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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/startup.el,v

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/startup.el,v
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 23:22:44 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Juri Linkov <jurta>     07/08/15 23:22:44

Index: startup.el
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/lisp/startup.el,v
retrieving revision 1.444
retrieving revision 1.445
diff -u -b -r1.444 -r1.445
--- startup.el  3 Aug 2007 05:49:57 -0000       1.444
+++ startup.el  15 Aug 2007 23:22:43 -0000      1.445
@@ -38,7 +38,20 @@
 (defgroup initialization nil
   "Emacs start-up procedure."
-  :group 'internal)
+  :group 'environment)
+(defcustom initial-buffer-choice nil
+  "Buffer to show after starting Emacs.
+If the value is nil and `inhibit-splash-screen' is nil, show the
+startup screen.  If the value is string, visit the specified file or
+directory using `find-file'.  If t, open the `*scratch*' buffer."
+  :type '(choice
+         (const     :tag "Splash screen" nil)
+         (directory :tag "Directory" :value "~/")
+         (file      :tag "File" :value "~/file.txt")
+         (const     :tag "Lisp scratch buffer" t))
+  :version "23.1"
+  :group 'initialization)
 (defcustom inhibit-splash-screen nil
   "Non-nil inhibits the startup screen.
@@ -1055,10 +1068,7 @@
   (if (get-buffer "*scratch*")
       (with-current-buffer "*scratch*"
        (if (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
-           (funcall initial-major-mode))
-       ;; Don't lose text that users type in *scratch*.
-       (setq buffer-offer-save t)
-       (auto-save-mode 1)))
+           (funcall initial-major-mode))))
   ;; Load library for our terminal type.
   ;; User init file can set term-file-prefix to nil to prevent this.
@@ -1131,6 +1141,8 @@
   '((:face (variable-pitch :weight bold)
           "Important Help menu items:\n"
           :face variable-pitch
+          :link ("Emacs Tutorial" (lambda (button) (help-with-tutorial)))
+          "\t\tLearn how to use Emacs efficiently"
            (lambda ()
              (let* ((en "TUTORIAL")
                     (tut (or (get-language-info current-language-environment
@@ -1144,37 +1156,31 @@
                              (buffer-substring (point-min) (1- (point))))))
                ;; If there is a specific tutorial for the current language
                ;; environment and it is not English, append its title.
-               (concat
-                "Emacs Tutorial\t\tLearn how to use Emacs efficiently"
                 (if (string= en tut)
-                  (concat " (" title ")"))
-                "\n")))
-           :face variable-pitch "\
-Emacs FAQ\t\tFrequently asked questions and answers
-View Emacs Manual\t\tView the Emacs manual using Info
-Absence of Warranty\tGNU Emacs comes with "
+                 (concat " (" title ")"))))
+          "\n"
+          :face variable-pitch
+          :link ("Emacs FAQ" (lambda (button) (view-emacs-FAQ)))
+          "\t\tFrequently asked questions and answers\n"
+          :link ("View Emacs Manual" (lambda (button) (info-emacs-manual)))
+          "\t\tView the Emacs manual using Info\n"
+          :link ("Absence of Warranty" (lambda (button) 
+          "\tGNU Emacs comes with "
           :face (variable-pitch :slant oblique)
           :face variable-pitch
-          "\
-Copying Conditions\t\tConditions for redistributing and changing Emacs
-Getting New Versions\tHow to obtain the latest version of Emacs
-More Manuals / Ordering Manuals       Buying printed manuals from the FSF\n")
-  (:face variable-pitch
-        "\nTo quit a partially entered command, type "
-        :face default
-        "Control-g"
-        :face variable-pitch
-        ".
