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[Emacs-diffs] master 0c26f14: * lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el: Use radix-t

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] master 0c26f14: * lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el: Use radix-tree.
Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 03:21:41 +0000 (UTC)

branch: master
commit 0c26f14b7e200b39134ec70c77fab8c467cf3290
Author: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>
Commit: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>

    * lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el: Use radix-tree.
     (autoload--make-defs-autoload): Rewrite.
    (autoload--split-prefixes-1): Remove.
    (autoload-def-prefixes-max-entries): Rename from
    (autoload-popular-prefixes): Remove.
    (autoload-def-prefixes-max-length): New const.
    * lisp/emacs-lisp/radix-tree.el: New file.
 etc/NEWS                      |    2 +
 lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el   |   86 +++++++------------
 lisp/emacs-lisp/radix-tree.el |  188 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etc/NEWS b/etc/NEWS
index 185b1a4..80b8036 100644
--- a/etc/NEWS
+++ b/etc/NEWS
@@ -360,6 +360,8 @@ See the 'vc-faces' customization group.
 * New Modes and Packages in Emacs 25.2
+** New Elisp data-structure library `radix-tree'.
 * Incompatible Lisp Changes in Emacs 25.2
diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el
index 11316f1..afd8e4e 100644
--- a/lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/autoload.el
@@ -500,41 +500,26 @@ Return non-nil in the case where no autoloads were added 
at point."
   (let ((generated-autoload-file buffer-file-name))
     (autoload-generate-file-autoloads file (current-buffer))))
-(defun autoload--split-prefixes-1 (strs)
-  (let ((prefixes ()))
-    (dolist (str strs)
-      (string-match "\\`[^-:/_]*[-:/_]*" str)
-      (let* ((prefix (match-string 0 str))
-             (tail (substring str (match-end 0)))
-             (cell (assoc prefix prefixes)))
-        (cond
-         ((null cell) (push (list prefix tail) prefixes))
-         ((equal (cadr cell) tail) nil)
-         (t (setcdr cell (cons tail (cdr cell)))))))
-    prefixes))
 (defvar autoload-compute-prefixes t
   "If non-nil, autoload will add code to register the prefixes used in a file.
 Standard prefixes won't be registered anyway.  I.e. if a file \"foo.el\" 
 variables or functions that use \"foo-\" as prefix, that will not be 
 But all other prefixes will be included.")
-(defconst autoload-defs-autoload-max-size 5
+(defconst autoload-def-prefixes-max-entries 5
   "Target length of the list of definition prefixes per file.
 If set too small, the prefixes will be too generic (i.e. they'll use little
 memory, we'll end up looking in too many files when we need a particular
 prefix), and if set too large, they will be too specific (i.e. they will
 cost more memory use).")
-(defvar autoload-popular-prefixes nil)
+(defconst autoload-def-prefixes-max-length 12
+  "Target size of definition prefixes.
+Don't try to split prefixes that are already longer than that.")
+(require 'radix-tree)
 (defun autoload--make-defs-autoload (defs file)
-  ;; FIXME: avoid redundant entries.  E.g. opascal currently has
-  ;; "opascal-" "opascal--literal-start-re" "opascal--syntax-propertize"
-  ;; where only the first one should be kept.
-  ;; FIXME: Avoid keeping too-long-prefixes.  E.g. ob-scheme currently has
-  ;; "org-babel-scheme-" "org-babel-default-header-args:scheme"
-  ;; "org-babel-expand-body:scheme" "org-babel-execute:scheme".
   ;; Remove the defs that obey the rule that file foo.el (or
   ;; foo-mode.el) uses "foo-" as prefix.
@@ -548,39 +533,32 @@ cost more memory use).")
   ;; Then compute a small set of prefixes that cover all the
   ;; remaining definitions.
-  (let ((prefixes (autoload--split-prefixes-1 defs))
-        (again t))
-    ;; (message "Initial prefixes %s : %S" file (mapcar #'car prefixes))
-    (while again
-      (setq again nil)
-      (let ((newprefixes
-             (sort
-              (mapcar (lambda (cell)
-                        (cons cell
-                              (autoload--split-prefixes-1 (cdr cell))))
-                      prefixes)
-              (lambda (x y) (< (length (cdr x)) (length (cdr y)))))))
-        (setq prefixes nil)
-        (while newprefixes
-          (let ((x (pop newprefixes)))
-            (if (or (equal '("") (cdar x))
-                    (and (cddr x)
-                         (not (member (caar x)
-                                      autoload-popular-prefixes))
-                         (> (+ (length prefixes) (length newprefixes)
-                               (length (cdr x)))
-                            autoload-defs-autoload-max-size)))
-                ;; Nothing to split or would split too deep.
