server)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-read-servers ()
+   "Read the alist of covered servers."
+   (setq gnus-agent-covered-methods 
+         (gnus-agent-read-file
+          (nnheader-concat gnus-agent-directory "lib/servers"))
+         gnus-agent-method-p-cache nil)
+   ;; I am called so early in start-up that I can not validate server
+   ;; names.  When that is the case, I skip the validation.  That is
+   ;; alright as the gnus startup code calls the validate methods
+   ;; directly.
+   (if gnus-server-alist
+       (gnus-agent-read-servers-validate)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-read-servers-validate ()
+   (mapcar (lambda (server-or-method)
+             (let* ((server (if (stringp server-or-method)
+                                server-or-method
+                              (gnus-method-to-server server-or-method)))
+                    (method (gnus-server-to-method server)))
+               (if method
+                   (unless (member server gnus-agent-covered-methods)
+                     (push server gnus-agent-covered-methods)
+                     (setq gnus-agent-method-p-cache nil))
+                 (gnus-message 1 "Ignoring disappeared server `%s'" server))))
+           (prog1 gnus-agent-covered-methods
+             (setq gnus-agent-covered-methods nil))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-read-servers-validate-native (native-method)
+   (setq gnus-agent-covered-methods
+         (mapcar (lambda (method)
+                   (if (or (not method)
+                           (equal method native-method))
+                       "native"
+                     method)) gnus-agent-covered-methods)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-write-servers ()
+   "Write the alist of covered servers."
+   (gnus-make-directory (nnheader-concat gnus-agent-directory "lib"))
+   (let ((coding-system-for-write nnheader-file-coding-system)
+       (file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system))
+     (with-temp-file (nnheader-concat gnus-agent-directory "lib/servers")
+       (prin1 gnus-agent-covered-methods
+            (current-buffer)))))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Summary commands
+ ;;;
+ (defun gnus-agent-mark-article (n &optional unmark)
+   "Mark the next N articles as downloadable.
+ If N is negative, mark backward instead.  If UNMARK is non-nil, remove
+ the mark instead.  The difference between N and the actual number of
+ articles marked is returned."
+   (interactive "p")
+   (let ((backward (< n 0))
+       (n (abs n)))
+     (while (and
+           (> n 0)
+           (progn
+             (gnus-summary-set-agent-mark
+              (gnus-summary-article-number) unmark)
+             (zerop (gnus-summary-next-subject (if backward -1 1) nil t))))
+       (setq n (1- n)))
+     (when (/= 0 n)
+       (gnus-message 7 "No more articles"))
+     (gnus-summary-recenter)
+     (gnus-summary-position-point)
+     n))
+ (defun gnus-agent-unmark-article (n)
+   "Remove the downloadable mark from the next N articles.
+ If N is negative, unmark backward instead.  The difference between N and
+ the actual number of articles unmarked is returned."
+   (interactive "p")
+   (gnus-agent-mark-article n t))
+ (defun gnus-agent-toggle-mark (n)
+   "Toggle the downloadable mark from the next N articles.
+ If N is negative, toggle backward instead.  The difference between N and
+ the actual number of articles toggled is returned."
+   (interactive "p")
+   (gnus-agent-mark-article n 'toggle))
+ (defun gnus-summary-set-agent-mark (article &optional unmark)
+   "Mark ARTICLE as downloadable.  If UNMARK is nil, article is marked.
+ When UNMARK is t, the article is unmarked.  For any other value, the
+ article's mark is toggled."
+   (let ((unmark (cond ((eq nil unmark)
+                      nil)
+                     ((eq t unmark)
+                      t)
+                     (t
+                      (memq article gnus-newsgroup-downloadable)))))
+     (when (gnus-summary-goto-subject article nil t)
+       (gnus-summary-update-mark
+        (if unmark
+            (progn
+              (setq gnus-newsgroup-downloadable
+                    (delq article gnus-newsgroup-downloadable))
+              (gnus-article-mark article))
+        (setq gnus-newsgroup-downloadable
+              (gnus-add-to-sorted-list gnus-newsgroup-downloadable article))
+        gnus-downloadable-mark)
+        'unread))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-get-undownloaded-list ()
+   "Construct list of articles that have not been downloaded."
+   (let ((gnus-command-method (gnus-find-method-for-group 
+     (when (set (make-local-variable 'gnus-newsgroup-agentized)
+                (gnus-agent-method-p gnus-command-method))
+       (let* ((alist (gnus-agent-load-alist gnus-newsgroup-name))
+              (headers (sort (mapcar (lambda (h)
+                                       (mail-header-number h))
+                                     gnus-newsgroup-headers) '<))
+              (cached (and gnus-use-cache gnus-newsgroup-cached))
+              (undownloaded (list nil))
+              (tail-undownloaded undownloaded)
+              (unfetched (list nil))
+              (tail-unfetched unfetched))
+       (while (and alist headers)
+         (let ((a (caar alist))
+               (h (car headers)))
+           (cond ((< a h)
+                  ;; Ignore IDs in the alist that are not being
+                  ;; displayed in the summary.
+                  (setq alist (cdr alist)))
+                 ((> a h)
+                    ;; Headers that are not in the alist should be
+                    ;; fictious (see nnagent-retrieve-headers); they
+                    ;; imply that this article isn't in the agent.
+                  (gnus-agent-append-to-list tail-undownloaded h)
+                  (gnus-agent-append-to-list tail-unfetched    h)
+                    (setq headers (cdr headers))) 
+                 ((cdar alist)
+                  (setq alist (cdr alist))
+                  (setq headers (cdr headers))
+                  nil                  ; ignore already downloaded
+                  )
+                 (t
+                  (setq alist (cdr alist))
+                  (setq headers (cdr headers))
+                    ;; This article isn't in the agent.  Check to see
+                    ;; if it is in the cache.  If it is, it's been
+                    ;; downloaded.
+                    (while (and cached (< (car cached) a))
+                      (setq cached (cdr cached)))
+                    (unless (equal a (car cached))
+                      (gnus-agent-append-to-list tail-undownloaded a))))))
+       (while headers
+           (let ((num (pop headers)))
+             (gnus-agent-append-to-list tail-undownloaded num)
+             (gnus-agent-append-to-list tail-unfetched    num)))
+       (setq gnus-newsgroup-undownloaded (cdr undownloaded)
+               gnus-newsgroup-unfetched    (cdr unfetched))))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-catchup ()
+   "Mark as read all unhandled articles.
+ An article is unhandled if it is neither cached, nor downloaded, nor
+ downloadable."
+   (interactive)
+   (save-excursion
+     (let ((articles gnus-newsgroup-undownloaded))
+       (when (or gnus-newsgroup-downloadable
+                 gnus-newsgroup-cached)
+         (setq articles (gnus-sorted-ndifference
+                       (gnus-sorted-ndifference
+                        (gnus-copy-sequence articles)
+                        gnus-newsgroup-downloadable)
+                       gnus-newsgroup-cached)))
+       (while articles
+         (gnus-summary-mark-article
+          (pop articles) gnus-catchup-mark)))
+     (gnus-summary-position-point)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-summary-fetch-series ()
+   (interactive)
+   (when gnus-newsgroup-processable
+     (setq gnus-newsgroup-downloadable
+           (let* ((dl gnus-newsgroup-downloadable)
+                  (gnus-newsgroup-downloadable
+                 (sort (gnus-copy-sequence gnus-newsgroup-processable) '<))
+                  (fetched-articles (gnus-agent-summary-fetch-group)))
+             ;; The preceeding call to (gnus-agent-summary-fetch-group)
+             ;; updated gnus-newsgroup-downloadable to remove each
+             ;; article successfully fetched.
+             ;; For each article that I processed, remove its
+             ;; processable mark IF the article is no longer
+             ;; downloadable (i.e. it's already downloaded)
+             (dolist (article gnus-newsgroup-processable)
+               (unless (memq article gnus-newsgroup-downloadable)
+                 (gnus-summary-remove-process-mark article)))
+             (gnus-sorted-ndifference dl fetched-articles)))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-summary-fetch-group (&optional all)
+   "Fetch the downloadable articles in the group.
+ Optional arg ALL, if non-nil, means to fetch all articles."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let ((articles
+        (if all gnus-newsgroup-articles
+          gnus-newsgroup-downloadable))
+       (gnus-command-method (gnus-find-method-for-group gnus-newsgroup-name))
+         fetched-articles)
+     (gnus-agent-while-plugged
+       (unless articles
+         (error "No articles to download"))
+       (gnus-agent-with-fetch
+         (setq gnus-newsgroup-undownloaded
+               (gnus-sorted-ndifference
+                gnus-newsgroup-undownloaded
+                (setq fetched-articles
+                      (gnus-agent-fetch-articles
+                       gnus-newsgroup-name articles)))))
+       (save-excursion
+         (dolist (article articles)
+           (let ((was-marked-downloadable 
+                  (memq article gnus-newsgroup-downloadable)))
+             (cond (gnus-agent-mark-unread-after-downloaded
+                    (setq gnus-newsgroup-downloadable
+                          (delq article gnus-newsgroup-downloadable))
+                    (gnus-summary-mark-article article gnus-unread-mark))
+                   (was-marked-downloadable
+                    (gnus-summary-set-agent-mark article t)))
+             (when (gnus-summary-goto-subject article nil t)
+               (gnus-summary-update-download-mark article))))))
+     fetched-articles))
+ (defun gnus-agent-fetch-selected-article ()
+   "Fetch the current article as it is selected.
+ This can be added to `gnus-select-article-hook' or
+ `gnus-mark-article-hook'."
+   (let ((gnus-command-method gnus-current-select-method))
+     (when (and gnus-plugged (gnus-agent-method-p gnus-command-method))
+       (when (gnus-agent-fetch-articles
+              gnus-newsgroup-name
+            (list gnus-current-article))
+       (setq gnus-newsgroup-undownloaded
+             (delq gnus-current-article gnus-newsgroup-undownloaded))
+         (gnus-summary-update-download-mark gnus-current-article)))))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Internal functions
+ ;;;
+ (defun gnus-agent-save-active (method)
+   (when (gnus-agent-method-p method)
+     (let* ((gnus-command-method method)
+          (new (gnus-make-hashtable (count-lines (point-min) (point-max))))
+          (file (gnus-agent-lib-file "active")))
+       (gnus-active-to-gnus-format nil new)
+       (gnus-agent-write-active file new)
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (nnheader-insert-file-contents file))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-write-active (file new)
+     (gnus-make-directory (file-name-directory file))
+     (let ((nnmail-active-file-coding-system gnus-agent-file-coding-system))
+       ;; The hashtable contains real names of groups.  However, do NOT
+       ;; add the foreign server prefix as gnus-active-to-gnus-format
+       ;; will add it while reading the file.
+       (gnus-write-active-file file new nil)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-possibly-alter-active (group active &optional info)
+   "Possibly expand a group's active range to include articles
+ downloaded into the agent."
+   (let* ((gnus-command-method (or gnus-command-method
+                                   (gnus-find-method-for-group group))))
+     (when (gnus-agent-method-p gnus-command-method)
+       (let* ((local (gnus-agent-get-local group))
+              (active-min (or (car active) 0))
+              (active-max (or (cdr active) 0))
+              (agent-min (or (car local) active-min))
+              (agent-max (or (cdr local) active-max)))
+         (when (< agent-min active-min)
+           (setcar active agent-min))
+         (when (> agent-max active-max)
+           (setcdr active agent-max))
+         (when (and info (< agent-max (- active-min 100)))
+           ;; I'm expanding the active range by such a large amount
+           ;; that there is a gap of more than 100 articles between the
+           ;; last article known to the agent and the first article
+           ;; currently available on the server.  This gap contains
+           ;; articles that have been lost, mark them as read so that
+           ;; gnus doesn't waste resources trying to fetch them.
+           ;; NOTE: I don't do this for smaller gaps (< 100) as I don't
+           ;; want to modify the local file everytime someone restarts
+           ;; gnus.  The small gap will cause a tiny performance hit
+           ;; when gnus tries, and fails, to retrieve the articles.
+           ;; Still that should be smaller than opening a buffer,
+           ;; printing this list to the buffer, and then writing it to a
+           ;; file.
+           (let ((read (gnus-info-read info)))
+             (gnus-info-set-read 
+              info 
+              (gnus-range-add 
+               read 
+               (list (cons (1+ agent-max) 
+                           (1- active-min))))))
+           ;; Lie about the agent's local range for this group to
+           ;; disable the set read each time this server is opened.
+           ;; NOTE: Opening this group will restore the valid local
+           ;; range but it will also expand the local range to
+           ;; incompass the new active range.
+           (gnus-agent-set-local group agent-min (1- active-min)))))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-save-group-info (method group active)
+   "Update a single group's active range in the agent's copy of the server's 
active file."
+   (when (gnus-agent-method-p method)
+     (let* ((gnus-command-method method)
+          (coding-system-for-write nnheader-file-coding-system)
+          (file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+          (file (gnus-agent-lib-file "active"))
+          oactive-min oactive-max)
+       (gnus-make-directory (file-name-directory file))
+       (with-temp-file file
+       ;; Emacs got problem to match non-ASCII group in multibyte buffer.
+       (mm-disable-multibyte)
+       (when (file-exists-p file)
+         (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (when (re-search-forward
+                  (concat "^" (regexp-quote group) " ") nil t)
+             (save-excursion
+               (setq oactive-max (read (current-buffer)) ;; max
+                     oactive-min (read (current-buffer)))) ;; min
+             (gnus-delete-line)))
+       (insert (format "%S %d %d y\n" (intern group)
+                       (max (or oactive-max (cdr active)) (cdr active))
+                         (min (or oactive-min (car active)) (car active))))
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (while (search-backward "\\." nil t)
+         (delete-char 1))))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-group-path (group)
+   "Translate GROUP into a file name."
