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[ELPA-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/elpa r294: * sml-mode.el: Integrate BUGS&NEW

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [ELPA-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/elpa r294: * sml-mode.el: Integrate BUGS&NEWS; re-add run-sml.
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 12:54:09 -0400
User-agent: Bazaar (2.5.0)

revno: 294
tags: sml-mode-6.1
committer: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>
branch nick: elpa
timestamp: Wed 2012-10-31 12:54:09 -0400
  * sml-mode.el: Integrate BUGS&NEWS; re-add run-sml.
=== removed file 'packages/sml-mode/BUGS'
--- a/packages/sml-mode/BUGS    2010-03-04 23:57:22 +0000
+++ b/packages/sml-mode/BUGS    1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
--*- text -*-
-Here are the current known bugs.
-If you find any other, send it to <address@hidden>.
-* M-x next-error and other compile.el support doesn't work on XEmacs.
-* indentation of a declaration after a long `datatype' is slow.
-* buggy indentation samples
-  Try `make test' to see the known problems in testcases.sml

=== removed file 'packages/sml-mode/INSTALL'
--- a/packages/sml-mode/INSTALL 2004-11-15 03:26:57 +0000
+++ b/packages/sml-mode/INSTALL 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-SML-MODE shouldn't require any special external support package,
-as far as I can rememebr.  Just a recent copy of Emacs or XEmacs.
-Installation of the program
-  1. Edit the file `Makefile' to reflect the situation at your site.
-     The only things you have to change is the definition of `lispdir'
-     and `infodir'.  The elisp files will be copied to `lispdir', and
-     the info file to `infodir'.
-  2. Have some sorbet.
-  3. Type `make install' in the source directory.  This will byte-compile
-     all `.el' files and copy all into the directory you specified in step
-     1.  It will also copy the info files (and add a corresponding entry to
-     the info-dir file if install-info can be found).
-     If you only want to create the compiled elisp files, you can just type
-     `make elcfiles' instead.
-  4. Edit the file `site-start.el' in your emacs lisp directory (usually
-     `/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp' or something similar) and make it
-     load the file `sml-mode-startup.el'.  It contains a couple of
-     `auto-load's that facilitates the use of sml-mode.  Alternatively, you
-     can just use `make install_startup'.  If you're only installing it for
-     yourself rather than for the whole system, then use something like
-     `make install_startup startupfile=$HOME/.emacs'.
-  5. If you had copied the contents of a previous sml-mode-startup.el file to
-     your site-start.el (or .emacs), you might want to remove that.
-How to make typeset documentation from the TeXinfo manual
-   If you have TeX installed at your site, you can make a typeset version of
-the manual typing ``make dvi''.  If you prefer a postscript version of this
-file, just use ``make postscript''.

=== removed file 'packages/sml-mode/Makefile'
--- a/packages/sml-mode/Makefile        2012-10-04 03:38:45 +0000
+++ b/packages/sml-mode/Makefile        1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for emacs-lisp package
-# Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2004,2007,2010-2012  Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>
-# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-# Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
-# later version.
-# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-# for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-# load the package-specific settings
-include makefile.pkg
-# set up the usual installation paths
-prefix  = /usr/local
-datadir = $(prefix)/share
-# the directory where you install third-party emacs packges
-lispdir = $(datadir)/emacs/site-lisp
-# the directory where the .elc files will be installed
-elcdir  = $(lispdir)/$(PACKAGE)
-# the directory where the .el files will be installed
-eldir   = $(elcdir)
-# the file where the initialization goes.
-#startupfile = $(HOME/.emacs
-startupfile = $(lispdir)/site-start.el
-# the directory where you installed the elib .elc files.
-# This is only needed if your site-start.el (or default.el) does not
-# set up elib correctly.
