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[Emacs-diffs] trunk r117000: Untabify cl-macs.el

From: Daniel Colascione
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] trunk r117000: Untabify cl-macs.el
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 00:03:53 +0000
User-agent: Bazaar (2.6b2)

revno: 117000
revision-id: address@hidden
parent: address@hidden
committer: Daniel Colascione <address@hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Sun 2014-04-20 17:03:44 -0700
  Untabify cl-macs.el
  lisp/ChangeLog                 changelog-20091113204419-o5vbwnq5f7feedwu-1432
  lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el     clmacs.el-20091113204419-o5vbwnq5f7feedwu-612
=== modified file 'lisp/ChangeLog'
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog    2014-04-20 23:24:04 +0000
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog    2014-04-21 00:03:44 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2014-04-21  Daniel Colascione  <address@hidden>
+       * emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el: Untabify file.
 2014-04-20  Daniel Colascione  <address@hidden>
        * vc/vc.el (vc-root-dir): New public autoloaded function for

=== modified file 'lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el'
--- a/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el        2014-04-20 14:46:13 +0000
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/cl-macs.el        2014-04-21 00:03:44 +0000
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 (defun cl--compiler-macro-list* (_form arg &rest others)
   (let* ((args (reverse (cons arg others)))
-        (form (car args)))
+         (form (car args)))
     (while (setq args (cdr args))
       (setq form `(cons ,(car args) ,form)))
@@ -90,22 +90,22 @@
 ;; macro expanders to optimize the results in certain common cases.
 (defconst cl--simple-funcs '(car cdr nth aref elt if and or + - 1+ 1- min max
-                           car-safe cdr-safe progn prog1 prog2))
+                            car-safe cdr-safe progn prog1 prog2))
 (defconst cl--safe-funcs '(* / % length memq list vector vectorp
-                         < > <= >= = error))
+                          < > <= >= = error))
 (defun cl--simple-expr-p (x &optional size)
   "Check if no side effects, and executes quickly."
   (or size (setq size 10))
   (if (and (consp x) (not (memq (car x) '(quote function cl-function))))
       (and (symbolp (car x))
-          (or (memq (car x) cl--simple-funcs)
-              (get (car x) 'side-effect-free))
-          (progn
-            (setq size (1- size))
-            (while (and (setq x (cdr x))
-                        (setq size (cl--simple-expr-p (car x) size))))
-            (and (null x) (>= size 0) size)))
+           (or (memq (car x) cl--simple-funcs)
+               (get (car x) 'side-effect-free))
+           (progn
+             (setq size (1- size))
+             (while (and (setq x (cdr x))
+                         (setq size (cl--simple-expr-p (car x) size))))
+             (and (null x) (>= size 0) size)))
     (and (> size 0) (1- size))))
 (defun cl--simple-exprs-p (xs)
@@ -117,22 +117,22 @@
   "Check if no side effects."
   (or (not (and (consp x) (not (memq (car x) '(quote function cl-function)))))
       (and (symbolp (car x))
-          (or (memq (car x) cl--simple-funcs)
-              (memq (car x) cl--safe-funcs)
-              (get (car x) 'side-effect-free))
-          (progn
-            (while (and (setq x (cdr x)) (cl--safe-expr-p (car x))))
-            (null x)))))
+           (or (memq (car x) cl--simple-funcs)
+               (memq (car x) cl--safe-funcs)
+               (get (car x) 'side-effect-free))
+           (progn
+             (while (and (setq x (cdr x)) (cl--safe-expr-p (car x))))
+             (null x)))))
 ;;; Check if constant (i.e., no side effects or dependencies).
 (defun cl--const-expr-p (x)
   (cond ((consp x)
-        (or (eq (car x) 'quote)
-            (and (memq (car x) '(function cl-function))
-                 (or (symbolp (nth 1 x))
-                     (and (eq (car-safe (nth 1 x)) 'lambda) 'func)))))
-       ((symbolp x) (and (memq x '(nil t)) t))
-       (t t)))
+         (or (eq (car x) 'quote)
+             (and (memq (car x) '(function cl-function))
+                  (or (symbolp (nth 1 x))
+                      (and (eq (car-safe (nth 1 x)) 'lambda) 'func)))))
+        ((symbolp x) (and (memq x '(nil t)) t))
+        (t t)))
 (defun cl--const-expr-val (x &optional environment default)
   "Return the value of X known at compile-time.
@@ -151,13 +151,13 @@
   ;; non-macroexpanded code, so it may also miss some occurrences that would
   ;; only appear in the expanded code.
   (cond ((equal y x) 1)
-       ((and (consp x) (not (memq (car x) '(quote function cl-function))))
-        (let ((sum 0))
-          (while (consp x)
-            (setq sum (+ sum (or (cl--expr-contains (pop x) y) 0))))
-          (setq sum (+ sum (or (cl--expr-contains x y) 0)))
-          (and (> sum 0) sum)))
-       (t nil)))
+        ((and (consp x) (not (memq (car x) '(quote function cl-function))))
+         (let ((sum 0))
+           (while (consp x)
+             (setq sum (+ sum (or (cl--expr-contains (pop x) y) 0))))
+           (setq sum (+ sum (or (cl--expr-contains x y) 0)))
+           (and (> sum 0) sum)))
+        (t nil)))
 (defun cl--expr-contains-any (x y)
   (while (and y (not (cl--expr-contains x (car y)))) (pop y))
@@ -176,9 +176,9 @@
   "Generate a new uninterned symbol.
 The name is made by appending a number to PREFIX, default \"G\"."
   (let ((pfix (if (stringp prefix) prefix "G"))
-       (num (if (integerp prefix) prefix
-              (prog1 cl--gensym-counter
-                (setq cl--gensym-counter (1+ cl--gensym-counter))))))
+        (num (if (integerp prefix) prefix
+               (prog1 cl--gensym-counter
+                 (setq cl--gensym-counter (1+ cl--gensym-counter))))))
     (make-symbol (format "%s%d" pfix num))))
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
   "Generate a new interned symbol with a unique name.
 The name is made by appending a number to PREFIX, default \"G\"."
   (let ((pfix (if (stringp prefix) prefix "G"))
-       name)
+        name)
     (while (intern-soft (setq name (format "%s%d" pfix cl--gensym-counter)))
       (setq cl--gensym-counter (1+ cl--gensym-counter)))
     (intern name)))
@@ -205,9 +205,9 @@
     [&optional ["&optional" cl-&optional-arg &rest cl-&optional-arg]]
     [&optional ["&rest" arg]]
     [&optional ["&key" [cl-&key-arg &rest cl-&key-arg]
-               &optional "&allow-other-keys"]]
+                &optional "&allow-other-keys"]]
     [&optional ["&aux" &rest
-               &or (symbolp &optional def-form) symbolp]]
+                &or (symbolp &optional def-form) symbolp]]
 (def-edebug-spec cl-&optional-arg
@@ -231,42 +231,42 @@
 function's body.
 FORM is of the form (ARGS . BODY)."
   (let* ((args (car form)) (body (cdr form)) (orig-args args)
-        (cl--bind-block bind-block) (cl--bind-defs nil) (cl--bind-enquote nil)
-        (cl--bind-inits nil) (cl--bind-lets nil) (cl--bind-forms nil)
-        (header nil) (simple-args nil))
+         (cl--bind-block bind-block) (cl--bind-defs nil) (cl--bind-enquote nil)
+         (cl--bind-inits nil) (cl--bind-lets nil) (cl--bind-forms nil)
+         (header nil) (simple-args nil))
     (while (or (stringp (car body))
-              (memq (car-safe (car body)) '(interactive declare cl-declare)))
+               (memq (car-safe (car body)) '(interactive declare cl-declare)))
       (push (pop body) header))
     (setq args (if (listp args) (cl-copy-list args) (list '&rest args)))
     (let ((p (last args))) (if (cdr p) (setcdr p (list '&rest (cdr p)))))
     (if (setq cl--bind-defs (cadr (memq '&cl-defs args)))
-       (setq args (delq '&cl-defs (delq cl--bind-defs args))
-             cl--bind-defs (cadr cl--bind-defs)))
+        (setq args (delq '&cl-defs (delq cl--bind-defs args))
+              cl--bind-defs (cadr cl--bind-defs)))
     (if (setq cl--bind-enquote (memq '&cl-quote args))
-       (setq args (delq '&cl-quote args)))
+        (setq args (delq '&cl-quote args)))
     (if (memq '&whole args) (error "&whole not currently implemented"))
     (let* ((p (memq '&environment args)) (v (cadr p))
            (env-exp 'macroexpand-all-environment))
       (if p (setq args (nconc (delq (car p) (delq v args))
                               (list '&aux (list v env-exp))))))
     (while (and args (symbolp (car args))
-               (not (memq (car args) '(nil &rest &body &key &aux)))
-               (not (and (eq (car args) '&optional)
-                         (or cl--bind-defs (consp (cadr args))))))
+                (not (memq (car args) '(nil &rest &body &key &aux)))
+                (not (and (eq (car args) '&optional)
+                          (or cl--bind-defs (consp (cadr args))))))
       (push (pop args) simple-args))
     (or (eq cl--bind-block 'cl-none)
-       (setq body (list `(cl-block ,cl--bind-block ,@body))))
+        (setq body (list `(cl-block ,cl--bind-block ,@body))))
     (if (null args)
-       (cl-list* nil (nreverse simple-args) (nconc (nreverse header) body))
+        (cl-list* nil (nreverse simple-args) (nconc (nreverse header) body))
       (if (memq '&optional simple-args) (push '&optional args))
       (cl--do-arglist args nil (- (length simple-args)
                                   (if (memq '&optional simple-args) 1 0)))
       (setq cl--bind-lets (nreverse cl--bind-lets))
       (cl-list* (and cl--bind-inits `(cl-eval-when (compile load eval)
                                 ,@(nreverse cl--bind-inits)))
-            (nconc (nreverse simple-args)
-                   (list '&rest (car (pop cl--bind-lets))))
-            (nconc (let ((hdr (nreverse header)))
+             (nconc (nreverse simple-args)
+                    (list '&rest (car (pop cl--bind-lets))))
+             (nconc (let ((hdr (nreverse header)))
                       ;; Macro expansion can take place in the middle of
                       ;; apparently harmless computation, so it should not
                       ;; touch the match-data.
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
                                  (format "%S" (cons 'fn (cl--make-usage-args
-                   (list `(let* ,cl--bind-lets
+                    (list `(let* ,cl--bind-lets
                              ,@(nreverse cl--bind-forms)
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
            (doc-string 3)
            (indent 2))
   (let* ((res (cl--transform-lambda (cons args body) name))
-        (form `(defun ,name ,@(cdr res))))
+         (form `(defun ,name ,@(cdr res))))
     (if (car res) `(progn ,(car res) ,form) form)))
 ;; The lambda list for macros is different from that of normal lambdas.