-                (push (car x) prefixes)
-              ;; (message "Expand %S to %S" (caar x) (cdr x))
-              (setq again t)
-              (setq prefixes
-                    (nconc (mapcar (lambda (cell)
-                                     (cons (concat (caar x)
-                                                   (car cell))
-                                           (cdr cell)))
-                                   (cdr x))
-                           prefixes)))))))
+  (let* ((tree (let ((tree radix-tree-empty))
+                 (dolist (def defs)
+                   (setq tree (radix-tree-insert tree def t)))
+                 tree))
+         (prefixes (list (cons "" tree))))
+    (while
+        (let ((newprefixes nil)
+              (changes nil))
+          (dolist (pair prefixes)
+            (let ((prefix (car pair)))
+              (if (or (> (length prefix) autoload-def-prefixes-max-length)
+                      (radix-tree-lookup (cdr pair) ""))
+                  ;; No point splitting it any further.
+                  (push pair newprefixes)
+                (setq changes t)
+                (radix-tree-iter-subtrees
+                 (cdr pair) (lambda (sprefix subtree)
+                              (push (cons (concat prefix sprefix) subtree)
+                                    newprefixes))))))
+          (and changes
+               (or (and (null (cdr prefixes)) (equal "" (caar prefixes)))
+                   (<= (length newprefixes)
+                       autoload-def-prefixes-max-entries))
+               (setq prefixes newprefixes)
+               (< (length prefixes) autoload-def-prefixes-max-entries))))
     ;; (message "Final prefixes %s : %S" file (mapcar #'car prefixes))
     (when prefixes
       `(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes)
diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/radix-tree.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/radix-tree.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6984b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/radix-tree.el
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+;;; radix-tree.el --- A simple library of radix trees  -*- lexical-binding: t; 
+;; Copyright (C) 2016  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>
+;; Keywords:
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; There are many different options for how to represent radix trees
+;; in Elisp.  Here I chose a very simple one.  A radix-tree can be either:
+;; - a node, of the form ((PREFIX . PTREE) . RTREE) where PREFIX is a string
+;;   meaning that everything that starts with PREFIX is in PTREE,
+;;   and everything else in RTREE.  It also has the property that
+;;   everything that starts with the first letter of PREFIX but not with
+;;   that whole PREFIX is not in RTREE (i.e. is not in the tree at all).
+;; - anything else is taken as the value to associate with the empty string.
+;; So every node is basically an (improper) alist where each mapping applies
+;; to a different leading letter.
+;; The main downside of this representation is that the lookup operation
+;; is slower because each level of the tree is an alist rather than some kind
+;; of array, so every level's lookup is O(N) rather than O(1).  We could easily
+;; solve this by using char-tables instead of alists, but that would make every
+;; level take up a lot more memory, and it would make the resulting
+;; datastructure harder to read (by a human) when printed out.
+;;; Code:
+(defun radix-tree--insert (tree key val i)
+  (pcase tree
+    (`((,prefix . ,ptree) . ,rtree)
+     (let* ((ni (+ i (length prefix)))
+            (cmp (compare-strings prefix nil nil key i ni)))
+       (if (eq t cmp)
+           (let ((nptree (radix-tree--insert ptree key val ni)))
+             `((,prefix . ,nptree) . ,rtree))
+         (let ((n (if (< cmp 0) (- -1 cmp) (- cmp 1))))
+           (if (zerop n)
+               (let ((nrtree (radix-tree--insert rtree key val i)))
+                 `((,prefix . ,ptree) . ,nrtree))
+             (let* ((nprefix (substring prefix 0 n))
+                    (kprefix (substring key (+ i n)))
+                    (pprefix (substring prefix n))
+                    (ktree (if (equal kprefix "") val
+                             `((,kprefix . ,val)))))
+               `((,nprefix
