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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to obsolete/lselect.el

From: Dan Nicolaescu
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to obsolete/lselect.el
Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 06:56:38 +0000

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Dan Nicolaescu <dann>   07/11/02 06:56:37

Index: obsolete/lselect.el
RCS file: obsolete/lselect.el
diff -N obsolete/lselect.el
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ obsolete/lselect.el 2 Nov 2007 06:56:35 -0000       1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+;;; lselect.el --- Lucid interface to X Selections
+;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1993, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
+;;   2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Maintainer: FSF
+;; Keywords: emulations
+;; This won't completely work until we support or emulate Lucid-style extents.
+;; Based on Lucid's selection code.
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+;; The selection code requires us to use certain symbols whose names are
+;; all upper-case; this may seem tasteless, but it makes there be a 1:1
+;; correspondence between these symbols and X Atoms (which are upcased.)
+;; This is Lucid/XEmacs stuff
+(defvar mouse-highlight-priority)
+(defvar x-lost-selection-functions)
+(defvar zmacs-regions)
+(defalias 'x-get-cutbuffer 'x-get-cut-buffer)
+(defalias 'x-store-cutbuffer 'x-set-cut-buffer)
+(or (facep 'primary-selection)
+    (make-face 'primary-selection))
+(or (facep 'secondary-selection)
+    (make-face 'secondary-selection))
+(defun x-get-secondary-selection ()
+  "Return text selected from some X window."
+  (x-get-selection-internal 'SECONDARY 'STRING))
+(defvar primary-selection-extent nil
+  "The extent of the primary selection; don't use this.")
+(defvar secondary-selection-extent nil
+  "The extent of the secondary selection; don't use this.")
+(defun x-select-make-extent-for-selection (selection previous-extent face)
+  ;; Given a selection, this makes an extent in the buffer which holds that
+  ;; selection, for highlighting purposes.  If the selection isn't associated
+  ;; with a buffer, this does nothing.
+  (let ((buffer nil)
+       (valid (and (extentp previous-extent)
+                   (extent-buffer previous-extent)
+                   (buffer-name (extent-buffer previous-extent))))
+       start end)
+    (cond ((stringp selection)
+          ;; if we're selecting a string, lose the previous extent used
+          ;; to highlight the selection.
+          (setq valid nil))
+         ((consp selection)
+          (setq start (min (car selection) (cdr selection))
+                end (max (car selection) (cdr selection))
+                valid (and valid
+                           (eq (marker-buffer (car selection))
+                               (extent-buffer previous-extent)))
+                buffer (marker-buffer (car selection))))
+         ((extentp selection)
+          (setq start (extent-start-position selection)
+                end (extent-end-position selection)
+                valid (and valid
+                           (eq (extent-buffer selection)
+                               (extent-buffer previous-extent)))
+                buffer (extent-buffer selection)))
+         )
+    (if (and (not valid)
+            (extentp previous-extent)
+            (extent-buffer previous-extent)
+            (buffer-name (extent-buffer previous-extent)))
+       (delete-extent previous-extent))
+    (if (not buffer)
+       ;; string case
+       nil
+      ;; normal case
+      (if valid
+         (set-extent-endpoints previous-extent start end)
+       (setq previous-extent (make-extent start end buffer))
+       ;; use same priority as mouse-highlighting so that conflicts between
+       ;; the selection extent and a mouse-highlighted extent are resolved
+       ;; by the usual size-and-endpoint-comparison method.
+       (set-extent-priority previous-extent mouse-highlight-priority)
+       (set-extent-face previous-extent face)))))
+(defun x-own-selection (selection &optional type)
+  "Make a primary X Selection of the given argument.
+The argument may be a string, a cons of two markers, or an extent.
+In the latter cases the selection is considered to be the text
+between the markers, or the between extents endpoints."
+  (interactive (if (not current-prefix-arg)
+                  (list (read-string "Store text for pasting: "))
+                (list (cons ;; these need not be ordered.
+                       (copy-marker (point-marker))
+                       (copy-marker (mark-marker))))))
+  (or type (setq type 'PRIMARY))
+  (x-set-selection selection type)
+  (cond ((eq type 'PRIMARY)
+        (setq primary-selection-extent
+              (x-select-make-extent-for-selection
