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[nongnu] elpa/swift-mode 1868590 348/496: Add build/debug command

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/swift-mode 1868590 348/496: Add build/debug command
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2021 11:34:04 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/swift-mode
commit 186859017b1fed2b20ae5738d2b778c1a9b93c93
Author: taku0 <mxxouy6x3m_github@tatapa.org>
Commit: taku0 <mxxouy6x3m_github@tatapa.org>

    Add build/debug command
 swift-mode-repl.el | 690 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 swift-mode.el      |  14 +-
 2 files changed, 680 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/swift-mode-repl.el b/swift-mode-repl.el
index 3a592fe..c309c05 100644
--- a/swift-mode-repl.el
+++ b/swift-mode-repl.el
@@ -33,10 +33,68 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'comint)
+(require 'json)
+(require 'seq)
+(require 'subr-x)
+(require 'wid-edit)
 (defcustom swift-mode:repl-executable
   "xcrun swift"
-  "Path to the Swift CLI."
+  "Path to the Swift CLI.  The string is splitted by spaces, then unquoted."
+  :type '(choice string (list string))
+  :group 'swift
+  :safe 'stringp)
+(defcustom swift-mode:swift-package-executable
+  "xcrun swift package"
+  "Path to the Swift command for package manipulation.
+The string is splitted by spaces, then unquoted."
+  :type '(choice string (list string))
+  :group 'swift
+  :safe 'stringp)
+(defcustom swift-mode:swift-build-executable
+  "xcrun swift build"
+  "Path to the Swift command for building.
+The string is splitted by spaces, then unquoted."
+  :type '(choice string (list string))
+  :group 'swift
+  :safe 'stringp)
+(defcustom swift-mode:debugger-executable
+  "xcrun lldb"
+  "Path to the debugger command.
+The string is splitted by spaces, then unquoted."
+  :type '(choice string (list string))
+  :group 'swift
+  :safe 'stringp)
+(defcustom swift-mode:simulator-controller-executable
+  "xcrun simctl"
+  "Path to the simulator controller command.
+The string is splitted by spaces, then unquoted."
+  :type '(choice string (list string))
+  :group 'swift
+  :safe 'stringp)
+(defcustom swift-mode:xcodebuild-executable
+  "xcrun xcodebuild"
+  "Path to the Xcode builder.
+The string is splitted by spaces, then unquoted."
+  :type '(choice string (list string))
+  :group 'swift
+  :safe 'stringp)
+(defcustom swift-mode:xcode-select-executable
+  "xcode-select"
+  "Path to the Xcode selector.
+The string is splitted by spaces, then unquoted."
+  :type '(choice string (list string))
+  :group 'swift
+  :safe 'stringp)
+(defcustom swift-mode:debugger-prompt-regexp "^(lldb) +\\|^[0-9]+> +"
+  "Regexp to search a debugger prompt."
   :type 'string
   :group 'swift
   :safe 'stringp)
@@ -44,37 +102,69 @@
 (defvar swift-mode:repl-buffer nil
   "Stores the name of the current swift REPL buffer, or nil.")
+(defvar swift-mode:repl-command-queue nil
+  "List of strings to be executed on REPL prompts.
+Use `swift-mode:enqueue-repl-commands' to enqueue commands.
+If an element is a cons cell, its car is used as a regexp for prompt and
+cdr is used as a command.  If its car is a function, it is called to search
+prompt.  It should return non-nil when a prompt is found and return nil
+(defvar swift-mode:ios-simulator-device-identifier nil
+  "Device identifier of iOS simulator for building/debugging.")
+(defun swift-mode:command-list-to-string (cmd)
+  "Concatenate the CMD unless it is a string.
+This function quotes elements appropriately."
+  (if (stringp cmd) cmd (combine-and-quote-strings cmd)))
+(defun swift-mode:command-string-to-list (cmd)
+  "Split the CMD unless it is a list.
+This function respects quotes."
+  (if (listp cmd) cmd (split-string-and-unquote cmd)))
-(defun swift-mode:run-repl (cmd &optional dont-switch)
+(defun swift-mode:run-repl (cmd &optional dont-switch keep-default)
   "Run a Swift REPL process.
