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master 80e2647: * lisp/filesets.el: Use lexical-binding

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: master 80e2647: * lisp/filesets.el: Use lexical-binding
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2021 18:23:48 -0500 (EST)

branch: master
commit 80e26472206cc44837521ba594cd50e724d9af5c
Author: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>
Commit: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>

    * lisp/filesets.el: Use lexical-binding
    Remove redundant `:group` args.  Require cl-lib and seq.
    Fix various O(n²) bug and flag a few remaining ones.
    (filesets-external-viewers): Simplify regexps.  Use \' instead of $.
    Remove useless :constraint-flag properties.
    (filesets-convert-path-list): η-reduce.
    (filesets-eviewer-constraint-p): Mark :constraint-flag as obsolete.
    (filesets-spawn-external-viewer): Can't use `run-hooks` on
    lexical variable.
    (filesets-filter-list): Fix O(n²) bug.
    (filesets-ormap): Simplify.
    (filesets-some, filesets-member, filesets-sublist): Make them
    obsolete aliases.
    (filesets-reset-fileset): Simplify.
    (filesets-directory-files): Use `push`.
    (filesets-spawn-external-viewer): Use `mapconcat` to fix O(n²) bug.
    (filesets-cmd-get-args): Use `mapcan` to fix O(n²) bug.
    (filesets-run-cmd): Use `mapconcat` and `mapcan` to fix O(n²) bugs.
    (filesets-ingroup-collect-finder): Use dynamic scoping.
    (filesets-ingroup-collect-files): Use `nreverse` to fix O(n²) bug.
    (filesets-ingroup-collect-build-menu): Use `mapcan` to fix O(n²) bug.
 lisp/filesets.el | 477 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 file changed, 214 insertions(+), 263 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/filesets.el b/lisp/filesets.el
index 7c01b15..661a93e 100644
--- a/lisp/filesets.el
+++ b/lisp/filesets.el
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; filesets.el --- handle group of files
+;;; filesets.el --- handle group of files  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
 ;; Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@
 ;;; Code:
-(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'seq)
 (require 'easymenu)
 ;;; Some variables
@@ -153,52 +154,25 @@ COND-FN takes one argument: the current element."
 ;  (cl-remove 'dummy lst :test (lambda (dummy elt)
 ;                            (not (funcall cond-fn elt)))))
   (let ((rv nil))
-    (dolist (elt lst rv)
+    (dolist (elt lst)
       (when (funcall cond-fn elt)
-       (setq rv (append rv (list elt)))))))
+       (push elt rv)))
+    (nreverse rv)))
 (defun filesets-ormap (fsom-pred lst)
   "Return the tail of LST for the head of which FSOM-PRED is non-nil."
   (let ((fsom-lst lst)
        (fsom-rv nil))
-    (while (and (not (null fsom-lst))
+    (while (and fsom-lst
                (null fsom-rv))
       (if (funcall fsom-pred (car fsom-lst))
          (setq fsom-rv fsom-lst)
        (setq fsom-lst (cdr fsom-lst))))
-(defun filesets-some (fss-pred fss-lst)
-  "Return non-nil if FSS-PRED is non-nil for any element of FSS-LST.
-Like `some', return the first value of FSS-PRED that is non-nil."
-  (catch 'exit
-    (dolist (fss-this fss-lst nil)
-      (let ((fss-rv (funcall fss-pred fss-this)))
-       (when fss-rv
-         (throw 'exit fss-rv))))))
-;(fset 'filesets-some 'cl-some) ;; or use the cl function
-(defun filesets-member (fsm-item fsm-lst &rest fsm-keys)
-  "Find the first occurrence of FSM-ITEM in FSM-LST.
-It is supposed to work like cl's `member*'.  At the moment only the :test
-key is supported."
-  (let ((fsm-test (or (plist-get fsm-keys ':test)
-                     (function equal))))
-    (filesets-ormap (lambda (fsm-this)
-                     (funcall fsm-test fsm-item fsm-this))
-                   fsm-lst)))
-;(fset 'filesets-member 'cl-member) ;; or use the cl function
-(defun filesets-sublist (lst beg &optional end)
-  "Get the sublist of LST from BEG to END - 1."
-  (let ((rv  nil)
-       (i   beg)
-       (top (or end
-                (length lst))))
-    (while (< i top)
-      (setq rv (append rv (list (nth i lst))))
-      (setq i (+ i 1)))
-    rv))
+(define-obsolete-function-alias 'filesets-some #'cl-some "28.1")
+(define-obsolete-function-alias 'filesets-member #'cl-member "28.1")
+(define-obsolete-function-alias 'filesets-sublist #'seq-subseq "28.1")
 (defun filesets-select-command (cmd-list)
   "Select one command from CMD-LIST -- a string with space separated names."
