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[nongnu] elpa/inf-clojure 2cfc38f 239/313: Move repl features into singl

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/inf-clojure 2cfc38f 239/313: Move repl features into single datastructure for clarity
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2021 10:00:25 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/inf-clojure
commit 2cfc38fa409718e150dcdc9278e23aa8dcb4e531
Author: dan sutton <dan@dpsutton.com>
Commit: Bozhidar Batsov <bozhidar.batsov@gmail.com>

    Move repl features into single datastructure for clarity
    want to make the logic of inf-clojure clear and open. No more case
    Clojure, joker, and planck implementations
    Loop over them during startup and offer those forms as the way to
 inf-clojure.el | 825 ++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------
 todo.org       |  58 ++++
 2 files changed, 317 insertions(+), 566 deletions(-)

diff --git a/inf-clojure.el b/inf-clojure.el
index 76122b7..1545e14 100644
--- a/inf-clojure.el
+++ b/inf-clojure.el
@@ -71,7 +71,201 @@
 (require 'subr-x)
 (require 'seq)
+(defvar inf-clojure-implementations (make-hash-table :size 6))
+(defvar inf-clojure-recognize-alist '())
+(defvar inf-clojure-startup-forms '())
+(defun inf-clojure-register-implementation
+    (repl-type implementation &optional recognize default-startup)
+  "Register a REPL-TYPE for `inf-clojure'.
+REPL-TYPE is a symbol of the repl type (lumo, planck, etc)
+IMPLEMENTATION is a function from feature-symbol to format
+string.  For instance, (implementation 'doc) > (cljs.repl/doc
+\"%s\"). The full list of feature symbols is: load, doc, source,
+arglists, apropos, ns-vars, set-ns, macroexpand, macroexpand-1,
+and completion.
+RECOGNIZE is a namespace that, if present, will indicate that the
+currently connected repl is a repl of this type.
+DEFAULT-STARTUP is a command to start a repl of this type from
+the repl"
+  (puthash repl-type implementation inf-clojure-implementations)
+  (when recognize
+    (add-to-list 'inf-clojure-recognize-alist (cons repl-type recognize)))
+  (when default-startup
+    (add-to-list 'inf-clojure-startup-forms (cons repl-type default-startup))))
+(defun inf-clojure-cljs-features-dispatch (feature)
+  (case feature
+    ;; ((load) "(cljs.core/load-file \"%s\")")
+    ((doc) "(cljs.repl/doc %s)")
+    ((source) "(cljs.repl/source %s)")
+    ((arglists) "(try (->> '%s cljs.core/resolve cljs.core/meta :arglists) 
(catch :default _ nil))")
+    ((apropos) "(cljs.repl/apropos \"%s\")")
+    ((ns-vars) "(cljs.repl/dir %s)")
+    ((set-ns) "(in-ns '%s)")
+    ((macroexpand) "(cljs.core/macroexpand '%s)")
+    ((macroexpand-1) "(cljs.core/macroexpand-1 '%s)")
+    ;; ((completion) inf-clojure-completion-form-lumo)
+    ))
+ 'cljs  #'inf-clojure-cljs-features-dispatch "cljs.repl" "clojure -m cljs.main 
+(defun inf-clojure-lumo-features-dispatch (feature)
+  (case feature
+    ((load) "(clojure.core/load-file \"%s\")")
+    ((doc) "(lumo.repl/doc %s)")
+    ((source) "(lumo.repl/source %s)")
+    ((arglists)
+     "(let [old-value lumo.repl/*pprint-results*]
+ (set! lumo.repl/*pprint-results* false)
+ (js/setTimeout #(set! lumo.repl/*pprint-results* old-value) 0)
+ (lumo.repl/get-arglists \"%s\"))")
+    ((apropos) "(lumo.repl/apropos \"%s\")")
+    ((ns-vars) "(lumo.repl/dir %s)")
+    ((set-ns) "(in-ns '%s)")
+    ((macroexpand) "(macroexpand-1 '%s)")
+    ((macroexpand-1) "(macroexpand-1 '%s)")
+    ((completion)
+     "(let [ret (atom nil)]
+  (lumo.repl/get-completions \"%s\" (fn [res] (reset! ret (map str res))))
+   @ret)")) )
+ 'lumo  #'inf-clojure-lumo-features-dispatch "lumo.repl" "lumo")
+(defun inf-clojure-planck-features-dispatch (feature)
+  (case feature
+    ((load) "(load-file \"%s\")")
+    ((doc) "(planck.repl/doc %s)")
+    ((source) "(planck.repl/source %s)")
+    ((arglists) "(planck.repl/get-arglists \"%s\")")
+    ((apropos) "(doseq [var (sort (planck.repl/apropos \"%s\"))] (println (str 
+    ((ns-vars) "(planck.repl/dir %s)")
+    ((set-ns) "(in-ns '%s)")
+    ((macroexpand) "(macroexpand '%s)")
+    ((macroexpand-1) "(macroexpand-1 '%s)")
+    ;; ((completion) inf-clojure-completion-form-planck )
+    ))
+ 'planck  #'inf-clojure-planck-features-dispatch "planck.repl" "planck")
+(defun inf-clojure-joker-features-dispatch (feature)
+  (case feature
+    ((load) "(load-file \"%s\")")
+    ((doc) "(joker.repl/doc %s)")
+    ;; ((source) "")
+    ((arglists)
+     "(try
+     (:arglists
+      (joker.core/meta
+       (joker.core/resolve
+        (joker.core/read-string \"%s\"))))