-elibdir = $(lispdir)/elib
-# the directory where you install the info doc
-infodir = $(prefix)/info
-docdir = $(prefix)/doc
-EMACS  = emacs
-MAKEINFO= makeinfo
-TEXI2DVI= texi2dvi
-SHELL  = /bin/sh
-DVIPS  = dvips
-CP     = cp
-RM     = rm -f
-MKDIR  = mkdir -p
-ETAGS  = etags
-###        No changes below this line should be necessary          ###
-ELFLAGS        = --eval '(setq load-path (append (list "." "$(elibdir)" 
"$(lispdir)") load-path))'
-ELC    = $(EMACS) -batch $(ELFLAGS) -f batch-byte-compile
-ELCFILES = $(ELFILES:.el=.elc)
-TEXEXTS =  *.cps *.fns *.kys *.vr *.tp *.pg *.log *.aux *.toc *.cp *.ky *.fn
-.SUFFIXES: .elc .el .info .ps .dvi .texi
-.PHONY: elcfiles info clean distclean default
-.PHONY: install_startup install_elc install install_el install_info
-.PHONY: dvi postscript
-       $(ELC) $<
-       $(MAKEINFO) $<
-       $(TEXI2DVI) $<
-       $(DVIPS) -f $< >$@
-default: elcfiles
-elcfiles: $(ELCFILES)
-info: $(PACKAGE).info
-install_elc: $(ELCFILES) $(PACKAGE)-startup.el
-       $(MKDIR) $(elcdir)
-       for f in $(ELCFILES) $(PACKAGE)-startup.el; do \
-           $(CP) $$f $(elcdir)/$$f ;\
-       done
-       $(MKDIR) $(eldir)
-       for f in $(ELFILES); do \
-           $(CP) $$f $(eldir)/$$f ;\
-       done
-install_info: $(PACKAGE).info
-       $(MKDIR) $(infodir)
-       $(CP) *.info* $(infodir)/
-       -[ ! -w $(infodir)/dir ] \
-           || install-info --info-dir=$(infodir)/dir $(PACKAGE).info
-       $(MKDIR) $(lispdir)
-       @if grep $(PACKAGE) $(lispdir)/site-start.el >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
-           grep $(PACKAGE) $(startupfile) >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
-           grep $(PACKAGE) $(lispdir)/default.el >/dev/null 2>&1; \
-       then \
-           echo "**********************************************************" ;\
-           echo "*** It seems you already have some setup code" ;\
-           echo "*** for $(PACKAGE) in your startup files." ;\
-           echo "*** Check that it properly loads \"$(PACKAGE)-startup\"" ;\
-           echo "**********************************************************" ;\
-       else \
-           echo 'echo ";; load $(PACKAGE) setup code" >>$(startupfile)' ;\
-           echo ";; load $(PACKAGE) setup code" >>$(startupfile) ;\
-           echo 'echo "(load \"$(elcdir)/$(PACKAGE)-startup\")" 
>>$(startupfile)' ;\
-           echo "(load \"$(elcdir)/$(PACKAGE)-startup\")" >>$(startupfile) ;\
-       fi
-postscript: $(PACKAGE).ps
-dvi: $(PACKAGE).dvi
-install_dvi: dvi
-       $(MKDIR) $(docdir)
-       $(CP) `find . -type f -name '*.dvi' -print` $(docdir)/
-install: install_elc install_info install_startup install_el
-       $(RM) *~ core .\#* $(TEXEXTS)
-TAGS tags:
-       $(ETAGS) $(ELFILES)
-distclean: clean
-       $(RM) *.elc *.dvi *.info* *.ps
-###                    don't look below                            ###
-$(PACKAGE)-startup.el: $(ELFILES)
-       echo "\
-       ;;; $@ --- automatically extracted autoloads\n\
-       ;;; Code:\n\
-       (add-to-list 'load-path\n\
-                    (or (file-name-directory load-file-name) (car 
-       " >$@
-       $(EMACS) --batch --eval '(setq generated-autoload-file "'`pwd`'/$@")' 
-f batch-update-autoloads "."