@@ -312,15 +312,15 @@
   (([&optional "&environment" arg]
     [&rest cl-macro-arg]
     [&optional ["&optional" &rest
-               &or (cl-macro-arg &optional def-form cl-macro-arg) arg]]
+                &or (cl-macro-arg &optional def-form cl-macro-arg) arg]]
     [&optional [[&or "&rest" "&body"] cl-macro-arg]]
     [&optional ["&key" [&rest
-                       [&or ([&or (symbolp cl-macro-arg) arg]
-                             &optional def-form cl-macro-arg)
-                            arg]]
-               &optional "&allow-other-keys"]]
+                        [&or ([&or (symbolp cl-macro-arg) arg]
+                              &optional def-form cl-macro-arg)
+                             arg]]
+                &optional "&allow-other-keys"]]
     [&optional ["&aux" &rest
-               &or (symbolp &optional def-form) symbolp]]
+                &or (symbolp &optional def-form) symbolp]]
     [&optional "&environment" arg]
@@ -331,15 +331,15 @@
   (([&optional "&whole" arg]  ;; only allowed at lower levels
     [&rest cl-macro-arg]
     [&optional ["&optional" &rest
-               &or (cl-macro-arg &optional def-form cl-macro-arg) arg]]
+                &or (cl-macro-arg &optional def-form cl-macro-arg) arg]]
     [&optional [[&or "&rest" "&body"] cl-macro-arg]]
     [&optional ["&key" [&rest
-                       [&or ([&or (symbolp cl-macro-arg) arg]
-                             &optional def-form cl-macro-arg)
-                            arg]]
-               &optional "&allow-other-keys"]]
+                        [&or ([&or (symbolp cl-macro-arg) arg]
+                              &optional def-form cl-macro-arg)
+                             arg]]
+                &optional "&allow-other-keys"]]
     [&optional ["&aux" &rest
-               &or (symbolp &optional def-form) symbolp]]
+                &or (symbolp &optional def-form) symbolp]]
     . [&or arg nil])))
@@ -354,14 +354,14 @@
            (doc-string 3)
            (indent 2))
   (let* ((res (cl--transform-lambda (cons args body) name))
-        (form `(defmacro ,name ,@(cdr res))))
+         (form `(defmacro ,name ,@(cdr res))))
     (if (car res) `(progn ,(car res) ,form) form)))
 (def-edebug-spec cl-lambda-expr
   (&define ("lambda" cl-lambda-list
-           ;;cl-declarations-or-string
-           ;;[&optional ("interactive" interactive)]
-           def-body)))
+            ;;cl-declarations-or-string
+            ;;[&optional ("interactive" interactive)]
+            def-body)))
 ;; Redefine function-form to also match cl-function
 (def-edebug-spec function-form
@@ -379,8 +379,8 @@
   (declare (debug (&or symbolp cl-lambda-expr)))
   (if (eq (car-safe func) 'lambda)
       (let* ((res (cl--transform-lambda (cdr func) 'cl-none))
-            (form `(function (lambda . ,(cdr res)))))
-       (if (car res) `(progn ,(car res) ,form) form))
+             (form `(function (lambda . ,(cdr res)))))
+        (if (car res) `(progn ,(car res) ,form) form))
     `(function ,func)))
 (declare-function help-add-fundoc-usage "help-fns" (docstring arglist))
@@ -432,63 +432,63 @@
 (defun cl--do-arglist (args expr &optional num)   ; uses bind-*
   (if (nlistp args)
       (if (or (memq args cl--lambda-list-keywords) (not (symbolp args)))
-         (error "Invalid argument name: %s" args)
-       (push (list args expr) cl--bind-lets))
+          (error "Invalid argument name: %s" args)
+        (push (list args expr) cl--bind-lets))
     (setq args (cl-copy-list args))
     (let ((p (last args))) (if (cdr p) (setcdr p (list '&rest (cdr p)))))
     (let ((p (memq '&body args))) (if p (setcar p '&rest)))
     (if (memq '&environment args) (error "&environment used incorrectly"))
     (let ((save-args args)
-         (restarg (memq '&rest args))
-         (safety (if (cl--compiling-file) cl--optimize-safety 3))
-         (keys nil)
-         (laterarg nil) (exactarg nil) minarg)
+          (restarg (memq '&rest args))
+          (safety (if (cl--compiling-file) cl--optimize-safety 3))
+          (keys nil)
+          (laterarg nil) (exactarg nil) minarg)
       (or num (setq num 0))
       (if (listp (cadr restarg))
-         (setq restarg (make-symbol "--cl-rest--"))
-       (setq restarg (cadr restarg)))
+          (setq restarg (make-symbol "--cl-rest--"))
+        (setq restarg (cadr restarg)))
       (push (list restarg expr) cl--bind-lets)
       (if (eq (car args) '&whole)
-         (push (list (cl--pop2 args) restarg) cl--bind-lets))
+          (push (list (cl--pop2 args) restarg) cl--bind-lets))
       (let ((p args))
-       (setq minarg restarg)
-       (while (and p (not (memq (car p) cl--lambda-list-keywords)))
-         (or (eq p args) (setq minarg (list 'cdr minarg)))
-         (setq p (cdr p)))
-       (if (memq (car p) '(nil &aux))
-           (setq minarg `(= (length ,restarg)
+        (setq minarg restarg)
+        (while (and p (not (memq (car p) cl--lambda-list-keywords)))
+          (or (eq p args) (setq minarg (list 'cdr minarg)))
+          (setq p (cdr p)))
+        (if (memq (car p) '(nil &aux))
+            (setq minarg `(= (length ,restarg)
                              ,(length (cl-ldiff args p)))
-                 exactarg (not (eq args p)))))
+                  exactarg (not (eq args p)))))
       (while (and args (not (memq (car args) cl--lambda-list-keywords)))
-       (let ((poparg (list (if (or (cdr args) (not exactarg)) 'pop 'car)
-                           restarg)))
-         (cl--do-arglist
-          (pop args)
-          (if (or laterarg (= safety 0)) poparg
-            `(if ,minarg ,poparg
+        (let ((poparg (list (if (or (cdr args) (not exactarg)) 'pop 'car)
+                            restarg)))
+          (cl--do-arglist
+           (pop args)
+           (if (or laterarg (= safety 0)) poparg
+             `(if ,minarg ,poparg
                 (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments
                         (list ,(and (not (eq cl--bind-block 'cl-none))
                               (length ,restarg)))))))
-       (setq num (1+ num) laterarg t))
+        (setq num (1+ num) laterarg t))
       (while (and (eq (car args) '&optional) (pop args))
-       (while (and args (not (memq (car args) cl--lambda-list-keywords)))
-         (let ((arg (pop args)))
-           (or (consp arg) (setq arg (list arg)))
-           (if (cddr arg) (cl--do-arglist (nth 2 arg) `(and ,restarg t)))
-           (let ((def (if (cdr arg) (nth 1 arg)
-                        (or (car cl--bind-defs)
-                            (nth 1 (assq (car arg) cl--bind-defs)))))
-                 (poparg `(pop ,restarg)))
-             (and def cl--bind-enquote (setq def `',def))
-             (cl--do-arglist (car arg)
-                            (if def `(if ,restarg ,poparg ,def) poparg))
-             (setq num (1+ num))))))
+        (while (and args (not (memq (car args) cl--lambda-list-keywords)))
+          (let ((arg (pop args)))
+            (or (consp arg) (setq arg (list arg)))
+            (if (cddr arg) (cl--do-arglist (nth 2 arg) `(and ,restarg t)))
+            (let ((def (if (cdr arg) (nth 1 arg)
+                         (or (car cl--bind-defs)
+                             (nth 1 (assq (car arg) cl--bind-defs)))))
+                  (poparg `(pop ,restarg)))
+              (and def cl--bind-enquote (setq def `',def))
+              (cl--do-arglist (car arg)
+                             (if def `(if ,restarg ,poparg ,def) poparg))
+              (setq num (1+ num))))))
       (if (eq (car args) '&rest)
-         (let ((arg (cl--pop2 args)))
-           (if (consp arg) (cl--do-arglist arg restarg)))
-       (or (eq (car args) '&key) (= safety 0) exactarg
-           (push `(if ,restarg
+          (let ((arg (cl--pop2 args)))
+            (if (consp arg) (cl--do-arglist arg restarg)))
+        (or (eq (car args) '&key) (= safety 0) exactarg
+            (push `(if ,restarg
                        (signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments
                                 ,(and (not (eq cl--bind-block 'cl-none))
@@ -496,10 +496,10 @@
                                 (+ ,num (length ,restarg)))))
       (while (and (eq (car args) '&key) (pop args))
-       (while (and args (not (memq (car args) cl--lambda-list-keywords)))
-         (let ((arg (pop args)))
-           (or (consp arg) (setq arg (list arg)))
-           (let* ((karg (if (consp (car arg)) (caar arg)
+        (while (and args (not (memq (car args) cl--lambda-list-keywords)))
+          (let ((arg (pop args)))
+            (or (consp arg) (setq arg (list arg)))
+            (let* ((karg (if (consp (car arg)) (caar arg)
                            (let ((name (symbol-name (car arg))))
                              ;; Strip a leading underscore, since it only
                              ;; means that this argument is unused, but
@@ -507,35 +507,35 @@
                              (if (eq ?_ (aref name 0))
                                  (setq name (substring name 1)))
                              (intern (format ":%s" name)))))
-                  (varg (if (consp (car arg)) (cl-cadar arg) (car arg)))
-                  (def (if (cdr arg) (cadr arg)
-                         (or (car cl--bind-defs) (cadr (assq varg 
+                   (varg (if (consp (car arg)) (cl-cadar arg) (car arg)))
+                   (def (if (cdr arg) (cadr arg)
+                          (or (car cl--bind-defs) (cadr (assq varg 
                    (look `(plist-member ,restarg ',karg)))
-             (and def cl--bind-enquote (setq def `',def))
-             (if (cddr arg)
-                 (let* ((temp (or (nth 2 arg) (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
-                        (val `(car (cdr ,temp))))
-                   (cl--do-arglist temp look)
-                   (cl--do-arglist varg
-                                  `(if ,temp
+              (and def cl--bind-enquote (setq def `',def))
+              (if (cddr arg)
+                  (let* ((temp (or (nth 2 arg) (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
+                         (val `(car (cdr ,temp))))
+                    (cl--do-arglist temp look)
+                    (cl--do-arglist varg
+                                   `(if ,temp
                                         (prog1 ,val (setq ,temp t))
-               (cl--do-arglist
-                varg
-                `(car (cdr ,(if (null def)
-                                look
-                              `(or ,look
+                (cl--do-arglist
+                 varg
+                 `(car (cdr ,(if (null def)
+                                 look
+                               `(or ,look
                                     ,(if (eq (cl--const-expr-p def) t)
-                                        `'(nil ,(cl--const-expr-val
+                                         `'(nil ,(cl--const-expr-val
-                                      `(list nil ,def))))))))
-             (push karg keys)))))
+                                       `(list nil ,def))))))))
+              (push karg keys)))))
       (setq keys (nreverse keys))
       (or (and (eq (car args) '&allow-other-keys) (pop args))
-         (null keys) (= safety 0)
-         (let* ((var (make-symbol "--cl-keys--"))
-                (allow '(:allow-other-keys))
-                (check `(while ,var
+          (null keys) (= safety 0)
+          (let* ((var (make-symbol "--cl-keys--"))
+                 (allow '(:allow-other-keys))
+                 (check `(while ,var
                             ((memq (car ,var) ',(append keys allow))
                              (setq ,var (cdr (cdr ,var))))
@@ -546,27 +546,27 @@
                               ,(format "Keyword argument %%s not one of %s"
                               (car ,var)))))))
-           (push `(let ((,var ,restarg)) ,check) cl--bind-forms)))
+            (push `(let ((,var ,restarg)) ,check) cl--bind-forms)))
       (while (and (eq (car args) '&aux) (pop args))
-       (while (and args (not (memq (car args) cl--lambda-list-keywords)))
-         (if (consp (car args))
-             (if (and cl--bind-enquote (cl-cadar args))
-                 (cl--do-arglist (caar args)
-                                `',(cadr (pop args)))
-               (cl--do-arglist (caar args) (cadr (pop args))))
-           (cl--do-arglist (pop args) nil))))
+        (while (and args (not (memq (car args) cl--lambda-list-keywords)))
+          (if (consp (car args))
+              (if (and cl--bind-enquote (cl-cadar args))
+                  (cl--do-arglist (caar args)
+                                 `',(cadr (pop args)))
+                (cl--do-arglist (caar args) (cadr (pop args))))
+            (cl--do-arglist (pop args) nil))))
       (if args (error "Malformed argument list %s" save-args)))))
 (defun cl--arglist-args (args)
   (if (nlistp args) (list args)
     (let ((res nil) (kind nil) arg)
       (while (consp args)
-       (setq arg (pop args))
-       (if (memq arg cl--lambda-list-keywords) (setq kind arg)
-         (if (eq arg '&cl-defs) (pop args)
-           (and (consp arg) kind (setq arg (car arg)))
-           (and (consp arg) (cdr arg) (eq kind '&key) (setq arg (cadr arg)))
-           (setq res (nconc res (cl--arglist-args arg))))))
+        (setq arg (pop args))
+        (if (memq arg cl--lambda-list-keywords) (setq kind arg)
+          (if (eq arg '&cl-defs) (pop args)
+            (and (consp arg) kind (setq arg (car arg)))
+            (and (consp arg) (cdr arg) (eq kind '&key) (setq arg (cadr arg)))
+            (setq res (nconc res (cl--arglist-args arg))))))
       (nconc res (and args (list args))))))
@@ -575,10 +575,10 @@
   (declare (indent 2)
            (debug (&define cl-macro-list def-form cl-declarations def-body)))
   (let* ((cl--bind-lets nil) (cl--bind-forms nil) (cl--bind-inits nil)
-        (cl--bind-defs nil) (cl--bind-block 'cl-none) (cl--bind-enquote nil))
+         (cl--bind-defs nil) (cl--bind-block 'cl-none) (cl--bind-enquote nil))
     (cl--do-arglist (or args '(&aux)) expr)
     (append '(progn) cl--bind-inits
-           (list `(let* ,(nreverse cl--bind-lets)
+            (list `(let* ,(nreverse cl--bind-lets)
                      ,@(nreverse cl--bind-forms) ,@body)))))
@@ -596,28 +596,28 @@
 \(fn (WHEN...) BODY...)"
   (declare (indent 1) (debug (sexp body)))
   (if (and (fboundp 'cl--compiling-file) (cl--compiling-file)
-          (not cl--not-toplevel) (not (boundp 'for-effect))) ;Horrible kludge.
+           (not cl--not-toplevel) (not (boundp 'for-effect))) ;Horrible kludge.