+     (catch Error _ nil))")
+    ;; ((apropos) "")
+    ;; ((ns-vars) "")
+    ((set-ns) "(in-ns '%s)")
+    ((macroexpand) "(macroexpand '%s)")
+    ((macroexpand-1) "(macroexpand-1 '%s)")
+    ;; ((completion) "")
+    ))
+ 'joker  #'inf-clojure-joker-features-dispatch "joker.repl" "joker")
+(defun inf-clojure-clojure-features-dispatch (feature)
+  (case feature
+    ((load) "(clojure.core/load-file \"%s\")")
+    ((doc) "(clojure.repl/doc %s)")
+    ((source) "(clojure.repl/source %s)")
+    ((arglists)
+     "(try
+ (:arglists
+  (clojure.core/meta
+   (clojure.core/resolve
+    (clojure.core/read-string \"%s\"))))
+(catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljr Exception) e nil))")
+    ((apropos) "(doseq [var (sort (clojure.repl/apropos \"%s\"))] (println 
(str var)))")
+    ((ns-vars) "(clojure.repl/dir %s)")
+    ((set-ns) "(clojure.core/in-ns '%s)")
+    ((macroexpand) "(clojure.core/macroexpand '%s)")
+    ((macroexpand-1) "(clojure.core/macroexpand-1 '%s)")
+    ;; ((completion) nil)
+    ))
+ 'clojure  #'inf-clojure-clojure-features-dispatch "clojure.core.server" 
+(defun inf-clojure-proc (&optional no-error)
+  "Return the current inferior Clojure process.
+When NO-ERROR is non-nil, don't throw an error when no connection
+has been found.  See also variable `inf-clojure-buffer'."
+  (or (get-buffer-process (if (derived-mode-p 'inf-clojure-mode)
+                              (current-buffer)
+                            inf-clojure-buffer))
+      (unless no-error
+        (error "No Clojure subprocess; see variable `inf-clojure-buffer'"))))
+(defvar-local inf-clojure-repl-type nil
+  "Symbol to define your REPL type.
+Its root binding is nil and it can be further customized using
+either `setq-local` or an entry in `.dir-locals.el`." )
+(defvar inf-clojure--repl-type-lock nil
+  "Global lock for protecting against proc filter race conditions.
+(defun inf-clojure--detect-repl-type (proc)
+  "Identifies the current REPL type for PROC."
+  (when (not inf-clojure--repl-type-lock)
+    (let ((inf-clojure--repl-type-lock t))
+      (or (seq-some (lambda (r)
+                      (when (inf-clojure--some-response-p
+                             proc (format "(find-ns '%s)" (cdr r)))
+                        (car r)))
+                    inf-clojure-recognize-alist)
+          'clojure))))
+(defun inf-clojure-set-repl-type ()
+  "Set the REPL type to one of the available implementations."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
+         (types (hash-table-keys inf-clojure-implementations))
+         (type-to-set (intern
+                       (completing-read "Set repl type:"
+                                        (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name types) 
+    (setq-local inf-clojure-repl-type  type-to-set)
+    (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
+      (setq-local inf-clojure-repl-type  type-to-set))))
+(defun inf-clojure--set-repl-type (proc)
+  "Set the REPL type if has not already been set.
+It requires a REPL PROC for inspecting the correct type."
+  (if (not inf-clojure-repl-type)
+      (let ((repl-type (inf-clojure--detect-repl-type proc)))
+        ;; set the REPL process buffer
+        (with-current-buffer inf-clojure-buffer
+          (setq-local inf-clojure-repl-type repl-type))
+        ;; set in the current buffer
+        (setq-local inf-clojure-repl-type repl-type))
+    inf-clojure-repl-type))
+(defun inf-clojure-get-feature (proc feature &optional no-error)
+  "Get FEATURE based on repl type for PROC."
+  (let* ((repl-type (or inf-clojure-repl-type
+                        (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
+                          inf-clojure-repl-type)
+                        (error "Repl type is not known")))
+         (implementation (gethash repl-type inf-clojure-implementations))
+         (feature-form (and implementation (funcall implementation feature))))
+    (cond (feature-form feature-form)
+          (no-error nil)
+          (t (error "%s not configured for %s" feature repl-type)))))
 (defgroup inf-clojure nil
   "Run an external Clojure process (REPL) in an Emacs buffer."
   :prefix "inf-clojure-"
@@ -227,8 +421,6 @@ often connecting to a remote REPL process."
   :safe #'inf-clojure--endpoint-p
   :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'inf-clojure-program 'inf-clojure-lein-cmd 
 (defcustom inf-clojure-boot-cmd "boot repl -C"
   "The command used to start a Clojure REPL for Boot projects.
@@ -268,69 +460,8 @@ often connecting to a remote REPL process."
