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[nongnu] elpa/go-mode 4acf733 468/495: Fully fontify type and const decl

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/go-mode 4acf733 468/495: Fully fontify type and const decls.
Date: Sat, 7 Aug 2021 09:06:10 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/go-mode
commit 4acf7333e131607831a975b0d22773729886736b
Author: Muir Manders <muir@mnd.rs>
Commit: Peter Sanford <psanford@sanford.io>

    Fully fontify type and const decls.
    - fontify declared types within block "type" decls, including type
    - fontify declared constants within "const" decls
    Closes: #317 [via git-merge-pr]
 go-mode.el                | 144 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 test/go-font-lock-test.el |  39 ++++++-------
 2 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/go-mode.el b/go-mode.el
index 0722769..44b53cd 100644
--- a/go-mode.el
+++ b/go-mode.el
@@ -433,8 +433,12 @@ For mode=set, all covered lines will have this weight."
      ;; An anchored matcher for type switch case clauses.
      (go--match-type-switch-case (go--fontify-type-switch-case nil nil (1 
-     ;; Match variable names in var decls.
-     (go--match-var-decl 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
+     ;; Match variable names in var decls, constant names in const
+     ;; decls, and type names in type decls.
+     (go--match-decl
+      (1 font-lock-variable-name-face nil t)
+      (2 font-lock-constant-face nil t)
+      (3 font-lock-type-face nil t))
      (,(concat "\\_<" (regexp-opt go-mode-keywords t) "\\_>") . 
      (,(concat "\\(\\_<" (regexp-opt go-builtins t) "\\_>\\)[[:space:]]*(") 1 
@@ -455,8 +459,8 @@ For mode=set, all covered lines will have this weight."
      ;; Raw string literal, needed for font-lock-syntactic-keywords
      ("\\(`[^`]*`\\)" 1 font-lock-multiline)
-     ;; Type decl
-     (,(concat "\\_<type\\_>[[:space:]]+\\(" go-identifier-regexp 
"\\)[[:space:]]*\\(?:=[[:space:]]*\\)?\\(?:" go-type-name-regexp "\\)?" ) (1 
font-lock-type-face) (2 font-lock-type-face nil t))
+     ;; RHS of type alias.
+     (go--match-type-alias 2 font-lock-type-face)
      ;; Arrays/slices: []<type> | [123]<type> | [some.Const]<type> | 
[someConst]<type> | [...]<type>
      (,(concat "\\[\\(?:[[:digit:]]+\\|" go-qualified-identifier-regexp "\\|" 
go-identifier-regexp "\\|\\.\\.\\.\\)?\\]" go-type-name-regexp) 1 
@@ -1401,58 +1405,97 @@ comma, it stops at it. Return non-nil if comma was 
       (setq done (not (go--search-next-comma end))))
-(defun go--in-var-decl-p ()
-  "Return non-nil if insde a \"var\" decl."
-  (or
-   (go--in-paren-with-prefix-p ?\( "var")
-   (save-excursion
-     (let ((depth (go-paren-level)))
-       (beginning-of-line)
+(defun go--containing-decl ()
+  "Return containing decl kind var|const|type, if any."
+  (save-match-data
+    (or
+     (save-excursion
-        (= (go-paren-level) depth)
-        (looking-at-p "[[:space:]]*var[[:space:]]"))))))
-(defconst go--match-var-re (concat "\\(?:^\\|[[:space:]]\\)\\(" 
go-identifier-regexp "\\)\\_>"))
-(defun go--match-var-decl (end)
-  "Match variable declarations inside \"var\" decls and \":=\"
-  assignments."
-  (let (found-match)
+        (go-goto-opening-parenthesis)
+        (eq (char-after) ?\()
+        (skip-syntax-backward " ")
+        (skip-syntax-backward "w")
+        (looking-at "\\(var\\|const\\|type\\)[[:space:]]")
+        (match-string-no-properties 1)))
+     (save-excursion
+       (let ((depth (go-paren-level)))
+         (beginning-of-line)
+         (and
+          (= (go-paren-level) depth)
+          (looking-at "[[:space:]]*\\(var\\|const\\|type\\)[[:space:]]")
+          (match-string-no-properties 1)))))))
+(defconst go--decl-ident-re (concat "\\(?:^\\|[[:space:]]\\)\\(\\(\\(" 
go-identifier-regexp "\\)\\)\\)\\_>"))
+(defun go--match-decl (end)
+  "Match identifers in \"var\", \"type\" and \"const\" decls, as
+well as \":=\" assignments.
+In order to only scan once, the regex has three subexpressions
+that match the same identifier. Depending on the kind of
+containing decl we zero out the subexpressions so the right one
+gets highlighted by the font lock keyword."
+  (let (found-match decl)
     (while (and
             (not found-match)
-            (re-search-forward go--match-var-re end t))
+            (re-search-forward go--decl-ident-re end t))
-      (save-match-data
-        (save-excursion
-          (cond
+      (save-excursion
+        ;; Skip keywords.
+        (cond
          ((member (match-string 1) go-mode-keywords))
-           ;; We are inside a "var" decl.
-           (go--in-var-decl-p)
+           ;; We are in a decl of some kind.
+           (setq decl (go--containing-decl))
+           ;; We aren't on right side of equals sign.
+           (not (go--looking-back-p "=")))
-            ;; We are followed directly by comma and aren't on right
-            ;; side of equals sign.
