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[nongnu] elpa/arduino-mode b2c9c21 033/107: Import ede-arduino

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/arduino-mode b2c9c21 033/107: Import ede-arduino
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2021 10:58:11 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/arduino-mode
commit b2c9c21f8e448357b6ec629e408cbd2b112d8e3a
Author: Bernd Wachter <bwachter-spam@lart.info>
Commit: Bernd Wachter <bwachter-spam@lart.info>

    Import ede-arduino
 ede-arduino.el | 637 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 637 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ede-arduino.el b/ede-arduino.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4a7556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ede-arduino.el
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+;;; ede-arduino.el --- EDE support for arduino projects / sketches
+;; Copyright (C) 2012 Eric M. Ludlam
+;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <eric@siege-engine.com>
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; EDE support for arduino projects.
+;; For most basic configurations, you will still need to use the
+;; arduino IDE to set and change preferences.  Use the command
+;; 'ede-arduino-sync' to syncrhonize with changes made in the arduino
+;; IDE.
+;; To download an arduino mode for your code, see this mode:
+;; https://github.com/bookest/arduino-mode
+(require 'ede)
+;;; Code:
+(defcustom ede-arduino-makefile-name "Makefile"
+  "File name to use for generated Makefile."
+  :group 'ede
+  :type 'file)
+(defcustom ede-arduino-preferences-file "~/.arduino/preferences.txt"
+  "The location of personl preferences for the arduino IDE.
+Note: If this changes, we need to also update the autoload feature."
+  :group 'arduino
+  :type 'string)
+(defun ede-arduino-root (&optional dir basefile)
+  "Get the root project directory for DIR.
+The only arduino sketches allowed are those configured by the arduino IDE
+in their sketch directory.
+If BASEFILE is non-nil, then convert root to the project basename also.
+Consider expanding this at some later date."
+  (let* ((prefs (ede-arduino-sync))
+         (sketchroot (and prefs (oref prefs sketchbook)))
+         )
+    (when (and
+           sketchroot
+           (< (length sketchroot) (length dir))
+           (string= sketchroot (substring dir 0 (length sketchroot))))
+      ;; The subdir in DIR just below sketchroot is always the root of this
+      ;; project.
+      (let* ((dirtail (substring dir (length sketchroot)))
+             (dirsplit (split-string dirtail "/" t))
+             (root (expand-file-name (car dirsplit) sketchroot)))
+        (when (file-directory-p root)
+          (if basefile
+              (let ((tmp (expand-file-name (concat (car dirsplit) ".pde") 
+                ;; Also check for the desired file in a buffer if the
+                ;; user just made the file but not saved it yet.
+                (when (or (not (file-exists-p tmp)) (not (get-file-buffer 
+                  (setq tmp (expand-file-name (concat (car dirsplit) ".ino") 
+                tmp)
+            root))))))
+(defun ede-arduino-file (&optional dir)
+  "Get a file representing the root of this arduino project.
+It is a file ending in .pde or .ino that has the same basename as
+the directory it is in.  Optional argument DIR is the directory
+to check."
+  (ede-arduino-root dir t))
+(defun ede-arduino-load (dir &optional rootproj)
+  "Return an Arduino project object if there is one.
+Return nil if there isn't one.
+Argument DIR is the directory it is created for.
+ROOTPROJ is nil, sinc there is only one project for a directory tree."
+  (let* ((root (ede-arduino-root dir))
+         (proj (and root (ede-directory-get-open-project root)))
+         (prefs (ede-arduino-sync)))
+    (if proj
+        proj
+      (when root
+        ;; Create a new project here.
+        (let* ((name (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name root)))
+               (pde (expand-file-name (concat name ".pde") root)))
+          (when (not (file-exists-p pde))
+            (setq pde (expand-file-name (concat name ".ino") root)))
+          (setq proj (ede-arduino-project
+                      name
+                      :name name
+                      :directory (file-name-as-directory dir)
+                      :file pde
+                      :targets nil)))
+        (ede-add-project-to-global-list proj)
+        ))))
+(add-to-list 'ede-project-class-files
+             (ede-project-autoload "arduino"
+              :name "ARDUINO SKETCH"
+              :file 'ede-arduino
+              :proj-root-dirmatch
+              (ede-project-autoload-dirmatch
+               "arduino"
+               :fromconfig "~/.arduino/preferences.txt"
+               :configregex "^sketchbook.path=\\([^\n]+\\)$"
+               :configregexidx 1)
+              :proj-file 'ede-arduino-file
+              :proj-root 'ede-arduino-root
+              :load-type 'ede-arduino-load
+              :class-sym 'ede-arduino-project
+              :safe-p t
+              :new-p t)
+             t)
+;; The classes for arduino projects include arduino (PDE) files, plus C, CPP, 
and H files.