   :safe #'inf-clojure--endpoint-p
   :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-;;;; Lumo
-;;;; ====
-(defcustom inf-clojure--lumo-repl-form
-  "(find-ns 'lumo.repl)"
-  "Form to invoke in order to verify that we launched a Lumo REPL."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-;;;; Planck
-;;;; ====
-(defcustom inf-clojure--planck-repl-form
-  "(find-ns 'planck.repl)"
-  "Form to invoke in order to verify that we launched a Planck REPL."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-;;;; Joker
-;;;; ====
-(defcustom inf-clojure--joker-repl-form
-  "(find-ns 'joker.repl)"
-  "Form to invoke in order to verify that we launched a Joker REPL."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.2.0"))
-(defvar-local inf-clojure-repl-type nil
-  "Symbol to define your REPL type.
-Its root binding is nil and it can be further customized using
-either `setq-local` or an entry in `.dir-locals.el`." )
-(defvar inf-clojure--repl-type-lock nil
-  "Global lock for protecting against proc filter race conditions.
-(defun inf-clojure--detect-repl-type (proc)
-  "Identifies the current REPL type for PROC."
-  (when (not inf-clojure--repl-type-lock)
-    (let ((inf-clojure--repl-type-lock t))
-      (cond
-       ((inf-clojure--some-response-p proc inf-clojure--lumo-repl-form) 'lumo)
-       ((inf-clojure--some-response-p proc inf-clojure--planck-repl-form) 
-       ((inf-clojure--some-response-p proc inf-clojure--joker-repl-form) 
-       (t 'clojure)))))
-(defun inf-clojure--set-repl-type (proc)
-  "Set the REPL type if has not already been set.
-It requires a REPL PROC for inspecting the correct type."
-  (if (not inf-clojure-repl-type)
-      (let ((repl-type (inf-clojure--detect-repl-type proc)))
-        ;; set the REPL process buffer
-        (with-current-buffer inf-clojure-buffer
-          (setq-local inf-clojure-repl-type repl-type))
-        ;; set in the current buffer
-        (setq-local inf-clojure-repl-type repl-type))
-    inf-clojure-repl-type))
 (defun inf-clojure--whole-comment-line-p (string)
-  "Return true iff STRING is a whole line semicolon comment."
+  "Return non-nil iff STRING is a whole line semicolon comment."
   (string-match-p "^\s*;" string))
 (defun inf-clojure--make-single-line (string)
@@ -368,54 +499,6 @@ customizations."
     (inf-clojure--log-string sanitized "----CMD->")
     (comint-send-string proc sanitized)))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-load-form "(clojure.core/load-file \"%s\")"
-  "Format-string for building a Clojure expression to load a file.
-This format string should use `%s' to substitute a file name and
-should result in a Clojure form that will be sent to the inferior
-Clojure to load that file."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'inf-clojure-load-command 
'inf-clojure-load-form "2.0.0")
-(defcustom inf-clojure-load-form-lumo "(clojure.core/load-file \"%s\")"
-  "Lumo format-string for building a Clojure expression to load a file.
-This format string should use `%s' to substitute a file name and
-should result in a Clojure form that will be sent to the inferior
-Clojure to load that file."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-load-form-planck "(load-file \"%s\")"
-  "Planck format-string for building a Clojure expression to load a file.
-This format string should use `%s' to substitute a file name and
-should result in a Clojure form that will be sent to the inferior
-Clojure to load that file."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-load-form-joker "(load-file \"%s\")"
-  "Joker format-string for building a Clojure expression to load a file.
-This format string should use `%s' to substitute a file name and
-should result in a Clojure form that will be sent to the inferior
-Clojure to load that file."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.2.0"))
-(defun inf-clojure-load-form (proc)
-  "Return the form to query the Inf-Clojure PROC for var's documentation.
-If you are using REPL types, it will pickup the most appropriate
-`inf-clojure-var-doc-form` variant."
-  (pcase (inf-clojure--set-repl-type proc)
-    (`lumo inf-clojure-load-form-lumo)
-    (`planck inf-clojure-load-form-planck)
-    (`joker inf-clojure-load-form-joker)
-    (_ inf-clojure-load-form)))
 (defcustom inf-clojure-reload-form "(require '%s :reload)"
   "Format-string for building a Clojure expression to reload a file.
 Reload forces loading of all the identified libs even if they are
@@ -652,9 +735,10 @@ it (default is value of `inf-clojure-*-cmd').  Runs the 
 from `inf-clojure-mode-hook' (after the `comint-mode-hook' is
 \(Type \\[describe-mode] in the process buffer for a list of commands.)"
-  (interactive (list (if current-prefix-arg
-                         (read-string "Run Clojure: " (inf-clojure-cmd 
-                       (inf-clojure-cmd (inf-clojure-project-type)))))
+  (interactive (list (completing-read "Clojure startup command: "
+                                      (mapcar #'cdr inf-clojure-startup-forms)
+                                      nil
+                                      'confirm-after-completion)))
   (if (not (comint-check-proc "*inf-clojure*"))
       ;; run the new process in the project's root when in a project folder
       (let ((default-directory (inf-clojure-project-root))
@@ -680,7 +764,8 @@ HOST is the host the process is running on, PORT is where 
it's listening."
 (defun inf-clojure-eval-region (start end &optional and-go)
   "Send the current region to the inferior Clojure process.
-Prefix argument AND-GO means switch to the Clojure buffer afterwards."