@@ -222,7 +196,7 @@ key is supported."
 (defun filesets-message (level &rest args)
   "Show a message only if LEVEL is greater or equal then `filesets-verbosity'."
   (when (<= level (abs filesets-verbosity))
-    (apply 'message args)))
+    (apply #'message args)))
 ;;; config file
@@ -233,9 +207,9 @@ key is supported."
 (defun filesets-reset-fileset (&optional fileset no-cache)
   "Reset the cached values for one or all filesets."
-  (if fileset
-      (setq filesets-submenus (lax-plist-put filesets-submenus fileset nil))
-    (setq filesets-submenus nil))
+  (setq filesets-submenus (if fileset
+                              (lax-plist-put filesets-submenus fileset nil)
+                            nil))
   (setq filesets-has-changed-flag t)
   (setq filesets-update-cache-file-flag (or filesets-update-cache-file-flag
                                            (not no-cache))))
@@ -303,50 +277,46 @@ SYM to VAL and return t.  If INIT-FLAG is non-nil, set 
 (defcustom filesets-menu-name "Filesets"
   "Filesets' menu name."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'string)
 (defcustom filesets-menu-path '("File")        ; cf recentf-menu-path
   "The menu under which the filesets menu should be inserted.
 See `easy-menu-add-item' for documentation."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
   :type '(choice (const :tag "Top Level" nil)
                 (sexp :tag "Menu Path"))
   :version "23.1"                      ; was nil
-  :group 'filesets)
+  )
 (defcustom filesets-menu-before "Open File..." ; cf recentf-menu-before
   "The name of a menu before which this menu should be added.
 See `easy-menu-add-item' for documentation."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
   :type '(choice (string :tag "Name")
                  (const :tag "Last" nil))
   :version "23.1"                      ; was "File"
-  :group 'filesets)
+  )
 (defcustom filesets-menu-in-menu nil
   "Use that instead of `current-menubar' as the menu to change.
 See `easy-menu-add-item' for documentation."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'sexp
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'sexp)
 (defcustom filesets-menu-shortcuts-flag t
   "Non-nil means to prepend menus with hopefully unique shortcuts."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default!)
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default!
+  :type 'boolean)
 (defcustom filesets-menu-shortcuts-marker "%_"
   "String for marking menu shortcuts."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default!)
-  :type 'string
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default!
+  :type 'string)
 ;;(defcustom filesets-menu-cnvfp-flag nil
 ;;  "Non-nil means show \"Convert :pattern to :files\" entry for :pattern 
-;;  :set (function filesets-set-default!)
+;;  :set #'filesets-set-default!
 ;;  :type 'boolean
 ;;  :group 'filesets)
@@ -355,9 +325,8 @@ See `easy-menu-add-item' for documentation."
   "File to be used for saving the filesets menu between sessions.
 Set this to \"\", to disable caching of menus.
 Don't forget to check out `filesets-menu-ensure-use-cached'."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'file
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'file)
 (put 'filesets-menu-cache-file 'risky-local-variable t)
 (defcustom filesets-menu-cache-contents
@@ -383,7 +352,7 @@ If you want caching to work properly, at least 
 Don't forget to check out `filesets-menu-ensure-use-cached'."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
   :type '(repeat
          (choice :tag "Variable"
                  (const :tag "filesets-submenus"
@@ -400,8 +369,7 @@ Don't forget to check out 
                         :value filesets-ingroup-patterns)
                  (const :tag "filesets-be-docile-flag"
                         :value filesets-be-docile-flag)
-                 (sexp :tag "Other" :value nil)))
-  :group 'filesets)
+                 (sexp :tag "Other" :value nil))))
 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'filesets-cache-fill-content-hooks
   'filesets-cache-fill-content-hook "24.3")
@@ -423,48 +391,43 @@ configuration file, you can add a something like this
 to this hook.
 Don't forget to check out `filesets-menu-ensure-use-cached'."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'hook
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'hook)
 (defcustom filesets-cache-hostname-flag nil
   "Non-nil means cache the hostname.
 If the current name differs from the cached one,
 rebuild the menu and create a new cache file."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'boolean)
 (defcustom filesets-cache-save-often-flag nil
   "Non-nil means save buffer on every change of the filesets menu.
 If this variable is set to nil and if Emacs crashes, the cache and
 filesets-data could get out of sync.  Set this to t if this happens from
 time to time or if the fileset cache causes troubles."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'boolean)
 (defcustom filesets-max-submenu-length 25
   "Maximum length of submenus.