+   ;; NOTE: This is what nnmail-group-pathname does as of Apr 2003.
+   ;; The two methods must be kept synchronized, which is why
+   ;; gnus-agent-group-pathname was added.
+   (setq group
+         (nnheader-translate-file-chars
+          (nnheader-replace-duplicate-chars-in-string
+           (nnheader-replace-chars-in-string 
+            (gnus-group-real-name group)
+            ?/ ?_)
+           ?. ?_)))
+   (if (or nnmail-use-long-file-names
+           (file-directory-p (expand-file-name group (gnus-agent-directory))))
+       group
+     (mm-encode-coding-string
+      (nnheader-replace-chars-in-string group ?. ?/)
+      nnmail-pathname-coding-system)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-group-pathname (group)
+   "Translate GROUP into a file name."
+   ;; nnagent uses nnmail-group-pathname to read articles while
+   ;; unplugged.  The agent must, therefore, use the same directory
+   ;; while plugged.
+   (let ((gnus-command-method (or gnus-command-method
+                                  (gnus-find-method-for-group group))))
+     (nnmail-group-pathname (gnus-group-real-name group) 
+ (defun gnus-agent-get-function (method)
+   (if (gnus-online method)
+       (car method)
+     (require 'nnagent)
+     'nnagent))
+ (defun gnus-agent-covered-methods ()
+   "Return the subset of methods that are covered by the agent."
+   (delq nil (mapcar #'gnus-server-to-method gnus-agent-covered-methods)))
+ ;;; History functions
+ (defun gnus-agent-history-buffer ()
+   (cdr (assoc (gnus-agent-method) gnus-agent-history-buffers)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-open-history ()
+   (save-excursion
+     (push (cons (gnus-agent-method)
+               (set-buffer (gnus-get-buffer-create
+                            (format " *Gnus agent %s history*"
+                                    (gnus-agent-method)))))
+         gnus-agent-history-buffers)
+     (mm-disable-multibyte) ;; everything is binary
+     (erase-buffer)
+     (insert "\n")
+     (let ((file (gnus-agent-lib-file "history")))
+       (when (file-exists-p file)
+       (nnheader-insert-file-contents file))
+       (set (make-local-variable 'gnus-agent-file-name) file))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-close-history ()
+   (when (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-agent-current-history)
+     (kill-buffer gnus-agent-current-history)
+     (setq gnus-agent-history-buffers
+         (delq (assoc (gnus-agent-method) gnus-agent-history-buffers)
+               gnus-agent-history-buffers))))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Fetching
+ ;;;
+ (defun gnus-agent-fetch-articles (group articles)
+   "Fetch ARTICLES from GROUP and put them into the Agent."
+   (when articles
+     (gnus-agent-load-alist group)
+     (let* ((alist   gnus-agent-article-alist)
+            (headers (if (< (length articles) 2) nil gnus-newsgroup-headers))
+            (selected-sets (list nil))
+            (current-set-size 0)
+            article
+            header-number)
+       ;; Check each article
+       (while (setq article (pop articles))
+         ;; Skip alist entries preceeding this article
+         (while (> article (or (caar alist) (1+ article)))
+           (setq alist (cdr alist)))
+         ;; Prune off articles that we have already fetched.
+         (unless (and (eq article (caar alist))
+                      (cdar alist))
+           ;; Skip headers preceeding this article
+           (while (> article 
+                     (setq header-number
+                           (let* ((header (car headers)))
+                             (if header
+                                 (mail-header-number header)
+                               (1+ article)))))
+             (setq headers (cdr headers)))
+           ;; Add this article to the current set
+           (setcar selected-sets (cons article (car selected-sets)))
+           ;; Update the set size, when the set is too large start a
+           ;; new one.  I do this after adding the article as I want at
+           ;; least one article in each set.
+           (when (< gnus-agent-max-fetch-size
+                    (setq current-set-size
+                        (+ current-set-size
+                           (if (= header-number article)
+                                 (let ((char-size (mail-header-chars
+                                                   (car headers))))
+                                   (if (<= char-size 0)
+                                       ;; The char size was missing/invalid,
+                                       ;; assume a worst-case situation of
+                                       ;; 65 char/line.  If the line count
+                                       ;; is missing, arbitrarily assume a
+                                       ;; size of 1000 characters.
+                                     (max (* 65 (mail-header-lines
+                                                 (car headers)))
+                                          1000)
+                                     char-size))
+                             0))))
+             (setcar selected-sets (nreverse (car selected-sets)))
+             (setq selected-sets (cons nil selected-sets)
+                   current-set-size 0))))
+       (when (or (cdr selected-sets) (car selected-sets))
+         (let* ((fetched-articles (list nil))
+                (tail-fetched-articles fetched-articles)
+                (dir (gnus-agent-group-pathname group))
+                (date (time-to-days (current-time)))
+                (case-fold-search t)
+                pos crosses id)
+           (setcar selected-sets (nreverse (car selected-sets)))
+           (setq selected-sets (nreverse selected-sets))
+           (gnus-make-directory dir)
+           (gnus-message 7 "Fetching articles for %s..." group)
+           (unwind-protect
+               (while (setq articles (pop selected-sets))
+                 ;; Fetch the articles from the backend.
+                 (if (gnus-check-backend-function 'retrieve-articles group)
+                     (setq pos (gnus-retrieve-articles articles group))
+                   (with-temp-buffer
+                     (let (article)
+                       (while (setq article (pop articles))
+                         (gnus-message 10 "Fetching article %s for %s..."
+                                       article group)
+                         (when (or
+                                (gnus-backlog-request-article group article
+                                (gnus-request-article article group))
+                           (goto-char (point-max))
+                           (push (cons article (point)) pos)
+                           (insert-buffer-substring nntp-server-buffer)))
+                       (copy-to-buffer
+                      nntp-server-buffer (point-min) (point-max))
+                       (setq pos (nreverse pos)))))
+                 ;; Then save these articles into the Agent.
+                 (save-excursion
+                   (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+                   (while pos
+                     (narrow-to-region (cdar pos) (or (cdadr pos) (point-max)))
+                     (goto-char (point-min))
+                     (unless (eobp) ;; Don't save empty articles.
+                       (when (search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
+                         (when (search-backward "\nXrefs: " nil t)
+                           ;; Handle cross posting.
+                           (goto-char (match-end 0)) ; move to end of header 
+                           (skip-chars-forward "^ ") ; skip server name
+                           (skip-chars-forward " ")
+                           (setq crosses nil)
+                           (while (looking-at "\\([^: \n]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\) *")
+                             (push (cons (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
+                                                           (match-end 1))
+                                         (string-to-int
+                                        (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2)
+                                                          (match-end 2))))
+                                   crosses)
+                             (goto-char (match-end 0)))
+                           (gnus-agent-crosspost crosses (caar pos) date)))
+                       (goto-char (point-min))
+                       (if (not (re-search-forward
+                                 "^Message-ID: *<\\([^>\n]+\\)>" nil t))
+                           (setq id "No-Message-ID-in-article")
+                         (setq id (buffer-substring
+                                 (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
+                       (let ((coding-system-for-write
+                              gnus-agent-file-coding-system))
+                         (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
+                                       (concat dir (number-to-string (caar 
+                                       nil 'silent))
+                       (gnus-agent-append-to-list
+                      tail-fetched-articles (caar pos)))
+                     (widen)
+                     (setq pos (cdr pos)))))
+             (gnus-agent-save-alist group (cdr fetched-articles) date)
+             (gnus-message 7 ""))
+           (cdr fetched-articles))))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-crosspost (crosses article &optional date)
+   (setq date (or date t))
+   (let (gnus-agent-article-alist group alist beg end)
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer gnus-agent-overview-buffer)
+       (when (nnheader-find-nov-line article)
+       (forward-word 1)
+       (setq beg (point))
+       (setq end (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))))
+     (while crosses
+       (setq group (caar crosses))
+       (unless (setq alist (assoc group gnus-agent-group-alist))
+       (push (setq alist (list group (gnus-agent-load-alist (caar crosses))))
+             gnus-agent-group-alist))
+       (setcdr alist (cons (cons (cdar crosses) date) (cdr alist)))
+       (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (gnus-get-buffer-create (format " *Gnus agent overview %s*"
+                                                   group)))
+       (when (= (point-max) (point-min))
+         (push (cons group (current-buffer)) gnus-agent-buffer-alist)
+         (ignore-errors
+           (nnheader-insert-file-contents
+            (gnus-agent-article-name ".overview" group))))
+       (nnheader-find-nov-line (string-to-number (cdar crosses)))
+       (insert (string-to-number (cdar crosses)))
+       (insert-buffer-substring gnus-agent-overview-buffer beg end)
+         (gnus-agent-check-overview-buffer))
+       (setq crosses (cdr crosses)))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-backup-overview-buffer ()
+   (when gnus-newsgroup-name
+     (let ((root (gnus-agent-article-name ".overview" gnus-newsgroup-name))
+           (cnt 0)
+           name)
+       (while (file-exists-p
+             (setq name (concat root "~"
+                                (int-to-string (setq cnt (1+ cnt))) "~"))))
+       (write-region (point-min) (point-max) name nil 'no-msg)
+       (gnus-message 1 "Created backup copy of overview in %s." name)))
+   t)
+ (defun gnus-agent-check-overview-buffer (&optional buffer)
+   "Check the overview file given for sanity.
+ In particular, checks that the file is sorted by article number
+ and that there are no duplicates."
+   (let ((prev-num -1)
+         (backed-up nil))
+     (save-excursion
+       (when buffer
+       (set-buffer buffer))
+       (save-restriction
+       (widen)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (< (point) (point-max))
+         (let ((p (point))
+               (cur (condition-case nil
+                        (read (current-buffer))
+                      (error nil))))
+           (cond
+            ((or (not (integerp cur))
+                 (not (eq (char-after) ?\t)))
+               (or backed-up
+                   (setq backed-up (gnus-agent-backup-overview-buffer)))
+             (gnus-message 1
+                           "Overview buffer contains garbage '%s'."
+                           (buffer-substring
+                            p (gnus-point-at-eol))))
+            ((= cur prev-num)
+             (or backed-up
+                   (setq backed-up (gnus-agent-backup-overview-buffer)))
+               (gnus-message 1
+                           "Duplicate overview line for %d" cur)
+             (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1) (point))))
+            ((< cur prev-num)
+             (or backed-up
+                   (setq backed-up (gnus-agent-backup-overview-buffer)))
+               (gnus-message 1 "Overview buffer not sorted!")
+             (sort-numeric-fields 1 (point-min) (point-max))
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (setq prev-num -1))
+            (t
+             (setq prev-num cur)))
+           (forward-line 1)))))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-flush-cache ()
+   (save-excursion
+     (while gnus-agent-buffer-alist
+       (set-buffer (cdar gnus-agent-buffer-alist))
+       (let ((coding-system-for-write
+            gnus-agent-file-coding-system))
+       (write-region (point-min) (point-max)
+                     (gnus-agent-article-name ".overview"
+                                              (caar gnus-agent-buffer-alist))
+                     nil 'silent))
+       (setq gnus-agent-buffer-alist (cdr gnus-agent-buffer-alist)))
+     (while gnus-agent-group-alist
+       (with-temp-file (gnus-agent-article-name
+                      ".agentview" (caar gnus-agent-group-alist))
+       (princ (cdar gnus-agent-group-alist))
+       (insert "\n")
+         (princ 1 (current-buffer))
+       (insert "\n"))
+       (setq gnus-agent-group-alist (cdr gnus-agent-group-alist)))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-find-parameter (group symbol)
+   "Search for GROUPs SYMBOL in the group's parameters, the group's
+ topic parameters, the group's category, or the customizable
+ variables.  Returns the first non-nil value found."
+   (or (gnus-group-find-parameter group symbol t)
+       (gnus-group-parameter-value (cdr (gnus-group-category group)) symbol t)
+       (symbol-value
+        (cdr
+         (assq symbol
+               '((agent-short-article . gnus-agent-short-article)
+                 (agent-long-article . gnus-agent-long-article)
+                 (agent-low-score . gnus-agent-low-score)
+                 (agent-high-score . gnus-agent-high-score)
+                 (agent-days-until-old . gnus-agent-expire-days)
+                 (agent-enable-expiration
+                  . gnus-agent-enable-expiration)
+                 (agent-predicate . gnus-agent-predicate)))))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-fetch-headers (group &optional force)
+   "Fetch interesting headers into the agent.  The group's overview
+ file will be updated to include the headers while a list of available
+ article numbers will be returned."
+   (let* ((fetch-all (and gnus-agent-consider-all-articles
+                          ;; Do not fetch all headers if the predicate
+                          ;; implies that we only consider unread articles.
+                          (not (gnus-predicate-implies-unread
+                                (gnus-agent-find-parameter group
+          (articles (if fetch-all
+                        (gnus-uncompress-range (gnus-active group))
+                      (gnus-list-of-unread-articles group)))
+          (gnus-decode-encoded-word-function 'identity)
+          (file (gnus-agent-article-name ".overview" group)))
+     (unless fetch-all
+       ;; Add articles with marks to the list of article headers we want to
+       ;; fetch.  Don't fetch articles solely on the basis of a recent or seen
+       ;; mark, but do fetch recent or seen articles if they have other, more
+       ;; interesting marks.  (We have to fetch articles with boring marks
+       ;; because otherwise the agent will remove their marks.)
+       (dolist (arts (gnus-info-marks (gnus-get-info group)))
+         (unless (memq (car arts) '(seen recent killed cache))
+           (setq articles (gnus-range-add articles (cdr arts)))))
+       (setq articles (sort (gnus-uncompress-sequence articles) '<)))
+     ;; At this point, I have the list of articles to consider for
+     ;; fetching.  This is the list that I'll return to my caller. Some
+     ;; of these articles may have already been fetched.  That's OK as
+     ;; the fetch article code will filter those out.  Internally, I'll
+     ;; filter this list to just those articles whose headers need to
+     ;; be fetched.
