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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nndb.el [lexbind]

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/gnus/nndb.el [lexbind]
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 20:34:54 -0400

Index: emacs/lisp/gnus/nndb.el
diff -c /dev/null emacs/lisp/gnus/nndb.el:
*** /dev/null   Thu Sep 16 00:13:12 2004
--- emacs/lisp/gnus/nndb.el     Thu Sep 16 00:12:15 2004
*** 0 ****
--- 1,331 ----
+ ;;; nndb.el --- nndb access for Gnus
+ ;; Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ ;; Author: Masanobu UMEDA <address@hidden>
+ ;;         Kai Grossjohann <address@hidden>
+ ;;         Joe Hildebrand <address@hidden>
+ ;;         David Blacka <address@hidden>
+ ;; Keywords: news
+ ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ ;; any later version.
+ ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+ ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+ ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ ;;; Commentary:
+ ;;; This was based upon Kai Grossjohan's shamessly snarfed code and
+ ;;; further modified by Joe Hildebrand.  It has been updated for Red
+ ;;; Gnus.
+ ;; TODO:
+ ;;
+ ;; * Fix bug where server connection can be lost and impossible to regain
+ ;;   This hasn't happened to me in a while; think it was fixed in Rgnus
+ ;;
+ ;; * make it handle different nndb servers seemlessly
+ ;;
+ ;; * Optimize expire if FORCE
+ ;;
+ ;; * Optimize move (only expire once)
+ ;;
+ ;; * Deal with add/deletion of groups
+ ;;
+ ;; * make the backend TOUCH an article when marked as expireable (will
+ ;;   make article expire 'expiry' days after that moment).
+ ;;-
+ ;; Register nndb with known select methods.
+ (gnus-declare-backend "nndb" 'mail 'respool 'address 'prompt-address)
+ ;;; Code:
+ (require 'nnmail)
+ (require 'nnheader)
+ (require 'nntp)
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (unless (fboundp 'open-network-stream)
+     (require 'tcp)))
+ (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+ (eval-and-compile
+   (autoload 'news-setup "rnewspost")
+   (autoload 'news-reply-mode "rnewspost")
+   (autoload 'cancel-timer "timer")
+   (autoload 'telnet "telnet" nil t)
+   (autoload 'telnet-send-input "telnet" nil t)
+   (autoload 'gnus-declare-backend "gnus-start"))
+ ;; Declare nndb as derived from nntp
+ (nnoo-declare nndb nntp)
+ ;; Variables specific to nndb
+ ;;- currently not used but just in case...
+ (defvoo nndb-deliver-program "nndel"
+   "*The program used to put a message in an NNDB group.")
+ (defvoo nndb-server-side-expiry nil
+   "If t, expiry calculation will occur on the server side.")
+ (defvoo nndb-set-expire-date-on-mark nil
+   "If t, the expiry date for a given article will be set to the time
+ it was marked as expireable; otherwise the date will be the time the
+ article was posted to nndb")
+ ;; Variables copied from nntp
+ (defvoo nndb-server-opened-hook '(nntp-send-authinfo-from-file)
+   "Like nntp-server-opened-hook."
+   nntp-server-opened-hook)
+ (defvoo nndb-address "localhost"
+   "*The name of the NNDB server."
+   nntp-address)
+ (defvoo nndb-port-number 9000
+   "*Port number to connect to."
+   nntp-port-number)
+ ;; change to 'news if you are actually using nndb for news
+ (defvoo nndb-article-type 'mail)
+ (defvoo nndb-status-string nil "" nntp-status-string)
+ (defconst nndb-version "nndb 0.7"
+   "Version numbers of this version of NNDB.")
+ ;;; Interface functions.
+ (nnoo-define-basics nndb)
+ ;;------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ;; this function turns the lisp list into a string list.  There is
+ ;; probably a more efficient way to do this.
+ (defun nndb-build-article-string (articles)
+   (let (art-string art)
+     (while articles
+       (setq art (pop articles))
+       (setq art-string (concat art-string art " ")))
+     art-string))
+ (defun nndb-build-expire-rest-list (total expire)
+   (let (art rest)
+     (while total
+       (setq art (pop total))
+       (if (memq art expire)
+         ()
+       (push art rest)))
+     rest))
+ ;;
+ (deffoo nndb-request-type (group &optional article)
+   nndb-article-type)
+ ;; nndb-request-update-info does not exist and is not needed
+ ;; nndb-request-update-mark does not exist; it should be used to TOUCH
+ ;; articles as they are marked exipirable
+ (defun nndb-touch-article (group article)
+   (nntp-send-command nil "X-TOUCH" article))
+ (deffoo nndb-request-update-mark
+     (group article mark)
+   "Sets the expiry date for ARTICLE in GROUP to now, if the mark is 'E'"
+   (if (and nndb-set-expire-date-on-mark (string-equal mark "E"))
+       (nndb-touch-article group article))
+   mark)
+ ;; nndb-request-create-group -- currently this isn't necessary; nndb
+ ;;   creates groups on demand.
+ ;; todo -- use some other time than the creation time of the article
+ ;;         best is time since article has been marked as expirable
+ (defun nndb-request-expire-articles-local
+   (articles &optional group server force)
+   "Let gnus do the date check and issue the delete commands."
+   (let (msg art delete-list (num-delete 0) rest)
+     (nntp-possibly-change-group group server)
+     (while articles
+       (setq art (pop articles))
+       (nntp-send-command "^\\([23]\\|^423\\).*\n" "X-DATE" art)
+       (setq msg (nndb-status-message))
+       (if (string-match "^423" msg)
+         ()
+       (or (string-match "'\\(.+\\)'" msg)
+           (error "Not a valid response for X-DATE command: %s"
+                  msg))
+       (if (nnmail-expired-article-p
+            group
+            (date-to-time (substring msg (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