-Emacs Guided Tour\t\tSee http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/tour/
-        :face (variable-pitch :weight bold)
+          :link ("Copying Conditions" (lambda (button) (describe-copying)))
+          "\t\tConditions for redistributing and changing Emacs\n"
+          :link ("Getting New Versions" (lambda (button) 
+          "\tHow to obtain the latest version of Emacs\n"
+          :link ("More Manuals / Ordering Manuals" (lambda (button) 
+          "       Buying printed manuals from the FSF\n")
+  (:face (variable-pitch :weight bold)
         "Useful File menu items:\n"
         :face variable-pitch
-        "Exit Emacs\t\t(Or type "
+        :link ("Exit Emacs" (lambda (button) (save-buffers-kill-emacs)))
+        "\t\t(Or type "
         :face default
         :face variable-pitch
@@ -1182,8 +1188,30 @@
         :face default
         :face variable-pitch
-        ")
-Recover Crashed Session\tRecover files you were editing before a crash\n"
+        ")\n"
+        :link ("Recover Crashed Session" (lambda (button) (recover-session)))
+        "\tRecover files you were editing before a crash\n\n"
+        :face (variable-pitch :weight bold)
+        "Useful tasks:\n"
+        :face variable-pitch
+        :link ("Visit New File"
+               (lambda (button) (call-interactively 'find-file)))
+        "              Specify a new file's name, to edit the file\n"
+        :link ("Open Home Directory"
+               (lambda (button) (dired "~")))
+        "      Open your home directory, to operate on its files\n"
+        :link ("Open *scratch* buffer"
+               (lambda (button) (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create 
+        "      Open buffer for notes you don't want to save\n"
+        :link ("Customize Startup"
+               (lambda (button) (customize-group 'initialization)))
+        "              Change initialization settings including this screen\n"
+        "\nEmacs Guided Tour\t\tSee "
+        :link ("http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/tour/";
+               (lambda (button) (browse-url 
   "A list of texts to show in the middle part of splash screens.
 Each element in the list should be a list of strings or pairs
@@ -1216,13 +1244,22 @@
                 (file :tag "File")))
+(defvar fancy-splash-keymap
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (suppress-keymap map)
+    (set-keymap-parent map button-buffer-map)
+    (define-key map " " 'fancy-splash-quit)
+    (define-key map "q" 'fancy-splash-quit)
+    map)
+  "Keymap for splash screen buffer.")
 ;; These are temporary storage areas for the splash screen display.
 (defvar fancy-current-text nil)
 (defvar fancy-splash-help-echo nil)
 (defvar fancy-splash-stop-time nil)
 (defvar fancy-splash-outer-buffer nil)
-(defvar fancy-splash-last-input-event nil)
 (defun fancy-splash-insert (&rest args)
   "Insert text into the current buffer, with faces.
@@ -1232,14 +1269,21 @@
   (let ((current-face nil))
     (while args
-      (if (eq (car args) :face)
-         (setq args (cdr args) current-face (car args))
-       (insert (propertize (let ((it (car args)))
+      (cond ((eq (car args) :face)
+            (setq args (cdr args) current-face (car args)))
+           ((eq (car args) :link)
+            (setq args (cdr args))
+            (let ((spec (car args)))
+              (insert-button (car spec)
+                             'face (list 'link current-face)
+                             'action (cadr spec)
+                             'follow-link t)))
+           (t (insert (propertize (let ((it (car args)))
                               (if (functionp it)
                                   (funcall it)
                            'face current-face
-                           'help-echo fancy-splash-help-echo)))
+                                  'help-echo fancy-splash-help-echo))))
       (setq args (cdr args)))))
@@ -1279,7 +1323,7 @@
              (throw 'exit nil)))
          (define-key map [down-mouse-2] 'ignore)
          (define-key map [up-mouse-2] 'ignore)
-         (insert-image img (propertize "xxx" 'help-echo help-echo
+         (insert-image img (propertize "[image]" 'help-echo help-echo
                                        'keymap map)))
        (insert "\n"))))
@@ -1291,19 +1335,22 @@
    :face 'variable-pitch
    "You can do basic editing with the menu bar and scroll bar \
-using the mouse.\n\n")
+using the mouse.\n"
+   :face 'variable-pitch
+   "To quit a partially entered command, type "
+   :face 'default
+   "Control-g"
+   :face 'variable-pitch
+   "."
+   "\n\n")
   (when fancy-splash-outer-buffer
      :face 'variable-pitch
      "Type "
      :face 'default
-     "Control-l"
+     "`q'"
      :face 'variable-pitch
-     " to begin editing"
-     (if (equal (buffer-name fancy-splash-outer-buffer)
-               "*scratch*")
-        ".\n"
-       " your file.\n"))))
+     " to exit from this screen.\n")))
 (defun fancy-splash-tail ()
   "Insert the tail part of the splash screen into the current buffer."
@@ -1343,7 +1390,8 @@
     (throw 'stop-splashing nil))
   (unless fancy-current-text
     (setq fancy-current-text fancy-splash-text))
-  (let ((text (car fancy-current-text)))
+  (let ((text (car fancy-current-text))
+       (inhibit-read-only t))
     (set-buffer buffer)
     (if pure-space-overflow
@@ -1360,73 +1408,30 @@
     (setq fancy-current-text (cdr fancy-current-text))))
-(defun fancy-splash-default-action ()
-  "Stop displaying the splash screen buffer.