+Sends substring between START and END.  Prefix argument AND-GO
+means switch to the Clojure buffer afterwards."
   (interactive "r\nP")
   ;; drops newlines at the end of the region
   (let ((str (replace-regexp-in-string
@@ -783,7 +868,8 @@ Indent FORM.  FORM is expected to have been trimmed."
 ;;; easier to type C-c e than C-u C-c C-e.
 (defun inf-clojure-eval-region-and-go (start end)
-  "Send the current region to the inferior Clojure, and switch to its buffer."
+  "Send the current region to the inferior Clojure, and switch to its buffer.
+START and END are the beginning and end positions in the buffer to send."
   (interactive "r")
   (inf-clojure-eval-region start end t))
@@ -811,15 +897,16 @@ The prefix argument SWITCH-TO-REPL controls whether to 
switch to
 REPL after the file is loaded or not.  If the argument FILE-NAME
 is present it will be used instead of the current file."
   (interactive "P")
-  (let ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
-        (file-name (or file-name
-                       (car (comint-get-source "Load Clojure file: " 
-                                               ;; nil because doesn't need an 
exact name
-                                               inf-clojure-source-modes 
+  (let* ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
+         (file-name (or file-name
+                        (car (comint-get-source "Load Clojure file: " 
+                                                ;; nil because doesn't need an 
exact name
+                                                inf-clojure-source-modes 
+         (load-form (inf-clojure-get-feature proc 'load)))
     (comint-check-source file-name) ; Check to see if buffer needs saved.
     (setq inf-clojure-prev-l/c-dir/file (cons (file-name-directory    
-    (inf-clojure--send-string proc (format (inf-clojure-load-form proc) 
+    (inf-clojure--send-string proc (format load-form file-name))
     (when switch-to-repl
       (inf-clojure-switch-to-repl t))))
@@ -850,398 +937,6 @@ The prefix argument ARG can change the behavior of the 
   (not (null inf-clojure-buffer)))
-;;; Documentation functions: function doc, var doc, arglists, and
-;;; describe symbol.
-;;; ===========================================================================
-;;; Command forms
-;;; =============
-(defcustom inf-clojure-var-doc-form
-  "(clojure.repl/doc %s)"
-  "Form to query inferior Clojure for a var's documentation."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'inf-clojure-var-doc-command 
'inf-clojure-var-doc-form "2.0.0")
-(defcustom inf-clojure-var-doc-form-lumo
-  "(lumo.repl/doc %s)"
-  "Lumo form to query inferior Clojure for a var's documentation."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-var-doc-form-planck
-  "(planck.repl/doc %s)"
-  "Planck form to query inferior Clojure for a var's documentation."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-var-doc-form-joker
-  "(joker.repl/doc %s)"
-  "Joker form to query inferior Clojure for a var's documentation."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.2.0"))
-(defun inf-clojure-var-doc-form (proc)
-  "Return the form to query the Inf-Clojure PROC for a var's documentation.
-If you are using REPL types, it will pickup the most appropriate
-`inf-clojure-var-doc-form` variant."
-  (inf-clojure--sanitize-command
-   (pcase (inf-clojure--set-repl-type proc)
-     (`lumo inf-clojure-var-doc-form-lumo)
-     (`planck inf-clojure-var-doc-form-planck)
-     (`joker inf-clojure-var-doc-form-joker)
-     (_ inf-clojure-var-doc-form))))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-var-source-form
-  "(clojure.repl/source %s)"
-  "Form to query inferior Clojure for a var's source."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-var-source-form-planck
-  "(planck.repl/source %s)"
-  "Planck form to query inferior Clojure for a var's source."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-var-source-form-lumo
-  "(lumo.repl/source %s)"
-  "Lumo form to query inferior Clojure for a var's source."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-var-source-form-joker
-  ""
-  "Joker form to query inferior Clojure for a var's source."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.2.0"))
-(defun inf-clojure-var-source-form (proc)
-  "Return the form to query the Inf-Clojure PROC for a var's source.
-If you are using REPL types, it will pickup the most appropriate
-`inf-clojure-var-source-form` variant."
-  (inf-clojure--sanitize-command
-   (pcase (inf-clojure--set-repl-type proc)
-     (`lumo inf-clojure-var-source-form-lumo)
-     (`planck inf-clojure-var-source-form-planck)
-     (`joker inf-clojure-var-source-form-joker)
-     (_ inf-clojure-var-source-form))))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'inf-clojure-var-source-command 
'inf-clojure-var-source-form "2.0.0")
-(defcustom inf-clojure-arglists-form
-  "(try
-     (:arglists
-      (clojure.core/meta
-       (clojure.core/resolve
-        (clojure.core/read-string \"%s\"))))
-     (catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljr Exception) e nil))"
-  "Form to query inferior Clojure for a function's arglists."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'inf-clojure-arglist-command 
'inf-clojure-arglists-form "2.0.0")
-(defcustom inf-clojure-arglists-form-lumo
-  "(let [old-value lumo.repl/*pprint-results*]
-     (set! lumo.repl/*pprint-results* false)
-     (js/setTimeout #(set! lumo.repl/*pprint-results* old-value) 0)
-     (lumo.repl/get-arglists \"%s\"))"
-  "Lumo form to query inferior Clojure for a function's arglists."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-arglists-form-planck
-  "(planck.repl/get-arglists \"%s\")"
-  "Planck form to query inferior Clojure for a function's arglists."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.1.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-arglists-form-joker
-  "(try
-     (:arglists
-      (joker.core/meta
-       (joker.core/resolve
-        (joker.core/read-string \"%s\"))))
-     (catch Error _ nil))"
-  "Joker form to query inferior Clojure for a function's arglists."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.2.0"))
-(defun inf-clojure-arglists-form (proc)
-  "Return the form to query the Inf-Clojure PROC for arglists of a var.
