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[nongnu] externals/caml afff6d2 040/197: Adding file caml-help.el

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [nongnu] externals/caml afff6d2 040/197: Adding file caml-help.el
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 01:19:34 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/caml
commit afff6d2000cf68a0b17e560b1d5792f57b919005
Author: Didier Rémy <Didier.Remy@inria.fr>
Commit: Didier Rémy <Didier.Remy@inria.fr>

    Adding file caml-help.el
    (Completion and online help in Ocaml).
    Fix of hook in caml-font.el
    git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@4046 
 caml-font.el |  27 ++--
 caml-help.el | 462 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 476 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/caml-font.el b/caml-font.el
index 4ee1910..9061056 100644
--- a/caml-font.el
+++ b/caml-font.el
@@ -91,18 +91,19 @@
          (setq font-lock-keywords-only t)
          (font-lock-mode 1)))
-(setq inferior-caml-mode-hooks
-      '(lambda ()
-         (cond
-          ((fboundp 'global-font-lock-mode)
-           (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
-           (setq font-lock-defaults
-                 '(inferior-caml-font-lock-keywords
-                   nil nil ((?' . "w") (?_ . "w")))))
-          (t
-           (setq font-lock-keywords inferior-caml-font-lock-keywords)))
-         (make-local-variable 'font-lock-keywords-only)
-         (setq font-lock-keywords-only t)
-         (font-lock-mode 1)))
+(defun inferior-caml-mode-font-hook ()
+  (cond
+   ((fboundp 'global-font-lock-mode)
+    (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+    (setq font-lock-defaults
+          '(inferior-caml-font-lock-keywords
+            nil nil ((?' . "w") (?_ . "w")))))
+   (t
+    (setq font-lock-keywords inferior-caml-font-lock-keywords)))
+  (make-local-variable 'font-lock-keywords-only)
+  (setq font-lock-keywords-only t)
+  (font-lock-mode 1))
+(add-hook 'inferior-caml-mode-hooks 'inferior-caml-mode-font-hook)
 (provide 'caml-font)
diff --git a/caml-help.el b/caml-help.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79e2116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caml-help.el
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+;; caml-info.el --- contextual completion and help to caml-mode
+;; Didier Remy, November 2001.
+;; This provides two functions completion and help
+;; look for ocaml-complete and ocaml-help
+;;  This is a preliminary version.
+;;  Possible improvements?
+;;   - dump some databaes: Info, Lib, ...
+;;   - accept a search path for local libraries instead of current dir
+;;     (then distinguish between different modules lying in different
+;;     directories) 
+;;   - improve the construction for info files.
+;;  Abstract over 
+;;   - the viewing method and the database, so that the documentation for
+;;     and identifier could be search in 
+;;       * info / html / man / mli's sources
+;;       * viewed in emacs or using an external previewer.
+;;  Take all identifiers (labels, Constructors, exceptions, etc.)
+;; Loading or building databases.
+(require 'info)
+;; variables to be customized
+(defvar ocaml-lib-path
+  '("/usr/lib/ocaml/" "/usr/local/lib/ocaml/")
+  "Path for ocaml lib sources (mli files)")
+(defvar ocaml-info-alist 'ocaml-info-default-function
+  "A-list binding module names to info entries: 
+  nil means do not use info.
+  A function to build the list lazily (at the first call). The result of
+the function call will be assign permanently to this variable for future
+uses. We provide a default function \\[ocaml-info-default-function]. 
+  Otherwise, this value should be an alist binding module names to info
+entries of the form to \"(entry)section\" be taken by the \\[info] 
+command. An entry may be an info module or a complete file name."
+(defvar ocaml-info-name-list "ocaml"
+  "Name of ocaml info files describing library modules.")
+;; General purpose auxiliary functions
+(defun ocaml-capitalize (s)
+  (concat (capitalize (substring s 0 1)) (substring s 1)))
+(defun ocaml-uncapitalize (s)
+  (concat (downcase (substring s 0 1)) (substring s 1)))
+(defun iter (f l) (while (consp l) (apply f (list (car l))) (setq l (cdr l))))
+(defun ocaml-find-files (path filter &optional depth split)
+  (message "%s - %s" path filter)
+  (let* ((path-string
+          (if (stringp path)
+              (if (file-directory-p path) path nil)
+            (mapconcat '(lambda (d) (if (file-directory-p d) d))
+                       path " "))) 
+         (command
+          (and path-string
+               (concat "find " path-string
+                       " '(' " filter " ')' "
+                       (if depth (concat " -maxdepth " (int-to-string depth)))
+                       (if split nil " -printf '%\p '") 
+                       )))
+          (files
+           (and command (shell-command-to-string command))))
+         (if (and split (stringp files)) (split-string files "\n") files) 
+         ))
+;; Specialized auxiliary functions
+;; Global table of modules contents of modules loaded lazily.
