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[elpa] externals/ebdb-i18n-chn 0ff7a54 01/16: Add external/contrib packa

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/ebdb-i18n-chn 0ff7a54 01/16: Add external/contrib packages for EBDB
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 17:03:25 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/ebdb-i18n-chn
commit 0ff7a54bf8a860fa07b618ea7c2e05b7e9e612cb
Author: Eric Abrahamsen <eric@ericabrahamsen.net>
Commit: Eric Abrahamsen <eric@ericabrahamsen.net>

    Add external/contrib packages for EBDB
 ebdb-i18n-chn.el | 169 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 169 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ebdb-i18n-chn.el b/ebdb-i18n-chn.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a8c68e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ebdb-i18n-chn.el
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+;;; ebdb-chn.el --- China-specific internationalization support for EBDB  -*- 
lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2016-2017  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Eric Abrahamsen <eric@ericabrahamsen.net>
+;; Version: 1
+;; Package-Requires: ((pyim "1.6.0") (ebdb "0.2))
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Bits of code for making EBDB nicer to use with China-based
+;; contacts, both for handling Chinese characters, and for formatting
+;; of phones and addresses.  Be aware that using this library will
+;; incur a non-neglible slowdown at load time.  It shouldn't have any
+;; real impact on search and completion times.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'pyim)
+(require 'ebdb-i18n)
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-string-i18n ((phone ebdb-field-phone)
+                               (_cc (eql 86)))
+  (with-slots (area-code number extension) phone
+    (concat
+     "+86 "
+     (if area-code
+        (format "%d-%s" area-code number)
+       number)
+     (if extension
+        (format "X%d" extension)
+       ""))))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-parse-i18n ((class (subclass ebdb-field-phone))
+                              (str string)
+                              (_cc (eql 86))
+                              &optional slots)
+  ;; First remove everything but the numbers.
+  (let ((num-str (string-trim
+                 (replace-regexp-in-string "[^0-9Xx]+" "" str)))
+       a-code)
+    ;; In China, basically everything that starts with a 1 is a cell
+    ;; number, unless it starts with a 10, in which case it's the
+    ;; Beijing area code.  Sometimes the area codes are written with a
+    ;; leading zero, but they shouldn't be saved that way.
+    (when (string-match "\\`0?\\(10\\|[2-9][0-9]\\{1,2\\}\\)?\\([0-9]+\\)" 
+      (setq a-code (match-string 1 num-str)
+           slots (plist-put slots :number (match-string 2 num-str)))
+      (when a-code
+       (setq slots (plist-put slots :area-code (string-to-number a-code)))))
+    (when (string-match "X\\([0-9]+\\)\\'" num-str)
+      (setq slots (plist-put slots :extension
+                            (string-to-number (match-string 1 num-str)))))
+    (apply #'make-instance class slots)))
+;; This isn't all of them, but it seems like a reasonable subset.  See
+;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_compound_surname for a fuller
+;; list.
+(defvar ebdb-china-compound-surnames
+  '("慕容" "上官" "司马" "欧阳" "司徒" "司空" "西门" "爱新觉罗")
+  "A list of Chinese surnames that are longer than one
+  character.")
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-parse-i18n ((class (subclass ebdb-field-name-complex))
+                              (string string)
+                              (_script (eql han))
+                              &optional _slots)
+  (let (surname given-names)
+    (if (string-match (format "\\`\\(%s\\)\\(.*\\)\\'" (regexp-opt 
ebdb-china-compound-surnames)) string)
+       (setq surname (match-string 1 string)
+             given-names (match-string 2 string))
+      (setq surname (substring string 0 1)
+           given-names (substring string 1)))
+    (make-instance class
+                  :surname surname
+                  :given-names (list given-names))))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-string-i18n ((field ebdb-field-name-complex)
+                               (_script (eql han)))
+  "Properly format names in Chinese characters.
+This should only run once, at init time, or any time a record's
+name is changed.  The value ends up in the 'name-string slot of
+the record cache."
+  (with-slots (surname given-names) field
+    (concat (when surname surname)
+           (when given-names (car given-names)))))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-china-handle-name ((field ebdb-field-name-complex)
+                                     (record ebdb-record)
+                                     add-or-del)
+  "Add or remove a hash for a Chinese-character name.
+This function is called by both the `ebdb-init-field-i18n' and
+`ebdb-delete-field-i18n' methods.  It checks if the name is in
+Chinese characters, and if it is, converts it into pinyin, and
+either adds or removes a hash entry for the record under that
+name.  It also adds the pinyin to the record's name cache, so
+searchs via pinyin will find the record."
+  ;; We use `pyim-hanzi2pinyin-simple' because it's cheaper, and
+  ;; because checking for multiple character pronunciations isn't
+  ;; really helpful in people's names.
+  (let ((fl-py (pyim-hanzi2pinyin-simple (ebdb-name-fl field)))
+       (lf-py (pyim-hanzi2pinyin-simple
+               ;; Don't use `ebdb-name-lf', because there's no sense
+               ;; in having the comma in there.
+               (concat (ebdb-name-last field)
+                       " "
+                       (ebdb-name-given field t))))
+       (name-string (ebdb-string field))
+       hashfunc listfunc)
+    (if (eql add-or-del 'add)
+       (progn
+         (setq hashfunc #'ebdb-puthash
+               listfunc #'object-add-to-list))
+      (setq hashfunc #'ebdb-remhash
+           listfunc #'object-remove-from-list))
+    (funcall hashfunc fl-py record)
+    (funcall hashfunc lf-py record)
+    (funcall hashfunc name-string record)
+    (funcall listfunc (ebdb-record-cache record) 'alt-names fl-py)
+    (funcall listfunc (ebdb-record-cache record) 'alt-names name-string)
+    (funcall listfunc (ebdb-record-cache record) 'alt-names lf-py)))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-china-handle-name ((field ebdb-field-name-simple)
+                                     (record ebdb-record)
+                                     add-or-del)
+  "Add or remove a hash for a Chinese-character name."
+  ;; We use `pyim-hanzi2pinyin-simple' because it's cheaper, and
+  ;; because checking for multiple character pronunciations isn't
+  ;; really helpful in people's names.
+  (let ((name-string (ebdb-string field))
+       hashfunc listfunc)
+    (if (eql add-or-del 'add)
+       (progn
+         (setq hashfunc #'ebdb-puthash
+               listfunc #'object-add-to-list))
+      (setq hashfunc #'ebdb-remhash
+           listfunc #'object-remove-from-list))
+    (funcall hashfunc name-string record)
+    (funcall listfunc (ebdb-record-cache record) 'alt-names name-string)))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-init-field-i18n ((field ebdb-field-name)
+                                   record
+                                   (_script (eql han)))
+  (ebdb-china-handle-name field record 'add))
+(cl-defmethod ebdb-delete-field-i18n ((field ebdb-field-name)
+                                     record
+                                     (_script (eql han))
+                                     _unload)
+  (ebdb-china-handle-name field record 'del))
+(provide 'ebdb-chn)
+;;; ebdb-chn.el ends here

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