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[elpa] externals/cpio-mode 6ef0296 11/61: Create cpio-generic.el

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/cpio-mode 6ef0296 11/61: Create cpio-generic.el
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2019 15:25:22 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/cpio-mode
commit 6ef0296dd9fc06a47c44b51fe7ca724dd7c42c17
Author: dlewan <address@hidden>
Commit: GitHub <address@hidden>

    Create cpio-generic.el
    Initial code from local CVS.
 cpio-generic.el | 521 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 521 insertions(+)

diff --git a/cpio-generic.el b/cpio-generic.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18aaf07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpio-generic.el
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+;;; cpio-generic.el --- generically useful functions created in support of 
CPIO mode.
+;      $Id: cpio-generic.el,v 2018/03/08 06:22:09 doug Exp $       
+;; Copyright © 2015, 2018 Douglas Lewan, address@hidden
+;; All rights reserved.
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;; Author: Douglas Lewan (address@hidden)
+;; Maintainer: -- " --
+;; Created: 2015 Apr 23
+;; Version: 0.02
+;; Keywords: generically useful emacs lisp functions.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file contains useful generic functions,
+;; commands for managing debuggers
+;; and other temporarily useful hacks
+;; to help with the development of cpio-mode.
+;; A quick glance through it suggests
+;; that it has a lot of functional overlap with cpio-modes.el.
+;;; Documentation:
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+;; Vars
+(defvar *integer-size* nil)
+(setq *integer-size* nil)
+(defvar *integer-hex-digits* nil)
+(defvar *debugger-re* "^\\s-*(message \"%s(): \\([[:digit:]]+\\)\" fname)$"
+  "RE to match a debugger created by M-x insert-debugger.")
+(setq *debugger-re* "^\\s-*(message \"%s(): \\([[:digit:]]+\\)\" fname)")
+;; Bit definitions from sys/bits.h
+;; CAVEAT: According to the info on file attributes in the info for libc
+;; you can't depend on the bit values being portable to other OSes.
+;; Is there a reasonable way to autoconfiscate this?
+;; /* File types.  */
+;; #define     __S_IFDIR       0040000 /* Directory.  */
+(defvar *cpio-directory-bits* (lsh #o4 12))
+;; #define     __S_IFCHR       0020000 /* Character device.  */
+(defvar *cpio-char-device-bits* (lsh #o2 12))
+;; #define     __S_IFBLK       0060000 /* Block device.  */
+(defvar *cpio-blk-device-bits* (lsh #o6 12))
+;; #define     __S_IFREG       0100000 /* Regular file.  */
+(defvar *cpio-regular-file-bits* (lsh #o1 15))
+;; #define     __S_IFIFO       0010000 /* FIFO.  */
+(defvar *cpio-fifo-bits* (lsh #o1 12))
+;; #define     __S_IFLNK       0120000 /* Symbolic link.  */
+(defvar *cpio-symlink-bits* (lsh #o12 12))
+;; #define     __S_IFSOCK      0140000 /* Socket.  */
+(defvar *cpio-socket-bits* (lsh #o14 12))
+;; MAINTENANCE The ls(1) info page mentions other file types:
+;; C - Contiguous data file
+;; D - Door (Solaris only?)
+;; M - Migrated file (Cray)
+;; ? - Some other type.
+;; /* Protection bits.  */
+;; #define     __S_ISUID       04000   /* Set user ID on execution.  */
+(defvar *cpio-s-isuid-bits* #o40)
+;; #define     __S_ISGID       02000   /* Set group ID on execution.  */
+(defvar *cpio-s-isgid-bits* #o20)
+;; #define     __S_ISVTX       01000   /* Save swapped text after use 
(sticky).  */
+(defvar *cpio-s-ivtx-bits* #o10)
+;; #define     __S_IREAD       0400    /* Read by owner.  */
+(defvar *cpio-s-iread-bits* #o4)
+;; #define     __S_IWRITE      0200    /* Write by owner.  */
+(defvar *cpio-s-iwrite-bits* #o2)
+;; #define     __S_IEXEC       0100    /* Execute by owner.  */
+(defvar *cpio-s-iexec-bits* #o1)
+(defvar *insert-after* nil
+  "Value used to define that a marker has type 'insert after'.")