+     (let ((articles articles))
+       ;; Remove known articles.
+       (when (and (or gnus-agent-cache
+                      (not gnus-plugged))
+                  (gnus-agent-load-alist group))
+         ;; Remove articles marked as downloaded.
+         (if fetch-all
+             ;; I want to fetch all headers in the active range.
+             ;; Therefore, exclude only those headers that are in the
+             ;; article alist.
+             ;; NOTE: This is probably NOT what I want to do after
+             ;; agent expiration in this group.
+             (setq articles (gnus-agent-uncached-articles articles group))
+           ;; I want to only fetch those headers that have never been
+           ;; fetched.  Therefore, exclude all headers that are, or
+           ;; WERE, in the article alist.
+           (let ((low (1+ (caar (last gnus-agent-article-alist))))
+                 (high (cdr (gnus-active group))))
+             ;; Low can be greater than High when the same group is
+             ;; fetched twice in the same session {The first fetch will
+             ;; fill the article alist such that (last
+             ;; gnus-agent-article-alist) equals (cdr (gnus-active
+             ;; group))}.  The addition of one(the 1+ above) then
+             ;; forces Low to be greater than High.  When this happens,
+             ;; gnus-list-range-intersection returns nil which
+             ;; indicates that no headers need to be fetched. -- Kevin
+             (setq articles (gnus-list-range-intersection
+                             articles (list (cons low high)))))))
+       (gnus-message
+        10 "gnus-agent-fetch-headers: undownloaded articles are '%s'"
+        (gnus-compress-sequence articles t))
+       (save-excursion
+         (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+         (if articles
+             (progn
+               (gnus-message 7 "Fetching headers for %s..." group)
+               ;; Fetch them.
+               (gnus-make-directory (nnheader-translate-file-chars
+                                     (file-name-directory file) t))
+               (unless (eq 'nov (gnus-retrieve-headers articles group))
+                 (nnvirtual-convert-headers))
+               (gnus-agent-check-overview-buffer)
+               ;; Move these headers to the overview buffer so that
+               ;; gnus-agent-braid-nov can merge them with the contents
+               ;; of FILE.
+               (copy-to-buffer
+              gnus-agent-overview-buffer (point-min) (point-max))
+               (when (file-exists-p file)
+                 (gnus-agent-braid-nov group articles file))
+               (let ((coding-system-for-write
+                      gnus-agent-file-coding-system))
+                 (gnus-agent-check-overview-buffer)
+                 (write-region (point-min) (point-max) file nil 'silent))
+               (gnus-agent-save-alist group articles nil)
+               articles)
+           (ignore-errors
+             (erase-buffer)
+             (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)))))
+     articles))
+ (defsubst gnus-agent-copy-nov-line (article)
+   (let (art b e)
+     (set-buffer gnus-agent-overview-buffer)
+     (while (and (not (eobp))
+               (< (setq art (read (current-buffer))) article))
+       (forward-line 1))
+     (beginning-of-line)
+     (if (or (eobp)
+           (not (eq article art)))
+       (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+       (setq b (point))
+       (setq e (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))
+       (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+       (insert-buffer-substring gnus-agent-overview-buffer b e))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-braid-nov (group articles file)
+   "Merge agent overview data with given file.
+ Takes headers for ARTICLES from `gnus-agent-overview-buffer' and the given
+ FILE and places the combined headers into `nntp-server-buffer'."
+   (let (start last)
+     (set-buffer gnus-agent-overview-buffer)
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+     (erase-buffer)
+     (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (forward-line -1)
+     (unless (looking-at "[0-9]+\t")
+       ;; Remove corrupted lines
+       (gnus-message
+        1 "Overview %s is corrupted. Removing corrupted lines..." file)
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (not (eobp))
+       (if (looking-at "[0-9]+\t")
+           (forward-line 1)
+         (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))))
+       (forward-line -1))
+     (unless (or (= (point-min) (point-max))
+               (< (setq last (read (current-buffer))) (car articles)))
+       ;; We do it the hard way.
+       (when (nnheader-find-nov-line (car articles))
+         ;; Replacing existing NOV entry
+         (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1) (point))))
+       (gnus-agent-copy-nov-line (pop articles))
+       (ignore-errors
+         (while articles
+           (while (let ((art (read (current-buffer))))
+                    (cond ((< art (car articles))
+                           (forward-line 1)
+                           t)
+                          ((= art (car articles))
+                           (beginning-of-line)
+                           (delete-region
+                          (point) (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))
+                           nil)
+                          (t
+                           (beginning-of-line)
+                           nil))))
+         (gnus-agent-copy-nov-line (pop articles)))))
+     ;; Copy the rest lines
+     (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+     (goto-char (point-max))
+     (when articles
+       (when last
+       (set-buffer gnus-agent-overview-buffer)
+       (ignore-errors
+           (while (<= (read (current-buffer)) last)
+             (forward-line 1)))
+       (beginning-of-line)
+       (setq start (point))
+       (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer))
+       (insert-buffer-substring gnus-agent-overview-buffer start))))
+ ;; Keeps the compiler from warning about the free variable in
+ ;; gnus-agent-read-agentview.
+ (eval-when-compile
+   (defvar gnus-agent-read-agentview))
+ (defun gnus-agent-load-alist (group)
+   "Load the article-state alist for GROUP."
+   ;; Bind free variable that's used in `gnus-agent-read-agentview'.
+   (let ((gnus-agent-read-agentview group))
+     (setq gnus-agent-article-alist
+           (gnus-cache-file-contents
+            (gnus-agent-article-name ".agentview" group)
+            'gnus-agent-file-loading-cache
+            'gnus-agent-read-agentview))))
+ ;; Save format may be either 1 or 2.  Two is the new, compressed
+ ;; format that is still being tested.  Format 1 is uncompressed but
+ ;; known to be reliable.
+ (defconst gnus-agent-article-alist-save-format 2)
+ (defun gnus-agent-read-agentview (file)
+   "Load FILE and do a `read' there."
+   (with-temp-buffer
+     (ignore-errors
+         (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (let ((alist (read (current-buffer)))
+               (version (condition-case nil (read (current-buffer))
+                          (end-of-file 0)))
+               changed-version)
+           (cond
+            ((= version 0)
+             (let ((inhibit-quit t)
+                   entry)
+               (gnus-agent-open-history)
+               (set-buffer (gnus-agent-history-buffer))
+               (goto-char (point-min))
+               (while (not (eobp))
+                 (if (and (looking-at
+                           "[^\t\n]+\t\\([0-9]+\\)\t\\([^ \n]+\\) 
+                          (string= (match-string 2)
+                                   gnus-agent-read-agentview)
+                          (setq entry (assoc (string-to-number (match-string 
3)) alist)))
+                     (setcdr entry (string-to-number (match-string 1))))
+                 (forward-line 1))
+               (gnus-agent-close-history)
+               (setq changed-version t)))
+            ((= version 1)
+             (setq changed-version (not (= 1 
+            ((= version 2)
+             (let (uncomp)
+               (mapcar
+                (lambda (comp-list)
+                  (let ((state (car comp-list))
+                        (sequence (gnus-uncompress-sequence
+                                   (cdr comp-list))))
+                    (mapcar (lambda (article-id)
+                              (setq uncomp (cons (cons article-id state) 
+                            sequence)))
+                alist)
+               (setq alist (sort uncomp 'car-less-than-car)))))
+           (when changed-version
+             (let ((gnus-agent-article-alist alist))
+               (gnus-agent-save-alist gnus-agent-read-agentview)))
+         alist))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-save-alist (group &optional articles state)
+   "Save the article-state alist for GROUP."
+   (let* ((file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+        (prev (cons nil gnus-agent-article-alist))
+        (all prev)
+        print-level print-length item article)
+     (while (setq article (pop articles))
+       (while (and (cdr prev)
+                   (< (caadr prev) article))
+       (setq prev (cdr prev)))
+       (cond
+        ((not (cdr prev))
+       (setcdr prev (list (cons article state))))
+        ((> (caadr prev) article)
+       (setcdr prev (cons (cons article state) (cdr prev))))
+        ((= (caadr prev) article)
+       (setcdr (cadr prev) state)))
+       (setq prev (cdr prev)))
+     (setq gnus-agent-article-alist (cdr all))
+     (gnus-agent-set-local group 
+                           (caar gnus-agent-article-alist) 
+                           (caar (last gnus-agent-article-alist)))
+     (gnus-make-directory (gnus-agent-article-name "" group))
+     (with-temp-file (gnus-agent-article-name ".agentview" group)
+       (cond ((eq gnus-agent-article-alist-save-format 1)
+              (princ gnus-agent-article-alist (current-buffer)))
+             ((eq gnus-agent-article-alist-save-format 2)
+              (let ((compressed nil))
+                (mapcar (lambda (pair)
+                          (let* ((article-id (car pair))
+                                 (day-of-download (cdr pair))
+                                 (comp-list (assq day-of-download compressed)))
+                            (if comp-list
+                                (setcdr comp-list
+                                      (cons article-id (cdr comp-list)))
+                              (setq compressed
+                                  (cons (list day-of-download article-id)
+                                        compressed)))
+                            nil)) gnus-agent-article-alist)
+                (mapcar (lambda (comp-list)
+                        (setcdr comp-list
+                                (gnus-compress-sequence
+                                 (nreverse (cdr comp-list)))))
+                      compressed)
+                (princ compressed (current-buffer)))))
+       (insert "\n")
+       (princ gnus-agent-article-alist-save-format (current-buffer))
+       (insert "\n"))))
+ (defvar gnus-agent-article-local nil)
+ (defvar gnus-agent-file-loading-local nil)
+ (defun gnus-agent-load-local (&optional method)
+   "Load the METHOD'S local file.  The local file contains min/max
+ article counts for each of the method's subscribed groups."
+   (let ((gnus-command-method (or method gnus-command-method)))
+     (setq gnus-agent-article-local
+           (gnus-cache-file-contents
+            (gnus-agent-lib-file "local")
+            'gnus-agent-file-loading-local
+            'gnus-agent-read-and-cache-local))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-read-and-cache-local (file)
+   "Load and read FILE then bind its contents to
+ gnus-agent-article-local.  If that variable had `dirty' (also known as
+ modified) original contents, they are first saved to their own file."
+   (if (and gnus-agent-article-local
+            (symbol-value (intern "+dirty" gnus-agent-article-local)))
+       (gnus-agent-save-local))
+   (gnus-agent-read-local file))
+ (defun gnus-agent-read-local (file)
+   "Load FILE and do a `read' there."
+   (let ((my-obarray (gnus-make-hashtable (count-lines (point-min) 
+                                                       (point-max))))
+         (line 1))
+     (with-temp-buffer
+       (condition-case nil
+           (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)
+         (file-error))
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       ;; Skip any comments at the beginning of the file (the only place where 
they may appear)
+       (while (= (following-char) ?\;)
+         (forward-line 1)
+         (setq line (1+ line)))
+       (while (not (eobp))
+         (condition-case err
+             (let (group 
+                   min
+                   max
+                   (cur (current-buffer)))
+               (setq group (read cur)
+                     min (read cur)
+                     max (read cur))
+               (when (stringp group)
+                 (setq group (intern group my-obarray)))
+               ;; NOTE: The '+ 0' ensure that min and max are both numerics.
+               (set group (cons (+ 0 min) (+ 0 max))))
+           (error
+            (gnus-message 3 "Warning - invalid agent local: %s on line %d: "
+                          file line (error-message-string err))))
+         (forward-line 1)
+         (setq line (1+ line))))
+     (set (intern "+dirty" my-obarray) nil)
+     (set (intern "+method" my-obarray) gnus-command-method)
+     my-obarray))
+ (defun gnus-agent-save-local (&optional force)
+   "Save gnus-agent-article-local under it method's agent.lib directory."
+   (let ((my-obarray gnus-agent-article-local))
+     (when (and my-obarray
+                (or force (symbol-value (intern "+dirty" my-obarray))))
+       (let* ((gnus-command-method (symbol-value (intern "+method" 
+              ;; NOTE: gnus-command-method is used within gnus-agent-lib-file.
+              (dest (gnus-agent-lib-file "local")))
+         (gnus-make-directory (gnus-agent-lib-file ""))
+         (with-temp-file dest
+           (let ((gnus-command-method (symbol-value (intern "+method" 
+                 (file-name-coding-system nnmail-pathname-coding-system)
+                 (coding-system-for-write
+                  gnus-agent-file-coding-system)
+                 print-level print-length item article
+                 (standard-output (current-buffer)))
+             (mapatoms (lambda (symbol)
+                         (cond ((not (boundp symbol))
+                                nil)
+                               ((member (symbol-name symbol) '("+dirty" 
+                                nil)
+                               (t
+                                (prin1 symbol)
+                                (let ((range (symbol-value symbol)))
+                                  (princ " ")
+                                  (princ (car range))
+                                  (princ " ")
+                                  (princ (cdr range))
+                                  (princ "\n"))))) 
+                       my-obarray)))))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-get-local (group)
+   (let* ((gmane (gnus-group-real-name group))
+          (gnus-command-method (gnus-find-method-for-group group))
+          (local (gnus-agent-load-local))
+          (symb (intern gmane local))
+          (minmax (and (boundp symb) (symbol-value symb))))
+     (unless minmax
+       ;; Bind these so that gnus-agent-load-alist doesn't change the
+       ;; current alist (i.e. gnus-agent-article-alist)
+       (let* ((gnus-agent-article-alist gnus-agent-article-alist)
+              (gnus-agent-file-loading-cache gnus-agent-file-loading-cache)
+              (alist (gnus-agent-load-alist group)))
+         (when alist
+           (setq minmax
+                 (cons (caar alist)
+                       (caar (last alist))))
+           (gnus-agent-set-local group (car minmax) (cdr minmax) 
+                                 gmane gnus-command-method local))))
+     minmax))
+ (defun gnus-agent-set-local (group min max &optional gmane method local)
+   (let* ((gmane (or gmane (gnus-group-real-name group)))
+          (gnus-command-method (or method (gnus-find-method-for-group group)))
+          (local (or local (gnus-agent-load-local)))
+          (symb (intern gmane local))
+          (minmax (and (boundp symb) (symbol-value symb))))
+     (if (cond ((and minmax
+                     (or (not (eq min (car minmax)))
+                         (not (eq max (cdr minmax)))))
+                (setcar minmax min)
+                (setcdr minmax max)
+                t)
+               (minmax
+                nil)
+               ((and min max)
+                (set symb (cons min max))
+                t))
+         (set (intern "+dirty" local) t))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-article-name (article group)
+   (expand-file-name article
+                   (file-name-as-directory
+                      (gnus-agent-group-pathname group))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-batch-confirmation (msg)
+   "Show error message and return t."
