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master 6037051: Improve mark handling in gnus nnselect

From: Andrew G Cohen
Subject: master 6037051: Improve mark handling in gnus nnselect
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 07:53:34 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 6037051f49ab5f96b406461490dba56faa2a5f35
Author: Andrew G Cohen <cohen@andy.bu.edu>
Commit: Andrew G Cohen <cohen@andy.bu.edu>

    Improve mark handling in gnus nnselect
    * lisp/gnus/nnselect.el (numbers-by-group,
    nnselect-request-update-info, nnselect-push-info): Handle all three
    mark types ('tuple, 'range, 'list) and general speedups.
 lisp/gnus/nnselect.el | 217 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 142 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/gnus/nnselect.el b/lisp/gnus/nnselect.el
index c6f2ffa..8cd6581 100644
--- a/lisp/gnus/nnselect.el
+++ b/lisp/gnus/nnselect.el
@@ -203,11 +203,22 @@ as `(keyfunc member)' and the corresponding element is 
    (nnselect-categorize ,articles 'nnselect-article-group
-(define-inline numbers-by-group (articles)
+(define-inline numbers-by-group (articles &optional type)
-   (nnselect-categorize
-    ,articles 'nnselect-article-group 'nnselect-article-number)))
+   (cond
+    ((eq ,type 'range)
+     (nnselect-categorize (gnus-uncompress-range ,articles)
+                         'nnselect-article-group 'nnselect-article-number))
+    ((eq ,type 'tuple)
+     (nnselect-categorize ,articles
+                         #'(lambda (elem)
+                             (nnselect-article-group (car elem)))
+                         #'(lambda (elem)
+                             (cons (nnselect-article-number
+                                    (car elem)) (cdr elem)))))
+    (t
+     (nnselect-categorize ,articles
+                         'nnselect-article-group 'nnselect-article-number)))))
 (defmacro nnselect-add-prefix (group)
   "Ensures that the GROUP has an nnselect prefix."
@@ -504,15 +515,15 @@ If this variable is nil, or if the provided function 
returns nil,
            (list (car artgroup)
                  (gnus-compress-sequence (sort (cdr artgroup) '<))
                  action marks))
-         (numbers-by-group
-          (gnus-uncompress-range range)))))
+         (numbers-by-group range 'range))))
     'car 'cdr)))
 (deffoo nnselect-request-update-info (group info &optional _server)
-  (let* ((group  (nnselect-add-prefix group))
-        (gnus-newsgroup-selection (or gnus-newsgroup-selection
-                                      (nnselect-get-artlist group))))
+  (let* ((group (nnselect-add-prefix group))
+        (gnus-newsgroup-selection
+         (or gnus-newsgroup-selection (nnselect-get-artlist group)))
+        newmarks)
     (gnus-info-set-marks info nil)
     (setf (gnus-info-read info) nil)
     (pcase-dolist (`(,artgroup . ,nartids)
@@ -520,30 +531,56 @@ If this variable is nil, or if the provided function 
returns nil,
                    (number-sequence 1 (nnselect-artlist-length
       (let* ((gnus-newsgroup-active nil)
-            (artids (cl-sort nartids '< :key 'car))
+            (artids (cl-sort nartids #'< :key 'car))
             (group-info (gnus-get-info artgroup))
             (marks (gnus-info-marks group-info))
             (unread (gnus-uncompress-sequence
                      (gnus-range-difference (gnus-active artgroup)
                                             (gnus-info-read group-info)))))
-       (gnus-atomic-progn
-         (setf (gnus-info-read info)
-               (gnus-add-to-range
-                (gnus-info-read info)
-                (delq nil
-                      (mapcar
-                       #'(lambda (art)
-                           (unless (memq (cdr art) unread) (car art)))
-                       artids))))
-         (pcase-dolist (`(,type . ,range) marks)
-           (setq range (gnus-uncompress-sequence range))
-           (gnus-add-marked-articles
-            group type
-            (delq nil
-                  (mapcar
-                   #'(lambda (art)
-                       (when (memq (cdr art) range)
-                         (car art)))  artids)))))))
+       (setf (gnus-info-read info)
+             (gnus-add-to-range