       (let ((comp (or (memq 'compile when) (memq :compile-toplevel when)))
-           (cl--not-toplevel t))
-       (if (or (memq 'load when) (memq :load-toplevel when))
-           (if comp (cons 'progn (mapcar 'cl--compile-time-too body))
-             `(if nil nil ,@body))
-         (progn (if comp (eval (cons 'progn body))) nil)))
+            (cl--not-toplevel t))
+        (if (or (memq 'load when) (memq :load-toplevel when))
+            (if comp (cons 'progn (mapcar 'cl--compile-time-too body))
+              `(if nil nil ,@body))
+          (progn (if comp (eval (cons 'progn body))) nil)))
     (and (or (memq 'eval when) (memq :execute when))
-        (cons 'progn body))))
+         (cons 'progn body))))
 (defun cl--compile-time-too (form)
   (or (and (symbolp (car-safe form)) (get (car-safe form) 'byte-hunk-handler))
       (setq form (macroexpand
-                 form (cons '(cl-eval-when) byte-compile-macro-environment))))
+                  form (cons '(cl-eval-when) byte-compile-macro-environment))))
   (cond ((eq (car-safe form) 'progn)
-        (cons 'progn (mapcar 'cl--compile-time-too (cdr form))))
-       ((eq (car-safe form) 'cl-eval-when)
-        (let ((when (nth 1 form)))
-          (if (or (memq 'eval when) (memq :execute when))
-              `(cl-eval-when (compile ,@when) ,@(cddr form))
-            form)))
-       (t (eval form) form)))
+         (cons 'progn (mapcar 'cl--compile-time-too (cdr form))))
+        ((eq (car-safe form) 'cl-eval-when)
+         (let ((when (nth 1 form)))
+           (if (or (memq 'eval when) (memq :execute when))
+               `(cl-eval-when (compile ,@when) ,@(cddr form))
+             form)))
+        (t (eval form) form)))
 (defmacro cl-load-time-value (form &optional _read-only)
@@ -626,17 +626,17 @@
   (declare (debug (form &optional sexp)))
   (if (cl--compiling-file)
       (let* ((temp (cl-gentemp "--cl-load-time--"))
-            (set `(setq ,temp ,form)))
-       (if (and (fboundp 'byte-compile-file-form-defmumble)
-                (boundp 'this-kind) (boundp 'that-one))
-           (fset 'byte-compile-file-form
-                 `(lambda (form)
+             (set `(setq ,temp ,form)))
+        (if (and (fboundp 'byte-compile-file-form-defmumble)
+                 (boundp 'this-kind) (boundp 'that-one))
+            (fset 'byte-compile-file-form
+                  `(lambda (form)
                      (fset 'byte-compile-file-form
                            ',(symbol-function 'byte-compile-file-form))
                      (byte-compile-file-form ',set)
                      (byte-compile-file-form form)))
-         (print set (symbol-value 'byte-compile--outbuffer)))
-       `(symbol-value ',temp))
+          (print set (symbol-value 'byte-compile--outbuffer)))
+        `(symbol-value ',temp))
     `',(eval form)))
@@ -654,27 +654,27 @@
 \n(fn EXPR (KEYLIST BODY...)...)"
   (declare (indent 1) (debug (form &rest (sexp body))))
   (let* ((temp (if (cl--simple-expr-p expr 3) expr (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
-        (head-list nil)
-        (body (cons
-               'cond
-               (mapcar
-                (function
-                 (lambda (c)
-                   (cons (cond ((memq (car c) '(t otherwise)) t)
-                               ((eq (car c) 'cl--ecase-error-flag)
-                                `(error "cl-ecase failed: %s, %s"
+         (head-list nil)
+         (body (cons
+                'cond
+                (mapcar
+                 (function
+                  (lambda (c)
+                    (cons (cond ((memq (car c) '(t otherwise)) t)
+                                ((eq (car c) 'cl--ecase-error-flag)
+                                 `(error "cl-ecase failed: %s, %s"
                                          ,temp ',(reverse head-list)))
-                               ((listp (car c))
-                                (setq head-list (append (car c) head-list))
-                                `(cl-member ,temp ',(car c)))
-                               (t
-                                (if (memq (car c) head-list)
-                                    (error "Duplicate key in case: %s"
-                                           (car c)))
-                                (push (car c) head-list)
-                                `(eql ,temp ',(car c))))
-                         (or (cdr c) '(nil)))))
-                clauses))))
+                                ((listp (car c))
+                                 (setq head-list (append (car c) head-list))
+                                 `(cl-member ,temp ',(car c)))
+                                (t
+                                 (if (memq (car c) head-list)
+                                     (error "Duplicate key in case: %s"
+                                            (car c)))
+                                 (push (car c) head-list)
+                                 `(eql ,temp ',(car c))))
+                          (or (cdr c) '(nil)))))
+                 clauses))))
     (if (eq temp expr) body
       `(let ((,temp ,expr)) ,body))))
@@ -697,21 +697,21 @@
   (declare (indent 1)
            (debug (form &rest ([&or cl-type-spec "otherwise"] body))))
   (let* ((temp (if (cl--simple-expr-p expr 3) expr (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
-        (type-list nil)
-        (body (cons
-               'cond
-               (mapcar
-                (function
-                 (lambda (c)
-                   (cons (cond ((eq (car c) 'otherwise) t)
-                               ((eq (car c) 'cl--ecase-error-flag)
-                                `(error "cl-etypecase failed: %s, %s"
+         (type-list nil)
+         (body (cons
+                'cond
+                (mapcar
+                 (function
+                  (lambda (c)
+                    (cons (cond ((eq (car c) 'otherwise) t)
+                                ((eq (car c) 'cl--ecase-error-flag)
+                                 `(error "cl-etypecase failed: %s, %s"
                                          ,temp ',(reverse type-list)))
-                               (t
-                                (push (car c) type-list)
-                                (cl--make-type-test temp (car c))))
-                         (or (cdr c) '(nil)))))
-                clauses))))
+                                (t
+                                 (push (car c) type-list)
+                                 (cl--make-type-test temp (car c))))
+                          (or (cdr c) '(nil)))))
+                 clauses))))
     (if (eq temp expr) body
       `(let ((,temp ,expr)) ,body))))
@@ -833,12 +833,12 @@
                            (delq nil (delq t (cl-copy-list loop-args))))))
       `(cl-block nil (while t ,@loop-args))
     (let ((cl--loop-args loop-args) (cl--loop-name nil) (cl--loop-bindings nil)
-         (cl--loop-body nil)           (cl--loop-steps nil)
-         (cl--loop-result nil)         (cl--loop-result-explicit nil)
-         (cl--loop-result-var nil)     (cl--loop-finish-flag nil)
-         (cl--loop-accum-var nil)      (cl--loop-accum-vars nil)
-         (cl--loop-initially nil)      (cl--loop-finally nil)
-         (cl--loop-iterator-function nil) (cl--loop-first-flag nil)
+          (cl--loop-body nil)           (cl--loop-steps nil)
+          (cl--loop-result nil)         (cl--loop-result-explicit nil)
+          (cl--loop-result-var nil)     (cl--loop-finish-flag nil)
+          (cl--loop-accum-var nil)      (cl--loop-accum-vars nil)
+          (cl--loop-initially nil)      (cl--loop-finally nil)
+          (cl--loop-iterator-function nil) (cl--loop-first-flag nil)
           (cl--loop-symbol-macs nil))
       ;; Here is more or less how those dynbind vars are used after looping
       ;; over cl--parse-loop-clause:
@@ -866,19 +866,19 @@
       (while (not (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'cl-end-loop))
       (if cl--loop-finish-flag
-         (push `((,cl--loop-finish-flag t)) cl--loop-bindings))
+          (push `((,cl--loop-finish-flag t)) cl--loop-bindings))
       (if cl--loop-first-flag
-         (progn (push `((,cl--loop-first-flag t)) cl--loop-bindings)
-                (push `(setq ,cl--loop-first-flag nil) cl--loop-steps)))
+          (progn (push `((,cl--loop-first-flag t)) cl--loop-bindings)
+                 (push `(setq ,cl--loop-first-flag nil) cl--loop-steps)))
       (let* ((epilogue (nconc (nreverse cl--loop-finally)
-                             (list (or cl--loop-result-explicit
+                              (list (or cl--loop-result-explicit
-            (ands (cl--loop-build-ands (nreverse cl--loop-body)))
-            (while-body (nconc (cadr ands) (nreverse cl--loop-steps)))
-            (body (append
-                   (nreverse cl--loop-initially)
-                   (list (if cl--loop-iterator-function
-                             `(cl-block --cl-finish--
+             (ands (cl--loop-build-ands (nreverse cl--loop-body)))
+             (while-body (nconc (cadr ands) (nreverse cl--loop-steps)))
+             (body (append
+                    (nreverse cl--loop-initially)
+                    (list (if cl--loop-iterator-function
+                              `(cl-block --cl-finish--
                                  ,(funcall cl--loop-iterator-function
                                            (if (eq (car ands) t) while-body
                                              (cons `(or ,(car ands)
@@ -886,26 +886,26 @@
-                           `(while ,(car ands) ,@while-body)))
-                   (if cl--loop-finish-flag
-                       (if (equal epilogue '(nil)) (list cl--loop-result-var)
-                         `((if ,cl--loop-finish-flag
-                               (progn ,@epilogue) ,cl--loop-result-var)))
-                     epilogue))))
-       (if cl--loop-result-var
+                            `(while ,(car ands) ,@while-body)))
+                    (if cl--loop-finish-flag
+                        (if (equal epilogue '(nil)) (list cl--loop-result-var)
+                          `((if ,cl--loop-finish-flag
+                                (progn ,@epilogue) ,cl--loop-result-var)))
+                      epilogue))))
+        (if cl--loop-result-var
             (push (list cl--loop-result-var) cl--loop-bindings))
-       (while cl--loop-bindings
-         (if (cdar cl--loop-bindings)
-             (setq body (list (cl--loop-let (pop cl--loop-bindings) body t)))
-           (let ((lets nil))
-             (while (and cl--loop-bindings
-                         (not (cdar cl--loop-bindings)))
-               (push (car (pop cl--loop-bindings)) lets))
-             (setq body (list (cl--loop-let lets body nil))))))
-       (if cl--loop-symbol-macs
-           (setq body
+        (while cl--loop-bindings
+          (if (cdar cl--loop-bindings)
+              (setq body (list (cl--loop-let (pop cl--loop-bindings) body t)))
+            (let ((lets nil))
+              (while (and cl--loop-bindings
+                          (not (cdar cl--loop-bindings)))
+                (push (car (pop cl--loop-bindings)) lets))
+              (setq body (list (cl--loop-let lets body nil))))))
+        (if cl--loop-symbol-macs
+            (setq body
                   (list `(cl-symbol-macrolet ,cl--loop-symbol-macs ,@body))))
-       `(cl-block ,cl--loop-name ,@body)))))
+        `(cl-block ,cl--loop-name ,@body)))))
 ;; Below is a complete spec for cl-loop, in several parts that correspond
 ;; to the syntax given in CLtL2.  The specs do more than specify where
@@ -930,8 +930,8 @@
 ;;    loop-type-spec
 ;;    [&optional ["=" form]]
 ;;    &rest ["and" loop-var
-;;       loop-type-spec
-;;       [&optional ["=" form]]]))
+;;        loop-type-spec
+;;        [&optional ["=" form]]]))
 ;; (def-edebug-spec loop-for-as
 ;;   ([&or "for" "as"] loop-for-as-subclause
@@ -953,25 +953,25 @@
 ;;      [&or "of" "in" "of-ref"] form
 ;;      &optional "using" ["index" symbolp]];; is this right?
 ;;     [[&or "hash-key" "hash-keys"
-;;       "hash-value" "hash-values"]
+;;        "hash-value" "hash-values"]
 ;;      [&or "of" "in"]
 ;;      hash-table-p &optional ["using" ([&or "hash-value" "hash-values"
-;;                                        "hash-key" "hash-keys"] sexp)]]
+;;                                         "hash-key" "hash-keys"] sexp)]]
 ;;     [[&or "symbol" "present-symbol" "external-symbol"
-;;       "symbols" "present-symbols" "external-symbols"]
+;;        "symbols" "present-symbols" "external-symbols"]
 ;;      [&or "in" "of"] package-p]
 ;;     ;; Extensions for Emacs Lisp, including Lucid Emacs.
 ;;     [[&or "frame" "frames"
-;;       "screen" "screens"
-;;       "buffer" "buffers"]]
+;;        "screen" "screens"
+;;        "buffer" "buffers"]]
 ;;     [[&or "window" "windows"]
 ;;      [&or "of" "in"] form]
 ;;     [[&or "overlay" "overlays"
-;;       "extent" "extents"]
+;;        "extent" "extents"]
 ;;      [&or "of" "in"] form
 ;;      &optional [[&or "from" "to"] form]]
@@ -981,13 +981,13 @@
 ;;      ["property" form]]
 ;;     [[&or "key-code" "key-codes"
-;;       "key-seq" "key-seqs"
-;;       "key-binding" "key-bindings"]
+;;        "key-seq" "key-seqs"
+;;        "key-binding" "key-bindings"]
 ;;      [&or "in" "of"] form
 ;;      &optional ["using" ([&or "key-code" "key-codes"
-;;                           "key-seq" "key-seqs"
-;;                           "key-binding" "key-bindings"]
-;;                      sexp)]]
+;;                            "key-seq" "key-seqs"
+;;                            "key-binding" "key-bindings"]
+;;                       sexp)]]
 ;;     ;; For arbitrary extensions, recognize anything else.
 ;;     [symbolp &rest &or symbolp form]
 ;;     ]
@@ -1000,11 +1000,11 @@
 ;; (def-edebug-spec loop-initial-final
 ;;   (&or ["initially"
-;;     ;; [&optional &or "do" "doing"]  ;; CLtL2 doesn't allow this.