-If you are using REPL types, it will pickup the most appropriate
-`inf-clojure-arglists-form` variant."
-  (inf-clojure--sanitize-command
-   (pcase (inf-clojure--set-repl-type proc)
-     (`lumo inf-clojure-arglists-form-lumo)
-     (`planck inf-clojure-arglists-form-planck)
-     (`joker inf-clojure-arglists-form-joker)
-     (_ inf-clojure-arglists-form))))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-completion-form
-  "(complete.core/completions \"%s\")"
-  "Form to query inferior Clojure for completion candidates."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'inf-clojure-completion-command 
'inf-clojure-completion-form "2.0.0")
-(defcustom inf-clojure-completion-form-lumo
-  "(let [ret (atom nil)]
-     (lumo.repl/get-completions \"%s\"
-       (fn [res] (reset! ret (map str res))))
-     @ret)"
-  "Lumo form to query inferior Clojure for completion candidates."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-completion-form-planck
-  "(planck.repl/get-completions \"%s\")"
-  "Planck form to query inferior Clojure for completion candidates."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-completion-form-joker
-  ""
-  "Joker form to query inferior Clojure for completion candidates."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.2.0"))
-(defun inf-clojure-completion-form (proc)
-  "Return the form to query the Inf-Clojure PROC for completions.
-If you are using REPL types, it will pickup the most appropriate
-`inf-clojure-completion-form` variant."
-  (inf-clojure--sanitize-command
-   (pcase (inf-clojure--set-repl-type proc)
-     (`lumo inf-clojure-completion-form-lumo)
-     (`planck inf-clojure-completion-form-planck)
-     (`joker inf-clojure-completion-form-joker)
-     (_ inf-clojure-completion-form))))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-ns-vars-form
-  "(clojure.repl/dir %s)"
-  "Form to show the public vars in a namespace."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-ns-vars-form-lumo
-  "(lumo.repl/dir %s)"
-  "Lumo form to show the public vars in a namespace."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-ns-vars-form-planck
-  "(planck.repl/dir %s)"
-  "Planck form to show the public vars in a namespace."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-ns-vars-form-joker
-  ""
-  "Joker form to show the public vars in a namespace."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.2.0"))
-(defun inf-clojure-ns-vars-form (proc)
-  "Return the form to query the Inf-Clojure PROC for public vars in a 
-If you are using REPL types, it will pickup the most appropriate
-`inf-clojure-ns-vars-form` variant."
-  (inf-clojure--sanitize-command
-   (pcase (inf-clojure--set-repl-type proc)
-     (`lumo inf-clojure-ns-vars-form-lumo)
-     (`planck inf-clojure-ns-vars-form-planck)
-     (`joker inf-clojure-ns-vars-form-joker)
-     (_ inf-clojure-ns-vars-form))))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'inf-clojure-ns-vars-command 
'inf-clojure-ns-vars-form "2.0.0")
-(defcustom inf-clojure-set-ns-form
-  "(clojure.core/in-ns '%s)"
-  "Form to set the namespace of the inferior Clojure process."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-set-ns-form-planck
-  "(in-ns '%s)"
-  "Planck form to set the namespace of the inferior Clojure process."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-set-ns-form-lumo
-  "(in-ns '%s)"
-  "Lumo form to set the namespace of the inferior Clojure process."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-set-ns-form-joker
-  "(in-ns '%s)"
-  "Joker form to set the namespace of the inferior Clojure process."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.2.0"))
-(defun inf-clojure-set-ns-form (proc)
-  "Return the form to set the namespace of the Inf-Clojure PROC.
-If you are using REPL types, it will pickup the most appropriate
-`inf-clojure-set-ns-form` variant."
-  (pcase (inf-clojure--set-repl-type proc)
-    (`planck inf-clojure-set-ns-form-planck)
-    (`lumo inf-clojure-set-ns-form-lumo)
-    (`joker inf-clojure-set-ns-form-joker)
-    (_ inf-clojure-set-ns-form)))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'inf-clojure-set-ns-command 
'inf-clojure-set-ns-form "2.0.0")
-(defcustom inf-clojure-apropos-form
-  "(doseq [var (sort (clojure.repl/apropos \"%s\"))]
-     (println (str var)))"
-  "Form to invoke apropos."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-apropos-form-lumo
-  "(lumo.repl/apropos \"%s\")"
-  "Planck form to invoke apropos."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-apropos-form-planck
-  "(doseq [var (sort (planck.repl/apropos \"%s\"))]
-     (println (str var)))"
-  "Planck form to invoke apropos."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-apropos-form-joker
-  ""
-  "Joker form to invoke apropos."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.2.0"))
-(defun inf-clojure-apropos-form (proc)
-  "Return the form to query the Inf-Clojure PROC for a var's apropos.