 Set this value to 0 to turn menu splitting off.  BTW, parts of submenus
 will not be rewrapped if their length exceeds this value."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'integer)
 (defcustom filesets-max-entry-length 50
   "Truncate names of split submenus to this length."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'integer)
-(defcustom filesets-browse-dir-function 'dired
+(defcustom filesets-browse-dir-function #'dired
   "A function or command used for browsing directories.
 When using an external command, \"%s\" will be replaced with the
 directory's name.
 Note: You have to manually rebuild the menu if you change this value."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
   :type '(choice :tag "Function:"
                 (const :tag "dired"
                        :value dired)
@@ -473,10 +436,9 @@ Note: You have to manually rebuild the menu if you change 
this value."
                       (string :tag "Name")
                       (string :tag "Arguments"))
                 (function :tag "Function"
-                          :value nil))
-  :group 'filesets)
+                          :value nil)))
-(defcustom filesets-open-file-function 'filesets-find-or-display-file
+(defcustom filesets-open-file-function #'filesets-find-or-display-file
   "The function used for opening files.
 `filesets-find-or-display-file' ... Filesets' default function for
@@ -489,26 +451,24 @@ for a specific file type.  Either this viewer, if 
defined, or
 readable, will not be opened.
 Caveat: Changes will take effect only after rebuilding the menu."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
   :type '(choice :tag "Function:"
                 (const :tag "filesets-find-or-display-file"
                        :value filesets-find-or-display-file)
                 (const :tag "filesets-find-file"
                        :value filesets-find-file)
                 (function :tag "Function"
-                          :value nil))
-  :group 'filesets)
+                          :value nil)))
-(defcustom filesets-save-buffer-function 'save-buffer
+(defcustom filesets-save-buffer-function #'save-buffer
   "The function used to save a buffer.
 Caveat: Changes will take effect after rebuilding the menu."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
   :type '(choice :tag "Function:"
                 (const :tag "save-buffer"
                        :value save-buffer)
                 (function :tag "Function"
-                          :value nil))
-  :group 'filesets)
+                          :value nil)))
 (defcustom filesets-find-file-delay
   (if (and (featurep 'xemacs) gutter-buffers-tab-visible-p)
@@ -519,29 +479,25 @@ This is for calls via `filesets-find-or-display-file'
 or `filesets-find-file'.
 Set this to 0, if you don't use XEmacs's buffer tabs."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'number
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'number)
 (defcustom filesets-be-docile-flag nil
   "Non-nil means don't complain if a file or a directory doesn't exist.
 This is useful if you want to use the same startup files in different
 computer environments."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'boolean)
 (defcustom filesets-sort-menu-flag t
   "Non-nil means sort the filesets menu alphabetically."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'boolean)
 (defcustom filesets-sort-case-sensitive-flag t
   "Non-nil means sorting of the filesets menu is case sensitive."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'boolean)
 (defcustom filesets-tree-max-level 3
   "Maximum scan depth for directory trees.
@@ -561,9 +517,8 @@ i.e. how deep the menu should be.  Try something like
 and it should become clear what this option is about.  In any case,
 including directory trees to the menu can take a lot of memory."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'integer)
 (defcustom filesets-commands
@@ -590,7 +545,7 @@ function that returns one) to be run on a filesets' files.
 The argument <file-name> or <<file-name>> (quoted) will be replaced with
 the filename."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default+)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default+
   :type '(repeat :tag "Commands"
                 (list :tag "Definition" :value ("")
                       (string "Name")
@@ -606,8 +561,7 @@ the filename."
                                       (string :tag "Quoted File Name"
                                               :value "<<file-name>>")
                                       (function :tag "Function"
-                                                :value nil)))))
-  :group 'filesets)
+                                                :value nil))))))
 (put 'filesets-commands 'risky-local-variable t)
 (defcustom filesets-external-viewers
@@ -627,28 +581,33 @@ the filename."