+               selection primary-selection-extent 'primary-selection)))
+       ((eq type 'SECONDARY)
+        (setq secondary-selection-extent
+              (x-select-make-extent-for-selection
+               selection secondary-selection-extent 'secondary-selection))))
+  selection)
+(defun x-own-secondary-selection (selection &optional type)
+  "Make a secondary X Selection of the given argument.  The argument may be a
+string or a cons of two markers (in which case the selection is considered to
+be the text between those markers.)"
+  (interactive (if (not current-prefix-arg)
+                  (list (read-string "Store text for pasting: "))
+                (list (cons ;; these need not be ordered.
+                       (copy-marker (point-marker))
+                       (copy-marker (mark-marker))))))
+  (x-own-selection selection 'SECONDARY))
+(defun x-own-clipboard (string)
+  "Paste the given string to the X Clipboard."
+  (x-own-selection string 'CLIPBOARD))
+(defun x-disown-selection (&optional secondary-p)
+  "Assuming we own the selection, disown it.  With an argument, discard the
+secondary selection instead of the primary selection."
+  (x-disown-selection-internal (if secondary-p 'SECONDARY 'PRIMARY)))
+(defun x-dehilight-selection (selection)
+  "for use as a value of `x-lost-selection-functions'."
+  (cond ((eq selection 'PRIMARY)
+        (if primary-selection-extent
+            (let ((inhibit-quit t))
+              (delete-extent primary-selection-extent)
+              (setq primary-selection-extent nil)))
+        (if zmacs-regions (zmacs-deactivate-region)))
+       ((eq selection 'SECONDARY)
+        (if secondary-selection-extent
+            (let ((inhibit-quit t))
+              (delete-extent secondary-selection-extent)
+              (setq secondary-selection-extent nil)))))
+  nil)
+(setq x-lost-selection-functions 'x-dehilight-selection)
+(defun x-notice-selection-requests (selection type successful)
+  "for possible use as the value of `x-sent-selection-functions'."
+  (if (not successful)
+      (message "Selection request failed to convert %s to %s"
+              selection type)
+    (message "Sent selection %s as %s" selection type)))
+(defun x-notice-selection-failures (selection type successful)
+  "for possible use as the value of `x-sent-selection-functions'."
+  (or successful
+      (message "Selection request failed to convert %s to %s"
+              selection type)))
+;(setq x-sent-selection-functions 'x-notice-selection-requests)
+;(setq x-sent-selection-functions 'x-notice-selection-failures)
+;; Random utility functions
+(defun x-kill-primary-selection ()
+  "If there is a selection, delete the text it covers, and copy it to
+both the kill ring and the Clipboard."
+  (interactive)
+  (or (x-selection-owner-p) (error "Emacs does not own the primary selection"))
+  (setq last-command nil)
+  (or primary-selection-extent
+      (error "the primary selection is not an extent?"))
+  (save-excursion
+    (set-buffer (extent-buffer primary-selection-extent))
+    (kill-region (extent-start-position primary-selection-extent)
+                (extent-end-position primary-selection-extent)))
+  (x-disown-selection nil))
+(defun x-delete-primary-selection ()
+  "If there is a selection, delete the text it covers *without* copying it to
+the kill ring or the Clipboard."
+  (interactive)
+  (or (x-selection-owner-p) (error "Emacs does not own the primary selection"))
+  (setq last-command nil)
+  (or primary-selection-extent
+      (error "the primary selection is not an extent?"))
+  (save-excursion
+    (set-buffer (extent-buffer primary-selection-extent))
+    (delete-region (extent-start-position primary-selection-extent)
+                  (extent-end-position primary-selection-extent)))
+  (x-disown-selection nil))
+(defun x-copy-primary-selection ()
+  "If there is a selection, copy it to both the kill ring and the Clipboard."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq last-command nil)
+  (or (x-selection-owner-p) (error "Emacs does not own the primary selection"))
+  (or primary-selection-extent
+      (error "the primary selection is not an extent?"))
+  (save-excursion
+    (set-buffer (extent-buffer primary-selection-extent))
+    (copy-region-as-kill (extent-start-position primary-selection-extent)
+                        (extent-end-position primary-selection-extent))))
+(defun x-yank-clipboard-selection ()
+  "If someone owns a Clipboard selection, insert it at point."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq last-command nil)
+  (let ((clip (x-get-clipboard)))
+    (or clip (error "there is no clipboard selection"))
+    (push-mark)
+    (insert clip)))
+(provide 'lselect)
+;; Local variables:
+;; byte-compile-warnings: (not unresolved)
+;; End:
+;; arch-tag: 92fa54d4-c5d1-4e9b-ad58-cf1e13930556
+;;; lselect.el ends here

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