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[elpa] master updated (a0561bf -> 1f3fa31)

From: Oleh Krehel
Subject: [elpa] master updated (a0561bf -> 1f3fa31)
Date: Tue, 08 Dec 2015 10:49:31 +0000

abo_abo pushed a change to branch master.

      from  a0561bf   Merge commit '97c2270f7138530de21f773f094c1495498cac78' 
from hydra
       new  a71d5c8   ivy.el (ivy--insert-prompt): Improve truncation
       new  4ad797b   Improve "C-g" out of a long-running async process
       new  e70ca07   ivy.el (ivy-call): "C-M-n" should not leave the minibuffer
       new  19d2a40   Add flx sorting
       new  41b5850   ivy.el (ivy--regex-fuzzy): Add minibuffer highlighting
       new  6bf3239   ivy.el (ivy-yank-word): Add only one space each time
       new  c89c167   Specify shell command for counsel-git-grep with prefix arg
       new  1c1e6fc   ivy.el (ivy--reset-state): Less strict on :preselect
       new  f04aec8   ivy-hydra.el: Bind "t" to toggle-truncate-lines
       new  3146501   ivy.el (ivy-resume): Don't regexp-quote preselect
       new  82a317c   Make swiper compatible with visual-line-mode
       new  73e5799   Fix counsel-git-grep not updating to 0 candidates
       new  ff077c6   counsel.el (counsel--gg-candidates): Use 
       new  cbaa811   Use forward-line instead of line-move if possible
       new  45b54e3   counsel.el (counsel--gg-count): Fix for "'" in query
       new  dfb41d0   Implement ivy-avy
       new  eda091b   Customize ivy-avy and fix compile warnings
       new  fa49a81   Fix "End of buffer" for swiper and visual-line-mode
       new  4e0c3f1   swiper-avy: show avy hints in minibuffer as well
       new  52c9565   swiper.el (swiper--candidates): Avoid line-move for large 
       new  21b9edf   Fix up visual-line-mode limitation logic
       new  1714220   swiper.el (swiper-font-lock-ensure): Exclude help-mode
       new  47a220d   Support hash tables in ivy-read
       new  6db3d54   ivy.el (ivy--insert-prompt): Use newlines instead of 
       new  126158d   ivy.el (ivy--filter): Anchor only for swiper
       new  b9d0502   ivy.el (ivy--filter): Fix typo
       new  6956311   Adjust ivy-state-preselect for file name completion
       new  800e640   Fix "M-o k" when switching buffers
       new  6e3c692   Fix ivy-state-preselect for file name completion
       new  ef189f1   ivy.el (ivy-count-format): Extend customize choices
       new  4a04d6e   Default ivy-display-style to 'fancy for Emacs>=24.5
       new  4045349   ivy.el (ivy-use-virtual-buffers): Update docstring
       new  c69b4b6   ivy.el (ivy-last): Update docstring
       new  6f4d46b   Fix preselect for input "^"
       new  99698e6   ivy.el (ivy-dispatching-call): Add and bind to "C-M-o"
       new  3a3b052   swiper.el: Add a lot of avy declares
       new  f9df75e   ivy.el (ivy-index-functions-alist): New variable
       new  fa0d04c   Move setq ivy--index to ivy--recompute-index
       new  83f704b   ivy-hydra.el (hydra-ivy): Make the docstring a rectangle
       new  b06daca   ivy.el (ivy-virtual-abbreviate): New defcustom
       new  3699fa9   Don't reset the match to first if the current one still 
       new  b6d476a   ivy.el (ivy--recompute-index): Fixup
       new  0630395   Fix the count when git-grep for "->foo"
       new  340318d   ivy-count-format must be an empty string instead of nil
       new  877648a   ivy.el (ivy-case-fold-search): New defvar
       new  e722d6a   swiper.el (swiper-mc): Add and bind to "C-7"
       new  c99956a   Fix window selection in counsel-locate
       new  85682ee   Fix "C-x h" selection and "C-b" bug
       new  713fd6d   Try to fix the previous commit
       new  9cc75eb   Adjust the swiper regexp builder for the display change
       new  79924dc   swiper.el (swiper--re-builder): Fix "^a" -> "^" case
       new  3ae4f1a   ivy-test.el (swiper--re-builder): Update
       new  2404db1   Add feedback for long-running async processes
       new  e5105ef   Don't re-anchor to matching old candidate if flx is on
       new  f4bd3a4   counsel.el (counsel-ag): Add initial-directory
       new  f00696a   ivy.el (ivy-extra-directories): Improve :type