        (dvi-cmd "xdvi")
        (doc-cmd "antiword")
        (pic-cmd "gqview"))
-    `(("^.+\\..?html?$" browse-url
+    `((".\\..?html?\\'" browse-url
        ((:ignore-on-open-all t)))
-      ("^.+\\.pdf$" ,pdf-cmd
+      (".\\.pdf\\'" ,pdf-cmd
        ((:ignore-on-open-all t)
        (:ignore-on-read-text t)
-       (:constraint-flag ,pdf-cmd)))
-      ("^.+\\.e?ps\\(.gz\\)?$" ,ps-cmd
+       ;; (:constraintp ,pdf-cmd)
+       ))
+      (".\\.e?ps\\(.gz\\)?\\'" ,ps-cmd
        ((:ignore-on-open-all t)
        (:ignore-on-read-text t)
-       (:constraint-flag ,ps-cmd)))
-      ("^.+\\.dvi$" ,dvi-cmd
+       ;; (:constraintp ,ps-cmd)
+       ))
+      (".\\.dvi\\'" ,dvi-cmd
        ((:ignore-on-open-all t)
        (:ignore-on-read-text t)
-       (:constraint-flag ,dvi-cmd)))
-      ("^.+\\.doc$" ,doc-cmd
+       ;; (:constraintp ,dvi-cmd)
+       ))
+      (".\\.doc\\'" ,doc-cmd
        ((:capture-output t)
        (:ignore-on-read-text t)
-       (:constraint-flag ,doc-cmd)))
-      ("^.+\\.\\(tiff\\|xpm\\|gif\\|pgn\\)$" ,pic-cmd
+       ;; (:constraintp ,doc-cmd)
+       ))
+      (".\\.\\(tiff\\|xpm\\|gif\\|pgn\\)\\'" ,pic-cmd
        ((:ignore-on-open-all t)
        (:ignore-on-read-text t)
-       (:constraint-flag ,pic-cmd)))))
+       ;; (:constraintp ,pic-cmd)
+       ))))
   "Association list of file patterns and external viewers for use with
@@ -665,10 +624,8 @@ i.e. on open-all-files-events or when running commands
 :constraintp FUNCTION ... use this viewer only if FUNCTION returns non-nil
-:constraint-flag SEXP ... use this viewer only if SEXP evaluates to non-nil
-:open-hook HOOK ... run hooks after spawning the viewer -- mainly useful
-in conjunction with :capture-output
+:open-hook FUNCTIONs ... run FUNCTIONs after spawning the viewer -- mainly
+useful in conjunction with :capture-output
 :args (FORMAT-STRING or SYMBOL or FUNCTION) ... a list of arguments
 \(defaults to (list \"%S\")) when using shell commands
@@ -693,7 +650,7 @@ In order to view pdf or rtf files in an Emacs buffer, you 
could use these:
        (:constraintp (lambda ()
                        (and (filesets-which-command-p \"rtf2htm\")
                             (filesets-which-command-p \"w3m\"))))))"
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
   :type '(repeat :tag "Viewer"
                 (list :tag "Definition"
                       :value ("^.+\\.suffix$" "")
@@ -708,7 +665,7 @@ In order to view pdf or rtf files in an Emacs buffer, you 
could use these:
                                      (const :format ""
                                             :value :constraintp)
                                      (function :tag "Function"))
-                               (list :tag ":constraint-flag"
+                               (list :tag ":constraint-flag (obsolete)"
                                      :value (:constraint-flag)
                                      (const :format ""
                                             :value :constraint-flag)
@@ -749,8 +706,7 @@ In order to view pdf or rtf files in an Emacs buffer, you 
could use these:
                                      :value (:capture-output t)
                                      (const  :format ""
                                              :value :capture-output)
-                                     (boolean :tag "Boolean"))))))
-  :group 'filesets)
+                                     (boolean :tag "Boolean")))))))
 (put 'filesets-external-viewers 'risky-local-variable t)
 (defcustom filesets-ingroup-patterns
@@ -891,7 +847,7 @@ With duplicates removed, it would be:
     M + A - X
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
   :type '(repeat
          :tag "Include"
@@ -937,8 +893,7 @@ With duplicates removed, it would be:
                            (list :tag ":preprocess"
                                  :value (:preprocess)
                                  (const :format "" :value :preprocess)
-                                 (function :tag "Function")))))))
-  :group 'filesets)
+                                 (function :tag "Function"))))))))
 (put 'filesets-ingroup-patterns 'risky-local-variable t)
 (defcustom filesets-data nil
@@ -1009,8 +964,7 @@ is used.
 Before using :ingroup, make sure that the file type is already
 defined in `filesets-ingroup-patterns'."
-  :group 'filesets
-  :set (function filesets-data-set-default)
+  :set #'filesets-data-set-default
   :type '(repeat
          (cons :tag "Fileset"
                (string :tag "Name" :value "")
@@ -1072,9 +1026,8 @@ defined in `filesets-ingroup-patterns'."
 (defcustom filesets-query-user-limit 15
   "Query the user before opening a fileset with that many files."
-  :set (function filesets-set-default)
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'filesets)
+  :set #'filesets-set-default
+  :type 'integer)
 (defun filesets-filter-dir-names (lst &optional negative)
@@ -1127,16 +1080,16 @@ Return full path if FULL-FLAG is non-nil."
