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[elpa] master 3259b8f: * externals-list: Convert aumix-mode to :external

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] master 3259b8f: * externals-list: Convert aumix-mode to :external
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 18:53:03 -0500 (EST)

branch: master
commit 3259b8f3269445194c1a3b140ecf8632f489a616
Author: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>
Commit: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>

    * externals-list: Convert aumix-mode to :external
 externals-list                    |   1 +
 packages/aumix-mode/aumix-mode.el | 295 --------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 295 deletions(-)

diff --git a/externals-list b/externals-list
index 57492e1..0019d2a 100644
--- a/externals-list
+++ b/externals-list
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
  ("aggressive-indent"  :external 
  ("async"              :external "https://github.com/jwiegley/emacs-async";)
  ("auctex"             :external "git://git.sv.gnu.org/auctex.git")
+ ("aumix-mode" :external nil)
  ("bbdb"               :external "git://git.savannah.nongnu.org/bbdb.git")
  ("bluetooth"          :external "https://gitlab.com/rstocker/emacs-bluetooth";)
  ("bnf-mode"           :external "https://github.com/sergeyklay/bnf-mode";)
diff --git a/packages/aumix-mode/aumix-mode.el 
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f97746..0000000
--- a/packages/aumix-mode/aumix-mode.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-;;; aumix-mode.el --- run the aumix program in a buffer
-;; Copyright (C) 2006,2009-2011,2013-2014  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Kevin Ryde <user42_kevin@yahoo.com.au>
-;; Version: 7
-;; Keywords: multimedia, mixer, aumix
-;; URL: http://user42.tuxfamily.org/aumix-mode/index.html
-;; EmacsWiki: Aumix
-;; aumix-mode.el is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-;; Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
-;; version.
-;; aumix-mode.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; Public License for more details.
-;; You can get a copy of the GNU General Public License online at
-;; <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; "M-x aumix" runs the aumix sound volume adjuster program in a buffer.
-;; See the docstrings of `aumix' and `aumix-mode' below.
-;;; Emacsen:
-;; Designed for Emacs 20 up.  A bit doubtful with XEmacs 21 term.el (see
-;; `aumix-mode' docstring below).
-;;; Install:
-;; To make M-x aumix available put aumix-mode.el in one of your `load-path'
-;; directories and the following in your .emacs
-;;     (autoload 'aumix "aumix-mode" nil t)
-;; If you use desktop.el then make an autoload for the aumix-mode function
-;; too so `desktop-read' can load it when restoring an aumix-mode buffer.
-;;     (autoload 'aumix-mode "aumix-mode" nil t)
-;; There's autoload cookies for these functions below if you install via
-;; `M-x package-install' or know how to use `update-file-autoloads'.
-;;; History:
-;; Version 1 - the first version
-;; Version 2 - new program and switches variables
-;;           - correction to `provide'
-;; Version 3 - flag aumix-mode-switches as risky-local-variable
-;; Version 4 - correction to `process-kill-without-query' for emacs21
-;;           - cl for `dotimes' in emacs20
-;; Version 5 - ensure curses interface if aumix built with gtk interface
-;;           - add desktop.el save/restore
-;; Version 6 - autoload aumix-mode for desktop.el
-;; Version 7 - don't autoload the variables
-;;; Code:
-(require 'term)
-  (unless (fboundp 'dotimes)
-    (require 'cl))) ;; for emacs20 dotimes
-(defgroup aumix-mode nil "Aumix Mode"
- :prefix "aumix-mode-"
- :group  'multimedia
- :link   '(url-link :tag "aumix-mode.el home page"
-                    "http://user42.tuxfamily.org/aumix-mode/index.html";)
- :link   '(url-link :tag "Aumix home page"
-                    "http://jpj.net/~trevor/aumix.html";))