+   (gnus-message 1 msg)
+   t)
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun gnus-agent-batch-fetch ()
+   "Start Gnus and fetch session."
+   (interactive)
+   (gnus)
+   (let ((gnus-agent-confirmation-function 'gnus-agent-batch-confirmation))
+     (gnus-agent-fetch-session))
+   (gnus-group-exit))
+ (defun gnus-agent-fetch-session ()
+   "Fetch all articles and headers that are eligible for fetching."
+   (interactive)
+   (unless gnus-agent-covered-methods
+     (error "No servers are covered by the Gnus agent"))
+   (unless gnus-plugged
+     (error "Can't fetch articles while Gnus is unplugged"))
+   (let ((methods (gnus-agent-covered-methods))
+       groups group gnus-command-method)
+     (save-excursion
+       (while methods
+       (setq gnus-command-method (car methods))
+       (when (and (or (gnus-server-opened gnus-command-method)
+                      (gnus-open-server gnus-command-method))
+                  (gnus-online gnus-command-method))
+         (setq groups (gnus-groups-from-server (car methods)))
+         (gnus-agent-with-fetch
+           (while (setq group (pop groups))
+             (when (<= (gnus-group-level group)
+                       gnus-agent-handle-level)
+               (if (or debug-on-error debug-on-quit)
+                   (gnus-agent-fetch-group-1
+                    group gnus-command-method)
+                 (condition-case err
+                     (gnus-agent-fetch-group-1
+                      group gnus-command-method)
+                   (error
+                    (unless (funcall gnus-agent-confirmation-function
+                                     (format "Error %s.  Continue? "
+                                             (error-message-string err)))
+                      (error "Cannot fetch articles into the Gnus agent")))
+                   (quit
+                    (unless (funcall gnus-agent-confirmation-function
+                                     (format
+                                      "Quit fetching session %s.  Continue? "
+                                      (error-message-string err)))
+                      (signal 'quit
+                              "Cannot fetch articles into the Gnus 
+       (setq methods (cdr methods)))
+       (gnus-run-hooks 'gnus-agent-fetched-hook)
+       (gnus-message 6 "Finished fetching articles into the Gnus agent"))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-fetch-group-1 (group method)
+   "Fetch GROUP."
+   (let ((gnus-command-method method)
+       (gnus-newsgroup-name group)
+       (gnus-newsgroup-dependencies gnus-newsgroup-dependencies)
+         (gnus-newsgroup-headers gnus-newsgroup-headers)
+       (gnus-newsgroup-scored gnus-newsgroup-scored)
+       (gnus-use-cache gnus-use-cache)
+       (gnus-summary-expunge-below gnus-summary-expunge-below)
+       (gnus-summary-mark-below gnus-summary-mark-below)
+       (gnus-orphan-score gnus-orphan-score)
+       ;; Maybe some other gnus-summary local variables should also
+       ;; be put here.
+         gnus-headers
+         gnus-score
+         articles arts
+       category predicate info marks score-param
+       )
+     (unless (gnus-check-group group)
+       (error "Can't open server for %s" group))
+     ;; Fetch headers.
+     (when (or gnus-newsgroup-active
+               (gnus-active group)
+               (gnus-activate-group group))
+       (let ((marked-articles gnus-newsgroup-downloadable))
+         ;; Identify the articles marked for download
+         (unless gnus-newsgroup-active
+         ;; The variable gnus-newsgroup-active was selected as I need
+         ;; a gnus-summary local variable that is NOT bound to any
+         ;; value (its global value should default to nil).
+           (dolist (mark gnus-agent-download-marks)
+             (let ((arts (cdr (assq mark (gnus-info-marks
+                                          (setq info (gnus-get-info 
+               (when arts
+                 (setq marked-articles (nconc (gnus-uncompress-range arts)
+                                              marked-articles))
+                 ))))
+         (setq marked-articles (sort marked-articles '<))
+         ;; Fetch any new articles from the server
+         (setq articles (gnus-agent-fetch-headers group))
+         ;; Merge new articles with marked
+         (setq articles (sort (append marked-articles articles) '<))
+         (when articles
+           ;; Parse them and see which articles we want to fetch.
+           (setq gnus-newsgroup-dependencies
+                 (or gnus-newsgroup-dependencies
+                     (make-vector (length articles) 0)))
+           (setq gnus-newsgroup-headers
+                 (or gnus-newsgroup-headers
+                     (gnus-get-newsgroup-headers-xover articles nil nil
+                                                       group)))
+           ;; `gnus-agent-overview-buffer' may be killed for
+           ;; timeout reason.  If so, recreate it.
+           (gnus-agent-create-buffer)
+           ;; Figure out how to select articles in this group
+           (setq category (gnus-group-category group))
+           (setq predicate
+                 (gnus-get-predicate
+                  (gnus-agent-find-parameter group 'agent-predicate)))
+           ;; If the selection predicate requires scoring, score each header
+           (unless (memq predicate '(gnus-agent-true gnus-agent-false))
+             (let ((score-param
+                    (gnus-agent-find-parameter group 'agent-score-file)))
+               ;; Translate score-param into real one
+               (cond
+                ((not score-param))
+                ((eq score-param 'file)
+                 (setq score-param (gnus-all-score-files group)))
+                ((stringp (car score-param)))
+                (t
+                 (setq score-param (list (list score-param)))))
+               (when score-param
+                 (gnus-score-headers score-param))))
+           (unless (and (eq predicate 'gnus-agent-false)
+                        (not marked-articles))
+             (let ((arts (list nil)))
+               (let ((arts-tail arts)
+                     (alist (gnus-agent-load-alist group))
+                     (marked-articles marked-articles)
+                     (gnus-newsgroup-headers gnus-newsgroup-headers))
+                 (while (setq gnus-headers (pop gnus-newsgroup-headers))
+                   (let ((num (mail-header-number gnus-headers)))
+                     ;; Determine if this article is already in the cache
+                     (while (and alist
+                                 (> num (caar alist)))
+                       (setq alist (cdr alist)))
+                     (unless (and (eq num (caar alist))
+                                  (cdar alist))
+                       ;; Determine if this article was marked for download.
+                       (while (and marked-articles
+                                   (> num (car marked-articles)))
+                         (setq marked-articles
+                               (cdr marked-articles)))
+                       ;; When this article is marked, or selected by the
+                       ;; predicate, add it to the download list
+                       (when (or (eq num (car marked-articles))
+                                 (let ((gnus-score
+                                        (or (cdr
+                                           (assq num gnus-newsgroup-scored))
+                                            gnus-summary-default-score))
+                                       (gnus-agent-long-article
+                                        (gnus-agent-find-parameter
+                                         group 'agent-long-article))
+                                       (gnus-agent-short-article
+                                        (gnus-agent-find-parameter
+                                         group 'agent-short-article))
+                                       (gnus-agent-low-score
+                                        (gnus-agent-find-parameter
+                                         group 'agent-low-score))
+                                       (gnus-agent-high-score
+                                        (gnus-agent-find-parameter
+                                         group 'agent-high-score))
+                                       (gnus-agent-expire-days
+                                        (gnus-agent-find-parameter
+                                         group 'agent-days-until-old)))
+                                   (funcall predicate)))
+                         (gnus-agent-append-to-list arts-tail num))))))
+               (let (fetched-articles)
+                 ;; Fetch all selected articles
+                 (setq gnus-newsgroup-undownloaded
+                       (gnus-sorted-ndifference
+                      gnus-newsgroup-undownloaded
+                      (setq fetched-articles
+                            (if (cdr arts)
+                                (gnus-agent-fetch-articles group (cdr arts))
+                              nil))))
+                 (let ((unfetched-articles
+                      (gnus-sorted-ndifference (cdr arts) fetched-articles)))
+                   (if gnus-newsgroup-active
+                       ;; Update the summary buffer
+                       (progn
+                         (dolist (article marked-articles)
+                           (gnus-summary-set-agent-mark article t))
+                         (dolist (article fetched-articles)
+                           (if gnus-agent-mark-unread-after-downloaded
+                               (gnus-summary-mark-article
+                              article gnus-unread-mark))
+                           (when (gnus-summary-goto-subject article nil t)
+                             (gnus-summary-update-download-mark article)))
+                         (dolist (article unfetched-articles)
+                           (gnus-summary-mark-article
+                          article gnus-canceled-mark)))
+                     ;; Update the group buffer.
+                     ;; When some, or all, of the marked articles came
+                     ;; from the download mark.  Remove that mark.  I
+                     ;; didn't do this earlier as I only want to remove
+                     ;; the marks after the fetch is completed.
+                     (dolist (mark gnus-agent-download-marks)
+                       (when (eq mark 'download)
+                         (let ((marked-arts
+                              (assq mark (gnus-info-marks
+                                          (setq info (gnus-get-info group))))))
+                           (when (cdr marked-arts)
+                             (setq marks
+                                 (delq marked-arts (gnus-info-marks info)))
+                             (gnus-info-set-marks info marks)))))
+                     (let ((read (gnus-info-read
+                                (or info (setq info (gnus-get-info group))))))
+                       (gnus-info-set-read
+                      info (gnus-add-to-range read unfetched-articles)))
+                     (gnus-group-update-group group t)
+                     (sit-for 0)
+                     (gnus-dribble-enter
+                      (concat "(gnus-group-set-info '"
+                              (gnus-prin1-to-string info)
+                              ")"))))))))))))
+ ;;;
+ ;;; Agent Category Mode
+ ;;;
+ (defvar gnus-category-mode-hook nil
+   "Hook run in `gnus-category-mode' buffers.")
+ (defvar gnus-category-line-format "     %(%20c%): %g\n"
+   "Format of category lines.
+ Valid specifiers include:
+ %c  Topic name (string)
+ %g  The number of groups in the topic (integer)
+ General format specifiers can also be used.  See Info node
+ `(gnus)Formatting Variables'.")
+ (defvar gnus-category-mode-line-format "Gnus: %%b"
+   "The format specification for the category mode line.")
+ (defvar gnus-agent-predicate 'false
+   "The selection predicate used when no other source is available.")
+ (defvar gnus-agent-short-article 100
+   "Articles that have fewer lines than this are short.")
+ (defvar gnus-agent-long-article 200
+   "Articles that have more lines than this are long.")
+ (defvar gnus-agent-low-score 0
+   "Articles that have a score lower than this have a low score.")
+ (defvar gnus-agent-high-score 0
+   "Articles that have a score higher than this have a high score.")
+ ;;; Internal variables.
+ (defvar gnus-category-buffer "*Agent Category*")
+ (defvar gnus-category-line-format-alist
+   `((?c gnus-tmp-name ?s)
+     (?g gnus-tmp-groups ?d)))
+ (defvar gnus-category-mode-line-format-alist
+   `((?u user-defined ?s)))
+ (defvar gnus-category-line-format-spec nil)
+ (defvar gnus-category-mode-line-format-spec nil)
+ (defvar gnus-category-mode-map nil)
+ (put 'gnus-category-mode 'mode-class 'special)
+ (unless gnus-category-mode-map
+   (setq gnus-category-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+   (suppress-keymap gnus-category-mode-map)
+   (gnus-define-keys gnus-category-mode-map
+     "q" gnus-category-exit
+     "k" gnus-category-kill
+     "c" gnus-category-copy
+     "a" gnus-category-add
+     "e" gnus-agent-customize-category
+     "p" gnus-category-edit-predicate
+     "g" gnus-category-edit-groups
+     "s" gnus-category-edit-score
+     "l" gnus-category-list
+     "\C-c\C-i" gnus-info-find-node
+     "\C-c\C-b" gnus-bug))
+ (defvar gnus-category-menu-hook nil
+   "*Hook run after the creation of the menu.")
+ (defun gnus-category-make-menu-bar ()
+   (gnus-turn-off-edit-menu 'category)
+   (unless (boundp 'gnus-category-menu)
+     (easy-menu-define
+      gnus-category-menu gnus-category-mode-map ""
+      '("Categories"
+        ["Add" gnus-category-add t]
+        ["Kill" gnus-category-kill t]
+        ["Copy" gnus-category-copy t]
+        ["Edit category" gnus-agent-customize-category t]
+        ["Edit predicate" gnus-category-edit-predicate t]
+        ["Edit score" gnus-category-edit-score t]
+        ["Edit groups" gnus-category-edit-groups t]
+        ["Exit" gnus-category-exit t]))
+     (gnus-run-hooks 'gnus-category-menu-hook)))
+ (defun gnus-category-mode ()
+   "Major mode for listing and editing agent categories.