+                  . ((,pprefix . ,ptree) . ,ktree))
+                 . ,rtree)))))))
+    (_
+     (if (= (length key) i) val
+       (let ((prefix (substring key i)))
+         `((,prefix . ,val) . ,tree))))))
+(defun radix-tree--remove (tree key i)
+  (pcase tree
+    (`((,prefix . ,ptree) . ,rtree)
+     (let* ((ni (+ i (length prefix)))
+            (cmp (compare-strings prefix nil nil key i ni)))
+       (if (eq t cmp)
+           (pcase (radix-tree--remove ptree key ni)
+             (`nil rtree)
+             (`((,pprefix . ,pptree))
+              `((,(concat prefix pprefix) . ,pptree) . ,rtree))
+             (nptree `((,prefix . ,nptree) . ,rtree)))
+         (let ((n (if (< cmp 0) (- -1 cmp) (- cmp 1))))
+           (if (zerop n)
+               (let ((nrtree (radix-tree--remove rtree key i)))
+                 `((,prefix . ,ptree) . ,nrtree))
+             tree)))))
+    (_
+     (if (= (length key) i) nil tree))))
+(defun radix-tree--lookup (tree string i)
+  (pcase tree
+    (`((,prefix . ,ptree) . ,rtree)
+     (let* ((ni (+ i (length prefix)))
+            (cmp (compare-strings prefix nil nil string i ni)))
+       (if (eq t cmp)
+           (radix-tree--lookup ptree string ni)
+         (let ((n (if (< cmp 0) (- -1 cmp) (- cmp 1))))
+           (if (zerop n)
+               (radix-tree--lookup rtree string i)
+             (+ i n))))))
+    (val
+     (if (and val (equal (length string) i))
+         (if (integerp val) `(t . ,val) val)
+       i))))
+(defun radix-tree--subtree (tree string i)
+  (if (equal (length string) i) tree
+    (pcase tree
+      (`((,prefix . ,ptree) . ,rtree)
+       (let* ((ni (+ i (length prefix)))
+              (cmp (compare-strings prefix nil nil string i ni)))
+         (if (eq t cmp)
+             (radix-tree--subtree ptree string ni)
+           (let ((n (if (< cmp 0) (- -1 cmp) (- cmp 1))))
+             (cond
+              ((zerop n) (radix-tree--subtree rtree string i))
+              ((equal (+ n i) (length string))
+               (let ((nprefix (substring prefix n)))
+                 `((,nprefix . ,ptree))))
+              (t nil))))))
+      (_ nil))))
+;;; Entry points
+(defconst radix-tree-empty nil
+  "The empty radix-tree.")
+(defun radix-tree-insert (tree key val)
+  "Insert a mapping from KEY to VAL in radix TREE."
+  (when (consp val) (setq val `(t . ,val)))
+  (if val (radix-tree--insert tree key val 0)
+    (radix-tree--remove tree key 0)))
+(defun radix-tree-lookup (tree key)
+  "Return the value associated to KEY in radix TREE.
+If not found, return nil."
+  (pcase (radix-tree--lookup tree key 0)
+    (`(t . ,val) val)
+    ((pred numberp) nil)
+    (val val)))
+(defun radix-tree-subtree (tree string)
+  "Return the subtree of TREE rooted at the prefix STRING."
+  (radix-tree--subtree tree string 0))
+  (pcase-defmacro radix-tree-leaf (vpat)
+    ;; FIXME: We'd like to use a negative pattern (not consp), but pcase
+    ;; doesn't support it.  Using `atom' works but generates sub-optimal code.
+    `(or `(t . ,,vpat) (and (pred atom) ,vpat))))
+(defun radix-tree-iter-subtrees (tree fun)
+  "Apply FUN to every immediate subtree of radix TREE.
+FUN is called with two arguments: PREFIX and SUBTREE.
+You can test if SUBTREE is a leaf (and extract its value) with the
+pcase pattern (radix-tree-leaf PAT)."
+  (while tree
+    (pcase tree
+      (`((,prefix . ,ptree) . ,rtree)
+       (funcall fun prefix ptree)
+       (setq tree rtree))
+      (_ (funcall fun "" tree)
+         (setq tree nil)))))
+(defun radix-tree-iter-mappings (tree fun &optional prefix)
+  "Apply FUN to every mapping in TREE.
+FUN is called with two arguments: KEY and VAL.
+PREFIX is only used internally."
+  (radix-tree-iter-subtrees
+   tree
+   (lambda (p s)
+     (let ((nprefix (concat prefix p)))
+       (pcase s
+         ((radix-tree-leaf v) (funcall fun nprefix v))
+         (_ (radix-tree-iter-mappings s fun nprefix)))))))
+;; (defun radix-tree->alist (tree)
+;;   (let ((al nil))
+;;     (radix-tree-iter-mappings tree (lambda (p v) (push (cons p v) al)))
+;;     al))
+(defun radix-tree-count (tree)
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (radix-tree-iter-mappings tree (lambda (_ _) (setq i (1+ i))))
+    i))
+(provide 'radix-tree)
+;;; radix-tree.el ends here

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