+            force)
+           (progn
+             (setq delete-list (concat delete-list " " (int-to-string art)))
+             (setq num-delete  (1+ num-delete)))
+         (push art rest))))
+     (if (> (length delete-list) 0)
+       (progn
+         (nnheader-message 5 "Deleting %s article(s) from %s"
+                           (int-to-string num-delete) group)
+         (nntp-send-command "^[23].*\n" "X-DELETE" delete-list))
+       )
+     (nnheader-message 5 "")
+     (nconc rest articles)))
+ (defun nndb-get-remote-expire-response ()
+   (let (list)
+     (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+     (goto-char (point-min))
+     (if (looking-at "^[34]")
+        ;; x-expire returned error--presume no articles were expirable)
+       (setq list nil)
+       ;; otherwise, pull all of the following numbers into the list
+       (re-search-forward "follows\r?\n?" nil t)
+       (while (re-search-forward "^[0-9]+$" nil t)
+       (push (string-to-int (match-string 0)) list)))
+     list))
+ (defun nndb-request-expire-articles-remote
+   (articles &optional group server force)
+   "Let the nndb backend expire articles"
+   (let (days art-string delete-list (num-delete 0))
+     (nntp-possibly-change-group group server)
+     ;; first calculate the wait period in days
+     (setq days (or (and nnmail-expiry-wait-function
+                       (funcall nnmail-expiry-wait-function group))
+     nnmail-expiry-wait))
+     ;; now handle the special cases
+     (cond (force
+     (setq days 0))
+         ((eq days 'never)
+          ;; This isn't an expirable group.
+         (setq days -1))
+         ((eq days 'immediate)
+         (setq days 0)))
+     ;; build article string
+     (setq art-string (concat days " " (nndb-build-article-string articles)))
+     (nntp-send-command "^\.\r?\n\\|^[345].*\n" "X-EXPIRE" art-string)
+     (setq delete-list (nndb-get-remote-expire-response))
+     (setq num-delete (length delete-list))
+     (if (> num-delete 0)
+       (nnheader-message 5 "Deleting %s article(s) from %s"
+                         (int-to-string num-delete) group))
+     (nndb-build-expire-rest-list articles delete-list)))
+ (deffoo nndb-request-expire-articles
+     (articles &optional group server force)
+   "Expires ARTICLES from GROUP on SERVER.
+ If FORCE, delete regardless of exiration date, otherwise use normal
+ expiry mechanism."
+   (if nndb-server-side-expiry
+       (nndb-request-expire-articles-remote articles group server force)
+     (nndb-request-expire-articles-local articles group server force)))
+ (deffoo nndb-request-move-article
+     (article group server accept-form &optional last)
+   "Move ARTICLE (a number) from GROUP on SERVER.
+ Evals ACCEPT-FORM in current buffer, where the article is.
+ Optional LAST is ignored."
+   ;; we guess that the second arg in accept-form is the new group,
+   ;; which it will be for nndb, which is all that matters anyway
+   (let ((new-group (nth 1 accept-form)) result)
+     (nntp-possibly-change-group group server)
+     ;; use the move command for nndb-to-nndb moves
+     (if (string-match "^nndb" new-group)
+       (let ((new-group-name (gnus-group-real-name new-group)))
+         (nntp-send-command "^[23].*\n" "X-MOVE" article new-group-name)
+         (cons new-group article))
+       ;; else move normally
+       (let ((artbuf (get-buffer-create " *nndb move*")))
+       (and
+        (nndb-request-article article group server artbuf)
+        (save-excursion
+        (set-buffer artbuf)
+        (insert-buffer-substring nntp-server-buffer)
+        (setq result (eval accept-form))
+        (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
+        result)
+        (nndb-request-expire-articles (list article)
+                                    group
+                                    server
+                                    t))
+       result)
+       )))
+ (deffoo nndb-request-accept-article (group server &optional last)
+   "The article in the current buffer is put into GROUP."
+   (nntp-possibly-change-group group server)
+   (let (art msg)
+     (when (nntp-send-command "^[23].*\r?\n" "ACCEPT" group)
+       (nnheader-insert "")
+       (nntp-send-buffer "^[23].*\n"))
+     (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+     (setq msg (buffer-string))
+     (or (string-match "^\\([0-9]+\\)" msg)
+       (error "nndb: %s" msg))
+     (setq art (substring msg (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
+     (nnheader-message 5 "nndb: accepted %s" art)
+     (list art)))
+ (deffoo nndb-request-replace-article (article group buffer)
+   "ARTICLE is the number of the article in GROUP to be replaced with the 
contents of the BUFFER."
+   (set-buffer buffer)
+   (when (nntp-send-command "^[23].*\r?\n" "X-REPLACE" (int-to-string article))
+     (nnheader-insert "")
+     (nntp-send-buffer "^[23.*\n")
+     (list (int-to-string article))))
+                           ; nndb-request-delete-group does not exist
+                                       ; todo -- maybe later
+                           ; nndb-request-rename-group does not exist
+                                       ; todo -- maybe later
+ ;; -- standard compatability functions
+ (deffoo nndb-status-message (&optional server)
+   "Return server status as a string."
+   (set-buffer nntp-server-buffer)
+   (buffer-string))
+ ;; Import stuff from nntp
+ (nnoo-import nndb
+   (nntp))
+ (provide 'nndb)
+ ;;; arch-tag: 83bd6fb4-58d9-4fed-a901-c6c625ad5f8a
+ ;;; nndb.el ends here

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