-            (and
-             (looking-at "[[:space:]]*,")
-             (not (looking-back "=.*" (line-beginning-position))))
+            ;; We are followed directly by comma.
+            (looking-at-p "[[:space:]]*,")
             ;; Or we are followed by a space and non-space (non-space
             ;; might be a type name or "=").
-            (looking-at "[[:space:]]+[^[:space:]]")))
-          (setq found-match t))
-         ;; Left side of ":=" assignmnet.
-         ((looking-at ".*:=")
-          (let ((depth (go-paren-level)))
-            (goto-char (match-end 0))
-            ;; Make sure the ":=" isn't in a comment or a sub-block.
-            (setq found-match (and
-                               (not (go-in-string-or-comment-p))
-                               (= depth (go-paren-level))))))))))
+            (looking-at-p "[[:space:]]+[^[:space:]]"))
+           (setq found-match t)
+           ;; Unset match data subexpressions that don't apply based on
+           ;; the decl kind.
+           (let ((md (match-data)))
+             (cond
+              ((string= decl "var")
+               (setf (nth 4 md) nil (nth 5 md) nil (nth 6 md) nil (nth 7 md) 
+              ((string= decl "const")
+               (setf (nth 2 md) nil (nth 3 md) nil (nth 6 md) nil (nth 7 md) 
+              ((string= decl "type")
+               (setf (nth 2 md) nil (nth 3 md) nil (nth 4 md) nil (nth 5 md) 
+             (set-match-data md)))
+         (t
+          (save-match-data
+            ;; Left side of ":=" assignmnet.
+            (when (looking-at ".*:=")
+              (let ((depth (go-paren-level)))
+                (goto-char (match-end 0))
+                ;; Make sure the ":=" isn't in a comment or a sub-block.
+                (setq found-match (and
+                                   (not (go-in-string-or-comment-p))
+                                   (= depth (go-paren-level)))))))))))
+(defun go--looking-back-p (re)
+  "Return non-nil if RE matches beginning of line to point.
+RE is not anchored automatically."
+  (string-match-p
+   re
+   (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (line-beginning-position))))
 (defconst go--ident-type-pair-re (concat "\\_<\\(" go-identifier-regexp 
"\\)[[:space:]]+" go-type-name-regexp))
 (defun go--match-ident-type-pair (end)
@@ -1477,6 +1520,23 @@ succeeds."
+(defconst go--type-alias-re
+  (concat "^[[:space:]]*\\(type\\)?[[:space:]]*" go-identifier-regexp 
"[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*" go-type-name-regexp))
+(defun go--match-type-alias (end)
+  "Search for type aliases.
+We are looking for the right-hand-side of the type alias"
+  (let (found-match)
+    (while (and
+            (not found-match)
+            (re-search-forward go--type-alias-re end t))
+      ;; Either line started with "type", or we are in a "type" block.
+      (setq found-match (or
+                         (match-string 1)
+                         (go--in-paren-with-prefix-p ?\( "type"))))
+    found-match))
 (defun go--parameter-list-type (end)
   "Return `present' if the parameter list has names, or `absent' if not.
diff --git a/test/go-font-lock-test.el b/test/go-font-lock-test.el
index bbe62cf..9fb5ae3 100644
--- a/test/go-font-lock-test.el
+++ b/test/go-font-lock-test.el
@@ -36,25 +36,6 @@ KfuncK FfooF(
   VjustV TstopT,
 ) { }"))
-(ert-deftest go--fontify-decls ()
-  (should-fontify "KvarK VfooV TintT")
-  (should-fontify "KvarK VfooV *[3]TintT")
-  (should-fontify "KvarK VfooV Tfoo.ZebraT")
-  (should-fontify "KvarK VfooV, VbarV Tfoo.ZebraT")
-  (should-fontify "
-KvarK (
-  VaV TbT
-  VaV, VbV TbT
-  VaV KfuncK(VbV TcT)
-  (should-fontify "
-KconstK (
-  a = 1
-  a TintT = 1
 (ert-deftest go--fontify-struct ()
   (should-fontify "KstructK { i TintT }")
   (should-fontify "KstructK { a, b TintT }")
@@ -128,12 +109,20 @@ KcaseK string:
   ;; Don't fontify "!=" operator.
   (should-fontify "foo != bar"))
 (ert-deftest go--fontify-type-decl ()
   (should-fontify "KtypeK TfooT TbarT")
   (should-fontify "KtypeK TfooT Tbar.ZarT")
   (should-fontify "KtypeK TfooT KstructK { }")
   (should-fontify "KtypeK TfooT = Tbar.ZarT")
-  (should-fontify "KtypeK TfooT = KmapK[TstringT]TstringT"))
+  (should-fontify "KtypeK TfooT = KmapK[TstringT]TstringT")
+  (should-fontify "
+KtypeK (
+  TfooT TbarT
+  TfooT KstructK {}
+  TfooT = *Tbar.ZarT
 (ert-deftest go--fontify-var-decl ()
   (should-fontify "KvarK VfooV = bar")
@@ -153,6 +142,16 @@ KvarK (
   VfooV, VbarV TbazT = qux, zorb
+(ert-deftest go--fontify-const-decl ()
+  (should-fontify "KconstK CfooC, CbarC = 123, 456 D// D")
+  (should-fontify "KconstK CfooC, CbarC TbazT = 123, 456")
+  (should-fontify "
+KconstK (
+  CaC = 1
+  CaC TintT = 1
+  CaC, CbC TintT = 1, 2
 (ert-deftest go--fontify-assign ()
   (should-fontify "VfooV := bar")
   (should-fontify "foo = bar D// DQ:=Q")

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