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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/macfns.c [gnus-5_10-branch]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/src/macfns.c [gnus-5_10-branch]
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 08:29:22 -0400

Index: emacs/src/macfns.c
diff -c /dev/null emacs/src/macfns.c:
*** /dev/null   Sat Sep  4 12:03:32 2004
--- emacs/src/macfns.c  Sat Sep  4 12:01:18 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,4609 ----
+ /* Graphical user interface functions for Mac OS.
+    Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+ /* Contributed by Andrew Choi (address@hidden).  */
+ #include <config.h>
+ #include <signal.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <math.h>
+ #include <limits.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include "lisp.h"
+ #include "charset.h"
+ #include "macterm.h"
+ #include "frame.h"
+ #include "window.h"
+ #include "buffer.h"
+ #include "dispextern.h"
+ #include "fontset.h"
+ #include "intervals.h"
+ #include "keyboard.h"
+ #include "blockinput.h"
+ #include "epaths.h"
+ #include "termhooks.h"
+ #include "coding.h"
+ #include "systime.h"
+ /* #include "bitmaps/gray.xbm" */
+ #define gray_width 2
+ #define gray_height 2
+ static unsigned char gray_bits[] = {
+    0x01, 0x02};
+ /*#include <commdlg.h>
+ #include <shellapi.h>*/
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ /*extern void free_frame_menubar ();
+ extern double atof ();
+ extern int w32_console_toggle_lock_key (int vk_code, Lisp_Object new_state);
+ extern int quit_char;*/
+ extern char *lispy_function_keys[];
+ /* The gray bitmap `bitmaps/gray'.  This is done because macterm.c uses
+    it, and including `bitmaps/gray' more than once is a problem when
+    config.h defines `static' as an empty replacement string.  */
+ int gray_bitmap_width = gray_width;
+ int gray_bitmap_height = gray_height;
+ unsigned char *gray_bitmap_bits = gray_bits;
+ /* Non-zero means we're allowed to display an hourglass cursor.  */
+ int display_hourglass_p;
+ /* The background and shape of the mouse pointer, and shape when not
+    over text or in the modeline.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vx_pointer_shape, Vx_nontext_pointer_shape, Vx_mode_pointer_shape;
+ Lisp_Object Vx_hourglass_pointer_shape;
+ /* The shape when over mouse-sensitive text.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vx_sensitive_text_pointer_shape;
+ /* If non-nil, the pointer shape to indicate that windows can be
+    dragged horizontally.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vx_window_horizontal_drag_shape;
+ /* Color of chars displayed in cursor box.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vx_cursor_fore_pixel;
+ /* Nonzero if using Windows.  */
+ static int mac_in_use;
+ /* Non nil if no window manager is in use.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vx_no_window_manager;
+ /* Regexp matching a font name whose width is the same as `PIXEL_SIZE'.  */
+ Lisp_Object Vx_pixel_size_width_font_regexp;
+ /* Evaluate this expression to rebuild the section of syms_of_macfns
+    that initializes and staticpros the symbols declared below.  Note
+    that Emacs 18 has a bug that keeps C-x C-e from being able to
+    evaluate this expression.
+ (progn
+   ;; Accumulate a list of the symbols we want to initialize from the
+   ;; declarations at the top of the file.
+   (goto-char (point-min))
+   (search-forward "/\*&&& symbols declared here &&&*\/\n")
+   (let (symbol-list)
+     (while (looking-at "Lisp_Object \\(Q[a-z_]+\\)")
+       (setq symbol-list
+           (cons (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
+                 symbol-list))
+       (forward-line 1))
+     (setq symbol-list (nreverse symbol-list))
+     ;; Delete the section of syms_of_... where we initialize the symbols.
+     (search-forward "\n  /\*&&& init symbols here &&&*\/\n")
+     (let ((start (point)))
+       (while (looking-at "^  Q")
+       (forward-line 2))
+       (kill-region start (point)))
+     ;; Write a new symbol initialization section.
+     (while symbol-list
+       (insert (format "  %s = intern (\"" (car symbol-list)))
+       (let ((start (point)))
+       (insert (substring (car symbol-list) 1))
+       (subst-char-in-region start (point) ?_ ?-))
+       (insert (format "\");\n  staticpro (&%s);\n" (car symbol-list)))
+       (setq symbol-list (cdr symbol-list)))))
+   */
+ /*&&& symbols declared here &&&*/
+ Lisp_Object Qnone;
+ Lisp_Object Qsuppress_icon;
+ Lisp_Object Qundefined_color;
+ Lisp_Object Qcancel_timer;
+ Lisp_Object Qhyper;
+ Lisp_Object Qsuper;
+ Lisp_Object Qmeta;
+ Lisp_Object Qalt;
+ Lisp_Object Qctrl;
+ Lisp_Object Qcontrol;
+ Lisp_Object Qshift;
+ extern Lisp_Object Vwindow_system_version;
+ extern int mac_initialized;
+ /* compare two strings ignoring case */
+ static int
+ stricmp (const char *s, const char *t)
+ {
+   for ( ; tolower (*s) == tolower (*t); s++, t++)
+     if (*s == '\0')
+       return 0;
+   return tolower (*s) - tolower (*t);
+ }
+ /* compare two strings up to n characters, ignoring case */
+ static int
+ strnicmp (const char *s, const char *t, unsigned int n)
+ {
+   for ( ; n-- > 0 && tolower (*s) == tolower (*t); s++, t++)
+     if (*s == '\0')
+       return 0;
+   return n == 0 ? 0 : tolower (*s) - tolower (*t);
+ }
+ /* Error if we are not running on Mac OS.  */
+ void
+ check_mac ()
+ {
+   if (! mac_in_use)
+     error ("Mac OS not in use or not initialized");
+ }
+ /* Nonzero if we can use mouse menus.
+    You should not call this unless HAVE_MENUS is defined.  */
+ int
+ have_menus_p ()
+ {
+   return mac_in_use;
+ }
+ /* Extract a frame as a FRAME_PTR, defaulting to the selected frame
+    and checking validity for Mac.  */
+ check_x_frame (frame)
+      Lisp_Object frame;
+ {
+   FRAME_PTR f;
+   if (NILP (frame))
+     frame = selected_frame;
+   CHECK_LIVE_FRAME (frame);
+   f = XFRAME (frame);
+   if (! FRAME_MAC_P (f))
+     error ("non-mac frame used");
+   return f;
+ }
+ /* Let the user specify a display with a frame.
+    nil stands for the selected frame--or, if that is not a mac frame,
+    the first display on the list.  */
+ struct mac_display_info *
+ check_x_display_info (frame)
+      Lisp_Object frame;
+ {
+   if (!mac_initialized)
+     {
+       mac_initialize ();
+       mac_initialized = 1;
+     }
+   if (NILP (frame))
+     {
+       struct frame *sf = XFRAME (selected_frame);
+       if (FRAME_MAC_P (sf) && FRAME_LIVE_P (sf))
+       return FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (sf);
+       else
+       return &one_mac_display_info;
+     }
+   else if (STRINGP (frame))
+     return x_display_info_for_name (frame);
+   else
+     {
+       FRAME_PTR f;
+       CHECK_LIVE_FRAME (frame);
+       f = XFRAME (frame);
+       if (! FRAME_MAC_P (f))
+       error ("non-mac frame used");
+       return FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (f);
+     }
+ }
+ /* Return the Emacs frame-object corresponding to a mac window.
+    It could be the frame's main window or an icon window.  */
+ /* This function can be called during GC, so use GC_xxx type test macros.  */
+ struct frame *
+ x_window_to_frame (dpyinfo, wdesc)
+      struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo;
+      WindowPtr wdesc;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object tail, frame;
+   struct frame *f;
+   for (tail = Vframe_list; GC_CONSP (tail); tail = XCDR (tail))
+     {
+       frame = XCAR (tail);
+       if (!GC_FRAMEP (frame))
+         continue;
+       f = XFRAME (frame);
+       if (!FRAME_W32_P (f) || FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (f) != dpyinfo)
+       continue;
+       /*if (f->output_data.w32->hourglass_window == wdesc)
+         return f;*/
+       /* MAC_TODO: Check tooltips when supported.  */
+       if (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f) == wdesc)
+         return f;
+     }
+   return 0;
+ }
+ static Lisp_Object unwind_create_frame P_ ((Lisp_Object));
+ void x_set_foreground_color P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+ void x_set_background_color P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+ void x_set_mouse_color P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+ void x_set_cursor_color P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+ void x_set_border_color P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+ void x_set_cursor_type P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+ void x_set_icon_type P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+ void x_set_icon_name P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+ void x_explicitly_set_name P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+ void x_set_menu_bar_lines P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+ void x_set_title P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+ void x_set_tool_bar_lines P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+ void x_set_scroll_bar_foreground P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object,
+                                     Lisp_Object));
+ void x_set_scroll_bar_background P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object,
+                                     Lisp_Object));
+ static Lisp_Object x_default_scroll_bar_color_parameter P_ ((struct frame *,
+                                                            Lisp_Object,
+                                                            Lisp_Object,
+                                                            char *, char *,
+                                                            int));
+ /* Store the screen positions of frame F into XPTR and YPTR.
+    These are the positions of the containing window manager window,
+    not Emacs's own window.  */
+ void
+ x_real_positions (f, xptr, yptr)
+      FRAME_PTR f;
+      int *xptr, *yptr;
+ {
+   Point pt;
+   GrafPtr oldport;
+   GetPort (&oldport);
+   SetPortWindowPort (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f));
+   {
+     Rect r;
+     GetWindowPortBounds (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f), &r);
+     SetPt (&pt, r.left, r.top);
+   }
+ #else /* not TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON */
+   SetPt (&pt,
+        FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f)->portRect.left,
+        FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f)->portRect.top);
+ #endif /* not TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON */
+   LocalToGlobal (&pt);
+   SetPort (oldport);
+   /* MAC has no frame pixel diff.  */
+   f->x_pixels_diff = 0;
+   f->y_pixels_diff = 0;
+   *xptr = pt.h;
+   *yptr = pt.v;
+ }
+ /* The default colors for the Mac color map */
+ typedef struct colormap_t
+ {
+   unsigned long color;
+   char *name;
+ } colormap_t;
+ colormap_t mac_color_map[] =
+ {
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 250, 250), "snow" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(248, 248, 255), "ghost white" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(248, 248, 255), "GhostWhite" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(245, 245, 245), "white smoke" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(245, 245, 245), "WhiteSmoke" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(220, 220, 220), "gainsboro" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 250, 240), "floral white" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 250, 240), "FloralWhite" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(253, 245, 230), "old lace" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(253, 245, 230), "OldLace" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(250, 240, 230), "linen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(250, 235, 215), "antique white" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(250, 235, 215), "AntiqueWhite" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 239, 213), "papaya whip" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 239, 213), "PapayaWhip" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 235, 205), "blanched almond" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 235, 205), "BlanchedAlmond" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 228, 196), "bisque" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 218, 185), "peach puff" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 218, 185), "PeachPuff" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 222, 173), "navajo white" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 222, 173), "NavajoWhite" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 228, 181), "moccasin" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 248, 220), "cornsilk" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 255, 240), "ivory" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 250, 205), "lemon chiffon" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 250, 205), "LemonChiffon" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 245, 238), "seashell" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(240, 255, 240), "honeydew" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(245, 255, 250), "mint cream" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(245, 255, 250), "MintCream" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(240, 255, 255), "azure" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(240, 248, 255), "alice blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(240, 248, 255), "AliceBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(230, 230, 250), "lavender" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 240, 245), "lavender blush" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 240, 245), "LavenderBlush" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 228, 225), "misty rose" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 228, 225), "MistyRose" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 255, 255), "white" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 0  ), "black" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(47 , 79 , 79 ), "dark slate gray" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(47 , 79 , 79 ), "DarkSlateGray" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(47 , 79 , 79 ), "dark slate grey" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(47 , 79 , 79 ), "DarkSlateGrey" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(105, 105, 105), "dim gray" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(105, 105, 105), "DimGray" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(105, 105, 105), "dim grey" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(105, 105, 105), "DimGrey" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(112, 128, 144), "slate gray" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(112, 128, 144), "SlateGray" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(112, 128, 144), "slate grey" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(112, 128, 144), "SlateGrey" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(119, 136, 153), "light slate gray" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(119, 136, 153), "LightSlateGray" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(119, 136, 153), "light slate grey" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(119, 136, 153), "LightSlateGrey" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(190, 190, 190), "gray" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(190, 190, 190), "grey" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(211, 211, 211), "light grey" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(211, 211, 211), "LightGrey" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(211, 211, 211), "light gray" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(211, 211, 211), "LightGray" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(25 , 25 , 112), "midnight blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(25 , 25 , 112), "MidnightBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 128), "navy" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 128), "navy blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 128), "NavyBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(100, 149, 237), "cornflower blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(100, 149, 237), "CornflowerBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(72 , 61 , 139), "dark slate blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(72 , 61 , 139), "DarkSlateBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(106, 90 , 205), "slate blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(106, 90 , 205), "SlateBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(123, 104, 238), "medium slate blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(123, 104, 238), "MediumSlateBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(132, 112, 255), "light slate blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(132, 112, 255), "LightSlateBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 205), "medium blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 205), "MediumBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(65 , 105, 225), "royal blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(65 , 105, 225), "RoyalBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 255), "blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(30 , 144, 255), "dodger blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(30 , 144, 255), "DodgerBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 191, 255), "deep sky blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 191, 255), "DeepSkyBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(135, 206, 235), "sky blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(135, 206, 235), "SkyBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(135, 206, 250), "light sky blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(135, 206, 250), "LightSkyBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(70 , 130, 180), "steel blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(70 , 130, 180), "SteelBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(176, 196, 222), "light steel blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(176, 196, 222), "LightSteelBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(173, 216, 230), "light blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(173, 216, 230), "LightBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(176, 224, 230), "powder blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(176, 224, 230), "PowderBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(175, 238, 238), "pale turquoise" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(175, 238, 238), "PaleTurquoise" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 206, 209), "dark turquoise" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 206, 209), "DarkTurquoise" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(72 , 209, 204), "medium turquoise" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(72 , 209, 204), "MediumTurquoise" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(64 , 224, 208), "turquoise" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 255, 255), "cyan" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(224, 255, 255), "light cyan" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(224, 255, 255), "LightCyan" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(95 , 158, 160), "cadet blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(95 , 158, 160), "CadetBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(102, 205, 170), "medium aquamarine" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(102, 205, 170), "MediumAquamarine" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(127, 255, 212), "aquamarine" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 100, 0  ), "dark green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 100, 0  ), "DarkGreen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(85 , 107, 47 ), "dark olive green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(85 , 107, 47 ), "DarkOliveGreen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(143, 188, 143), "dark sea green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(143, 188, 143), "DarkSeaGreen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(46 , 139, 87 ), "sea green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(46 , 139, 87 ), "SeaGreen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(60 , 179, 113), "medium sea green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(60 , 179, 113), "MediumSeaGreen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(32 , 178, 170), "light sea green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(32 , 178, 170), "LightSeaGreen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(152, 251, 152), "pale green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(152, 251, 152), "PaleGreen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 255, 127), "spring green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 255, 127), "SpringGreen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(124, 252, 0  ), "lawn green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(124, 252, 0  ), "LawnGreen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 255, 0  ), "green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(127, 255, 0  ), "chartreuse" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 250, 154), "medium spring green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 250, 154), "MediumSpringGreen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(173, 255, 47 ), "green yellow" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(173, 255, 47 ), "GreenYellow" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(50 , 205, 50 ), "lime green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(50 , 205, 50 ), "LimeGreen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(154, 205, 50 ), "yellow green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(154, 205, 50 ), "YellowGreen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(34 , 139, 34 ), "forest green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(34 , 139, 34 ), "ForestGreen" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(107, 142, 35 ), "olive drab" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(107, 142, 35 ), "OliveDrab" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(189, 183, 107), "dark khaki" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(189, 183, 107), "DarkKhaki" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(240, 230, 140), "khaki" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 232, 170), "pale goldenrod" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 232, 170), "PaleGoldenrod" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(250, 250, 210), "light goldenrod yellow" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(250, 250, 210), "LightGoldenrodYellow" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 255, 224), "light yellow" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 255, 224), "LightYellow" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 255, 0  ), "yellow" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 215, 0  ), "gold" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 221, 130), "light goldenrod" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 221, 130), "LightGoldenrod" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(218, 165, 32 ), "goldenrod" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(184, 134, 11 ), "dark goldenrod" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(184, 134, 11 ), "DarkGoldenrod" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(188, 143, 143), "rosy brown" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(188, 143, 143), "RosyBrown" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 92 , 92 ), "indian red" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 92 , 92 ), "IndianRed" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 69 , 19 ), "saddle brown" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 69 , 19 ), "SaddleBrown" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(160, 82 , 45 ), "sienna" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 133, 63 ), "peru" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(222, 184, 135), "burlywood" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(245, 245, 220), "beige" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(245, 222, 179), "wheat" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(244, 164, 96 ), "sandy brown" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(244, 164, 96 ), "SandyBrown" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(210, 180, 140), "tan" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(210, 105, 30 ), "chocolate" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(178, 34 , 34 ), "firebrick" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(165, 42 , 42 ), "brown" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(233, 150, 122), "dark salmon" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(233, 150, 122), "DarkSalmon" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(250, 128, 114), "salmon" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 160, 122), "light salmon" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 160, 122), "LightSalmon" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 165, 0  ), "orange" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 140, 0  ), "dark orange" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 140, 0  ), "DarkOrange" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 127, 80 ), "coral" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(240, 128, 128), "light coral" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(240, 128, 128), "LightCoral" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 99 , 71 ), "tomato" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 69 , 0  ), "orange red" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 69 , 0  ), "OrangeRed" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 0  , 0  ), "red" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 105, 180), "hot pink" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 105, 180), "HotPink" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 20 , 147), "deep pink" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 20 , 147), "DeepPink" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 192, 203), "pink" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 182, 193), "light pink" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 182, 193), "LightPink" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(219, 112, 147), "pale violet red" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(219, 112, 147), "PaleVioletRed" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(176, 48 , 96 ), "maroon" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(199, 21 , 133), "medium violet red" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(199, 21 , 133), "MediumVioletRed" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(208, 32 , 144), "violet red" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(208, 32 , 144), "VioletRed" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 0  , 255), "magenta" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 130, 238), "violet" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(221, 160, 221), "plum" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(218, 112, 214), "orchid" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(186, 85 , 211), "medium orchid" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(186, 85 , 211), "MediumOrchid" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(153, 50 , 204), "dark orchid" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(153, 50 , 204), "DarkOrchid" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(148, 0  , 211), "dark violet" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(148, 0  , 211), "DarkViolet" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(138, 43 , 226), "blue violet" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(138, 43 , 226), "BlueViolet" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(160, 32 , 240), "purple" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(147, 112, 219), "medium purple" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(147, 112, 219), "MediumPurple" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(216, 191, 