+(defclass ede-arduino-target (ede-target)
+  ()
+  "EDE Arduino C files target.  Includes PDE, C, C++ and anything else we 
+(defclass ede-arduino-project (ede-project)
+  ((keybindings :initform (("U" . ede-arduino-upload)))
+   (menu :initform
+         (
+          [ "Upload Project to Board" ede-arduino-upload ]
+          [ "Serial Monitor" cedet-arduino-serial-monitor ]
+          "--"
+          [ "Edit Projectfile" ede-edit-file-target
+            (ede-buffer-belongs-to-project-p) ]
+          "--"
+          [ "Update Version" ede-update-version ede-object ]
+          [ "Version Control Status" ede-vc-project-directory ede-object ]
+          "--"
+          [ "Rescan Project Files" ede-rescan-toplevel t ]
+          ))
+   )
+  "EDE Arduino project.")
+(defmethod ede-find-target ((proj ede-arduino-project) buffer)
+  "Find an EDE target in PROJ for BUFFER.
+If one doesn't exist, create a new one for this directory."
+  (let* ((targets (oref proj targets))
+         (dir default-directory)
+         (ans (object-assoc dir :path targets))
+         )
+    (when (not ans)
+      (setq ans (ede-arduino-target dir
+                 :name (file-name-nondirectory
+                        (directory-file-name dir))
+                 :path dir
+                 :source nil))
+      (object-add-to-list proj :targets ans)
+      )
+    ans))
+(defun ede-arduino-upload ()
+  "Compile the current project, and upload the result to the board."
+  (interactive)
+  (project-compile-project (ede-current-project) "make all upload"))
+(eval-when-compile (require 'term))
+(defun cedet-arduino-serial-monitor ()
+  "Start up a serial monitor for a running arduino board.
+Uses `serial-term'."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((prefs (ede-arduino-sync)))
+    ;; @TODO - read the setup function for something configuring the
+    ;; serial line w/ a baud rate, and use that.
+    (serial-term (oref prefs port) 9600)
+    ;; Always go to line mode, as arduino serial isn't typically used
+    ;; for input, just debugging output.
+    (term-line-mode)
+    ))
+(defmethod project-compile-project ((proj ede-arduino-project) &optional 
+  "Compile the entire current project PROJ.
+Argument COMMAND is the command to use when compiling."
+  ;; 1) Create the mini-makefile.
+  (ede-arduino-create-makefile proj)
+  ;; 2) Call MAKE
+  (compile (or command "make"))
+  )
+(defmethod project-compile-target ((obj ede-arduino-target) &optional command)
+  "Compile the current target OBJ.
+Argument COMMAND is the command to use for compiling the target."
+  (project-compile-project (ede-current-project) command))
+(defmethod project-debug-target ((target ede-arduino-target))
+  "Run the current project derived from TARGET in a debugger."
+  (error "No Debugger support for Arduino."))
+;;; C/C++ support
+(require 'semantic/db)
+(defmethod ede-preprocessor-map ((this ede-arduino-target))
+  "Get the pre-processor map for some generic C code."
+  ;; wiring.h and pins_arduino.h have lots of #defines in them.
+  (let* ((wiring_h (expand-file-name "hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/wiring.h"
+                                     (ede-arduino-find-install)))
+         (table (when (and wiring_h (file-exists-p wiring_h))
+                  (semanticdb-file-table-object wiring_h)))
+         (filemap '( ("HIGH" . "0x1")
+                     ("LOW" . "0x0")
+                     ))
+         )
+    (when table
+      (when (semanticdb-needs-refresh-p table)
+        (semanticdb-refresh-table table))
+      (setq filemap (append filemap (oref table lexical-table)))
+      )
+    filemap
+    ))
+(defmethod ede-system-include-path ((this ede-arduino-target))
+  "Get the system include path used by project THIS."
+  (let* ((prefs (ede-arduino-sync))
+         (iphardware (expand-file-name "hardware/arduino/cores/arduino"
+                                       (ede-arduino-find-install)))
+         (libs (ede-arduino-guess-libs))
+         (iplibs (mapcar
+                  (lambda (lib)
+                    (expand-file-name (concat "libraries/" lib)
+                                      (ede-arduino-find-install)))
+                  libs)))
+    (cons iphardware iplibs)))
+;;; Makefile Creation
+;; Use SRecode, and the ede-srecode tool to build our Makefile.
