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[elpa] externals/ebdb a94483d 122/350: Refinements to snarfing

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: [elpa] externals/ebdb a94483d 122/350: Refinements to snarfing
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 11:46:19 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/ebdb
commit a94483de96a355bd94e730e91abae4743a8eafd0
Author: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
Commit: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>

    Refinements to snarfing
    * ebdb-snarf.el: Various improvements to snarfing. Getting closer to a
      generalized version that will be field-class agnostic.
    * ebdb.org: Mention in manual.
 ebdb-snarf.el | 194 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 ebdb.org      |  16 +++++
 2 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ebdb-snarf.el b/ebdb-snarf.el
index 6e039fd..aaa0eb9 100644
--- a/ebdb-snarf.el
+++ b/ebdb-snarf.el
@@ -36,6 +36,18 @@
 ;; responsible for prompting the user to actually create or update
 ;; records, and for displaying the results.
+;; Right now all the code does is search for mail addresses.  A more
+;; generalized version might involve a defcustom called
+;; `ebdb-snarf-routines'.  This should be an alist whose elements look
+;; like (ebdb-field-class "regexp one" "regexp two" ...).  Or,
+;; construct this list from other field-class-specific lists.
+;; Anyway, the idea is that we blindly scan the snarf buffer for the
+;; regexps in that list, construct the appropriate record or field
+;; instances, group them using calls to `ebdb-string' and
+;; `ebdb-field-search'/`ebdb-search'.  With a little fancy footwork it
+;; should be possible to keep the code mostly field agnostic.
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'ebdb)
@@ -74,10 +86,10 @@ information, and do its best to either associate that 
 with existing records, or to organize it into likely groups.  If
 RECORDS is given, it should be a list of records that we think
 have something to do with the text in the buffer."
-  (let ((name-re "\\(\\(?:[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+[[:blank:]]?\\)+\\)")
-       (mail-re "\\([^[:space:address@hidden:space:]>]+\\)")
-       (case-fold-search nil)
-       group name mail phone address sticker)
+  (let ((name-re "\\(?:From: \\|To: \\|Cc: 
+       (mail-re "\\([^[:space:]:<address@hidden:[:space:]>]+\\)")
+       bundles
+       (case-fold-search nil))
     ;; The structure we'll return is a list of lists.  Each element is
     ;; a list of objects (records and fields) that we believe are
@@ -85,7 +97,7 @@ have something to do with the text in the buffer."
     ;; start with.
     (when records
-      (setq records (mapcar (lambda (r)
+      (setq bundles (mapcar (lambda (r)
                              (list :record r))
@@ -102,55 +114,77 @@ have something to do with the text in the buffer."
     ;; Nowhere, Massachusetts, 55555
     ;; Currently the definition of "name" is a series of capitalized
-    ;; words, which is dumb.
+    ;; words, which is dumb.  Also, the code only scans for mail
+    ;; addresses at the moment.
     (goto-char (point-min))
-    ;; Scan for mail addresses.  This is all we're going to do, until
-    ;; the basics are in place.
     (while (re-search-forward mail-re nil t)
-      (setq mail (match-string-no-properties 1)
-           sticker (line-end-position)
-           name (save-excursion
-                  (goto-char (progn (forward-line -1)
-                                    (line-beginning-position)))
-                  ;; This allows for a name before the email address,
-                  ;; or on the line above it.  Probably this is too
-                  ;; permissive.
-                  (when (re-search-forward name-re sticker t)
-                    (match-string-no-properties 1))))
-      ;; See if any of this information fits what we've got in
-      ;; RECORDS.
-      (let* ((case-fold-search nil)
-            (name (when name (string-trim name)))
-            (mail-user
-             (replace-regexp-in-string "[.-]" ""
-                                       (car (split-string mail "@")))))
+      (let* ((mail (match-string-no-properties 1))
+            (sticker (line-end-position))
+            (name (save-excursion
+                    (goto-char (progn (line-beginning-position)))
+                    (when (re-search-forward name-re sticker t)
+                      (string-trim (match-string-no-properties 1)))))
+            ;; Make a regular expression that stands a chance of
+            ;; matching an existing record.
+            (mail-user-re
+             (regexp-opt
+              (append (split-string
+                       (downcase (car (split-string mail "@")))
+                       "[-_.]" t)
+                      (when name
+                        (split-string
+                         (downcase name)
+                         "[, ]" t)))))
+            group)
+       ;; See if any of this information fits what we've got in
+       ;; RECORDS.
        (unless (catch 'match
-                 (when name
-                   (setq mail-user (regexp-opt
-                                    (list mail-user
-                                          name))))
-                 (dolist (elt records)
-                   (dolist (thing elt)
+                 (dolist (elt bundles)
+                   (let ((r (plist-get elt :record))
+                         (n (plist-get elt :names))
+                         (m (plist-get elt :mail))
+                         (case-fold-search t))
                      (when (cond
-                            ((and (object-of-class-p thing ebdb-record)
-                                  (or (ebdb-search (list thing)
-                                                   `((name ,mail-user)
-                                                     (mail ,mail-user))))))
-                            ((and (object-of-class-p thing ebdb-field-name)
-                                  (ebdb-field-search thing mail-user)))
+                            ((and r
+                                  (ebdb-search (list r)
+                                               `((name ,mail-user-re)
+                                                 (mail ,mail-user-re)))))
+                            ((and m
+                                  (ebdb-field-search m mail-user-re)))
+                            ((and n
+                                  (seq-find
+                                   (lambda (na)
+                                     (ebdb-field-search na mail-user-re))
+                                   n)))
                             (t nil))
-                       (plist-put elt :mail (ebdb-parse 
ebdb-default-mail-class mail))
-                       (when name
-                         (plist-put elt :name (ebdb-parse ebdb-field-name 
+                       (unless (and m  ; mail is already in here.
+                                    (string-match-p (ebdb-string m) mail))
