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[elpa] master 924969d 095/215: ipdb: add tab completion

From: Rocky Bernstein
Subject: [elpa] master 924969d 095/215: ipdb: add tab completion
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 14:48:56 +0000 (UTC)

branch: master
commit 924969d35faeed6e809d55e3a2a005d14aa1db3d
Author: Sean Farley <address@hidden>
Commit: Sean Farley <address@hidden>

    ipdb: add tab completion
 realgud/debugger/ipdb/core.el |   65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 realgud/debugger/ipdb/ipdb.el |    1 +
 2 files changed, 66 insertions(+)

diff --git a/realgud/debugger/ipdb/core.el b/realgud/debugger/ipdb/core.el
index fa697f8..43a42c5 100644
--- a/realgud/debugger/ipdb/core.el
+++ b/realgud/debugger/ipdb/core.el
@@ -195,6 +195,71 @@ breakpoints, etc.)."
 ;;   (setcdr (assq 'ipdb-debugger-support-minor-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
 ;;       ipdb-debugger-support-minor-mode-map-when-deactive))
+(defun realgud:ipdb-backend-complete ()
+  "Send a command to the ipdb buffer and parse the output.
+The idea here is to rely on the
+`comint-redirect-send-command-to-process' function to send a
+python command that will return the completions for the given
+input. Specifically, here is the python code:
+>>> from IPython import get_ipython
+>>> comp = '''%s'''
+>>> ';'.join(get_ipython().complete(comp.split()[-1] if len(comp)else '', 
+This returns a list of strings that match the current word (hence
+why we need the `bounds-of-thing-at-point')."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((buffer (current-buffer))
+        (cmdbuf (realgud-get-cmdbuf))
+        (process (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
+        (end-position (point))
+        (bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'word))
+        )
+    ;; get the input string
+    (save-excursion
+      (comint-goto-process-mark)
+      (let* ((start-position (point))
+             (input-str (buffer-substring-no-properties start-position
+                                                        end-position))
+             )
+        (when (not (= (length input-str) 0))
+          (let* ((python-str (concat
+                              "from IPython import get_ipython; "
+                              "comp = '''%s''';"
+                              "';'.join(get_ipython()"
+                              ".complete(comp.split()[-1] if len(comp)"
+                              "else '', comp)[1])"))
+                 (command-str (format python-str input-str))
+                 (output-str (with-temp-buffer
+                               (let ((tmpbuf (current-buffer)))
+                                 (comint-redirect-send-command-to-process
+                                  command-str tmpbuf process nil t)
+                                 ;; Wait for the process to complete
+                                 (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
+                                 (while (null comint-redirect-completed)
+                                   (accept-process-output nil 0 5)) ;; wait 5ms
+                                 (set-buffer tmpbuf)
+                                 (buffer-substring (1+ (point-min))
+                                                   (1- (1- (point-max)))))))
+                 )
+            ;; we need to change the start position to that of the current word
+            ;; since python returns just the word (and not the whole line)
+            (setq start-position (car bounds))
+            (list start-position
+                  end-position
+                  (split-string output-str ";"))))))))
+(defun realgud:ipdb-completion-at-point ()
+  (let ((ipdb (realgud:ipdb-backend-complete)))
+    (when ipdb
+      (list (nth 0 ipdb)
+            (nth 1 ipdb)
+            (nth 2 ipdb)
+            :exclusive 'yes))))
 (defun realgud:ipdb-customize ()
   "Use `customize' to edit the settings of the `ipdb' debugger."
diff --git a/realgud/debugger/ipdb/ipdb.el b/realgud/debugger/ipdb/ipdb.el
index 29d0540..4f12301 100644
--- a/realgud/debugger/ipdb/ipdb.el
+++ b/realgud/debugger/ipdb/ipdb.el
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ This should be an executable on your path, or an absolute 
file name."
 (declare-function ipdb-track-mode       'realgud:ipdb-track)
 (declare-function ipdb-query-cmdline    'realgud:ipdb-core)
 (declare-function ipdb-parse-cmd-args   'realgud:ipdb-core)
+(declare-function realgud:ipdb-completion-at-point 'realgud:ipdb-core)
 (declare-function realgud:run-debugger 'realgud:run)

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