                    (string-match-p pattern this))
            (filesets-message 5 "Filesets: matched dir %S with pattern %S"
                              this pattern)
-           (setq dirs (cons this dirs))))
+           (push this dirs)))
          (when (or (not pattern)
                    (string-match-p pattern this))
            (filesets-message 5 "Filesets: matched file %S with pattern %S"
                              this pattern)
-           (setq files (cons (if full-flag
-                                 (concat (file-name-as-directory dir) this)
-                               this)
-                             files))))))
+           (push (if full-flag
+                     (concat (file-name-as-directory dir) this)
+                   this)
+                 files)))))
        ((equal what ':dirs)
        (filesets-conditional-sort dirs))
@@ -1193,7 +1146,7 @@ Return full path if FULL-FLAG is non-nil."
 (defun filesets-convert-path-list (string)
   "Return a path-list given as STRING as list."
   (if string
-      (mapcar (lambda (x) (file-name-as-directory x))
+      (mapcar #'file-name-as-directory
              (split-string string path-separator))
@@ -1203,17 +1156,17 @@ Return full path if FULL-FLAG is non-nil."
     (if (file-exists-p f)
-      (filesets-some
+      (cl-some
        (lambda (dir)
         (let ((dir (file-name-as-directory dir))
               (files (if (file-exists-p dir)
                          (filesets-directory-files dir nil ':files)
-          (filesets-some (lambda (file)
-                           (if (equal filename (file-name-nondirectory file))
-                               (concat dir file)
-                             nil))
-                         files)))
+          (cl-some (lambda (file)
+                     (if (equal filename (file-name-nondirectory file))
+                         (concat dir file)
+                       nil))
+                   files)))
@@ -1223,12 +1176,14 @@ Return full path if FULL-FLAG is non-nil."
 (defun filesets-eviewer-constraint-p (entry)
   (let* ((props           (filesets-eviewer-get-props entry))
-        (constraint      (assoc ':constraintp props))
-        (constraint-flag (assoc ':constraint-flag props)))
+        (constraint      (assoc :constraintp props))
+        (constraint-flag (assoc :constraint-flag props)))
       (funcall (cadr constraint)))
+      (message "Obsolete :constraint-flag %S, use :constraintp instead"
+               (cadr constraint-flag))
       (eval (cadr constraint-flag)))
@@ -1236,7 +1191,7 @@ Return full path if FULL-FLAG is non-nil."
 (defun filesets-get-external-viewer (file)
   "Find an external viewer for FILE."
   (let ((filename (file-name-nondirectory file)))
-    (filesets-some
+    (cl-some
      (lambda (entry)
        (when (and (string-match-p (nth 0 entry) filename)
                  (filesets-eviewer-constraint-p entry))
@@ -1246,7 +1201,7 @@ Return full path if FULL-FLAG is non-nil."
 (defun filesets-get-external-viewer-by-name (name)
   "Get the external viewer definition called NAME."
   (when name
-    (filesets-some
+    (cl-some
      (lambda (entry)
        (when (and (string-equal (nth 1 entry) name)
                  (filesets-eviewer-constraint-p entry))
@@ -1308,17 +1263,13 @@ Use the viewer defined in EV-ENTRY (a valid element of
               (oh   (filesets-filetype-get-prop ':open-hook file entry))
               (args (let ((fmt (filesets-filetype-get-prop ':args file entry)))
                       (if fmt
-                          (let ((rv ""))
-                            (dolist (this fmt rv)
-                              (setq rv (concat rv
-                                               (cond
-                                                ((stringp this)
-                                                 (format this file))
-                                                ((and (symbolp this)
-                                                      (fboundp this))
-                                                 (format "%S" (funcall this)))
-                                                (t
-                                                 (format "%S" this)))))))
+                          (mapconcat
+                           (lambda (this)
+                             (if (stringp this) (format this file)
+                               (format "%S" (if (functionp this)
+                                                (funcall this)
+                                              this))))
+                           fmt "")
                         (format "%S" file))))
@@ -1338,13 +1289,15 @@ Use the viewer defined in EV-ENTRY (a valid element of
                (insert output)
                 (setq-local filesets-output-buffer-flag t)
                (set-visited-file-name file t)
-               (when oh
-                 (run-hooks 'oh))
+               (if (functionp oh)
+                   (funcall oh)
+                 (mapc #'funcall oh))
                (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
                (setq buffer-read-only t)
                (goto-char (point-min)))
-           (when oh
-             (run-hooks 'oh))))
+           (if (functionp oh)
+               (funcall oh)
+             (mapc #'funcall oh))))
       (error "Filesets: general error when spawning external viewer"))))
 (defun filesets-find-file (file)
@@ -1355,7 +1308,8 @@ not be opened."