+(defvar *insert-before* t
+  "Value used to define that a marker has type 'insert before'.")
+;; Library
+(defun integer-size ()
+  "Return the number of bits in an [unsigned] integer."
+  (let ((fname "integer-size")
+       (b 1)
+       (bit-ct 0))
+    (cond ((null *integer-size*)
+          (while (/= 0 (logand b most-positive-fixnum))
+            (setq bit-ct (1+ bit-ct))
+            (setq b (lsh b 1)))
+          (setq *integer-size* (1+ bit-ct)))
+         (t t))
+    *integer-size*))
+(defun integer-hex-digits ()
+  "Calculate the number of hex digits that are required to represent any 
+  (let ((fname "integer-hex-digits")
+       (an-integer most-negative-fixnum)
+       (hex-digit-ct 0))
+    (unless *integer-hex-digits*
+       (while (/= 0 an-integer)
+         (setq an-integer (lsh an-integer -4))
+         (setq hex-digit-ct (1+ hex-digit-ct)))
+       (setq *integer-hex-digits* hex-digit-ct)))
+  *integer-hex-digits*)
+(defun lsh-pair (pair n)
+  "Bit shift the given PAIR, (high . low), left by N bits.
+This returns the resulting pair or integer
+depending on whether the high component is non-zero.
+PAIR is a cons of two integers."
+  ;; The concept of integer in emacs is, of course, very soft.
+  ;; It likely varies from installation to installation.
+  (let ((fname "lsh-pair")
+       (mask 0)
+       (cross-bits)
+       (high (car pair))
+       (low (cdr pair)))
+    (if (< n 0)
+       (setq mask (low-bits-mask n))
+      (setq mask (high-bits-mask n)))
+    (cond ((< n 0)
+          (setq cross-bits (logand high mask))
+          (setq high (lsh high n))
+          (setq low (lsh low n))
+          (setq low (logior low (lsh cross-bits (- (integer-size) n)))))
+         (t
+          (setq cross-bits (logand low mask))
+          (setq high (lsh high n))
+          (setq low (lsh low n))
+          (setq high (logior high cross-bits))))
+    (if (/= 0 high)
+       (cons high low)
+      low)))
+(defun lsh-with-carry (bits n)
+  "Shift the given BITS left by N using a pair or a triple as necessary."
+  ;; HEREHERE This is an obvious part of the lsh-* library here
+  ;; but probably not necessary for the current project.
+  (let ((fname "lsh-with-carry")
+       low middle high)
+    (error "%s is not yet implemented." fname)))
+(defun lsh-triplet ()
+  "DO THAT and update this docstring."
+  (let ((fname "lsh-triplet"))
+  (error "%s is not yet implemented." fname)))
+(defun low-bits-mask (n)
+  "Return a mask appropriate for picking up the right N bits of an integer.
+If N is zero, then an empty mask is returned.
+The value is a bit mask."
+  ;; See (lsh-pair) for a sample use.
+  (let ((fname "low-bits-mask")
+       (i 0)
+       (mask 0))
+    (while (< i n)
+      (setq mask (+ (lsh mask 1) 1))
+      (setq i (1+ i)))
+    mask))
+(defun high-bits-mask (n)
+  "Return a mask appropriate for picking up the left N bits of an integer.
+If N is zero, then an empty mask is returned.
+The value is a bit mask."
+  ;; See (lsh-pair) for a sample use.
+  (let ((fname "high-bits-mask")
+       (i 0)
+       (mask 0))
+    (while (< i n)
+      (setq mask (+ (lsh mask -1) most-negative-fixnum))
+      (setq i (1+ i)))
+    mask))
+(defun hex-format-pair (pair)
+  "Return a hex formatted representation of PAIR."