       new  e338785   ivy.el (ivy-sort-functions-alist): Upgrade to defcustom
       new  2ae7d74   Fix the count in user-specified counsel-git-grep
       new  d4d53d8   ivy.el (ivy-partial): Fix for fuzzy completion
       new  2386277   ivy.el (ivy-resume): Pass caller
       new  607fd1f   Bring back the lost perfect match logic
       new  fd19ab1   Add a test for the perfect match logic
       new  f0acebd   Fix Custom menus
       new  dfd6204   Fix pasting file paths on Windows
       new  71695df   "C-j" should not stop completion for a pasted file path
       new  f6dd9cd   ivy.el (ivy-alt-done): Fix up last commit
       new  1af25f6   swiper.el (swiper-font-lock-ensure): Amend exception list
       new  a11c978   ivy-immediate-done should use ivy--directory
       new  5f22310   counsel.el (counsel-git): Update default-directory
       new  dc84ba3   Rename and move the minibuffer faces
       new  183b803   Use a specific blending method for dark themes
       new  f9ef307   Improve the preselect index in ivy-resume
       new  47f53b6   counsel.el (counsel--find-symbol): Resolve name clash 
       new  297f48a   ivy.el: "M-n" should prefer url at point to symbol at 
       new  f60d10e   "C-x C-f M-n" can call ffap-url-fetcher when at URL
       new  0e6c13b   swiper.el (swiper-font-lock-ensure): Exclude 
       new  70f6055   counsel.el (counsel-git-grep-query-replace): Add and bind 
to "M-q"
       new  d8673f8   ivy.el (ffap): Move require
       new  f5b8bf2   Highlight modified file buffers with 'ivy-modified-buffer 
       new  202546b   swiper.el (swiper-mc): Update
       new  bd93a0f   ivy.el (ivy-state): Add a new field BUFFER
       new  576563d   ivy.el (with-ivy-window): Ensure window is live
       new  2f1133a   ivy.el (ivy-occur): Add and bind to "C-c o"
       new  16ccb0f   swiper.el (swiper-font-lock-ensure): Exclude 
       new  e9ba89e   Make ivy work with enable-recursive-minibuffers
       new  d41cc69   Pulse after ivy-occur-press
       new  86d0884   fix 1-too-far scrolling issue
       new  7a069be   ivy.el (ivy-occur-press): Work with counsel-rhythmbox
       new  c6cc3f9   counsel.el (counsel-rhythmbox): Add :caller
       new  2797a9b   ivy.el (ivy-minibuffer-map): Bind "C-M-a" to 
       new  564e235   ivy.el (ivy-occur-press): Extend with-ivy-window
       new  7317848   counsel.el (counsel-M-x): Add "definition" action
       new  6b612cf   Rebind ivy-occur to "C-c C-o" and "C-o u"
       new  b91870e   Fix /ssh: and /sudo:: broken in 71695df
       new  b948987   Input "/sudo::" goes to current directory instead of 
root's home
       new  6afce97   counsel.el (counsel-git-grep-query-replace): Should exit 
       new  adf7fd3   swiper.el (swiper--add-overlays): Take extra WND arg
       new  32025e5   Add a better ivy-occur pulse to swiper and 
       new  6666cf8   Fix directory validity check
       new  d5489af   doc/ivy.org: Start writing a manual
       new  e037fb0   counsel.el (counsel-M-x): Show current-prefix-arg in the 
       new  b39e20c   ivy.el (ivy-alt-done): Ensure the trailing slash for 
       new  7cf7575   swiper.el (swiper-toggle-face-matching): Add and bind to 
"C-c C-f"
       new  d89abf2   counsel.el (counsel--find-symbol): Silence byte compiler
       new  4544c69   ivy.el (ivy-dispatching-done): Don't set action 
       new  660e293   Allow counsel-git-grep -> ivy-occur -> wgrep
       new  dcc747b   ivy.el (ivy-occur-mode-map): Bind "q" to quit-window
       new  c580fe9   ivy.el (ivy-occur): Give full counsel-git-grep cands
       new  c4562e0   swiper.el (swiper-font-lock-ensure): Add occur-mode
       new  57800f6   swiper.el (swiper-font-lock-ensure): Add eww-mode
       new  6e9ab3d   swiper.el: Add support for evil-jumper/backward
       new  5d90542   ivy.el (ivy-sort-functions-alist): Update doc
       new  f246178   ivy.el (ivy-prefix-sort): New defcustom, off by default 
for now
       new  7397bec   Allow user-specified matched candidate sorting
       new  073b071   Allow to sort files by last modification time.
       new  044307d   ivy.el (ivy--sort-files-by-date): Fix due to destructive 
       new  2a0a25d   counsel.el (counsel-locate): Add INTIAL-INPUT arg
