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[elpa] master ded0923 088/272: Customize ivy-occur per command with ivy-

From: Oleh Krehel
Subject: [elpa] master ded0923 088/272: Customize ivy-occur per command with ivy-set-occur
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 10:13:18 +0000

branch: master
commit ded092351a7343e53504de5b7a62936bf95937f1
Author: Oleh Krehel <address@hidden>
Commit: Oleh Krehel <address@hidden>

    Customize ivy-occur per command with ivy-set-occur
    * ivy.el (ivy--occurs-list): New defvar.
    (ivy-set-occur): New API function for defining custom occur behavior.
    (ivy--occur-insert-lines): New defun.
    (ivy-occur): Simplify, move counsel-git-grep specific stuff away.
    * counsel.el (counsel-git-grep-occur): New defun.  Sets up an occur
    buffer with a mode that derives from `grep-mode' that means that the
    error functions (`next-error' etc) etc are available. Also allows to
    edit the contents with `wgrep' by pressing "C-x C-q".
    * swiper.el (swiper-occur): New defun, similar to
      `counsel-git-grep-occur'. Except it turns off `font-lock-mode' to keep
      the original syntax-highlighted faces.
    (swiper--action): Update to make it work from ivy-occur buffers.
 counsel.el |   23 +++++++++++++++++
 ivy.el     |   80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
 swiper.el  |   80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 3 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/counsel.el b/counsel.el
index d5eadbd..4432b61 100644
--- a/counsel.el
+++ b/counsel.el
@@ -451,6 +451,29 @@ INITIAL-INPUT can be given as the initial minibuffer 
               :history 'counsel-git-grep-history
               :caller 'counsel-git-grep)))
+(defun counsel-git-grep-occur ()
+  "Generate a custom occur buffer for `counsel-git-grep'."
+  (ivy-occur-grep-mode)
+  (setq default-directory counsel--git-grep-dir)
+  (let ((cands (split-string
+                (shell-command-to-string
+                 (format counsel-git-grep-cmd
+                         (if (stringp ivy--old-re)
+                             ivy--old-re
+                           (caar ivy--old-re))))
+                "\n"
+                t)))
+    ;; Need precise number of header lines for `wgrep' to work.
+    (insert (format "-*- mode:grep; default-directory: %S -*-\n\n\n"
+                    default-directory))
+    (insert (format "%d candidates:\n" (length cands)))
+    (ivy--occur-insert-lines
+     (mapcar
+      (lambda (cand) (concat "./" cand))
+      cands))))
+(ivy-set-occur 'counsel-git-grep 'counsel-git-grep-occur)
 (defcustom counsel-find-file-at-point nil
   "When non-nil, add file-at-point to the list of candidates."
   :type 'boolean
diff --git a/ivy.el b/ivy.el
index 86e0bac..3d844d3 100644
--- a/ivy.el
+++ b/ivy.el
@@ -2611,7 +2611,23 @@ buffer would modify `ivy-last'.")
-(defvar counsel-git-grep-cmd)
+(defvar ivy--occurs-list nil
+  "A list of custom occur generators per command.")
+(defun ivy-set-occur (cmd occur)
+  "Assign CMD a custom OCCUR function."
+  (setq ivy--occurs-list
+        (plist-put ivy--occurs-list cmd occur)))
+(defun ivy--occur-insert-lines (cands)
+  (dolist (str cands)
+    (add-text-properties
+     0 (length str)
+     `(mouse-face
+       highlight
+       help-echo "mouse-1: call ivy-action")
+     str)
+    (insert str "\n")))
 (defun ivy-occur ()
   "Stop completion and put the current matches into a new buffer.
@@ -2623,51 +2639,29 @@ a mouse click will call the appropriate action for that 
 There is no limit on the number of *ivy-occur* buffers."
-  (let ((buffer
-         (generate-new-buffer
-          (format "*ivy-occur%s \"%s\"*"
-                  (let (caller)
-                    (if (setq caller (ivy-state-caller ivy-last))
-                        (concat " " (prin1-to-string caller))
-                      ""))
-                  ivy-text)))
-        (do-grep (eq (ivy-state-caller ivy-last) 'counsel-git-grep)))
+  (let* ((caller (ivy-state-caller ivy-last))
+         (occur-fn (plist-get ivy--occurs-list caller))
+         (buffer
+          (generate-new-buffer
+           (format "*ivy-occur%s \"%s\"*"
+                   (if caller
+                       (concat " " (prin1-to-string caller))
+                     "")
+                   ivy-text))))
     (with-current-buffer buffer
-      (if do-grep
-          (progn
-            (setq ivy--old-cands
-                  (split-string
-                   (shell-command-to-string
-                    (format counsel-git-grep-cmd
-                            (if (stringp ivy--old-re)
-                                ivy--old-re
-                              (caar ivy--old-re))))
-                   "\n"
-                   t))
-            (ivy-occur-grep-mode))
-        (ivy-occur-mode))
-      (setf (ivy-state-text ivy-last) ivy-text)
-      (setq ivy-occur-last ivy-last)
-      (setq-local ivy--directory ivy--directory)
