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[elpa] externals/ivy-hydra 33fa992 250/395: Fix swiper handling of bol r

From: Basil L. Contovounesios
Subject: [elpa] externals/ivy-hydra 33fa992 250/395: Fix swiper handling of bol regex
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021 08:32:13 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/ivy-hydra
commit 33fa992aebe9605a3130d221543a232dafce5ab9
Author: Troy Hinckley <t.macman@gmail.com>
Commit: Oleh Krehel <ohwoeowho@gmail.com>

    Fix swiper handling of bol regex
    Fixes #2418
    Fixes #2495
 ivy-test.el |  7 ++++---
 swiper.el   | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ivy-test.el b/ivy-test.el
index e24477b..7af21c1 100644
--- a/ivy-test.el
+++ b/ivy-test.el
@@ -221,12 +221,13 @@ Since `execute-kbd-macro' doesn't pick up a let-bound 
 (ert-deftest swiper--re-builder ()
   (setq swiper--width 4)
+  (setf (ivy-state-caller ivy-last) 'swiper)
   (should (string= (swiper--re-builder "^")
-                   "."))
+                   "^ "))
   (should (string= (swiper--re-builder "^a")
-                   "^ ?\\(a\\)"))
+                   "^ a"))
   (should (string= (swiper--re-builder "^a b")
-                   "^ \\(a\\).*?\\(b\\)"))
+                   "\\(^ a\\).*?\\(b\\)"))
diff --git a/swiper.el b/swiper.el
index b8b0b7f..d5e32b8 100644
--- a/swiper.el
+++ b/swiper.el
@@ -734,7 +734,22 @@ When capture groups are present in the input, print them 
instead of lines."
   (when (bound-and-true-p evil-mode)
-(declare-function char-fold-to-regexp "char-fold")
+(defun swiper--normalize-regex (re)
+  "Normalize the swiper regex RE.
+Add a space after a leading `^' if needed and apply
+`search-default-mode' if bound."
+  (replace-regexp-in-string
+   "^\\(?:\\\\(\\)?\\^"
+   (concat "\\&" (if (eq 'swiper (ivy-state-caller ivy-last)) " " ""))
+   (if (functionp (bound-and-true-p search-default-mode))
+       (mapconcat
+        (lambda (x)
+          (if (string-match-p "\\`[^$\\^]+\\'" x)
+              (funcall search-default-mode x)
+            x))
+        (split-string re "\\b") "")
+     re)
+   t))
 (defun swiper--re-builder (str)
   "Transform STR into a swiper regex.
@@ -742,46 +757,14 @@ This is the regex used in the minibuffer where candidates 
 line numbers.  For the buffer, use `ivy--regex' instead."
   (let* ((re-builder (ivy-alist-setting ivy-re-builders-alist))
          (str (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\n" "\n" str))
-         (re (cond
-               ((equal str "")
-                "")
-               ((equal str "^")
-                (setq ivy--subexps 0)
-                ".")
-               ((= (aref str 0) ?^)
-                (let* ((re (funcall re-builder (substring str 1)))
-                       (re (if (listp re)
-                               (mapconcat (lambda (x)
-                                            (format "\\(%s\\)" (car x)))
-                                          (cl-remove-if-not #'cdr re)
-                                          ".*?")
-                             re)))
-                  (cond
-                    ((string= re "$")
-                     (if (eq (ivy-state-caller ivy-last) 'swiper)
-                         "^ $"
-                       "^$"))
-                    ((zerop ivy--subexps)
-                     (prog1 (format "^ ?\\(%s\\)" re)
-                       (setq ivy--subexps 1)))
-                    (t
-                     (format "^ %s" re)))))
-               ;; Added in Emacs 25.1.
-               ((fboundp (bound-and-true-p search-default-mode))
-                (if (string-match "\\`\\\\_<\\(.+\\)\\\\_>\\'" str)
-                    (concat
-                     "\\_<"
-                     (funcall search-default-mode (match-string 1 str))
-                     "\\_>")
-                  (let ((subs (ivy--split str)))
-                    (setq ivy--subexps (length subs))
-                    (mapconcat
-                     (lambda (s) (format "\\(%s\\)" (funcall 
search-default-mode s)))
-                     subs
-                     ".*?"))))
-               (t
-                (funcall re-builder str)))))
-    re))
+         (re (funcall re-builder str)))
+    (if (consp re)
+        (mapcar
+         (lambda (x)
+           (cons (swiper--normalize-regex (car x))
+                 (cdr x)))
+         re)
+      (swiper--normalize-regex re))))
 (defvar swiper-history nil
   "History for `swiper'.")

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