-If you are using REPL types, it will pickup the most appropriate
-`inf-clojure-apropos-form` variant."
-  (inf-clojure--sanitize-command
-   (pcase (inf-clojure--set-repl-type proc)
-     (`lumo inf-clojure-apropos-form-lumo)
-     (`planck inf-clojure-apropos-form-planck)
-     (`joker inf-clojure-apropos-form-joker)
-     (_ inf-clojure-apropos-form))))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'inf-clojure-apropos-command 
'inf-clojure-apropos-form "2.0.0")
-(defcustom inf-clojure-macroexpand-form
-  "(clojure.core/macroexpand '%s)"
-  "Form to invoke macroexpand."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-macroexpand-form-planck
-  "(macroexpand '%s)"
-  "Planck form to invoke macroexpand."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-macroexpand-form-lumo
-  "(macroexpand '%s)"
-  "Lumo form to invoke macroexpand."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.2.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-macroexpand-form-joker
-  "(macroexpand '%s)"
-  "Joker form to invoke macroexpand."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.2.0"))
-(defun inf-clojure-macroexpand-form (proc)
-  "Return the form for macroexpansion in the Inf-Clojure PROC.
-If you are using REPL types, it will pickup the most appropriate
-`inf-clojure-macroexpand-form` variant."
-  (inf-clojure--sanitize-command
-   (pcase (inf-clojure--set-repl-type proc)
-     (`lumo inf-clojure-macroexpand-form-lumo)
-     (`planck inf-clojure-macroexpand-form-planck)
-     (`joker inf-clojure-macroexpand-form-joker)
-     (_ inf-clojure-macroexpand-form))))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'inf-clojure-macroexpand-command 
'inf-clojure-macroexpand-form "2.0.0")
-(defcustom inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-form
-  "(clojure.core/macroexpand-1 '%s)"
-  "Form to invoke macroexpand-1."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-form-planck
-  "(macroexpand-1 '%s)"
-  "Planck form to invoke macroexpand-1."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.0.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-form-lumo
-  "(macroexpand-1 '%s)"
-  "Lumo form to invoke macroexpand-1."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.2.0"))
-(defcustom inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-form-joker
-  "(macroexpand-1 '%s)"
-  "Joker form to invoke macroexpand-1."
-  :type 'string
-  :safe #'stringp
-  :package-version '(inf-clojure . "2.2.0"))
-(defun inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-form (proc)
-  "Return the form for macroexpand-1 in the Inf-Clojure PROC.
-If you are using REPL types, it will pickup the most appropriate
-`inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-form` variant."
-  (inf-clojure--sanitize-command
-   (pcase (inf-clojure--set-repl-type proc)
-     (`lumo inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-form-lumo)
-     (`planck inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-form-planck)
-     (`joker inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-form-joker)
-     (_ inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-form))))
-(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-command 
'inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-form "2.0.0")
 ;;; Ancillary functions
 ;;; ===================
@@ -1284,22 +979,24 @@ The value is nil if it can't find one."
 See function `inf-clojure-var-doc-form'.  When invoked with a
 prefix argument PROMPT-FOR-SYMBOL, it prompts for a symbol name."
   (interactive "P")
-  (let ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
-        (var (if prompt-for-symbol
-                    (car (inf-clojure-symprompt "Var doc" 
-                  (inf-clojure-symbol-at-point))))
-    (inf-clojure--send-string proc (format (inf-clojure-var-doc-form proc) 
+  (let* ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
+         (var (if prompt-for-symbol
+                  (car (inf-clojure-symprompt "Var doc" 
+                (inf-clojure-symbol-at-point)))
+         (doc-form (inf-clojure-get-feature proc 'doc)))
+    (inf-clojure--send-string proc (format doc-form var))))
 (defun inf-clojure-show-var-source (prompt-for-symbol)
   "Send a command to the inferior Clojure to give source for VAR.
 See variable `inf-clojure-var-source-form'.  When invoked with a
 prefix argument PROMPT-FOR-SYMBOL, it prompts for a symbol name."
   (interactive "P")
-  (let ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
-        (var (if prompt-for-symbol
-                 (car (inf-clojure-symprompt "Var source" 
-               (inf-clojure-symbol-at-point))))
-    (inf-clojure--send-string proc (format (inf-clojure-var-source-form proc) 
+  (let* ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
+         (var (if prompt-for-symbol
+                  (car (inf-clojure-symprompt "Var source" 
+                (inf-clojure-symbol-at-point)))
+         (source-form (inf-clojure-get-feature proc 'source)))
+    (inf-clojure--send-string proc (format source-form var))))
 ;;;; Response parsing
 ;;;; ================
@@ -1391,7 +1088,7 @@ output from and including the `inf-clojure-prompt`."
 (defun inf-clojure--nil-string-match-p (string)
-  "Return true iff STRING is not nil.
+  "Return non-nil iff STRING is not nil.
 This function also takes into consideration weird escape
 character and matches if nil is anywhere within the input
@@ -1426,7 +1123,7 @@ for evaluation, therefore FORM should not include it."
     (when response (funcall match-p response))))
 (defun inf-clojure--some-response-p (proc form)
-  "Return true iff PROC's response after evaluating FORM is not nil."