-;;     &rest loop-non-atomic-expr]
+;;      ;; [&optional &or "do" "doing"]  ;; CLtL2 doesn't allow this.
+;;      &rest loop-non-atomic-expr]
 ;;        ["finally" &or
-;;     [[&optional &or "do" "doing"] &rest loop-non-atomic-expr]
-;;     ["return" form]]))
+;;      [[&optional &or "do" "doing"] &rest loop-non-atomic-expr]
+;;      ["return" form]]))
 ;; (def-edebug-spec loop-and-clause
 ;;   (loop-clause &rest ["and" loop-clause]))
@@ -1014,17 +1014,17 @@
 ;;    [[&or "while" "until" "always" "never" "thereis"] form]
 ;;    [[&or "collect" "collecting"
-;;      "append" "appending"
-;;      "nconc" "nconcing"
-;;      "concat" "vconcat"] form
-;;      [&optional ["into" loop-var]]]
+;;       "append" "appending"
+;;       "nconc" "nconcing"
+;;       "concat" "vconcat"] form
+;;       [&optional ["into" loop-var]]]
 ;;    [[&or "count" "counting"
-;;      "sum" "summing"
-;;      "maximize" "maximizing"
-;;      "minimize" "minimizing"] form
-;;      [&optional ["into" loop-var]]
-;;      loop-type-spec]
+;;       "sum" "summing"
+;;       "maximize" "maximizing"
+;;       "minimize" "minimizing"] form
+;;       [&optional ["into" loop-var]]
+;;       loop-type-spec]
 ;;    [[&or "if" "when" "unless"]
 ;;     form loop-and-clause
@@ -1059,11 +1059,11 @@
-(defun cl--parse-loop-clause ()                ; uses loop-*
+(defun cl--parse-loop-clause ()         ; uses loop-*
   (let ((word (pop cl--loop-args))
-       (hash-types '(hash-key hash-keys hash-value hash-values))
-       (key-types '(key-code key-codes key-seq key-seqs
-                    key-binding key-bindings)))
+        (hash-types '(hash-key hash-keys hash-value hash-values))
+        (key-types '(key-code key-codes key-seq key-seqs
+                     key-binding key-bindings)))
      ((null cl--loop-args)
@@ -1077,174 +1077,174 @@
       (or (consp (car cl--loop-args))
           (error "Syntax error on `initially' clause"))
       (while (consp (car cl--loop-args))
-       (push (pop cl--loop-args) cl--loop-initially)))
+        (push (pop cl--loop-args) cl--loop-initially)))
      ((eq word 'finally)
       (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'return)
-         (setq cl--loop-result-explicit
+          (setq cl--loop-result-explicit
                 (or (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args) '(quote nil)))
-       (if (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(do doing)) (pop cl--loop-args))
-       (or (consp (car cl--loop-args))
+        (if (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(do doing)) (pop cl--loop-args))
+        (or (consp (car cl--loop-args))
             (error "Syntax error on `finally' clause"))
-       (if (and (eq (caar cl--loop-args) 'return) (null cl--loop-name))
-           (setq cl--loop-result-explicit
+        (if (and (eq (caar cl--loop-args) 'return) (null cl--loop-name))
+            (setq cl--loop-result-explicit
                   (or (nth 1 (pop cl--loop-args)) '(quote nil)))
-         (while (consp (car cl--loop-args))
-           (push (pop cl--loop-args) cl--loop-finally)))))
+          (while (consp (car cl--loop-args))
+            (push (pop cl--loop-args) cl--loop-finally)))))
      ((memq word '(for as))
       (let ((loop-for-bindings nil) (loop-for-sets nil) (loop-for-steps nil)
-           (ands nil))
-       (while
-           ;; Use `cl-gensym' rather than `make-symbol'.  It's important that
-           ;; (not (eq (symbol-name var1) (symbol-name var2))) because
-           ;; these vars get added to the macro-environment.
-           (let ((var (or (pop cl--loop-args) (cl-gensym "--cl-var--"))))
-             (setq word (pop cl--loop-args))
-             (if (eq word 'being) (setq word (pop cl--loop-args)))
-             (if (memq word '(the each)) (setq word (pop cl--loop-args)))
-             (if (memq word '(buffer buffers))
-                 (setq word 'in
+            (ands nil))
+        (while
+            ;; Use `cl-gensym' rather than `make-symbol'.  It's important that
+            ;; (not (eq (symbol-name var1) (symbol-name var2))) because
+            ;; these vars get added to the macro-environment.
+            (let ((var (or (pop cl--loop-args) (cl-gensym "--cl-var--"))))
+              (setq word (pop cl--loop-args))
+              (if (eq word 'being) (setq word (pop cl--loop-args)))
+              (if (memq word '(the each)) (setq word (pop cl--loop-args)))
+              (if (memq word '(buffer buffers))
+                  (setq word 'in
                         cl--loop-args (cons '(buffer-list) cl--loop-args)))
-             (cond
+              (cond
-              ((memq word '(from downfrom upfrom to downto upto
-                            above below by))
-               (push word cl--loop-args)
-               (if (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(downto above))
-                   (error "Must specify `from' value for downward cl-loop"))
-               (let* ((down (or (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'downfrom)
-                                (memq (cl-caddr cl--loop-args)
+               ((memq word '(from downfrom upfrom to downto upto
+                             above below by))
+                (push word cl--loop-args)
+                (if (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(downto above))
+                    (error "Must specify `from' value for downward cl-loop"))
+                (let* ((down (or (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'downfrom)
+                                 (memq (cl-caddr cl--loop-args)
                                        '(downto above))))
-                      (excl (or (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(above below))
-                                (memq (cl-caddr cl--loop-args)
+                       (excl (or (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(above below))
+                                 (memq (cl-caddr cl--loop-args)
                                        '(above below))))
-                      (start (and (memq (car cl--loop-args)
+                       (start (and (memq (car cl--loop-args)
                                          '(from upfrom downfrom))
-                                  (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
-                      (end (and (memq (car cl--loop-args)
-                                      '(to upto downto above below))
-                                (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
-                      (step (and (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'by)
+                                   (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
+                       (end (and (memq (car cl--loop-args)
+                                       '(to upto downto above below))
+                                 (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
+                       (step (and (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'by)
                                   (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
-                      (end-var (and (not (macroexp-const-p end))
-                                    (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
-                      (step-var (and (not (macroexp-const-p step))
-                                     (make-symbol "--cl-var--"))))
-                 (and step (numberp step) (<= step 0)
-                      (error "Loop `by' value is not positive: %s" step))
-                 (push (list var (or start 0)) loop-for-bindings)
-                 (if end-var (push (list end-var end) loop-for-bindings))
-                 (if step-var (push (list step-var step)
-                                    loop-for-bindings))
-                 (if end
-                     (push (list
-                            (if down (if excl '> '>=) (if excl '< '<=))
-                            var (or end-var end)) cl--loop-body))
-                 (push (list var (list (if down '- '+) var
-                                       (or step-var step 1)))
-                       loop-for-steps)))
-              ((memq word '(in in-ref on))
-               (let* ((on (eq word 'on))
-                      (temp (if (and on (symbolp var))
-                                var (make-symbol "--cl-var--"))))
-                 (push (list temp (pop cl--loop-args)) loop-for-bindings)
-                 (push `(consp ,temp) cl--loop-body)
-                 (if (eq word 'in-ref)
-                     (push (list var `(car ,temp)) cl--loop-symbol-macs)
-                   (or (eq temp var)
-                       (progn
-                         (push (list var nil) loop-for-bindings)
-                         (push (list var (if on temp `(car ,temp)))
-                               loop-for-sets))))
-                 (push (list temp
-                             (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'by)
-                                 (let ((step (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
-                                   (if (and (memq (car-safe step)
-                                                  '(quote function
-                                                          cl-function))
-                                            (symbolp (nth 1 step)))
-                                       (list (nth 1 step) temp)
-                                     `(funcall ,step ,temp)))
-                               `(cdr ,temp)))
-                       loop-for-steps)))
-              ((eq word '=)
-               (let* ((start (pop cl--loop-args))
-                      (then (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'then)
+                       (end-var (and (not (macroexp-const-p end))
+                                     (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
+                       (step-var (and (not (macroexp-const-p step))
+                                      (make-symbol "--cl-var--"))))
+                  (and step (numberp step) (<= step 0)
+                       (error "Loop `by' value is not positive: %s" step))
+                  (push (list var (or start 0)) loop-for-bindings)
+                  (if end-var (push (list end-var end) loop-for-bindings))
+                  (if step-var (push (list step-var step)
+                                     loop-for-bindings))
+                  (if end
+                      (push (list
+                             (if down (if excl '> '>=) (if excl '< '<=))
+                             var (or end-var end)) cl--loop-body))
+                  (push (list var (list (if down '- '+) var
+                                        (or step-var step 1)))
+                        loop-for-steps)))
+               ((memq word '(in in-ref on))
+                (let* ((on (eq word 'on))
+                       (temp (if (and on (symbolp var))
+                                 var (make-symbol "--cl-var--"))))
+                  (push (list temp (pop cl--loop-args)) loop-for-bindings)
+                  (push `(consp ,temp) cl--loop-body)
+                  (if (eq word 'in-ref)
+                      (push (list var `(car ,temp)) cl--loop-symbol-macs)
+                    (or (eq temp var)
+                        (progn
+                          (push (list var nil) loop-for-bindings)
+                          (push (list var (if on temp `(car ,temp)))
+                                loop-for-sets))))
+                  (push (list temp
+                              (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'by)
+                                  (let ((step (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
+                                    (if (and (memq (car-safe step)
+                                                   '(quote function
+                                                           cl-function))
+                                             (symbolp (nth 1 step)))
+                                        (list (nth 1 step) temp)
+                                      `(funcall ,step ,temp)))
+                                `(cdr ,temp)))
+                        loop-for-steps)))
+               ((eq word '=)
+                (let* ((start (pop cl--loop-args))
+                       (then (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'then)
                                  (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args) start)))
-                 (push (list var nil) loop-for-bindings)
-                 (if (or ands (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'and))
-                     (progn
-                       (push `(,var
-                               (if ,(or cl--loop-first-flag
-                                        (setq cl--loop-first-flag
-                                              (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
-                                   ,start ,var))
-                             loop-for-sets)
-                       (push (list var then) loop-for-steps))
-                   (push (list var
-                               (if (eq start then) start
-                                 `(if ,(or cl--loop-first-flag
-                                           (setq cl--loop-first-flag
-                                                 (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
-                                      ,start ,then)))
-                         loop-for-sets))))
+                  (push (list var nil) loop-for-bindings)
+                  (if (or ands (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'and))
+                      (progn
+                        (push `(,var
+                                (if ,(or cl--loop-first-flag
+                                         (setq cl--loop-first-flag
+                                               (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
+                                    ,start ,var))
+                              loop-for-sets)
+                        (push (list var then) loop-for-steps))
+                    (push (list var
+                                (if (eq start then) start
+                                  `(if ,(or cl--loop-first-flag
+                                            (setq cl--loop-first-flag
+                                                  (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
+                                       ,start ,then)))
+                          loop-for-sets))))
-              ((memq word '(across across-ref))
-               (let ((temp-vec (make-symbol "--cl-vec--"))
-                     (temp-idx (make-symbol "--cl-idx--")))
-                 (push (list temp-vec (pop cl--loop-args)) loop-for-bindings)
-                 (push (list temp-idx -1) loop-for-bindings)
-                 (push `(< (setq ,temp-idx (1+ ,temp-idx))
+               ((memq word '(across across-ref))
+                (let ((temp-vec (make-symbol "--cl-vec--"))
+                      (temp-idx (make-symbol "--cl-idx--")))
+                  (push (list temp-vec (pop cl--loop-args)) loop-for-bindings)
+                  (push (list temp-idx -1) loop-for-bindings)
+                  (push `(< (setq ,temp-idx (1+ ,temp-idx))
                             (length ,temp-vec)) cl--loop-body)
-                 (if (eq word 'across-ref)
-                     (push (list var `(aref ,temp-vec ,temp-idx))
-                           cl--loop-symbol-macs)
-                   (push (list var nil) loop-for-bindings)
-                   (push (list var `(aref ,temp-vec ,temp-idx))
