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[Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r101505: * lisp/textmodes/ispell.el:

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r101505: * lisp/textmodes/ispell.el: Fix commenting convention.
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 13:53:42 +0200
User-agent: Bazaar (2.0.3)

revno: 101505
committer: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Mon 2010-09-20 13:53:42 +0200
  * lisp/textmodes/ispell.el: Fix commenting convention.
  (ispell-parse-output): Simplify, use push.
  (ispell-region): Use match-string-no-properties.
  (ispell-begin-skip-region-regexp): Use mapconcat to simplify.
  (ispell-minor-mode): Use define-minor-mode.
  (ispell-message): Remove unused var `skip-regexp'.
  (ispell-add-per-file-word-list): Use dynamic let-binding.
  Try and use the proper comment marker.
=== modified file 'lisp/ChangeLog'
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog    2010-09-20 11:20:38 +0000
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog    2010-09-20 11:53:42 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
 2010-09-20  Stefan Monnier  <address@hidden>
+       * textmodes/ispell.el: Fix commenting convention.
+       (ispell-parse-output): Simplify, use push.
+       (ispell-region): Use match-string-no-properties.
+       (ispell-begin-skip-region-regexp): Use mapconcat to simplify.
+       (ispell-minor-mode): Use define-minor-mode.
+       (ispell-message): Remove unused var `skip-regexp'.
+       (ispell-add-per-file-word-list): Use dynamic let-binding.
+       Try and use the proper comment marker.
        * mail/sendmail.el: Fix commenting convention.
        (sendmail-send-it): Use line-beginning-position.

=== modified file 'lisp/textmodes/ispell.el'
--- a/lisp/textmodes/ispell.el  2010-09-10 11:20:51 +0000
+++ b/lisp/textmodes/ispell.el  2010-09-20 11:53:42 +0000
@@ -770,8 +770,8 @@
-;;; The version must be 3.1 or greater for this version of ispell.el
-;;; There is an incompatibility between version 3.1.12 and lower versions.
+;; The version must be 3.1 or greater for this version of ispell.el
+;; There is an incompatibility between version 3.1.12 and lower versions.
 (defconst ispell-required-version '(3 1 12)
   "Ispell versions with which this version of ispell.el is known to work.")
 (defvar ispell-offset -1
@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@
 (defun ispell-valid-dictionary-list ()
-  "Returns a list of valid dictionaries.
+  "Return a list of valid dictionaries.
 The variable `ispell-library-directory' defines the library location."
   ;; Initialize variables and dictionaries alists for desired spellchecker.
   ;; Make sure ispell.el is loaded to avoid some autoload loops in XEmacs
@@ -1269,9 +1269,6 @@
 ;;; **********************************************************************
-;;; This variable contains the current dictionary being used if the ispell
-;;; process is running.
 (defvar ispell-current-dictionary nil
   "The name of the current dictionary, or nil for the default.
 This is passed to the ispell process using the `-d' switch and is
@@ -1296,6 +1293,7 @@
 ;; Return a string decoded from Nth element of the current dictionary.
 (defun ispell-get-decoded-string (n)
+  "Get the decoded string in slot N of the descriptor of the current dict."
   (let* ((slot (or
                (assoc ispell-current-dictionary ispell-local-dictionary-alist)
                (assoc ispell-current-dictionary ispell-dictionary-alist)
@@ -2151,7 +2149,7 @@
   (if (and ispell-use-framepop-p (fboundp 'framepop-display-buffer))
        (framepop-display-buffer (get-buffer ispell-choices-buffer))
-;;;    (get-buffer-window ispell-choices-buffer t)
+        ;; (get-buffer-window ispell-choices-buffer t)
        (select-window (previous-window))) ; *Choices* window
     ;; standard selection by splitting a small buffer out of this window.
     (let ((choices-window (get-buffer-window ispell-choices-buffer)))
@@ -2546,18 +2544,18 @@
        (setq count (string-to-number output) ; get number of misses.
              output (substring output (1+ (string-match " " output 1)))))
       (setq offset (string-to-number output))
-      (if (eq type ?#)                 ; No miss or guess list.