   (when (or (file-readable-p file)
            (not filesets-be-docile-flag))
     (sit-for filesets-find-file-delay)
-    (find-file file)))
+    (with-suppressed-warnings ((interactive-only find-file))
+      (find-file file))))
 (defun filesets-find-or-display-file (&optional file viewer)
   "Visit FILE using an external VIEWER or open it in an Emacs buffer."
@@ -1394,7 +1348,8 @@ not be opened."
   (if (functionp filesets-browse-dir-function)
       (funcall filesets-browse-dir-function dir)
     (let ((name (car filesets-browse-dir-function))
-         (args (format (cadr filesets-browse-dir-function) (expand-file-name 
+         (args (format (cadr filesets-browse-dir-function)
+                       (expand-file-name dir))))
        (start-process (concat "Filesets:" name)
                       "*Filesets external directory browser*"
@@ -1445,7 +1400,7 @@ Return DEFAULT if not found.  Return (car VALUE) if CARP 
is non-nil."
   "Return fileset ENTRY's mode: :files, :file, :tree, :pattern, or :ingroup.
 See `filesets-data'."
   (let ((data (filesets-data-get-data entry)))
-    (filesets-some
+    (cl-some
      (lambda (x)
        (if (assoc x data)
@@ -1557,16 +1512,15 @@ SAVE-FUNCTION takes no argument, but works on the 
current buffer."
   (assoc cmd-name filesets-commands))
 (defun filesets-cmd-get-args (cmd-name)
-  (let ((args (let ((def (filesets-cmd-get-def cmd-name)))
-               (nth 2 def)))
-       (rv nil))
-    (dolist (this args rv)
-      (cond
-       ((and (symbolp this) (fboundp this))
-       (let ((x (funcall this)))
-         (setq rv (append rv (if (listp x) x (list x))))))
-       (t
-       (setq rv (append rv (list this))))))))
+  (mapcan (lambda (this)
+           (cond
+            ((and (symbolp this) (fboundp this))
+             (let ((x (funcall this)))
+               (if (listp x) x (list x))))
+            (t
+             (list this))))
+         (let ((def (filesets-cmd-get-def cmd-name)))
+           (nth 2 def))))
 (defun filesets-cmd-get-fn (cmd-name)
   (let ((def (filesets-cmd-get-def cmd-name)))
@@ -1628,28 +1582,24 @@ Replace <file-name> or <<file-name>> with filename."
                           ((stringp fn)
                            (let* ((args
-                                   (let ((txt ""))
-                                     (dolist (this args txt)
-                                       (setq txt
-                                             (concat txt
-                                                     (if (equal txt "") "" " ")
-                                                     (filesets-run-cmd--repl-fn
+                                   (mapconcat
+                                    (lambda (this)
+                                      (filesets-run-cmd--repl-fn
                                                       (lambda (this)
-                                                        (format "%s" 
+                                                        (format "%s" this))))
+                                    args
+                                    " "))
                                   (cmd (concat fn " " args)))
                               cmd (shell-command-to-string cmd))))
                           ((symbolp fn)
-                           (let ((args
-                                  (let ((argl nil))
-                                    (dolist (this args argl)
-                                      (setq argl
-                                            (append argl
-                                                    (filesets-run-cmd--repl-fn
-                                                     this
-                                                     'list)))))))
-                             (apply fn args)))))))))))))))))
+                           (apply fn
+                                  (mapcan (lambda (this)
+                                            (filesets-run-cmd--repl-fn
+                                             this
+                                             'list))
+                                          args)))))))))))))))))
 (defun filesets-get-cmd-menu ()
   "Create filesets command menu."
@@ -1832,8 +1782,8 @@ User will be queried, if no fileset name is provided."
     (if entry
        (let* ((files  (filesets-entry-get-files entry))
               (this   (buffer-file-name buffer))
-              (inlist (filesets-member this files
-                                       :test 'filesets-files-equalp)))
+              (inlist (cl-member this files
+                                 :test #'filesets-files-equalp)))
            (message "Filesets: `%s' is already in `%s'" this name))
@@ -1858,8 +1808,8 @@ User will be queried, if no fileset name is provided."
     (if entry
        (let* ((files  (filesets-entry-get-files entry))
               (this   (buffer-file-name buffer))
-              (inlist (filesets-member this files
-                                       :test 'filesets-files-equalp)))
+              (inlist (cl-member this files
+                                 :test #'filesets-files-equalp)))
          ;;(message "%s %s %s" files this inlist)
          (if (and files this inlist)
              (let ((new (list (cons ':files (delete (car inlist) files)))))
@@ -1908,7 +1858,7 @@ User will be queried, if no fileset name is provided."