-                         loop-for-sets))))
+                  (if (eq word 'across-ref)
+                      (push (list var `(aref ,temp-vec ,temp-idx))
+                            cl--loop-symbol-macs)
+                    (push (list var nil) loop-for-bindings)
+                    (push (list var `(aref ,temp-vec ,temp-idx))
+                          loop-for-sets))))
-              ((memq word '(element elements))
-               (let ((ref (or (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in-ref of-ref))
-                              (and (not (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of)))
-                                   (error "Expected `of'"))))
-                     (seq (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args))
-                     (temp-seq (make-symbol "--cl-seq--"))
-                     (temp-idx
+               ((memq word '(element elements))
+                (let ((ref (or (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in-ref of-ref))
+                               (and (not (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of)))
+                                    (error "Expected `of'"))))
+                      (seq (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args))
+                      (temp-seq (make-symbol "--cl-seq--"))
+                      (temp-idx
                        (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'using)
                            (if (and (= (length (cadr cl--loop-args)) 2)
                                     (eq (cl-caadr cl--loop-args) 'index))
                                (cadr (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args))
                              (error "Bad `using' clause"))
                          (make-symbol "--cl-idx--"))))
-                 (push (list temp-seq seq) loop-for-bindings)
-                 (push (list temp-idx 0) loop-for-bindings)
-                 (if ref
-                     (let ((temp-len (make-symbol "--cl-len--")))
-                       (push (list temp-len `(length ,temp-seq))
-                             loop-for-bindings)
-                       (push (list var `(elt ,temp-seq ,temp-idx))
-                             cl--loop-symbol-macs)
-                       (push `(< ,temp-idx ,temp-len) cl--loop-body))
-                   (push (list var nil) loop-for-bindings)
-                   (push `(and ,temp-seq
-                               (or (consp ,temp-seq)
+                  (push (list temp-seq seq) loop-for-bindings)
+                  (push (list temp-idx 0) loop-for-bindings)
+                  (if ref
+                      (let ((temp-len (make-symbol "--cl-len--")))
+                        (push (list temp-len `(length ,temp-seq))
+                              loop-for-bindings)
+                        (push (list var `(elt ,temp-seq ,temp-idx))
+                              cl--loop-symbol-macs)
+                        (push `(< ,temp-idx ,temp-len) cl--loop-body))
+                    (push (list var nil) loop-for-bindings)
+                    (push `(and ,temp-seq
+                                (or (consp ,temp-seq)
                                     (< ,temp-idx (length ,temp-seq))))
-                         cl--loop-body)
-                   (push (list var `(if (consp ,temp-seq)
+                          cl--loop-body)
+                    (push (list var `(if (consp ,temp-seq)
                                          (pop ,temp-seq)
                                        (aref ,temp-seq ,temp-idx)))
-                         loop-for-sets))
-                 (push (list temp-idx `(1+ ,temp-idx))
-                       loop-for-steps)))
+                          loop-for-sets))
+                  (push (list temp-idx `(1+ ,temp-idx))
+                        loop-for-steps)))
-              ((memq word hash-types)
-               (or (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of))
+               ((memq word hash-types)
+                (or (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of))
                     (error "Expected `of'"))
-               (let* ((table (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args))
-                      (other
+                (let* ((table (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args))
+                       (other
                         (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'using)
                             (if (and (= (length (cadr cl--loop-args)) 2)
                                      (memq (cl-caadr cl--loop-args) hash-types)
@@ -1252,62 +1252,62 @@
                                 (cadr (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args))
                               (error "Bad `using' clause"))
                           (make-symbol "--cl-var--"))))
-                 (if (memq word '(hash-value hash-values))
-                     (setq var (prog1 other (setq other var))))
-                 (cl--loop-set-iterator-function
+                  (if (memq word '(hash-value hash-values))
+                      (setq var (prog1 other (setq other var))))
+                  (cl--loop-set-iterator-function
                    'hash-tables (lambda (body)
                                   `(maphash (lambda (,var ,other) . ,body)
-              ((memq word '(symbol present-symbol external-symbol
-                            symbols present-symbols external-symbols))
-               (let ((ob (and (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of))
+               ((memq word '(symbol present-symbol external-symbol
+                             symbols present-symbols external-symbols))
+                (let ((ob (and (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of))
                                (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args))))
-                 (cl--loop-set-iterator-function
+                  (cl--loop-set-iterator-function
                    'symbols (lambda (body)
                               `(mapatoms (lambda (,var) . ,body) ,ob)))))
-              ((memq word '(overlay overlays extent extents))
-               (let ((buf nil) (from nil) (to nil))
-                 (while (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of from to))
-                   (cond ((eq (car cl--loop-args) 'from)
+               ((memq word '(overlay overlays extent extents))
+                (let ((buf nil) (from nil) (to nil))
+                  (while (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of from to))
+                    (cond ((eq (car cl--loop-args) 'from)
                            (setq from (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
-                         ((eq (car cl--loop-args) 'to)
+                          ((eq (car cl--loop-args) 'to)
                            (setq to (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
-                         (t (setq buf (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))))
-                 (cl--loop-set-iterator-function
+                          (t (setq buf (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))))
+                  (cl--loop-set-iterator-function
                    'overlays (lambda (body)
                                  (lambda (,var ,(make-symbol "--cl-var--"))
                                    (progn . ,body) nil)
                                  ,buf ,from ,to)))))
-              ((memq word '(interval intervals))
-               (let ((buf nil) (prop nil) (from nil) (to nil)
-                     (var1 (make-symbol "--cl-var1--"))
-                     (var2 (make-symbol "--cl-var2--")))
-                 (while (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of property from to))
-                   (cond ((eq (car cl--loop-args) 'from)
+               ((memq word '(interval intervals))
+                (let ((buf nil) (prop nil) (from nil) (to nil)
+                      (var1 (make-symbol "--cl-var1--"))
+                      (var2 (make-symbol "--cl-var2--")))
+                  (while (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of property from to))
+                    (cond ((eq (car cl--loop-args) 'from)
                            (setq from (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
-                         ((eq (car cl--loop-args) 'to)
+                          ((eq (car cl--loop-args) 'to)
                            (setq to (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
-                         ((eq (car cl--loop-args) 'property)
-                          (setq prop (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
-                         (t (setq buf (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))))
-                 (if (and (consp var) (symbolp (car var)) (symbolp (cdr var)))
-                     (setq var1 (car var) var2 (cdr var))
-                   (push (list var `(cons ,var1 ,var2)) loop-for-sets))
-                 (cl--loop-set-iterator-function
+                          ((eq (car cl--loop-args) 'property)
+                           (setq prop (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
+                          (t (setq buf (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))))
+                  (if (and (consp var) (symbolp (car var)) (symbolp (cdr var)))
+                      (setq var1 (car var) var2 (cdr var))
+                    (push (list var `(cons ,var1 ,var2)) loop-for-sets))
+                  (cl--loop-set-iterator-function
                    'intervals (lambda (body)
                                   (lambda (,var1 ,var2) . ,body)
                                   ,buf ,prop ,from ,to)))))
-              ((memq word key-types)
-               (or (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of))
+               ((memq word key-types)
+                (or (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of))
                     (error "Expected `of'"))
-               (let ((cl-map (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args))
-                     (other
+                (let ((cl-map (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args))
+                      (other
                        (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'using)
                            (if (and (= (length (cadr cl--loop-args)) 2)
                                     (memq (cl-caadr cl--loop-args) key-types)
@@ -1315,89 +1315,89 @@
                                (cadr (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args))
                              (error "Bad `using' clause"))
                          (make-symbol "--cl-var--"))))
-                 (if (memq word '(key-binding key-bindings))
-                     (setq var (prog1 other (setq other var))))
-                 (cl--loop-set-iterator-function
+                  (if (memq word '(key-binding key-bindings))
+                      (setq var (prog1 other (setq other var))))
+                  (cl--loop-set-iterator-function
                    'keys (lambda (body)
                            `(,(if (memq word '(key-seq key-seqs))
                                   'cl--map-keymap-recursively 'map-keymap)
                              (lambda (,var ,other) . ,body) ,cl-map)))))
-              ((memq word '(frame frames screen screens))
-               (let ((temp (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
-                 (push (list var  '(selected-frame))
-                       loop-for-bindings)
-                 (push (list temp nil) loop-for-bindings)
-                 (push `(prog1 (not (eq ,var ,temp))
+               ((memq word '(frame frames screen screens))
+                (let ((temp (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
+                  (push (list var  '(selected-frame))
+                        loop-for-bindings)
+                  (push (list temp nil) loop-for-bindings)
+                  (push `(prog1 (not (eq ,var ,temp))
                            (or ,temp (setq ,temp ,var)))
-                       cl--loop-body)
-                 (push (list var `(next-frame ,var))
-                       loop-for-steps)))
+                        cl--loop-body)
+                  (push (list var `(next-frame ,var))
+                        loop-for-steps)))
-              ((memq word '(window windows))
-               (let ((scr (and (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of))
+               ((memq word '(window windows))
+                (let ((scr (and (memq (car cl--loop-args) '(in of))
                                 (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
-                     (temp (make-symbol "--cl-var--"))
-                     (minip (make-symbol "--cl-minip--")))
-                 (push (list var (if scr
-                                     `(frame-selected-window ,scr)
-                                   '(selected-window)))
-                       loop-for-bindings)
-                 ;; If we started in the minibuffer, we need to
-                 ;; ensure that next-window will bring us back there
-                 ;; at some point.  (Bug#7492).
-                 ;; (Consider using walk-windows instead of cl-loop if
-                 ;; you care about such things.)
-                 (push (list minip `(minibufferp (window-buffer ,var)))
-                       loop-for-bindings)
-                 (push (list temp nil) loop-for-bindings)
-                 (push `(prog1 (not (eq ,var ,temp))
+                      (temp (make-symbol "--cl-var--"))
+                      (minip (make-symbol "--cl-minip--")))
+                  (push (list var (if scr
+                                      `(frame-selected-window ,scr)
+                                    '(selected-window)))
+                        loop-for-bindings)
+                  ;; If we started in the minibuffer, we need to
+                  ;; ensure that next-window will bring us back there
+                  ;; at some point.  (Bug#7492).
+                  ;; (Consider using walk-windows instead of cl-loop if
+                  ;; you care about such things.)
+                  (push (list minip `(minibufferp (window-buffer ,var)))
+                        loop-for-bindings)
+                  (push (list temp nil) loop-for-bindings)
+                  (push `(prog1 (not (eq ,var ,temp))
                            (or ,temp (setq ,temp ,var)))
-                       cl--loop-body)
-                 (push (list var `(next-window ,var ,minip))
-                       loop-for-steps)))
+                        cl--loop-body)
+                  (push (list var `(next-window ,var ,minip))
+                        loop-for-steps)))
-              (t
-               ;; This is an advertised interface: (info "(cl)Other Clauses").
-               (let ((handler (and (symbolp word)
-                                   (get word 'cl-loop-for-handler))))
-                 (if handler
-                     (funcall handler var)
-                   (error "Expected a `for' preposition, found %s" word)))))
-             (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'and))
-         (setq ands t)
-         (pop cl--loop-args))
-       (if (and ands loop-for-bindings)
-           (push (nreverse loop-for-bindings) cl--loop-bindings)
-         (setq cl--loop-bindings (nconc (mapcar 'list loop-for-bindings)
-                                    cl--loop-bindings)))
-       (if loop-for-sets
-           (push `(progn
+               (t
+                ;; This is an advertised interface: (info "(cl)Other Clauses").
