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[elpa] master 0e31fad: new package: iterators/iterators.el

From: Michael Heerdegen
Subject: [elpa] master 0e31fad: new package: iterators/iterators.el
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 10:13:30 +0000

branch: master
commit 0e31fad599d3cb159b7a4e9a5f902ffe548b1be5
Author: Michael Heerdegen <address@hidden>
Commit: Michael Heerdegen <address@hidden>

    new package: iterators/iterators.el
 packages/iterators/iterators.el |  389 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 389 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/iterators/iterators.el b/packages/iterators/iterators.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ee8aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/iterators/iterators.el
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+;;; iterators.el --- Functions for working with iterators  -*- 
lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2015 Michael Heerdegen
+;; Author: Michael Heerdegen <address@hidden>
+;; Maintainer: Michael Heerdegen <address@hidden>
+;; Created: Mar 18 2015
+;; Keywords: extensions, elisp
+;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs >=25
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25"))
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package extends "generator.el" with higher-level functions.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'generator)
+;; Basic stuff
+(defmacro iterator-make (&rest body)
+  "Create an anonymous iterator.
+This is equivalent to (funcall (iter-lambda () BODY...))"
+  `(funcall (iter-lambda () ,@body)))
+;; Special simple iterators
+(defun iterator-from-elts (&rest elements)
+  "Return an iterator generating the ELEMENTS."
+  (iterator-make (while elements (iter-yield (pop elements)))))
+(defun iterator-cycle-elts (&rest elements)
+  "Return an iterator cycling through the ELEMENTS.
+Unlike `iterator-from-elts', after the last of the ELEMENTS has been
+generated, the resulting iterator will generate all ELEMENTS
+again ad finitum."
+  (if (null elements)
+      (iterator-from-elts)
+    (setcdr (last elements) elements)
+    (iterator-make (while t (iter-yield (pop elements))))))
+(defun iterator--cons (val iterator)
+  (iterator-make
+   (iter-yield val)
+   (iter-yield-from iterator)))
+(defun iterator-iterate-function (function value)
+  "Return an iterator of repeated applications of FUNCTION to VALUE.
+The sequence of returned elements is starting with VALUE.  Any
+successive element will be found by calling FUNCTION on the
+preceding element."
+  (iterator--cons
+   value
+   (iterator-make
+    (while t (iter-yield (setq value (funcall function value)))))))
+(defun iterator-number-range (&optional start end inc)
+  "Return an iterator of a number range.
+START denotes the first number and defaults to 0.  The second,
+optional argument END specifies the upper limit (exclusively).
+If nil, the returned iterator is infinite.  INC is the increment
+used between the numbers and defaults to 1."
+  (let* ((inc   (or inc +1))
+         (start (or start 0))
+         (i start))
+    (if end
+        (let ((comp (if (> inc 0) #'< #'>)))
+          (iterator-make
+           (while (funcall comp i end)
+             (iter-yield (prog1 i (cl-incf i inc))))))
+      (iterator-make (while t (iter-yield (prog1 i (cl-incf i))))))))
+;; Operations on iterators, transducers
+(defun iterator-filter (predicate iterator)
+  "Return an iterator filtering ITERATOR with PREDICATE.
+This new iterator will return elements in the same order as
+ITERATOR, but only those that fulfill PREDICATE, a function that
+accepts one argument."
+  (iterator-make
+   (while t
+     (let ((el (iter-next iterator)))
+       (while (not (funcall predicate el))
+         (setq el (iter-next iterator)))
+       (iter-yield el)))))
+(defun iterator-delq (elt iterator)
+  "Return an iterator of the elements of ITERATOR not `eq' to ELT."
+  (iterator-filter (lambda (el) (not (eq el elt)))  iterator))
+(defun iterator-concatenate (&rest iterators)
+  "Concatenate the ITERATORS.
+Return a new iterator that returns the elements generated by
+each iterator in ITERATORS, in order.  The ITERATORS are each
+invoked to completion, in order."
+  (iterator-make
+   (let (current)
+     (while (setq current (pop iterators))
+       (iter-yield-from current)))))
+(defun iterator-map (function &rest iterators)
+  "Return an iterator mapping FUNCTION across ITERATORS.
+If there are several ITERATORS, FUNCTION is called with that
+many arguments.  The resulting iterator will produce elements as
+long as the shortest iterator does."
+  (iterator-make
+   (while t (iter-yield (apply function (mapcar #'iter-next iterators))))))
+(defun iterator-take-while (predicate iterator)
+  "Return an iterator representing a \"do-while\" loop.
+It will invoke ITERATOR to produce elements as long they fulfill
+PREDICATE and stop then."
+  (iterator-make
+   (let (el)
+     (while (funcall predicate (setq el (iter-next iterator)))
+       (iter-yield el)))))
+(defun iterator-take-until (predicate iterator)
+  "Return an iterator representing an \"until-do\" loop.