+(require 'ede/srecode)
+(defmethod ede-arduino-create-makefile ((proj ede-arduino-project))
+  "Create an arduino based Makefile for project PROJ."
+  (let* ((mfilename (expand-file-name ede-arduino-makefile-name
+                                     (oref proj directory)))
+         (prefs (ede-arduino-sync))
+         (board (oref prefs boardobj))
+         (vers (ede-arduino-Arduino-Version))
+         (sketch (ede-arduino-guess-sketch))
+         (orig-buffer nil)
+         (buff-to-kill nil))
+    (when (and (string= (file-name-extension sketch) "ino")
+               (version< vers "1.0"))
+      (error "Makefile doesn't support .ino files until Arduino 1.0"))
+    (when (and (string= (file-name-extension sketch) "pde")
+               (version<= "1.0" vers))
+      (error "Makefile doesn't support .pde files after Arduino 1.0"))
+    (save-current-buffer
+      (setq orig-buffer (get-file-buffer mfilename))
+      (set-buffer (setq buff-to-kill (find-file-noselect mfilename)))
+      (save-excursion
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (if (and
+             (not (eobp))
+             (not (looking-at "# Automatically Generated \\w+ by EDE.")))
+            (if (not (y-or-n-p (format "Really replace %s? " mfilename)))
+                (error "Not replacing Makefile"))
+          (message "Replaced EDE Makefile"))
+        (erase-buffer)
+        (ede-srecode-setup)
+        ;; Insert a giant pile of stuff that is common between
+        ;; one of our Makefiles, and a Makefile.in
+        (ede-srecode-insert
+         "arduino:ede-empty"
+         "TARGET" (oref proj name)
+         "ARDUINO_LIBS" (mapconcat 'identity (ede-arduino-guess-libs) " ")
+         "MCU" (oref board mcu)
+         "F_CPU" (oref board f_cpu)
+         "PORT" (oref prefs port)
+         "AVRDUDE_ARD_BAUDRATE" (oref board speed)
+         "AVRDUDE_ARD_PROGRAMMER" (oref board protocol)
+         "ARDUINO_MK" (ede-arduino-Arduino.mk)
+         "ARDUINO_HOME" (ede-arduino-find-install)
+         ))
+      (save-buffer)
+      (when (not orig-buffer) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+      )))
+;;; Arduino Sketch Code Inspector
+;; Inspect the code in an arduino sketch, and guess things, like which 
libraries to include.
+(defun ede-arduino-guess-libs ()
+  "Guess which libraries this sketch use."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((libs nil)
+         (libdir nil)
+         (sketch (ede-arduino-guess-sketch))
+         (orig-buffer (get-file-buffer sketch))
+         (buff nil)
+         (tmp nil))
+    (save-current-buffer
+      (setq buff (find-file-noselect sketch))
+      (set-buffer buff)
+      (save-excursion
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (while (re-search-forward "#include <\\([[:word:]_]+\\).h>" nil t)
+          (setq tmp (match-string 1))
+          (unless (file-exists-p (concat tmp ".h"))
+            (let* ((lib (match-string 1))
+                   (libdir (ede-arduino-libdir lib))
+                   (util (expand-file-name "utility" libdir)))
+              ;; Some libraries need a utility added to the library list.
+              (when (file-exists-p util)
+                (push (concat lib "/utility") libs))
+              ;; Push real lib after the utility
+              (push lib libs)
+              )))))
+    (when (not orig-buffer) (kill-buffer buff))
+    libs))
+(defun ede-arduino-guess-sketch ()
+  "Return the file that is the core of the current project sketch."
+  (let* ((proj ede-object-project)
+         (sketch (expand-file-name (concat (oref proj name) ".pde")
+                                   (oref proj directory)))
+         )
+    (if (file-exists-p sketch)
+        sketch
+      (setq sketch (expand-file-name (concat (oref proj name) ".ino")
+                                     (oref proj directory)))
+      (if (file-exists-p sketch)
+          sketch
+        (error "Cannot guess primary sketch file for project %s"
+               (object-name proj))))))
+;;; Arduino Preferences
+;; Derive data from the arduino IDE's preferences.
+(defclass ede-arduino-prefs ()
+  ((timestamp :initform nil)
+   (prefssize :initform nil)
+   (board :initform "uno")
+   (port :initform "/dev/ttyUSB1")
+   (sketchbook :initform "~/arduino")
+   (boardobj :initform nil)
+   )
+  "Class containing arduino preferences.")
+(defvar ede-arduino-active-prefs nil
+  "The currently active preferences for Arduino development.")
+(defun ede-arduino-sync ()
+  "Synchronize arduino development preferences with the arduino IDE.