216), "thistle" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 250, 250), "snow1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 233, 233), "snow2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 201, 201), "snow3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 137, 137), "snow4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 245, 238), "seashell1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 229, 222), "seashell2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 197, 191), "seashell3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 134, 130), "seashell4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 239, 219), "AntiqueWhite1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 223, 204), "AntiqueWhite2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 192, 176), "AntiqueWhite3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 131, 120), "AntiqueWhite4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 228, 196), "bisque1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 213, 183), "bisque2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 183, 158), "bisque3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 125, 107), "bisque4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 218, 185), "PeachPuff1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 203, 173), "PeachPuff2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 175, 149), "PeachPuff3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 119, 101), "PeachPuff4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 222, 173), "NavajoWhite1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 207, 161), "NavajoWhite2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 179, 139), "NavajoWhite3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 121, 94), "NavajoWhite4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 250, 205), "LemonChiffon1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 233, 191), "LemonChiffon2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 201, 165), "LemonChiffon3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 137, 112), "LemonChiffon4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 248, 220), "cornsilk1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 232, 205), "cornsilk2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 200, 177), "cornsilk3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 136, 120), "cornsilk4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 255, 240), "ivory1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 238, 224), "ivory2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 205, 193), "ivory3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 139, 131), "ivory4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(240, 255, 240), "honeydew1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(224, 238, 224), "honeydew2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(193, 205, 193), "honeydew3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(131, 139, 131), "honeydew4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 240, 245), "LavenderBlush1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 224, 229), "LavenderBlush2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 193, 197), "LavenderBlush3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 131, 134), "LavenderBlush4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 228, 225), "MistyRose1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 213, 210), "MistyRose2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 183, 181), "MistyRose3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 125, 123), "MistyRose4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(240, 255, 255), "azure1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(224, 238, 238), "azure2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(193, 205, 205), "azure3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(131, 139, 139), "azure4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(131, 111, 255), "SlateBlue1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(122, 103, 238), "SlateBlue2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(105, 89 , 205), "SlateBlue3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(71 , 60 , 139), "SlateBlue4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(72 , 118, 255), "RoyalBlue1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(67 , 110, 238), "RoyalBlue2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(58 , 95 , 205), "RoyalBlue3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(39 , 64 , 139), "RoyalBlue4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 255), "blue1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 238), "blue2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 205), "blue3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 139), "blue4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(30 , 144, 255), "DodgerBlue1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(28 , 134, 238), "DodgerBlue2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(24 , 116, 205), "DodgerBlue3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(16 , 78 , 139), "DodgerBlue4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(99 , 184, 255), "SteelBlue1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(92 , 172, 238), "SteelBlue2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(79 , 148, 205), "SteelBlue3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(54 , 100, 139), "SteelBlue4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 191, 255), "DeepSkyBlue1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 178, 238), "DeepSkyBlue2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 154, 205), "DeepSkyBlue3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 104, 139), "DeepSkyBlue4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(135, 206, 255), "SkyBlue1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(126, 192, 238), "SkyBlue2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(108, 166, 205), "SkyBlue3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(74 , 112, 139), "SkyBlue4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(176, 226, 255), "LightSkyBlue1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(164, 211, 238), "LightSkyBlue2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(141, 182, 205), "LightSkyBlue3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(96 , 123, 139), "LightSkyBlue4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(198, 226, 255), "SlateGray1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(185, 211, 238), "SlateGray2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(159, 182, 205), "SlateGray3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(108, 123, 139), "SlateGray4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(202, 225, 255), "LightSteelBlue1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(188, 210, 238), "LightSteelBlue2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(162, 181, 205), "LightSteelBlue3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(110, 123, 139), "LightSteelBlue4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(191, 239, 255), "LightBlue1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(178, 223, 238), "LightBlue2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(154, 192, 205), "LightBlue3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(104, 131, 139), "LightBlue4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(224, 255, 255), "LightCyan1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(209, 238, 238), "LightCyan2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(180, 205, 205), "LightCyan3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(122, 139, 139), "LightCyan4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(187, 255, 255), "PaleTurquoise1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(174, 238, 238), "PaleTurquoise2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(150, 205, 205), "PaleTurquoise3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(102, 139, 139), "PaleTurquoise4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(152, 245, 255), "CadetBlue1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(142, 229, 238), "CadetBlue2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(122, 197, 205), "CadetBlue3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(83 , 134, 139), "CadetBlue4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 245, 255), "turquoise1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 229, 238), "turquoise2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 197, 205), "turquoise3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 134, 139), "turquoise4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 255, 255), "cyan1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 238, 238), "cyan2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 205, 205), "cyan3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 139, 139), "cyan4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(151, 255, 255), "DarkSlateGray1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(141, 238, 238), "DarkSlateGray2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(121, 205, 205), "DarkSlateGray3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(82 , 139, 139), "DarkSlateGray4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(127, 255, 212), "aquamarine1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(118, 238, 198), "aquamarine2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(102, 205, 170), "aquamarine3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(69 , 139, 116), "aquamarine4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(193, 255, 193), "DarkSeaGreen1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(180, 238, 180), "DarkSeaGreen2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(155, 205, 155), "DarkSeaGreen3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(105, 139, 105), "DarkSeaGreen4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(84 , 255, 159), "SeaGreen1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(78 , 238, 148), "SeaGreen2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(67 , 205, 128), "SeaGreen3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(46 , 139, 87 ), "SeaGreen4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(154, 255, 154), "PaleGreen1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(144, 238, 144), "PaleGreen2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(124, 205, 124), "PaleGreen3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(84 , 139, 84 ), "PaleGreen4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 255, 127), "SpringGreen1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 238, 118), "SpringGreen2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 205, 102), "SpringGreen3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 139, 69 ), "SpringGreen4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 255, 0  ), "green1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 238, 0  ), "green2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 205, 0  ), "green3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 139, 0  ), "green4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(127, 255, 0  ), "chartreuse1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(118, 238, 0  ), "chartreuse2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(102, 205, 0  ), "chartreuse3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(69 , 139, 0  ), "chartreuse4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(192, 255, 62 ), "OliveDrab1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(179, 238, 58 ), "OliveDrab2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(154, 205, 50 ), "OliveDrab3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(105, 139, 34 ), "OliveDrab4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(202, 255, 112), "DarkOliveGreen1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(188, 238, 104), "DarkOliveGreen2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(162, 205, 90 ), "DarkOliveGreen3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(110, 139, 61 ), "DarkOliveGreen4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 246, 143), "khaki1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 230, 133), "khaki2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 198, 115), "khaki3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 134, 78 ), "khaki4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 236, 139), "LightGoldenrod1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 220, 130), "LightGoldenrod2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 190, 112), "LightGoldenrod3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 129, 76 ), "LightGoldenrod4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 255, 224), "LightYellow1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 238, 209), "LightYellow2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 205, 180), "LightYellow3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 139, 122), "LightYellow4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 255, 0  ), "yellow1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 238, 0  ), "yellow2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 205, 0  ), "yellow3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 139, 0  ), "yellow4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 215, 0  ), "gold1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 201, 0  ), "gold2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 173, 0  ), "gold3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 117, 0  ), "gold4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 193, 37 ), "goldenrod1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 180, 34 ), "goldenrod2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 155, 29 ), "goldenrod3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 105, 20 ), "goldenrod4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 185, 15 ), "DarkGoldenrod1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 173, 14 ), "DarkGoldenrod2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 149, 12 ), "DarkGoldenrod3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 101, 8  ), "DarkGoldenrod4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 193, 193), "RosyBrown1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 180, 180), "RosyBrown2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 155, 155), "RosyBrown3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 105, 105), "RosyBrown4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 106, 106), "IndianRed1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 99 , 99 ), "IndianRed2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 85 , 85 ), "IndianRed3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 58 , 58 ), "IndianRed4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 130, 71 ), "sienna1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 121, 66 ), "sienna2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 104, 57 ), "sienna3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 71 , 38 ), "sienna4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 211, 155), "burlywood1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 197, 145), "burlywood2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 170, 125), "burlywood3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 115, 85 ), "burlywood4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 231, 186), "wheat1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 216, 174), "wheat2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 186, 150), "wheat3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 126, 102), "wheat4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 165, 79 ), "tan1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 154, 73 ), "tan2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 133, 63 ), "tan3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 90 , 43 ), "tan4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 127, 36 ), "chocolate1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 118, 33 ), "chocolate2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 102, 29 ), "chocolate3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 69 , 19 ), "chocolate4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 48 , 48 ), "firebrick1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 44 , 44 ), "firebrick2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 38 , 38 ), "firebrick3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 26 , 26 ), "firebrick4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 64 , 64 ), "brown1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 59 , 59 ), "brown2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 51 , 51 ), "brown3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 35 , 35 ), "brown4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 140, 105), "salmon1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 130, 98 ), "salmon2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 112, 84 ), "salmon3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 76 , 57 ), "salmon4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 160, 122), "LightSalmon1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 149, 114), "LightSalmon2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 129, 98 ), "LightSalmon3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 87 , 66 ), "LightSalmon4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 165, 0  ), "orange1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 154, 0  ), "orange2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 133, 0  ), "orange3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 90 , 0  ), "orange4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 127, 0  ), "DarkOrange1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 118, 0  ), "DarkOrange2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 102, 0  ), "DarkOrange3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 69 , 0  ), "DarkOrange4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 114, 86 ), "coral1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 106, 80 ), "coral2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 91 , 69 ), "coral3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 62 , 47 ), "coral4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 99 , 71 ), "tomato1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 92 , 66 ), "tomato2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 79 , 57 ), "tomato3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 54 , 38 ), "tomato4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 69 , 0  ), "OrangeRed1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 64 , 0  ), "OrangeRed2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 55 , 0  ), "OrangeRed3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 37 , 0  ), "OrangeRed4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 0  , 0  ), "red1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 0  , 0  ), "red2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 0  , 0  ), "red3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 0  , 0  ), "red4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 20 , 147), "DeepPink1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 18 , 137), "DeepPink2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 16 , 118), "DeepPink3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 10 , 80 ), "DeepPink4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 110, 180), "HotPink1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 106, 167), "HotPink2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 96 , 144), "HotPink3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 58 , 98 ), "HotPink4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 181, 197), "pink1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 169, 184), "pink2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 145, 158), "pink3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 99 , 108), "pink4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 174, 185), "LightPink1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 162, 173), "LightPink2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 140, 149), "LightPink3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 95 , 101), "LightPink4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 130, 171), "PaleVioletRed1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 121, 159), "PaleVioletRed2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 104, 137), "PaleVioletRed3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 71 , 93 ), "PaleVioletRed4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 52 , 179), "maroon1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 48 , 167), "maroon2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 41 , 144), "maroon3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 28 , 98 ), "maroon4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 62 , 150), "VioletRed1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 58 , 140), "VioletRed2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 50 , 120), "VioletRed3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 34 , 82 ), "VioletRed4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 0  , 255), "magenta1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 0  , 238), "magenta2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 0  , 205), "magenta3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 0  , 139), "magenta4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 131, 250), "orchid1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 122, 233), "orchid2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 105, 201), "orchid3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 71 , 137), "orchid4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 187, 255), "plum1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 174, 238), "plum2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 150, 205), "plum3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 102, 139), "plum4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(224, 102, 255), "MediumOrchid1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(209, 95 , 238), "MediumOrchid2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(180, 82 , 205), "MediumOrchid3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(122, 55 , 139), "MediumOrchid4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(191, 62 , 255), "DarkOrchid1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(178, 58 , 238), "DarkOrchid2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(154, 50 , 205), "DarkOrchid3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(104, 34 , 139), "DarkOrchid4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(155, 48 , 255), "purple1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(145, 44 , 238), "purple2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(125, 38 , 205), "purple3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(85 , 26 , 139), "purple4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(171, 130, 255), "MediumPurple1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(159, 121, 238), "MediumPurple2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(137, 104, 205), "MediumPurple3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(93 , 71 , 139), "MediumPurple4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 225, 255), "thistle1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(238, 210, 238), "thistle2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(205, 181, 205), "thistle3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 123, 139), "thistle4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 0  ), "gray0" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 0  ), "grey0" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(3  , 3  , 3  ), "gray1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(3  , 3  , 3  ), "grey1" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(5  , 5  , 5  ), "gray2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(5  , 5  , 5  ), "grey2" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(8  , 8  , 8  ), "gray3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(8  , 8  , 8  ), "grey3" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(10 , 10 , 10 ), "gray4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(10 , 10 , 10 ), "grey4" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(13 , 13 , 13 ), "gray5" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(13 , 13 , 13 ), "grey5" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(15 , 15 , 15 ), "gray6" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(15 , 15 , 15 ), "grey6" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(18 , 18 , 18 ), "gray7" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(18 , 18 , 18 ), "grey7" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(20 , 20 , 20 ), "gray8" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(20 , 20 , 20 ), "grey8" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(23 , 23 , 23 ), "gray9" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(23 , 23 , 23 ), "grey9" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(26 , 26 , 26 ), "gray10" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(26 , 26 , 26 ), "grey10" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(28 , 28 , 28 ), "gray11" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(28 , 28 , 28 ), "grey11" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(31 , 31 , 31 ), "gray12" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(31 , 31 , 31 ), "grey12" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(33 , 33 , 33 ), "gray13" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(33 , 33 , 33 ), "grey13" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(36 , 36 , 36 ), "gray14" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(36 , 36 , 36 ), "grey14" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(38 , 38 , 38 ), "gray15" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(38 , 38 , 38 ), "grey15" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(41 , 41 , 41 ), "gray16" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(41 , 41 , 41 ), "grey16" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(43 , 43 , 43 ), "gray17" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(43 , 43 , 43 ), "grey17" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(46 , 46 , 46 ), "gray18" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(46 , 46 , 46 ), "grey18" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(48 , 48 , 48 ), "gray19" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(48 , 48 , 48 ), "grey19" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(51 , 51 , 51 ), "gray20" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(51 , 51 , 51 ), "grey20" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(54 , 54 , 54 ), "gray21" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(54 , 54 , 54 ), "grey21" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(56 , 56 , 56 ), "gray22" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(56 , 56 , 56 ), "grey22" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(59 , 59 , 59 ), "gray23" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(59 , 59 , 59 ), "grey23" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(61 , 61 , 61 ), "gray24" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(61 , 61 , 61 ), "grey24" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(64 , 64 , 64 ), "gray25" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(64 , 64 , 64 ), "grey25" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(66 , 66 , 66 ), "gray26" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(66 , 66 , 66 ), "grey26" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(69 , 69 , 69 ), "gray27" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(69 , 69 , 69 ), "grey27" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(71 , 71 , 71 ), "gray28" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(71 , 71 , 71 ), "grey28" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(74 , 74 , 74 ), "gray29" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(74 , 74 , 74 ), "grey29" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(77 , 77 , 77 ), "gray30" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(77 , 77 , 77 ), "grey30" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(79 , 79 , 79 ), "gray31" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(79 , 79 , 79 ), "grey31" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(82 , 82 , 82 ), "gray32" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(82 , 82 , 82 ), "grey32" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(84 , 84 , 84 ), "gray33" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(84 , 84 , 84 ), "grey33" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(87 , 87 , 87 ), "gray34" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(87 , 87 , 87 ), "grey34" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(89 , 89 , 89 ), "gray35" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(89 , 89 , 89 ), "grey35" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(92 , 92 , 92 ), "gray36" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(92 , 92 , 92 ), "grey36" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(94 , 94 , 94 ), "gray37" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(94 , 94 , 94 ), "grey37" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(97 , 97 , 97 ), "gray38" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(97 , 97 , 97 ), "grey38" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(99 , 99 , 99 ), "gray39" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(99 , 99 , 99 ), "grey39" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(102, 102, 102), "gray40" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(102, 102, 102), "grey40" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(105, 105, 105), "gray41" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(105, 105, 105), "grey41" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(107, 107, 107), "gray42" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(107, 107, 107), "grey42" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(110, 110, 110), "gray43" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(110, 110, 110), "grey43" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(112, 112, 112), "gray44" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(112, 112, 112), "grey44" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(115, 115, 115), "gray45" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(115, 115, 115), "grey45" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(117, 117, 117), "gray46" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(117, 117, 117), "grey46" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(120, 120, 120), "gray47" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(120, 120, 120), "grey47" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(122, 122, 122), "gray48" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(122, 122, 122), "grey48" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(125, 125, 125), "gray49" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(125, 125, 125), "grey49" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(127, 127, 127), "gray50" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(127, 127, 127), "grey50" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(130, 130, 130), "gray51" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(130, 130, 130), "grey51" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(133, 133, 133), "gray52" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(133, 133, 133), "grey52" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(135, 135, 135), "gray53" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(135, 135, 135), "grey53" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(138, 138, 138), "gray54" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(138, 138, 138), "grey54" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(140, 140, 140), "gray55" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(140, 140, 140), "grey55" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(143, 143, 143), "gray56" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(143, 143, 143), "grey56" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(145, 145, 145), "gray57" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(145, 145, 145), "grey57" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(148, 148, 148), "gray58" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(148, 148, 148), "grey58" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(150, 150, 150), "gray59" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(150, 150, 150), "grey59" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(153, 153, 153), "gray60" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(153, 153, 153), "grey60" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(156, 156, 156), "gray61" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(156, 156, 156), "grey61" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(158, 158, 158), "gray62" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(158, 158, 158), "grey62" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(161, 161, 161), "gray63" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(161, 161, 161), "grey63" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(163, 163, 163), "gray64" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(163, 163, 163), "grey64" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(166, 166, 166), "gray65" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(166, 166, 166), "grey65" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(168, 168, 168), "gray66" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(168, 168, 168), "grey66" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(171, 171, 171), "gray67" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(171, 171, 171), "grey67" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(173, 173, 173), "gray68" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(173, 173, 173), "grey68" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(176, 176, 176), "gray69" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(176, 176, 176), "grey69" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(179, 179, 179), "gray70" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(179, 179, 179), "grey70" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(181, 181, 181), "gray71" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(181, 181, 181), "grey71" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(184, 184, 184), "gray72" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(184, 184, 184), "grey72" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(186, 186, 186), "gray73" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(186, 186, 186), "grey73" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(189, 189, 189), "gray74" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(189, 189, 189), "grey74" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(191, 191, 191), "gray75" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(191, 191, 191), "grey75" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(194, 194, 194), "gray76" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(194, 194, 194), "grey76" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(196, 196, 196), "gray77" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(196, 196, 196), "grey77" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(199, 199, 199), "gray78" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(199, 199, 199), "grey78" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(201, 201, 201), "gray79" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(201, 201, 201), "grey79" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(204, 204, 204), "gray80" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(204, 204, 204), "grey80" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(207, 207, 207), "gray81" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(207, 207, 207), "grey81" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(209, 209, 209), "gray82" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(209, 209, 209), "grey82" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(212, 212, 212), "gray83" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(212, 212, 212), "grey83" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(214, 214, 214), "gray84" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(214, 214, 214), "grey84" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(217, 217, 217), "gray85" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(217, 217, 217), "grey85" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(219, 219, 219), "gray86" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(219, 219, 219), "grey86" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(222, 222, 222), "gray87" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(222, 222, 222), "grey87" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(224, 224, 224), "gray88" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(224, 224, 224), "grey88" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(227, 227, 227), "gray89" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(227, 227, 227), "grey89" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(229, 229, 229), "gray90" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(229, 229, 229), "grey90" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(232, 232, 232), "gray91" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(232, 232, 232), "grey91" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(235, 235, 235), "gray92" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(235, 235, 235), "grey92" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(237, 237, 237), "gray93" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(237, 237, 237), "grey93" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(240, 240, 240), "gray94" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(240, 240, 240), "grey94" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(242, 242, 242), "gray95" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(242, 242, 242), "grey95" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(245, 245, 245), "gray96" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(245, 245, 245), "grey96" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(247, 247, 247), "gray97" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(247, 247, 247), "grey97" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(250, 250, 250), "gray98" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(250, 250, 250), "grey98" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(252, 252, 252), "gray99" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(252, 252, 252), "grey99" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 255, 255), "gray100" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(255, 255, 255), "grey100" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(169, 169, 169), "dark grey" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(169, 169, 169), "DarkGrey" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(169, 169, 169), "dark gray" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(169, 169, 169), "DarkGray" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 139), "dark blue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 0  , 139), "DarkBlue" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 139, 139), "dark cyan" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(0  , 139, 139), "DarkCyan" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 0  , 139), "dark magenta" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 0  , 139), "DarkMagenta" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 0  , 0  ), "dark red" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(139, 0  , 0  ), "DarkRed" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(144, 238, 144), "light green" },
+   { RGB_TO_ULONG(144, 238, 144), "LightGreen" }
+ };
+ Lisp_Object
+ mac_color_map_lookup (colorname)
+      char *colorname;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object ret = Qnil;
+   int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < sizeof (mac_color_map) / sizeof (mac_color_map[0]); i++)
+     if (stricmp (colorname, mac_color_map[i].name) == 0)
+       {
+         ret = make_number (mac_color_map[i].color);
+         break;
+       }
+   return ret;
+ }
+ Lisp_Object
+ x_to_mac_color (colorname)
+      char * colorname;
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object tail, ret = Qnil;
+   if (colorname[0] == '#')
+     {
+       /* Could be an old-style RGB Device specification.  */
+       char *color;
+       int size;
+       color = colorname + 1;
+       size = strlen(color);
+       if (size == 3 || size == 6 || size == 9 || size == 12)
+       {
+         unsigned long colorval;
+         int i, pos;
+         pos = 16;
+         size /= 3;
+         colorval = 0;
+         for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+           {
+             char *end;
+             char t;
+             unsigned long value;
+             /* The check for 'x' in the following conditional takes into
+                account the fact that strtol allows a "0x" in front of
+                our numbers, and we don't.  */
+             if (!isxdigit(color[0]) || color[1] == 'x')
+               break;
+             t = color[size];
+             color[size] = '\0';
+             value = strtoul(color, &end, 16);
+             color[size] = t;
+             if (errno == ERANGE || end - color != size)
+               break;
+             switch (size)
+               {
+               case 1:
+                 value = value * 0x10;
+                 break;
+               case 2:
+                 break;
+               case 3:
+                 value /= 0x10;
+                 break;
+               case 4:
+                 value /= 0x100;
+                 break;
+               }
+             colorval |= (value << pos);
+             pos -= 8;
+             if (i == 2)
+               {
+                 UNBLOCK_INPUT;
+                 return make_number (colorval);
+               }
+             color = end;
+           }
+       }
+     }
+   else if (strnicmp(colorname, "rgb:", 4) == 0)
+     {
+       char *color;
+       unsigned long colorval;
+       int i, pos;
+       pos = 0;
+       colorval = 0;
+       color = colorname + 4;
+       for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+       {
+         char *end;
+         unsigned long value;
+         /* The check for 'x' in the following conditional takes into
+            account the fact that strtol allows a "0x" in front of
+            our numbers, and we don't.  */
+         if (!isxdigit(color[0]) || color[1] == 'x')
+           break;
+         value = strtoul(color, &end, 16);
+         if (errno == ERANGE)
+           break;
+         switch (end - color)
+           {
+           case 1:
+             value = value * 0x10 + value;
+             break;
+           case 2:
+             break;
+           case 3:
+             value /= 0x10;
+             break;
+           case 4:
+             value /= 0x100;
+             break;
+           default:
+             value = ULONG_MAX;
+           }
+         if (value == ULONG_MAX)
+           break;
+         colorval |= (value << pos);
+         pos += 0x8;
+         if (i == 2)
+           {
+             if (*end != '\0')
+               break;
+             UNBLOCK_INPUT;
+             return make_number (colorval);
+           }
+         if (*end != '/')
+           break;
+         color = end + 1;
+       }
+     }
+   else if (strnicmp(colorname, "rgbi:", 5) == 0)
+     {
+       /* This is an RGB Intensity specification.  */
+       char *color;
+       unsigned long colorval;
+       int i, pos;
+       pos = 0;
+       colorval = 0;
+       color = colorname + 5;
+       for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+       {
+         char *end;
+         double value;
+         unsigned long val;
+         value = strtod(color, &end);
+         if (errno == ERANGE)
+           break;
+         if (value < 0.0 || value > 1.0)
+           break;
+         val = (unsigned long)(0x100 * value);
+         /* We used 0x100 instead of 0xFF to give a continuous
+              range between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.  The next statement
+              fixes the 1.0 case.  */
+         if (val == 0x100)
+           val = 0xFF;
+         colorval |= (val << pos);
+         pos += 0x8;
+         if (i == 2)
+           {
+             if (*end != '\0')
+               break;
+             UNBLOCK_INPUT;
+             return make_number (colorval);
+           }
+         if (*end != '/')
+           break;
+         color = end + 1;
+       }
+     }
+   ret = mac_color_map_lookup (colorname);
+   return ret;
+ }
+ /* Gamma-correct COLOR on frame F.  */
+ void
+ gamma_correct (f, color)
+      struct frame *f;
+      unsigned long *color;
+ {
+   if (f->gamma)
+     {
+       unsigned long red, green, blue;
+       red = pow (RED_FROM_ULONG (*color) / 255.0, f->gamma) * 255.0 + 0.5;
+       green = pow (GREEN_FROM_ULONG (*color) / 255.0, f->gamma) * 255.0 + 0.5;
+       blue = pow (BLUE_FROM_ULONG (*color) / 255.0, f->gamma) * 255.0 + 0.5;
+       *color = RGB_TO_ULONG (red, green, blue);
+     }
+ }
+ /* Decide if color named COLOR is valid for the display associated
+    with the selected frame; if so, return the rgb values in COLOR_DEF.
+    If ALLOC is nonzero, allocate a new colormap cell.  */
+ int
+ mac_defined_color (f, color, color_def, alloc)
+      FRAME_PTR f;
+      char *color;
+      XColor *color_def;
+      int alloc;
+ {
+   register Lisp_Object tem;
+   unsigned long mac_color_ref;
+   tem = x_to_mac_color (color);
+   if (!NILP (tem))
+     {
+       if (f)
+         {
+           /* Apply gamma correction.  */
+           mac_color_ref = XUINT (tem);
+           gamma_correct (f, &mac_color_ref);
+           XSETINT (tem, mac_color_ref);
+         }
+       color_def->pixel = mac_color_ref;
+       color_def->red = RED16_FROM_ULONG (mac_color_ref);
+       color_def->green = GREEN16_FROM_ULONG (mac_color_ref);
+       color_def->blue = BLUE16_FROM_ULONG (mac_color_ref);
+       return 1;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       return 0;
+     }
+ }
+ /* Given a string ARG naming a color, compute a pixel value from it
+    suitable for screen F.
+    If F is not a color screen, return DEF (default) regardless of what
+    ARG says.  */
+ int
+ x_decode_color (f, arg, def)
+      FRAME_PTR f;
+      Lisp_Object arg;
+      int def;
+ {
+   XColor cdef;
+   CHECK_STRING (arg);
+   if (strcmp (SDATA (arg), "black") == 0)
+     return BLACK_PIX_DEFAULT (f);
+   else if (strcmp (SDATA (arg), "white") == 0)
+     return WHITE_PIX_DEFAULT (f);
+ #if 0
+   if (FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->n_planes) == 1)
+     return def;
+ #endif
+   if (mac_defined_color (f, SDATA (arg), &cdef, 1))
+     return cdef.pixel;
+   /* defined_color failed; return an ultimate default.  */
+   return def;
+ }
+ /* Functions called only from `x_set_frame_param'
+    to set individual parameters.
+    If FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f) is 0,
+    the frame is being created and its window does not exist yet.
+    In that case, just record the parameter's new value
+    in the standard place; do not attempt to change the window.  */
+ void
+ x_set_foreground_color (f, arg, oldval)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object arg, oldval;
+ {
+   unsigned long fg, old_fg;
+   fg = x_decode_color (f, arg, BLACK_PIX_DEFAULT (f));
+   old_fg = FRAME_FOREGROUND_PIXEL (f);
+   if (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f) != 0)
+     {
+       update_face_from_frame_parameter (f, Qforeground_color, arg);
+       if (FRAME_VISIBLE_P (f))
+         redraw_frame (f);
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ x_set_background_color (f, arg, oldval)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object arg, oldval;
+ {
+     = x_decode_color (f, arg, WHITE_PIX_DEFAULT (f));
+   if (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f) != 0)
+     {
+       update_face_from_frame_parameter (f, Qbackground_color, arg);
+       if (FRAME_VISIBLE_P (f))
+         redraw_frame (f);
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ x_set_mouse_color (f, arg, oldval)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object arg, oldval;
+ {
+   Cursor cursor, nontext_cursor, mode_cursor, hand_cursor;
+   int count;
+   int mask_color;
+   if (!EQ (Qnil, arg))
+     f->output_data.mac->mouse_pixel
+       = x_decode_color (f, arg, BLACK_PIX_DEFAULT (f));
+   mask_color = FRAME_BACKGROUND_PIXEL (f);
+   /* Don't let pointers be invisible.  */
+   if (mask_color == f->output_data.mac->mouse_pixel
+       && mask_color == FRAME_BACKGROUND_PIXEL (f))
+     f->output_data.mac->mouse_pixel = FRAME_FOREGROUND_PIXEL (f);
+ #if 0 /* MAC_TODO : cursor changes */
+   /* It's not okay to crash if the user selects a screwy cursor.  */
+   count = x_catch_errors (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f));
+   if (!EQ (Qnil, Vx_pointer_shape))
+     {
+       CHECK_NUMBER (Vx_pointer_shape);
+       cursor = XCreateFontCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), XINT 
+     }
+   else
+     cursor = XCreateFontCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), XC_xterm);
+   x_check_errors (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), "bad text pointer cursor: %s");
+   if (!EQ (Qnil, Vx_nontext_pointer_shape))
+     {
+       CHECK_NUMBER (Vx_nontext_pointer_shape);
+       nontext_cursor = XCreateFontCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f),
+                                         XINT (Vx_nontext_pointer_shape));
+     }
+   else
+     nontext_cursor = XCreateFontCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), XC_left_ptr);
+   x_check_errors (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), "bad nontext pointer cursor: %s");
+   if (!EQ (Qnil, Vx_hourglass_pointer_shape))
+     {
+       CHECK_NUMBER (Vx_hourglass_pointer_shape);
+       hourglass_cursor = XCreateFontCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f),
+                                           XINT (Vx_hourglass_pointer_shape));
+     }
+   else
+     hourglass_cursor = XCreateFontCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), XC_watch);
+   x_check_errors (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), "bad busy pointer cursor: %s");
+   x_check_errors (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), "bad nontext pointer cursor: %s");
+   if (!EQ (Qnil, Vx_mode_pointer_shape))
+     {
+       CHECK_NUMBER (Vx_mode_pointer_shape);
+       mode_cursor = XCreateFontCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f),
+                                      XINT (Vx_mode_pointer_shape));
+     }
+   else
+     mode_cursor = XCreateFontCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), XC_xterm);
+   x_check_errors (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), "bad modeline pointer cursor: %s");
+   if (!EQ (Qnil, Vx_sensitive_text_pointer_shape))
+     {
+       CHECK_NUMBER (Vx_sensitive_text_pointer_shape);
+       hand_cursor
+       = XCreateFontCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f),
+                            XINT (Vx_sensitive_text_pointer_shape));
+     }
+   else
+     hand_cursor = XCreateFontCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), XC_crosshair);
+   if (!NILP (Vx_window_horizontal_drag_shape))
+     {
+       CHECK_NUMBER (Vx_window_horizontal_drag_shape);
+       horizontal_drag_cursor
+       = XCreateFontCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f),
+                            XINT (Vx_window_horizontal_drag_shape));
+     }
+   else
+     horizontal_drag_cursor
+       = XCreateFontCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), XC_sb_h_double_arrow);
+   /* Check and report errors with the above calls.  */
+   x_check_errors (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), "can't set cursor shape: %s");
+   x_uncatch_errors (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), count);
+   {
+     XColor fore_color, back_color;
+     fore_color.pixel = f->output_data.w32->mouse_pixel;
+     back_color.pixel = mask_color;
+     XQueryColor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f),
+                DefaultColormap (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f),
+                                 DefaultScreen (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f))),
+                &fore_color);
+     XQueryColor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f),
+                DefaultColormap (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f),
+                                 DefaultScreen (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f))),
+                &back_color);
+     XRecolorCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), cursor,
+                   &fore_color, &back_color);
+     XRecolorCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), nontext_cursor,
+                   &fore_color, &back_color);
+     XRecolorCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), mode_cursor,
+                   &fore_color, &back_color);
+     XRecolorCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), hand_cursor,
+                     &fore_color, &back_color);
+     XRecolorCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), hourglass_cursor,
+                     &fore_color, &back_color);
+   }
+   if (FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f) != 0)
+     XDefineCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f), cursor);
+   if (cursor != f->output_data.w32->text_cursor && 
f->output_data.w32->text_cursor != 0)
+     XFreeCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), f->output_data.w32->text_cursor);
+   f->output_data.w32->text_cursor = cursor;
+   if (nontext_cursor != f->output_data.w32->nontext_cursor
+       && f->output_data.w32->nontext_cursor != 0)
+     XFreeCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), f->output_data.w32->nontext_cursor);
+   f->output_data.w32->nontext_cursor = nontext_cursor;
+   if (hourglass_cursor != f->output_data.w32->hourglass_cursor
+       && f->output_data.w32->hourglass_cursor != 0)
+     XFreeCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), f->output_data.w32->hourglass_cursor);
+   f->output_data.w32->hourglass_cursor = hourglass_cursor;
+   if (mode_cursor != f->output_data.w32->modeline_cursor
+       && f->output_data.w32->modeline_cursor != 0)
+     XFreeCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), f->output_data.w32->modeline_cursor);
+   f->output_data.w32->modeline_cursor = mode_cursor;
+   if (hand_cursor != f->output_data.w32->hand_cursor
+       && f->output_data.w32->hand_cursor != 0)
+     XFreeCursor (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), f->output_data.w32->hand_cursor);
+   f->output_data.w32->hand_cursor = hand_cursor;
+   XFlush (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f));
+   update_face_from_frame_parameter (f, Qmouse_color, arg);
+ #endif /* MAC_TODO */
+ }
+ void
+ x_set_cursor_color (f, arg, oldval)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object arg, oldval;
+ {
+   unsigned long fore_pixel, pixel;
+   if (!NILP (Vx_cursor_fore_pixel))
+     fore_pixel = x_decode_color (f, Vx_cursor_fore_pixel,
+                                WHITE_PIX_DEFAULT (f));
+   else
+     fore_pixel = FRAME_BACKGROUND_PIXEL (f);
+   pixel = x_decode_color (f, arg, BLACK_PIX_DEFAULT (f));
+   /* Make sure that the cursor color differs from the background color.  */
+   if (pixel == FRAME_BACKGROUND_PIXEL (f))
+     {
+       pixel = f->output_data.mac->mouse_pixel;
+       if (pixel == fore_pixel)
+       fore_pixel = FRAME_BACKGROUND_PIXEL (f);
+     }
+   f->output_data.mac->cursor_foreground_pixel = fore_pixel;
+   f->output_data.mac->cursor_pixel = pixel;
+   if (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f) != 0)
+     {
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       /* Update frame's cursor_gc.  */
+       f->output_data.mac->cursor_gc->foreground = fore_pixel;
+       f->output_data.mac->cursor_gc->background = pixel;
+       if (FRAME_VISIBLE_P (f))
+       {
+         x_update_cursor (f, 0);
+         x_update_cursor (f, 1);
+       }
+     }
+   update_face_from_frame_parameter (f, Qcursor_color, arg);
+ }
+ /* Set the border-color of frame F to pixel value PIX.