-#TAG = $(shell echo v$(VERSION) | tr '.' '_')
-URL=$(shell sed -n -e '5p' .svn/entries)
-#TAG=$(shell dirname "$(URL)")/releases/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
-cvsmodule=$(shell cat CVS/Repository)
-cvsroot=$(shell cat CVS/Root)
-       echo bzr tag "$(TAG)" &&\
-       bzr export "$(TMP)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)" &&\
-       cd "$(TMP)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)" &&\
-       $(MAKE) info $(PACKAGE)-startup.el &&\
-       cd .. &&\
-       ztar $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) &&\
-       rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
-       mv $(TMP)/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(ftpdir)/
-       ln -sf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(ftpdir)/$(PACKAGE).tar.gz

=== removed file 'packages/sml-mode/NEWS'
--- a/packages/sml-mode/NEWS    2012-04-11 21:27:39 +0000
+++ b/packages/sml-mode/NEWS    1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-Changes since 4.1:
-* New indentation code using SMIE when available.
-* `sml-back-to-outer-indent' is now on S-tab (aka `backtab') rather than M-tab.
-* Support for electric-layout-mode and electric-indent-mode.
-* `sml-mark-defun' tries to be more clever.
-* A single file (sml-mode.el) is needed unless you want to use an interactive
-  process like SML/NJ, or if your Emacs does not provide SMIE.
-Changes since 4.0:
-* Switch to GPLv3+.
-* When possible (i.e. running under Emacs>=23), be case-sensitive when
-  expanding abbreviations, and don't expand them in comments and strings.
-* When you `next-error' to a type error, highlight the actual parts of the
-  types that differ.
-* Flush the recorded errors not only upon sml-compile and friends, but also
-  when typing commands directly at the prompt.
-* New command sml-mlton-typecheck.
-* Simple support to parse errors and warnings in MLton's output.
-* Simple support for MLton's def-use files.
-Changes since 3.9.5:
-* No need to add the dir to your load-path any more.
-  The sml-mode-startup.el file does it for you.
-* Symbols like -> can be displayed as real arrows.  See sml-font-lock-symbols.
-* Fix some incompatibilities with the upcoming Emacs-21.4.
-* Indentation rules improved.  New customizable variable
-  `sml-rightalign-and'.  Also `sml-symbol-indent' is now customizable.
-Changes since 3.9.3:
-* New add-log support (try C-x 4 a from within an SML function).
-* Imenu support
-* sml-bindings has disappeared.
-* The code skeletons are now abbrevs as well.
-* A new *sml* process is sent the content of sml-config-file (~/.sml-proc.sml)
-  if it exists.
-* `sml-compile' works yet a bit differently.  The command can begin
-  with `cd "path";' and it will be replaced by OS.FileSys.chDir.
-* run-sml now pops up the new buffer.  It can also run the command on another
-  machine.  And it always prompts for the command name.  Use a prefix
-  argument if you want to give args or to specify a host on which
-  to run the command.
-* mouse-2 to yank in *sml* should work again (but won't work for next-error
-  any more).
-* New major-modes sml-cm-mode, sml-lex-mode and sml-yacc-mode.
-* sml-load-hook has disappeared as has inferior-sml-load-hook.
-* sml-mode-startup.el is now automatically generated and you're supposed to
-  `load' it from .emacs or site-start.el.
-* Minor bug fixes.
-Changes since 3.3:
-* the sml-drag-* commands have disappeared.
-* added a little bit of `customize' support.  Many of the customization
-  variables for indentation are still in flux, so they are not customize'd.
-* proformas have been replaced by skeletons.  it's mostly the same as
-  before (the layout has slightly changed, tho).  The main difference
-  is that the indentation relies on the major-mode indentation so it
-  is implicitly customized, which makes more sense to me.
-  Also I added an electric space M-SPC that will call the corresponding
-  skeleton if any matches the immediately preceding symbol.  Basically
-  that allows you to type `l e t M-SPC' to call the `let' skeleton.
-* M-C-f and M-C-b try to be smart and jump around let..end and such blocks.
-  It's probably either too smart or not smart enough, tho.
-* there is no more sml-<compiler>.el since the code should work for "all"
-  known compilers.  If your favorite compiler doesn't seem to work right
-  send me a sample session.
-* hilite support has disappeared and font-lock and menu support is now 
-* the indentation algorithm is inherently much slower.  I've tried to ensure
-  the slowness never manifests itself in practice, but if you find a case
-  where the indentation doesn't feel instantaneous, tell me.
-* function arguments get properly indented (yes, madam).
