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[elpa] master addec68: packages/bug-hunter: New package

From: Artur Malabarba
Subject: [elpa] master addec68: packages/bug-hunter: New package
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 02:47:17 +0000

branch: master
commit addec68b2d8490523dfffd04be8997d8b1840303
Author: Artur Malabarba <address@hidden>
Commit: Artur Malabarba <address@hidden>

    packages/bug-hunter: New package
 packages/bug-hunter/bug-hunter.el |  424 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 424 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/bug-hunter/bug-hunter.el 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd6c06d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/bug-hunter/bug-hunter.el
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+;;; bug-hunter.el --- Hunt down errors in elisp files  -*- lexical-binding: t; 
+;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Artur Malabarba <address@hidden>
+;; URL: http://github.com/Bruce-Connor/elisp-bug-hunter
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; Keywords: lisp
+;; Package-Requires: ((seq "1.3") (cl-lib "0.5"))
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; `bug-hunter' is an Emacs library that finds the source of an error or
+;; unexpected behavior inside an elisp configuration file (tipically
+;; `init.el' or `.emacs').
+;; Usage Examples
+;; ==============
+;;   If your Emacs init file signals an error during startup, but you don’t
+;;   know why, simply issue
+;;   ,----
+;;   | M-x bug-hunter-init-file RET RET
+;;   `----
+;;   and `bug-hunter' will find it for you.
+;;   If Emacs starts up without errors but something is not working as it
+;;   should, invoke the same command, but give it in an assertion.
+;;   Essentially, if you can write a snippet that detects the issue and
+;;   returns non-nil, just provide this snippet as the assertion and the
+;;   Bug Hunter will do a bisection search for you.
+;;   For example, let’s say there’s something in your init file that’s
+;;   loading the `cl' library, and you don’t want that. You /know/ you’re
+;;   not loading it yourself, but how can you figure out which external
+;;   package is responsible for this outrage?
+;;   ,----
+;;   | M-x bug-hunter-init-file RET (featurep 'cl) RET
+;;   `----
+;;   *That’s it!* You’ll be given a nice buffer reporting the results:
+;;   - Are you getting obscure errors when trying to open /“.tex”/ files?
+;;     Don’t despair! Just use `(find-file "dummy.tex")' as the assertion.
+;;   - Did `ox-html' stop working due to some arcane misconfiguration? Just
+;;     write an assertion that does an export and checks the result.
+;;   - Does some random command suddenly bind itself to `C-j' and you can’t
+;;     figure out why? `(eq (key-binding "\n") 'unwanted-command)' is the
+;;     assertion for you!
+;;   Finally, you can also use `bug-hunter-file' to hunt in other files.
+;; Installation
+;; ============
+;;   Bug Hunter will be on Gelpa shortly. For now, do the following:
+;;   1. Open the `bug-hunter.el` file.
+;;   2. Issue `M-x package-install-from-buffer`.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'seq)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(defvar bug-hunter--assertion-reminder
+  "Remember, the assertion must be an expression that returns
+non-nil in your current (problematic) Emacs state, AND that
+returns nil on a clean Emacs instance."
+  "Printed to the user if they provide a bad assertion.")
+(defvar bug-hunter--current-head nil
+  "Current list of expressions under scrutiny.  Used for user feedback.
+Used if the user aborts before bisection ends.")
+(defvar bug-hunter--i 0
+  "Current step of the bisection.  Used for user feedback.")
+(defvar bug-hunter--estimate 0
+  "Estimate on how many steps the bisection can take.  Used for user feedback.
+This is the base 2 log of the number of expressions in the
+(defvar bug-hunter--current-file nil
+  "File currently being debugged.")
+(defun bug-hunter--read-buffer ()
+  "Return all sexps after point as a list."
+  (let (out line col)
+    (or (condition-case er
+            ;; Looks hacky, but comes from `byte-compile-from-buffer'.
