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[elpa] externals/devdocs 71142b8 1/7: Initial commit

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/devdocs 71142b8 1/7: Initial commit
Date: Sat, 29 May 2021 14:57:12 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/devdocs
commit 71142b8ac4f496f34657a95eb43aa48b8817cab1
Author: Augusto Stoffel <astoff@users.noreply.github.com>
Commit: Augusto Stoffel <arstoffel@gmail.com>

    Initial commit
 .gitignore |   2 +
 evdocs.el  | 267 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 269 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..257c9f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/evdocs.el b/evdocs.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43ea726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evdocs.el
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+;;; evdocs.el --- Emacs viewer for DevDocs  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2021 Augusto Stoffel
+;; Author: Augusto Stoffel <arstoffel@gmail.com>
+;; Keywords: help
+;; URL: https://github.com/astoff/evdocs
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1"))
+;; Version: 0
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup evdocs nil
+  "Emacs viewer for DevDocs."
+  :group 'help
+  :prefix "evdocs-")
+(defcustom evdocs-current-docs nil
+  "A list of DevDocs documents relevant for the current buffer."
+  :local t
+  :type '(list string))
+(defcustom evdocs-data-dir (expand-file-name "devdocs" user-emacs-directory)
+  "Directory to save documentation files."
+  :type 'directory)
+(defvar evdocs-site-url "https://devdocs.io";
+  "Location of the DevDocs website.")
+(defvar evdocs-cdn-url "https://documents.devdocs.io";
+  "Location of the DevDocs CDN.")
+;;; Manage documentation
+(defvar evdocs--manifest nil)
+(defun evdocs--manifest (&optional refresh)
+  "Return a hash table of documents available from DevDocs."
+  (when (or refresh (not evdocs--manifest))
+    (let ((tbl (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (url-insert-file-contents (format "%s/docs.json" evdocs-site-url))
+        (seq-doseq (it (json-read))
+          (puthash (alist-get 'slug it) it tbl))
+        (setq evdocs--manifest tbl))))
+  evdocs--manifest)
+(defun evdocs--installed-p (doc)
+  "Non-nil if DOC is installed."
+  (file-exists-p
+   (expand-file-name "metadata" (expand-file-name doc evdocs-data-dir))))
+(defun evdocs--doc-title (doc)
+  "Title of document with slug DOC"
+  (let-alist (gethash doc (evdocs--manifest))
+    (if .version (concat .name " " .version) .name)))
+(defun evdocs--read-document (prompt &optional pred multiple)
+  "Query interactively for a DevDocs document."
+  (let (cands)
+    (maphash (lambda (k v)
+               (when (or (not pred) (funcall pred k))
+                 (push (cons (evdocs--doc-title k) k) cands)))
+             (evdocs--manifest))
+    (if multiple
+        ;; (thread-last (completing-read-multiple prompt cands)
+        ;;   (mapcar (lambda (s) (cdr (assoc s cands))))
+        ;;   (delq nil)
+        ;;   (delete-dups))
+        (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (s) (cdr (assoc s cands)))
+                          (completing-read-multiple prompt cands)))
+      (cdr (assoc (completing-read prompt cands nil t) cands)))))
+(defun evdocs-delete (doc)
+  "Delete DevDocs documentation.
+DOC is a document slug."
+  (interactive (list (evdocs--read-document "Delete documentation: "
+                                            #'evdocs--installed-p)))
+  (let ((dest (file-name-as-directory
+               (expand-file-name doc evdocs-data-dir))))
+    (if (and (file-directory-p dest)
+             (file-in-directory-p dest evdocs-data-dir))
+        (delete-directory dest t t)
+      (user-error (format "Documentation for `%s' is not installed" doc)))))
+(defun evdocs-install (doc)
+  "Download and install DevDocs documentation.
+DOC is a document slug."
+  (interactive (list (evdocs--read-document
+                      "Install documentation: "
+                      (lambda (s) (not (evdocs--installed-p s))))))
+  (let ((temp (make-temp-file "devdocs-" t)))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (url-insert-file-contents (format "%s/%s/db.json" evdocs-cdn-url doc))
+      (seq-doseq (entry (json-read))
+        (with-temp-file (expand-file-name
+                         (url-hexify-string (format "%s.html" (car entry))) 
+          (insert (cdr entry)))))
+    (url-copy-file (format "%s/%s/index.json" evdocs-cdn-url doc)
+                   (expand-file-name "index.json" temp))    
+    (with-temp-file (expand-file-name "metadata" temp)
+      (prin1 (gethash doc (evdocs--manifest))
+             (current-buffer)))
+    (rename-file temp (expand-file-name doc evdocs-data-dir) t)
+    (message "Documentation for `%s' installed." doc)))
+;;; Manipulating a single document
+(defvar evdocs--doc-index (make-hash-table))
+(defun evdocs--doc-index (doc)
+  (or (gethash doc evdocs--doc-index)
+      (puthash doc
+               (json-read-file (expand-file-name (concat doc "/index.json")
+                                                 evdocs-data-dir))
+               evdocs--doc-index)))