+(defvar ocaml-module-alist 'lazy
+  "A-list of modules with how and where to find help information. 
+  'delay means non computed yet")
+(defun ocaml-add-mli-modules (modules tag &optional path)
+  (let ((files
+         (ocaml-find-files (or path ocaml-lib-path)
+                           "-type f -name '*.mli'" 1 t)))
+    (while (consp files)
+      (if (string-match "\\([^/]*\\).mli" (car files))
+          (let* ((module (ocaml-capitalize (match-string 1 (car files))))
+                 (dir (file-name-directory (car files)))
+                 (dirp (member dir ocaml-lib-path)))
+            (if (and (consp dirp) (string-equal dir (car dirp)))
+                (setq dir (car dirp)))
+            (if (assoc module modules) nil
+              (setq modules
+                    (cons (cons module (cons (cons tag dir) 'lazy)) modules))
+              )))
+      (setq files (cdr files)))
+    modules))
+(defun ocaml-module-alist ()
+  "Call by need value of valriable ocaml-module-alist"
+  (if (listp ocaml-module-alist)
+      nil
+    ;; build list of mli files
+    (setq ocaml-module-alist (ocaml-add-mli-modules nil 'lib))
+    ;; dumping information ? TODO
+    )
+  ocaml-module-alist)
+(defun ocaml-get-or-make-module (module &optional tag)
+  (let ((info (assoc module (ocaml-module-alist))))
+    (if info nil
+      (setq info (cons module (cons (cons 'local default-directory) 'lazy)))
+      (setq ocaml-module-alist (cons info ocaml-module-alist))
+      )
+    info))
+;; Symbols of module are lazily computed
+(defun ocaml-module-filename (module)
+  (let ((module (uncapitalise module)) (name))
+    (or (file-exists-p (setq name (concat module ".mli")))
+        ; (file-exists-p (setq name (concat module ".ml"))) 
+        (file-exists-p
+         (setq name (concat ocaml-lib-directory "/" module ".mli")))
+        (setq name nil))
+    name))
+(defun ocaml-module-symbols (module-info)
+  (let* ((module (car module-info))
+         (tail (and module-info (cdr module-info)))
+         (tag (caar tail))
+         (dir (cdar tail))
+         (file)
+         (alist))
+    (if (listp (cdr tail))
+        (cdr tail)
+      (if (equal tag 'info)
+          (setq dir (car ocaml-lib-path)) ; XXX to be fixed
+        )
+      (setq file (concat dir (ocaml-uncapitalize module) ".mli"))
+      (message file)
+      (save-window-excursion
+        (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ocaml-help*"))
+        (if (and file (file-exists-p file))
+            (progn
+              (message "Scanning module %s" file)
+              (insert-file-contents file))
+          (message "Module %s not found" module))
+        (while (re-search-forward
+                "^\\([ \t]*val\\|let\\) \\([^ (:=]*\\)" (point-max) 'move)
+          (setq alist (cons (match-string 2) alist)))
+        (erase-buffer)
+        )
+      (setcdr tail alist)
+      alist)
+      ))
+;; Local list of visible modules. 
+(defvar ocaml-visible-modules 'lazy
+  "A-list of open modules, local to every file.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'ocaml-visible-modules)
+(defun ocaml-visible-modules ()
+  (if (listp ocaml-visible-modules) nil
+    (progn
+      (setq ocaml-visible-modules
+            (list (ocaml-get-or-make-module "Pervasives")))
+      (save-excursion
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (while (re-search-forward "^ *open  *\\([A-Z][a-zA-Z'_0-9]*\\)"
+                                  (point-max) t)
+          (let ((module (match-string 1)))
+            (if (member module ocaml-visible-modules) nil
+              (setq ocaml-visible-modules
+                    (cons (ocaml-get-or-make-module module)
+                          ocaml-visible-modules)))))
+        )))
+  ocaml-visible-modules)
+;; Look for identifiers aroun poin
+(defun ocaml-current-position ()
+  "Return a pair (MODULE . ENTRY) such that point is above ENTRY and 
+MODULE is the module preceeding ENTRY.
