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[elpa] externals/excorporate 90532e9 29/93: packages/excorporate: Suppor

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/excorporate 90532e9 29/93: packages/excorporate: Support retrieving meeting details
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 15:43:02 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/excorporate
commit 90532e9dd8e7053accb5f02bbe6f22edf2023a16
Author: Thomas Fitzsimmons <fitzsim@fitzsim.org>
Commit: Thomas Fitzsimmons <fitzsim@fitzsim.org>

    packages/excorporate: Support retrieving meeting details
    * packages/excorporate/excorporate.el
    (exco-calendar-item-get-details): New function.
    (exco--calendar-item-dolist): New macro.
    (exco-calendar-item-with-details-iterate): New function.
    (exco-calendar-item-iterate): Use new exco--calendar-item-dolist
 excorporate.el | 132 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 106 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/excorporate.el b/excorporate.el
index a767ce2..60b0cf6 100644
--- a/excorporate.el
+++ b/excorporate.el
@@ -641,6 +641,103 @@ PATH is an ordered list of node names."
       (setq values (assoc path-element values)))
     (cdr values)))
+(defun exco-calendar-item-get-details (identifier item-identifier process-item)
+  "Query server for details about ITEM-IDENTIFIER.
+IDENTIFIER is the connection identifier.  Call PROCESS-ITEM with
+argument ICALENDAR-TEXT."
+  (exco-operate identifier
+               "GetItem"
+               `(((ItemShape
+                   (BaseShape . "IdOnly")
+                   (IncludeMimeContent . t))
+                  (ItemIds ,item-identifier))
+                 nil nil nil nil nil nil)
+               (lambda (_identifier response)
+                 (let* ((mime-path '(ResponseMessages
+                                     GetItemResponseMessage
+                                     Items
+                                     CalendarItem
+                                     MimeContent))
+                        (character-set-path (append mime-path '(CharacterSet)))
+                        (coding-system (intern (downcase (exco-extract-value
+                                                          character-set-path
+                                                          response)))))
+                   (unless (member coding-system coding-system-list)
+                     (error "Unrecognized coding system: %s"
+                            (exco-extract-value character-set-path response)))
+                   (funcall process-item (decode-coding-string
+                                          (base64-decode-string
+                                           (cdr (exco-extract-value
+                                                 mime-path response)))
+                                          coding-system))))))
+(defmacro exco--calendar-item-dolist (item items &rest forms)
+  "Iterate through ITEMS.
+On each iteration, ITEM is set, and FORMS are run."
+  `(dolist (,item ,items)
+     (let* ((subject (cdr (assoc 'Subject ,item)))
+           (start (cdr (assoc 'Start ,item)))
+           (start-internal (apply #'encode-time
+                                  (soap-decode-date-time
+                                   start 'dateTime)))
+           (end (cdr (assoc 'End ,item)))
+           (end-internal (apply #'encode-time
+                                (soap-decode-date-time
+                                 end 'dateTime)))
+           (location (cdr (assoc 'Location ,item)))
+           (to-invitees (cdr (assoc 'DisplayTo ,item)))
+           (main-invitees (when to-invitees
+                            (mapcar 'org-trim
+                                    (split-string to-invitees ";"))))
+           (cc-invitees (cdr (assoc 'DisplayCc ,item)))
+           (optional-invitees (when cc-invitees
+                                (mapcar 'org-trim
+                                        (split-string cc-invitees ";"))))
+           (item-identifier (assoc 'ItemId ,item)))
+       ,@forms)))
+(defun exco-calendar-item-with-details-iterate (identifier
+                                               response
+                                               callback
+                                               finalize)
+  "Iterate through calendar items in RESPONSE, calling CALLBACK on each.
+IDENTIFIER identifies the connection.
+CALLBACK takes the following arguments: FINALIZE, which is the
+FINALIZE argument to this function wrapped in a countdown,
+SUBJECT, a string, the subject of the meeting, START, the start
+date and time in Emacs internal representation, END, the start
+date and time in Emacs internal representation, LOCATION, the
+location of the meeting, MAIN-INVITEES, a list of strings
+representing required participants, OPTIONAL-INVITEES, a list of
+strings representing optional participants, DETAILS is the
+meeting request message body, and ICALENDAR-TEXT, the iCalendar
+text representing the meeting series.
+CALLBACK must arrange for FINALIZE to be called after its main
+processing is done."
+  (let* ((items (exco-extract-value '(ResponseMessages
+                                     FindItemResponseMessage
+                                     RootFolder
+                                     Items)
+                                   response))
+        (countdown (length items))
+        (finalizer
+         (lambda (&rest arguments)
+           (setq countdown (1- countdown))
+           (when (equal countdown 0)
+             (apply finalize arguments)))))
+    (if (equal countdown 0)
+       (funcall finalize identifier)
+      (exco--calendar-item-dolist
+       calendar-item items
+       (exco-calendar-item-get-details
+       identifier item-identifier
+       (lambda (icalendar-text)
+         (funcall callback finalizer subject start-internal end-internal
+                  location main-invitees optional-invitees
+                  icalendar-text)))))))
 (defun exco-calendar-item-iterate (response callback)
   "Iterate through calendar items in RESPONSE, calling CALLBACK on each.
 Returns a list of results from callback.  CALLBACK takes arguments:
@@ -651,32 +748,15 @@ LOCATION, the location of the meeting.
 MAIN-INVITEES, a list of strings representing required participants.
 OPTIONAL-INVITEES, a list of strings representing optional participants."
   (let ((result-list '()))
-    (dolist (calendar-item (exco-extract-value '(ResponseMessages
-                                                FindItemResponseMessage
-                                                RootFolder
-                                                Items)
-                                              response))
-      (let* ((subject (cdr (assoc 'Subject calendar-item)))
-            (start (cdr (assoc 'Start calendar-item)))
-            (start-internal (apply #'encode-time
-                                   (soap-decode-date-time
-                                    start 'dateTime)))
-            (end (cdr (assoc 'End calendar-item)))
-            (end-internal (apply #'encode-time
-                                 (soap-decode-date-time
-                                  end 'dateTime)))
-            (location (cdr (assoc 'Location calendar-item)))
-            (to-invitees (cdr (assoc 'DisplayTo calendar-item)))
-            (main-invitees (when to-invitees
-                             (mapcar 'org-trim
-                                     (split-string to-invitees ";"))))
-            (cc-invitees (cdr (assoc 'DisplayCc calendar-item)))
-            (optional-invitees (when cc-invitees
-                                 (mapcar 'org-trim
-                                         (split-string cc-invitees ";")))))
-       (push (funcall callback subject start-internal end-internal
-                      location main-invitees optional-invitees)
-             result-list)))
+    (exco--calendar-item-dolist
+     calendar-item (exco-extract-value '(ResponseMessages
+                                        FindItemResponseMessage
+                                        RootFolder
+                                        Items)
+                                      response)
+     (push (funcall callback subject start-internal end-internal
+                   location main-invitees optional-invitees)
+          result-list))
     (nreverse result-list)))
 ;; Date-time utility functions.

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