-(defcustom aumix-mode-program "aumix"
-  "Executable program name for aumix."
-  :type  'string
-  :group 'aumix-mode)
-;; automatically `risky-local-variable-p' due to name `-program'
-(defcustom aumix-mode-switches nil
-  "List of command line switches to pass to aumix.
-Only a few aumix options do anything for interactive use.
-\"-d\" can set a mixer device file (default /dev/mixer), for
-    (setq aumix-mode-switches \\='(\"-d\" \"/dev/mixer2\"))"
-  :type  '(repeat string)
-  :group 'aumix-mode)
-;; Not sure if switches can do very much damage.  Make risky just in case
-;; "-d filename" causes ioctls to some device other than a mixer.
-(put 'aumix-mode-switches 'risky-local-variable t)
-(defcustom aumix-mode-hook nil
-  "Hook called by `aumix-mode'.
-This hook, and the parent `term-mode-hook', are run when the
-buffer setups are made but before the \"aumix\" program is
-started.  This is convenient for applying `font-lock-mode' or
-similar before the program output starts.
-See also `term-exec-hook' which runs after \"aumix\" is started."
-  :type    'hook
-  :group   'aumix-mode
-  :options '(turn-on-filladapt-mode))
-(defvar aumix-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
-  "Keymap for `aumix-mode'.
-This inherits from parent keymap `term-raw-map'.  That parent
-keymap is only set when `aumix-mode' is first called, since in
-Emacs 21 `term-raw-map' is only created then.
-Explicit nil settings in `aumix-mode-map' let control characters
-have their usual `global-map' meanings instead of `term-send-raw'
-in `term-raw-map'.  This is good for keys aumix doesn't use, in
-particular C-x and C-h have their usual prefix meanings.
-C-c is left for the various prefixed bindings of `term-raw-map'.
-C-l and Tab are `term-send-raw' since they're used by the aumix
-(dotimes (i 31)
-  (let ((key (1+ i))) ;; 1 to 31
-    (unless (member key '(?\C-c ?\C-l ?\t))
-      (define-key aumix-mode-map (vector key) nil))))
-(define-key aumix-mode-map "Q"    'aumix-mode-quit)
-(define-key aumix-mode-map "q"    'aumix-mode-quit)
-(define-key aumix-mode-map "\C-l" 'term-send-raw)
-(defun aumix-mode-quit ()
-  "Quit from aumix, and kill the buffer.
-This is a direct kill of the subprocess (rather than sending
-\"q\" to aumix and waiting for it to exit itself).
-For reference, if you use $LANG or $LANGUAGE set to something
-other than English then the quit key in aumix might be
-translated.  For example \"b\" (Beenden) in German.  In that case
-the aumix program exits but the buffer remains.  The buffer is
-left on aumix exit so that if it dies then an error message is
-seen.  Re-bind the keys in `aumix-mode-map' if something other
-than \"q\" for quit is desired."
-  (interactive)
-  (kill-buffer nil))
-(defun aumix-mode-kill-process ()
-  "An internal part of aumix-mode.el.
-This function is designed to be called from `kill-buffer-hook'.
-Kill the aumix sub-process when killing the buffer."
-  (if (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
-      (delete-process nil)))
-;; this is autoloaded for the benefit of desktop.el
-(defun aumix-mode ()
-  "Major mode for running the aumix program.
-Key bindings are per the aumix program.  Press `k' for a summary,
-or see KEYS in \"man aumix\".  `\\[aumix-mode-quit]' quits and kills the 
-The various terminal setups of `term-mode' are unchanged.  Note
-in Emacs 24 the ANSI colours use `font-lock-mode' so be sure
-that's turned on (which it is by default).  In Emacs 21 the
-opposite was true; if you turn on font lock then you lose the
-In XEmacs 21.4, term.el doesn't seem to work very well with
-ncurses programs.  A message \"Error opening terminal: eterm\" is
-from aumix (the ncurses library) complaining the terminfo is not
-found.  Adding TERMINFO=/usr/share/xemacs21/xemacs-packages/etc/
-or wherever the /e/eterm file lives might help.  If something
-doesn't work then C-c C-x C-k will kill the buffer.