+              (gnus-info-read info)
+              (delq nil (mapcar
+                         #'(lambda (art)
+                             (unless (memq (cdr art) unread) (car art)))
+                         artids))))
+       (pcase-dolist (`(,type . ,mark-list) marks)
+         (let ((mark-type (gnus-article-mark-to-type type)) new)
+           (when
+               (setq new
+                     (delq nil
+                           (cond
+                            ((eq mark-type 'tuple)
+                             (mapcar
+                              #'(lambda (id)
+                                  (let (mark)
+                                    (when
+                                        (setq mark (assq (cdr id) mark-list))
+                                      (cons (car id) (cdr mark)))))
+                              artids))
+                            (t
+                             (setq mark-list
+                                   (gnus-uncompress-range mark-list))
+                             (mapcar
+                              #'(lambda (id)
+                                  (when (memq (cdr id) mark-list)
+                                    (car id)))  artids)))))
+             (let ((previous (alist-get type newmarks)))
+               (if previous
+                   (nconc previous new)
+                 (push (cons type new) newmarks))))))))
+    ;; Clean up the marks: compress lists;
+    (pcase-dolist (`(,type . ,mark-list) newmarks)
+      (let ((mark-type (gnus-article-mark-to-type type)))
+       (unless (eq mark-type 'tuple)
+         (setf (alist-get type newmarks)
+               (gnus-compress-sequence mark-list)))))
+    ;; and ensure an unexist key.
+    (unless (assq 'unexist newmarks)
+      (push (cons 'unexist nil) newmarks))
+    (gnus-info-set-marks info newmarks)
     (gnus-set-active group (cons 1 (nnselect-artlist-length
@@ -769,42 +806,61 @@ article came from is also searched."
   "Copy mark-lists from GROUP to the originating groups."
   (let ((select-unreads (numbers-by-group gnus-newsgroup-unreads))
        (select-reads (numbers-by-group
-                      (gnus-uncompress-range
-                       (gnus-info-read (gnus-get-info group)))))
+                      (gnus-info-read (gnus-get-info group)) 'range))
        (select-unseen (numbers-by-group gnus-newsgroup-unseen))
-       (gnus-newsgroup-active nil)
-       mark-list type-list)
+       (gnus-newsgroup-active nil) mark-list)
+    ;; collect the set of marked article lists categorized by
+    ;; originating groups
     (pcase-dolist (`(,mark . ,type) gnus-article-mark-lists)
-      (when (setq type-list
-                 (symbol-value (intern (format "gnus-newsgroup-%s" mark))))
-       (push (cons type
-                   (numbers-by-group
-                    (gnus-uncompress-range type-list))) mark-list)))
+      (let (type-list)
+       (when (setq type-list
+                   (symbol-value (intern (format "gnus-newsgroup-%s" mark))))
+         (push (cons
+                type
+                (numbers-by-group type-list (gnus-article-mark-to-type type)))
+               mark-list))))
+    ;; now work on each originating group one at a time
     (pcase-dolist (`(,artgroup . ,artlist)
                   (numbers-by-group gnus-newsgroup-articles))
       (let* ((group-info (gnus-get-info artgroup))
             (old-unread (gnus-list-of-unread-articles artgroup))
-            newmarked)
+            newmarked delta-marks)
        (when group-info
+         ;; iterate over mark lists for this group
          (pcase-dolist (`(,_mark . ,type) gnus-article-mark-lists)
-           (let ((select-type
-                  (sort
-                   (cdr (assoc artgroup  (alist-get type mark-list)))
-                   '<))  list)
-             (setq list
-                   (gnus-uncompress-range
-                    (gnus-add-to-range
-                     (gnus-remove-from-range
-                      (alist-get type (gnus-info-marks group-info))
-                      artlist)
-                     select-type)))
-             (when list
-               ;; Get rid of the entries of the articles that have the
-               ;; default score.