+  (let ((fname "hex-format-pair")
+       (hex-digit-count (integer-hex-digits))
+       (formatter))
+    (setq formatter (format "%%0%dx" hex-digit-count))
+    (setq formatter (concat formatter formatter))
+    (format formatter (car pair) (cdr pair))))
+(defun hex-format-triple (triple)
+  "Return a hex formatted representation of TRIPLE."
+  (let ((fname "hex-format-triple")
+       (hex-digit-count (integer-hex-digits))
+       (formatter))
+    (setq formatter (format "%%0%dx" hex-digit-count))
+    (setq formatter (concat formatter formatter formatter))
+    (format formatter (car triple) (cadr triple) (cddr triple))))
+(defun drwx-to-hex (mode-string)
+  "DO THAT and update this docstring."
+  (let ((fname "drwx-to-hex")
+       (user-offset 6)
+       (group-offset 3)
+       (other-offset 0)
+       (user-string (substring mode-string 1 4))
+       (user-value 0)
+       (group-string (substring mode-string 4 7))
+       (group-value 0)
+       (other-string (substring mode-string 7 10))
+       (other-value 0)
+       (file-type-string (substring mode-string 0 1))
+       (file-type-value 0)
+       (value))
+    (unless (string-match "\\`[-bcdlps]\\(?:[-r][-w][-xXst]\\)\\{3\\}\\'" 
+                         mode-string)
+      (error "%s bad mode string: [[%s]]" fname mode-string))
+    (setq file-type-value (drwx-to-file-type file-type-string))
+    (setq user-value (lsh (rwx-to-bits user-string) user-offset))
+    (if (string-match "..[Ss]" user-string)
+       (setq user-value (logior user-value (lsh *cpio-s-isuid-bits* 
+    (setq group-value (lsh (rwx-to-bits group-string) group-offset))
+    (if (string-match "..[Ss]" group-string)
+       (setq group-value (logior group-value (lsh *cpio-s-isgid-bits* 
+    (setq other-value (lsh (rwx-to-bits other-string) other-offset))
+    (if (string-match "..t" other-string)
+       (setq other-value (logior other-value (lsh *cpio-s-ivtx-bits* 
+    (setq value (logior file-type-value user-value group-value other-value))
+    (format "%08X" value)))
+(defun drwx-to-file-type (mode-string)
+  "Convert the given mode-string to the bits specifying its file type."
+  ;; -bcdlps
+  (let ((fname "drwx-to-file-type"))
+    (cond ((string-match "\\`-" mode-string)
+          *cpio-regular-file-bits*)
+         ((string-match "\\`b" mode-string)
+          *cpio-blk-device-bits*)
+         ((string-match "\\`c" mode-string)
+          *cpio-char-device-bits*)
+         ((string-match "\\`d" mode-string)
+          *cpio-directory-bits*)
+         ((string-match "\\`l" mode-string)
+          *cpio-symlink-bits*)
+         ((string-match "\\`p" mode-string)
+          *cpio-fifo-bits*)
+         ((string-match "\\`s" mode-string)
+          *cpio-socket-bits*)
+         (t
+          (error "%s(): bad string for file type [[%s]]" fname mode-string)))))
+(defun rwx-to-bits (mode-string)
+  "Convert a rwx type of mode string to corresponding bits.
+rwx = 7 and rw- = 6, for example."
+  (let ((fname "rwx-to-bits")
+       (ret 0))
+    (unless (string-match "\\`[-r][-w][-xXst]\\'" mode-string)
+      (error "%s bad mode string: [[%s]]" fname mode-string))
+    (if (string-match "r.." mode-string)
+       (setq ret (logior ret *cpio-s-iread-bits*)))
+    (if (string-match ".w." mode-string)
+       (setq ret (logior ret *cpio-s-iwrite-bits*)))
+    (if (string-match "..[xst]" mode-string)
+       (setq ret (logior ret *cpio-s-iexec-bits*)))
+    ;; Only the caller can know if this is user or group.