+ All normal editing commands are switched off.
+ \\<gnus-category-mode-map>
+ For more in-depth information on this mode, read the manual
+ \(`\\[gnus-info-find-node]').
+ The following commands are available:
+ \\{gnus-category-mode-map}"
+   (interactive)
+   (when (gnus-visual-p 'category-menu 'menu)
+     (gnus-category-make-menu-bar))
+   (kill-all-local-variables)
+   (gnus-simplify-mode-line)
+   (setq major-mode 'gnus-category-mode)
+   (setq mode-name "Category")
+   (gnus-set-default-directory)
+   (setq mode-line-process nil)
+   (use-local-map gnus-category-mode-map)
+   (buffer-disable-undo)
+   (setq truncate-lines t)
+   (setq buffer-read-only t)
+   (gnus-run-hooks 'gnus-category-mode-hook))
+ (defalias 'gnus-category-position-point 'gnus-goto-colon)
+ (defun gnus-category-insert-line (category)
+   (let* ((gnus-tmp-name (format "%s" (car category)))
+        (gnus-tmp-groups (length (gnus-agent-cat-groups category))))
+     (beginning-of-line)
+     (gnus-add-text-properties
+      (point)
+      (prog1 (1+ (point))
+        ;; Insert the text.
+        (eval gnus-category-line-format-spec))
+      (list 'gnus-category gnus-tmp-name))))
+ (defun gnus-enter-category-buffer ()
+   "Go to the Category buffer."
+   (interactive)
+   (gnus-category-setup-buffer)
+   (gnus-configure-windows 'category)
+   (gnus-category-prepare))
+ (defun gnus-category-setup-buffer ()
+   (unless (get-buffer gnus-category-buffer)
+     (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer (gnus-get-buffer-create gnus-category-buffer))
+       (gnus-category-mode))))
+ (defun gnus-category-prepare ()
+   (gnus-set-format 'category-mode)
+   (gnus-set-format 'category t)
+   (let ((alist gnus-category-alist)
+       (buffer-read-only nil))
+     (erase-buffer)
+     (while alist
+       (gnus-category-insert-line (pop alist)))
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (gnus-category-position-point)))
+ (defun gnus-category-name ()
+   (or (intern (get-text-property (gnus-point-at-bol) 'gnus-category))
+       (error "No category on the current line")))
+ (defun gnus-category-read ()
+   "Read the category alist."
+   (setq gnus-category-alist
+         (or
+          (with-temp-buffer
+            (ignore-errors
+             (nnheader-insert-file-contents (nnheader-concat 
gnus-agent-directory "lib/categories"))
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             ;; This code isn't temp, it will be needed so long as
+             ;; anyone may be migrating from an older version.
+             ;; Once we're certain that people will not revert to an
+             ;; earlier version, we can take out the old-list code in
+             ;; gnus-category-write.
+             (let* ((old-list (read (current-buffer)))
+                    (new-list (ignore-errors (read (current-buffer)))))
+               (if new-list
+                   new-list
+                 ;; Convert from a positional list to an alist.
+                 (mapcar
+                  (lambda (c)
+                    (setcdr c
+                            (delq nil
+                                  (gnus-mapcar
+                                   (lambda (valu symb)
+                                     (if valu
+                                         (cons symb valu)))
+                                   (cdr c)
+                                   '(agent-predicate agent-score-file 
+                    c)
+                  old-list)))))
+          (list (gnus-agent-cat-make 'default 'short)))))
+ (defun gnus-category-write ()
+   "Write the category alist."
+   (setq gnus-category-predicate-cache nil
+       gnus-category-group-cache nil)
+   (gnus-make-directory (nnheader-concat gnus-agent-directory "lib"))
+   (with-temp-file (nnheader-concat gnus-agent-directory "lib/categories")
+     ;; This prin1 is temporary.  It exists so that people can revert
+     ;; to an earlier version of gnus-agent.
+     (prin1 (mapcar (lambda (c)
+               (list (car c)
+                     (cdr (assoc 'agent-predicate c))
+                     (cdr (assoc 'agent-score-file c))
+                     (cdr (assoc 'agent-groups c))))
+                    gnus-category-alist)
+            (current-buffer))
+     (newline)
+     (prin1 gnus-category-alist (current-buffer))))
+ (defun gnus-category-edit-predicate (category)
+   "Edit the predicate for CATEGORY."
+   (interactive (list (gnus-category-name)))
+   (let ((info (assq category gnus-category-alist)))
+     (gnus-edit-form
+      (gnus-agent-cat-predicate info)
+      (format "Editing the select predicate for category %s" category)
+      `(lambda (predicate)
+         ;; Avoid run-time execution of setf form
+         ;; (setf (gnus-agent-cat-predicate (assq ',category 
+         ;;       predicate)
+         ;; use its expansion instead:
+         (gnus-agent-cat-set-property (assq ',category gnus-category-alist)
+                                      'agent-predicate predicate)
+       (gnus-category-write)
+       (gnus-category-list)))))
+ (defun gnus-category-edit-score (category)
+   "Edit the score expression for CATEGORY."
+   (interactive (list (gnus-category-name)))
+   (let ((info (assq category gnus-category-alist)))
+     (gnus-edit-form
+      (gnus-agent-cat-score-file info)
+      (format "Editing the score expression for category %s" category)
+      `(lambda (score-file)
+         ;; Avoid run-time execution of setf form
+         ;; (setf (gnus-agent-cat-score-file (assq ',category 
+         ;;       score-file)
+         ;; use its expansion instead:
+         (gnus-agent-cat-set-property (assq ',category gnus-category-alist)
+                                      'agent-score-file score-file)
+       (gnus-category-write)
+       (gnus-category-list)))))
+ (defun gnus-category-edit-groups (category)
+   "Edit the group list for CATEGORY."
+   (interactive (list (gnus-category-name)))
+   (let ((info (assq category gnus-category-alist)))
+     (gnus-edit-form
+      (gnus-agent-cat-groups info)
+      (format "Editing the group list for category %s" category)
+      `(lambda (groups)
+         ;; Avoid run-time execution of setf form
+         ;; (setf (gnus-agent-cat-groups (assq ',category gnus-category-alist))
+         ;;       groups)
+         ;; use its expansion instead:
+         (gnus-agent-set-cat-groups (assq ',category gnus-category-alist)
+                                    groups)
+       (gnus-category-write)
+       (gnus-category-list)))))
+ (defun gnus-category-kill (category)
+   "Kill the current category."
+   (interactive (list (gnus-category-name)))
+   (let ((info (assq category gnus-category-alist))
+       (buffer-read-only nil))
+     (gnus-delete-line)
+     (setq gnus-category-alist (delq info gnus-category-alist))
+     (gnus-category-write)))
+ (defun gnus-category-copy (category to)
+   "Copy the current category."
+   (interactive (list (gnus-category-name) (intern (read-string "New name: 
+   (let ((info (assq category gnus-category-alist)))
+     (push (let ((newcat (gnus-copy-sequence info)))
+             (setf (gnus-agent-cat-name newcat) to)
+             (setf (gnus-agent-cat-groups newcat) nil)
+             newcat)
+         gnus-category-alist)
+     (gnus-category-write)
+     (gnus-category-list)))
+ (defun gnus-category-add (category)
+   "Create a new category."
+   (interactive "SCategory name: ")
+   (when (assq category gnus-category-alist)
+     (error "Category %s already exists" category))
+   (push (gnus-agent-cat-make category)
+       gnus-category-alist)
+   (gnus-category-write)
+   (gnus-category-list))
+ (defun gnus-category-list ()
+   "List all categories."
+   (interactive)
+   (gnus-category-prepare))
+ (defun gnus-category-exit ()
+   "Return to the group buffer."
+   (interactive)
+   (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+   (gnus-configure-windows 'group t))
+ ;; To avoid having 8-bit characters in the source file.
+ (defvar gnus-category-not (list '! 'not (intern (format "%c" 172))))
+ (defvar gnus-category-predicate-alist
+   '((spam . gnus-agent-spam-p)
+     (short . gnus-agent-short-p)
+     (long . gnus-agent-long-p)
+     (low . gnus-agent-low-scored-p)
+     (high . gnus-agent-high-scored-p)
+     (read . gnus-agent-read-p)
+     (true . gnus-agent-true)
+     (false . gnus-agent-false))
+   "Mapping from short score predicate symbols to predicate functions.")
+ (defun gnus-agent-spam-p ()
+   "Say whether an article is spam or not."
+   (unless gnus-agent-spam-hashtb
+     (setq gnus-agent-spam-hashtb (gnus-make-hashtable 1000)))
+   (if (not (equal (mail-header-references gnus-headers) ""))
+       nil
+     (let ((string (gnus-simplify-subject (mail-header-subject gnus-headers))))
+       (prog1
+         (gnus-gethash string gnus-agent-spam-hashtb)
+       (gnus-sethash string t gnus-agent-spam-hashtb)))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-short-p ()
+   "Say whether an article is short or not."
+   (< (mail-header-lines gnus-headers) gnus-agent-short-article))
+ (defun gnus-agent-long-p ()
+   "Say whether an article is long or not."
+   (> (mail-header-lines gnus-headers) gnus-agent-long-article))
+ (defun gnus-agent-low-scored-p ()
+   "Say whether an article has a low score or not."
+   (< gnus-score gnus-agent-low-score))
+ (defun gnus-agent-high-scored-p ()
+   "Say whether an article has a high score or not."
+   (> gnus-score gnus-agent-high-score))
+ (defun gnus-agent-read-p ()
+   "Say whether an article is read or not."
+   (gnus-member-of-range (mail-header-number gnus-headers)
+                       (gnus-info-read (gnus-get-info gnus-newsgroup-name))))
+ (defun gnus-category-make-function (predicate)
+   "Make a function from PREDICATE."
+   (let ((func (gnus-category-make-function-1 predicate)))
+     (if (and (= (length func) 1)
+            (symbolp (car func)))
+       (car func)
+       (gnus-byte-compile `(lambda () ,func)))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-true ()
+   "Return t."
+   t)
+ (defun gnus-agent-false ()
+   "Return nil."
+   nil)
+ (defun gnus-category-make-function-1 (predicate)
+   "Make a function from PREDICATE."
+   (cond
+    ;; Functions are just returned as is.
+    ((or (symbolp predicate)
+       (functionp predicate))
+     `(,(or (cdr (assq predicate gnus-category-predicate-alist))
+          predicate)))
+    ;; More complex predicate.
+    ((consp predicate)
+     `(,(cond
+       ((memq (car predicate) '(& and))
+        'and)
+       ((memq (car predicate) '(| or))
+        'or)
+       ((memq (car predicate) gnus-category-not)
+        'not))
+       ,@(mapcar 'gnus-category-make-function-1 (cdr predicate))))
+    (t
+     (error "Unknown predicate type: %s" predicate))))
+ (defun gnus-get-predicate (predicate)
+   "Return the function implementing PREDICATE."
+   (or (cdr (assoc predicate gnus-category-predicate-cache))
+       (let ((func (gnus-category-make-function predicate)))
+       (setq gnus-category-predicate-cache
+             (nconc gnus-category-predicate-cache
+                    (list (cons predicate func))))
+       func)))
+ (defun gnus-predicate-implies-unread (predicate)
+   "Say whether PREDICATE implies unread articles only.
+ It is okay to miss some cases, but there must be no false positives.
+ That is, if this predicate returns true, then indeed the predicate must
+ return only unread articles."
+   (eq t (gnus-function-implies-unread-1 
+          (gnus-category-make-function-1 predicate))))
+ (defun gnus-function-implies-unread-1 (function)
+   "Recursively evaluate a predicate function to determine whether it can 
+ any read articles.  Returns t if the function is known to never
+ return read articles, nil when it is known to always return read
+ articles, and t_nil when the function may return both read and unread
+ articles."
+   (let ((func (car function))
+         (args (mapcar 'gnus-function-implies-unread-1 (cdr function))))
+     (cond ((eq func 'and)
+            (cond ((memq t args) ; if any argument returns only unread articles
+                   ;; then that argument constrains the result to only unread 
+                   t)
+                  ((memq 't_nil args) ; if any argument is indeterminate
+                   ;; then the result is indeterminate
+                   't_nil)))
+           ((eq func 'or)
+            (cond ((memq nil args) ; if any argument returns read articles
+                   ;; then that argument ensures that the results includes 
read articles.
+                   nil)
+                  ((memq 't_nil args) ; if any argument is indeterminate
+                   ;; then that argument ensures that the results are 
+                   't_nil)
+                  (t ; if all arguments return only unread articles
+                   ;; then the result returns only unread articles
+                   t)))
+           ((eq func 'not)
+            (cond ((eq (car args) 't_nil) ; if the argument is indeterminate
+                   ; then the result is indeterminate
+                   (car args))
+                  (t ; otherwise
+                   ; toggle the result to be the opposite of the argument
+                   (not (car args)))))
+           ((eq func 'gnus-agent-read-p)
+            nil) ; The read predicate NEVER returns unread articles
+           ((eq func 'gnus-agent-false)
+            t) ; The false predicate returns t as the empty set excludes all 
read articles
+           ((eq func 'gnus-agent-true)
+            nil) ; The true predicate ALWAYS returns read articles
+           ((catch 'found-match
+              (let ((alist gnus-category-predicate-alist))
+                (while alist
+                  (if (eq func (cdar alist))
+                      (throw 'found-match t)
+                    (setq alist (cdr alist))))))
+            't_nil) ; All other predicates return read and unread articles
+           (t
+            (error "Unknown predicate function: %s" function)))))
+ (defun gnus-group-category (group)
+   "Return the category GROUP belongs to."