       (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
-        (when do-grep
-          ;; Need precise number of header lines for `wgrep' to work.
-          (insert (format "-*- mode:grep; default-directory: %S -*-\n\n\n"
-                          (setq default-directory
-                                counsel--git-grep-dir))))
-        (insert (format "%d candidates:\n" (length ivy--old-cands)))
-        (dolist (cand ivy--old-cands)
-          (let ((str (if do-grep
-                         (concat "./" cand)
-                       (concat "    " cand))))
-            (add-text-properties
-             0 (length str)
-             `(mouse-face
-               highlight
-               help-echo "mouse-1: call ivy-action")
-             str)
-            (insert str "\n")))))
+        (if occur-fn
+            (funcall occur-fn)
+          (ivy-occur-mode)
+          (insert (format "%d candidates:\n" (length ivy--old-cands)))
+          (ivy--occur-insert-lines
+           (mapcar
+            (lambda (cand) (concat "    " cand))
+            ivy--old-cands))))
+      (setf (ivy-state-text ivy-last) ivy-text)
+      (setq ivy-occur-last ivy-last)
+      (setq-local ivy--directory ivy--directory))
      `(lambda (_) (pop-to-buffer ,buffer)))))
diff --git a/swiper.el b/swiper.el
index 888b015..c183b1b 100644
--- a/swiper.el
+++ b/swiper.el
@@ -325,6 +325,36 @@ When non-nil, INITIAL-INPUT is the initial search pattern."
   (swiper--ivy initial-input))
+(defun swiper-occur ()
+  "Generate a custom occur buffer for `swiper'."
+  (ivy-occur-grep-mode)
+  (font-lock-mode -1)
+  (let* ((fname (propertize
+                 (with-ivy-window
+                   (file-name-nondirectory
+                    (buffer-file-name)))
+                 'face
+                 'compilation-info))
+         (cands (mapcar
+                 (lambda (s)
+                   (format "%s:%s:%s"
+                           fname
+                           (propertize
+                            (string-trim-right
+                             (get-text-property 0 'display s))
+                            'face 'compilation-line-number)
+                           (substring s 1)))
+                 ivy--old-cands)))
+    (insert (format "-*- mode:grep; default-directory: %S -*-\n\n\n"
+                    default-directory))
+    (insert (format "%d candidates:\n" (length cands)))
+    (ivy--occur-insert-lines
+     (mapcar
+      (lambda (cand) (concat "./" cand))
+      cands))))
+(ivy-set-occur 'swiper 'swiper-occur)
 (declare-function evil-jumper--set-jump "ext:evil-jumper")
 (defvar swiper--current-line nil)
@@ -537,29 +567,33 @@ WND, when specified is the window."
 (defun swiper--action (x)
   "Goto line X."
-  (if (null x)
-      (user-error "No candidates")
-    (with-ivy-window
-      (unless (equal (current-buffer)
-                     (ivy-state-buffer ivy-last))
-        (switch-to-buffer (ivy-state-buffer ivy-last)))
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (funcall (if swiper-use-visual-line
-                   #'line-move
-                 #'forward-line)
-               (1- (read (get-text-property 0 'display x))))
-      (re-search-forward
-       (ivy--regex ivy-text) (line-end-position) t)
-      (swiper--ensure-visible)
-      (when (/= (point) swiper--opoint)
-        (unless (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
-          (when (eq ivy-exit 'done)
-            (push-mark swiper--opoint t)
-            (message "Mark saved where search started"))))
-      (add-to-history
-       'regexp-search-ring
-       (ivy--regex ivy-text)
-       regexp-search-ring-max))))
+  (let ((ln (1- (read (if (memq this-command '(ivy-occur-press))
+                          (when (string-match ":\\([0-9]+\\):.*\\'" x)
+                            (match-string-no-properties 1 x))
+                        (get-text-property 0 'display x)))))
+        (re (ivy--regex ivy-text)))
+    (if (null x)
+        (user-error "No candidates")
+      (with-ivy-window
+        (unless (equal (current-buffer)
+                       (ivy-state-buffer ivy-last))
+          (switch-to-buffer (ivy-state-buffer ivy-last)))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (funcall (if swiper-use-visual-line
+                     #'line-move
+                   #'forward-line)
+                 ln)
+        (re-search-forward re (line-end-position) t)
+        (swiper--ensure-visible)
+        (when (/= (point) swiper--opoint)
+          (unless (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
+            (when (eq ivy-exit 'done)
+              (push-mark swiper--opoint t)
+              (message "Mark saved where search started"))))
+        (add-to-history
+         'regexp-search-ring
+         re
+         regexp-search-ring-max)))))
 ;; (define-key isearch-mode-map (kbd "C-o") 'swiper-from-isearch)
 (defun swiper-from-isearch ()

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