+    Note that this does not fully take effect if done before
+    F has a window.  */
+ void
+ x_set_border_pixel (f, pix)
+      struct frame *f;
+      int pix;
+ {
+   f->output_data.mac->border_pixel = pix;
+   if (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f) != 0 && f->border_width > 0)
+     {
+       if (FRAME_VISIBLE_P (f))
+         redraw_frame (f);
+     }
+ }
+ /* Set the border-color of frame F to value described by ARG.
+    ARG can be a string naming a color.
+    The border-color is used for the border that is drawn by the server.
+    Note that this does not fully take effect if done before
+    F has a window; it must be redone when the window is created.  */
+ void
+ x_set_border_color (f, arg, oldval)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object arg, oldval;
+ {
+   int pix;
+   CHECK_STRING (arg);
+   pix = x_decode_color (f, arg, BLACK_PIX_DEFAULT (f));
+   x_set_border_pixel (f, pix);
+   update_face_from_frame_parameter (f, Qborder_color, arg);
+ }
+ void
+ x_set_cursor_type (f, arg, oldval)
+      FRAME_PTR f;
+      Lisp_Object arg, oldval;
+ {
+   set_frame_cursor_types (f, arg);
+   /* Make sure the cursor gets redrawn.  */
+   cursor_type_changed = 1;
+ }
+ #if 0 /* MAC_TODO: really no icon for Mac */
+ void
+ x_set_icon_type (f, arg, oldval)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object arg, oldval;
+ {
+   int result;
+   if (NILP (arg) && NILP (oldval))
+     return;
+   if (STRINGP (arg) && STRINGP (oldval)
+       && EQ (Fstring_equal (oldval, arg), Qt))
+     return;
+   if (SYMBOLP (arg) && SYMBOLP (oldval) && EQ (arg, oldval))
+     return;
+   result = x_bitmap_icon (f, arg);
+   if (result)
+     {
+       error ("No icon window available");
+     }
+ }
+ #endif /* MAC_TODO */
+ void
+ x_set_icon_name (f, arg, oldval)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object arg, oldval;
+ {
+   int result;
+   if (STRINGP (arg))
+     {
+       if (STRINGP (oldval) && EQ (Fstring_equal (oldval, arg), Qt))
+       return;
+     }
+   else if (!STRINGP (oldval) && EQ (oldval, Qnil) == EQ (arg, Qnil))
+     return;
+   f->icon_name = arg;
+ #if 0 /* MAC_TODO */
+   if (f->output_data.w32->icon_bitmap != 0)
+     return;
+   result = x_text_icon (f,
+                       (char *) SDATA ((!NILP (f->icon_name)
+                                        ? f->icon_name
+                                        : !NILP (f->title)
+                                        ? f->title
+                                        : f->name)));
+   if (result)
+     {
+       error ("No icon window available");
+     }
+   /* If the window was unmapped (and its icon was mapped),
+      the new icon is not mapped, so map the window in its stead.  */
+   if (FRAME_VISIBLE_P (f))
+     {
+ #ifdef USE_X_TOOLKIT
+       XtPopup (f->output_data.w32->widget, XtGrabNone);
+ #endif
+       XMapWindow (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f));
+     }
+   XFlush (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f));
+ #endif /* MAC_TODO */
+ }
+ void
+ x_set_menu_bar_lines (f, value, oldval)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object value, oldval;
+ {
+   int nlines;
+   int olines = FRAME_MENU_BAR_LINES (f);
+   /* Right now, menu bars don't work properly in minibuf-only frames;
+      most of the commands try to apply themselves to the minibuffer
+      frame itself, and get an error because you can't switch buffers
+      in or split the minibuffer window.  */
+     return;
+   if (INTEGERP (value))
+     nlines = XINT (value);
+   else
+     nlines = 0;
+   if (nlines)
+   else
+     {
+       if (FRAME_EXTERNAL_MENU_BAR (f) == 1)
+       free_frame_menubar (f);
+       FRAME_EXTERNAL_MENU_BAR (f) = 0;
+       /* Adjust the frame size so that the client (text) dimensions
+        remain the same.  This depends on FRAME_EXTERNAL_MENU_BAR being
+        set correctly.  */
+       x_set_window_size (f, 0, FRAME_COLS (f), FRAME_LINES (f));
+       do_pending_window_change (0);
+     }
+   adjust_glyphs (f);
+ }
+ /* Set the number of lines used for the tool bar of frame F to VALUE.
+    VALUE not an integer, or < 0 means set the lines to zero.  OLDVAL
+    is the old number of tool bar lines.  This function changes the
+    height of all windows on frame F to match the new tool bar height.
+    The frame's height doesn't change.  */
+ void
+ x_set_tool_bar_lines (f, value, oldval)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object value, oldval;
+ {
+   int delta, nlines, root_height;
+   Lisp_Object root_window;
+   /* Treat tool bars like menu bars.  */
+     return;
+   /* Use VALUE only if an integer >= 0.  */
+   if (INTEGERP (value) && XINT (value) >= 0)
+     nlines = XFASTINT (value);
+   else
+     nlines = 0;
+   /* Make sure we redisplay all windows in this frame.  */
+   ++windows_or_buffers_changed;
+   delta = nlines - FRAME_TOOL_BAR_LINES (f);
+   /* Don't resize the tool-bar to more than we have room for.  */
+   root_window = FRAME_ROOT_WINDOW (f);
+   root_height = WINDOW_TOTAL_LINES (XWINDOW (root_window));
+   if (root_height - delta < 1)
+     {
+       delta = root_height - 1;
+       nlines = FRAME_TOOL_BAR_LINES (f) + delta;
+     }
+   FRAME_TOOL_BAR_LINES (f) = nlines;
+   change_window_heights (root_window, delta);
+   adjust_glyphs (f);
+   /* We also have to make sure that the internal border at the top of
+      the frame, below the menu bar or tool bar, is redrawn when the
+      tool bar disappears.  This is so because the internal border is
+      below the tool bar if one is displayed, but is below the menu bar
+      if there isn't a tool bar.  The tool bar draws into the area
+      below the menu bar.  */
+   if (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f) && FRAME_TOOL_BAR_LINES (f) == 0)
+     {
+       updating_frame = f;
+       clear_frame ();
+       clear_current_matrices (f);
+       updating_frame = NULL;
+     }
+   /* If the tool bar gets smaller, the internal border below it
+      has to be cleared.  It was formerly part of the display
+      of the larger tool bar, and updating windows won't clear it.  */
+   if (delta < 0)
+     {
+       int height = FRAME_INTERNAL_BORDER_WIDTH (f);
+       int width = FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f);
+       int y = nlines * FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (f);
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       XClearArea (FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY (f), FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f),
+                   0, y, width, height, 0);
+       if (WINDOWP (f->tool_bar_window))
+       clear_glyph_matrix (XWINDOW (f->tool_bar_window)->current_matrix);
+     }
+ }
+ /* Change the name of frame F to NAME.  If NAME is nil, set F's name to
+        w32_id_name.
+    If EXPLICIT is non-zero, that indicates that lisp code is setting the
+        name; if NAME is a string, set F's name to NAME and set
+        F->explicit_name; if NAME is Qnil, then clear F->explicit_name.
+    If EXPLICIT is zero, that indicates that Emacs redisplay code is
+        suggesting a new name, which lisp code should override; if
+        F->explicit_name is set, ignore the new name; otherwise, set it.  */
+ void
+ x_set_name (f, name, explicit)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object name;
+      int explicit;
+ {
+   /* Make sure that requests from lisp code override requests from
+      Emacs redisplay code.  */
+   if (explicit)
+     {
+       /* If we're switching from explicit to implicit, we had better
+        update the mode lines and thereby update the title.  */
+       if (f->explicit_name && NILP (name))
+       update_mode_lines = 1;
+       f->explicit_name = ! NILP (name);
+     }
+   else if (f->explicit_name)
+     return;
+   /* If NAME is nil, set the name to the w32_id_name.  */
+   if (NILP (name))
+     {
+       /* Check for no change needed in this very common case
+        before we do any consing.  */
+       if (!strcmp (FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->mac_id_name,
+                  SDATA (f->name)))
+       return;
+       name = build_string (FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->mac_id_name);
+     }
+   else
+     CHECK_STRING (name);
+   /* Don't change the name if it's already NAME.  */
+   if (! NILP (Fstring_equal (name, f->name)))
+     return;
+   f->name = name;
+   /* For setting the frame title, the title parameter should override
+      the name parameter.  */
+   if (! NILP (f->title))
+     name = f->title;
+   if (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f))
+     {
+       if (STRING_MULTIBYTE (name))
+       name = ENCODE_UTF_8 (name);
+ #else
+         return;
+ #endif
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       {
+       CFStringRef windowTitle =
+         CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, SDATA (name),
+                                    kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+       SetWindowTitleWithCFString (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f), windowTitle);
+       CFRelease (windowTitle);
+ #else
+       Str255 windowTitle;
+       if (strlen (SDATA (name)) < 255)
+         {
+           strcpy (windowTitle, SDATA (name));
+           c2pstr (windowTitle);
+           SetWTitle (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f), windowTitle);
+         }
+ #endif
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ /* This function should be called when the user's lisp code has
+    specified a name for the frame; the name will override any set by the
+    redisplay code.  */
+ void
+ x_explicitly_set_name (f, arg, oldval)
+      FRAME_PTR f;
+      Lisp_Object arg, oldval;
+ {
+   x_set_name (f, arg, 1);
+ }
+ /* This function should be called by Emacs redisplay code to set the
+    name; names set this way will never override names set by the user's
+    lisp code.  */
+ void
+ x_implicitly_set_name (f, arg, oldval)
+      FRAME_PTR f;
+      Lisp_Object arg, oldval;
+ {
+   x_set_name (f, arg, 0);
+ }
+ /* Change the title of frame F to NAME.
+    If NAME is nil, use the frame name as the title.
+    If EXPLICIT is non-zero, that indicates that lisp code is setting the
+        name; if NAME is a string, set F's name to NAME and set
+        F->explicit_name; if NAME is Qnil, then clear F->explicit_name.
+    If EXPLICIT is zero, that indicates that Emacs redisplay code is
+        suggesting a new name, which lisp code should override; if
+        F->explicit_name is set, ignore the new name; otherwise, set it.  */
+ void
+ x_set_title (f, name, old_name)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object name, old_name;
+ {
+   /* Don't change the title if it's already NAME.  */
+   if (EQ (name, f->title))
+     return;
+   update_mode_lines = 1;
+   f->title = name;
+   if (NILP (name))
+     name = f->name;
+   if (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f))
+     {
+       if (STRING_MULTIBYTE (name))
+       name = ENCODE_UTF_8 (name);
+ #else
+         return;
+ #endif
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       {
+       CFStringRef windowTitle =
+         CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, SDATA (name),
+                                    kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+       SetWindowTitleWithCFString (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f), windowTitle);
+       CFRelease (windowTitle);
+ #else
+       Str255 windowTitle;
+       if (strlen (SDATA (name)) < 255)
+         {
+           strcpy (windowTitle, SDATA (name));
+           c2pstr (windowTitle);
+           SetWTitle (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f), windowTitle);
+         }
+ #endif
+       }
+     }
+ }
+ void
+ x_set_scroll_bar_default_width (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   /* Imitate X without X Toolkit */
+   int wid = FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f);
+ #ifdef MAC_OSX
+   FRAME_CONFIG_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH (f) = 16;  /* Aqua scroll bars.  */
+                                     wid - 1) / wid;
+ #else /* not MAC_OSX */
+   /* Make the actual width at least 14 pixels and a multiple of a
+      character width.  */
+   FRAME_CONFIG_SCROLL_BAR_COLS (f) = (14 + wid - 1) / wid;
+   /* Use all of that space (aside from required margins) for the
+      scroll bar.  */
+ #endif /* not MAC_OSX */
+ }
+ /* Subroutines of creating a frame.  */
+ char *
+ x_get_string_resource (rdb, name, class)
+      XrmDatabase rdb;
+      char *name, *class;
+ {
+   /* MAC_TODO: implement resource strings */
+   return (char *)0;
+ }
+ /* Return the value of parameter PARAM.
+    First search ALIST, then Vdefault_frame_alist, then the X defaults
+    database, using ATTRIBUTE as the attribute name and CLASS as its class.
+    Convert the resource to the type specified by desired_type.
+    If no default is specified, return Qunbound.  If you call
+    mac_get_arg, make sure you deal with Qunbound in a reasonable way,
+    and don't let it get stored in any Lisp-visible variables!  */
+ static Lisp_Object
+ mac_get_arg (alist, param, attribute, class, type)
+      Lisp_Object alist, param;
+      char *attribute;
+      char *class;
+      enum resource_types type;
+ {
+   return x_get_arg (check_x_display_info (Qnil),
+                   alist, param, attribute, class, type);
+ }
+ /* XParseGeometry copied from w32xfns.c */
+ /*
+  *   XParseGeometry parses strings of the form
+  *   "=<width>x<height>{+-}<xoffset>{+-}<yoffset>", where
+  *   width, height, xoffset, and yoffset are unsigned integers.
+  *   Example:  "=80x24+300-49"
+  *   The equal sign is optional.
+  *   It returns a bitmask that indicates which of the four values
+  *   were actually found in the string.  For each value found,
+  *   the corresponding argument is updated;  for each value
+  *   not found, the corresponding argument is left unchanged.
+  */
+ static int
+ read_integer (string, NextString)
+      register char *string;
+      char **NextString;
+ {
+   register int Result = 0;
+   int Sign = 1;
+   if (*string == '+')
+     string++;
+   else if (*string == '-')
+     {
+       string++;
+       Sign = -1;
+     }
+   for (; (*string >= '0') && (*string <= '9'); string++)
+     {
+       Result = (Result * 10) + (*string - '0');
+     }
+   *NextString = string;
+   if (Sign >= 0)
+     return (Result);
+   else
+     return (-Result);
+ }
+ int
+ XParseGeometry (string, x, y, width, height)
+      char *string;
+      int *x, *y;
+      unsigned int *width, *height;    /* RETURN */
+ {
+   int mask = NoValue;
+   register char *strind;
+   unsigned int tempWidth, tempHeight;
+   int tempX, tempY;
+   char *nextCharacter;
+   if ((string == NULL) || (*string == '\0')) return (mask);
+   if (*string == '=')
+     string++;  /* ignore possible '=' at beg of geometry spec */
+   strind = (char *)string;
+   if (*strind != '+' && *strind != '-' && *strind != 'x')
+     {
+       tempWidth = read_integer (strind, &nextCharacter);
+       if (strind == nextCharacter)
+       return (0);
+       strind = nextCharacter;
+       mask |= WidthValue;
+     }
+   if (*strind == 'x' || *strind == 'X')
+     {
+       strind++;
+       tempHeight = read_integer (strind, &nextCharacter);
+       if (strind == nextCharacter)
+       return (0);
+       strind = nextCharacter;
+       mask |= HeightValue;
+     }
+   if ((*strind == '+') || (*strind == '-'))
+     {
+       if (*strind == '-')
+       {
+         strind++;
+         tempX = -read_integer (strind, &nextCharacter);
+         if (strind == nextCharacter)
+           return (0);
+         strind = nextCharacter;
+         mask |= XNegative;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         strind++;
+         tempX = read_integer (strind, &nextCharacter);
+         if (strind == nextCharacter)
+           return (0);
+         strind = nextCharacter;
+       }
+       mask |= XValue;
+       if ((*strind == '+') || (*strind == '-'))
+       {
+         if (*strind == '-')
+           {
+             strind++;
+             tempY = -read_integer (strind, &nextCharacter);
+             if (strind == nextCharacter)
+               return (0);
+             strind = nextCharacter;
+             mask |= YNegative;
+           }
+         else
+           {
+             strind++;
+             tempY = read_integer (strind, &nextCharacter);
+             if (strind == nextCharacter)
+               return (0);
+             strind = nextCharacter;
+           }
+         mask |= YValue;
+       }
+     }
+   /* If strind isn't at the end of the string the it's an invalid
+      geometry specification. */
+   if (*strind != '\0') return (0);
+   if (mask & XValue)
+     *x = tempX;
+   if (mask & YValue)
+     *y = tempY;
+   if (mask & WidthValue)
+     *width = tempWidth;
+   if (mask & HeightValue)
+     *height = tempHeight;
+   return (mask);
+ }
+ #if 0 /* MAC_TODO */
+ /* Create and set up the Mac window for frame F.  */
+ static void
+ mac_window (f, window_prompting, minibuffer_only)
+      struct frame *f;
+      long window_prompting;
+      int minibuffer_only;
+ {
+   Rect r;
+   /* Use the resource name as the top-level window name
+      for looking up resources.  Make a non-Lisp copy
+      for the window manager, so GC relocation won't bother it.
+      Elsewhere we specify the window name for the window manager.  */
+   {
+     char *str = (char *) SDATA (Vx_resource_name);
+     f->namebuf = (char *) xmalloc (strlen (str) + 1);
+     strcpy (f->namebuf, str);
+   }
+   SetRect (&r, f->left_pos, f->top_pos,
+            f->left_pos + FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f),
+            f->top_pos + FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f));
+     = NewCWindow (NULL, &r, "\p", 1, zoomDocProc, (WindowPtr) -1, 1, (long) 
+   validate_x_resource_name ();
+   /* x_set_name normally ignores requests to set the name if the
+      requested name is the same as the current name.  This is the one
+      place where that assumption isn't correct; f->name is set, but
+      the server hasn't been told.  */
+   {
+     Lisp_Object name;
+     int explicit = f->explicit_name;
+     f->explicit_name = 0;
+     name = f->name;
+     f->name = Qnil;
+     x_set_name (f, name, explicit);
+   }
+   ShowWindow (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f));
+   if (!minibuffer_only && FRAME_EXTERNAL_MENU_BAR (f))
+     initialize_frame_menubar (f);
+   if (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f) == 0)
+     error ("Unable to create window");
+ }
+ #endif /* MAC_TODO */
+ /* Handle the icon stuff for this window.  Perhaps later we might
+    want an x_set_icon_position which can be called interactively as
+    well.  */
+ static void
+ x_icon (f, parms)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object parms;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object icon_x, icon_y;
+   /* Set the position of the icon.  Note that Windows 95 groups all
+      icons in the tray.  */
+   icon_x = mac_get_arg (parms, Qicon_left, 0, 0, RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+   icon_y = mac_get_arg (parms, Qicon_top, 0, 0, RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+   if (!EQ (icon_x, Qunbound) && !EQ (icon_y, Qunbound))
+     {
+       CHECK_NUMBER (icon_x);
+       CHECK_NUMBER (icon_y);
+     }
+   else if (!EQ (icon_x, Qunbound) || !EQ (icon_y, Qunbound))
+     error ("Both left and top icon corners of icon must be specified");
+   if (! EQ (icon_x, Qunbound))
+     x_wm_set_icon_position (f, XINT (icon_x), XINT (icon_y));
+ #if 0 /* TODO */
+   /* Start up iconic or window? */
+   x_wm_set_window_state
+     (f, (EQ (w32_get_arg (parms, Qvisibility, 0, 0, RES_TYPE_SYMBOL), Qicon)
+        ? IconicState
+        : NormalState));
+   x_text_icon (f, (char *) SDATA ((!NILP (f->icon_name)
+                                    ? f->icon_name
+                                    : f->name)));
+ #endif
+ }
+ void
+ x_make_gc (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   XGCValues gc_values;
+   /* Create the GCs of this frame.