+    ;; He must deal with set U/GID bits.
+    ret))
+(defun round-up (number modulus)
+  "Round NUMBER up to the next multiple of MODULUS.
+CAVEAT: If NUMBER is negative, then the result may be surprising."
+  (let ((fname "round-up"))
+    (unless (and (integerp number) (integerp modulus))
+      (error "%s() takes integer arguments." fname))
+    (* modulus (/ (+ number modulus -1) modulus))))
+(defun pad-right (string width char)
+  "Pad STRING on the right with CHAR until it is WIDTH characters wide.
+CHAR is typically a character or a single character string, but may be any 
+  (let ((fname "pad-right"))
+    (if (characterp char) (setq char (char-to-string char)))
+    (while (< (length string) width)
+      (setq string (concat string char)))
+    string))
+;; MAINTENANCE We need a portable version of (cpio-look-up-uid).
+(defun UNUSED-cpio-look-up-uid (user-name)
+  "Look up the UID for the given USER-NAME and return the UID a an integer 
+If the given user does not exist, then return FFFFFFFF."
+  (let ((fname "cpio-look-up-uid"))
+    (with-temp-buffer 
+      ;; MAINTENANCE The following is not portable to, e.g. Windows.
+      ;; It might not be portable to OSX.
+      (insert-file "/etc/passwd")
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (if (re-search-forward (concat "^" user-name 
":[[:graph:]]+:\\([[:digit:]]+\\):") (point-max) t)
+         (format "%08X" (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
+       "FFFFFFFF"))))
+;; MAINTENANCE We need a portable (cpio-look-up-gid).
+(defun UNUSED-cpio-look-up-gid (group-name)
+  "Look up the GID for the given GROUP-NAME and return the GID a an integer 
+If the given user does not exist, then return 99 999 999."
+  (let ((fname "cpio-look-up-gid"))
+    (with-temp-buffer 
+      ;; MAINTENANCE The following is not portable to, e.g. Windows.
+      ;; It might not be portable to OSX.
+      (insert-file "/etc/group")
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (if (re-search-forward (concat "^" user-name 
":[[:graph:]]+:\\([[:digit:]]+\\):") (point-max) t)
+         (format "%08X" (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
+       "FFFFFFFF"))))
+(defun strip-right (re string &optional multiples)
+  "Strip the given RE from the right end of STRING.
+If the optional argument MULTIPLES is not NIL,
+then match as many copies of RE as are there."
+  (let ((fname "strip-right")
+       (inner-re (if multiples
+                     (concat "\\(" re "\\)+\\'")
+                   (concat re "\\'")))
+       (result string))
+    (if (string-match inner-re string)
+       (setq result (substring string 0 (match-beginning 0))))
+    result))
+(defun strip-left (re string &optional multiples)
+  "Strip the given RE from the left end of STRING.
+If the optional argument MULTIPLES is not NIL,
+then match as many copies of RE as are there."
+  (let ((fname "strip-left")
+       (inner-re (if multiples
+                     (concat "\\`+\\(" re "\\)")
+                   (concat "\\`" re)))
+       (result string))
+    (if (string-match inner-re string)
+       (setq result (substring string (match-end 0))))
+    result))
+(defun strip (re string &optional multiples)
+  "Remove the given RE from both ends of STRING.
+If the optional argument MULTIPLES is not NIL,
+then match as many copies of RE as are there."
+  (let ((fname "strip")
+       (result))
+    (strip-left re (strip-right re string multiples) multiples)))
+(defun cpio-padded (string modulus pad-char)
+  "Pad the given STRING."
+  (let* ((fname "cpio-padded")
+        (string-length (length string))
+        (desired-length (round-up string-length modulus)))
+    (pad-right string desired-length pad-char)))
+(defun cpio-point ()
+  "Return (point) as if it were 0-based and not 1-based.
+The intent here is to make calculating padding and locations easier."
+  ;; Would this be better as a macro?
+  (let ((fname "cpio-point"))
+    (1- (point))))
+(defun cpio-goto-char (where)
+  "Move point to WHERE, where WHERE is a 0-based point."