-         (setq output nil)
-       (setq output (substring output (1+ (string-match " " output 1)))))
+      (setq output (if (eq type ?#)     ; No miss or guess list.
+                       nil
+                     (substring output (1+ (string-match " " output 1)))))
       (while output
        (let ((end (string-match ", \\|\\($\\)" output))) ; end of miss/guess.
          (setq cur-count (1+ cur-count))
          (if (> cur-count count)
-             (setq guess-list (cons (substring output 0 end) guess-list))
-           (setq miss-list (cons (substring output 0 end) miss-list)))
-         (if (match-end 1)             ; True only when at end of line.
-             (setq output nil)         ; no more misses or guesses
-           (setq output (substring output (+ end 2))))))
+             (push (substring output 0 end) guess-list)
+           (push (substring output 0 end) miss-list))
+         (setq output (if (match-end 1) ; True only when at end of line.
+                           nil           ; No more misses or guesses.
+                         (substring output (+ end 2))))))
       ;; return results.  Accept word if it was already accepted.
       ;; adjust offset.
       (if (member original-word accept-list)
@@ -2849,8 +2847,7 @@
              (message "searching for regions to skip"))
            (if (re-search-forward (ispell-begin-skip-region-regexp) reg-end t)
-                 (setq key (buffer-substring-no-properties
-                            (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
+                 (setq key (match-string-no-properties 0))
                  (set-marker skip-region-start (- (point) (length key)))
                  (goto-char reg-start)))
            (let (message-log-max)
@@ -2944,42 +2941,30 @@
   "Return a regexp of the search keys for region skipping.
 Includes `ispell-skip-region-alist' plus tex, tib, html, and comment keys.
 Must call after `ispell-buffer-local-parsing' due to dependence on mode."
-  ;; start with regions generic to all buffers
-  (let ((skip-regexp (ispell-begin-skip-region ispell-skip-region-alist)))
-    ;; Comments
-    (if (and (null ispell-check-comments) comment-start)
-       (setq skip-regexp (concat (regexp-quote comment-start) "\\|"
-                                 skip-regexp)))
-    (if (and (eq 'exclusive ispell-check-comments) comment-start)
-       ;; search from end of current comment to start of next comment.
-       (setq skip-regexp (concat (if (string= "" comment-end) "^"
-                                   (regexp-quote comment-end))
-                                 "\\|" skip-regexp)))
-    ;; tib
-    (if ispell-skip-tib
-       (setq skip-regexp (concat ispell-tib-ref-beginning "\\|" skip-regexp)))
-    ;; html stuff
-    (if ispell-skip-html
-       (setq skip-regexp (concat
-                          (ispell-begin-skip-region ispell-html-skip-alists)
-                          "\\|"
-                          skip-regexp)))
-    ;; tex
-    (if (eq ispell-parser 'tex)
-       (setq skip-regexp (concat (ispell-begin-tex-skip-regexp) "\\|"
-                                 skip-regexp)))
-    ;; messages
-    (if (and ispell-checking-message
-            (not (eq t ispell-checking-message)))
-       (setq skip-regexp (concat
-                          (mapconcat (lambda (lst) (car lst))
-                                     ispell-checking-message
-                                     "\\|")
-                          "\\|"
-                          skip-regexp)))
-    ;; return new regexp
-    skip-regexp))
+  (mapconcat
+   'identity
+   (delq nil
+         (list
+          ;; messages
+          (if (and ispell-checking-message
+                   (not (eq t ispell-checking-message)))
+              (mapconcat #'car ispell-checking-message "\\|"))
+          ;; tex
+          (if (eq ispell-parser 'tex)
+              (ispell-begin-tex-skip-regexp))
+          ;; html stuff
+          (if ispell-skip-html
+              (ispell-begin-skip-region ispell-html-skip-alists))
+          ;; tib
+          (if ispell-skip-tib ispell-tib-ref-beginning)
+          ;; Comments
+          (if (and (eq 'exclusive ispell-check-comments) comment-start)
+              ;; search from end of current comment to start of next comment.