-It input and output via buffer `*CMD*' where CMD is replaced with the CMD 
+This function input and output via buffer `*CMD*' where CMD is replaced with
+the CMD given.
 If there is a process already running in `*CMD*', switch to that buffer.
-With argument CMD allows you to edit the command line (default is value
-of `swift-mode:repl-executable').  This function updates the buffer local
-variable `swift-mode:repl-executable' with the given CMD, so it will be used
-as the default value for the next invocatoin in the current buffer.
-With DONT-SWITCH cursor will stay in current buffer.
+CMD is a string or a list, interpreted as a command line. The default value is
+`swift-mode:repl-executable'. This function updates the buffer local variable
+`swift-mode:repl-executable' with the given CMD unless KEEP-DEFAULT is non-nil,
+so it will be used as the default value for the next invocatoin in the current
+If DONT-SWITCH is non-nil, cursor will stay in current buffer.
+If KEEP-DEFAULT is non-nil, the `swift-mode:repl-executable' and the global
+variable `swift-mode:repl-buffer' are not updated. The buffer local variable
+`swift-mode:repl-buffer' is always updated.
 Runs the hook `swift-repl-mode-hook' \(after the `comint-mode-hook' is run).
 \(Type \\[describe-mode] in the process buffer for a list of commands.)"
    (list (if current-prefix-arg
-             (read-string "Run swift REPL: " swift-mode:repl-executable)
+             (read-string
+              "Run swift REPL: "
+              (swift-mode:command-list-to-string swift-mode:repl-executable))
-  (let ((original-buffer (current-buffer))
-        (buffer (get-buffer-create (concat "*" cmd "*"))))
+  (let* ((original-buffer (current-buffer))
+         (cmd-string (swift-mode:command-list-to-string cmd))
+         (cmd-list (swift-mode:command-string-to-list cmd))
+         (buffer-name (concat "*" cmd-string "*"))
+         (buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name)))
     (unless dont-switch
       (pop-to-buffer buffer))
-    (unless (comint-check-proc (concat "*" cmd "*"))
-      (save-excursion
-        (let ((cmdlist (split-string cmd)))
+    (with-current-buffer buffer
+      (unless (comint-check-proc buffer-name)
+        (save-excursion
           (apply 'make-comint-in-buffer
-                 cmd buffer (car cmdlist) nil (cdr cmdlist))
-          (swift-repl-mode))))
+                 cmd-string buffer (car cmd-list) nil (cdr cmd-list))
+          (swift-repl-mode)))
+      (setq-local swift-mode:repl-buffer buffer-name))
     (with-current-buffer original-buffer
-      (setq-local swift-mode:repl-executable cmd)
-      (setq-local swift-mode:repl-buffer (concat "*" cmd "*"))
-      (setq-default swift-mode:repl-buffer swift-mode:repl-buffer))))
+      (setq-local swift-mode:repl-buffer buffer-name)
+      (unless keep-default
+        (setq-local swift-mode:repl-executable cmd)
+        (setq-default swift-mode:repl-buffer swift-mode:repl-buffer)))))
 (defalias 'run-swift 'swift-mode:run-repl)
@@ -84,7 +174,7 @@ Runs the hook `swift-repl-mode-hook' \(after the 
`comint-mode-hook' is run).
   "Send the current region to the inferior swift process.
 START and END define region within current buffer"
   (interactive "r")
-  (swift-mode:run-repl swift-mode:repl-executable t)
+  (swift-mode:run-repl swift-mode:repl-executable t t)
   (comint-send-region swift-mode:repl-buffer start end)
   (comint-send-string swift-mode:repl-buffer "\n"))
@@ -106,6 +196,564 @@ You can send text to the REPL process from other buffers 
containing source.
     swift-mode:send-region sends the current region to the REPL process,
     swift-mode:send-buffer sends the current buffer to the REPL process.")
+(defun swift-mode:call-process (executable &rest args)
+  "Call EXECUTABLE synchronously in separate process.