+      Note that many default values are used.  */
+   /* Normal video */
+   gc_values.font = FRAME_FONT (f);
+   gc_values.foreground = FRAME_FOREGROUND_PIXEL (f);
+   gc_values.background = FRAME_BACKGROUND_PIXEL (f);
+   f->output_data.mac->normal_gc = XCreateGC (FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY (f),
+                                            FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f),
+                                            GCFont | GCForeground | 
+                                            &gc_values);
+   /* Reverse video style.  */
+   gc_values.foreground = FRAME_BACKGROUND_PIXEL (f);
+   gc_values.background = FRAME_FOREGROUND_PIXEL (f);
+   f->output_data.mac->reverse_gc = XCreateGC (FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY (f),
+                                             FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f),
+                                             GCFont | GCForeground | 
+                                             &gc_values);
+   /* Cursor has cursor-color background, background-color foreground.  */
+   gc_values.foreground = FRAME_BACKGROUND_PIXEL (f);
+   gc_values.background = f->output_data.mac->cursor_pixel;
+   f->output_data.mac->cursor_gc = XCreateGC (FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY (f),
+                                            FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f),
+                                            GCFont | GCForeground | 
+                                            &gc_values);
+   /* Reliefs.  */
+   f->output_data.mac->white_relief.gc = 0;
+   f->output_data.mac->black_relief.gc = 0;
+ #if 0
+   /* Create the gray border tile used when the pointer is not in
+      the frame.  Since this depends on the frame's pixel values,
+      this must be done on a per-frame basis.  */
+   f->output_data.x->border_tile
+     = (XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData
+        (FRAME_X_DISPLAY (f), FRAME_X_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->root_window,
+       gray_bits, gray_width, gray_height,
+       f->output_data.x->foreground_pixel,
+       f->output_data.x->background_pixel,
+       DefaultDepth (FRAME_X_DISPLAY (f), FRAME_X_SCREEN_NUMBER (f))));
+ #endif
+ }
+ /* Free what was was allocated in x_make_gc.  */
+ void
+ x_free_gcs (f)
+      struct frame *f;
+ {
+   Display *dpy = FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY (f);
+   if (f->output_data.mac->normal_gc)
+     {
+       XFreeGC (dpy, f->output_data.mac->normal_gc);
+       f->output_data.mac->normal_gc = 0;
+     }
+   if (f->output_data.mac->reverse_gc)
+     {
+       XFreeGC (dpy, f->output_data.mac->reverse_gc);
+       f->output_data.mac->reverse_gc = 0;
+     }
+   if (f->output_data.mac->cursor_gc)
+     {
+       XFreeGC (dpy, f->output_data.mac->cursor_gc);
+       f->output_data.mac->cursor_gc = 0;
+     }
+ #if 0
+   if (f->output_data.mac->border_tile)
+     {
+       XFreePixmap (dpy, f->output_data.mac->border_tile);
+       f->output_data.mac->border_tile = 0;
+     }
+ #endif
+   if (f->output_data.mac->white_relief.gc)
+     {
+       XFreeGC (dpy, f->output_data.mac->white_relief.gc);
+       f->output_data.mac->white_relief.gc = 0;
+     }
+   if (f->output_data.mac->black_relief.gc)
+     {
+       XFreeGC (dpy, f->output_data.mac->black_relief.gc);
+       f->output_data.mac->black_relief.gc = 0;
+     }
+ }
+ /* Handler for signals raised during x_create_frame and
+    x_create_top_frame.  FRAME is the frame which is partially
+    constructed.  */
+ static Lisp_Object
+ unwind_create_frame (frame)
+      Lisp_Object frame;
+ {
+   struct frame *f = XFRAME (frame);
+   /* If frame is ``official'', nothing to do.  */
+   if (!CONSP (Vframe_list) || !EQ (XCAR (Vframe_list), frame))
+     {
+       struct x_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_X_DISPLAY_INFO (f);
+ #endif
+       x_free_frame_resources (f);
+       /* Check that reference counts are indeed correct.  */
+       xassert (dpyinfo->reference_count == dpyinfo_refcount);
+       xassert (dpyinfo->image_cache->refcount == image_cache_refcount);
+       return Qt;
+     }
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-create-frame", Fx_create_frame, Sx_create_frame,
+        1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Make a new window, which is called a \"frame\" in Emacs terms.
+ Returns an Emacs frame object.
+ ALIST is an alist of frame parameters.
+ If the parameters specify that the frame should not have a minibuffer,
+ and do not specify a specific minibuffer window to use,
+ then `default-minibuffer-frame' must be a frame whose minibuffer can
+ be shared by the new frame.
+ This function is an internal primitive--use `make-frame' instead.  */)
+   (parms)
+      Lisp_Object parms;
+ {
+   struct frame *f;
+   Lisp_Object frame, tem;
+   Lisp_Object name;
+   int minibuffer_only = 0;
+   long window_prompting = 0;
+   int width, height;
+   int count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
+   struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3, gcpro4;
+   Lisp_Object display;
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo = NULL;
+   Lisp_Object parent;
+   struct kboard *kb;
+   char x_frame_name[10];
+   static int x_frame_count = 2;  /* begins at 2 because terminal frame is F1 
+   check_mac ();
+   /* Use this general default value to start with
+      until we know if this frame has a specified name.  */
+   Vx_resource_name = Vinvocation_name;
+   display = mac_get_arg (parms, Qdisplay, 0, 0, RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   if (EQ (display, Qunbound))
+     display = Qnil;
+   dpyinfo = check_x_display_info (display);
+   kb = dpyinfo->kboard;
+ #else
+   kb = &the_only_kboard;
+ #endif
+   name = mac_get_arg (parms, Qname, "name", "Name", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   if (!STRINGP (name)
+       && ! EQ (name, Qunbound)
+       && ! NILP (name))
+     error ("Invalid frame name--not a string or nil");
+   if (STRINGP (name))
+     Vx_resource_name = name;
+   /* See if parent window is specified.  */
+   parent = mac_get_arg (parms, Qparent_id, NULL, NULL, RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+   if (EQ (parent, Qunbound))
+     parent = Qnil;
+   if (! NILP (parent))
+     CHECK_NUMBER (parent);
+   /* make_frame_without_minibuffer can run Lisp code and garbage collect.  */
+   /* No need to protect DISPLAY because that's not used after passing
+      it to make_frame_without_minibuffer.  */
+   frame = Qnil;
+   GCPRO4 (parms, parent, name, frame);
+   tem = mac_get_arg (parms, Qminibuffer, "minibuffer", "Minibuffer",
+                      RES_TYPE_SYMBOL);
+   if (EQ (tem, Qnone) || NILP (tem))
+     f = make_frame_without_minibuffer (Qnil, kb, display);
+   else if (EQ (tem, Qonly))
+     {
+       f = make_minibuffer_frame ();
+       minibuffer_only = 1;
+     }
+   else if (WINDOWP (tem))
+     f = make_frame_without_minibuffer (tem, kb, display);
+   else
+     f = make_frame (1);
+   if (EQ (name, Qunbound) || NILP (name))
+     {
+       sprintf (x_frame_name, "F%d", x_frame_count++);
+       f->name = build_string (x_frame_name);
+       f->explicit_name = 0;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       f->name = name;
+       f->explicit_name = 1;
+     }
+   XSETFRAME (frame, f);
+   /* Note that X Windows does support scroll bars.  */
+   f->output_method = output_mac;
+   f->output_data.mac = (struct mac_output *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct 
+   bzero (f->output_data.mac, sizeof (struct mac_output));
+   FRAME_FONTSET (f) = -1;
+   record_unwind_protect (unwind_create_frame, frame);
+   f->icon_name
+     = mac_get_arg (parms, Qicon_name, "iconName", "Title", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   if (! STRINGP (f->icon_name))
+     f->icon_name = Qnil;
+ /*  FRAME_W32_DISPLAY_INFO (f) = dpyinfo; */
+   FRAME_KBOARD (f) = kb;
+ #endif
+   /* Specify the parent under which to make this window.  */
+   if (!NILP (parent))
+     {
+       f->output_data.mac->parent_desc = (Window) XFASTINT (parent);
+       f->output_data.mac->explicit_parent = 1;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       f->output_data.mac->parent_desc = FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO 
+       f->output_data.mac->explicit_parent = 0;
+     }
+   /* Set the name; the functions to which we pass f expect the name to
+      be set.  */
+   if (EQ (name, Qunbound) || NILP (name))
+     {
+       f->name = build_string (dpyinfo->mac_id_name);
+       f->explicit_name = 0;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       f->name = name;
+       f->explicit_name = 1;
+       /* use the frame's title when getting resources for this frame.  */
+       specbind (Qx_resource_name, name);
+     }
+   /* Extract the window parameters from the supplied values
+      that are needed to determine window geometry.  */
+   {
+     Lisp_Object font;
+     font = mac_get_arg (parms, Qfont, "font", "Font", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+     /* First, try whatever font the caller has specified.  */
+     if (STRINGP (font))
+       {
+       tem = Fquery_fontset (font, Qnil);
+       if (STRINGP (tem))
+         font = x_new_fontset (f, SDATA (tem));
+       else
+         font = x_new_font (f, SDATA (font));
+       }
+     /* Try out a font which we hope has bold and italic variations.  */
+     if (! STRINGP (font))
+       font = x_new_font (f, "-ETL-fixed-medium-r-*--*-160-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
+     /* If those didn't work, look for something which will at least work.  */
+     if (! STRINGP (font))
+       font = x_new_font (f, "-*-monaco-*-12-*-mac-roman");
+     if (! STRINGP (font))
+       font = x_new_font (f, "-*-courier-*-10-*-mac-roman");
+     if (! STRINGP (font))
+       error ("Cannot find any usable font");
+     x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qfont, font,
+                        "font", "Font", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   }
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qborder_width, make_number (0),
+                      "borderwidth", "BorderWidth", RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+   /* This defaults to 2 in order to match xterm.  We recognize either
+      internalBorderWidth or internalBorder (which is what xterm calls
+      it).  */
+   if (NILP (Fassq (Qinternal_border_width, parms)))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object value;
+       value = mac_get_arg (parms, Qinternal_border_width,
+                        "internalBorder", "InternalBorder", RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+       if (! EQ (value, Qunbound))
+       parms = Fcons (Fcons (Qinternal_border_width, value),
+                      parms);
+     }
+   /* Default internalBorderWidth to 0 on Windows to match other programs.  */
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qinternal_border_width, make_number (0),
+                      "internalBorderWidth", "InternalBorder", 
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qvertical_scroll_bars, Qright,
+                      "verticalScrollBars", "ScrollBars", RES_TYPE_SYMBOL);
+   /* Also do the stuff which must be set before the window exists.  */
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qforeground_color, build_string ("black"),
+                      "foreground", "Foreground", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qbackground_color, build_string ("white"),
+                      "background", "Background", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qmouse_color, build_string ("black"),
+                      "pointerColor", "Foreground", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qcursor_color, build_string ("black"),
+                      "cursorColor", "Foreground", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qborder_color, build_string ("black"),
+                      "borderColor", "BorderColor", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qscreen_gamma, Qnil,
+                      "screenGamma", "ScreenGamma", RES_TYPE_FLOAT);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qline_spacing, Qnil,
+                      "lineSpacing", "LineSpacing", RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qleft_fringe, Qnil,
+                      "leftFringe", "LeftFringe", RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qright_fringe, Qnil,
+                      "rightFringe", "RightFringe", RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+   /* Init faces before x_default_parameter is called for scroll-bar
+      parameters because that function calls x_set_scroll_bar_width,
+      which calls change_frame_size, which calls Fset_window_buffer,
+      which runs hooks, which call Fvertical_motion.  At the end, we
+      end up in init_iterator with a null face cache, which should not
+      happen.  */
+   init_frame_faces (f);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qmenu_bar_lines, make_number (1),
+                      "menuBar", "MenuBar", RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qtool_bar_lines, make_number (1),
+                        "toolBar", "ToolBar", RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qbuffer_predicate, Qnil,
+                      "bufferPredicate", "BufferPredicate", RES_TYPE_SYMBOL);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qtitle, Qnil,
+                      "title", "Title", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   f->output_data.mac->parent_desc = FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->root_window;
+   f->output_data.mac->text_cursor = kThemeIBeamCursor;
+   f->output_data.mac->nontext_cursor = kThemeArrowCursor;
+   f->output_data.mac->modeline_cursor = kThemeArrowCursor;
+   f->output_data.mac->hand_cursor = kThemePointingHandCursor;
+   f->output_data.mac->hourglass_cursor = kThemeWatchCursor;
+   f->output_data.mac->horizontal_drag_cursor = kThemeResizeLeftRightCursor;
+ #else
+   f->output_data.mac->text_cursor = GetCursor (iBeamCursor);
+   f->output_data.mac->nontext_cursor = &arrow_cursor;
+   f->output_data.mac->modeline_cursor = &arrow_cursor;
+   f->output_data.mac->hand_cursor = &arrow_cursor;
+   f->output_data.mac->hourglass_cursor = GetCursor (watchCursor);
+   f->output_data.mac->horizontal_drag_cursor = &arrow_cursor;
+ #endif
+   /* Compute the size of the window.  */
+   window_prompting = x_figure_window_size (f, parms, 1);
+   tem = mac_get_arg (parms, Qunsplittable, 0, 0, RES_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+   f->no_split = minibuffer_only || EQ (tem, Qt);
+   /* mac_window (f, window_prompting, minibuffer_only); */
+   make_mac_frame (f);
+   x_icon (f, parms);
+   x_make_gc (f);
+   /* Now consider the frame official.  */
+   FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->reference_count++;
+   Vframe_list = Fcons (frame, Vframe_list);
+   /* We need to do this after creating the window, so that the
+      icon-creation functions can say whose icon they're describing.  */
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qicon_type, Qnil,
+                      "bitmapIcon", "BitmapIcon", RES_TYPE_SYMBOL);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qauto_raise, Qnil,
+                      "autoRaise", "AutoRaiseLower", RES_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qauto_lower, Qnil,
+                      "autoLower", "AutoRaiseLower", RES_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qcursor_type, Qbox,
+                      "cursorType", "CursorType", RES_TYPE_SYMBOL);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qscroll_bar_width, Qnil,
+                      "scrollBarWidth", "ScrollBarWidth",
+                      RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+   /* Dimensions, especially FRAME_LINES (f), must be done via 
+      Change will not be effected unless different from the current
+      FRAME_LINES (f).  */
+   width = FRAME_COLS (f);
+   height = FRAME_LINES (f);
+   SET_FRAME_COLS (f, 0);
+   FRAME_LINES (f) = 0;
+   change_frame_size (f, height, width, 1, 0, 0);
+ #if 0 /* MAC_TODO: when we have window manager hints */
+   /* Tell the server what size and position, etc, we want, and how
+      badly we want them.  This should be done after we have the menu
+      bar so that its size can be taken into account.  */
+   x_wm_set_size_hint (f, window_prompting, 0);
+ #endif
+   /* Make the window appear on the frame and enable display, unless
+      the caller says not to.  However, with explicit parent, Emacs
+      cannot control visibility, so don't try.  */
+   if (! f->output_data.mac->explicit_parent)
+     {
+       Lisp_Object visibility;
+       visibility = mac_get_arg (parms, Qvisibility, 0, 0, RES_TYPE_SYMBOL);
+       if (EQ (visibility, Qunbound))
+       visibility = Qt;
+ #if 0 /* MAC_TODO: really no iconify on Mac */
+       if (EQ (visibility, Qicon))
+       x_iconify_frame (f);
+       else
+ #endif
+       if (! NILP (visibility))
+       x_make_frame_visible (f);
+       else
+       /* Must have been Qnil.  */
+       ;
+     }
+   /* Make sure windows on this frame appear in calls to next-window
+      and similar functions.  */
+   Vwindow_list = Qnil;
+   return unbind_to (count, frame);
+ }
+ /* FRAME is used only to get a handle on the X display.  We don't pass the
+    display info directly because we're called from frame.c, which doesn't
+    know about that structure.  */
+ Lisp_Object
+ x_get_focus_frame (frame)
+      struct frame *frame;
+ {
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo = FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (frame);
+   Lisp_Object xfocus;
+   if (! dpyinfo->x_focus_frame)
+     return Qnil;
+   XSETFRAME (xfocus, dpyinfo->x_focus_frame);
+   return xfocus;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("xw-color-defined-p", Fxw_color_defined_p, Sxw_color_defined_p, 1, 2, 
+        doc: /* Internal function called by `color-defined-p', which see.  */)
+   (color, frame)
+      Lisp_Object color, frame;
+ {
+   XColor foo;
+   FRAME_PTR f = check_x_frame (frame);
+   CHECK_STRING (color);
+   if (mac_defined_color (f, SDATA (color), &foo, 0))
+     return Qt;
+   else
+     return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("xw-color-values", Fxw_color_values, Sxw_color_values, 1, 2, 0,
+        doc: /* Internal function called by `color-values', which see.  */)
+   (color, frame)
+      Lisp_Object color, frame;
+ {
+   XColor foo;
+   FRAME_PTR f = check_x_frame (frame);
+   CHECK_STRING (color);
+   if (mac_defined_color (f, SDATA (color), &foo, 0))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object rgb[3];
+       rgb[0] = make_number (foo.red);
+       rgb[1] = make_number (foo.green);
+       rgb[2] = make_number (foo.blue);
+       return Flist (3, rgb);
+     }
+   else
+     return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("xw-display-color-p", Fxw_display_color_p, Sxw_display_color_p, 0, 1, 
+        doc: /* Internal function called by `display-color-p', which see.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo = check_x_display_info (display);
+   if (!dpyinfo->color_p)
+     return Qnil;
+   return Qt;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-display-grayscale-p", Fx_display_grayscale_p, 
+        0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return t if the X display supports shades of gray.