+(defun evdocs--entries (doc)
+  "Return a list of entries for document DOC."
+  (mapcar (let ((docid (cons 'doc doc)))
+            (lambda (entry)
+              (let-alist entry
+                (cons (concat .type ": " .name) (cons docid entry)))))
+          (alist-get 'entries (evdocs--doc-index doc))))
+(defvar evdocs--entries (make-hash-table))
+(defun evdocs--entries (doc)
+  "Return a list of entries for document DOC."
+  (or (gethash doc evdocs--entries)
+      (puthash doc
+               (seq-map-indexed
+                (let ((docid (cons 'doc doc)))
+                  (lambda (entry i)
+                    (let-alist entry
+                      (thread-last entry
+                        (cons `(index . ,i))
+                        (cons docid)
+                        (cons .name)))))
+                (alist-get 'entries (json-read-file
+                                     (expand-file-name (concat doc 
+                                                       evdocs-data-dir))))
+               evdocs--entries)))
+(defun evdocs--read-entry (prompt)
+  (let* ((cands (mapcan #'evdocs--entries evdocs-current-docs)))
+    (cdr (assoc (completing-read prompt cands nil t) cands))))
+;;; Documentation viewer
+(defvar-local evdocs--data nil
+  "Alist of data, set buffer-locally when in `evdocs-mode'.")
+(defvar evdocs-header-line
+  '(:eval (let-alist evdocs--data
+            (concat (evdocs--doc-title .doc) " » " .type " » " .name))))
+(define-derived-mode evdocs-mode special-mode "DevDocs"
+  "Mode for displaying DevDocs documents."
+  (setq-local browse-url-browser-function
+              (cons '("\\`[^:]*\\'" . evdocs--browse-url)
+                    (if (functionp browse-url-browser-function)
+                        `(("." . ,browse-url-browser-function))
+                      browse-url-browser-function)))
+  (setq buffer-undo-list t
+        header-line-format evdocs-header-line
+        truncate-lines t))
+(defun evdocs-goto-target ()
+  (interactive)
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (text-property-search-forward 'shr-target-id)
+  (beginning-of-line))
+(let ((map evdocs-mode-map))
+  (define-key map [tab] 'forward-button)
+  (define-key map [backtab] 'backward-button))
+(defun evdocs--path-file (path)
+  "Return the non-fragment part of PATH."
+  (substring path 0 (string-match "#" path)))
+(defun evdocs--path-fragment (path)
+  "Return the fragment part of path, or nil if absent."
+  (when-let ((i (string-match "#" path)))
+    (substring path (1+ i))))
+(defun evdocs--path-expand (path base)
+  "Expand PATH relative to a BASE path."
+  (pcase (string-to-char path)
+    ('?/ path)
+    ('?# (concat (evdocs--path-file base) path))
+    (_ (concat (file-name-directory base) path))))
+(defun evdocs--render (entry)
+  "Render a DevDocs documentation entry, returning a buffer.
+ENTRY is an alist like those returned by `evdocs--entries',
+possibly with an additional ENTRY.fragment which overrides the
+ENTRY.path fragment part."
+  (or (libxml-available-p)
+      (error "This function requires Emacs to be compiled with libxml2"))
+  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*devdocs*")
+    (evdocs-mode)
+    (let-alist entry
+      (let ((shr-target-id (or .fragment (evdocs--path-fragment .path)))
+            (buffer-read-only nil)
+            (file (expand-file-name (format "%s/%s.html" .doc 
(evdocs--path-file .path)))
+                                    evdocs-data-dir)))
+        (erase-buffer)
+        ;; TODO: cl-progv here for shr settings?
+        (shr-insert-document
+         (with-temp-buffer
+           (insert-file-contents file)
+           (libxml-parse-html-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
+      (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+      (setq-local evdocs--data entry
+                  evdocs-current-docs (list .doc))
+      (evdocs-goto-target)
+      (current-buffer))))
+(defun evdocs--browse-url (url &rest _)
+  (let-alist evdocs--data
+    (let* ((dest (evdocs--path-expand url .path))
+           (file (evdocs--path-file dest))
+           (frag (evdocs--path-fragment dest))
+           (entry (seq-some (lambda (it)
+                              (when (let-alist it
+                                      (or (string= .path dest)
+                                          (string= .path file)))
+                                it))
+                            (evdocs--entries .doc))))
+      (unless entry (error "Can't find `%s'" dest))
+      (when frag (push `(fragment . ,frag) entry))
+      (evdocs--render entry))))
+(defun evdocs-lookup (&optional ask-docs)
+  (interactive "P")
+  (when (or ask-docs (not evdocs-current-docs))
+    (setq-local evdocs-current-docs (evdocs--read-document
+                                     "Docs for this buffer: "
+                                     #'evdocs--installed-p t)))
+  (let* ((entry (evdocs--read-entry "Go to documentation: "))
+         (buffer (evdocs--render entry)))
+    (with-selected-window (display-buffer buffer)
+      (evdocs-goto-target)
+      (recenter 0))))
+(provide 'evdocs)
+;;; evdocs.el ends here

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