+It will invoke ITERATOR to produce elements until one fulfills
+PREDICATE.  It will stop after returning this element."
+  (iterator-make
+   (let (el)
+     (while (not (funcall predicate (setq el (iter-next iterator))))
+       (iter-yield el))
+     (iter-yield el))))
+(defun iterator-take (n iterator)
+  "Return an iterator of the first N elements of ITERATOR.
+This iterator generates at most the first N elements generated
+by ITERATOR, in order."
+  (iterator-make (while (>= (cl-decf n) 0)
+                   (iter-yield (iter-next iterator)))))
+(defun iterator-scan (function init iterator)
+  "Return an iterator of successive reduced values.
+If the elements generated by iterator i are i_1, i_2, ..., the
+elements s_1, s_2, ... of the iterator returned by
+\(iterator-scan f init i\) are defined recursively by
+  s_1     = init
+  s_(n+1) = (funcall f s_n  i_n)
+as long as i_n exists.
+Example: (iterator-scan #'* 1 (iterator-number-range 1))
+returns an iterator of the factorials."
+  (let ((res init))
+    (iterator--cons
+     res
+     (iterator-map (lambda (el) (setq res (funcall function res el)))
+                   iterator))))
+;; Iteration
+(defun iterator-flush (iterator)
+  "Request all elements from ITERATOR, for side effects only."
+  (condition-case nil
+      (while t (iter-next iterator))
+    (iter-end-of-sequence nil)))
+;; Processing elements
+(defun iterator-reduce (function init iterator)
+  "Reduce two-argument FUNCTION across ITERATOR starting with INIT.
+This is the same value as the expression
+  (iter-last (iterator-scan function init iterator))
+would return."
+  (let ((res init))
+    (iterator-flush (iterator-map (lambda (el) (setq res (funcall function res 
el))) iterator))
+    res))
+(defun iterator-to-list (iterator)
+  "Convert ITERATOR into a list.
+Run ITERATOR until it runs out of elements and return a list of
+the generated elements."
+  (nreverse (iterator-reduce (lambda (x y) (cons y x)) () iterator)))
+(defun iterator-last (iterator)
+  "Request all elements from ITERATOR and return the last one."
+  (let ((el (iter-next iterator)))
+    (condition-case nil
+        (while t (setq el (iter-next iterator)))
+      (iter-end-of-sequence el))))
+(defun iterator-count (iterator)
+  "Request all elements from ITERATOR and return their count."
+  (iterator-reduce (lambda (s _el) (1+ s)) 0 iterator))
+(defun iterator-some (predicate &rest iterators)
+  "Return non-nil if PREDICATE is true for any element of ITER or ITERs.
+If so, return the true (non-nil) value returned by PREDICATE.
+\n(fn PREDICATE ITER...)"
+  (catch 'success
+    (iterator-flush
+     (apply #'iterator-map
+            (lambda (&rest elts) (let (res) (when (setq res (apply predicate 
+                                         (throw 'success res))))
+            iterators))
+    nil))
+(defun iterator-every (predicate &rest iterators)
+  "Return non-nil if PREDICATE is true for every element of ITER or ITERs.
+\n(fn PREDICATE ITER...)"
+  (not (apply #'iterator-some (lambda (&rest args) (not (apply predicate 
args))) iterators)))
+(defun iterator-max (iterator &optional function)
+  "Return an element of finite ITERATOR maximizing FUNCTION.
+Request all elements from ITERATOR and pass them to FUNCTION, a
+one-argument function that must return a number.  Return an
+element for which FUNCTION was maximal.  Raise an error if
+ITERATOR produced no elements.  FUNCTION defaults to `identity'.
+Example: if ITERATOR is an iterator of lists, this would return
+a longest generated list: (iterator-max iterator #'length)."
+  (let ((first (iter-next iterator))
+        (function (or function #'identity)))
+    (iterator-reduce
+     (lambda (x y) (if (< (funcall function x) (funcall function y))  y  x))
+     first iterator)))
+(defun iterator-min (iterator &optional function)
+  "Return an element of ITERATOR that minimizes FUNCTION.
+Request all elements from ITERATOR and pass them to FUNCTION, a
+one-argument function that must return a number.  Return an
+element for which FUNCTION was minimal.  Raise an error if
+ITERATOR produced no elements.  FUNCTION defaults to `identity'."
+  (let ((function (or function #'identity)))
+    (iterator-max iterator (lambda (x) (- (funcall function x))))))
+(defun iterator-mapconcat (function iterator separator)
+  "Apply FUNCTION to each element of ITERATOR, and concat the results as 
+In between of each pair of results, stick in SEPARATOR.  This is
+like `mapconcat', but for iterators."