+            (while (progn (while (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t\n\^l")
+                                        (looking-at ";"))
+                            (forward-line 1))
+                          (not (eobp)))
+              (setq line (line-number-at-pos (point)))
+              (setq col (current-column))
+              (push (list (read (current-buffer)) line col)
+                    out)
+              nil)
+          (end-of-file `(bug-caught (end-of-file) ,line ,col))
+          (invalid-read-syntax `(bug-caught ,er ,line ,col))
+          (error (error "Ran into an error we don't understand, please file a 
bug report: %S" er)))
+        (nreverse out))))
+(defun bug-hunter--read-contents (file)
+  "Return all sexps in FILE as a list."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (insert-file-contents file)
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (bug-hunter--read-buffer)))
+;;; Reporting functions
+(defun bug-hunter--report-print (&rest r)
+  "Print information on the \"*Bug-Hunter Report*\" buffer.
+R is passed to `format' and inserted."
+  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Bug-Hunter Report*")
+    (goto-char (point-max))
+    (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
+      (insert "\n" (apply #'format r)))))
+(defun bug-hunter--report (&rest r)
+  "Report arbitrary information.
+R is passed to `bug-hunter--report-print'."
+  (declare (indent 1))
+  (apply #'bug-hunter--report-print r)
+  (apply #'message r))
+(defun bug-hunter--report-user-error (&rest r)
+  "Report the user has done something wrong.
+R is passed to `bug-hunter--report-print'."
+  (declare (indent 1))
+  (apply #'bug-hunter--report-print r)
+  (bug-hunter--report-print "\xc")
+  (apply #'user-error r))
+(defvar compilation-error-regexp-alist)
+(defun bug-hunter--init-report-buffer ()
+  "Create and prepare the \"*Bug-Hunter Report*\" buffer."
+  (or (get-buffer "*Bug-Hunter Report*")
+      (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Bug-Hunter Report*")
+        (compilation-mode "Bug Hunt")
+        (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-regexp-alist)
+             '(comma))
+        (current-buffer))))
+(defun bug-hunter--pretty-format (value padding)
+  "Return a VALUE as a string with PADDING spaces on the left."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (pp value (current-buffer))
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (let ((pad (make-string padding ?\s)))
+      (while (not (eobp))
+        (insert pad)
+        (forward-line 1)))
+    (buffer-string)))
+(defun bug-hunter--report-error (error line column &optional expression)
+  "Print on report buffer information about ERROR.
+LINE and COLUMN are the coordinates where EXPRESSION started in
+the file."
+  (when line
+    (bug-hunter--report "%S, line %s pos %s:"
+      bug-hunter--current-file line column))
+  (bug-hunter--report "  %s"
+    (cl-case (car error)
+      (end-of-file
+       "There's a missing closing parenthesis, the expression on this line 
never ends.")
+      (invalid-read-syntax
+       (let ((char (cadr error)))
+         (if (member char '("]" ")"))
+             (concat "There's an extra " char
+                     " on this position. There's probably a missing "
+                     (if (string= char ")") "(" "[")
+                     " before that.")
+           (concat "There's a " char
+                   " on this position, and that is not valid elisp syntax."))))
+      (user-aborted
+       (let* ((print-level 2)
+              (print-length 15)
+              (forms (cadr error))
+              (size (length forms)))
+         (concat "User aborted while testing the following expressions:\n"
+                 (mapconcat (lambda (x) (bug-hunter--pretty-format x 4))
+                            (if (< size 16) forms (seq-take forms 7))
+                            "")
+                 (when (> size 16)
+                   (format "\n    ... %s omitted expressions ...\n\n"
+                     (- size 14)))
+                 (when (> size 16)
+                   (mapconcat (lambda (x) (bug-hunter--pretty-format x 4))
+                              (seq-drop forms (- size 7)) "")))))
+      (assertion-triggered
+       (concat "The assertion returned the following value here:\n"
+               (bug-hunter--pretty-format (cadr error) 4)))
+      (t (format "The following error was signaled here:\n    %S"
+           error))))
+  (when expression
+    (bug-hunter--report "  Caused by the following expression:\n%s"
+      (bug-hunter--pretty-format expression 4)))
+  (bug-hunter--report "\xc")
+  `[,error ,line ,column ,expression])
+;;; Execution functions
+(defun bug-hunter--run-form (form)
+  "Run FORM with \"emacs -Q\" and return the result."