+                         (plist-put
+                          elt
+                          :mail (ebdb-parse ebdb-default-mail-class mail)))
+                       (when (and name
+                                  (or (null n)
+                                      (null (seq-find
+                                             (lambda (na)
+                                               (string-match-p
+                                                (ebdb-string na)
+                                                name))
+                                             n))))
+                         (plist-put
+                          elt
+                          :names (append (list (ebdb-parse ebdb-field-name 
+                                         n)))
                        (throw 'match t)))))
          (setq group
                (plist-put group :mail (ebdb-parse ebdb-default-mail-class 
          (when name
-           (setq group (plist-put group :name (ebdb-parse ebdb-field-name 
-         (push group records))))
-    records))
+           (setq group (plist-put
+                        group
+                        :names (list (ebdb-parse ebdb-field-name name)))))
+         (push group bundles))))
+    bundles))
 (defun ebdb-snarf-process (input)
   "Process INPUT, which is a list of bundled information
@@ -158,42 +192,68 @@ have something to do with the text in the buffer."
 Either find the matching records, update existing (but
 incomplete) records, or create new records.  Then display them."
-  (let (record name mail phone address slot records)
+  (let (record names name-alist name mail phone address slot records)
     (dolist (bundle input)
       (setq record (plist-get bundle :record)
-           name (plist-get bundle :name)
+           names (plist-get bundle :names)
            mail (plist-get bundle :mail)
            phone (plist-get bundle :phone)
            address (plist-get bundle :address))
+      ;; Either we were given a record...
       (unless record
+       ;; ...we can find one in the database...
        (unless (setq record (car-safe
-                              (and name (ebdb-string name))
+                              (and names (regexp-opt (mapcar #'ebdb-string 
                               (and mail (ebdb-string mail)))))
+         ;; ...or we create a new one.
          (when (yes-or-no-p
                 (format "Create new record%s? "
-                        (if name
-                            (format " for %s" (ebdb-string name))
-                          "")))
-           (setq record (make-instance ebdb-default-record-class
-                                       :name (or name (ebdb-read 
+                        (cond (names
+                               (format " for %s"
+                                       (mapconcat #'ebdb-string
+                                                  names "/")))
+                              (mail
+                               (format " for %s" (ebdb-string mail)))
+                              (t ""))))
+           (setq record
+                 (make-instance
+                  ebdb-default-record-class
+                  :name (progn
+                          (setq name
+                                (cond ((= 1 (length names))
+                                       (car names))
+                                      ((setq name-alist
+                                             (mapcar (lambda (n)
+                                                       (cons (ebdb-string n)
+                                                             n))
+                                                     names))
+                                       (cdr
+                                        (assoc-string
+                                         (completing-read
+                                          "Use name: "
+                                          name-alist)
+                                         name-alist)))
+                                      (t nil)))
+                          (ebdb-read ebdb-default-name-class nil name))))
            (ebdb-db-add-record (car ebdb-db-list) record)
-           (ebdb-init-record record))))
-      (dolist (elt (list mail phone address))
-       (when elt
-         (setq slot (car (ebdb-record-field-slot-query
-                          (eieio-object-class record)
-                          `(nil . ,(eieio-object-class elt)))))
-         (when (and slot
-                    (null (or (equal elt (slot-value record slot))
-                              (member elt (slot-value record slot))))
-                    (yes-or-no-p (format "Add %s to %s? "
-                                         (ebdb-string elt)
-                                         (ebdb-string record))))
-           (ebdb-record-insert-field
-            record
-            slot
-            elt))))
+           (ebdb-init-record record)
+           (when mail
+             (ebdb-record-insert-field record 'mail mail)))))
+      (dolist (elt (delq nil (list phone address)))
+       (setq slot (car (ebdb-record-field-slot-query
+                        (eieio-object-class record)
+                        `(nil . ,(eieio-object-class elt)))))
+       (when (and slot
+                  (null (or (equal elt (slot-value record slot))
+                            (member elt (slot-value record slot))))
+                  (yes-or-no-p (format "Add %s to %s? "
+                                       (ebdb-string elt)
+                                       (ebdb-string record))))
+         (ebdb-record-insert-field
+          record
+          slot
+          elt)))
       (push record records))
     (when records
       (ebdb-display-records records nil nil t (ebdb-popup-window)
diff --git a/ebdb.org b/ebdb.org
index e69b665..46be4a9 100644
--- a/ebdb.org
+++ b/ebdb.org
@@ -374,6 +374,22 @@ the mark of the record under point.  "M-#" will toggle the 
marks of
 all the records in the buffer, and "C-#" will unmark all records in
 the buffer.  Many editing commands can act on multiple marked
+* Snarfing
+"Snarfing" refers to scanning free-form text and extracting
+information related to EBDB records from it.  Snarfing is a work in
+progress: at present, only mail addresses (and nearby names) are acted
+upon.  For example, calling `ebdb-snarf' while the region contains the
+text "John Doe <address@hidden>" will find an existing matching
+contact, or prompt to create a new contact, and display it.
+- Command: ebdb-snarf &optional string start end
+  Extract record-related information from a piece of text.  Find,
+  update, or create records as necessary, and then display them.  When
+  the region is active, this command snarfs the current region,
+  otherwise it snarfs the entire current buffer.  Called as a
+  function, it can accept a string as the first argument and snarfs
+  that.
 * Migration from BBDB
 ** Record Migration
 It's possible to migrate records from a BBDB file.  With your BBDB

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