       new  5a99dda   ivy.el (ivy--truncate-string): New defun
       new  ce557d1   swiper.el (swiper--candidates): Replace "\t" with "    "
       new  d434071   swiper.el (swiper-all): New command to swiper all file 
       new  c4c1878   Fix swiper preselect issue with similar or identical lines
       new  bb68b67   Intermediate fix for :preselect with visual-line-mode
       new  63f3498   Add precise preselect for swiper with visual-line-mode
       new  5751119   README.md: Add more bindings
       new  85bd44b   swiper.el: Modify the behavior with org-mode and 
       new  adac116   Make ivy-completing-read handle history as cons
       new  8fdf210   Switch to using ivy-exit-with-action
       new  e47ec14   ivy.el (ivy-completing-read): Fix off by one
       new  39e6733   Improve ivy TRAMP support
       new  63e714c   Allow access to TRAMP from "// C-j"
       new  59df2e9   ivy.el (ivy-alt-done): Refactor
       new  0c62f7e   ivy.el (ivy-alt-done): Split into smaller defuns
       new  d9ecd2e   Fix the preselect for (swiper "one")
       new  ed2367b   swiper.el (swiper--candidates): Require outline
       new  ce6ab7a   Perform string-match in the original buffer
       new  3101efd   swiper.el (swiper--action): push-mark only if exited the 
       new  bc00eaf   Fix `counsel-ag` on Windows
       new  1cf32c8   ivy.org manual edits
       new  84533bb   Minor fixes to ivy.org and export to ivy.texi
       new  1bf4ae2   Warn the user about the behavior of 
       new  80d4dde   Fix broken candidate index in ivy-resume
       new  99d214d   Ivy-resume should restore the buffer for swiper
       new  8abed59   Add counsel-grep
       new  74bb138   Update ivy format functions.
       new  3b67044   Convert ivy formatting functions to dotted pairs.
       new  2bec99d   Ease production of functions like 
       new  7377445   Edit documentation strings in ivy.el
       new  5cfe6e6   Fixes on the previous docstring edits
       new  8dd88e4   doc/Changelog.org: Update up to 2bec99d
       new  c546ae4   Enable recursive swiper calls
       new  0332b3e   Remove 'field text property for twittering-mode
       new  ac09f6b   Fix the issue caused by recursive swiper calls
       new  b57c57d   Fix the preselect for (swiper "one") again
       new  1cceac1   Fix ivy-resume issue caused by the recursive calls change
       new  a34e532   swiper.el: Use show-all if outline-show-all isn't there
       new  a585fcd   Fix due to visual-line-mode weirdness
       new  17872ba   ivy.el: Structure all faces into ivy-faces custom group
       new  ed9169d   swiper.el (swiper--update-input-ivy): Add a work-around 
for "M-j"
       new  435e9d4   Use :caller for ivy-re-builders-alist
       new  706349f   swiper.el (swiper-font-lock-ensure): Add vc-dir-mode
       new  5a6217a   counsel.el (counsel-tmm): New command
       new  c5661c0   ivy.el (ivy-completing-read): Use completing-read-default 
for tmm
       new  2a55ada   doc/Changelog.org: Update up to 706349f
       new  98a4548   swiper.el: Bump version to 0.7.0
       new  1992f44   doc/ivy.texi: Re-export using adjusted texinfo exporter
       new  e264139   doc/ivy.org: Add "Variable Index" node
       new  1f3fa31   Merge commit 'e264139e7fafbd1bbb68f9cef6d1c50b8e6cf1f3' 
from swiper

Summary of changes:
 packages/swiper/README.md         |   19 +-
 packages/swiper/colir.el          |    5 +-
 packages/swiper/counsel.el        |  297 +++++++--
 packages/swiper/doc/Changelog.org |  322 ++++++++-
 packages/swiper/doc/ivy.org       |  476 ++++++++++++
 packages/swiper/doc/ivy.texi      |  591 +++++++++++++++
 packages/swiper/doc/style.css     |  107 +++
 packages/swiper/ivy-hydra.el      |   22 +-
 packages/swiper/ivy-test.el       |   32 +-
 packages/swiper/ivy.el            | 1447 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 packages/swiper/swiper.el         |  451 ++++++++----
 11 files changed, 3158 insertions(+), 611 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 packages/swiper/doc/ivy.org
 create mode 100644 packages/swiper/doc/ivy.texi
 create mode 100644 packages/swiper/doc/style.css

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