+  (let ((out-buf (generate-new-buffer "*Bug-Hunter Command*"))
+        (exec (file-truename (expand-file-name invocation-name
+                                               invocation-directory)))
+        (file-name (make-temp-file "bug-hunter")))
+    (unwind-protect
+        (let ((print-length nil)
+              (print-level nil))
+          (with-temp-file file-name
+            (print (list 'prin1 form) (current-buffer)))
+          (call-process exec nil out-buf nil
+                        "-Q" "--batch" "-l"
+                        (shell-quote-argument file-name))
+          (with-current-buffer out-buf
+            (goto-char (point-max))
+            (forward-sexp -1)
+            (prog1 (read (current-buffer))
+              (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))
+      (delete-file file-name))))
+(defun bug-hunter--run-and-test (forms assertion)
+  "Execute FORMS in the background and test ASSERTION.
+See `bug-hunter' for a description on the ASSERTION."
+  (bug-hunter--run-form
+   `(condition-case er
+        (let ((server-name (make-temp-file "bug-hunter-temp-server-file")))
+          (delete-file server-name)
+          ,@forms
+          (run-hooks 'after-init-hook)
+          ,assertion)
+      (error (cons 'bug-caught er)))))
+;;; The actual bisection
+(defun bug-hunter--split (l)
+  "Split list L in two lists of same size."
+  (seq-partition l (ceiling (/ (length l) 2.0))))
+(defun bug-hunter--bisect (assertion safe head &optional tail)
+  "Implementation used by `bug-hunter--bisect-start'.
+ASSERTION is received by `bug-hunter--bisect-start'.
+SAFE is a list of forms confirmed to not match the ASSERTION,
+HEAD is a list of forms to be tested now, and TAIL is a list
+which will be inspected if HEAD doesn't match ASSERTION."
+  (cond
+   ((not tail)
+    (vector (length safe)
+            ;; Sometimes we already ran this, sometimes not. So it's
+            ;; easier to just run it anyway to get the return value.
+            (bug-hunter--run-and-test (append safe head) assertion)))
+   ((and (message "Testing: %s/%s"
+           (cl-incf bug-hunter--i)
+           bug-hunter--estimate)
+         (setq bug-hunter--current-head head)
+         (bug-hunter--run-and-test (append safe head) assertion))
+    (apply #'bug-hunter--bisect
+      assertion
+      safe
+      (bug-hunter--split head)))
+   (t (apply #'bug-hunter--bisect
+        assertion
+        (append safe head)
+        (bug-hunter--split tail)))))
+(defun bug-hunter--bisect-start (forms assertion)
+  "Run a bisection search on list of FORMS using ASSERTION.
+Returns a vector [n value], where n is the position of the first
+element in FORMS which trigger ASSERTION, and value is the
+ASSERTION's return value.
+If ASSERTION is nil, n is the position of the first form to
+signal an error and value is (bug-caught . ERROR-SIGNALED)."
+  (let ((bug-hunter--i 0)
+        (bug-hunter--estimate (ceiling (log (length forms) 2)))
+        (bug-hunter--current-head nil))
+    (condition-case-unless-debug nil
+        (apply #'bug-hunter--bisect assertion nil (bug-hunter--split forms))
+      (quit `[nil (bug-caught user-aborted ,bug-hunter--current-head)]))))
+;;; Main functions
+(defun bug-hunter-hunt (rich-forms assertion)
+  "Bisect RICH-FORMS using ASSERTION.
+RICH-FORMS is a list with elements of the form: (EXPR LINE COL)
+    EXPR is an elisp expression.  LINE and COL are the coordinates
+    in `bug-hunter--current-file' where the expression starts.
+It is expected that one of EXPR is either throwing an error or
+causing some undesirable effect (which triggers ASSERTION).
+ASSERTION is either nil or an expression.
+    If nil, EXPRs are bisected until we find the first one that
+    throws errors.
+    If it is an expression, EXPRs are bisected by testing
+    ASSERTION.  It should return nil if all is fine (e.g. if used
+    with \"emacs -Q\"), and should return non-nil when a problem
+    is detected.
+Bug hunter will refuse to hunt if (i) an error is signaled or the
+assertion is triggered while running emacs -Q, or (ii) no errors
+are signaled and the assertion is not triggered after all EXPRs
+are evaluated."
+  (pop-to-buffer (bug-hunter--init-report-buffer))
+  (let ((expressions (unless (eq (car-safe rich-forms) 'bug-caught)
+                       (mapcar #'car rich-forms))))
+    (cond
+     ((not expressions)
+      (apply #'bug-hunter--report-error (cdr rich-forms))
+      (apply #'vector (cdr rich-forms)))
+     ;; Make sure there's a bug to hunt.