+  "Return non-nil iff PROC's response after evaluating FORM is not nil."
    (lambda (string)
      (not (inf-clojure--nil-string-match-p (string-trim string))))
@@ -1439,10 +1136,10 @@ for evaluation, therefore FORM should not include it."
   "Send a query to the inferior Clojure for the arglists for function FN.
 See variable `inf-clojure-arglists-form'."
   (when-let ((proc (inf-clojure-proc 'no-error)))
-    (thread-first
-        (format (inf-clojure-arglists-form proc) fn)
-      (inf-clojure--process-response proc "(" ")")
-      (inf-clojure--some))))
+    (when-let ((arglists-form (inf-clojure-get-feature proc 'arglists)))
+      (thread-first (format arglists-form fn)
+        (inf-clojure--process-response proc "(" ")")
+        (inf-clojure--some)))))
 (defun inf-clojure-show-arglists (prompt-for-symbol)
   "Show the arglists for function FN in the mini-buffer.
@@ -1453,19 +1150,21 @@ prefix argument PROMPT-FOR-SYMBOL, it prompts for a 
symbol name."
                  (car (inf-clojure-symprompt "Arglists" 
          (eldoc (inf-clojure-arglists fn)))
-    (when eldoc
-      (message "%s: %s" fn eldoc))))
+    (if eldoc
+        (message "%s: %s" fn eldoc)
+      (message "Arglists not supported for this repl"))))
 (defun inf-clojure-show-ns-vars (prompt-for-ns)
   "Send a query to the inferior Clojure for the public vars in NS.
 See variable `inf-clojure-ns-vars-form'.  When invoked with a
 prefix argument PROMPT-FOR-NS, it prompts for a namespace name."
   (interactive "P")
-  (let ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
-        (ns (if prompt-for-ns
-                   (car (inf-clojure-symprompt "Ns vars" (clojure-find-ns)))
-                 (clojure-find-ns))))
-    (inf-clojure--send-string proc (format (inf-clojure-ns-vars-form proc) 
+  (let* ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
+         (ns (if prompt-for-ns
+                 (car (inf-clojure-symprompt "Ns vars" (clojure-find-ns)))
+               (clojure-find-ns)))
+         (ns-vars-form (inf-clojure-get-feature proc 'ns-vars)))
+    (inf-clojure--send-string proc (format ns-vars-form ns))))
 (defun inf-clojure-set-ns (prompt-for-ns)
   "Set the ns of the inferior Clojure process to NS.
@@ -1473,45 +1172,38 @@ See variable `inf-clojure-set-ns-form'.  It defaults to 
the ns of
 the current buffer.  When invoked with a prefix argument
 PROMPT-FOR-NS, it prompts for a namespace name."
   (interactive "P")
-  (let ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
-        (ns (if prompt-for-ns
-                (car (inf-clojure-symprompt "Set ns to" (clojure-find-ns)))
-              (clojure-find-ns))))
+  (let* ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
+         (ns (if prompt-for-ns
+                 (car (inf-clojure-symprompt "Set ns to" (clojure-find-ns)))
+               (clojure-find-ns)))
+         (set-ns-form (inf-clojure-get-feature proc 'set-ns)))
     (when (or (not ns) (equal ns ""))
       (user-error "No namespace selected"))
-    (inf-clojure--send-string proc (format (inf-clojure-set-ns-form proc) 
+    (inf-clojure--send-string proc (format set-ns-form ns))))
 (defun inf-clojure-apropos (expr)
   "Send an expression to the inferior Clojure for apropos.
 EXPR can be either a regular expression or a stringable
 thing.  See variable `inf-clojure-apropos-form'."
   (interactive (inf-clojure-symprompt "Var apropos" 
-  (let ((proc (inf-clojure-proc)))
-    (inf-clojure--send-string proc (format (inf-clojure-apropos-form proc) 
+  (let* ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
+         (apropos-form (inf-clojure-get-feature proc 'apropos)))
+    (inf-clojure--send-string proc (format apropos-form expr))))
 (defun inf-clojure-macroexpand (&optional macro-1)
   "Send a form to the inferior Clojure for macro expansion.
 See variable `inf-clojure-macroexpand-form'.
 With a prefix arg MACRO-1 uses function `inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-form'."
   (interactive "P")
-  (let ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
-        (last-sexp (buffer-substring-no-properties (save-excursion 
(backward-sexp) (point)) (point))))
+  (let* ((proc (inf-clojure-proc))
+         (last-sexp (buffer-substring-no-properties (save-excursion 
(backward-sexp) (point)) (point)))
+         (macroexpand-form (inf-clojure-get-feature proc
+                                                    (if macro-1
+                                                        'macroexpand-1
+                                                      'macroexpand))))
-     (format (if macro-1
-                 (inf-clojure-macroexpand-1-form proc)
-               (inf-clojure-macroexpand-form proc))
-             last-sexp))))
-(defun inf-clojure-proc (&optional no-error)
-  "Return the current inferior Clojure process.
-When NO-ERROR is non-nil, don't throw an error when no connection
-has been found.  See also variable `inf-clojure-buffer'."