+                (let ((handler (and (symbolp word)
+                                    (get word 'cl-loop-for-handler))))
+                  (if handler
+                      (funcall handler var)
+                    (error "Expected a `for' preposition, found %s" word)))))
+              (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'and))
+          (setq ands t)
+          (pop cl--loop-args))
+        (if (and ands loop-for-bindings)
+            (push (nreverse loop-for-bindings) cl--loop-bindings)
+          (setq cl--loop-bindings (nconc (mapcar 'list loop-for-bindings)
+                                     cl--loop-bindings)))
+        (if loop-for-sets
+            (push `(progn
                      ,(cl--loop-let (nreverse loop-for-sets) 'setq ands)
                      t) cl--loop-body))
-       (if loop-for-steps
-           (push (cons (if ands 'cl-psetq 'setq)
-                       (apply 'append (nreverse loop-for-steps)))
-                 cl--loop-steps))))
+        (if loop-for-steps
+            (push (cons (if ands 'cl-psetq 'setq)
+                        (apply 'append (nreverse loop-for-steps)))
+                  cl--loop-steps))))
      ((eq word 'repeat)
       (let ((temp (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
-       (push (list (list temp (pop cl--loop-args))) cl--loop-bindings)
-       (push `(>= (setq ,temp (1- ,temp)) 0) cl--loop-body)))
+        (push (list (list temp (pop cl--loop-args))) cl--loop-bindings)
+        (push `(>= (setq ,temp (1- ,temp)) 0) cl--loop-body)))
      ((memq word '(collect collecting))
       (let ((what (pop cl--loop-args))
-           (var (cl--loop-handle-accum nil 'nreverse)))
-       (if (eq var cl--loop-accum-var)
-           (push `(progn (push ,what ,var) t) cl--loop-body)
-         (push `(progn
+            (var (cl--loop-handle-accum nil 'nreverse)))
+        (if (eq var cl--loop-accum-var)
+            (push `(progn (push ,what ,var) t) cl--loop-body)
+          (push `(progn
                    (setq ,var (nconc ,var (list ,what)))
                    t) cl--loop-body))))
      ((memq word '(nconc nconcing append appending))
       (let ((what (pop cl--loop-args))
-           (var (cl--loop-handle-accum nil 'nreverse)))
-       (push `(progn
+            (var (cl--loop-handle-accum nil 'nreverse)))
+        (push `(progn
                  (setq ,var
                        ,(if (eq var cl--loop-accum-var)
@@ -1411,44 +1411,44 @@
      ((memq word '(concat concating))
       (let ((what (pop cl--loop-args))
-           (var (cl--loop-handle-accum "")))
-       (push `(progn (cl-callf concat ,var ,what) t) cl--loop-body)))
+            (var (cl--loop-handle-accum "")))
+        (push `(progn (cl-callf concat ,var ,what) t) cl--loop-body)))
      ((memq word '(vconcat vconcating))
       (let ((what (pop cl--loop-args))
-           (var (cl--loop-handle-accum [])))
-       (push `(progn (cl-callf vconcat ,var ,what) t) cl--loop-body)))
+            (var (cl--loop-handle-accum [])))
+        (push `(progn (cl-callf vconcat ,var ,what) t) cl--loop-body)))
      ((memq word '(sum summing))
       (let ((what (pop cl--loop-args))
-           (var (cl--loop-handle-accum 0)))
-       (push `(progn (cl-incf ,var ,what) t) cl--loop-body)))
+            (var (cl--loop-handle-accum 0)))
+        (push `(progn (cl-incf ,var ,what) t) cl--loop-body)))
      ((memq word '(count counting))
       (let ((what (pop cl--loop-args))
-           (var (cl--loop-handle-accum 0)))
-       (push `(progn (if ,what (cl-incf ,var)) t) cl--loop-body)))
+            (var (cl--loop-handle-accum 0)))
+        (push `(progn (if ,what (cl-incf ,var)) t) cl--loop-body)))
      ((memq word '(minimize minimizing maximize maximizing))
       (let* ((what (pop cl--loop-args))
-            (temp (if (cl--simple-expr-p what) what
+             (temp (if (cl--simple-expr-p what) what
                      (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
-            (var (cl--loop-handle-accum nil))
-            (func (intern (substring (symbol-name word) 0 3)))
-            (set `(setq ,var (if ,var (,func ,var ,temp) ,temp))))
-       (push `(progn ,(if (eq temp what) set
+             (var (cl--loop-handle-accum nil))
+             (func (intern (substring (symbol-name word) 0 3)))
+             (set `(setq ,var (if ,var (,func ,var ,temp) ,temp))))
+        (push `(progn ,(if (eq temp what) set
                          `(let ((,temp ,what)) ,set))
                       t) cl--loop-body)))
      ((eq word 'with)
       (let ((bindings nil))
-       (while (progn (push (list (pop cl--loop-args)
-                                 (and (eq (car cl--loop-args) '=)
+        (while (progn (push (list (pop cl--loop-args)
+                                  (and (eq (car cl--loop-args) '=)
                                        (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
-                           bindings)
-                     (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'and))
-         (pop cl--loop-args))
-       (push (nreverse bindings) cl--loop-bindings)))
+                            bindings)
+                      (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'and))
+          (pop cl--loop-args))
+        (push (nreverse bindings) cl--loop-bindings)))
      ((eq word 'while)
       (push (pop cl--loop-args) cl--loop-body))
@@ -1466,7 +1466,7 @@
       (or cl--loop-finish-flag
           (setq cl--loop-finish-flag (make-symbol "--cl-flag--")))
       (push `(setq ,cl--loop-finish-flag (not ,(pop cl--loop-args)))
-           cl--loop-body)
+            cl--loop-body)
       (setq cl--loop-result t))
      ((eq word 'thereis)
@@ -1476,32 +1476,32 @@
           (setq cl--loop-result-var (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
       (push `(setq ,cl--loop-finish-flag
                    (not (setq ,cl--loop-result-var ,(pop cl--loop-args))))
-           cl--loop-body))
+            cl--loop-body))
      ((memq word '(if when unless))
       (let* ((cond (pop cl--loop-args))
-            (then (let ((cl--loop-body nil))
-                    (cl--parse-loop-clause)
-                    (cl--loop-build-ands (nreverse cl--loop-body))))
-            (else (let ((cl--loop-body nil))
-                    (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'else)
-                        (progn (pop cl--loop-args) (cl--parse-loop-clause)))
-                    (cl--loop-build-ands (nreverse cl--loop-body))))
-            (simple (and (eq (car then) t) (eq (car else) t))))
-       (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'end) (pop cl--loop-args))
-       (if (eq word 'unless) (setq then (prog1 else (setq else then))))
-       (let ((form (cons (if simple (cons 'progn (nth 1 then)) (nth 2 then))
-                         (if simple (nth 1 else) (list (nth 2 else))))))
-         (setq form (if (cl--expr-contains form 'it)
+             (then (let ((cl--loop-body nil))
+                     (cl--parse-loop-clause)
+                     (cl--loop-build-ands (nreverse cl--loop-body))))
+             (else (let ((cl--loop-body nil))
+                     (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'else)
+                         (progn (pop cl--loop-args) (cl--parse-loop-clause)))
+                     (cl--loop-build-ands (nreverse cl--loop-body))))
+             (simple (and (eq (car then) t) (eq (car else) t))))
+        (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'end) (pop cl--loop-args))
+        (if (eq word 'unless) (setq then (prog1 else (setq else then))))
+        (let ((form (cons (if simple (cons 'progn (nth 1 then)) (nth 2 then))
+                          (if simple (nth 1 else) (list (nth 2 else))))))
+          (setq form (if (cl--expr-contains form 'it)
                          `(let ((it ,cond)) (if it ,@form))
                        `(if ,cond ,@form)))
-         (push (if simple `(progn ,form t) form) cl--loop-body))))
+          (push (if simple `(progn ,form t) form) cl--loop-body))))
      ((memq word '(do doing))
       (let ((body nil))
-       (or (consp (car cl--loop-args)) (error "Syntax error on `do' clause"))
-       (while (consp (car cl--loop-args)) (push (pop cl--loop-args) body))
-       (push (cons 'progn (nreverse (cons t body))) cl--loop-body)))
+        (or (consp (car cl--loop-args)) (error "Syntax error on `do' clause"))
+        (while (consp (car cl--loop-args)) (push (pop cl--loop-args) body))
+        (push (cons 'progn (nreverse (cons t body))) cl--loop-body)))
      ((eq word 'return)
       (or cl--loop-finish-flag
@@ -1514,10 +1514,10 @@
       ;; This is an advertised interface: (info "(cl)Other Clauses").
       (let ((handler (and (symbolp word) (get word 'cl-loop-handler))))
-       (or handler (error "Expected a cl-loop keyword, found %s" word))
-       (funcall handler))))
+        (or handler (error "Expected a cl-loop keyword, found %s" word))
+        (funcall handler))))
     (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'and)
-       (progn (pop cl--loop-args) (cl--parse-loop-clause)))))
+        (progn (pop cl--loop-args) (cl--parse-loop-clause)))))
 (defun cl--unused-var-p (sym)
   (or (null sym) (eq ?_ (aref (symbol-name sym) 0))))
@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@
                    (temp (last spec 0)))
               (if (and (cl--unused-var-p temp) (null expr))
                   nil ;; Don't bother declaring/setting `temp' since it won't
-                     ;; be used when `expr' is nil, anyway.
+                      ;; be used when `expr' is nil, anyway.
                 (when (and (eq body 'setq) (cl--unused-var-p temp))
                   ;; Prefer a fresh uninterned symbol over "_to", to avoid
                   ;; warnings that we set an unused variable.
@@ -1564,28 +1564,28 @@
               (setq specs (nconc (nreverse nspecs) specs)))
           (push binding new))))
     (if (eq body 'setq)
-       (let ((set (cons (if par 'cl-psetq 'setq)
+        (let ((set (cons (if par 'cl-psetq 'setq)
                          (apply 'nconc (nreverse new)))))
-         (if temps `(let* ,(nreverse temps) ,set) set))
+          (if temps `(let* ,(nreverse temps) ,set) set))
       `(,(if par 'let 'let*)
         ,(nconc (nreverse temps) (nreverse new)) ,@body))))
 (defun cl--loop-handle-accum (def &optional func) ; uses loop-*
   (if (eq (car cl--loop-args) 'into)
       (let ((var (cl--pop2 cl--loop-args)))
-       (or (memq var cl--loop-accum-vars)
-           (progn (push (list (list var def)) cl--loop-bindings)
-                  (push var cl--loop-accum-vars)))
-       var)
+        (or (memq var cl--loop-accum-vars)
+            (progn (push (list (list var def)) cl--loop-bindings)
+                   (push var cl--loop-accum-vars)))
+        var)
     (or cl--loop-accum-var
-       (progn
-         (push (list (list
+        (progn
+          (push (list (list
                        (setq cl--loop-accum-var (make-symbol "--cl-var--"))
-         (setq cl--loop-result (if func (list func cl--loop-accum-var)
+          (setq cl--loop-result (if func (list func cl--loop-accum-var)
-         cl--loop-accum-var))))
+          cl--loop-accum-var))))
 (defun cl--loop-build-ands (clauses)
   "Return various representations of (and . CLAUSES).
@@ -1594,29 +1594,29 @@
 The return value has shape (COND BODY COMBO)
 such that COMBO is equivalent to (and . CLAUSES)."
   (let ((ands nil)
-       (body nil))
+        (body nil))
     ;; Look through `clauses', trying to optimize (progn ,@A t) (progn ,@B) ,@C
     ;; into (progn ,@A ,@B) ,@C.
     (while clauses
       (if (and (eq (car-safe (car clauses)) 'progn)
-              (eq (car (last (car clauses))) t))
-         (if (cdr clauses)
-             (setq clauses (cons (nconc (butlast (car clauses))
-                                        (if (eq (car-safe (cadr clauses))
-                                                'progn)
-                                            (cl-cdadr clauses)
-                                          (list (cadr clauses))))
-                                 (cddr clauses)))
+               (eq (car (last (car clauses))) t))
+          (if (cdr clauses)
+              (setq clauses (cons (nconc (butlast (car clauses))
+                                         (if (eq (car-safe (cadr clauses))
+                                                 'progn)
+                                             (cl-cdadr clauses)
+                                           (list (cadr clauses))))
+                                  (cddr clauses)))
             ;; A final (progn ,@A t) is moved outside of the `and'.
-           (setq body (cdr (butlast (pop clauses)))))
-       (push (pop clauses) ands)))
+            (setq body (cdr (butlast (pop clauses)))))
+        (push (pop clauses) ands)))
     (setq ands (or (nreverse ands) (list t)))
     (list (if (cdr ands) (cons 'and ands) (car ands))
-         body
-         (let ((full (if body
-                         (append ands (list (cons 'progn (append body '(t)))))
-                       ands)))
-           (if (cdr full) (cons 'and full) (car full))))))
+          body
+          (let ((full (if body
+                          (append ands (list (cons 'progn (append body '(t)))))
+                        ands)))
+            (if (cdr full) (cons 'and full) (car full))))))
 ;;; Other iteration control structures.