+ Note that color displays do support shades of gray.
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo = check_x_display_info (display);
+   if (dpyinfo->n_planes <= 1)
+     return Qnil;
+   return Qt;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-display-pixel-width", Fx_display_pixel_width, 
+        0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Returns the width in pixels of the X display DISPLAY.
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo = check_x_display_info (display);
+   return make_number (dpyinfo->width);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-display-pixel-height", Fx_display_pixel_height,
+        Sx_display_pixel_height, 0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Returns the height in pixels of the X display DISPLAY.
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo = check_x_display_info (display);
+   return make_number (dpyinfo->height);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-display-planes", Fx_display_planes, Sx_display_planes,
+        0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Returns the number of bitplanes of the display DISPLAY.
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo = check_x_display_info (display);
+   return make_number (dpyinfo->n_planes);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-display-color-cells", Fx_display_color_cells, 
+        0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Returns the number of color cells of the display DISPLAY.
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo = check_x_display_info (display);
+   /* We force 24+ bit depths to 24-bit to prevent an overflow.  */
+   return make_number (1 << min (dpyinfo->n_planes, 24));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-server-max-request-size", Fx_server_max_request_size,
+        Sx_server_max_request_size,
+        0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Returns the maximum request size of the server of display 
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo = check_x_display_info (display);
+   return make_number (1);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-server-vendor", Fx_server_vendor, Sx_server_vendor, 0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Returns the vendor ID string of the Mac OS system (Apple).
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   return build_string ("Apple Computers");
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-server-version", Fx_server_version, Sx_server_version, 0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Returns the version numbers of the server of display DISPLAY.
+ The value is a list of three integers: the major and minor
+ version numbers, and the vendor-specific release
+ number.  See also the function `x-server-vendor'.
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   int mac_major_version;
+   SInt32 response;
+   if (Gestalt (gestaltSystemVersion, &response) != noErr)
+     error ("Cannot get Mac OS version");
+   mac_major_version = (response >> 8) & 0xff;
+   /* convert BCD to int */
+   mac_major_version -= (mac_major_version >> 4) * 6;
+   return Fcons (make_number (mac_major_version),
+               Fcons (make_number ((response >> 4) & 0xf),
+                      Fcons (make_number (response & 0xf),
+                             Qnil)));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-display-screens", Fx_display_screens, Sx_display_screens, 0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the number of screens on the server of display DISPLAY.
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   return make_number (1);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-display-mm-height", Fx_display_mm_height, Sx_display_mm_height, 0, 
1, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the height in millimeters of the X display DISPLAY.
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   /* MAC_TODO: this is an approximation, and only of the main display */
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo = check_x_display_info (display);
+   return make_number ((int) (dpyinfo->height * 25.4 / dpyinfo->resy));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-display-mm-width", Fx_display_mm_width, Sx_display_mm_width, 0, 1, 
+        doc: /* Return the width in millimeters of the X display DISPLAY.
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   /* MAC_TODO: this is an approximation, and only of the main display */
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo = check_x_display_info (display);
+   return make_number ((int) (dpyinfo->width * 25.4 / dpyinfo->resx));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-display-backing-store", Fx_display_backing_store,
+        Sx_display_backing_store, 0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Returns an indication of whether display DISPLAY does backing 
+ The value may be `always', `when-mapped', or `not-useful'.
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   return intern ("not-useful");
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-display-visual-class", Fx_display_visual_class,
+        Sx_display_visual_class, 0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Returns the visual class of the display DISPLAY.
+ The value is one of the symbols `static-gray', `gray-scale',
+ `static-color', `pseudo-color', `true-color', or `direct-color'.
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+       (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo = check_x_display_info (display);
+ #if 0
+   switch (dpyinfo->visual->class)
+     {
+     case StaticGray:  return (intern ("static-gray"));
+     case GrayScale:   return (intern ("gray-scale"));
+     case StaticColor: return (intern ("static-color"));
+     case PseudoColor: return (intern ("pseudo-color"));
+     case TrueColor:   return (intern ("true-color"));
+     case DirectColor: return (intern ("direct-color"));
+     default:
+       error ("Display has an unknown visual class");
+     }
+ #endif /* 0 */
+   return (intern ("true-color"));
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-display-save-under", Fx_display_save_under,
+        Sx_display_save_under, 0, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Returns t if the display DISPLAY supports the save-under 
+ The optional argument DISPLAY specifies which display to ask about.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+      Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ int
+ x_pixel_width (f)
+      register struct frame *f;
+ {
+   return FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f);
+ }
+ int
+ x_pixel_height (f)
+      register struct frame *f;
+ {
+   return FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f);
+ }
+ int
+ x_char_width (f)
+      register struct frame *f;
+ {
+   return FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (f);
+ }
+ int
+ x_char_height (f)
+      register struct frame *f;
+ {
+   return FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (f);
+ }
+ int
+ x_screen_planes (f)
+      register struct frame *f;
+ {
+   return FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->n_planes;
+ }
+ /* Return the display structure for the display named NAME.
+    Open a new connection if necessary.  */
+ struct mac_display_info *
+ x_display_info_for_name (name)
+      Lisp_Object name;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object names;
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo;
+   CHECK_STRING (name);
+   for (dpyinfo = &one_mac_display_info, names = x_display_name_list;
+        dpyinfo;
+        dpyinfo = dpyinfo->next, names = XCDR (names))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object tem;
+       tem = Fstring_equal (XCAR (XCAR (names)), name);
+       if (!NILP (tem))
+       return dpyinfo;
+     }
+   /* Use this general default value to start with.  */
+   Vx_resource_name = Vinvocation_name;
+   validate_x_resource_name ();
+   dpyinfo = mac_term_init (name, (unsigned char *) 0,
+                          (char *) SDATA (Vx_resource_name));
+   if (dpyinfo == 0)
+     error ("Cannot connect to server %s", SDATA (name));
+   mac_in_use = 1;
+   XSETFASTINT (Vwindow_system_version, 3);
+   return dpyinfo;
+ }
+ #if 0 /* MAC_TODO: implement network support */
+ DEFUN ("x-open-connection", Fx_open_connection, Sx_open_connection,
+        1, 3, 0,
+        doc: /* Open a connection to a server.
+ DISPLAY is the name of the display to connect to.
+ Optional second arg XRM-STRING is a string of resources in xrdb format.
+ If the optional third arg MUST-SUCCEED is non-nil,
+ terminate Emacs if we can't open the connection.  */)
+   (display, xrm_string, must_succeed)
+      Lisp_Object display, xrm_string, must_succeed;
+ {
+   unsigned char *xrm_option;
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo;
+   CHECK_STRING (display);
+   if (! NILP (xrm_string))
+     CHECK_STRING (xrm_string);
+   if (! EQ (Vwindow_system, intern ("mac")))
+     error ("Not using Mac OS");
+   if (! NILP (xrm_string))
+     xrm_option = (unsigned char *) SDATA (xrm_string);
+   else
+     xrm_option = (unsigned char *) 0;
+   validate_x_resource_name ();
+   /* This is what opens the connection and sets x_current_display.
+      This also initializes many symbols, such as those used for input.  */
+   dpyinfo = mac_term_init (display, xrm_option,
+                            (char *) SDATA (Vx_resource_name));
+   if (dpyinfo == 0)
+     {
+       if (!NILP (must_succeed))
+       fatal ("Cannot connect to server %s.\n",
+              SDATA (display));
+       else
+       error ("Cannot connect to server %s", SDATA (display));
+     }
+   mac_in_use = 1;
+   XSETFASTINT (Vwindow_system_version, 3);
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-close-connection", Fx_close_connection,
+        Sx_close_connection, 1, 1, 0,
+        doc: /* Close the connection to DISPLAY's server.
+ For DISPLAY, specify either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If DISPLAY is nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  */)
+   (display)
+   Lisp_Object display;
+ {
+   struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo = check_x_display_info (display);
+   int i;
+   if (dpyinfo->reference_count > 0)
+     error ("Display still has frames on it");
+   /* Free the fonts in the font table.  */
+   for (i = 0; i < dpyinfo->n_fonts; i++)
+     if (dpyinfo->font_table[i].name)
+       {
+         if (dpyinfo->font_table[i].name != dpyinfo->font_table[i].full_name)
+           xfree (dpyinfo->font_table[i].full_name);
+         xfree (dpyinfo->font_table[i].name);
+         x_unload_font (dpyinfo, dpyinfo->font_table[i].font);
+       }
+   x_destroy_all_bitmaps (dpyinfo);
+   x_delete_display (dpyinfo);
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ #endif /* 0 */
+ DEFUN ("x-display-list", Fx_display_list, Sx_display_list, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Return the list of display names that Emacs has connections 
to.  */)
+   ()
+ {
+   Lisp_Object tail, result;
+   result = Qnil;
+   for (tail = x_display_name_list; ! NILP (tail); tail = XCDR (tail))
+     result = Fcons (XCAR (XCAR (tail)), result);
+   return result;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-synchronize", Fx_synchronize, Sx_synchronize, 1, 2, 0,
+        doc: /* If ON is non-nil, report errors as soon as the erring request 
is made.
+ If ON is nil, allow buffering of requests.
+ This is a noop on Mac OS systems.
+ The optional second argument DISPLAY specifies which display to act on.
+ DISPLAY should be either a frame or a display name (a string).
+ If DISPLAY is omitted or nil, that stands for the selected frame's display.  
+   (on, display)
+     Lisp_Object display, on;
+ {
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                            Window properties
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ DEFUN ("x-change-window-property", Fx_change_window_property,
+        Sx_change_window_property, 2, 6, 0,
+        doc: /* Change window property PROP to VALUE on the X window of FRAME.
+ VALUE may be a string or a list of conses, numbers and/or strings.
+ If an element in the list is a string, it is converted to
+ an Atom and the value of the Atom is used.  If an element is a cons,
+ it is converted to a 32 bit number where the car is the 16 top bits and the
+ cdr is the lower 16 bits.
+ FRAME nil or omitted means use the selected frame.
+ If TYPE is given and non-nil, it is the name of the type of VALUE.
+ If TYPE is not given or nil, the type is STRING.
+ FORMAT gives the size in bits of each element if VALUE is a list.
+ It must be one of 8, 16 or 32.
+ If VALUE is a string or FORMAT is nil or not given, FORMAT defaults to 8.
+ If OUTER_P is non-nil, the property is changed for the outer X window of
+ FRAME.  Default is to change on the edit X window.
+ Value is VALUE.  */)
+      (prop, value, frame, type, format, outer_p)
+      Lisp_Object prop, value, frame, type, format, outer_p;
+ {
+ #if 0 /* MAC_TODO : port window properties to Mac */
+   struct frame *f = check_x_frame (frame);
+   Atom prop_atom;
+   CHECK_STRING (prop);
+   CHECK_STRING (value);
+   prop_atom = XInternAtom (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), SDATA (prop), False);
+   XChangeProperty (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f),
+                  prop_atom, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeReplace,
+                  SDATA (value), SCHARS (value));
+   /* Make sure the property is set when we return.  */
+   XFlush (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f));
+ #endif /* MAC_TODO */
+   return value;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-delete-window-property", Fx_delete_window_property,
+        Sx_delete_window_property, 1, 2, 0,
+        doc: /* Remove window property PROP from X window of FRAME.
+ FRAME nil or omitted means use the selected frame.  Value is PROP.  */)
+   (prop, frame)
+      Lisp_Object prop, frame;
+ {
+ #if 0 /* MAC_TODO : port window properties to Mac */
+   struct frame *f = check_x_frame (frame);
+   Atom prop_atom;
+   CHECK_STRING (prop);
+   prop_atom = XInternAtom (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), SDATA (prop), False);
+   XDeleteProperty (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f), prop_atom);
+   /* Make sure the property is removed when we return.  */
+   XFlush (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f));
+ #endif  /* MAC_TODO */
+   return prop;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-window-property", Fx_window_property, Sx_window_property,
+        1, 2, 0,
+        doc: /* Value is the value of window property PROP on FRAME.
+ If FRAME is nil or omitted, use the selected frame.  Value is nil
+ if FRAME hasn't a property with name PROP or if PROP has no string
+ value.  */)
+   (prop, frame)
+      Lisp_Object prop, frame;
+ {
+ #if 0 /* MAC_TODO : port window properties to Mac */
+   struct frame *f = check_x_frame (frame);
+   Atom prop_atom;
+   int rc;
+   Lisp_Object prop_value = Qnil;
+   char *tmp_data = NULL;
+   Atom actual_type;
+   int actual_format;
+   unsigned long actual_size, bytes_remaining;
+   CHECK_STRING (prop);
+   prop_atom = XInternAtom (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), SDATA (prop), False);
+   rc = XGetWindowProperty (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f),
+                          prop_atom, 0, 0, False, XA_STRING,
+                          &actual_type, &actual_format, &actual_size,
+                          &bytes_remaining, (unsigned char **) &tmp_data);
+   if (rc == Success)
+     {
+       int size = bytes_remaining;
+       XFree (tmp_data);
+       tmp_data = NULL;
+       rc = XGetWindowProperty (FRAME_W32_DISPLAY (f), FRAME_W32_WINDOW (f),
+                              prop_atom, 0, bytes_remaining,
+                              False, XA_STRING,
+                              &actual_type, &actual_format,
+                              &actual_size, &bytes_remaining,
+                              (unsigned char **) &tmp_data);
+       if (rc == Success)
+       prop_value = make_string (tmp_data, size);
+       XFree (tmp_data);
+     }
+   return prop_value;
+ #endif /* MAC_TODO */
+   return Qnil;
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                               Hourglass cursor
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ /* If non-null, an asynchronous timer that, when it expires, displays
+    an hourglass cursor on all frames.  */
+ static struct atimer *hourglass_atimer;
+ /* Non-zero means an hourglass cursor is currently shown.  */
+ static int hourglass_shown_p;
+ /* Number of seconds to wait before displaying an hourglass cursor.  */
+ static Lisp_Object Vhourglass_delay;
+ /* Default number of seconds to wait before displaying an hourglass
+    cursor.  */
+ /* Function prototypes.  */
+ static void show_hourglass P_ ((struct atimer *));
+ static void hide_hourglass P_ ((void));
+ /* Cancel a currently active hourglass timer, and start a new one.  */
+ void
+ start_hourglass ()
+ {
+ #if 0 /* MAC_TODO: cursor shape changes.  */
+   EMACS_TIME delay;
+   int secs, usecs = 0;
+   cancel_hourglass ();
+   if (INTEGERP (Vhourglass_delay)
+       && XINT (Vhourglass_delay) > 0)
+     secs = XFASTINT (Vhourglass_delay);
+   else if (FLOATP (Vhourglass_delay)
+          && XFLOAT_DATA (Vhourglass_delay) > 0)
+     {
+       Lisp_Object tem;
+       tem = Ftruncate (Vhourglass_delay, Qnil);
+       secs = XFASTINT (tem);
+       usecs = (XFLOAT_DATA (Vhourglass_delay) - secs) * 1000000;
+     }
+   else
+   EMACS_SET_SECS_USECS (delay, secs, usecs);
+   hourglass_atimer = start_atimer (ATIMER_RELATIVE, delay,
+                                    show_hourglass, NULL);
+ #endif /* MAC_TODO */
+ }
+ /* Cancel the hourglass cursor timer if active, hide an hourglass
+    cursor if shown.  */
+ void
+ cancel_hourglass ()
+ {
+   if (hourglass_atimer)
+     {
+       cancel_atimer (hourglass_atimer);
+       hourglass_atimer = NULL;
+     }
+   if (hourglass_shown_p)
+     hide_hourglass ();
+ }
+ /* Timer function of hourglass_atimer.  TIMER is equal to
+    hourglass_atimer.