+EXECUTABLE may be a string or a list.  The string is splitted by spaces,
+then unquoted.
+ARGS are rest arguments, appended to the argument list.
+Returns the exit status."
+  (swift-mode:do-call-process executable nil t nil args))
+(defun swift-mode:call-process-async (executable &rest args)
+  "Call EXECUTABLE asynchronously in separate process.
+EXECUTABLE may be a string or a list.  The string is splitted by spaces,
+then unquoted.
+ARGS are rest arguments, appended to the argument list."
+  (swift-mode:do-call-process executable nil 0 nil args))
+(defun swift-mode:do-call-process (executable infile destination display args)
+  "Wrapper for `call-process'.
+EXECUTABLE may be a string or a list.  The string is splitted by spaces,
+then unquoted.
+For INFILE, DESTINATION, DISPLAY, see `call-process'.
+ARGS are rest arguments, appended to the argument list.
+Returns the exit status."
+  (let ((command-list
+         (append (swift-mode:command-string-to-list executable) args)))
+    (apply 'call-process
+           (append
+            (list (car command-list))
+            (list infile destination display)
+            (cdr command-list)))))
+(defun swift-mode:call-process-to-json (executable &rest args)
+  "Call EXECUTABLE synchronously in separate process.
+The output is parsed as a JSON document.
+EXECUTABLE may be a string or a list.  The string is splitted by spaces,
+then unquoted.
+ARGS are rest arguments, appended to the argument list."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (unless (zerop
+             (apply 'swift-mode:call-process executable args))
+      (error "%s: %s" "Cannot invoke executable" (buffer-string)))
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (json-read)))
+(defun swift-mode:describe-package (project-directory)
+  "Read the package definition from the manifest file Package.swift.
+The manifest file is searched from the PROJECT-DIRECTORY, defaults to
+`default-directory', or its ancestors.
+Return a JSON object."
+  (unless project-directory (setq project-directory default-directory))
+  (swift-mode:call-process-to-json
+   swift-mode:swift-package-executable
+   "--chdir" project-directory "describe" "--type" "json"))
+(defun swift-mode:read-main-module (project-directory)
+  "Read the main module description from the manifest file Package.swift.
+The manifest file is searched from the PROJECT-DIRECTORY, defaults to
+`default-directory', or its ancestors."
+  (let* ((description (swift-mode:describe-package project-directory))
+         (modules (cdr (assoc 'modules description))))
+    (seq-find
+     (lambda (module) (not (eq :json-true (cdr (assoc 'is_test module)))))
+     modules)))
+(defun swift-mode:read-package-name (project-directory)
+  "Read the package name from the manifest file Package.swift.
+The manifest file is searched from the PROJECT-DIRECTORY, defaults to
+`default-directory', or its ancestors."
+  (cdr (assoc 'name (swift-mode:read-main-module project-directory))))
+(defun swift-mode:read-c99-name (project-directory)
+  "Read the C99 name from the manifest file Package.swift.
+The manifest file is searched from the PROJECT-DIRECTORY, defaults to
+`default-directory', or its ancestors."
+  (cdr (assoc 'c99name (swift-mode:read-main-module project-directory))))
+(defun swift-mode:read-module-type (project-directory)
+  "Read the module type from the manifest file Package.swift.
+The manifest file is searched from the PROJECT-DIRECTORY, defaults to
+`default-directory', or its ancestors."
+  (cdr (assoc 'type (swift-mode:read-main-module project-directory))))
+(defun swift-mode:join-path (directory &rest components)
+  "Append each path components in COMPONENTS after DIRECTORY."
+  (seq-reduce
+   (lambda (directory component) (expand-file-name component directory))
+   components
+   directory))
+(defun swift-mode:find-ancestor-or-self-directory (predicate
+                                                   &optional
+                                                   directory)
+  "Find the nearest ancestor-or-self directory satisfying a PREDICATE.
+Traverse up from DIRECTORY up to the root directory.
+Return a directory satisfying the PREDICATE if exists.  Otherwise, return nil."
