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[elpa] elpa 6e94ea0 09/26: Add (start of an) minted style.

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: [elpa] elpa 6e94ea0 09/26: Add (start of an) minted style.
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:11:12 +0000

branch: elpa
commit 6e94ea0227aae5959b820b5021ef08973c2403eb
Author: Tassilo Horn <address@hidden>
Commit: Tassilo Horn <address@hidden>

    Add (start of an) minted style.
    * style/minted.el: New style.
    * Makefile.in (STYLESRC): Add style/minted.el.
 ChangeLog       |    4 +
 Makefile.in     |    2 +-
 style/minted.el |  212 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 735d8d0..402416e 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 2014-12-19  Tassilo Horn  <address@hidden>
+       * style/minted.el: New style.
+       * Makefile.in (STYLESRC): Add style/minted.el.
        * latex.el (LaTeX-env-args): Bind exit-mark if its not bound
        (LaTeX-verbatim-regexp): Make variable obsolete.
diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index a132c1c..998e730 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ STYLESRC = style/prosper.el \
           style/XCharter.el  style/zlmtt.el     style/ifluatex.el \
           style/luatextra.el style/erewhon.el   style/baskervaldx.el \
           style/fbb.el       style/newtxmath.el style/newtxsf.el \
-          style/newtxtext.el style/newtxttt.el
+          style/newtxtext.el style/newtxttt.el  style/minted.el
 STYLEELC = $(STYLESRC:.el=.elc)
 ifeq (@preview_enabled@,yes)
diff --git a/style/minted.el b/style/minted.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5733c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/style/minted.el
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+;;; minted.el --- AUCTeX style for `minted.sty'
+;; Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Tassilo Horn <address@hidden>
+;; Maintainer: address@hidden
+;; Created: 2014-12-19
+;; Keywords: tex
+;; This file is part of AUCTeX.
+;; AUCTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; AUCTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with AUCTeX; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+;; 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file adds support for `minted.sty'.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'tex)
+(defvar LaTeX-minted-key-val-options
+  '(("autogobble" ("true" "false"))
+    ("baselinestretch" ("auto"))
+    ("bgcolor")
+    ("codetagify")
+    ("encoding")
+    ("outencoding")
+    ("firstline")
+    ("firstnumber" ("auto"))
+    ("fontfamily" ("tt" "courier" "helvetica"))
+    ("fontseries" ("auto"))
+    ("fontsize" ("auto" "\\tiny" "\\large" "\\scriptsize" "\\Large"
+                "\\footnotesize" "\\LARGE" "\\small" "\\huge"
+                "\\normalsize" "\\Huge"))
+    ("fontshape" ("auto"))
+    ("formatcom")
+    ("frame" ("none" "leftline" "topline" "bottomline" "lines" "single"))
+    ("framerule")
+    ("framesep")
+    ("funcnamehighlighting" ("true" "false"))
+    ("gobble")
+    ("keywordcase" ("lower" "upper" "capitalize"))
+    ("label")
+    ("labelposition" ("none" "topline" "bottomline" "all"))
+    ("lastline")
+    ("linenos" ("true" "false"))
+    ("numbers" ("left" "right"))
+    ("mathescape" ("true" "false"))
+    ("numberblanklines" ("true" "false"))
+    ("numbersep")
+    ("obeytabs" ("true" "false"))
+    ("python3" ("true" "false"))
+    ("resetmargins" ("true" "false"))
+    ("rulecolor")
+    ("samepage" ("true" "false"))
+    ("showspaces" ("true" "false"))
+    ("showtabs" ("true" "false"))
+    ("startinline" ("true" "false"))
+    ("style")
+    ("stepnumber")
+    ("stripnl")
+    ("tabsize")
+    ("texcl" ("true" "false"))
+    ("texcomments" ("true" "false"))
+    ("xleftmargin")
+    ("xrightmargin"))
+  "Key=value options for minted macros and environments.")
+(defvar LaTeX-minted-pygmentize-program (executable-find "pygmentize"))
+(defvar LaTeX-minted-language-list nil)
+(defun LaTeX-minted-language-list (&rest _ignored)
+  (or LaTeX-minted-language-list
+      (when LaTeX-minted-pygmentize-program
+       (with-temp-buffer
+         (shell-command (concat LaTeX-minted-pygmentize-program " -L lexers")
+                        (current-buffer))
+         (goto-char (point-min))
+         (let (languages)
+           (while (re-search-forward "^\\*[[:space:]]\\([^:]+\\):" nil t)
+             (dolist (lang (split-string (match-string 1) "[[:space:],]" t))
+               (push lang languages)))
+           languages)))))
+(defun LaTeX-arg-minted-language (optional &optional prompt)
+  (TeX-argument-insert
+   (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Language")
+                   (LaTeX-minted-language-list))
+   optional))
+;; FIXME: All the \newmint-macros allow to specify the env/macro name as
+;; optional 1st arg, e.g., with \newminted[fifi]{cpp}{opts} the resulting
+;; environments are fifi and fifi* rather than cppcode and cppcode*.