                       (substring (elt submenu 0) 2))))
     (if (listp submenu)
        (cons name (cdr submenu))
-      (apply 'vector (list name (cadr (append submenu nil)))))))
+      (apply #'vector (list name (cadr (append submenu nil)))))))
 ;      (vconcat `[,name] (subseq submenu 1)))))
 (defun filesets-wrap-submenu (submenu-body)
@@ -1926,12 +1876,14 @@ User will be queried, if no fileset name is provided."
            ((or (> count bl)
                 (null data)))
          ;; (let ((sl (subseq submenu-body count
-         (let ((sl (filesets-sublist submenu-body count
-                                     (let ((x (+ count factor)))
-                                       (if (>= bl x)
-                                           x
-                                         nil)))))
+         (let ((sl (seq-subseq submenu-body count
+                               (let ((x (+ count factor)))
+                                 (if (>= bl x)
+                                     x
+                                   nil)))))
            (when sl
+             ;; FIXME: O(n²) performance bug because of repeated `append':
+              ;; use `mapcan'?
              (setq result
@@ -1948,6 +1900,8 @@ User will be queried, if no fileset name is provided."
                                                 (if (null (cdr x))
                                                   ", "))))
+                                 ;; FIXME: O(n²) performance bug because of
+                                 ;; repeated `concat': use `mapconcat'?
                                  (setq rv
@@ -2023,11 +1977,11 @@ LOOKUP-NAME is used as lookup name for retrieving 
fileset specific settings."
                      (and (stringp a)
                           (stringp b)
                           (string-match-p a b))))))
-    (filesets-some (lambda (x)
-                    (if (funcall fn (car x) masterfile)
-                        (nth pos x)
-                      nil))
-                  filesets-ingroup-patterns)))
+    (cl-some (lambda (x)
+              (if (funcall fn (car x) masterfile)
+                  (nth pos x)
+                nil))
+            filesets-ingroup-patterns)))
 (defun filesets-ingroup-get-pattern (master)
   "Access to `filesets-ingroup-patterns'.  Extract patterns."
@@ -2039,12 +1993,8 @@ LOOKUP-NAME is used as lookup name for retrieving 
fileset specific settings."
 (defun filesets-ingroup-collect-finder (patt case-sensitivep)
   "Helper function for `filesets-ingroup-collect'.  Find pattern PATT."
-  (let ((cfs case-fold-search)
-       (rv  (progn
-              (setq case-fold-search (not case-sensitivep))
-              (re-search-forward patt nil t))))
-    (setq case-fold-search cfs)
-    rv))
+  (let ((case-fold-search (not case-sensitivep)))
+    (re-search-forward patt nil t)))
 (defun filesets-ingroup-cache-get (master)
   "Access to `filesets-ingroup-cache'."
@@ -2102,9 +2052,9 @@ LOOKUP-NAME is used as lookup name for retrieving fileset 
specific settings."
                      (when (and f
                                 (not (member f flist))
                                 (or (not remdupl-flag)
-                                    (not (filesets-member
+                                    (not (cl-member
                                           f filesets-ingroup-files
-                                          :test 'filesets-files-equalp))))
+                                          :test #'filesets-files-equalp))))
                        (let ((no-stub-flag
                               (and (not this-stub-flag)
                                    (if this-stubp
@@ -2116,16 +2066,18 @@ LOOKUP-NAME is used as lookup name for retrieving 
fileset specific settings."
                                (cons f filesets-ingroup-files))
                          (when no-stub-flag
                            (filesets-ingroup-cache-put master f))
-                         (setq lst (append lst (list f))))))))
+                         (push f lst))))))
                (when lst
                  (setq rv
+                       ;; FIXME: O(n²) performance bug because of repeated
+                       ;; `nconc'.