+Synchronization pulls preferences from `ede-arduino-preferences-file'
+for use in Emacs.  It does not copy preferences or changes made in
+Emacs back to the Arduino IDE."
+  (interactive)
+  (when (not (file-exists-p ede-arduino-preferences-file))
+    (if (y-or-n-p "Can't find arduino preferences.  Start IDE to configure? ")
+        (ede-arduino)
+      (error "EDE cannot build/upload arduino projects without preferences 
from the arduino IDE")))
+  (ede-arduino-read-prefs ede-arduino-preferences-file)
+  ede-arduino-active-prefs)
+(defun ede-arduino-read-prefs (prefsfile)
+  "Read in arduino preferences from the PREFSFILE."
+  (let* ((buff (get-file-buffer prefsfile))
+         (stats (file-attributes prefsfile))
+         (size (nth 7 stats))
+         (mod (nth 5 stats))
+         (board nil)
+         (kill nil))
+    (when (not ede-arduino-active-prefs)
+      (setq ede-arduino-active-prefs (ede-arduino-prefs "Arduino 
+    ;; Only update the prefs if the prefs file changed.
+    (when (or (not (oref ede-arduino-active-prefs timestamp))
+              (/= (or (oref ede-arduino-active-prefs prefssize) 0) size)
+              (not (equal (oref ede-arduino-active-prefs timestamp) mod)))
+      (when (not buff)
+        (setq buff (find-file-noselect prefsfile)
+              kill t))
+      (with-current-buffer buff
+        (save-excursion
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (when (not (re-search-forward "^serial.port=" nil t))
+            (error "Cannot find serial.port from the arduino preferences"))
+          (oset ede-arduino-active-prefs port
+                (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-at-eol)))
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (when (not (re-search-forward "^board=" nil t))
+            (error "Cannot find board from the arduino preferences"))
+          (setq board (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-at-eol)))
+          (oset ede-arduino-active-prefs board board)
+          (goto-char (point-min))
+          (when (not (re-search-forward "^sketchbook.path=" nil t))
+            (error "Cannot find sketchbook.path from the arduino preferences"))
+          (oset ede-arduino-active-prefs sketchbook
+                (file-name-as-directory
+                 (expand-file-name
+                  (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-at-eol)))))
+          (when kill (kill-buffer buff))
+          (oset ede-arduino-active-prefs boardobj
+                (ede-arduino-board-data board))
+          (oset ede-arduino-active-prefs prefssize size)
+          (oset ede-arduino-active-prefs timestamp mod)
+          )))))
+;;; Arduino Intuition
+;; Examine the environment to find arduino library locations
+;; so we can call the utilities.
+(defcustom ede-arduino-arduino-command "arduino"
+  "The command used for starting the arduino IDE.
+The IDE is actually a script, so the purpose here is only to look up
+where the arduino APPDIR is.
+If you are customizing this variable, consider the short-cut of just
+customizing the `ede-arduino-appdir' variable instead."
+  :group 'arduino
+  :type 'string)
+(defcustom ede-arduino-appdir nil
+  "The location of the arduino build environment's application.
+This is also where Arduino.mk will be found."
+  :group 'arduino
+  :type 'directory)
+(defun ede-arduino ()
+  "Launch the arduino IDE."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((b (get-buffer-create "*Arduino IDE*"))
+        (cd default-directory)
+        )
+    (with-current-buffer b
+      (setq default-directory cd)
+      (erase-buffer))
+    (apply 'start-process "arduino" b ede-arduino-arduino-command nil)
+    ))
+(defun ede-arduino-find-install ()
+  "Return the directory where arduino IDE code is installed."
+  (if (and ede-arduino-appdir (file-exists-p ede-arduino-appdir))
+      ede-arduino-appdir
+    ;; Derive by looking up the arduino script.
+    (let ((arduinofile ede-arduino-arduino-command))
+      (when (not (file-exists-p arduinofile))
+        ;; Look up where it might be...
+        (setq arduinofile (locate-file arduinofile exec-path))
+        (when (not (file-exists-p arduinofile))
+          (error "Cannot find arduino command location"))
+        (let ((buff (get-file-buffer arduinofile))
+              (kill nil))
+          (when (not buff)
+            (setq buff (find-file-noselect arduinofile)
+                  kill t))
+          (with-current-buffer buff
+            (save-excursion
+              (goto-char (point-min))
+              (when (not (re-search-forward "APPDIR=" nil t))
+                (error "Cannot find APPDIR from the arduino command"))
+              (prog1
+                  (setq ede-arduino-appdir
+                        (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) 
+                (when kill (kill-buffer buff))))))))))
+(defun ede-arduino-Arduino.mk ()
+  "Return the location of Arduino's makefile helper."
