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[elpa] externals/auctex 2d35adf 12/43: Update style/bidi.el to package v

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: [elpa] externals/auctex 2d35adf 12/43: Update style/bidi.el to package version 31.7
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2018 11:34:07 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/auctex
commit 2d35adf63fdb464ee0ef3bc98723ba5e5d1cfa20
Author: Arash Esbati <address@hidden>
Commit: Arash Esbati <address@hidden>

    Update style/bidi.el to package version 31.7
    * style/bidi.el (LaTeX-bidi-package-options): Add
    "extrafootnotefeatures" option.
    (LaTeX-env-bidi-bib): New function.
    ("bidi"): Add missing macros and environments.  Add fontification
 style/bidi.el | 154 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 141 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/style/bidi.el b/style/bidi.el
index 095eb14..1e4fd6e 100644
--- a/style/bidi.el
+++ b/style/bidi.el
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; bidi.el --- AUCTeX style for the (XeLaTeX) bidi package
-;; Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Uwe Brauer <address@hidden>
 ;; Created: 2016-03-06
@@ -25,35 +25,163 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; This file adds support for the bidi package.
+;; This file adds support for the bidi package version 31.7
 ;;; Code:
-(defvar LaTeX-bidi-package-options '("RTLdocument" "rldocument")
+(defvar LaTeX-bidi-package-options
+  '("RTLdocument" "rldocument" "extrafootnotefeatures")
   "Package options for the bidi package.")
+(defun LaTeX-env-bidi-bib (environment)
+  "Insert bidi-ENVIRONMENT and a bibitem."
+  (LaTeX-insert-environment environment)
+  (end-of-line 0)
+  (delete-char 1)
+  (delete-horizontal-space)
+  (LaTeX-insert-item))
  (lambda ()
+   ;; bidi.sty requires xelatex, so set the engine
    (TeX-check-engine-add-engines 'xetex)
-   (LaTeX-add-environments
-    "LTR"
-    "RTL")
-   ;; Fontification
+   ;; 1.4 Turning TeX--XeT features on and off
+   (TeX-add-symbols
+    '("TeXXeTOn" 0)
+    '("TeXXeTOff" 0))
+   ;; 1.5 Options of The Package: These macros rely on package option
+   ;; "extrafootnotefeatures".  So check for it first
+   (when (LaTeX-provided-package-options-member "bidi" "extrafootnotefeatures")
+     (TeX-add-symbols
+      '("normalfootnotes" 0)
+      '("twocolumnfootnotes" 0)
+      '("threecolumnfootnotes" 0)
+      '("fourcolumnfootnotes" 0)
+      '("fivecolumnfootnotes" 0)
+      '("sixcolumnfootnotes" 0)
+      '("sevencolumnfootnotes" 0)
+      '("eightcolumnfootnotes" 0)
+      '("ninecolumnfootnotes" 0)
+      '("tencolumnfootnotes" 0)
+      '("RTLcolumnfootnotes" 0)
+      '("LTRcolumnfootnotes" 0)
+      '("paragraphfootnotes" 0)
+      '("setLTRparagraphfootnotes" 0)
+      '("setRTLparagraphfootnotes" 0)))
+    ;; 1.6 Paragraph Switching Commands
+    '("setLTR" 0)
+    '("setRTL" 0)
+    '("setLR" 0)
     '("setRL" 0)
     '("unsetRL" 0)
-    '("setRTL" 0)
     '("unsetRTL" 0)
-    '("setLR" 0)
-    '("unsetLR" 0)
-    '("setLTR" 0)
     '("unsetLTR" 0)
+    ;; 1.8 Typesetting Short LTR and RTL Texts
     '("LR" 1)
     '("LRE" 1)
     '("RLE" 1)
-    '("RL" 1)))
- LaTeX-dialect)
+    '("RL" 1)
+    ;; 1.9 Footnotes
+    '("LTRfootnote"
+      (TeX-arg-conditional TeX-arg-footnote-number-p ([ "Number" ]) nil)
+      t)
+    '("RTLfootnote"
+      (TeX-arg-conditional TeX-arg-footnote-number-p ([ "Number" ]) nil)
+      t)
+    '("setfootnoteRL" 0)
+    '("setfootnoteLR" 0)
+    '("unsetfootnoteRL" 0)
+    '("LTRthanks" 1)
+    '("RTLthanks" 1)
+    '("LTRfootnotetext"
+      (TeX-arg-conditional TeX-arg-footnote-number-p ([ "Number" ]) nil)
+      t)
+    '("RTLfootnotetext"
+      (TeX-arg-conditional TeX-arg-footnote-number-p ([ "Number" ]) nil)
+      t)
+    ;; 1.9.1 Footnote Rule
+    '("autofootnoterule"  0)
+    '("rightfootnoterule" 0)
+    '("leftfootnoterule" 0)
+    '("LRfootnoterule" 0)
+    '("textwidthfootnoterule" 0)
+    '("SplitFootnoteRule" 0)
+    '("debugfootnotedirection" 0)
+    ;; 1.10 Two Column Typesetting
+    '("RTLdblcol" 0)
+    '("LTRdblcol" 0)
+    ;; 1.11 RTL cases
+    '("RTLcases" t)
+    ;; 1.12 Typesetting Logos
+    '("XeTeX" 0)
+    '("XeLaTeX" 0)
+    ;; 1.13 Separation Mark
+    '("SepMark" "Mark")
+    ;; 1.20 \setLTRbibitems, \setRTLbibitems, and \setdefaultbibitems
+    ;; commands
+    '("setLTRbibitems" 0)
+    '("setRTLbibitems" 0)
+    '("setdefaultbibitems" 0)
+    ;; 1.21 Typesetting margin par
+    '("setRTLmarginpar" 0)
+    '("setLTRmarginpar" 0)
+    '("setdefaultmarginpar" 0)
+    '("LTRmarginpar" [ "Left margin text" ] "Text")
+    '("RTLmarginpar" [ "Left margin text" ] "Text"))
+   (LaTeX-add-environments
+    ;; 1.7 Pargraph Switching Environments
+    "LTR"
+    "RTL"
+    ;; 1.18 LTRitems and RTLitems Environments
+    '("RTLitems" LaTeX-env-item)
+    '("LTRitems" LaTeX-env-item)
+    ;; 1.19 LTRbibitems and RTLbibitems Environments
+    '("LTRbibitems"  LaTeX-env-bidi-bib)
+    '("RTLbibitems"  LaTeX-env-bidi-bib))
+   ;; Append "LTRbibitems" & "RTLbibitems" to `LaTeX-item-list':
+   (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-item-list)
+   (dolist (env '("LTRbibitems" "RTLbibitems"))
+     (add-to-list 'LaTeX-item-list `(,env . LaTeX-item-bib) t))
+   ;; Fontification
+   (when (and (featurep 'font-latex)
+             (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("LR"        "{")
+                               ("LRE"       "{")
+                               ("RLE"       "{")
+                               ("RL"        "{")
+                               ("LTRthanks" "{")
+                               ("RTLthanks" "{"))
+                             'textual)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("LTRfootnote"     "[{")
+                               ("RTLfootnote"     "[{")
+                               ("LTRfootnotetext" "[{")
+                               ("RTLfootnotetext" "[{")
+                               ("LTRmarginpar"    "[{")
+                               ("RTLmarginpar"    "[{"))
+                             'reference)
+     (font-latex-add-keywords '(("XeTeX"   "")
+                               ("XeLaTeX" "")
+                               ("SepMark" "{"))
+                             'function)))
+ LaTeX-dialect)
 ;;; bidi.el ends here

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