-  (or (get-buffer-process (if (derived-mode-p 'inf-clojure-mode)
-                              (current-buffer)
-                            inf-clojure-buffer))
-      (unless no-error
-        (error "No Clojure subprocess; see variable `inf-clojure-buffer'"))))
+     (format macroexpand-form last-sexp))))
 (defun inf-clojure--list-or-nil (data)
   "Return DATA if and only if it is a list."
@@ -1533,11 +1225,12 @@ every other EXPR will be discarded and nil will be 
 Under the hood it calls the function
 \\[inf-clojure-completions-fn] passing in the result of
 evaluating \\[inf-clojure-completion-form] at the REPL."
-  (let ((proc (inf-clojure-proc 'no-error)))
-    (when (and proc (not (string-blank-p expr)))
-      (let ((completion-form (format (inf-clojure-completion-form proc) 
(substring-no-properties expr))))
+  (let* ((proc (inf-clojure-proc 'no-error))
+         (completion-form (inf-clojure-get-feature proc 'completion t)))
+    (when (and proc completion-form (not (string-blank-p expr)))
+      (let ((completion-expr (format completion-form (substring-no-properties 
         (funcall inf-clojure-completions-fn
-                 (inf-clojure--process-response completion-form proc  "(" 
+                 (inf-clojure--process-response completion-expr proc  "(" 
 (defcustom inf-clojure-completions-fn 'inf-clojure-list-completions
   "The function that parses completion results.
diff --git a/todo.org b/todo.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b3e922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/todo.org
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+* Core
+** TODO set repl type on connection not first command
+For some reason ~inf-clojure--set-repl-type~ is called in:
+1. inf-clojure--send-string
+2. inf-clojure-reload-form
+3. inf-clojure-reload-all-form
+Seems better to do this on the two different connection methods and then be 
done with it?
+** TODO nice startup
+There's some project detection but that's becoming less and less useful as 
time goes on. Shadow, lein, deps.edn can all easily be mixed in the same 
project. And then lumo, planck, or bb scripts could live side by side. Rather 
than trying to guess the project type, I think i'd like to mimic geiser's style 
of handling multiple scheme backends. Perhaps ~m-x inf-clojure-run-planck~ and 
similar could help out.
+Some considerations:
+- is this path aware? IE, don't show an option to run planck, lumo, etc, if 
they aren't visible or installed?
+- should it have a rebuild function so that user registered implementations 
can show up in the ~m-x~ menu as well?
+** TODO Better dispatch for the implementations
+Right now the functions are kinda clunky cond statements:
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+  (defun inf-clojure-cljs-features-dispatch (feature)
+    (case feature
+      ;; ((load) "(cljs.core/load-file \"%s\")")
+      ((doc) "(cljs.repl/doc %s)")
+      ((source) "(cljs.repl/source %s)")
+      ((arglists) "(try (->> '%s cljs.core/resolve cljs.core/meta :arglists) 
(catch :default _ nil))")
+      ((apropos) "(cljs.repl/apropos \"%s\")")
+      ((ns-vars) "(cljs.repl/dir %s)")
+      ((set-ns) "(cljs.core/in-ns '%s)")
+      ((macroexpand) "(cljs.core/macroexpand '%s)")
+      ((macroexpand-1) "(cljs.core/macroexpand-1 '%s)")
+      ;; ((completion) inf-clojure-completion-form-lumo)
+      ))
+I really want something similar to ~(defprotocol Inf-clojure-REPL (doc 
...)(source ...))~ rather than just this super open ended dispatch on symbols. 
I just don't know enough elisp at the moment. Also, the current function 
version prevents introspection and providing a way of listing the repl's 
capabilities without duplicating the keys. Or maybe a hack of sending all of 
the known keys in and seeing which return strings. Still not great.
+** TODO Nicer interface to create a command
+Right now everything is just a format string with a _single_ ~%s~ in it and 
that's called with ~(format feature-form e)~ where ~e~ is a symbol, or a form, 
or a whatever makes sense for that type of feature. This isn't super elegant 
although it does keep inf-clojure honest in that _all_ it does it format 
commands to ask a simple repl. But there could probably be a better way.
+** TODO Simpler way to define an implementation
+This first pass is very mechanical and just rearranging so we can easily see 
which features are where. In the future we should look into just providing the 
repl namespace and seeing how far we can get with that. For instance, an API 
like ~(inf-clojure-register 'bb "bb.repl")~ and this would tell us where 
~source~, ~doc~, ~apropos~ ...etc live. No reason to duplicate all of these.
+** TODO Multiple connections
+As proven by CIDER, multiple connections are just a pain. Scoping, navigating 
into dependencies, etc. This is a monster lurking
+** TODO navigation to source
+The source primitive is quite nice but we most likely need a way to navigate 
to source. Possibly punt on this and just suggest people use with clojure-lsp?
+Be nice to implement this now that we have parseedn in elisp to understand edn.
+* Nice-to-haves
+** TODO Better handling of cyclic dependencies
+In inf-clojure.el I load the implementation specific files for lumo, planck, 
etc _after_ defining the register function. I would much prefer a way to do 
this without being so fragile.
+** TODO Put repl type in modeline
+Rather than just ~*inf-clojure*~ we could put the repl type. Make it easy to 
follow and makes it easy to see when it gets it wrong.

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