+   (unless gnus-category-group-cache
+     (setq gnus-category-group-cache (gnus-make-hashtable 1000))
+     (let ((cs gnus-category-alist)
+         groups cat)
+       (while (setq cat (pop cs))
+       (setq groups (gnus-agent-cat-groups cat))
+       (while groups
+         (gnus-sethash (pop groups) cat gnus-category-group-cache)))))
+   (or (gnus-gethash group gnus-category-group-cache)
+       (assq 'default gnus-category-alist)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-expire-group (group &optional articles force)
+   "Expire all old articles in GROUP.
+ If you want to force expiring of certain articles, this function can
+ take ARTICLES, and FORCE parameters as well.
+ The articles on which the expiration process runs are selected as follows:
+   if ARTICLES is null, all read and unmarked articles.
+   if ARTICLES is t, all articles.
+   if ARTICLES is a list, just those articles.
+ FORCE is equivalent to setting the expiration predicates to true."
+   (interactive
+    (list (let ((def (or (gnus-group-group-name)
+                         gnus-newsgroup-name)))
+            (let ((select (read-string (if def
+                                           (concat "Group Name ("
+                                                   def "): ")
+                                         "Group Name: "))))
+              (if (and (equal "" select)
+                       def)
+                  def
+                select)))))
+   (if (not group)
+       (gnus-agent-expire articles group force)
+     (let ( ;; Bind gnus-agent-expire-stats to enable tracking of
+          ;; expiration statistics of this single group
+           (gnus-agent-expire-stats (list 0 0 0.0)))
+       (if (or (not (eq articles t))
+               (yes-or-no-p
+                (concat "Are you sure that you want to "
+                        "expire all articles in " group ".")))
+           (let ((gnus-command-method (gnus-find-method-for-group group))
+                 (overview (gnus-get-buffer-create " *expire overview*"))
+                 orig)
+             (unwind-protect
+                 (let ((active-file (gnus-agent-lib-file "active")))
+                   (when (file-exists-p active-file)
+                     (with-temp-buffer
+                       (nnheader-insert-file-contents active-file)
+                       (gnus-active-to-gnus-format
+                        gnus-command-method
+                        (setq orig (gnus-make-hashtable
+                                    (count-lines (point-min) (point-max))))))
+                     (save-excursion
+                       (gnus-agent-expire-group-1
+                        group overview (gnus-gethash-safe group orig)
+                        articles force))))
+               (kill-buffer overview))))
+       (gnus-message 4 (gnus-agent-expire-done-message)))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-expire-group-1 (group overview active articles force)
+   ;; Internal function - requires caller to have set
+   ;; gnus-command-method, initialized overview buffer, and to have
+   ;; provided a non-nil active
+   (let ((dir (gnus-agent-group-pathname group)))
+     (when (boundp 'gnus-agent-expire-current-dirs)
+       (set 'gnus-agent-expire-current-dirs 
+            (cons dir 
+                  (symbol-value 'gnus-agent-expire-current-dirs))))
+     (if (and (not force)
+              (eq 'DISABLE (gnus-agent-find-parameter group 
+         (gnus-message 5 "Expiry skipping over %s" group)
+       (gnus-message 5 "Expiring articles in %s" group)
+       (gnus-agent-load-alist group)
+       (let* ((stats (if (boundp 'gnus-agent-expire-stats)
+                         ;; Use the list provided by my caller
+                         (symbol-value 'gnus-agent-expire-stats)
+                       ;; otherwise use my own temporary list
+                       (list 0 0 0.0)))
+              (info (gnus-get-info group))
+              (alist gnus-agent-article-alist)
+              (day (- (time-to-days (current-time))
+                      (gnus-agent-find-parameter group 'agent-days-until-old)))
+              (specials (if (and alist
+                                 (not force))
+                            ;; This could be a bit of a problem.  I need to
+                            ;; keep the last article to avoid refetching
+                            ;; headers when using nntp in the backend.  At
+                            ;; the same time, if someone uses a backend
+                            ;; that supports article moving then I may have
+                            ;; to remove the last article to complete the
+                            ;; move.  Right now, I'm going to assume that
+                            ;; FORCE overrides specials.
+                            (list (caar (last alist)))))
+              (unreads ;; Articles that are excluded from the
+               ;; expiration process
+               (cond (gnus-agent-expire-all
+                      ;; All articles are marked read by global decree
+                      nil)
+                     ((eq articles t)
+                      ;; All articles are marked read by function
+                      ;; parameter
+                      nil)
+                     ((not articles)
+                      ;; Unread articles are marked protected from
+                      ;; expiration Don't call
+                      ;; gnus-list-of-unread-articles as it returns
+                      ;; articles that have not been fetched into the
+                      ;; agent.
+                      (ignore-errors
+                        (gnus-agent-unread-articles group)))
+                     (t
+                      ;; All articles EXCEPT those named by the caller
+                      ;; are protected from expiration
+                      (gnus-sorted-difference
+                       (gnus-uncompress-range
+                        (cons (caar alist)
+                              (caar (last alist))))
+                       (sort articles '<)))))
+              (marked ;; More articles that are excluded from the
+               ;; expiration process
+               (cond (gnus-agent-expire-all
+                      ;; All articles are unmarked by global decree
+                      nil)
+                     ((eq articles t)
+                      ;; All articles are unmarked by function
+                      ;; parameter
+                      nil)
+                     (articles
+                      ;; All articles may as well be unmarked as the
+                      ;; unreads list already names the articles we are
+                      ;; going to keep
+                      nil)
+                     (t
+                      ;; Ticked and/or dormant articles are excluded
+                      ;; from expiration
+                      (nconc
+                       (gnus-uncompress-range
+                        (cdr (assq 'tick (gnus-info-marks info))))
+                       (gnus-uncompress-range
+                        (cdr (assq 'dormant
+                                   (gnus-info-marks info))))))))
+              (nov-file (concat dir ".overview"))
+              (cnt 0)
+              (completed -1)
+              dlist
+              type)
+         ;; The normal article alist contains elements that look like
+         ;; (article# .  fetch_date) I need to combine other
+         ;; information with this list.  For example, a flag indicating
+         ;; that a particular article MUST BE KEPT.  To do this, I'm
+         ;; going to transform the elements to look like (article#
+         ;; fetch_date keep_flag NOV_entry_marker) Later, I'll reverse
+         ;; the process to generate the expired article alist.
+         ;; Convert the alist elements to (article# fetch_date nil
+         ;; nil).
+         (setq dlist (mapcar (lambda (e)
+                               (list (car e) (cdr e) nil nil)) alist))
+         ;; Convert the keep lists to elements that look like (article#
+         ;; nil keep_flag nil) then append it to the expanded dlist
+         ;; These statements are sorted by ascending precidence of the
+         ;; keep_flag.
+         (setq dlist (nconc dlist
+                            (mapcar (lambda (e)
+                                      (list e nil 'unread  nil))
+                                    unreads)))
+         (setq dlist (nconc dlist
+                            (mapcar (lambda (e)
+                                      (list e nil 'marked  nil))
+                                    marked)))
+         (setq dlist (nconc dlist
+                            (mapcar (lambda (e)
+                                      (list e nil 'special nil))
+                                    specials)))
+         (set-buffer overview)
+         (erase-buffer)
+         (buffer-disable-undo)
+         (when (file-exists-p nov-file)
+           (gnus-message 7 "gnus-agent-expire: Loading overview...")
+           (nnheader-insert-file-contents nov-file)
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (let (p)
+             (while (< (setq p (point)) (point-max))
+               (condition-case nil
+                   ;; If I successfully read an integer (the plus zero
+                   ;; ensures a numeric type), prepend a marker entry
+                   ;; to the list
+                   (push (list (+ 0 (read (current-buffer))) nil nil
+                               (set-marker (make-marker) p))
+                         dlist)
+                 (error
+                  (gnus-message 1 "gnus-agent-expire: read error \
+ occurred when reading expression at %s in %s.  Skipping to next \
+ line." (point) nov-file)))
+               ;; Whether I succeeded, or failed, it doesn't matter.
+               ;; Move to the next line then try again.
+               (forward-line 1)))
+           (gnus-message
+            7 "gnus-agent-expire: Loading overview... Done"))
+         (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+         ;; At this point, all of the information is in dlist.  The
+         ;; only problem is that much of it is spread across multiple
+         ;; entries.  Sort then MERGE!!
+         (gnus-message 7 "gnus-agent-expire: Sorting entries... ")
+         ;; If two entries have the same article-number then sort by
+         ;; ascending keep_flag.
+         (let ((special 0)
+               (marked 1)
+               (unread 2))
+           (setq dlist
+                 (sort dlist
+                       (lambda (a b)
+                         (cond ((< (nth 0 a) (nth 0 b))
+                                t)
+                               ((> (nth 0 a) (nth 0 b))
+                                nil)
+                               (t
+                                (let ((a (or (symbol-value (nth 2 a))
+                                             3))
+                                      (b (or (symbol-value (nth 2 b))
+                                             3)))
+                                  (<= a b))))))))
+         (gnus-message 7 "gnus-agent-expire: Sorting entries... Done")
+         (gnus-message 7 "gnus-agent-expire: Merging entries... ")
+         (let ((dlist dlist))
+           (while (cdr dlist)            ; I'm not at the end-of-list
+             (if (eq (caar dlist) (caadr dlist))
+                 (let ((first (cdr (car dlist)))
+                       (secnd (cdr (cadr dlist))))
+                   (setcar first (or (car first)
+                                     (car secnd))) ; fetch_date
+                   (setq first (cdr first)
+                         secnd (cdr secnd))
+                   (setcar first (or (car first)
+                                     (car secnd))) ; Keep_flag
+                   (setq first (cdr first)
+                         secnd (cdr secnd))
+                   (setcar first (or (car first)
+                                     (car secnd))) ; NOV_entry_marker
+                   (setcdr dlist (cddr dlist)))
+               (setq dlist (cdr dlist)))))
+         (gnus-message 7 "gnus-agent-expire: Merging entries... Done")
+         (let* ((len (float (length dlist)))
+                (alist (list nil))
+                (tail-alist alist))
+           (while dlist
+             (let ((new-completed (truncate (* 100.0
+                                               (/ (setq cnt (1+ cnt))
+                                                  len))))
+                 message-log-max)
+               (when (> new-completed completed)
+                 (setq completed new-completed)
+                 (gnus-message 7 "%3d%% completed..."  completed)))
+             (let* ((entry          (car dlist))
+                    (article-number (nth 0 entry))
+                    (fetch-date     (nth 1 entry))
+                    (keep           (nth 2 entry))
+                    (marker         (nth 3 entry)))
+               (cond
+                ;; Kept articles are unread, marked, or special.
+                (keep
+                 (gnus-agent-message 10
+                                     "gnus-agent-expire: %s:%d: Kept %s 
+                                     group article-number keep (if fetch-date 
" and file" ""))
+                 (when fetch-date
+                   (unless (file-exists-p
+                            (concat dir (number-to-string
+                                         article-number)))
+                     (setf (nth 1 entry) nil)
+                     (gnus-agent-message 3 "gnus-agent-expire cleared \
+ download flag on %s:%d as the cached article file is missing."
+                                         group (caar dlist)))
+                   (unless marker
+                     (gnus-message 1 "gnus-agent-expire detected a \
+ missing NOV entry.  Run gnus-agent-regenerate-group to restore it.")))
+                 (gnus-agent-append-to-list
+                  tail-alist
+                  (cons article-number fetch-date)))
+                ;; The following articles are READ, UNMARKED, and
+                ;; ORDINARY.  See if they can be EXPIRED!!!
+                ((setq type
+                       (cond
+                        ((not (integerp fetch-date))
+                         'read) ;; never fetched article (may expire
+                        ;; right now)
+                        ((not (file-exists-p
+                               (concat dir (number-to-string
+                                            article-number))))
+                         (setf (nth 1 entry) nil)
+                         'externally-expired) ;; Can't find the cached
+                        ;; article.  Handle case
+                        ;; as though this article
+                        ;; was never fetched.
+                        ;; We now have the arrival day, so we see
+                        ;; whether it's old enough to be expired.
+                        ((< fetch-date day)
+                         'expired)
+                        (force
+                         'forced)))
+                 ;; I found some reason to expire this entry.
+                 (let ((actions nil))
+                   (when (memq type '(forced expired))
+                     (ignore-errors      ; Just being paranoid.
+                       (let ((file-name (concat dir (number-to-string
+                                                 article-number))))
+                         (incf (nth 2 stats) (nth 7 (file-attributes 
+                         (incf (nth 1 stats))
+                         (delete-file file-name))
+                       (push "expired cached article" actions))
+                     (setf (nth 1 entry) nil)
+                     )
+                   (when marker
+                     (push "NOV entry removed" actions)
+                     (goto-char marker)
+                     (incf (nth 0 stats))
+                     (let ((from (gnus-point-at-bol))
+                           (to (progn (forward-line 1) (point))))
+                       (incf (nth 2 stats) (- to from))
+                       (delete-region from to)))
+                   ;; If considering all articles is set, I can only
+                   ;; expire article IDs that are no longer in the
+                   ;; active range (That is, articles that preceed the
+                   ;; first article in the new alist).
+                   (if (and gnus-agent-consider-all-articles
+                            (>= article-number (car active)))
+                       ;; I have to keep this ID in the alist
+                       (gnus-agent-append-to-list
+                        tail-alist (cons article-number fetch-date))
+                     (push (format "Removed %s article number from \
+ article alist" type) actions))
+                 (when actions
+                   (gnus-agent-message 8 "gnus-agent-expire: %s:%d: %s"
+                                       group article-number
+                                       (mapconcat 'identity actions ", ")))))
+                (t
+                 (gnus-agent-message
+                  10 "gnus-agent-expire: %s:%d: Article kept as \
+ expiration tests failed." group article-number)
+                 (gnus-agent-append-to-list
+                  tail-alist (cons article-number fetch-date)))
+                )
+               ;; Clean up markers as I want to recycle this buffer
+               ;; over several groups.