+    Display an hourglass cursor on all frames by mapping the frames'
+    hourglass_window.  Set the hourglass_p flag in the frames'
+    output_data.x structure to indicate that an hourglass cursor is
+    shown on the frames.  */
+ static void
+ show_hourglass (timer)
+      struct atimer *timer;
+ {
+ #if 0  /* MAC_TODO: cursor shape changes.  */
+   /* The timer implementation will cancel this timer automatically
+      after this function has run.  Set hourglass_atimer to null
+      so that we know the timer doesn't have to be canceled.  */
+   hourglass_atimer = NULL;
+   if (!hourglass_shown_p)
+     {
+       Lisp_Object rest, frame;
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       FOR_EACH_FRAME (rest, frame)
+       if (FRAME_W32_P (XFRAME (frame)))
+         {
+           struct frame *f = XFRAME (frame);
+           f->output_data.w32->hourglass_p = 1;
+           if (!f->output_data.w32->hourglass_window)
+             {
+               unsigned long mask = CWCursor;
+               XSetWindowAttributes attrs;
+               attrs.cursor = f->output_data.w32->hourglass_cursor;
+               f->output_data.w32->hourglass_window
+                 = XCreateWindow (FRAME_X_DISPLAY (f),
+                                  FRAME_OUTER_WINDOW (f),
+                                  0, 0, 32000, 32000, 0, 0,
+                                  InputOnly,
+                                  CopyFromParent,
+                                  mask, &attrs);
+             }
+           XMapRaised (FRAME_X_DISPLAY (f),
+                       f->output_data.w32->hourglass_window);
+           XFlush (FRAME_X_DISPLAY (f));
+         }
+       hourglass_shown_p = 1;
+     }
+ #endif /* MAC_TODO */
+ }
+ /* Hide the hourglass cursor on all frames, if it is currently shown.  */
+ static void
+ hide_hourglass ()
+ {
+ #if 0 /* MAC_TODO: cursor shape changes.  */
+   if (hourglass_shown_p)
+     {
+       Lisp_Object rest, frame;
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       FOR_EACH_FRAME (rest, frame)
+       {
+         struct frame *f = XFRAME (frame);
+         if (FRAME_W32_P (f)
+             /* Watch out for newly created frames.  */
+             && f->output_data.x->hourglass_window)
+           {
+             XUnmapWindow (FRAME_X_DISPLAY (f),
+                           f->output_data.x->hourglass_window);
+             /* Sync here because XTread_socket looks at the
+                hourglass_p flag that is reset to zero below.  */
+             XSync (FRAME_X_DISPLAY (f), False);
+             f->output_data.x->hourglass_p = 0;
+           }
+       }
+       hourglass_shown_p = 0;
+     }
+ #endif /* MAC_TODO */
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                               Tool tips
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ static Lisp_Object x_create_tip_frame P_ ((struct mac_display_info *,
+                                          Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object));
+ static void compute_tip_xy P_ ((struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object,
+                               Lisp_Object, int, int, int *, int *));
+ /* The frame of a currently visible tooltip.  */
+ Lisp_Object tip_frame;
+ /* If non-nil, a timer started that hides the last tooltip when it
+    fires.  */
+ Lisp_Object tip_timer;
+ Window tip_window;
+ /* If non-nil, a vector of 3 elements containing the last args
+    with which x-show-tip was called.  See there.  */
+ Lisp_Object last_show_tip_args;
+ /* Maximum size for tooltips; a cons (COLUMNS . ROWS).  */
+ Lisp_Object Vx_max_tooltip_size;
+ static Lisp_Object
+ unwind_create_tip_frame (frame)
+      Lisp_Object frame;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object deleted;
+   deleted = unwind_create_frame (frame);
+   if (EQ (deleted, Qt))
+     {
+       tip_window = NULL;
+       tip_frame = Qnil;
+     }
+   return deleted;
+ }
+ /* Create a frame for a tooltip on the display described by DPYINFO.
+    PARMS is a list of frame parameters.  TEXT is the string to
+    display in the tip frame.  Value is the frame.
+    Note that functions called here, esp. x_default_parameter can
+    signal errors, for instance when a specified color name is
+    undefined.  We have to make sure that we're in a consistent state
+    when this happens.  */
+ static Lisp_Object
+ x_create_tip_frame (dpyinfo, parms, text)
+      struct mac_display_info *dpyinfo;
+      Lisp_Object parms, text;
+ {
+   struct frame *f;
+   Lisp_Object frame, tem;
+   Lisp_Object name;
+   long window_prompting = 0;
+   int width, height;
+   int count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
+   struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3;
+   struct kboard *kb;
+   int face_change_count_before = face_change_count;
+   Lisp_Object buffer;
+   struct buffer *old_buffer;
+   check_mac ();
+   /* Use this general default value to start with until we know if
+      this frame has a specified name.  */
+   Vx_resource_name = Vinvocation_name;
+   kb = dpyinfo->kboard;
+ #else
+   kb = &the_only_kboard;
+ #endif
+   /* Get the name of the frame to use for resource lookup.  */
+   name = mac_get_arg (parms, Qname, "name", "Name", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   if (!STRINGP (name)
+       && !EQ (name, Qunbound)
+       && !NILP (name))
+     error ("Invalid frame name--not a string or nil");
+   Vx_resource_name = name;
+   frame = Qnil;
+   GCPRO3 (parms, name, frame);
+   f = make_frame (1);
+   XSETFRAME (frame, f);
+   buffer = Fget_buffer_create (build_string (" *tip*"));
+   Fset_window_buffer (FRAME_ROOT_WINDOW (f), buffer, Qnil);
+   old_buffer = current_buffer;
+   set_buffer_internal_1 (XBUFFER (buffer));
+   current_buffer->truncate_lines = Qnil;
+   specbind (Qinhibit_read_only, Qt);
+   specbind (Qinhibit_modification_hooks, Qt);
+   Ferase_buffer ();
+   Finsert (1, &text);
+   set_buffer_internal_1 (old_buffer);
+   record_unwind_protect (unwind_create_tip_frame, frame);
+   /* By setting the output method, we're essentially saying that
+      the frame is live, as per FRAME_LIVE_P.  If we get a signal
+      from this point on, x_destroy_window might screw up reference
+      counts etc.  */
+   f->output_method = output_mac;
+   f->output_data.mac =
+     (struct mac_output *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct mac_output));
+   bzero (f->output_data.mac, sizeof (struct mac_output));
+   FRAME_FONTSET (f)  = -1;
+   f->icon_name = Qnil;
+ #if 0 /* GLYPH_DEBUG TODO: image support.  */
+   image_cache_refcount = FRAME_X_IMAGE_CACHE (f)->refcount;
+   dpyinfo_refcount = dpyinfo->reference_count;
+ #endif /* GLYPH_DEBUG */
+   FRAME_KBOARD (f) = kb;
+ #endif
+   f->output_data.mac->parent_desc = FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->root_window;
+   f->output_data.mac->explicit_parent = 0;
+   /* Set the name; the functions to which we pass f expect the name to
+      be set.  */
+   if (EQ (name, Qunbound) || NILP (name))
+     {
+       f->name = build_string (dpyinfo->mac_id_name);
+       f->explicit_name = 0;
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       f->name = name;
+       f->explicit_name = 1;
+       /* use the frame's title when getting resources for this frame.  */
+       specbind (Qx_resource_name, name);
+     }
+   /* Extract the window parameters from the supplied values that are
+      needed to determine window geometry.  */
+   {
+     Lisp_Object font;
+     font = mac_get_arg (parms, Qfont, "font", "Font", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+     /* First, try whatever font the caller has specified.  */
+     if (STRINGP (font))
+       {
+       tem = Fquery_fontset (font, Qnil);
+       if (STRINGP (tem))
+         font = x_new_fontset (f, SDATA (tem));
+       else
+         font = x_new_font (f, SDATA (font));
+       }
+     /* Try out a font which we hope has bold and italic variations.  */
+     if (! STRINGP (font))
+       font = x_new_font (f, "-ETL-fixed-medium-r-*--*-160-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
+     /* If those didn't work, look for something which will at least work.  */
+     if (! STRINGP (font))
+       font = x_new_font (f, "-*-monaco-*-12-*-mac-roman");
+     if (! STRINGP (font))
+       font = x_new_font (f, "-*-courier-*-10-*-mac-roman");
+     if (! STRINGP (font))
+       error ("Cannot find any usable font");
+     x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qfont, font,
+                        "font", "Font", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   }
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qborder_width, make_number (2),
+                      "borderWidth", "BorderWidth", RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+   /* This defaults to 2 in order to match xterm.  We recognize either
+      internalBorderWidth or internalBorder (which is what xterm calls
+      it).  */
+   if (NILP (Fassq (Qinternal_border_width, parms)))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object value;
+       value = mac_get_arg (parms, Qinternal_border_width,
+                        "internalBorder", "internalBorder", RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+       if (! EQ (value, Qunbound))
+       parms = Fcons (Fcons (Qinternal_border_width, value),
+                      parms);
+     }
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qinternal_border_width, make_number (1),
+                      "internalBorderWidth", "internalBorderWidth",
+                      RES_TYPE_NUMBER);
+   /* Also do the stuff which must be set before the window exists.  */
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qforeground_color, build_string ("black"),
+                      "foreground", "Foreground", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qbackground_color, build_string ("white"),
+                      "background", "Background", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qmouse_color, build_string ("black"),
+                      "pointerColor", "Foreground", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qcursor_color, build_string ("black"),
+                      "cursorColor", "Foreground", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qborder_color, build_string ("black"),
+                      "borderColor", "BorderColor", RES_TYPE_STRING);
+   /* Init faces before x_default_parameter is called for scroll-bar
+      parameters because that function calls x_set_scroll_bar_width,
+      which calls change_frame_size, which calls Fset_window_buffer,
+      which runs hooks, which call Fvertical_motion.  At the end, we
+      end up in init_iterator with a null face cache, which should not
+      happen.  */
+   init_frame_faces (f);
+   f->output_data.mac->parent_desc = FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->root_window;
+   window_prompting = x_figure_window_size (f, parms, 0);
+   {
+     Rect r;
+     SetRect (&r, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+     if (CreateNewWindow (kHelpWindowClass,
+ #ifdef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_2
+                        kWindowIgnoreClicksAttribute |
+ #endif
+                        kWindowNoActivatesAttribute,
+                        &r, &tip_window) == noErr)
+       {
+       FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f) = tip_window;
+       SetWRefCon (tip_window, (long) f->output_data.mac);
+       /* so that update events can find this mac_output struct */
+       f->output_data.mac->mFP = f;
+       ShowWindow (tip_window);
+       }
+   }
+   x_make_gc (f);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qauto_raise, Qnil,
+                      "autoRaise", "AutoRaiseLower", RES_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qauto_lower, Qnil,
+                      "autoLower", "AutoRaiseLower", RES_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+   x_default_parameter (f, parms, Qcursor_type, Qbox,
+                      "cursorType", "CursorType", RES_TYPE_SYMBOL);
+   /* Dimensions, especially FRAME_LINES (f), must be done via 
+      Change will not be effected unless different from the current
+      FRAME_LINES (f).  */
+   width = FRAME_COLS (f);
+   height = FRAME_LINES (f);
+   SET_FRAME_COLS (f, 0);
+   FRAME_LINES (f) = 0;
+   change_frame_size (f, height, width, 1, 0, 0);
+   /* Add `tooltip' frame parameter's default value. */
+   if (NILP (Fframe_parameter (frame, intern ("tooltip"))))
+     Fmodify_frame_parameters (frame, Fcons (Fcons (intern ("tooltip"), Qt),
+                                           Qnil));
+   /* Set up faces after all frame parameters are known.  This call
+      also merges in face attributes specified for new frames.
+      Frame parameters may be changed if .Xdefaults contains
+      specifications for the default font.  For example, if there is an
+      `Emacs.default.attributeBackground: pink', the `background-color'
+      attribute of the frame get's set, which let's the internal border
+      of the tooltip frame appear in pink.  Prevent this.  */
+   {
+     Lisp_Object bg = Fframe_parameter (frame, Qbackground_color);
+     /* Set tip_frame here, so that */
+     tip_frame = frame;
+     call1 (Qface_set_after_frame_default, frame);
+     if (!EQ (bg, Fframe_parameter (frame, Qbackground_color)))
+       Fmodify_frame_parameters (frame, Fcons (Fcons (Qbackground_color, bg),
+                                             Qnil));
+   }
+   f->no_split = 1;
+   /* It is now ok to make the frame official even if we get an error
+      below.  And the frame needs to be on Vframe_list or making it
+      visible won't work.  */
+   Vframe_list = Fcons (frame, Vframe_list);
+   /* Now that the frame is official, it counts as a reference to
+      its display.  */
+   FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->reference_count++;
+   /* Setting attributes of faces of the tooltip frame from resources
+      and similar will increment face_change_count, which leads to the
+      clearing of all current matrices.  Since this isn't necessary
+      here, avoid it by resetting face_change_count to the value it
+      had before we created the tip frame.  */
+   face_change_count = face_change_count_before;
+   /* Discard the unwind_protect.  */
+   return unbind_to (count, frame);
+ }
+ /* Compute where to display tip frame F.  PARMS is the list of frame
+    parameters for F.  DX and DY are specified offsets from the current
+    location of the mouse.  WIDTH and HEIGHT are the width and height
+    of the tooltip.  Return coordinates relative to the root window of
+    the display in *ROOT_X, and *ROOT_Y.  */
+ static void
+ compute_tip_xy (f, parms, dx, dy, width, height, root_x, root_y)
+      struct frame *f;
+      Lisp_Object parms, dx, dy;
+      int width, height;
+      int *root_x, *root_y;
+ {
+   Lisp_Object left, top;
+   /* User-specified position?  */
+   left = Fcdr (Fassq (Qleft, parms));
+   top  = Fcdr (Fassq (Qtop, parms));
+   /* Move the tooltip window where the mouse pointer is.  Resize and
+      show it.  */
+   if (!INTEGERP (left) || !INTEGERP (top))
+     {
+       Point mouse_pos;
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       GetMouse (&mouse_pos);
+       LocalToGlobal (&mouse_pos);
+       *root_x = mouse_pos.h;
+       *root_y = mouse_pos.v;
+     }
+   if (INTEGERP (top))
+     *root_y = XINT (top);
+   else if (*root_y + XINT (dy) - height < 0)
+     *root_y -= XINT (dy);
+   else
+     {
+       *root_y -= height;
+       *root_y += XINT (dy);
+     }
+   if (INTEGERP (left))
+     *root_x = XINT (left);
+   else if (*root_x + XINT (dx) + width <= FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->width)
+     /* It fits to the right of the pointer.  */
+     *root_x += XINT (dx);
+   else if (width + XINT (dx) <= *root_x)
+     /* It fits to the left of the pointer.  */
+     *root_x -= width + XINT (dx);
+   else
+     /* Put it left-justified on the screen -- it ought to fit that way.  */
+     *root_x = 0;
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-show-tip", Fx_show_tip, Sx_show_tip, 1, 6, 0,
+        doc: /* Show STRING in a "tooltip" window on frame FRAME.
+ A tooltip window is a small X window displaying a string.
+ FRAME nil or omitted means use the selected frame.
+ PARMS is an optional list of frame parameters which can be used to
+ change the tooltip's appearance.
+ Automatically hide the tooltip after TIMEOUT seconds.  TIMEOUT nil
+ means use the default timeout of 5 seconds.
+ If the list of frame parameters PARAMS contains a `left' parameters,
+ the tooltip is displayed at that x-position.  Otherwise it is
+ displayed at the mouse position, with offset DX added (default is 5 if
+ DX isn't specified).  Likewise for the y-position; if a `top' frame
+ parameter is specified, it determines the y-position of the tooltip
+ window, otherwise it is displayed at the mouse position, with offset
+ DY added (default is -10).
+ A tooltip's maximum size is specified by `x-max-tooltip-size'.
+ Text larger than the specified size is clipped.  */)
+      (string, frame, parms, timeout, dx, dy)
+      Lisp_Object string, frame, parms, timeout, dx, dy;
+ {
+   struct frame *f;
+   struct window *w;
+   int root_x, root_y;
+   struct buffer *old_buffer;
+   struct text_pos pos;
+   int i, width, height;
+   struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3, gcpro4;
+   int old_windows_or_buffers_changed = windows_or_buffers_changed;
+   int count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
+   specbind (Qinhibit_redisplay, Qt);
+   GCPRO4 (string, parms, frame, timeout);
+   CHECK_STRING (string);
+   f = check_x_frame (frame);
+   if (NILP (timeout))
+     timeout = make_number (5);
+   else
+     CHECK_NATNUM (timeout);
+   if (NILP (dx))
+     dx = make_number (5);
+   else
+     CHECK_NUMBER (dx);
+   if (NILP (dy))
+     dy = make_number (-10);
+   else
+     CHECK_NUMBER (dy);
+   if (NILP (last_show_tip_args))
+     last_show_tip_args = Fmake_vector (make_number (3), Qnil);
+   if (!NILP (tip_frame))
+     {
+       Lisp_Object last_string = AREF (last_show_tip_args, 0);
+       Lisp_Object last_frame = AREF (last_show_tip_args, 1);
+       Lisp_Object last_parms = AREF (last_show_tip_args, 2);
+       if (EQ (frame, last_frame)
+         && !NILP (Fequal (last_string, string))
+         && !NILP (Fequal (last_parms, parms)))
+       {
+         struct frame *f = XFRAME (tip_frame);
+         /* Only DX and DY have changed.  */
+         if (!NILP (tip_timer))
+           {
+             Lisp_Object timer = tip_timer;
+             tip_timer = Qnil;
+             call1 (Qcancel_timer, timer);
+           }
+         BLOCK_INPUT;
+         compute_tip_xy (f, parms, dx, dy, FRAME_PIXEL_WIDTH (f),
+                         FRAME_PIXEL_HEIGHT (f), &root_x, &root_y);
+         MoveWindow (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f), root_x, root_y, false);
+         UNBLOCK_INPUT;
+         goto start_timer;
+       }
+     }
+   /* Hide a previous tip, if any.  */
+   Fx_hide_tip ();
+   ASET (last_show_tip_args, 0, string);
+   ASET (last_show_tip_args, 1, frame);
+   ASET (last_show_tip_args, 2, parms);
+   /* Add default values to frame parameters.  */
+   if (NILP (Fassq (Qname, parms)))
+     parms = Fcons (Fcons (Qname, build_string ("tooltip")), parms);
+   if (NILP (Fassq (Qinternal_border_width, parms)))
+     parms = Fcons (Fcons (Qinternal_border_width, make_number (3)), parms);
+   if (NILP (Fassq (Qborder_width, parms)))
+     parms = Fcons (Fcons (Qborder_width, make_number (1)), parms);
+   if (NILP (Fassq (Qborder_color, parms)))
+     parms = Fcons (Fcons (Qborder_color, build_string ("lightyellow")), 
+   if (NILP (Fassq (Qbackground_color, parms)))
+     parms = Fcons (Fcons (Qbackground_color, build_string ("lightyellow")),
+                  parms);
+   /* Create a frame for the tooltip, and record it in the global
+      variable tip_frame.  */
+   frame = x_create_tip_frame (FRAME_MAC_DISPLAY_INFO (f), parms, string);
+   f = XFRAME (frame);
+   /* Set up the frame's root window.  */
+   w->left_col = w->top_line = make_number (0);
+   if (CONSP (Vx_max_tooltip_size)
+       && INTEGERP (XCAR (Vx_max_tooltip_size))
+       && XINT (XCAR (Vx_max_tooltip_size)) > 0
+       && INTEGERP (XCDR (Vx_max_tooltip_size))
+       && XINT (XCDR (Vx_max_tooltip_size)) > 0)
+     {
+       w->total_cols = XCAR (Vx_max_tooltip_size);
+       w->total_lines = XCDR (Vx_max_tooltip_size);
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       w->total_cols = make_number (80);
+       w->total_lines = make_number (40);
+     }
+   FRAME_TOTAL_COLS (f) = XINT (w->total_cols);
+   adjust_glyphs (f);
+   w->pseudo_window_p = 1;
+   /* Display the tooltip text in a temporary buffer.  */
+   old_buffer = current_buffer;
+   set_buffer_internal_1 (XBUFFER (XWINDOW (FRAME_ROOT_WINDOW (f))->buffer));
+   current_buffer->truncate_lines = Qnil;
+   clear_glyph_matrix (w->desired_matrix);
+   clear_glyph_matrix (w->current_matrix);
+   try_window (FRAME_ROOT_WINDOW (f), pos);
+   /* Compute width and height of the tooltip.  */
+   width = height = 0;
+   for (i = 0; i < w->desired_matrix->nrows; ++i)
+     {
+       struct glyph_row *row = &w->desired_matrix->rows[i];
+       struct glyph *last;
+       int row_width;
+       /* Stop at the first empty row at the end.  */
+       if (!row->enabled_p || !row->displays_text_p)
+       break;
+       /* Let the row go over the full width of the frame.  */
+       row->full_width_p = 1;
+       /* There's a glyph at the end of rows that is used to place
+        the cursor there.  Don't include the width of this glyph.  */
+       if (row->used[TEXT_AREA])
+       {
+         last = &row->glyphs[TEXT_AREA][row->used[TEXT_AREA] - 1];
+         row_width = row->pixel_width - last->pixel_width;
+       }
+       else
+       row_width = row->pixel_width;
+       height += row->height;
+       width = max (width, row_width);
+     }
+   /* Add the frame's internal border to the width and height the X
+      window should have.  */
+   height += 2 * FRAME_INTERNAL_BORDER_WIDTH (f);
+   width += 2 * FRAME_INTERNAL_BORDER_WIDTH (f);
+   /* Move the tooltip window where the mouse pointer is.  Resize and
+      show it.  */
+   compute_tip_xy (f, parms, dx, dy, width, height, &root_x, &root_y);
+   MoveWindow (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f), root_x, root_y, false);
+   SizeWindow (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f), width, height, true);
+   BringToFront (FRAME_MAC_WINDOW (f));
+   /* Draw into the window.  */
+   w->must_be_updated_p = 1;
+   update_single_window (w, 1);
+   /* Restore original current buffer.  */
+   set_buffer_internal_1 (old_buffer);
+   windows_or_buffers_changed = old_windows_or_buffers_changed;
+  start_timer:
+   /* Let the tip disappear after timeout seconds.  */
+   tip_timer = call3 (intern ("run-at-time"), timeout, Qnil,
+                    intern ("x-hide-tip"));
+   return unbind_to (count, Qnil);
+ }
+ DEFUN ("x-hide-tip", Fx_hide_tip, Sx_hide_tip, 0, 0, 0,
+        doc: /* Hide the current tooltip window, if there is any.