+  (unless directory (setq directory default-directory))
+  (if (funcall predicate directory)
+      directory
+    (let ((parent (file-name-directory (directory-file-name directory))))
+      (if (or (null parent) (string-equal parent directory))
+          nil
+        (swift-mode:find-ancestor-or-self-directory predicate parent)))))
+(defun swift-mode:swift-project-directory-p (directory)
+  "Return t if the DIRECTORY contains a file Package.swift."
+  (file-exists-p (expand-file-name "Package.swift" directory)))
+(defun swift-mode:find-swift-project-directory (&optional directory)
+  "Find a file Package.swift in the DIRECTORY or its ancestors.
+Return a directory path if found.  Return nil otherwise."
+  (swift-mode:find-ancestor-or-self-directory
+   'swift-mode:swift-project-directory-p directory))
+(defun swift-mode:read-project-directory ()
+  "Read a project direcotry from the minibuffer."
+  (expand-file-name (read-directory-name "Project directory: " nil nil t)))
+(defun swift-mode:ensure-swift-project-directory (project-directory)
+  "Check PROJECT-DIRECTORY contains the manifest file Package.swift.
+If PROJECT-DIRECTORY is nil, this function searches it from `default-directory'
+or its ancestors."
+  (unless project-directory
+    (setq project-directory (swift-mode:find-swift-project-directory)))
+  (unless project-directory
+    (error "Project directory not found"))
+  (unless (swift-mode:swift-project-directory-p project-directory)
+    (error "Not a project directory"))
+  project-directory)
+(defun swift-mode:xcode-project-directory-p (directory)
+  "Return t if the DIRECTORY contains a file *.xcodeproj."
+  (consp (directory-files directory nil ".*\\.xcodeproj")))
+(defun swift-mode:xcode-workspace-directory-p (directory)
+  "Return t if the DIRECTORY contains a file *.xcworkspace."
+  (consp (directory-files directory nil ".*\\.xcworkspace")))
+(defun swift-mode:find-xcode-project-directory (&optional directory)
+  "Find a file *.xcodeproj in the DIRECTORY or its ancestors.
+Return a directory path if found.  Return nil otherwise."
+  (swift-mode:find-ancestor-or-self-directory
+   'swift-mode:xcode-project-directory-p directory))
+(defun swift-mode:find-xcode-workspace-directory (&optional directory)
+  "Find a file *.xcworkspace in the DIRECTORY or its ancestors.
+Return a directory path if found.  Return nil otherwise."
+  (swift-mode:find-ancestor-or-self-directory
+   'swift-mode:xcode-workspace-directory-p directory))
+(defun swift-mode:ensure-xcode-project-directory (project-directory)
+  "Check PROJECT-DIRECTORY contains *.xcworkspace or *.xcodeproj.
+If PROJECT-DIRECTORY is nil, this function searches it from `default-directory'
+or its ancestors."
+  (unless project-directory
+    (setq project-directory
+          (or
+           (swift-mode:find-xcode-workspace-directory)
+           (swift-mode:find-xcode-project-directory))))
+  (unless project-directory
+    (error "Project directory not found"))
+  (unless (or (swift-mode:xcode-project-directory-p project-directory)
+              (swift-mode:xcode-workspace-directory-p project-directory))
+    (error "Not a project directory"))
+  project-directory)
+(defun swift-mode:list-ios-simulators ()
+  "List iOS simulator devices, device types, runtimes, or device pairs."
+  (swift-mode:call-process-to-json
+   swift-mode:simulator-controller-executable
+   "list" "--json"))
+(defun swift-mode:list-ios-simulator-devices ()
+  "List available iOS simulator devices."
+  (let* ((json (swift-mode:list-ios-simulators))
+         (devices (cdr (assoc 'devices json)))
+         (flattened (apply 'seq-concatenate 'list (seq-map 'cdr devices)))
+         (available-devices
+          (seq-filter
+           (lambda (device)
+             (string-equal (cdr (assoc 'availability device)) "(available)"))
+           flattened)))
+    available-devices))
+(defun swift-mode:read-ios-simulator-device-identifier ()
+  "Read a iOS simulator device identifier from the minibuffer."