+               (when marker
+                 (set-marker marker nil))
+               (setq dlist (cdr dlist))))
+           (setq alist (cdr alist))
+           (let ((inhibit-quit t))
+             (unless (equal alist gnus-agent-article-alist)
+               (setq gnus-agent-article-alist alist)
+               (gnus-agent-save-alist group))
+             (when (buffer-modified-p)
+               (let ((coding-system-for-write
+                      gnus-agent-file-coding-system))
+                 (gnus-make-directory dir)
+                 (write-region (point-min) (point-max) nov-file nil
+                               'silent)
+                 ;; clear the modified flag as that I'm not confused by
+                 ;; its status on the next pass through this routine.
+                 (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))
+             (when (eq articles t)
+               (gnus-summary-update-info))))))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-expire (&optional articles group force)
+   "Expire all old articles.
+ If you want to force expiring of certain articles, this function can
+ take ARTICLES, GROUP and FORCE parameters as well.
+ The articles on which the expiration process runs are selected as follows:
+   if ARTICLES is null, all read and unmarked articles.
+   if ARTICLES is t, all articles.
+   if ARTICLES is a list, just those articles.
+ Setting GROUP will limit expiration to that group.
+ FORCE is equivalent to setting the expiration predicates to true."
+   (interactive)
+   (if group
+       (gnus-agent-expire-group group articles force)
+     (if (or (not (eq articles t))
+             (yes-or-no-p "Are you sure that you want to expire all \
+ articles in every agentized group."))
+         (let ((methods (gnus-agent-covered-methods))
+               ;; Bind gnus-agent-expire-current-dirs to enable tracking
+               ;; of agent directories.
+               (gnus-agent-expire-current-dirs nil)
+               ;; Bind gnus-agent-expire-stats to enable tracking of
+               ;; expiration statistics across all groups
+               (gnus-agent-expire-stats (list 0 0 0.0))
+               gnus-command-method overview orig)
+           (setq overview (gnus-get-buffer-create " *expire overview*"))
+           (unwind-protect
+               (while (setq gnus-command-method (pop methods))
+                 (let ((active-file (gnus-agent-lib-file "active")))
+                   (when (file-exists-p active-file)
+                     (with-temp-buffer
+                       (nnheader-insert-file-contents active-file)
+                       (gnus-active-to-gnus-format
+                        gnus-command-method
+                        (setq orig (gnus-make-hashtable
+                                    (count-lines (point-min) (point-max))))))
+                     (dolist (expiring-group (gnus-groups-from-server
+                                              gnus-command-method))
+                       (let* ((active
+                               (gnus-gethash-safe expiring-group orig)))
+                         (when active
+                           (save-excursion
+                             (gnus-agent-expire-group-1
+                              expiring-group overview active articles 
+             (kill-buffer overview))
+           (gnus-agent-expire-unagentized-dirs)
+           (gnus-message 4 (gnus-agent-expire-done-message))))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-expire-done-message ()
+   (if (and (> gnus-verbose 4)
+            (boundp 'gnus-agent-expire-stats))
+       (let* ((stats (symbol-value 'gnus-agent-expire-stats))
+              (size (nth 2 stats))
+             (units '(B KB MB GB)))
+         (while (and (> size 1024.0)
+                     (cdr units))
+           (setq size (/ size 1024.0)
+                 units (cdr units)))
+         (format "Expiry recovered %d NOV entries, deleted %d files,\
+  and freed %f %s." 
+                 (nth 0 stats) 
+                 (nth 1 stats) 
+                 size (car units)))
+     "Expiry...done"))
+ (defun gnus-agent-expire-unagentized-dirs ()
+   (when (and gnus-agent-expire-unagentized-dirs
+              (boundp 'gnus-agent-expire-current-dirs))
+     (let* ((keep (gnus-make-hashtable))
+          ;; Formally bind gnus-agent-expire-current-dirs so that the
+          ;; compiler will not complain about free references.
+          (gnus-agent-expire-current-dirs
+           (symbol-value 'gnus-agent-expire-current-dirs))
+            dir)
+       (gnus-sethash gnus-agent-directory t keep)
+       (while gnus-agent-expire-current-dirs
+       (setq dir (pop gnus-agent-expire-current-dirs))
+       (when (and (stringp dir)
+                  (file-directory-p dir))
+         (while (not (gnus-gethash dir keep))
+           (gnus-sethash dir t keep)
+           (setq dir (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))))
+       (let* (to-remove
+              checker
+              (checker
+               (function
+                (lambda (d)
+                  "Given a directory, check it and its subdirectories for 
+               membership in the keep hash.  If it isn't found, add 
+               it to to-remove." 
+                  (let ((files (directory-files d))
+                        file)
+                    (while (setq file (pop files))
+                      (cond ((equal file ".") ; Ignore self
+                             nil)
+                            ((equal file "..") ; Ignore parent
+                             nil)
+                            ((equal file ".overview") 
+                             ;; Directory must contain .overview to be
+                             ;; agent's cache of a group.
+                             (let ((d (file-name-as-directory d))
+                                   r)
+                               ;; Search ancestor's for last directory NOT
+                               ;; found in keep hash.
+                               (while (not (gnus-gethash
+                                            (setq d (file-name-directory d)) 
+                                 (setq r d
+                                       d (directory-file-name d)))
+                               ;; if ANY ancestor was NOT in keep hash and
+                               ;; it it's already in to-remove, add it to
+                               ;; to-remove.                          
+                               (if (and r
+                                        (not (member r to-remove)))
+                                   (push r to-remove))))
+                            ((file-directory-p (setq file (nnheader-concat d 
+                             (funcall checker file)))))))))
+         (funcall checker (expand-file-name gnus-agent-directory))
+         (when (and to-remove
+                    (or gnus-expert-user
+                        (gnus-y-or-n-p
+                         "gnus-agent-expire has identified local directories 
that are\
+  not currently required by any agentized group.        Do you wish to 
+  deleting them?")))
+           (while to-remove
+             (let ((dir (pop to-remove)))
+               (if (gnus-y-or-n-p (format "Delete %s? " dir))
+                   (let* (delete-recursive
+                          (delete-recursive
+                           (function
+                            (lambda (f-or-d)
+                              (ignore-errors
+                                (if (file-directory-p f-or-d)
+                                    (condition-case nil
+                                        (delete-directory f-or-d)
+                                      (file-error
+                                       (mapcar (lambda (f)
+                                                 (or (member f '("." ".."))
+                                                     (funcall delete-recursive
+                                                              (nnheader-concat
+                                                               f-or-d f))))
+                                               (directory-files f-or-d))
+                                       (delete-directory f-or-d)))
+                                  (delete-file f-or-d)))))))
+                     (funcall delete-recursive dir))))))))))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun gnus-agent-batch ()
+   "Start Gnus, send queue and fetch session."
+   (interactive)
+   (let ((init-file-user "")
+       (gnus-always-read-dribble-file t))
+     (gnus))
+   (let ((gnus-agent-confirmation-function 'gnus-agent-batch-confirmation))
+     (gnus-group-send-queue)
+     (gnus-agent-fetch-session)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-unread-articles (group)
+   (let* ((read (gnus-info-read (gnus-get-info group)))
+        (known (gnus-agent-load-alist group))
+        (unread (list nil))
+        (tail-unread unread))
+     (while (and known read)
+       (let ((candidate (car (pop known))))
+       (while (let* ((range (car read))
+                     (min   (if (numberp range) range (car range)))
+                     (max   (if (numberp range) range (cdr range))))
+                (cond ((or (not min)
+                           (< candidate min))
+                       (gnus-agent-append-to-list tail-unread candidate)
+                       nil)
+                      ((> candidate max)
+                       (setq read (cdr read))
+                         ;; return t so that I always loop one more
+                         ;; time.  If I just iterated off the end of
+                         ;; read, min will become nil and the current
+                         ;; candidate will be added to the unread list.
+                         t))))))
+     (while known
+       (gnus-agent-append-to-list tail-unread (car (pop known))))
+     (cdr unread)))
+ (defun gnus-agent-uncached-articles (articles group &optional cached-header)
+   "Restrict ARTICLES to numbers already fetched.
+ Returns a sublist of ARTICLES that excludes thos article ids in GROUP
+ that have already been fetched.
+ If CACHED-HEADER is nil, articles are only excluded if the article itself
+ has been fetched."
+   ;; Logically equivalent to: (gnus-sorted-difference articles (mapcar
+   ;; 'car gnus-agent-article-alist))
+   ;; Functionally, I don't need to construct a temp list using mapcar.
+   (if (and (or gnus-agent-cache (not gnus-plugged))
+            (gnus-agent-load-alist group))
+     (let* ((ref gnus-agent-article-alist)
+            (arts articles)
+            (uncached (list nil))
+            (tail-uncached uncached))
+       (while (and ref arts)
+         (let ((v1 (car arts))
+               (v2 (caar ref)))
+           (cond ((< v1 v2) ; v1 does not appear in the reference list
+                (gnus-agent-append-to-list tail-uncached v1)
+                  (setq arts (cdr arts)))
+                 ((= v1 v2)
+                  (unless (or cached-header (cdar ref)) ; v1 is already cached
+                  (gnus-agent-append-to-list tail-uncached v1))
+                  (setq arts (cdr arts))
+                  (setq ref (cdr ref)))
+                 (t ; reference article (v2) preceeds the list being filtered
+                  (setq ref (cdr ref))))))
+       (while arts
+       (gnus-agent-append-to-list tail-uncached (pop arts)))
+       (cdr uncached))
+     ;; if gnus-agent-load-alist fails, no articles are cached.
+     articles))
+ (defun gnus-agent-retrieve-headers (articles group &optional fetch-old)
+   (save-excursion
+     (gnus-agent-create-buffer)
+     (let ((gnus-decode-encoded-word-function 'identity)
+         (file (gnus-agent-article-name ".overview" group))
+         cached-articles uncached-articles)
+       (gnus-make-directory (nnheader-translate-file-chars
+                           (file-name-directory file) t))
+       ;; Populate temp buffer with known headers
+       (when (file-exists-p file)
+       (with-current-buffer gnus-agent-overview-buffer
+         (erase-buffer)
+         (let ((nnheader-file-coding-system
+                gnus-agent-file-coding-system))
+           (nnheader-insert-nov-file file (car articles)))))
+       (if (setq uncached-articles (gnus-agent-uncached-articles articles group
+                                                                 t))
+         (progn
+             ;; Populate nntp-server-buffer with uncached headers
+           (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+           (erase-buffer)
+             (cond ((not (eq 'nov (let (gnus-agent) ; Turn off agent
+                                    (gnus-retrieve-headers
+                                     uncached-articles group fetch-old))))
+                    (nnvirtual-convert-headers))
+                   ((eq 'nntp (car gnus-current-select-method))
+                    ;; The author of gnus-get-newsgroup-headers-xover
+                    ;; reports that the XOVER command is commonly
+                    ;; unreliable. The problem is that recently
+                    ;; posted articles may not be entered into the
+                    ;; NOV database in time to respond to my XOVER
+                    ;; query.
+                    ;;
+                    ;; I'm going to use his assumption that the NOV
+                    ;; database is updated in order of ascending
+                    ;; article ID.  Therefore, a response containing
+                    ;; article ID N implies that all articles from 1
+                    ;; to N-1 are up-to-date.  Therefore, missing
+                    ;; articles in that range have expired.
+                    (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+                    (let* ((fetched-articles (list nil))
+                           (tail-fetched-articles fetched-articles)
+                           (min (cond ((numberp fetch-old)
+                                       (max 1 (- (car articles) fetch-old)))
+                                      (fetch-old
+                                       1)
+                                      (t
+                                       (car articles))))
+                           (max (car (last articles))))
+                      ;; Get the list of articles that were fetched
+                      (goto-char (point-min))
+                      (let ((pm (point-max)))
+                        (while (< (point) pm)
+                          (when (looking-at "[0-9]+\t")
+                            (gnus-agent-append-to-list
+                             tail-fetched-articles
+                             (read (current-buffer))))
+                          (forward-line 1)))
+                      ;; Clip this list to the headers that will
+                      ;; actually be returned
+                      (setq fetched-articles (gnus-list-range-intersection
+                                              (cdr fetched-articles)
+                                              (cons min max)))
+                      ;; Clip the uncached articles list to exclude
+                      ;; IDs after the last FETCHED header.  The
+                      ;; excluded IDs may be fetchable using HEAD.
+                      (if (car tail-fetched-articles)
+                          (setq uncached-articles
+                                (gnus-list-range-intersection
+                                 uncached-articles
+                                 (cons (car uncached-articles)
+                                       (car tail-fetched-articles)))))
+                      ;; Create the list of articles that were
+                      ;; "successfully" fetched.  Success, in this
+                      ;; case, means that the ID should not be
+                      ;; fetched again.  In the case of an expired
+                      ;; article, the header will not be fetched.
+                      (setq uncached-articles
+                            (gnus-sorted-nunion fetched-articles
+                                                uncached-articles))
+                      )))
+             ;; Erase the temp buffer
+           (set-buffer gnus-agent-overview-buffer)
+           (erase-buffer)
+             ;; Copy the nntp-server-buffer to the temp buffer
+           (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+           (copy-to-buffer gnus-agent-overview-buffer (point-min) (point-max))
+             ;; Merge the temp buffer with the known headers (found on
+             ;; disk in FILE) into the nntp-server-buffer
+           (when (and uncached-articles (file-exists-p file))
+             (gnus-agent-braid-nov group uncached-articles file))
+             ;; Save the new set of known headers to FILE
+           (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+           (let ((coding-system-for-write
+                  gnus-agent-file-coding-system))
+             (gnus-agent-check-overview-buffer)
+             (write-region (point-min) (point-max) file nil 'silent))
+             ;; Update the group's article alist to include the newly
+             ;; fetched articles.