                        (nconc rv
                               (mapcar (lambda (this)
                                         `((,this ,this-name)
                                              fs remdupl-flag this
                                              (- this-sd 1))))
-                                      lst))))))))
+                                      (nreverse lst)))))))))
        (filesets-message 2 "Filesets: no patterns defined for %S" master)))))
 (defun filesets-ingroup-collect-build-menu (fs flist &optional other-count)
@@ -2135,42 +2087,41 @@ FS is a fileset's name.  FLIST is a list returned by
   (if (null flist)
     (let ((count 0)
-         (fsn    fs)
-         (rv     nil))
-      (dolist (this flist rv)
-       (setq count (+ count 1))
-       (let* ((def    (if (listp this) (car this) (list this "")))
-              (files  (if (listp this) (cdr this) nil))
-              (master (nth 0 def))
-              (name   (nth 1 def))
-              (nm     (concat (filesets-get-shortcut (if (or (not other-count) 
-                                                         count other-count))
-                              (if (or (null name) (equal name ""))
-                                  ""
-                                (format "%s: " name))
-                              (file-name-nondirectory master))))
-         (setq rv
-               (append rv
-                       (if files
-                           `((,nm
-                              [,(concat "Inclusion Group: "
-                                        (file-name-nondirectory master))
-                               (filesets-open ':ingroup ',master ',fsn)]
-                              "---"
-                              [,master (filesets-file-open nil ',master ',fsn)]
-                              "---"
-                              ,@(let ((count 0))
-                                  (mapcar
-                                   (lambda (this)
-                                     (setq count (+ count 1))
-                                     (let ((ff 
-                                                fs (list this) count)))
-                                       (if (= (length ff) 1)
-                                           (car ff)
-                                         ff)))
-                                   files))
-                              ,@(filesets-get-menu-epilog master ':ingroup 
-                         `([,nm (filesets-file-open nil ',master 
+         (fsn    fs))
+      (mapcan (lambda (this)
+               (setq count (+ count 1))
+               (let* ((def    (if (listp this) (car this) (list this "")))
+                      (files  (if (listp this) (cdr this) nil))
+                      (master (nth 0 def))
+                      (name   (nth 1 def))
+                      (nm     (concat (filesets-get-shortcut
+                                       (if (or (not other-count) files)
+                                           count other-count))
+                                      (if (or (null name) (equal name ""))
+                                          ""
+                                        (format "%s: " name))
+                                      (file-name-nondirectory master))))
+                 (if files
+                     `((,nm
+                        [,(concat "Inclusion Group: "
+                                  (file-name-nondirectory master))
+                         (filesets-open ':ingroup ',master ',fsn)]
+                        "---"
+                        [,master (filesets-file-open nil ',master ',fsn)]
+                        "---"
+                        ,@(let ((count 0))
+                            (mapcar
+                             (lambda (this)
+                               (setq count (+ count 1))
+                               (let ((ff (filesets-ingroup-collect-build-menu
+                                          fs (list this) count)))
+                                 (if (= (length ff) 1)
+                                     (car ff)
+                                   ff)))
+                             files))
+                        ,@(filesets-get-menu-epilog master ':ingroup fsn)))
+                   `([,nm (filesets-file-open nil ',master ',fsn)]))))
+             flist))))
 (defun filesets-ingroup-collect (fs remdupl-flag master)
   "Collect names of included files and build submenu."
@@ -2275,7 +2226,7 @@ Construct a shortcut from COUNT."
                (let* ((files    (filesets-get-filelist entry mode 'on-ls))
                       (dirpatt  (filesets-entry-get-pattern entry))
-                      (pattname (apply 'concat (cons "Pattern: " dirpatt)))
+                      (pattname (apply #'concat (cons "Pattern: " dirpatt)))
                       (count   0))
                  ;;(filesets-message 3 "Filesets: scanning %S" pattname)
@@ -2418,14 +2369,14 @@ fileset thinks this is necessary or not."
       (dolist (this filesets-menu-cache-contents)
        (if (get this 'custom-type)
-             (insert (format "(setq-default %s '%S)" this (eval this)))
+             (insert (format "(setq-default %s '%S)" this (eval this t)))
              (when filesets-menu-ensure-use-cached
                (insert (format "(setq %s (cons '%s %s))"
-         (insert (format "(setq %s '%S)" this (eval this))))
+         (insert (format "(setq %s '%S)" this (eval this t))))
        (newline 2))
       (insert (format "(setq filesets-cache-version %S)" filesets-version))
       (newline 2)
@@ -2526,9 +2477,9 @@ We apologize for the inconvenience.")))
   "Filesets initialization.
 Set up hooks, load the cache file -- if existing -- and build the menu."
   (add-hook 'menu-bar-update-hook #'filesets-build-menu-maybe)
-  (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook (function filesets-remove-from-ubl))
-  (add-hook 'first-change-hook (function filesets-reset-filename-on-change))
-  (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook (function filesets-exit))
+  (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'filesets-remove-from-ubl)
+  (add-hook 'first-change-hook #'filesets-reset-filename-on-change)
+  (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'filesets-exit)
   (if (filesets-menu-cache-file-load)
@@ -2542,7 +2493,7 @@ Set up hooks, load the cache file -- if existing -- and 
build the menu."
 (defun filesets-error (_class &rest args)
   "`error' wrapper."
   (declare (obsolete error "28.1"))
-  (error "%s" (mapconcat 'identity args " ")))
+  (error "%s" (mapconcat #'identity args " ")))
 (provide 'filesets)

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