-* the indentation has been majorly reworked.  The list of changes is too long.
-  Many customizations have disappeared, some may reappear depending on the
-  feedback I get.  The indentation should now "always" work right, so
-  tell me when it doesn't.
-* nested comments are only properly handled if you have a nested-comments
-  aware Emacs (I don't know of any yet) or if you turn on font-lock.
-* provide `sml-compile' which does something similat to `compile' except it
-  passes the command to an inferior-sml process.  Also it has an additional
-  hack to look for sml-make-file-name in parent directories and cd to it
-  before sending the command (handy for CM.make() when the sources.cm file
-  is not in the current directory).  This hack is very ad-hoc and quite
-  misleading for people who don't use CM.  I.e. the default is not safe.
-* sml-send-region and friends now always use a temp file.  The temp file
-  management has been made a little more secure.
-* the overlay is now turned off by default.  Instead the region is activated,
-  so that transient-mark-mode will end up highlighting the error just like
-  the overlay used to do.
-* sml-proc uses compile.el for error parsing.  This mostly means that instead
-  of C-c ` you want to use the standard C-x `.  It also means that error
-  formats for any compiler can be added more easily.
-* The special frame handling has been thrown out because it doesn't interact
-  well with Emacs' own similar feature.  I believe XEmacs still doesn't provide
-  such a feature, so if you miss it, either switch to Emacs or (convince
-  someone else to) add it to XEmacs.

=== removed file 'packages/sml-mode/makefile.pkg'
--- a/packages/sml-mode/makefile.pkg    2012-10-22 21:31:36 +0000
+++ b/packages/sml-mode/makefile.pkg    1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-PACKAGE = sml-mode
-ELFILES        = sml-mode.el
-default: elcfiles
-TESTCASE = testcases.sml
-       $(RM) $(TESTCASE).new
-       $(EMACS) --batch \
-           --eval "(load \"$$(pwd)/sml-mode-startup\")" \
-           $(TESTCASE) \
-           --eval '(indent-region (point-min) (point-max) nil)' \
-           --eval '(write-region (point-min) (point-max) "$(TESTCASE).new")'
-       diff -u -B $(TESTCASE) $(TESTCASE).new

=== modified file 'packages/sml-mode/sml-mode.el'
--- a/packages/sml-mode/sml-mode.el     2012-10-22 21:31:36 +0000
+++ b/packages/sml-mode/sml-mode.el     2012-10-31 16:54:09 +0000
@@ -3,16 +3,15 @@
 ;; Copyright (C) 1989,1999,2000,2004,2007,2010-2012  Free Software Foundation, 
 ;; Maintainer: (Stefan Monnier) <address@hidden>
-;; Version: 6.0
+;; Version: 6.1
 ;; Keywords: SML
-;; Authors of previous versions:
-;;      Lars Bo Nielsen
-;;      Olin Shivers
-;;     Fritz Knabe (?)
-;;     Steven Gilmore (?)
-;;     Matthew Morley <address@hidden>
-;;     Matthias Blume <address@hidden>
-;;      (Stefan Monnier) <address@hidden>
+;; Author:     Lars Bo Nielsen
+;;             Olin Shivers
+;;             Fritz Knabe (?)
+;;             Steven Gilmore (?)
+;;             Matthew Morley <address@hidden>
+;;             Matthias Blume <address@hidden>
+;;             (Stefan Monnier) <address@hidden>
 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
@@ -43,6 +42,75 @@
 ;; - outline-minor-mode (with some known problems).
 ;; - Interaction with a read-eval-print loop.
+;;;; Known bugs:
+;; - Indentation after "functor toto() where type foo = bar ="
+;;   Because the last is treated as an equality comparison.
+;; - indentation of a declaration after a long `datatype' can be slow.
+;;;; News:
+;;;;; Changes since 5.0:
+;; - sml-electric-pipe-mode to make the | key electric.
+;; - Removal of a lot of compatibility code.  Requires Emacs-24.
+;; - Integrate in GNU ELPA.
+;;;;; Changes since 4.1:
+;; - New indentation code using SMIE when available.