+              (if (string= "" comment-end) "^" (regexp-quote comment-end)))
+          (if (and (null ispell-check-comments) comment-start)
+              (regexp-quote comment-start))
+          (ispell-begin-skip-region ispell-skip-region-alist)))
+   "\\|"))
 (defun ispell-begin-skip-region (skip-alist)
@@ -3456,15 +3441,6 @@
 ;;;                    Ispell Minor Mode
 ;;; **********************************************************************
-(defvar ispell-minor-mode nil
-  "Non-nil if Ispell minor mode is enabled.")
-;; Variable indicating that ispell minor mode is active.
-(make-variable-buffer-local 'ispell-minor-mode)
-(or (assq 'ispell-minor-mode minor-mode-alist)
-    (setq minor-mode-alist
-          (cons '(ispell-minor-mode " Spell") minor-mode-alist)))
 (defvar ispell-minor-keymap
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
     (define-key map " " 'ispell-minor-check)
@@ -3472,14 +3448,8 @@
   "Keymap used for Ispell minor mode.")
-(or (not (boundp 'minor-mode-map-alist))
-    (assoc 'ispell-minor-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
-    (setq minor-mode-map-alist
-          (cons (cons 'ispell-minor-mode ispell-minor-keymap)
-                minor-mode-map-alist)))
-(defun ispell-minor-mode (&optional arg)
+(define-minor-mode ispell-minor-mode
   "Toggle Ispell minor mode.
 With prefix argument ARG, turn Ispell minor mode on if ARG is positive,
 otherwise turn it off.
@@ -3489,11 +3459,7 @@
 All the buffer-local variables and dictionaries are ignored -- to read
 them into the running ispell process, type \\[ispell-word] SPC."
-  (interactive "P")
-  (setq ispell-minor-mode
-       (not (or (and (null arg) ispell-minor-mode)
-                (<= (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0))))
-  (force-mode-line-update))
+  nil " Spell" ispell-minor-keymap)
 (defun ispell-minor-check ()
   "Check previous word then continue with the normal binding of this key.
@@ -3759,15 +3725,14 @@
            (goto-char (point-min))
            ;; Select type or skip checking if this is a non-multipart message
            ;; Point moved to end of buffer if region is encoded.
-           (if (and mimep (not boundary))
-               (let (skip-regexp)      ; protect from `ispell-mime-skip-part'
+           (when (and mimep (not boundary))
                  (goto-char (point-min))
                  (re-search-forward "Content-[^ \t]*:" end-of-headers t)
                  (forward-line -1)     ; following fn starts one line above
                  (ispell-mime-skip-part nil)
                  ;; if message-text-end region, limit may be less than point.
                  (if (> (point) limit)
-                     (set-marker limit (point)))))
+                  (set-marker limit (point))))
            (goto-char (max end-of-headers (point)))
            (forward-line 1)
            (setq case-fold-search old-case-fold-search)
@@ -3850,7 +3815,7 @@
                     (sit-for 2))))))))
-;;; Can kill the current ispell process
+;; Can kill the current ispell process
 (defun ispell-buffer-local-dict (&optional no-reload)
   "Initializes local dictionary and local personal dictionary.
@@ -3923,16 +3888,14 @@
       (setq ispell-buffer-local-name (buffer-name)))
     (goto-char (point-min))
-    (let ((old-case-fold-search case-fold-search)
-         line-okay search done found)
+    (let (line-okay search done found)
       (while (not done)
-       (setq case-fold-search nil
-             search (search-forward ispell-words-keyword nil 'move)
+        (let ((case-fold-search nil))
+          (setq search (search-forward ispell-words-keyword nil 'move)
              found (or found search)
              line-okay (< (+ (length word) 1 ; 1 for space after word..
                              (progn (end-of-line) (current-column)))
-                          80)
-             case-fold-search old-case-fold-search)
+                             fill-column)))
        (if (or (and search line-okay)
                (null search))
@@ -3941,7 +3904,13 @@
                    (open-line 1)
                    (unless found (newline))
-                   (insert (concat comment-start " " ispell-words-keyword))
+                   (insert (if (fboundp 'comment-padright)
+                                ;; Try and use the proper comment marker,
+                                ;; e.g. ";;" rather than ";".
+                                (comment-padright comment-start
+                                                  (comment-add nil))
+                              comment-start)
+                            " " ispell-words-keyword)
                    (if (> (length comment-end) 0)

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