@@ -1823,8 +1823,8 @@
   (let ((binds ()) (newenv macroexpand-all-environment))
     (dolist (binding bindings)
       (let ((var (make-symbol (format "--cl-%s--" (car binding)))))
-       (push (list var `(cl-function (lambda . ,(cdr binding)))) binds)
-       (push (cons (car binding)
+        (push (list var `(cl-function (lambda . ,(cdr binding)))) binds)
+        (push (cons (car binding)
                     `(lambda (&rest cl-labels-args)
                        (cl-list* 'funcall ',var
@@ -1860,8 +1860,8 @@
   (let ((binds ()) (newenv macroexpand-all-environment))
     (dolist (binding bindings)
       (let ((var (make-symbol (format "--cl-%s--" (car binding)))))
-       (push (list var `(cl-function (lambda . ,(cdr binding)))) binds)
-       (push (cons (car binding)
+        (push (list var `(cl-function (lambda . ,(cdr binding)))) binds)
+        (push (cons (car binding)
                     `(lambda (&rest cl-labels-args)
                        (cl-list* 'funcall ',var
@@ -1888,9 +1888,9 @@
       `(cl-macrolet (,(car bindings)) (cl-macrolet ,(cdr bindings) ,@body))
     (if (null bindings) (cons 'progn body)
       (let* ((name (caar bindings))
-            (res (cl--transform-lambda (cdar bindings) name)))
-       (eval (car res))
-       (macroexpand-all (cons 'progn body)
+             (res (cl--transform-lambda (cdar bindings) name)))
+        (eval (car res))
+        (macroexpand-all (cons 'progn body)
                          (cons (cons name `(lambda ,@(cdr res)))
@@ -2045,10 +2045,10 @@
 \(fn (SYM...) FORM)"
   (declare (indent 1) (debug ((&rest symbolp) form)))
   (cond ((null vars) `(progn ,form nil))
-       ((null (cdr vars)) `(setq ,(car vars) (car ,form)))
-       (t
-        (let* ((temp (make-symbol "--cl-var--")) (n 0))
-          `(let ((,temp ,form))
+        ((null (cdr vars)) `(setq ,(car vars) (car ,form)))
+        (t
+         (let* ((temp (make-symbol "--cl-var--")) (n 0))
+           `(let ((,temp ,form))
               (prog1 (setq ,(pop vars) (car ,temp))
                 (setq ,@(apply #'nconc
                                (mapcar (lambda (v)
@@ -2087,38 +2087,38 @@
 (defun cl--do-proclaim (spec hist)
   (and hist (listp cl--proclaim-history) (push spec cl--proclaim-history))
   (cond ((eq (car-safe spec) 'special)
-        (if (boundp 'byte-compile-bound-variables)
-            (setq byte-compile-bound-variables
-                  (append (cdr spec) byte-compile-bound-variables))))
-       ((eq (car-safe spec) 'inline)
-        (while (setq spec (cdr spec))
-          (or (memq (get (car spec) 'byte-optimizer)
-                    '(nil byte-compile-inline-expand))
-              (error "%s already has a byte-optimizer, can't make it inline"
-                     (car spec)))
-          (put (car spec) 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)))
-       ((eq (car-safe spec) 'notinline)
-        (while (setq spec (cdr spec))
-          (if (eq (get (car spec) 'byte-optimizer)
-                  'byte-compile-inline-expand)
-              (put (car spec) 'byte-optimizer nil))))
-       ((eq (car-safe spec) 'optimize)
-        (let ((speed (assq (nth 1 (assq 'speed (cdr spec)))
-                           '((0 nil) (1 t) (2 t) (3 t))))
-              (safety (assq (nth 1 (assq 'safety (cdr spec)))
-                            '((0 t) (1 t) (2 t) (3 nil)))))
-          (if speed (setq cl--optimize-speed (car speed)
-                          byte-optimize (nth 1 speed)))
-          (if safety (setq cl--optimize-safety (car safety)
-                           byte-compile-delete-errors (nth 1 safety)))))
-       ((and (eq (car-safe spec) 'warn) (boundp 'byte-compile-warnings))
-        (while (setq spec (cdr spec))
-          (if (consp (car spec))
-              (if (eq (cl-cadar spec) 0)
+         (if (boundp 'byte-compile-bound-variables)
+             (setq byte-compile-bound-variables
+                   (append (cdr spec) byte-compile-bound-variables))))
+        ((eq (car-safe spec) 'inline)
+         (while (setq spec (cdr spec))
+           (or (memq (get (car spec) 'byte-optimizer)
+                     '(nil byte-compile-inline-expand))
+               (error "%s already has a byte-optimizer, can't make it inline"
+                      (car spec)))
+           (put (car spec) 'byte-optimizer 'byte-compile-inline-expand)))
+        ((eq (car-safe spec) 'notinline)
+         (while (setq spec (cdr spec))
+           (if (eq (get (car spec) 'byte-optimizer)
+                   'byte-compile-inline-expand)
+               (put (car spec) 'byte-optimizer nil))))
+        ((eq (car-safe spec) 'optimize)
+         (let ((speed (assq (nth 1 (assq 'speed (cdr spec)))
+                            '((0 nil) (1 t) (2 t) (3 t))))
+               (safety (assq (nth 1 (assq 'safety (cdr spec)))
+                             '((0 t) (1 t) (2 t) (3 nil)))))
+           (if speed (setq cl--optimize-speed (car speed)
+                           byte-optimize (nth 1 speed)))
+           (if safety (setq cl--optimize-safety (car safety)
+                            byte-compile-delete-errors (nth 1 safety)))))
+        ((and (eq (car-safe spec) 'warn) (boundp 'byte-compile-warnings))
+         (while (setq spec (cdr spec))
+           (if (consp (car spec))
+               (if (eq (cl-cadar spec) 0)
                    (byte-compile-disable-warning (caar spec))
                  (byte-compile-enable-warning (caar spec)))))))
@@ -2140,8 +2140,8 @@
 See Info node `(cl)Declarations' for details."
   (if (cl--compiling-file)
       (while specs
-       (if (listp cl--declare-stack) (push (car specs) cl--declare-stack))
-       (cl--do-proclaim (pop specs) nil)))
+        (if (listp cl--declare-stack) (push (car specs) cl--declare-stack))
+        (cl--do-proclaim (pop specs) nil)))
 ;;; The standard modify macros.
@@ -2159,19 +2159,19 @@
   (let ((p args) (simple t) (vars nil))
     (while p
       (if (or (not (symbolp (car p))) (cl--expr-depends-p (nth 1 p) vars))
-         (setq simple nil))
+          (setq simple nil))
       (if (memq (car p) vars)
-         (error "Destination duplicated in psetf: %s" (car p)))
+          (error "Destination duplicated in psetf: %s" (car p)))
       (push (pop p) vars)
       (or p (error "Odd number of arguments to cl-psetf"))
       (pop p))
     (if simple
-       `(progn (setq ,@args) nil)
+        `(progn (setq ,@args) nil)
       (setq args (reverse args))
       (let ((expr `(setf ,(cadr args) ,(car args))))
-       (while (setq args (cddr args))
-         (setq expr `(setf ,(cadr args) (prog1 ,(car args) ,expr))))
-       `(progn ,expr nil)))))
+        (while (setq args (cddr args))
+          (setq expr `(setf ,(cadr args) (prog1 ,(car args) ,expr))))
+        `(progn ,expr nil)))))
 (defmacro cl-remf (place tag)
@@ -2212,20 +2212,20 @@
   (declare (debug (&rest place)))
   (if (not (memq nil (mapcar 'symbolp args)))
       (and (cdr args)
-          (let ((sets nil)
-                (first (car args)))
-            (while (cdr args)
-              (setq sets (nconc sets (list (pop args) (car args)))))
-            `(cl-psetf ,@sets ,(car args) ,first)))
+           (let ((sets nil)
+                 (first (car args)))
+             (while (cdr args)
+               (setq sets (nconc sets (list (pop args) (car args)))))
+             `(cl-psetf ,@sets ,(car args) ,first)))
     (let* ((places (reverse args))
-          (temp (make-symbol "--cl-rotatef--"))
-          (form temp))
+           (temp (make-symbol "--cl-rotatef--"))
+           (form temp))
       (while (cdr places)
         (setq form
               (gv-letplace (getter setter) (pop places)
                 `(prog1 ,getter ,(funcall setter form)))))
       (gv-letplace (getter setter) (car places)
-       (macroexp-let* `((,temp ,getter))
+        (macroexp-let* `((,temp ,getter))
                        `(progn ,(funcall setter form) nil))))))
 ;; FIXME: `letf' is unsatisfactory because it does not really "restore" the
@@ -2379,145 +2379,145 @@
              &rest &or symbolp (symbolp def-form
                                         &optional ":read-only" sexp))))
   (let* ((name (if (consp struct) (car struct) struct))
-        (opts (cdr-safe struct))
-        (slots nil)
-        (defaults nil)
-        (conc-name (concat (symbol-name name) "-"))
-        (constructor (intern (format "make-%s" name)))
-        (constrs nil)
-        (copier (intern (format "copy-%s" name)))
-        (predicate (intern (format "%s-p" name)))
-        (print-func nil) (print-auto nil)
-        (safety (if (cl--compiling-file) cl--optimize-safety 3))
-        (include nil)
-        (tag (intern (format "cl-struct-%s" name)))
-        (tag-symbol (intern (format "cl-struct-%s-tags" name)))
-        (include-descs nil)
-        (side-eff nil)
-        (type nil)
-        (named nil)
-        (forms nil)
-        pred-form pred-check)
+         (opts (cdr-safe struct))
+         (slots nil)
+         (defaults nil)
+         (conc-name (concat (symbol-name name) "-"))
+         (constructor (intern (format "make-%s" name)))
+         (constrs nil)
+         (copier (intern (format "copy-%s" name)))
+         (predicate (intern (format "%s-p" name)))
+         (print-func nil) (print-auto nil)
+         (safety (if (cl--compiling-file) cl--optimize-safety 3))
+         (include nil)
+         (tag (intern (format "cl-struct-%s" name)))
+         (tag-symbol (intern (format "cl-struct-%s-tags" name)))
+         (include-descs nil)
+         (side-eff nil)
+         (type nil)
+         (named nil)
+         (forms nil)
+         pred-form pred-check)
     (if (stringp (car descs))
-       (push `(put ',name 'structure-documentation
+        (push `(put ',name 'structure-documentation
                     ,(pop descs)) forms))
     (setq descs (cons '(cl-tag-slot)
-                     (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (if (consp x) x (list x))))
-                             descs)))
+                      (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (if (consp x) x (list x))))
+                              descs)))
     (while opts
       (let ((opt (if (consp (car opts)) (caar opts) (car opts)))
-           (args (cdr-safe (pop opts))))
-       (cond ((eq opt :conc-name)
-              (if args
-                  (setq conc-name (if (car args)
-                                      (symbol-name (car args)) ""))))
-             ((eq opt :constructor)
-              (if (cdr args)
+            (args (cdr-safe (pop opts))))
+        (cond ((eq opt :conc-name)
+               (if args
+                   (setq conc-name (if (car args)
+                                       (symbol-name (car args)) ""))))
+              ((eq opt :constructor)
+               (if (cdr args)
                      ;; If this defines a constructor of the same name as
                      ;; the default one, don't define the default.
                      (if (eq (car args) constructor)
                          (setq constructor nil))
                      (push args constrs))
-                (if args (setq constructor (car args)))))
-             ((eq opt :copier)
-              (if args (setq copier (car args))))
-             ((eq opt :predicate)
-              (if args (setq predicate (car args))))
-             ((eq opt :include)
-              (setq include (car args)
-                    include-descs (mapcar (function
-                                           (lambda (x)
-                                             (if (consp x) x (list x))))
-                                          (cdr args))))
-             ((eq opt :print-function)
-              (setq print-func (car args)))
-             ((eq opt :type)
-              (setq type (car args)))
-             ((eq opt :named)
-              (setq named t))
-             ((eq opt :initial-offset)
-              (setq descs (nconc (make-list (car args) '(cl-skip-slot))
-                                 descs)))
-             (t
-              (error "Slot option %s unrecognized" opt)))))
+                 (if args (setq constructor (car args)))))
+              ((eq opt :copier)
+               (if args (setq copier (car args))))
+              ((eq opt :predicate)
+               (if args (setq predicate (car args))))
+              ((eq opt :include)
+               (setq include (car args)
+                     include-descs (mapcar (function
+                                            (lambda (x)
+                                              (if (consp x) x (list x))))
+                                           (cdr args))))
+              ((eq opt :print-function)
+               (setq print-func (car args)))
+              ((eq opt :type)
+               (setq type (car args)))
+              ((eq opt :named)
+               (setq named t))
+              ((eq opt :initial-offset)
+               (setq descs (nconc (make-list (car args) '(cl-skip-slot))
+                                  descs)))
+              (t
+               (error "Slot option %s unrecognized" opt)))))
     (if print-func
-       (setq print-func
+        (setq print-func
               `(progn (funcall #',print-func cl-x cl-s cl-n) t))
       (or type (and include (not (get include 'cl-struct-print)))
-         (setq print-auto t
-               print-func (and (or (not (or include type)) (null print-func))
-                               `(progn
+          (setq print-auto t
+                print-func (and (or (not (or include type)) (null print-func))
+                                `(progn
                                    (princ ,(format "#S(%s" name) cl-s))))))
     (if include
-       (let ((inc-type (get include 'cl-struct-type))
-             (old-descs (get include 'cl-struct-slots)))
-         (or inc-type (error "%s is not a struct name" include))
-         (and type (not (eq (car inc-type) type))
-              (error ":type disagrees with :include for %s" name))
-         (while include-descs
-           (setcar (memq (or (assq (caar include-descs) old-descs)
-                             (error "No slot %s in included struct %s"
-                                    (caar include-descs) include))
-                         old-descs)
-                   (pop include-descs)))
-         (setq descs (append old-descs (delq (assq 'cl-tag-slot descs) descs))
-               type (car inc-type)
-               named (assq 'cl-tag-slot descs))
-         (if (cadr inc-type) (setq tag name named t))
-         (let ((incl include))
-           (while incl
-             (push `(cl-pushnew ',tag
+        (let ((inc-type (get include 'cl-struct-type))
+              (old-descs (get include 'cl-struct-slots)))
+          (or inc-type (error "%s is not a struct name" include))
+          (and type (not (eq (car inc-type) type))
+               (error ":type disagrees with :include for %s" name))
+          (while include-descs
+            (setcar (memq (or (assq (caar include-descs) old-descs)
+                              (error "No slot %s in included struct %s"
+                                     (caar include-descs) include))
+                          old-descs)
+                    (pop include-descs)))
+          (setq descs (append old-descs (delq (assq 'cl-tag-slot descs) descs))