+Both are a pair of position (BEG . END) in the buffer and can be nil if
+  (let ((module) (entry))
+    (save-excursion
+      (backward-word 1)
+      (if (looking-at "\\([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\\)[.]")
+          (setq module (cons (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
+        (if (looking-at "[a-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*")
+            (progn
+              (setq entry (cons (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
+              (backward-word 1)
+              (if (looking-at
+                   (concat "\\([A-Z][A-Za-z0-_]*\\)[.]"
+                           (regexp-quote (match-string 0))))
+                  (setq module (cons (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))))))
+      (cons module entry))))
+;; completion around point
+(defun ocaml-completion (pattern module)
+  (let ((list
+         (or
+          (and module
+               (list 
+                (or (assoc module (ocaml-module-alist))
+                    (error "Unknown module %s" module))))
+          (ocaml-visible-modules))))
+    (message "Completion from %s" (mapconcat 'car list " "))
+    (if (null pattern)
+        (apply 'append (mapcar 'ocaml-module-symbols list))
+      (let ((pat (concat "^" (regexp-quote pattern))) (res))
+        (iter
+         '(lambda (l)
+            (iter '(lambda (x)
+                     (if (string-match pat (car l))
+                         (if (member x res) nil (setq res (cons x res)))))
+                  (ocaml-module-symbols l)))
+         list)
+        res)
+      )))
+(defun ocaml-complete (arg)
+  "Complete symbol define in libraries"
+  (interactive "p")
+  (let* ((module-entry (ocaml-current-position))
+         (module)
+         (entry (cdr module-entry))
+         (beg) (end) (pattern))
+    (if (car module-entry)
+        (setq module
+              (buffer-substring (caar module-entry) (cdar module-entry))))
+    (if (consp (cdr module-entry))
+        (progn         
+          (setq beg (cadr module-entry))
+          (setq end (cddr module-entry)))
+      (if (and module
+           (save-excursion
+            (goto-char (cdar module-entry))
+            (looking-at " *[.]")))
+          (progn
+            (setq beg (match-end 0))
+            (setq end beg))))
+    (if (not (and beg end))
+        (error "Did not find anything to complete around point")
+      (setq pattern (buffer-substring beg end))
+      (let* ((table 'ocaml-completion)
+             (all-completions (ocaml-completion pattern module))
+             (completion
+              (try-completion pattern (mapcar 'list all-completions))))
+        (cond ((eq completion t))
+              ((null completion)
+               (let*
+                   ((modules (ocaml-find-module pattern))
+                    (module
+                     (cond
+                      ((null modules)
+                       nil)
+                      ((equal (length modules) 1)
+                       (caar modules))
+                      (t
+                       (setq hist (mapcar 'car modules))
+                       (completing-read "Module: " modules nil t
+                                        "" (cons 'hist 0)))
+                      )))
+                 (if (null module)
+                     (error "Can't find completion for \"%s\"" pattern)
+                   (delete-region beg end)
+                   (insert module "." pattern))))
+              ((not (string-equal pattern completion))
+               (delete-region beg end)
+               (insert completion))
+              (t
+               (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
+                 (display-completion-list all-completions))
+               ))
+               ))))
+;; Info files
+(defvar ocaml-module-regexp "[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*")
+; (defvar ocaml-info-section-regexp
+;   (concat "\\* \\(Section [1-9][0-9--]*\\|" ocaml-module-regexp
+;           "\\)::[ \t][ \t]*Module *\\(" ocaml-module-regexp "\\|\n\\)"))
+(defvar ocaml-info-section-regexp
+  (concat "\\* \\(Section [1-9][0-9--]*\\)::[ \t][ \t]*Module *\\(" 
ocaml-module-regexp "\\)"))
+(defun ocaml-info-section ()
+  (let ((section (match-string 1)) (module (match-string 2)))
+    (if (string-equal module "\n") (setq module section))
+    (cons module section)))
+(defun ocaml-info-add-entries (entries dir name)
+  (let*
+      ((filter (concat "-type f -regex '.*/" name
+                       "\\(.info\\|\\)\\(-[0-9]*\\|\\)\\([.]gz\\|\\)'"
+                       ))
+       (files (ocaml-find-files dir filter))
+       (command))
+    ;; scanning info files
+    (if (or (null files)
+            (not (stringp files))
+            (string-match files "^ *$"))
+        (message "No info file found: %s." (mapconcat 'identity files " "))
+      (message "Scanning info files %s." files)
+      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ocaml-help*"))
+      (setq command
+            (concat "gunzip -c -f " files
+                " | grep -e '" ocaml-info-section-regexp "'"))
+      (message command)
+      (or (shell-command command (current-buffer)) (error "HERE"))
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (re-search-forward ocaml-info-section-regexp (point-max) t)
+        (let* ((module (match-string 2))
+               (section (match-string 1)))
+          (message "%s %s" module section)
+          (if (assoc module entries) nil
+            (setq entries
+                  (cons (cons module (concat "(" name ")" section))
+                        entries))
+            )))
+      (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+    entries))
+(defun ocaml-info-default-function ()
+  "The default way to create an info data base from the value 
+of \\[Info-default-directory-list] and the base name \\[ocaml-info-name] 
+of files to look for."