-This is an internal function used to turn off the splash screen after
-the user caused an input event by hitting a key or clicking with the
+(defun fancy-splash-quit ()
+  "Stop displaying the splash screen buffer."
-  (if (and (memq 'down (event-modifiers last-command-event))
-          (eq (posn-window (event-start last-command-event))
-              (selected-window)))
-      ;; This is a mouse-down event in the spash screen window.
-      ;; Ignore it and consume the corresponding mouse-up event.
-      (read-event)
-    (push last-command-event unread-command-events))
-  (throw 'exit nil))
-(defun fancy-splash-special-event-action ()
-  "Save the last event and stop displaying the splash screen buffer.
-This is an internal function used to turn off the splash screen after
-the user caused an input event that is bound in `special-event-map'"
-  (interactive)
-  (setq fancy-splash-last-input-event last-input-event)
-  (throw 'exit nil))
+  (if fancy-splash-outer-buffer
+      (throw 'exit nil)
+    (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
-(defun fancy-splash-screens (&optional hide-on-input)
+(defun fancy-splash-screens (&optional static)
   "Display fancy splash screens when Emacs starts."
-  (if hide-on-input
+  (if (not static)
       (let ((old-hourglass display-hourglass)
            (fancy-splash-outer-buffer (current-buffer))
-           (old-minor-mode-map-alist minor-mode-map-alist)
-           (old-emulation-mode-map-alists emulation-mode-map-alists)
-           (old-special-event-map special-event-map)
            (frame (fancy-splash-frame))
          (select-frame frame)
-         (switch-to-buffer " GNU Emacs")
+         (switch-to-buffer " About GNU Emacs")
          (make-local-variable 'cursor-type)
          (setq splash-buffer (current-buffer))
          (catch 'stop-splashing
-               (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
-                     (cursor-type nil))
-                 (use-local-map map)
-                 (define-key map [switch-frame] 'ignore)
-                 (define-key map [t] 'fancy-splash-default-action)
-                 (define-key map [mouse-movement] 'ignore)
-                 (define-key map [mode-line t] 'ignore)
-                 ;; Temporarily bind special events to
-                 ;; fancy-splash-special-event-action so as to stop
-                 ;; displaying splash screens with such events.
-                 ;; Otherwise, drag-n-drop into splash screens may
-                 ;; leave us in recursive editing with invisible
-                 ;; cursors for a while.
-                 (setq special-event-map (make-sparse-keymap))
-                 (map-keymap
-                  (lambda (key def)
-                    (define-key special-event-map (vector key)
-                      (if (eq def 'ignore)
-                          'ignore
-                        'fancy-splash-special-event-action)))
-                  old-special-event-map)
+               (let ((cursor-type nil))
                  (setq display-hourglass nil
-                       minor-mode-map-alist nil
-                       emulation-mode-map-alists nil
                        buffer-undo-list t
                        mode-line-format (propertize "---- %b %-"
                                                     'face 'mode-line-buffer-id)
@@ -1435,25 +1440,18 @@
                        timer (run-with-timer 0 fancy-splash-delay
+                 (use-local-map fancy-splash-keymap)
                  (message "%s" (startup-echo-area-message))
+                 (setq buffer-read-only t)
              (cancel-timer timer)
-             (setq display-hourglass old-hourglass
-                   minor-mode-map-alist old-minor-mode-map-alist
-                   emulation-mode-map-alists old-emulation-mode-map-alists
-                   special-event-map old-special-event-map)
-             (kill-buffer splash-buffer)
-             (when fancy-splash-last-input-event
-               (setq last-input-event fancy-splash-last-input-event
-                     fancy-splash-last-input-event nil)
-               (command-execute (lookup-key special-event-map
-                                            (vector last-input-event))
-                                nil (vector last-input-event) t))))))
-    ;; If hide-on-input is nil, don't hide the buffer on input.
+             (setq display-hourglass old-hourglass)
+             (kill-buffer splash-buffer)))))
+    ;; If static is non-nil, don't show fancy splash screen.