+                type (car inc-type)
+                named (assq 'cl-tag-slot descs))
+          (if (cadr inc-type) (setq tag name named t))
+          (let ((incl include))
+            (while incl
+              (push `(cl-pushnew ',tag
                               ,(intern (format "cl-struct-%s-tags" incl)))
-             (setq incl (get incl 'cl-struct-include)))))
+              (setq incl (get incl 'cl-struct-include)))))
       (if type
-         (progn
-           (or (memq type '(vector list))
-               (error "Invalid :type specifier: %s" type))
-           (if named (setq tag name)))
-       (setq type 'vector named 'true)))
+          (progn
+            (or (memq type '(vector list))
+                (error "Invalid :type specifier: %s" type))
+            (if named (setq tag name)))
+        (setq type 'vector named 'true)))
     (or named (setq descs (delq (assq 'cl-tag-slot descs) descs)))
     (push `(defvar ,tag-symbol) forms)
     (setq pred-form (and named
-                        (let ((pos (- (length descs)
-                                      (length (memq (assq 'cl-tag-slot descs)
-                                                    descs)))))
-                          (if (eq type 'vector)
-                              `(and (vectorp cl-x)
-                                    (>= (length cl-x) ,(length descs))
-                                    (memq (aref cl-x ,pos) ,tag-symbol))
-                            (if (= pos 0)
-                                `(memq (car-safe cl-x) ,tag-symbol)
-                              `(and (consp cl-x)
-                                    (memq (nth ,pos cl-x) ,tag-symbol))))))
-         pred-check (and pred-form (> safety 0)
-                         (if (and (eq (cl-caadr pred-form) 'vectorp)
-                                  (= safety 1))
-                             (cons 'and (cl-cdddr pred-form)) pred-form)))
+                         (let ((pos (- (length descs)
+                                       (length (memq (assq 'cl-tag-slot descs)
+                                                     descs)))))
+                           (if (eq type 'vector)
+                               `(and (vectorp cl-x)
+                                     (>= (length cl-x) ,(length descs))
+                                     (memq (aref cl-x ,pos) ,tag-symbol))
+                             (if (= pos 0)
+                                 `(memq (car-safe cl-x) ,tag-symbol)
+                               `(and (consp cl-x)
+                                     (memq (nth ,pos cl-x) ,tag-symbol))))))
+          pred-check (and pred-form (> safety 0)
+                          (if (and (eq (cl-caadr pred-form) 'vectorp)
+                                   (= safety 1))
+                              (cons 'and (cl-cdddr pred-form)) pred-form)))
     (let ((pos 0) (descp descs))
       (while descp
-       (let* ((desc (pop descp))
-              (slot (car desc)))
-         (if (memq slot '(cl-tag-slot cl-skip-slot))
-             (progn
-               (push nil slots)
-               (push (and (eq slot 'cl-tag-slot) `',tag)
-                        defaults))
-           (if (assq slot descp)
-               (error "Duplicate slots named %s in %s" slot name))
-           (let ((accessor (intern (format "%s%s" conc-name slot))))
-             (push slot slots)
-             (push (nth 1 desc) defaults)
-             (push `(cl-defsubst ,accessor (cl-x)
+        (let* ((desc (pop descp))
+               (slot (car desc)))
+          (if (memq slot '(cl-tag-slot cl-skip-slot))
+              (progn
+                (push nil slots)
+                (push (and (eq slot 'cl-tag-slot) `',tag)
+                         defaults))
+            (if (assq slot descp)
+                (error "Duplicate slots named %s in %s" slot name))
+            (let ((accessor (intern (format "%s%s" conc-name slot))))
+              (push slot slots)
+              (push (nth 1 desc) defaults)
+              (push `(cl-defsubst ,accessor (cl-x)
                        ,@(and pred-check
-                             (list `(or ,pred-check
+                              (list `(or ,pred-check
                                          (error "%s accessing a non-%s"
                                                 ',accessor ',name))))
                        ,(if (eq type 'vector) `(aref cl-x ,pos)
                           (if (= pos 0) '(car cl-x)
                             `(nth ,pos cl-x)))) forms)
-             (push (cons accessor t) side-eff)
+              (push (cons accessor t) side-eff)
               (if (cadr (memq :read-only (cddr desc)))
                   (push `(gv-define-expander ,accessor
                            (lambda (_cl-do _cl-x)
@@ -2541,37 +2541,37 @@
                 ;;             ,pos)))
                 ;;       forms)
-             (if print-auto
-                 (nconc print-func
-                        (list `(princ ,(format " %s" slot) cl-s)
-                              `(prin1 (,accessor cl-x) cl-s)))))))
-       (setq pos (1+ pos))))
+              (if print-auto
+                  (nconc print-func
+                         (list `(princ ,(format " %s" slot) cl-s)
+                               `(prin1 (,accessor cl-x) cl-s)))))))
+        (setq pos (1+ pos))))
     (setq slots (nreverse slots)
-         defaults (nreverse defaults))
+          defaults (nreverse defaults))
     (and predicate pred-form
-        (progn (push `(cl-defsubst ,predicate (cl-x)
+         (progn (push `(cl-defsubst ,predicate (cl-x)
                          ,(if (eq (car pred-form) 'and)
                               (append pred-form '(t))
                             `(and ,pred-form t))) forms)
-               (push (cons predicate 'error-free) side-eff)))
+                (push (cons predicate 'error-free) side-eff)))
     (and copier
-        (progn (push `(defun ,copier (x) (copy-sequence x)) forms)
-               (push (cons copier t) side-eff)))
+         (progn (push `(defun ,copier (x) (copy-sequence x)) forms)
+                (push (cons copier t) side-eff)))
     (if constructor
-       (push (list constructor
-                      (cons '&key (delq nil (copy-sequence slots))))
-                constrs))
+        (push (list constructor
+                       (cons '&key (delq nil (copy-sequence slots))))
+                 constrs))
     (while constrs
       (let* ((name (caar constrs))
-            (args (cadr (pop constrs)))
-            (anames (cl--arglist-args args))
-            (make (cl-mapcar (function (lambda (s d) (if (memq s anames) s d)))
-                           slots defaults)))
-       (push `(cl-defsubst ,name
+             (args (cadr (pop constrs)))
+             (anames (cl--arglist-args args))
+             (make (cl-mapcar (function (lambda (s d) (if (memq s anames) s 
+                            slots defaults)))
+        (push `(cl-defsubst ,name
                  (&cl-defs '(nil ,@descs) ,@args)
                  (,type ,@make)) forms)
-       (if (cl--safe-expr-p `(progn ,@(mapcar #'cl-second descs)))
-           (push (cons name t) side-eff))))
+        (if (cl--safe-expr-p `(progn ,@(mapcar #'cl-second descs)))
+            (push (cons name t) side-eff))))
     (if print-auto (nconc print-func (list '(princ ")" cl-s) t)))
     ;; Don't bother adding to cl-custom-print-functions since it's not used
     ;; by anything anyway!
@@ -2638,44 +2638,44 @@
 (defun cl--make-type-test (val type)
   (if (symbolp type)
       (cond ((get type 'cl-deftype-handler)
-            (cl--make-type-test val (funcall (get type 'cl-deftype-handler))))
-           ((memq type '(nil t)) type)
-           ((eq type 'null) `(null ,val))
-           ((eq type 'atom) `(atom ,val))
-           ((eq type 'float) `(floatp ,val))
-           ((eq type 'real) `(numberp ,val))
-           ((eq type 'fixnum) `(integerp ,val))
-           ;; FIXME: Should `character' accept things like ?\C-\M-a ?  --Stef
-           ((memq type '(character string-char)) `(characterp ,val))
-           (t
-            (let* ((name (symbol-name type))
-                   (namep (intern (concat name "p"))))
-              (cond
+             (cl--make-type-test val (funcall (get type 'cl-deftype-handler))))
+            ((memq type '(nil t)) type)
+            ((eq type 'null) `(null ,val))
+            ((eq type 'atom) `(atom ,val))
+            ((eq type 'float) `(floatp ,val))
+            ((eq type 'real) `(numberp ,val))
+            ((eq type 'fixnum) `(integerp ,val))
+            ;; FIXME: Should `character' accept things like ?\C-\M-a ?  --Stef
+            ((memq type '(character string-char)) `(characterp ,val))
+            (t
+             (let* ((name (symbol-name type))
+                    (namep (intern (concat name "p"))))
+               (cond
                 ((cl--macroexp-fboundp namep) (list namep val))
                   (setq namep (intern (concat name "-p"))))
                  (list namep val))
                 (t (list type val))))))
     (cond ((get (car type) 'cl-deftype-handler)
-          (cl--make-type-test val (apply (get (car type) 'cl-deftype-handler)
-                                        (cdr type))))
-         ((memq (car type) '(integer float real number))
-          (delq t `(and ,(cl--make-type-test val (car type))
-                        ,(if (memq (cadr type) '(* nil)) t
+           (cl--make-type-test val (apply (get (car type) 'cl-deftype-handler)
+                                         (cdr type))))
+          ((memq (car type) '(integer float real number))
+           (delq t `(and ,(cl--make-type-test val (car type))
+                         ,(if (memq (cadr type) '(* nil)) t
                             (if (consp (cadr type)) `(> ,val ,(cl-caadr type))
                               `(>= ,val ,(cadr type))))
-                        ,(if (memq (cl-caddr type) '(* nil)) t
+                         ,(if (memq (cl-caddr type) '(* nil)) t
                             (if (consp (cl-caddr type))
                                 `(< ,val ,(cl-caaddr type))
                               `(<= ,val ,(cl-caddr type)))))))
-         ((memq (car type) '(and or not))
-          (cons (car type)
-                (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (cl--make-type-test val x)))
-                        (cdr type))))
-         ((memq (car type) '(member cl-member))
-          `(and (cl-member ,val ',(cdr type)) t))
-         ((eq (car type) 'satisfies) (list (cadr type) val))
-         (t (error "Bad type spec: %s" type)))))
+          ((memq (car type) '(and or not))
+           (cons (car type)
+                 (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (cl--make-type-test val x)))
+                         (cdr type))))
+          ((memq (car type) '(member cl-member))
+           `(and (cl-member ,val ',(cdr type)) t))
+          ((eq (car type) 'satisfies) (list (cadr type) val))
+          (t (error "Bad type spec: %s" type)))))
 (defvar cl--object)
@@ -2699,15 +2699,15 @@
 STRING is an optional description of the desired type."
   (declare (debug (place cl-type-spec &optional stringp)))
   (and (or (not (cl--compiling-file))
-          (< cl--optimize-speed 3) (= cl--optimize-safety 3))
+           (< cl--optimize-speed 3) (= cl--optimize-safety 3))
        (let* ((temp (if (cl--simple-expr-p form 3)
-                       form (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
-             (body `(or ,(cl--make-type-test temp type)
+                        form (make-symbol "--cl-var--")))
+              (body `(or ,(cl--make-type-test temp type)
                          (signal 'wrong-type-argument
                                  (list ,(or string `',type)
                                        ,temp ',form)))))
-        (if (eq temp form) `(progn ,body nil)
-          `(let ((,temp ,form)) ,body nil)))))
+         (if (eq temp form) `(progn ,body nil)
+           `(let ((,temp ,form)) ,body nil)))))
 (defmacro cl-assert (form &optional show-args string &rest args)
@@ -2719,13 +2719,13 @@
 omitted, a default message listing FORM itself is used."
   (declare (debug (form &rest form)))
   (and (or (not (cl--compiling-file))
-          (< cl--optimize-speed 3) (= cl--optimize-safety 3))
+           (< cl--optimize-speed 3) (= cl--optimize-safety 3))
        (let ((sargs (and show-args
                          (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (x)
                                              (unless (macroexp-const-p x)
                                            (cdr form))))))
-        `(progn
+         `(progn
             (or ,form
                 ,(if string
                      `(error ,string ,@sargs ,@args)
@@ -2767,14 +2767,14 @@
 macro that returns its `&whole' argument."
       (let ((func (car-safe form)) (handler nil))
-       (while (and (symbolp func)
-                   (not (setq handler (get func 'compiler-macro)))
-                   (fboundp func)
-                   (or (not (autoloadp (symbol-function func)))
-                       (autoload-do-load (symbol-function func) func)))
-         (setq func (symbol-function func)))
-       (and handler
-            (not (eq form (setq form (apply handler form (cdr form))))))))
+        (while (and (symbolp func)
+                    (not (setq handler (get func 'compiler-macro)))
+                    (fboundp func)
+                    (or (not (autoloadp (symbol-function func)))
+                        (autoload-do-load (symbol-function func) func)))
+          (setq func (symbol-function func)))
+        (and handler
+             (not (eq form (setq form (apply handler form (cdr form))))))))
 ;; Optimize away unused block-wrappers.
@@ -2866,23 +2866,23 @@
 (defun cl--compiler-macro-member (form a list &rest keys)
   (let ((test (and (= (length keys) 2) (eq (car keys) :test)
-                  (cl--const-expr-val (nth 1 keys)
+                   (cl--const-expr-val (nth 1 keys)
     (cond ((eq test 'eq) `(memq ,a ,list))
-         ((eq test 'equal) `(member ,a ,list))
-         ((or (null keys) (eq test 'eql)) `(memql ,a ,list))
-         (t form))))
+          ((eq test 'equal) `(member ,a ,list))
+          ((or (null keys) (eq test 'eql)) `(memql ,a ,list))
+          (t form))))
 (defun cl--compiler-macro-assoc (form a list &rest keys)
   (let ((test (and (= (length keys) 2) (eq (car keys) :test)
-                  (cl--const-expr-val (nth 1 keys)
+                   (cl--const-expr-val (nth 1 keys)
     (cond ((eq test 'eq) `(assq ,a ,list))
-         ((eq test 'equal) `(assoc ,a ,list))
-         ((and (macroexp-const-p a) (or (null keys) (eq test 'eql)))
-          (if (floatp (cl--const-expr-val a macroexpand-all-environment))
-              `(assoc ,a ,list) `(assq ,a ,list)))
-         (t form))))
+          ((eq test 'equal) `(assoc ,a ,list))
+          ((and (macroexp-const-p a) (or (null keys) (eq test 'eql)))
+           (if (floatp (cl--const-expr-val a macroexpand-all-environment))
+               `(assoc ,a ,list) `(assq ,a ,list)))
+          (t form))))
 (defun cl--compiler-macro-adjoin (form a list &rest keys)

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