-`clone-buffer' doesn't work on an aumix-mode buffer, as of Emacs
-24.3.  Two or more aumix programs can run simultaneously (their
-displays update with the underlying mixer settings), so perhaps
-`clone-buffer' could be made to work.  A `rename-buffer' and
-second `M-x aumix' works.  But normally only a single aumix-mode
-buffer is desired.
-The aumix home page is
-  URL `http://jpj.net/~trevor/aumix.html'
-The aumix-mode.el home page is
-  URL `http://user42.tuxfamily.org/aumix-mode/index.html'
-  (term-mode)
-  ;; kill sub-process when killing buffer
-  (if (eval-when-compile (fboundp 'make-local-hook))
-      (make-local-hook 'kill-buffer-hook)) ;; for xemacs21
-  (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'aumix-mode-kill-process
-            nil ;; not append
-            t)  ;; buffer-local
-  (setq major-mode 'aumix-mode
-        mode-name  "Aumix")
-  ;; desktop.el no misc-data needed
-  (set (make-local-variable 'desktop-save-buffer) 'ignore)
-  (if (eval-when-compile (fboundp 'run-mode-hooks))
-      (run-mode-hooks 'aumix-mode-hook)
-    (run-hooks 'aumix-mode-hook))
-  ;; Unset $DISPLAY to ensure aumix uses the curses interface, not the gtk
-  ;; interface if it was built with gtk interface.  The "-C" command line
-  ;; option can do that too, but as of aumix 2.9.1 in the curses build -C
-  ;; demands a colour file whereas prefer to leave that as the default
-  ;; colours or let the user put a "-C" colours in aumix-mode-switches.
-  (let ((process-environment (copy-sequence process-environment)))
-    (setenv "DISPLAY" nil)
-    (term-exec (current-buffer)
-               "aumix" ;; process name
-               aumix-mode-program nil aumix-mode-switches))
-  (term-char-mode)
-  (use-local-map aumix-mode-map)
-  ;; In term.el of emacs21 and xemacs21 `term-raw-map' is only created
-  ;; when `term-char-mode' is called, so must wait until this point to set
-  ;; it as the parent keymap.
-  (set-keymap-parent aumix-mode-map term-raw-map)
-  ;; `term-in-char-mode' looks for (current-local-map) equal to
-  ;; `term-raw-map' to identify char mode, so buffer-local setting of
-  ;; `term-raw-map' to be `aumix-mode-map' instead.
-  (set (make-local-variable 'term-raw-map) aumix-mode-map)
-  (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
-    ;; adapt to emacs22 pointless incompatible rename of
-    ;; `process-kill-without-query'
-    (if (eval-when-compile (fboundp 'set-process-query-on-exit-flag))
-        (set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil) ;; emacs22
-      (process-kill-without-query proc))))        ;; emacs21
-(put 'aumix-mode 'derived-mode-parent 'term-mode)
-(defun aumix ()
-  "Run the aumix program in a buffer.
-An *aumix* buffer is created if it doesn't already exist.
-See `aumix-mode' for details of operating the mode."
-  (interactive)
-  (switch-to-buffer "*aumix*")
-  (unless (eq major-mode 'aumix-mode)
-    (aumix-mode)))
-;; desktop.el save/restore (for emacs22 up)
-;; `desktop-create-buffer' loads the .el of an autoload mode func such as
-;; `aumix-mode' when it appears in a saved desktop.  The alternative would
-;; be to autoload `aumix-mode-desktop-restore' and the `eval-after-load',
-;; but that seems like more.
-(defun aumix-mode-desktop-restore (file-name buffer-name misc-data)
-  "Restore `aumix-mode' buffer for desktop.el.
-This is designed for use from `desktop-buffer-mode-handlers'."
-  ;; checkdoc-params: (file-name buffer-name misc-data)
-  (set-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name))
-  (aumix-mode)
-  (current-buffer)) ;; success, return buffer
-(eval-after-load "desktop"
-  '(when (boundp 'desktop-buffer-mode-handlers) ;; new in emacs22
-     (add-to-list 'desktop-buffer-mode-handlers
-                  '(aumix-mode . aumix-mode-desktop-restore))))
-;; LocalWords: docstrings dev subprocess el ncurses terminfo eterm usr
-(provide 'aumix-mode)
-;;; aumix-mode.el ends here

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