+  (expand-file-name "Arduino.mk" (ede-arduino-find-install)))
+(defun ede-arduino-Arduino-Version ()
+  "Return the version of the installed Arduino."
+  (let ((vfile (expand-file-name "lib/version.txt" 
+    (let ((buff (get-file-buffer vfile))
+          (kill nil))
+      (when (not buff)
+        (setq buff (find-file-noselect vfile)
+              kill t))
+      (prog1
+          (with-current-buffer buff
+            (save-excursion
+              (goto-char (point-min))
+              (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-at-eol))
+              ))
+        (if kill (kill-buffer buff))))))
+(defun ede-arduino-boards.txt ()
+  "Return the location of Arduino's boards.txt file."
+  (expand-file-name "hardware/arduino/boards.txt" (ede-arduino-find-install)))
+(defun ede-arduino-libdir (&optional library)
+  "Return the full file location of LIBRARY.
+If LIBRARY is not provided as an argument, just return the library directory."
+  (let ((libdir (expand-file-name "libraries" (ede-arduino-find-install))))
+    (if library
+        (expand-file-name library libdir)
+      libdir)))
+;;; Arduino Board Reading
+;; Load data from boards.txt
+(defclass ede-arduino-board ()
+  ((name :initarg :name
+         :initform nil
+         :documentation
+         "The name of the arduino board represented by this object.")
+   (protocol :initarg :protocol
+             :initform nil
+             :documentation
+             "The protocol used to talk to the board.")
+   (speed :initarg :speed
+          :initform nil
+          :documentation
+          "The SPEED of the arduino board's serial upload.")
+   (maximum-size :initarg :maximum-size
+          :initform nil
+          :documentation
+          "The MAXIMUM_SIZE of the arduino board's uploadable target .")
+   (mcu :initarg :mcu
+        :initform nil
+        :documentation
+        "The MCU of the arduino board.")
+   (f_cpu :initarg :f_cpu
+          :initform nil
+          :documentation
+          "The F_CPU of the arduino board.")
+   (core :initarg :core
+         :initform nil
+         :documentation
+         "The core name for this board.")
+   )
+  "Class for containing key aspect of the arduino board.")
+(defun ede-arduino-board-data (boardname)
+  "Read in the data from baords.txt for BOARDNAME.
+Data returned is the intputs needed for the Makefile."
+  (let* ((buff (get-file-buffer (ede-arduino-boards.txt)))
+         (kill nil)
+         (name nil)
+         (protocol nil)
+         (speed nil)
+         (size nil)
+         (mcu nil)
+         (f_cpu nil)
+         (core nil))
+    (when (not buff)
+      (setq buff (find-file-noselect (ede-arduino-boards.txt))
+            kill t))
+    (with-current-buffer buff
+      (save-excursion
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (when (not (re-search-forward (concat "^" boardname ".name=") nil t))
+          (error "Cannot find %s.name looking up board" boardname))
+        (setq name (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-at-eol)))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (when (not (re-search-forward (concat "^" boardname 
".upload.protocol=") nil t))
+          (error "Cannot find %s.upload.protocol looking up board" boardname))
+        (setq protocol (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-at-eol)))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (when (not (re-search-forward (concat "^" boardname ".upload.speed=") 
nil t))
+          (error "Cannot find %s.upload.speed looking up board" boardname))
+        (setq speed (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-at-eol)))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (when (not (re-search-forward (concat "^" boardname 
".upload.maximum_size=") nil t))
+          (error "Cannot find %s.upload.maximum_size looking up board" 
+        (setq size (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-at-eol)))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (when (not (re-search-forward (concat "^" boardname ".build.mcu=") nil 
+          (error "Cannot find %s.build.mcu looking up board" boardname))
+        (setq mcu (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-at-eol)))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (when (not (re-search-forward (concat "^" boardname ".build.f_cpu=") 
nil t))
+          (error "Cannot find %s.build.f_cpu looking up board" boardname))
+        (setq f_cpu (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-at-eol)))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (when (not (re-search-forward (concat "^" boardname ".build.core=") 
nil t))
+          (error "Cannot find %s.build.core looking up board" boardname))
+        (setq core (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-at-eol)))
+        (when kill (kill-buffer buff))
+        (ede-arduino-board boardname
+                           :name name
+                           :protocol protocol
+                           :speed speed
+                           :maximum-size size
+                           :mcu mcu
+                           :f_cpu f_cpu
+                           :core core)
+        ))))
+(provide 'ede-arduino)
+;;; arduino.el ends here

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