-               (when (and (eq type 'score)
-                          gnus-save-score
-                          list)
+           (let ((list (cdr (assoc artgroup  (alist-get type mark-list))))
+                 (mark-type (gnus-article-mark-to-type type)))
+             ;; When the backend can store marks we collect any
+             ;; changes.  Unlike a normal group the mark lists only
+             ;; include marks for articles we retrieved.
+             (when (and (gnus-check-backend-function
+                         'request-set-mark artgroup)
+                        (not (gnus-article-unpropagatable-p type)))
+               (let* ((old (gnus-list-range-intersection
+                            artlist
+                            (alist-get type (gnus-info-marks group-info))))
+                      (del (gnus-remove-from-range (copy-tree old) list))
+                      (add (gnus-remove-from-range (copy-tree list) old)))
+                 (when add (push (list add 'add (list type)) delta-marks))
+                 (when del
+                   ;; Don't delete marks from outside the active range.
+                   ;; This shouldn't happen, but is a sanity check.
+                   (setq del (gnus-sorted-range-intersection
+                              (gnus-active artgroup) del))
+                   (push (list del 'del (list type)) delta-marks))))
+             ;; Marked sets are of mark-type 'tuple, 'list, or
+             ;; 'range. We merge the lists with what is already in
+             ;; the original info to get full list of new marks. We
+             ;; do this by removing all the articles we retrieved
+             ;; from the full list, and then add back in the newly
+             ;; marked ones.
+             (cond
+              ((eq mark-type 'tuple)
+               ;; Get rid of the entries that have the default
+               ;; score.
+               (when (and list (eq type 'score) gnus-save-score)
                  (let* ((arts list)
                         (prev (cons nil list))
                         (all prev))
@@ -814,30 +870,41 @@ article came from is also searched."
                          (setcdr prev (cdr arts))
                        (setq prev arts))
                      (setq arts (cdr arts)))
-                   (setq list (cdr all)))))
-             (when  (or (eq (gnus-article-mark-to-type type) 'list)
-                        (eq (gnus-article-mark-to-type type) 'range))
+                   (setq list (cdr all))))
+               ;; now merge with the original list and sort just to
+               ;; make sure
                (setq list
-                     (gnus-compress-sequence  (sort list '<) t)))
-             ;; When exiting the group, everything that's previously been
-             ;; unseen is now seen.
-             (when (eq  type 'seen)
-               (setq list (gnus-range-add
-                           list (cdr (assoc artgroup select-unseen)))))
+                     (sort (map-merge
+                            'list list
+                            (alist-get type (gnus-info-marks group-info)))
+                           (lambda (elt1 elt2)
+                             (< (car elt1) (car elt2))))))
+              (t
+               (setq list
+                     (gnus-compress-sequence
+                      (gnus-sorted-union
+                       (gnus-sorted-difference
+                        (gnus-uncompress-sequence
+                         (alist-get type (gnus-info-marks group-info)))
+                        artlist)
+                       (sort list #'<)) t)))
+              ;; When exiting the group, everything that's previously been
+              ;; unseen is now seen.
+              (when (eq  type 'seen)
+                (setq list (gnus-range-add
+                            list (cdr (assoc artgroup select-unseen))))))
              (when (or list (eq  type 'unexist))
-               (push (cons  type list) newmarked))))
+               (push (cons  type list) newmarked)))) ;; end of mark-type loop
-         (gnus-atomic-progn
-           ;; Enter these new marks into the info of the group.
-           (if (nthcdr 3 group-info)
-               (setcar (nthcdr 3 group-info) newmarked)
-             ;; Add the marks lists to the end of the info.
-             (when newmarked
-               (setcdr (nthcdr 2 group-info) (list newmarked))))
+         (when delta-marks
+           (unless (gnus-check-group artgroup)
+             (error "Can't open server for %s" artgroup))
+           (gnus-request-set-mark artgroup delta-marks))
+         (gnus-atomic-progn
+           (gnus-info-set-marks group-info newmarked)
            ;; Cut off the end of the info if there's nothing else there.
            (let ((i 5))
              (while (and (> i 2)

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