+           (gnus-agent-load-alist group)
+           (gnus-agent-save-alist group uncached-articles nil)
+             )
+         ;; Copy the temp buffer to the nntp-server-buffer
+         (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+       (erase-buffer)
+       (insert-buffer-substring gnus-agent-overview-buffer)))
+     (if (and fetch-old
+            (not (numberp fetch-old)))
+       t                               ; Don't remove anything.
+       (nnheader-nov-delete-outside-range
+        (if fetch-old (max 1 (- (car articles) fetch-old))
+        (car articles))
+        (car (last articles)))
+       t)
+     'nov))
+ (defun gnus-agent-request-article (article group)
+   "Retrieve ARTICLE in GROUP from the agent cache."
+   (when (and gnus-agent
+              (or gnus-agent-cache
+                  (not gnus-plugged))
+              (numberp article))
+     (let* ((gnus-command-method (gnus-find-method-for-group group))
+            (file (gnus-agent-article-name (number-to-string article) group))
+            (buffer-read-only nil))
+       (when (and (file-exists-p file)
+                  (> (nth 7 (file-attributes file)) 0))
+         (erase-buffer)
+         (gnus-kill-all-overlays)
+         (let ((coding-system-for-read gnus-cache-coding-system))
+           (insert-file-contents file))
+         t))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-regenerate-group (group &optional reread)
+   "Regenerate GROUP.
+ If REREAD is t, all articles in the .overview are marked as unread.
+ If REREAD is a list, the specified articles will be marked as unread.
+ In addition, their NOV entries in .overview will be refreshed using
+ the articles' current headers.
+ If REREAD is not nil, downloaded articles are marked as unread."
+   (interactive
+    (list (let ((def (or (gnus-group-group-name)
+                         gnus-newsgroup-name)))
+            (let ((select (read-string (if def
+                                           (concat "Group Name ("
+                                                   def "): ")
+                                         "Group Name: "))))
+              (if (and (equal "" select)
+                       def)
+                  def
+                select)))
+          (catch 'mark
+            (while (let (c
+                         (cursor-in-echo-area t)
+                         (echo-keystrokes 0))
+                     (message "Mark as unread: (n)one / (a)ll / all 
(d)ownloaded articles? (n) ")
+                     (setq c (read-char-exclusive))
+                     (cond ((or (eq c ?\r) (eq c ?n) (eq c ?N))
+                            (throw 'mark nil))
+                           ((or (eq c ?a) (eq c ?A))
+                            (throw 'mark t))
+                           ((or (eq c ?d) (eq c ?D))
+                            (throw 'mark 'some)))
+                     (gnus-message 3 "Ignoring unexpected input")
+                     (sit-for 1)
+                     t)))))
+   (when group
+       (gnus-message 5 "Regenerating in %s" group)
+       (let* ((gnus-command-method (or gnus-command-method
+                                       (gnus-find-method-for-group group)))
+              (file (gnus-agent-article-name ".overview" group))
+              (dir (file-name-directory file))
+              point
+              (downloaded (if (file-exists-p dir)
+                              (sort (mapcar (lambda (name) (string-to-int 
+                                            (directory-files dir nil 
"^[0-9]+$" t))
+                                    '>)
+                            (progn (gnus-make-directory dir) nil)))
+              dl nov-arts
+              alist header
+              regenerated)
+         (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+           (if (file-exists-p file)
+               (let ((nnheader-file-coding-system
+                      gnus-agent-file-coding-system))
+                 (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)))
+           (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+           ;; Load the article IDs found in the overview file.  As a
+           ;; side-effect, validate the file contents.
+           (let ((load t))
+             (while load
+               (setq load nil)
+               (goto-char (point-min))
+               (while (< (point) (point-max))
+                 (cond ((and (looking-at "[0-9]+\t")
+                             (<= (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0)) 9))
+                        (push (read (current-buffer)) nov-arts)
+                        (forward-line 1)
+                        (let ((l1 (car nov-arts))
+                              (l2 (cadr nov-arts)))
+                          (cond ((and (listp reread) (memq l1 reread))
+                                 (gnus-delete-line)
+                                 (setq nov-arts (cdr nov-arts))
+                                 (gnus-message 4 "gnus-agent-regenerate-group: 
+ entry of article %s deleted." l1))
+                                ((not l2)
+                                 nil)
+                                ((< l1 l2)
+                                 (gnus-message 3 "gnus-agent-regenerate-group: 
+  entries are NOT in ascending order.")
+                                 ;; Don't sort now as I haven't verified
+                                 ;; that every line begins with a number
+                                 (setq load t))
+                                ((= l1 l2)
+                                 (forward-line -1)
+                                 (gnus-message 4 "gnus-agent-regenerate-group: 
+  entries contained duplicate of article %s.    Duplicate deleted." l1)
+                                 (gnus-delete-line)
+                                 (setq nov-arts (cdr nov-arts))))))
+                       (t
+                        (gnus-message 1 "gnus-agent-regenerate-group: NOV\
+  entries contained line that did not begin with an article number.  Deleted\
+  line.")
+                        (gnus-delete-line))))
+               (when load
+               (gnus-message 5 "gnus-agent-regenerate-group: Sorting NOV\
+  entries into ascending order.")
+               (sort-numeric-fields 1 (point-min) (point-max))
+               (setq nov-arts nil))))
+           (gnus-agent-check-overview-buffer)
+           ;; Construct a new article alist whose nodes match every header
+           ;; in the .overview file.  As a side-effect, missing headers are
+           ;; reconstructed from the downloaded article file.
+           (while (or downloaded nov-arts)
+             (cond ((and downloaded
+                         (or (not nov-arts)
+                             (> (car downloaded) (car nov-arts))))
+                    ;; This entry is missing from the overview file
+                    (gnus-message 3 "Regenerating NOV %s %d..." group
+                                  (car downloaded))
+                    (let ((file (concat dir (number-to-string (car 
+                      (mm-with-unibyte-buffer
+                        (nnheader-insert-file-contents file)
+                        (nnheader-remove-body)
+                        (setq header (nnheader-parse-naked-head)))
+                      (mail-header-set-number header (car downloaded))
+                      (if nov-arts
+                          (let ((key (concat "^" (int-to-string (car nov-arts))
+                                             "\t")))
+                            (or (re-search-backward key nil t)
+                                (re-search-forward key))
+                            (forward-line 1))
+                        (goto-char (point-min)))
+                      (nnheader-insert-nov header))
+                    (setq nov-arts (cons (car downloaded) nov-arts)))
+                   ((eq (car downloaded) (car nov-arts))
+                    ;; This entry in the overview has been downloaded
+                    (push (cons (car downloaded)
+                                (time-to-days
+                                 (nth 5 (file-attributes
+                                         (concat dir (number-to-string
+                                                      (car downloaded))))))) 
+                    (setq downloaded (cdr downloaded))
+                    (setq nov-arts (cdr nov-arts)))
+                   (t
+                    ;; This entry in the overview has not been downloaded
+                    (push (cons (car nov-arts) nil) alist)
+                    (setq nov-arts (cdr nov-arts)))))
+           ;; When gnus-agent-consider-all-articles is set,
+           ;; gnus-agent-regenerate-group should NOT remove article IDs from
+           ;; the alist.  Those IDs serve as markers to indicate that an
+           ;; attempt has been made to fetch that article's header.
+           ;; When gnus-agent-consider-all-articles is NOT set,
+           ;; gnus-agent-regenerate-group can remove the article ID of every
+           ;; article (with the exception of the last ID in the list - it's
+           ;; special) that no longer appears in the overview.  In this
+           ;; situtation, the last article ID in the list implies that it,
+           ;; and every article ID preceeding it, have been fetched from the
+           ;; server.
+           (if gnus-agent-consider-all-articles
+               ;; Restore all article IDs that were not found in the overview 
+               (let* ((n (cons nil alist))
+                      (merged n)
+                      (o (gnus-agent-load-alist group)))
+                 (while o
+                   (let ((nID (caadr n))
+                         (oID (caar o)))
+                     (cond ((not nID)
+                            (setq n (setcdr n (list (list oID))))
+                            (setq o (cdr o)))
+                           ((< oID nID)
+                            (setcdr n (cons (list oID) (cdr n)))
+                            (setq o (cdr o)))
+                           ((= oID nID)
+                            (setq o (cdr o))
+                            (setq n (cdr n)))
+                           (t
+                            (setq n (cdr n))))))
+                 (setq alist (cdr merged)))
+             ;; Restore the last article ID if it is not already in the new 
+             (let ((n (last alist))
+                   (o (last (gnus-agent-load-alist group))))
+               (cond ((not o)
+                      nil)
+                     ((not n)
+                      (push (cons (caar o) nil) alist))
+                     ((< (caar n) (caar o))
+                      (setcdr n (list (car o)))))))
+           (let ((inhibit-quit t))
+             (if (setq regenerated (buffer-modified-p))
+                 (let ((coding-system-for-write gnus-agent-file-coding-system))
+                   (write-region (point-min) (point-max) file nil 'silent)))
+             (setq regenerated (or regenerated
+                                   (and reread gnus-agent-article-alist)
+                                   (not (equal alist 
+             (setq gnus-agent-article-alist alist)
+             (when regenerated
+               (gnus-agent-save-alist group)
+               ;; I have to alter the group's active range NOW as
+               ;; gnus-make-ascending-articles-unread will use it to
+               ;; recalculate the number of unread articles in the group
+               (let ((group (gnus-group-real-name group))
+                     (group-active (gnus-active group)))
+                 (gnus-agent-possibly-alter-active group group-active)))))
+         (when (and reread gnus-agent-article-alist)
+           (gnus-make-ascending-articles-unread
+            group
+            (if (listp reread)
+                reread
+              (delq nil (mapcar (function (lambda (c)
+                                            (cond ((eq reread t)
+                                                   (car c))
+                                                  ((cdr c)
+                                                   (car c)))))
+                                gnus-agent-article-alist))))
+           (when (gnus-buffer-live-p gnus-group-buffer)
+             (gnus-group-update-group group t)
+             (sit-for 0)))
+         (gnus-message 5 nil)
+         regenerated)))
+ ;;;###autoload
+ (defun gnus-agent-regenerate (&optional clean reread)
+   "Regenerate all agent covered files.
+ If CLEAN, obsolete (ignore)."
+   (interactive "P")
+   (let (regenerated)
+     (gnus-message 4 "Regenerating Gnus agent files...")
+     (dolist (gnus-command-method (gnus-agent-covered-methods))
+         (dolist (group (gnus-groups-from-server gnus-command-method))
+           (setq regenerated (or (gnus-agent-regenerate-group group reread)
+                                 regenerated))))
+     (gnus-message 4 "Regenerating Gnus agent files...done")
+     regenerated))
+ (defun gnus-agent-go-online (&optional force)
+   "Switch servers into online status."
+   (interactive (list t))
+   (dolist (server gnus-opened-servers)
+     (when (eq (nth 1 server) 'offline)
+       (if (if (eq force 'ask)
+             (gnus-y-or-n-p
+              (format "Switch %s:%s into online status? "
+                      (caar server) (cadar server)))
+           force)
+         (setcar (nthcdr 1 server) 'close)))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-toggle-group-plugged (group)
+   "Toggle the status of the server of the current group."
+   (interactive (list (gnus-group-group-name)))
+   (let* ((method (gnus-find-method-for-group group))
+        (status (cadr (assoc method gnus-opened-servers))))
+     (if (eq status 'offline)
+       (gnus-server-set-status method 'closed)
+       (gnus-close-server method)
+       (gnus-server-set-status method 'offline))
+     (message "Turn %s:%s from %s to %s." (car method) (cadr method)
+            (if (eq status 'offline) 'offline 'online)
+            (if (eq status 'offline) 'online 'offline))))
+ (defun gnus-agent-group-covered-p (group)
+   (gnus-agent-method-p (gnus-group-method group)))
+ (add-hook 'gnus-group-prepare-hook
+           (lambda ()
+             'gnus-agent-do-once
+             (when (listp gnus-agent-expire-days)
+               (beep)
+               (beep)
+               (gnus-message 1 "WARNING: gnus-agent-expire-days no longer\
+  supports being set to a list.")(sleep-for 3)
+               (gnus-message 1 "Change your configuration to set it to an\
+  integer.")(sleep-for 3)
+               (gnus-message 1 "I am now setting group parameters on each\
+  group to match the configuration that the list offered.")
+               (save-excursion
+                 (let ((groups (gnus-group-listed-groups)))
+                   (while groups
+                     (let* ((group (pop groups))
+                            (days gnus-agent-expire-days)
+                            (day (catch 'found
+                                   (while days
+                                     (when (eq 0 (string-match
+                                                  (caar days)
+                                                  group))
+                                       (throw 'found (cadar days)))
+                                     (setq days (cdr days)))
+                                   nil)))
+                       (when day
+                         (gnus-group-set-parameter group 'agent-days-until-old
+                                                   day))))))
+               (let ((h gnus-group-prepare-hook))
+                 (while h
+                   (let ((func (pop h)))
+                     (when (and (listp func)
+                                (eq (cadr (caddr func)) 'gnus-agent-do-once))
+                       (remove-hook 'gnus-group-prepare-hook func)
+                       (setq h nil)))))
+               (gnus-message 1 "I have finished setting group parameters on\
+  each group. You may now customize your groups and/or topics to control the\
+  agent."))))
+ (provide 'gnus-agent)
+ ;;; arch-tag: b0ba4afc-5229-4cee-ad25-9956daa4e91e
+ ;;; gnus-agent.el ends here

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