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[nongnu] elpa/dart-mode f20f895 164/192: Move docs from README to Wiki

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/dart-mode f20f895 164/192: Move docs from README to Wiki
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2021 11:02:10 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/dart-mode
commit f20f895a2383408a952308b02c50b72a7c7dfb02
Author: Brady Trainor <mail@bradyt.com>
Commit: Brady Trainor <mail@bradyt.com>

    Move docs from README to Wiki
 README.md  | 155 -------------------------------------------------------------
 README.org |   6 +++
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a307c7c..0000000
--- a/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-`dart-mode` is a major mode for editing Dart files in Emacs.
-* [Installation](#installation)
-  * [General Configuration](#general-configuration)
-* [Dart Analyzer](#dart-analyzer)
-  * [Error Checking](#error-checking)
-  * [Seeing Information](#seeing-information)
-  * [Navigation](#navigation)
-  * [Search](#search)
-  * [Expansion](#expansion)
-* [Dart Formatter](#dart-formatter)
-  * [Formatter Configuration](#formatter-configuration)
-## Installation
-1. Add [Melpa](https://melpa.org/#/getting-started) to your
-   `package-archives` if you don't already have it.
-2.  Install dart-mode via:
-    ```
-    M-x package-refresh-contents [RET]
-    M-x package-install [RET] dart-mode
-    ```
-### General Configuration
-The `dart-sdk-path` variable can be set to tell Emacs where to find the Dart
-SDK. This is used to run the [Dart analysis server](#dart-analyzer) and the 
-formatter. By default, it's set by finding the `dart` executable on the system
-If you've installed `flutter` but not `dart`, you might try `(setq
-dart-sdk-path "/path/to/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/")`.
-If you're on Windows, you will need to make sure that the `diff`
-executable is available to Emacs. One way to do this is install from
-http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/diffutils.htm and add
-something like the following to your init file. `(setq exec-path
-(append exec-path '("C:/Program Files (x86)/GnuWin32/bin")))`
-Note that user code that wants to run Dart scripts can use the
-`dart-executable-path` function to locate the `dart` executable itself in the
-SDK's `bin/` directory.
-## Dart Analyzer
-`dart-mode` supports the Dart analysis server, which runs in the background and
-analyzes your Dart code to figure out what every identifier and method call
-refers to. It provides all sorts of useful features that aren't possible when
-your code is treated as plain text.
-To enable analyzer support, add `(setq dart-enable-analysis-server t)` to your
-`.emacs` file.
-### Error Checking
-The Dart analyzer can use [Flycheck][] to notify you of errors and warnings in
-your Dart code. To enable this, just add `(add-hook 'dart-mode-hook
-'flycheck-mode)` to your `.emacs` file. Don't worry about installing
-Flycheck—if you have `dart-mode`, you automatically have it as well!
-[Flycheck]: http://www.flycheck.org/en/latest/
-### Seeing Information
-To see all the information the analyzer knows about a particular identifier,
-move your cursor onto it and press `C-c ?`. This will show the identifier's 
-and documentation in the echo area at the bottom of the editor, as well as some
-extra information if it's available.
-Sometimes there's just too much documentation to fit down there, or you want to
-keep the documentation open as you're working. In that case, you can run `C-u
-C-c ?` instead to open the information in a new window to read at your leisure.
-### Navigation
-When your cursor is on an identifier, you can press `C-c C-g` to go to the 
-location that identifier was originally defined. This can even take you to the
-Dart SDK's sources, or to packages that your library imports. Be careful when
-you're there, though: any edits may corrupt your package cache!
-### Search
-There are several ways to use the analyzer to search through your Dart code. 
-of these pop up a search results window listing every use with handy links to
-take you right to the code. Note that for large codebases, additional results
-may be added to these results pages as the analyzer finds them. But once you 
-the last "Found X results" line, you know for sure you're seeing everything!
-* You can search for all references to the identifier under your cursor by
-  pressing `C-c C-f`. This will show you everywhere a method, getter, or setter
-  is called; everywhere a class is used as a type, constructed, or has static
-  methods called on it; everywhere a named argument is passed; and so on.
-* You can search for all member declarations with a given name by pressing `C-c
-  C-e`. This will list all declarations within classes that have the name, but
-  not any declarations at the top level.
-* If you want to search for top-level declarations instead, you can press `C-c
-  C-t`.
-* If you want to find all *references to* members with a given name, you can
-  press `C-c C-r`. This will show you everywhere a member with that name is
-  called, even if it's in a dynamic context and the analyzer can't figure out
-  what it's referring to.
-### Expansion
-If you press `M-/`, the analyzer will try to expand whatever text you've 
-typed into a valid identifier. This uses the same logic that IDEs use for
-autocomplete, but the UI works like Emacs' [`dabbrev-expand`][dabbrev] command.
-You can press `M-/` multiple times in a row to cycle through possible
-When you've selected an expansion that's a method call, you can press `M-?`
-(`M-/` plus shift) to insert the parameter list. The first parameter will be
-selected, and anything you type will replace it. Once it's replaced, you can
-press `M-?` again to select the second parameter, and so on.
-If the analysis server isn't enabled for the current buffer, this will fall 
-to whatever command is assigned to `M-/` outside of Dart mode (`dabbrev-expand`
-in vanilla Emacs). This will usually pick up any custom key bindings, but if it
-doesn't you can manually choose a fallback by setting the 
-## Dart Formatter
-Dart comes with a [formatter][] that modifies Dart code's whitespace to make 
-formatting consistent and readable. You can press `C-c C-o` to format the
-current buffer.
-[formatter]: https://github.com/dart-lang/dart_style#readme
-### Formatter Configuration
-By default, `dart-mode` will use the version of the formatter that's bundled
-with the Dart SDK. However, you can customize this by setting
-`dart-formatter-command-override`. Note that if you want to access the 
-command from Elisp, you should call the `dart-formatter-command` function
-When formatting fails, usually because the buffer's Dart code couldn't be
-parsed, a buffer listing the errors will pop up by default. This behavior can 
-customized by setting `dart-formatter-show-errors`. It has three valid values:
-* `'buffer` is the default, and pops up a buffer listing the errors.
-* `'echo` shows the errors temporarily in the echo area at the bottom of the 
-* `nil` doesn't show the errors at all.
-If you set the `dart-format-on-save` variable to `t`, the formatter will be run
-automatically before you save any Dart buffer. This can be helpful when working
-on codebases where formatting is required.
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..381ed27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+An Emacs major mode for editing Dart files. Provides basic syntax
+highlighting and indentation. Also provides formatting via =dartfmt=.
+Please see the [[https://github.com/bradyt/dart-mode/wiki][Wiki]] for
+more information.

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