+  (let ((collect) (seen))
+    (iter '(lambda (d)
+             (if (member d seen) nil
+               (setq collect
+                     (ocaml-info-add-entries collect d ocaml-info-name-list))
+               (setq done (cons d seen))))
+          Info-directory-list)
+    collect))
+(defun ocaml-info-alist ()
+  "Call by need value of variable ocaml-info-alist"
+  (cond
+   ((listp ocaml-info-alist))
+   ((functionp ocaml-info-alist)
+    (setq ocaml-info-alist (apply ocaml-info-alist nil)))
+   (t
+    (error "wrong type for ocaml-info-alist")))
+  ocaml-info-alist)
+;; help around point
+(defun ocaml-find-module (symbol &optional module-list)
+  (let ((list (or module-list (ocaml-module-alist)))
+        (collect))
+    (while (consp list)
+      (if (member symbol (ocaml-module-symbols (car list)))
+          (setq collect (cons (car list) collect)))
+      (setq list (cdr list)))
+    collect
+    ))
+(defun ocaml-buffer-substring (region)
+  (and region (buffer-substring (car region) (cdr region))))
+;; Help function. 
+(defun ocaml-goto-help (&optional module entry)
+  "Searches info manual for MODULE and ENTRY in MODULE.
+If unspecified, MODULE and ENTRY are inferred from the position in the
+current buffer using \\[ocaml-current-position]."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((info-section (assoc module (ocaml-info-alist))))
+    (if info-section (info (cdr info-section))
+      (ocaml-visible-modules)
+      (let* ((module-info (assoc module (ocaml-module-alist)))
+             (location (cdadr module-info)))
+        (cond
+         (location
+          (view-file (concat location (ocaml-uncapitalize module) ".mli"))
+          (bury-buffer (current-buffer)))
+         (info-section (error "Aborted"))
+         (t (error "No help for module %s" (car module)))))
+      ))
+  (if (stringp entry)
+      (let ((here (point)))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (or (re-search-forward
+             (concat "\\(val\\|exception\\|[|{;]\\) +" (regexp-quote entry))
+             (point-max) t)
+            (search-forward entry (point-max) t)
+            (progn
+              (message "Help for entry %s not found in module %s"
+                       entry module)
+              (goto-char here)))))
+  )
+(defun ocaml-help (arg)
+  (interactive "p")
+  (let ((module) (entry))
+    (cond
+     ((= arg 4)
+      (or (setq module
+                (completing-read "Module: " ocaml-module-alist nil t))
+          (error "Quit")))
+     (t
+      (if (= arg 0) (setq ocaml-visible-modules 'lazy))
+      (let ((module-entry (ocaml-current-position)))
+        (setq entry (ocaml-buffer-substring (cdr module-entry)))
+        (setq module
+              (or (ocaml-buffer-substring (car module-entry))
+                  (let ((modules
+                         (or (ocaml-find-module entry (ocaml-visible-modules))
+                             (ocaml-find-module entry)))
+                         (hist))
+                    (cond
+                     ((null modules)
+                      (error "No module found for entry %s" entry))
+                     ((equal (length modules) 1)
+                      (caar modules))
+                     (t
+                      (setq hist (mapcar 'car modules))
+                      (completing-read "Module: " modules nil t
+                                       "" (cons 'hist 0)))
+                     ))))
+        )))
+     (message "Help for %s%s%s" module (if entry "." "") (or entry ""))
+     (ocaml-goto-help module entry)
+     ))
+;; bindings
+(if (boundp 'caml-mode-map)
+    (progn 
+      (define-key caml-mode-map [?\C-c?\C-h] 'ocaml-help)
+      (define-key caml-mode-map [?\C-c?\t] 'ocaml-complete)
+      ))
+(provide 'caml-help)

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