     (if (or (window-minibuffer-p)
            (window-dedicated-p (selected-window)))
        (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
-      (switch-to-buffer "*About GNU Emacs*"))
+      (switch-to-buffer " GNU Emacs"))
     (setq buffer-read-only nil)
     (if pure-space-overflow
@@ -1469,6 +1467,7 @@
       (delete-region (point) (point-max))
       (insert "\n")
+      (use-local-map fancy-splash-keymap)
       (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
       (setq buffer-read-only t)
       (if (and view-read-only (not view-mode))
@@ -1507,15 +1506,15 @@
          (> frame-height (+ image-height 19)))))))
-(defun normal-splash-screen (&optional hide-on-input)
+(defun normal-splash-screen (&optional static)
   "Display splash screen when Emacs starts."
   (let ((prev-buffer (current-buffer)))
-       (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "GNU Emacs")
+       (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create " About GNU Emacs")
          (setq buffer-read-only nil)
          (set (make-local-variable 'tab-width) 8)
-         (if hide-on-input
+         (if (not static)
              (set (make-local-variable 'mode-line-format)
                   (propertize "---- %b %-" 'face 'mode-line-buffer-id)))
@@ -1533,13 +1532,10 @@
                ", one component of the GNU/Linux operating system.\n"
              ", a part of the GNU operating system.\n"))
-         (if hide-on-input
+         (if (not static)
              (insert (substitute-command-keys
-                       "\nType \\[recenter] to begin editing"
-                       (if (equal (buffer-name prev-buffer) "*scratch*")
-                           ".\n"
-                         " your file.\n")))))
+                       "\nType \\[recenter] to quit from this screen.\n"))))
           (if (display-mouse-p)
               ;; The user can use the mouse to activate menus
@@ -1547,22 +1543,68 @@
                 (insert "\
 You can do basic editing with the menu bar and scroll bar using the mouse.
-To quit a partially entered command, type Control-g.
+To quit a partially entered command, type Control-g.\n")
-Useful File menu items:
-Exit Emacs             (or type Control-x followed by Control-c)
-Recover Crashed Session        Recover files you were editing before a crash
-Important Help menu items:
-Emacs Tutorial         Learn how to use Emacs efficiently
-Emacs FAQ              Frequently asked questions and answers
-Read the Emacs Manual  View the Emacs manual using Info
-\(Non)Warranty         GNU Emacs comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
-Copying Conditions     Conditions for redistributing and changing Emacs
-Getting New Versions   How to obtain the latest version of Emacs
-More Manuals / Ordering Manuals    How to order printed manuals from the FSF
-                (insert "\n\n" (emacs-version)
+               (insert "\nImportant Help menu items:\n")
+               (insert-button "Emacs Tutorial"
+                              'action (lambda (button) (help-with-tutorial))
+                              'follow-link t)
+               (insert "               Learn how to use Emacs efficiently\n")
+               (insert-button "Emacs FAQ"
+                              'action (lambda (button) (view-emacs-FAQ))
+                              'follow-link t)
+               (insert "               Frequently asked questions and 
+               (insert-button "Read the Emacs Manual"
+                              'action (lambda (button) (info-emacs-manual))
+                              'follow-link t)
+               (insert "       View the Emacs manual using Info\n")
+               (insert-button "\(Non)Warranty"
+                              'action (lambda (button) (describe-no-warranty))
+                              'follow-link t)
+               (insert "               GNU Emacs comes with ABSOLUTELY NO 
+               (insert-button "Copying Conditions"
+                              'action (lambda (button) (describe-copying))
+                              'follow-link t)
+               (insert "       Conditions for redistributing and changing 
+               (insert-button "Getting New Versions"
+                              'action (lambda (button) (describe-distribution))
+                              'follow-link t)
+               (insert "       How to obtain the latest version of Emacs\n")
+               (insert-button "More Manuals / Ordering Manuals"
+                              'action (lambda (button) (view-order-manuals))
+                              'follow-link t)
+               (insert "    How to order printed manuals from the FSF\n")
+               (insert "\nUseful File menu items:\n")
+               (insert-button "Exit Emacs"
+                              'action (lambda (button) 
+                              'follow-link t)
+               (insert "               (or type Control-x followed by 
+               (insert-button "Recover Crashed Session"
+                              'action (lambda (button) (recover-session))
+                              'follow-link t)
+               (insert "       Recover files you were editing before a 
+               (insert "\nUseful tasks:\n")
+               (insert-button "Visit New File"
+                              'action (lambda (button) (call-interactively 
+                              'follow-link t)
+               (insert "               Specify a new file's name, to edit the 
+               (insert-button "Open Home Directory"
+                              'action (lambda (button) (dired "~"))
+                              'follow-link t)
+               (insert "       Open your home directory, to operate on its 
+               (insert-button "Open *scratch* buffer"
+                              'action (lambda (button) (switch-to-buffer
+                                                        (get-buffer-create 
+                              'follow-link t)
+               (insert "       Open buffer for notes you don't want to save\n")
+               (insert-button "Customize Startup"
+                              'action (lambda (button) (customize-group 
+                              'follow-link t)
+               (insert "       Change initialization settings including this 
+                (insert "\n" (emacs-version)
                         "\n" emacs-copyright))
             ;; No mouse menus, so give help using kbd commands.
