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[Emacs-diffs] scratch/merge-cedet-tests 1e14f6f 226/316: New setup testi

From: Edward John Steere
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] scratch/merge-cedet-tests 1e14f6f 226/316: New setup testing.
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 20:03:42 +0000 (UTC)

branch: scratch/merge-cedet-tests
commit 1e14f6f3e9946e543344ba134a2985762319a2d8
Author: Eric Ludlam <address@hidden>
Commit: Edward John Steere <address@hidden>

    New setup testing.
 test/manual/cedet/cit-checkenv.el |  159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 159 insertions(+)

diff --git a/test/manual/cedet/cit-checkenv.el 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d48e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/manual/cedet/cit-checkenv.el
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+;;; cit-checkenv.el --- Check this computer's environment for needed tools.
+;; Copyright (C) 2014 Eric Ludlam
+;; Author: Eric Ludlam <address@hidden>
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Lots of build tools are needed to run the CEDET Integration tests.
+;; This command will summarize the requirements.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'eieio)
+(require 'cedet-global)
+(require 'cedet-idutils)
+(require 'cedet-cscope)
+(require 'cedet-java)
+(defclass cit-checkenv-test (eieio-named)
+  ((testgroup :initarg :testgroup
+             :initform nil)
+   (test :initarg :test
+        :documentation
+        "A function, or a string representing a program to run.")
+   (result :initarg :result
+          :documentation
+          "The expected result.
+If :test is a function then this is the expected output, compare w/ eq.
+If :test is a string, then this is a version string to look for.")
+   (required :initarg :required
+            :initform t)
+   )
+  "A class representing a thing to check.")
+(defmethod cit-checkenv-dotest ((test cit-checkenv-test) testgroup)
+  "Execute the TEST."
+  (when (let ((tg (oref test testgroup)))
+         (or (not testgroup) (not tg)
+           (if (stringp tg)
+               (string= testgroup tg)
+             (member testgroup tg))))
+    (let ((result nil))
+      (cond ((functionp (oref test test))
+            ;; Run SYMBOL
+            (let ((found (funcall (oref test test)))
+                  (expect (oref test result)))
+              (if (eq found expect)
+                  (cit-checkenv-ok test)
+                (cit-checkenv-error test "Test failed: Found %s, expected %s"
+                                    found expect))))
+           ((and (stringp (oref test test)) (not (slot-boundp test 'result)))
+            ;; Just check it is on the exec path.
+            (if (locate-file (oref test test) exec-path)
+                (cit-checkenv-ok test)
+              (cit-checkenv-error test "%s not found on exec-path."
+                                  (oref test test)))
+            )
+           (t
+            (error "Unknown thing to check: %S" (oref test test))))
+      )))
+(defmethod cit-checkenv-ok ((this cit-checkenv-test))
+  "Note that test THIS is OK."
+  (message "OK: %S" (oref this :object-name)))
+(defmethod cit-checkenv-error ((this cit-checkenv-test) formatmsg &rest args)
+  "Issue an error (ie - test failed) for test THIS."
+  (let* ((req (oref this required))
+        (msg (concat
+              (if req "Error" "Warning")
+              (format " (%s): " (oref this :object-name))
+              (apply 'format formatmsg args))))
+    (if req
+       (error msg)
+      (message msg))))
+(defvar cit-checkenv-checks
+  (list
+   (cit-checkenv-test "global"
+                     :testgroup '("Make" "Automake" "globalref")
+                     :test (lambda () (cedet-gnu-global-version-check t))
+                     :result t)
+   (cit-checkenv-test "idutils"
+                     :testgroup '("Make" "Automake")
+                     :test (lambda () (cedet-idutils-version-check t))
+                     :result t
+                     :required nil)
+   (cit-checkenv-test "cscope"
+                     :testgroup '("Make" "Automake")
+                     :test (lambda () (cedet-cscope-version-check t))
+                     :result t)
+   ;; Make tooling
+   (cit-checkenv-test "make" :testgroup '("Make" "Automake" "Arduino") :test 
+   ;; Automake tooling.
+   (cit-checkenv-test "automake" :testgroup "Automake" :test "automake")
+   (cit-checkenv-test "libtool" :testgroup "Automake" :test "libtool")
+   ;; C and CPP stuff
+   (cit-checkenv-test "cpp" :testgroup '("Make" "Automake" "cpp") :test "cpp")
+   ;; Texinfo
+   (cit-checkenv-test "texinfo" :testgroup '("Make" "Automake") :test 
+   ;; Java stuff
+   (cit-checkenv-test "java"
+                     :testgroup "Java"
+                     :test (lambda () (cedet-java-version-check t))
+                     :result t)
+   (cit-checkenv-test "jar" :testgroup "Java" :test "jar")
+   (cit-checkenv-test "javap" :testgroup "Java" :test "javap")
+   ;; arduino
+   (cit-checkenv-test "arduino" :testgroup "Arduino"
+                     :test (lambda ()
+                             (require 'ede/arduino)
+                             (stringp (ede-arduino-find-install)))
+                     :result t)
+   (cit-checkenv-test "arduino-mk" :testgroup "Arduino"
+                     :test (lambda ()
+                             (require 'ede/arduino)
+                             (stringp (ede-arduino-Arduino.mk)))
+                     :result t)
+   ;; android
+   (cit-checkenv-test "android-sdk" :testgroup "Android"
+                     :test (lambda () (cedet-android-adb-version-check t))
+                     :result t)
+   (cit-checkenv-test "ant" :testgroup "Android" :test "ant") ;; may be moving 
off this soon.
+    )
+  "List of checks to perform to see if this system can run the tests.
+Each entry is a `cit-checkenv-test' object.  See the doc for that
+class for details.")
+(defun cit-checkenv (testgroup)
+  "Check this computer for the needed tools."
+  (interactive "sTest Group: ")
+  (message "\n** Environment testing:
+   Checking your environment for the tools needed to test CEDET.\n")
+  (mapc (lambda (check) (cit-checkenv-dotest check testgroup)) 
+  (message "** Environment Tests complete\n")
+  )
+(provide 'cit-checkenv)
+;;; cit-checkenv.el ends here

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