+  (let ((fname "cpio-goto-char"))
+    (if (< where 0)
+       (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list (format "%d" where))))
+    (goto-char (1+ where))))
+(defun cpio-point-min ()
+  "Return the minimum point given a 0-based point."
+  (let ((fname "cpio-point-min"))
+    (1- (point-min))))
+(defun cpio-point-max ()
+  "Return the maximum point given a 0-based point."
+  (let ((fname "cpio-point-max"))
+    (1- (point-max))))
+;; Commands
+(defun insert-debugger ()
+  "Insert a new debugger statement above the line containing point."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((fname "insert-debugger"))
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (open-line 1)
+    (insert (format "(message \"%%s(): %d\" fname)" (count-lines (point-min) 
+    (indent-according-to-mode)))
+(local-set-key "\M-\C-i" 'insert-debugger)
+(defun update-debuggers ()
+  "Update the line numbers in all the debuggers created by M-x 
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((fname "update-debuggers"))
+    (save-excursion
+      (save-restriction
+       (goto-char (point-min))
+       (while (re-search-forward *debugger-re* (point-max) t)
+         (replace-match (format "%d" (count-lines (point-min) (point)))
+                        nil nil nil 1))))
+    (save-buffer)))
+(local-set-key "\M-\C-u" 'update-debuggers)
+(defun remove-debugger ()
+  "Remove the next debugger.
+Return T if one was found
+and NIL otherwise.
+This function respects narrowing."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((fname "remove-debugger"))
+    (cond ((re-search-forward *debugger-re* (point-max) t)
+          (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
+          t)
+         (t nil))))
+(defun remove-some-debuggers (arg)
+  "Remove the next ARG debuggers.
+Return non-NIL if any were found and deleted.
+Return NIL if none were found.
+This function respects narrowing."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (let ((fname "remove-some-debuggers")
+       (ct 0))
+    (while (and (< 0 arg) (remove-debugger))
+      (setq ct (1+ ct))
+      (setq arg (1- arg)))
+    ct))
+(defun remove-all-debuggers ()
+  "Remove all debuggers created by (insert-debuggers).
+This function respects narrowing."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((fname "remove-all-debuggers"))
+    (while (remove-debugger))))
+;; Hacks
+(defun aaa ()
+  "Create a general cpio-mode function set to the next cpio-newc function.
+Well, that's the intent, but, really, it's a hack."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((fname "aaa")
+       (cpio-newc-function-name)
+       (cpio-function-definition)
+       (start -1)
+       (end -1)
+       (defun-end -1))
+    (cond ((re-search-forward " \\(cpio-newc\\(-[-[:alnum:]]+\\)\\)" 
+          (setq cpio-newc-function-name (match-string-no-properties 1))
+          (setq cpio-function-definition 
+                (format "(setq cpio%s-function %s)\n" 
(match-string-no-properties 2)
+                        cpio-newc-function-name))
+          (end-of-defun)
+          (insert cpio-function-definition))
+         (t nil))))
+(defun bbb-newc (header-string)
+  "Return a crudely parsed newc header from the given HEADER-STRING."
+  (let* ((fname "bbb-newc")
+        (lengths (list 6 8 8 8 8  8 8 8 8 8  8 8 8 8 8))
+        (stops (let ((i 0)
+                     (j 0)
+                     (n 0))
+                 (mapcar (lambda (l)
+                           (prog1
+                               n
+                             (setq n (+ n (nth i lengths)))
+                             (setq i (1+ i))))
+                         lengths)))
+        (i 0)
+        (j 1))
+    (setq header-string (strip-right "\0" header-string t))
+    (mapcar (lambda (s)
+             (prog1 (substring header-string (nth i stops) (nth j stops))
+               (setq i j)
+               (setq j (1+ j))))
+           stops)))
+;; Mode definition (IF APPROPRIATE)
+(provide 'cpio-generic)
+;;; cpio-generic.el ends here

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