@@ -1609,7 +1651,27 @@
 \(`C-' means use the CTRL key.  `M-' means use the Meta (or Alt) key.
 If you have no Meta key, you may instead type ESC followed by the character.)")
-            (insert "\n\n" (emacs-version)
+           ;; Insert links to useful tasks
+           (insert "\n\nUseful tasks (move point to the link and press 
+           (insert-button "Visit New File"
+                          'action (lambda (button) (call-interactively 
+                          'follow-link t)
+           (insert "           Specify a new file's name, to edit the file\n")
+           (insert-button "Open Home Directory"
+                          'action (lambda (button) (dired "~"))
+                          'follow-link t)
+           (insert "   Open your home directory, to operate on its files\n")
+           (insert-button "Open *scratch* buffer"
+                          'action (lambda (button) (switch-to-buffer
+                                                    (get-buffer-create 
+                          'follow-link t)
+           (insert "   Open buffer for notes you don't want to save\n")
+           (insert-button "Customize Startup"
+                          'action (lambda (button) (customize-group 
+                          'follow-link t)
+           (insert "   Change initialization settings including this screen\n")
+            (insert "\n" (emacs-version)
                     "\n" emacs-copyright)
             (if (and (eq (key-binding "\C-h\C-c") 'describe-copying)
@@ -1647,7 +1709,9 @@
                (insert "\n\nIf an Emacs session crashed recently, "
                        "type Meta-x recover-session RET\nto recover"
-                       " the files you were editing."))
+                       " the files you were editing.\n"))
+         (use-local-map button-buffer-map)
           ;; Display the input that we set up in the buffer.
           (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
@@ -1655,10 +1719,10 @@
          (if (and view-read-only (not view-mode))
              (view-mode-enter nil 'kill-buffer))
           (goto-char (point-min))
-          (if hide-on-input
+          (if (not static)
               (if (or (window-minibuffer-p)
                       (window-dedicated-p (selected-window)))
-                  ;; If hide-on-input is nil, creating a new frame will
+                  ;; If static is nil, creating a new frame will
                   ;; generate enough events that the subsequent `sit-for'
                   ;; will immediately return anyway.
                   nil ;; (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
@@ -1670,10 +1734,10 @@
             ;; In case the window is dedicated or something.
             (error (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))))))
       ;; Unwind ... ensure splash buffer is killed
-      (if hide-on-input
-         (kill-buffer "GNU Emacs")
-       (switch-to-buffer "GNU Emacs")
-       (rename-buffer "*About GNU Emacs*" t)))))
+      (if (not static)
+         (kill-buffer " About GNU Emacs")
+       (switch-to-buffer " About GNU Emacs")
+       (rename-buffer " GNU Emacs" t)))))
 (defun startup-echo-area-message ()
@@ -1689,16 +1753,17 @@
     (message "%s" (startup-echo-area-message))))
-(defun display-splash-screen (&optional hide-on-input)
+(defun display-splash-screen (&optional static)
   "Display splash screen according to display.
 Fancy splash screens are used on graphic displays,
 normal otherwise.
 With a prefix argument, any user input hides the splash screen."
   (interactive "P")
   (if (use-fancy-splash-screens-p)
-      (fancy-splash-screens hide-on-input)
-    (normal-splash-screen hide-on-input)))
+      (fancy-splash-screens static)
+    (normal-splash-screen static)))
+(defalias 'about-emacs 'display-splash-screen)
 (defun command-line-1 (command-line-args-left)
   (or noninteractive (input-pending-p) init-file-had-error
@@ -1958,8 +2023,15 @@
            (or (get-buffer-window first-file-buffer)
+  (when initial-buffer-choice
+    (cond ((eq initial-buffer-choice t)
+          (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*scratch*")))
+         ((stringp initial-buffer-choice)
+          (find-file initial-buffer-choice))))
   ;; Maybe display a startup screen.
   (unless (or inhibit-startup-message
+             initial-buffer-choice
     ;; Display a startup screen, after some preparations.

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