+;; - `sml-back-to-outer-indent' is now on S-tab (aka `backtab') rather
+;;   than M-tab.
+;; - Support for electric-layout-mode and electric-indent-mode.
+;; - `sml-mark-defun' tries to be more clever.
+;; - A single file (sml-mode.el) is needed unless you want to use an
+;;   interactive process like SML/NJ, or if your Emacs does not provide SMIE.
+;;;;; Changes since 4.0:
+;; - Switch to GPLv3+.
+;; - When possible (i.e. running under Emacs>=23), be case-sensitive when
+;;   expanding abbreviations, and don't expand them in comments and strings.
+;; - When you `next-error' to a type error, highlight the actual parts of the
+;;   types that differ.
+;; - Flush the recorded errors not only upon sml-compile and friends, but also
+;;   when typing commands directly at the prompt.
+;; - New command sml-mlton-typecheck.
+;; - Simple support to parse errors and warnings in MLton's output.
+;; - Simple support for MLton's def-use files.
+;;;;; Changes since 3.9.5:
+;; - No need to add the dir to your load-path any more.
+;;   The sml-mode-startup.el file does it for you.
+;; - Symbols like -> can be displayed as real arrows.
+;;   See sml-font-lock-symbols.
+;; - Fix some incompatibilities with the upcoming Emacs-21.4.
+;; - Indentation rules improved.  New customizable variable
+;;   `sml-rightalign-and'.  Also `sml-symbol-indent' is now customizable.
+;;;;; Changes since 3.9.3:
+;; - New add-log support (try C-x 4 a from within an SML function).
+;; - Imenu support
+;; - sml-bindings has disappeared.
+;; - The code skeletons are now abbrevs as well.
+;; - A new *sml* process is sent the content of sml-config-file
+;;   (~/.sml-proc.sml) if it exists.
+;; - `sml-compile' works yet a bit differently.  The command can begin
+;;   with `cd "path";' and it will be replaced by OS.FileSys.chDir.
+;; - run-sml now pops up the new buffer.  It can also run the command on
+;;   another machine.  And it always prompts for the command name.
+;;   Use a prefix argument if you want to give args or to specify a host on
+;;   which to run the command.
+;; - mouse-2 to yank in *sml* should work again (but won't work for next-error
+;;   any more).
+;; - New major-modes sml-cm-mode, sml-lex-mode and sml-yacc-mode.
+;; - sml-load-hook has disappeared as has inferior-sml-load-hook.
+;; - sml-mode-startup.el is now automatically generated and you're supposed to
+;;   `load' it from .emacs or site-start.el.
+;; - Minor bug fixes.
 ;;; Code:
 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
@@ -116,7 +184,7 @@
 (easy-menu-define sml-mode-menu sml-mode-map "Menu used in `sml-mode'."
-     ["Start SML repl"         run-sml         t]
+     ["Start SML repl"         sml-run         t]
      ["-" nil nil]
      ["Compile the project"    sml-prog-proc-compile   t]
      ["Send file"              sml-prog-proc-load-file t]
@@ -762,6 +830,11 @@
                             (car sml-prog-proc--tmp-file)))
+(defvar sml-prog-proc-comint-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "\C-c\C-l" 'sml-prog-proc-load-file)
+    map))
 (define-derived-mode sml-prog-proc-comint-mode comint-mode 
   "Major mode for an inferior process used to run&compile source code."
   ;; Enable compilation-minor-mode, but only after the child mode is setup
@@ -964,6 +1037,10 @@
        (read-string "On host: " sml-host-name)
+(defalias 'run-sml 'sml-run)
 (defun sml-run (cmd arg &optional host)
   "Run the program CMD with given arguments ARG.
 The command is run in buffer *CMD* using mode `inferior-sml-mode'.
@@ -1014,8 +1091,7 @@
 (defvar inferior-sml-mode-map
   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
     (set-keymap-parent map comint-mode-map)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-s" 'run-sml)
-    (define-key map "\C-c\C-l" 'sml-load-file)
+    (define-key map "\C-c\C-s" 'sml-run)
     (define-key map "\t" 'completion-at-point)
   "Keymap for inferior-sml mode.")

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