+ Value is t if tooltip was open, nil otherwise.  */)
+      ()
+ {
+   int count;
+   Lisp_Object deleted, frame, timer;
+   struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2;
+   /* Return quickly if nothing to do.  */
+   if (NILP (tip_timer) && NILP (tip_frame))
+     return Qnil;
+   frame = tip_frame;
+   timer = tip_timer;
+   GCPRO2 (frame, timer);
+   tip_frame = tip_timer = deleted = Qnil;
+   count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
+   specbind (Qinhibit_redisplay, Qt);
+   specbind (Qinhibit_quit, Qt);
+   if (!NILP (timer))
+     call1 (Qcancel_timer, timer);
+   if (FRAMEP (frame))
+     {
+       Fdelete_frame (frame, Qnil);
+       deleted = Qt;
+     }
+   return unbind_to (count, deleted);
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************
+                       File selection dialog
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ /**
+    There is a relatively standard way to do this using applescript to run
+    a (choose file) method.  However, this doesn't do "the right thing"
+    by working only if the find-file occurred during a menu or toolbar
+    click.  So we must do the file dialog by hand, using the navigation
+    manager.  This also has more flexibility in determining the default
+    directory and whether or not we are going to choose a file.
+  **/
+ extern Lisp_Object Qfile_name_history;
+ DEFUN ("x-file-dialog", Fx_file_dialog, Sx_file_dialog, 2, 4, 0,
+        doc: /* Read file name, prompting with PROMPT in directory DIR.
+ Use a file selection dialog.
+ Select DEFAULT-FILENAME in the dialog's file selection box, if
+ specified.  Ensure that file exists if MUSTMATCH is non-nil.  */)
+   (prompt, dir, default_filename, mustmatch)
+      Lisp_Object prompt, dir, default_filename, mustmatch;
+ {
+   struct frame *f = SELECTED_FRAME ();
+   Lisp_Object file = Qnil;
+   int count = SPECPDL_INDEX ();
+   struct gcpro gcpro1, gcpro2, gcpro3, gcpro4, gcpro5;
+   char filename[1001];
+   int default_filter_index = 1; /* 1: All Files, 2: Directories only  */
+   GCPRO5 (prompt, dir, default_filename, mustmatch, file);
+   CHECK_STRING (prompt);
+   CHECK_STRING (dir);
+   /* Create the dialog with PROMPT as title, using DIR as initial
+      directory and using "*" as pattern.  */
+   dir = Fexpand_file_name (dir, Qnil);
+   {
+     OSStatus status;
+     NavDialogCreationOptions options;
+     NavDialogRef dialogRef;
+     NavTypeListHandle fileTypes = NULL;
+     NavUserAction userAction;
+     CFStringRef message=NULL, client=NULL, saveName = NULL;
+     /* No need for a callback function because we are modal */
+     NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions(&options);
+     options.modality = kWindowModalityAppModal;
+     options.location.h = options.location.v = -1;
+     options.optionFlags = kNavDefaultNavDlogOptions;
+     options.optionFlags |= kNavAllFilesInPopup;  /* All files allowed */
+     options.optionFlags |= kNavSelectAllReadableItem;
+     if (!NILP(prompt))
+       {
+       message = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(NULL, SDATA(prompt),
+                                                 kCFStringEncodingUTF8, 
+                                                 kCFAllocatorNull);
+       options.message = message;
+       }
+     /* Don't set the application, let it use default.
+     client = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy(NULL, "Emacs", 
+                                            kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, NULL);
+     options.clientName = client;
+     */
+     /* Do Dired hack copied from w32fns.c */ 
+     if (!NILP(prompt) && strncmp (SDATA(prompt), "Dired", 5) == 0)
+       status = NavCreateChooseFolderDialog(&options, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+                                          &dialogRef);
+     else if (NILP (mustmatch)) 
+       { 
+       /* This is a save dialog */
+       if (!NILP(default_filename))
+         {
+           saveName = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, SDATA(default_filename),
+                                                kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+           options.saveFileName = saveName;
+           options.optionFlags |= kNavSelectDefaultLocation;
+         }
+       /* MAC_TODO: Find a better way to determine if this is a save
+          or load dialog than comparing dir with default_filename */
+       if (EQ(dir, default_filename)) 
+         {
+           status = NavCreateChooseFileDialog(&options, fileTypes,
+                                              NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
+                                              &dialogRef);
+         }
+       else {
+         status = NavCreatePutFileDialog(&options, 
+                                         'TEXT', kNavGenericSignature,
+                                         NULL, NULL, &dialogRef);
+       }
+       }
+     else
+       {
+       /* This is an open dialog*/
+       status = NavCreateChooseFileDialog(&options, fileTypes,
+                                          NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
+                                          &dialogRef);
+       }
+     /* Set the default location and continue*/
+     if (status == noErr) {
+       if (!NILP(dir)) {
+       FSRef defLoc;
+       AEDesc defLocAed;
+       status = FSPathMakeRef(SDATA(dir), &defLoc, NULL);
+       if (status == noErr) 
+         {
+           AECreateDesc(typeFSRef, &defLoc, sizeof(FSRef), &defLocAed);
+           NavCustomControl(dialogRef, kNavCtlSetLocation, (void*) &defLocAed);
+         }
+       AEDisposeDesc(&defLocAed);
+       }
+       BLOCK_INPUT;
+       status = NavDialogRun(dialogRef);
+     }
+     if (saveName) CFRelease(saveName);
+     if (client) CFRelease(client);
+     if (message) CFRelease(message);
+     if (status == noErr) {
+       userAction = NavDialogGetUserAction(dialogRef);
+       switch (userAction)
+       {
+       case kNavUserActionNone:
+       case kNavUserActionCancel:
+         NavDialogDispose(dialogRef);
+         Fsignal (Qquit, Qnil);  /* Treat cancel like C-g */
+         return;
+       case kNavUserActionOpen:
+       case kNavUserActionChoose:
+       case kNavUserActionSaveAs:
+         {
+           NavReplyRecord reply;
+           AEDesc aed;
+           FSRef fsRef;
+           status = NavDialogGetReply(dialogRef, &reply);
+           AECoerceDesc(&reply.selection, typeFSRef, &aed);
+           AEGetDescData(&aed, (void *) &fsRef, sizeof (FSRef));
+           FSRefMakePath(&fsRef, (UInt8 *) filename, 1000);
+           AEDisposeDesc(&aed);
+           if (reply.saveFileName)
+             {
+               /* If it was a saved file, we need to add the file name */
+               int len = strlen(filename);
+               if (len && filename[len-1] != '/')
+                 filename[len++] = '/';
+               CFStringGetCString(reply.saveFileName, filename+len, 
+                                  1000-len, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+             }
+           file = DECODE_FILE(build_string (filename));
+           NavDisposeReply(&reply);
+         }
+         break;
+       }
+       NavDialogDispose(dialogRef);
+     }
+     else {
+       /* Fall back on minibuffer if there was a problem */
+       file = Fcompleting_read (prompt, intern ("read-file-name-internal"),
+                              dir, mustmatch, dir, Qfile_name_history,
+                              default_filename, Qnil);
+     }
+   }
+   /* Make "Cancel" equivalent to C-g.  */
+   if (NILP (file))
+     Fsignal (Qquit, Qnil);
+   return unbind_to (count, file);
+ }
+ #endif
+ /***********************************************************************
+                           Initialization
+  ***********************************************************************/
+ /* Keep this list in the same order as frame_parms in frame.c. 
+    Use 0 for unsupported frame parameters.  */
+ frame_parm_handler mac_frame_parm_handlers[] =
+ {
+   x_set_autoraise,
+   x_set_autolower,
+   x_set_background_color,
+   x_set_border_color,
+   x_set_border_width,
+   x_set_cursor_color,
+   x_set_cursor_type,
+   x_set_font,
+   x_set_foreground_color,
+   x_set_icon_name,
+   0, /* MAC_TODO: x_set_icon_type, */
+   x_set_internal_border_width,
+   x_set_menu_bar_lines,
+   x_set_mouse_color,
+   x_explicitly_set_name,
+   x_set_scroll_bar_width,
+   x_set_title,
+   x_set_unsplittable,
+   x_set_vertical_scroll_bars,
+   x_set_visibility,
+   x_set_tool_bar_lines,
+   0, /* MAC_TODO: x_set_scroll_bar_foreground, */
+   0, /* MAC_TODO: x_set_scroll_bar_background, */
+   x_set_screen_gamma,
+   x_set_line_spacing,
+   0, /* MAC_TODO: x_set_fringe_width, */
+   0, /* MAC_TODO: x_set_fringe_width, */
+   0, /* x_set_wait_for_wm, */
+   0, /* MAC_TODO: x_set_fullscreen, */
+ };
+ void
+ syms_of_macfns ()
+ {
+   /* Certainly running on Mac.  */
+   mac_in_use = 1;
+   /* The section below is built by the lisp expression at the top of the file,
+      just above where these variables are declared.  */
+   /*&&& init symbols here &&&*/
+   Qnone = intern ("none");
+   staticpro (&Qnone);
+   Qsuppress_icon = intern ("suppress-icon");
+   staticpro (&Qsuppress_icon);
+   Qundefined_color = intern ("undefined-color");
+   staticpro (&Qundefined_color);
+   Qcancel_timer = intern ("cancel-timer");
+   staticpro (&Qcancel_timer);
+   Qhyper = intern ("hyper");
+   staticpro (&Qhyper);
+   Qsuper = intern ("super");
+   staticpro (&Qsuper);
+   Qmeta = intern ("meta");
+   staticpro (&Qmeta);
+   Qalt = intern ("alt");
+   staticpro (&Qalt);
+   Qctrl = intern ("ctrl");
+   staticpro (&Qctrl);
+   Qcontrol = intern ("control");
+   staticpro (&Qcontrol);
+   Qshift = intern ("shift");
+   staticpro (&Qshift);
+   /* This is the end of symbol initialization.  */
+   /* Text property `display' should be nonsticky by default.  */
+   Vtext_property_default_nonsticky
+     = Fcons (Fcons (Qdisplay, Qt), Vtext_property_default_nonsticky);
+   Qface_set_after_frame_default = intern ("face-set-after-frame-default");
+   staticpro (&Qface_set_after_frame_default);
+   Fput (Qundefined_color, Qerror_conditions,
+       Fcons (Qundefined_color, Fcons (Qerror, Qnil)));
+   Fput (Qundefined_color, Qerror_message,
+       build_string ("Undefined color"));
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("x-pointer-shape", &Vx_pointer_shape,
+              doc: /* The shape of the pointer when over text.
+ Changing the value does not affect existing frames
+ unless you set the mouse color.  */);
+   Vx_pointer_shape = Qnil;
+   Vx_nontext_pointer_shape = Qnil;
+   Vx_mode_pointer_shape = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("x-hourglass-pointer-shape", &Vx_hourglass_pointer_shape,
+              doc: /* The shape of the pointer when Emacs is hourglass.
+ This variable takes effect when you create a new frame
+ or when you set the mouse color.  */);
+   Vx_hourglass_pointer_shape = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_BOOL ("display-hourglass", &display_hourglass_p,
+              doc: /* Non-zero means Emacs displays an hourglass pointer on 
window systems.  */);
+   display_hourglass_p = 1;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("hourglass-delay", &Vhourglass_delay,
+              doc: /* *Seconds to wait before displaying an hourglass pointer.
+ Value must be an integer or float.  */);
+   Vhourglass_delay = make_number (DEFAULT_HOURGLASS_DELAY);
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("x-sensitive-text-pointer-shape",
+              &Vx_sensitive_text_pointer_shape,
+              doc: /* The shape of the pointer when over mouse-sensitive text.
+ This variable takes effect when you create a new frame
+ or when you set the mouse color.  */);
+   Vx_sensitive_text_pointer_shape = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("x-cursor-fore-pixel", &Vx_cursor_fore_pixel,
+              doc: /* A string indicating the foreground color of the cursor 
box.  */);
+   Vx_cursor_fore_pixel = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("x-max-tooltip-size", &Vx_max_tooltip_size,
+     doc: /* Maximum size for tooltips.  Value is a pair (COLUMNS . ROWS).
+ Text larger than this is clipped.  */);
+   Vx_max_tooltip_size = Fcons (make_number (80), make_number (40));
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("x-no-window-manager", &Vx_no_window_manager,
+              doc: /* Non-nil if no window manager is in use.
+ Emacs doesn't try to figure this out; this is always nil
+ unless you set it to something else.  */);
+   /* We don't have any way to find this out, so set it to nil
+      and maybe the user would like to set it to t.  */
+   Vx_no_window_manager = Qnil;
+   DEFVAR_LISP ("x-pixel-size-width-font-regexp",
+              &Vx_pixel_size_width_font_regexp,
+              doc: /* Regexp matching a font name whose width is the same as 
+ Since Emacs gets width of a font matching with this regexp from
+ PIXEL_SIZE field of the name, font finding mechanism gets faster for
+ such a font.  This is especially effective for such large fonts as
+ Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.  */);
+   Vx_pixel_size_width_font_regexp = Qnil;
+   /* X window properties.  */
+   defsubr (&Sx_change_window_property);
+   defsubr (&Sx_delete_window_property);
+   defsubr (&Sx_window_property);
+   defsubr (&Sxw_display_color_p);
+   defsubr (&Sx_display_grayscale_p);
+   defsubr (&Sxw_color_defined_p);
+   defsubr (&Sxw_color_values);
+   defsubr (&Sx_server_max_request_size);
+   defsubr (&Sx_server_vendor);
+   defsubr (&Sx_server_version);
+   defsubr (&Sx_display_pixel_width);
+   defsubr (&Sx_display_pixel_height);
+   defsubr (&Sx_display_mm_width);
+   defsubr (&Sx_display_mm_height);
+   defsubr (&Sx_display_screens);
+   defsubr (&Sx_display_planes);
+   defsubr (&Sx_display_color_cells);
+   defsubr (&Sx_display_visual_class);
+   defsubr (&Sx_display_backing_store);
+   defsubr (&Sx_display_save_under);
+   defsubr (&Sx_create_frame);
+ #if 0 /* MAC_TODO: implement network support */
+   defsubr (&Sx_open_connection);
+   defsubr (&Sx_close_connection);
+ #endif
+   defsubr (&Sx_display_list);
+   defsubr (&Sx_synchronize);
+   /* Setting callback functions for fontset handler.  */
+   get_font_info_func = x_get_font_info;
+ #if 0 /* This function pointer doesn't seem to be used anywhere.
+        And the pointer assigned has the wrong type, anyway.  */
+   list_fonts_func = x_list_fonts;
+ #endif
+   load_font_func = x_load_font;
+   find_ccl_program_func = x_find_ccl_program;
+   query_font_func = x_query_font;
+   set_frame_fontset_func = x_set_font;
+   check_window_system_func = check_mac;
+   hourglass_atimer = NULL;
+   hourglass_shown_p = 0;
+   defsubr (&Sx_show_tip);
+   defsubr (&Sx_hide_tip);
+   tip_timer = Qnil;
+   staticpro (&tip_timer);
+   tip_frame = Qnil;
+   staticpro (&tip_frame);
+   last_show_tip_args = Qnil;
+   staticpro (&last_show_tip_args);
+   defsubr (&Sx_file_dialog);
+ #endif
+ }
+ /* arch-tag: d7591289-f374-4377-b245-12f5dbbb8edc
+    (do not change this comment) */

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