+     ((progn (bug-hunter--report "Doing some initial tests...")
+             (not (bug-hunter--run-and-test expressions assertion)))
+      (bug-hunter--report-user-error "Test failed.\n%s\n%s"
+        (if assertion
+            (concat "The assertion returned nil after loading the entire 
+                    bug-hunter--assertion-reminder)
+          "No errors signaled after loading the entire file. If you're
+looking for something that's not an error, you need to provide an
+assertion. See this link for some examples:
+    https://github.com/Bruce-Connor/elisp-bug-hunter";)
+        (or assertion "")))
+     ;; Make sure we're in a forest, not a volcano.
+     ((bug-hunter--run-and-test nil assertion)
+      (bug-hunter--report-user-error "Test failed.\n%s\n%s"
+        (if assertion
+            (concat "Assertion returned non-nil even on emacs -Q:"
+                    bug-hunter--assertion-reminder)
+          "Detected a signaled error even on emacs -Q. I'm sorry, but there
+is something seriously wrong with your Emacs installation.
+There's nothing more I can do here.")
+        (or assertion "")))
+     (t
+      ;; Perform the actual hunt.
+      (bug-hunter--report "Initial tests done. Hunting for the cause...")
+      (let* ((result (bug-hunter--bisect-start expressions assertion)))
+        (if (not result)
+            (bug-hunter--report-user-error "No problem was found, despite our 
initial tests.\n%s"
+              "I have no idea what's going on.")
+          (let* ((pos (elt result 0))
+                 (ret (elt result 1))
+                 (linecol (when pos (cdr (elt rich-forms pos))))
+                 (expression (when pos (elt expressions pos))))
+            (if (eq (car-safe ret) 'bug-caught)
+                (bug-hunter--report-error
+                 (cdr ret) (car linecol) (cadr linecol) expression)
+              (bug-hunter--report-error
+               (list 'assertion-triggered ret)
+               (car linecol) (cadr linecol) expression)))))))))
+(defun bug-hunter--read-from-minibuffer ()
+  "Read a list of expressions from the minibuffer.
+Wraps them in a progn if necessary."
+  (require 'simple)
+  (let ((exprs
+         (with-temp-buffer
+           ;; Copied from `read--expression'.
+           (let ((minibuffer-completing-symbol t))
+             (minibuffer-with-setup-hook
+                 (lambda ()
+                   ;; FIXME: call emacs-lisp-mode?
+                   (add-function :before-until (local 
+                                 #'elisp-eldoc-documentation-function)
+                   (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions
+                             #'elisp-completion-at-point nil t)
+                   (run-hooks 'eval-expression-minibuffer-setup-hook))
+               (insert
+                (read-from-minibuffer
+                 "Expression that returns nil if all is well (optional): "
+                 nil read-expression-map nil 'read-expression-history))))
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (mapcar #'car (bug-hunter--read-buffer)))))
+    (if (cdr exprs)
+        (cons #'progn exprs)
+      (car exprs))))
+(defun bug-hunter-file (file &optional assertion)
+  "Bisect FILE while testing ASSERTION.
+All sexps in FILE are read and passed to `bug-hunter-hunt' as a
+list.  See `bug-hunter-hunt' for how to use assertion."
+  (interactive
+   (list
+    (read-file-name "File to bisect: "
+                    (file-name-directory (or (buffer-file-name) "./"))
+                    nil t
+                    (file-name-nondirectory (or (buffer-file-name) "./")))
+    (bug-hunter--read-from-minibuffer)))
+  (let ((bug-hunter--current-file file))
+    (bug-hunter-hunt (bug-hunter--read-contents file) assertion)))
+(defun bug-hunter-init-file (&optional assertion)
+  "Test ASSERTION throughout `user-init-file'.
+All sexps inside `user-init-file' are read and passed to
+`bug-hunter-hunt' as a list.  See `bug-hunter-hunt' for how to use
+  (interactive (list (bug-hunter--read-from-minibuffer)))
+  (bug-hunter-file user-init-file assertion))
+(provide 'bug-hunter)
+;;; bug-hunter.el ends here

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