+  (let ((first (iter-next iterator)))
+    (iterator-reduce (lambda (x y) (concat x separator y))
+                     (funcall function first)
+                     (iterator-map function iterator))))
+;;; ILists - "Delayed" lists via iterators
+(defconst ilist--last-link-tag 'ilist--last-link-tag)
+(defun iterator-to-ilist (iterator)
+  "Return an ilist using ITERATOR to produce elements."
+  (cons ilist--last-link-tag iterator))
+(defmacro ilist-make (expr)
+  "Return an ilist calling an iterator using EXPR to produce elements."
+  `(iterator-to-ilist (iterator-make ,expr)))
+(defconst ilist-null
+  (cons ilist--last-link-tag nil)
+  "A distinguished empty ilist.")
+(defun ilistp (object)
+  "Return t if OBJECT is an ilist, that is, a cons cell or nil.
+Otherwise, return nil."
+  (listp object))
+(defun ilist-car (ilist)
+  "Return the first element of ILIST.
+Error if arg is not nil and not a cons cell."
+  (if (eq (car ilist) ilist--last-link-tag)
+      (let ((iterator (cdr ilist)) new-el)
+        (if (null iterator) nil
+          (condition-case nil
+              (prog1 (setq new-el (iter-next iterator))
+                (setcar ilist new-el)
+                (setcdr ilist (cons ilist--last-link-tag iterator)))
+            (iter-end-of-sequence (setcdr ilist nil)
+                                  nil))))
+    (car ilist)))
+(defun ilist-empty-p (ilist)
+  "Return t if ILIST is empty."
+  (ignore (ilist-car ilist))
+  (null (cdr ilist)))
+(defun ilist-cdr (ilist)
+  "Return the `ilist-cdr' of ILIST.
+Error if arg is not nil and not a cons cell."
+  (if (ilist-empty-p ilist) ilist (cdr ilist)))
+(defun ilist-cons (el ilist)
+  "Return a new ilist with EL as `ilist-car' ILIST as `ilist-cdr'."
+  (cons el ilist))
+(defun ilist-nthcdr (n ilist)
+  "Take `ilist-cdr' N times on ILIST, return the result."
+  (cl-dotimes (_ n) (cl-callf ilist-cdr ilist))
+  ilist)
+(defun ilist-nth (n ilist)
+  "Return the Nth element of ILIST.
+N counts from zero.  If ILIST is not that long, nil is returned."
+  (ilist-car (ilist-nthcdr n ilist)))
+(defun ilist-to-iterator (ilist)
+  "Return an iterator generating the elements of ILIST.
+The structure of ILIST is updated as side effect if new elements
+are generated by the returned iterator which were not yet
+created in ILIST."
+  (iterator-make
+   (while (not (ilist-empty-p ilist))
+     (prog1 (iter-yield (ilist-car ilist))
+       (cl-callf ilist-cdr ilist)))))
+(defun ilist-mapcar (function ilist)
+  "Apply FUNCTION to each element of ILIST, and make an ilist of the results.
+The result is an ilist just as long as ILIST."
+  (iterator-to-ilist
+   (iterator-map function (ilist-to-iterator ilist))))
+(defun ilist (&rest objects)
+  "Return a newly created ilist with specified arguments as elements."
+  (nconc objects ilist-null))
+(defun list-to-ilist (list)
+  "Convert LIST into an ilist.
+The result is an ilist containing the same elements as LIST in
+the same order.  This is a destructive operation modifying LIST."
+  (nconc list ilist-null))
+(defun ilist-to-list (ilist)
+  "Return a list of all elements of ILIST.
+All elements of ILIST are generated as side effect."
+  (let ((elts '()))
+    (while (not (ilist-empty-p ilist))
+      (push (ilist-car ilist) elts)
+      (cl-callf ilist-cdr ilist))
+    (nreverse elts)))
+(defun ilist-concatenate (&rest ilists)
+  "Concatenate the ILISTS into a new ilist and return the result.
+New elements in the argument ilists are generated when being
+referenced in the concatenated ilist.  Apart from that, the
+argument ilists are not modified."
+  (iterator-to-ilist
+   (apply #'iterator-concatenate
+          (mapcar #'ilist-to-iterator ilists))))
+(define-error 'empty-ilist "Empty ilist")
+(defun ilist-setcar (ilist object)
+  "Set the first element of ILIST to OBJECT.
+Error if ILIST is empty.  Returns OBJECT."
+  (if (ilist-empty-p ilist)
+      (signal 'empty-ilist nil)
+    (setcar ilist object)))
+(defun ilist-setcdr (ilist newcdr)
+  "Set the `ilist-cdr' of ILIST to NEWCDR.
+Error if ILIST is empty.  Returns NEWCDR."
+  (if (ilist-empty-p ilist)
+      (signal 'empty-ilist nil)
+    (setcdr ilist newcdr)))
+(provide 'iterators)
+;;; iterators.el ends here

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