+(defvar LaTeX-minted-auto-newminted nil)
+(defvar LaTeX-minted-newminted-regexp
+  '("\\\\newminted{\\([^}]+\\)}{[^}]*}" 1 LaTeX-minted-auto-newminted))
+(defvar LaTeX-minted-auto-newmint nil)
+(defvar LaTeX-minted-newmint-regexp
+  '("\\\\newmint{\\([^}]+\\)}{[^}]*}" 1 LaTeX-minted-auto-newmint))
+(defvar LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintinline nil)
+(defvar LaTeX-minted-newmintinline-regexp
+  '("\\\\newmintinline{\\([^}]+\\)}{[^}]*}" 1 LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintinline))
+(defvar LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintedfile nil)
+(defvar LaTeX-minted-newmintedfile-regexp
+  '("\\\\newmintedfile{\\([^}]+\\)}{[^}]*}" 1 LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintedfile))
+(defun LaTeX-minted-auto-prepare ()
+  (setq LaTeX-minted-auto-newminted     nil
+       LaTeX-minted-auto-newmint       nil
+       LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintinline nil
+       LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintedfile nil))
+(defun LaTeX-minted-auto-cleanup ()
+  ;; (message "1: %s\n2: %s\n3: %s\n4: %s"
+  ;;      LaTeX-minted-auto-newminted
+  ;;      LaTeX-minted-auto-newmint
+  ;;      LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintinline
+  ;;      LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintedfile)
+  ;; Every \newminted{lang}{opts} defines a new langcode and a new langcode*
+  ;; env.  The starred version has mandatory args.
+  (dolist (lang LaTeX-minted-auto-newminted)
+    (let* ((env (concat lang "code"))
+          (env* (concat env "*")))
+      (add-to-list 'LaTeX-auto-environment (list env))
+      (add-to-list 'LaTeX-auto-environment
+                  (list env* 'LaTeX-env-args
+                        '(TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)))
+      (add-to-list 'LaTeX-indent-environment-list `(,env current-indentation))
+      (add-to-list 'LaTeX-indent-environment-list `(,env* current-indentation))
+      (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-environments-local env)
+      (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-environments-local env*)))
+  (when (and (fboundp 'font-latex-add-keywords)
+            (fboundp 'font-latex-set-syntactic-keywords)
+            (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
+    ;; Refresh font-locking so that the verbatim envs take effect.
+    (font-latex-set-syntactic-keywords)
+    (setq font-lock-set-defaults nil)
+    (font-lock-set-defaults)))
+(add-hook 'TeX-auto-prepare-hook #'LaTeX-minted-auto-prepare t)
+(add-hook 'TeX-auto-cleanup-hook #'LaTeX-minted-auto-cleanup t)
+ "minted"
+ (lambda ()
+   ;; New symbols
+   (TeX-add-symbols
+    '("mint" LaTeX-arg-minted-language TeX-arg-verb)
+    '("mintinline" LaTeX-arg-minted-language TeX-arg-verb)
+    '("listoflistings"))
+   ;; New environments
+   (LaTeX-add-environments
+    '("minted" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-key-val LaTeX-minted-key-val-options]
+      LaTeX-arg-minted-language)
+    '("listing" ["Float Position"]))
+   ;; Add to the auto parser
+   (TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-minted-newminted-regexp)
+   (TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-minted-newmint-regexp)
+   (TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-minted-newmintinline-regexp)
+   (TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-minted-newmintedfile-regexp)
+   ;; Filling
+   (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-indent-environment-list)
+   (add-to-list 'LaTeX-indent-environment-list
+               '("minted" current-indentation))
+   (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-environments-local "minted")
+   ;; FIXME: That doesn't work because \mintinline has 2 args and only the
+   ;; second argument is verbatim.
+   ;;(add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-delims-local "mintinline")
+   ;; Fontification
+   (when (and (fboundp 'font-latex-add-keywords)
+             (fboundp 'font-latex-set-syntactic-keywords)
+             (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(;; FIXME: Those have the form \mint{lang}|code|
+                               ;; so ideally the verbatim arg should be
+                               ;; recognized.
+                               "mint" "mintinline")
+                             'function)
+     ;; For syntactic fontification, e.g. verbatim constructs.
+     (font-latex-set-syntactic-keywords)
+     ;; Tell font-lock about the update.
+     (setq font-lock-set-defaults nil)
+     (font-lock-set-defaults)))
+ LaTeX-dialect)
+(defvar LaTeX-minted-package-options '("section" "chapter" "cache"
+                                      "outputdir" "cachedir"
+                                      "langlinenos")
+  "Package options for the minted package.")
+;;; minted.el ends here

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