+  (let* ((devices (swift-mode:list-ios-simulator-devices))
+         (items (seq-map
+                 (lambda (device)
+                   (cons (cdr (assoc 'name device))
+                         (cdr (assoc 'udid device))))
+                 devices)))
+    (widget-choose "Choose a device" items)))
+(defun swift-mode:read-xcode-build-settings (project-directory
+                                             device-identifier)
+  "Read Xcode build settings in PROJECT-DIRECTORY.
+DEVICE-IDENTIFIER is used as the destination parameter for xcodebuild."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((default-directory project-directory))
+      (unless (zerop (swift-mode:call-process
+                      swift-mode:xcodebuild-executable
+                      "-configuration" "Debug"
+                      "-destination"
+                      (concat "platform=iOS Simulator,id=" device-identifier)
+                      "-sdk" "iphonesimulator"
+                      "-showBuildSettings"))
+        (error "%s %s" "Cannot read Xcode build settings" (buffer-string))))
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (let ((settings nil))
+      (while (search-forward-regexp " *\\([_a-zA-Z0-9]+\\) *= *\\(.*\\)" nil t)
+        (push (cons (match-string 1) (match-string 2)) settings))
+      settings)))
+(defun swift-mode:locate-xcode ()
+  "Return the developer path in Xcode.app.
+Typically, it is /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer."
+  (string-trim-right
+   (with-output-to-string
+     (with-current-buffer
+         standard-output
+       (unless (zerop (swift-mode:call-process
+                       swift-mode:xcode-select-executable
+                       "--print-path"))
+         (error "%s: %s" "Cannot locate Xcode" (buffer-string)))))))
+(defun swift-mode:build-swift-module (&optional project-directory args)
+  "Build a Swift module in the PROJECT-DIRECTORY.
+If PROJECT-DIRECTORY is nil or omited, it is searched from `default-directory'
+or its ancestors.
+An list ARGS are appended for builder command line arguments."
+  (interactive
+   (let ((project-directory (if current-prefix-arg
+                                (swift-mode:read-project-directory)
+                              (swift-mode:find-swift-project-directory))))
+     (list
+      project-directory
+      (if (string-equal (swift-mode:read-module-type project-directory)
+                        "library")
+          '("-Xswiftc" "-emit-library")
+        '()))))
+  (setq project-directory
+        (swift-mode:ensure-swift-project-directory project-directory))
+  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*swift-mode:compilation*")
+    (fundamental-mode)
+    (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+    (let ((progress-reporter (make-progress-reporter "Building...")))
+      (unless
+          (zerop
+           (apply 'swift-mode:call-process
+            swift-mode:swift-build-executable
+            "--chdir" project-directory
+            args))
+        (compilation-mode)
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
+        (error "Build error"))
+      (kill-buffer)
+      (progress-reporter-done progress-reporter))))
+(defun swift-mode:build-ios-app (&optional project-directory device-identifier)
+  "Build a iOS app in the PROJECT-DIRECTORY.
+Build it for iOS simulator device DEVICE-IDENTIFIER.
+If PROJECT-DIRECTORY is nil or omited, it is searched from `default-directory'
+or its ancestors.
+If DEVICE-IDENTIFIER is nil or omited,
+the value of `swift-mode:ios-simulator-device-identifier' is used."
+  (interactive
+   (list
+    (if current-prefix-arg
+        (swift-mode:read-project-directory)
+      (swift-mode:find-xcode-project-directory))
+    (if current-prefix-arg
+        (swift-mode:read-ios-simulator-device-identifier)
+      swift-mode:ios-simulator-device-identifier)))
+  (setq project-directory
+        (swift-mode:ensure-xcode-project-directory project-directory))
+  (unless device-identifier
+    (setq device-identifier
+          (or
+           swift-mode:ios-simulator-device-identifier
+           (swift-mode:read-ios-simulator-device-identifier))))
+  (setq swift-mode:ios-simulator-device-identifier device-identifier)
+  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*swift-mode:compilation*")
+    (fundamental-mode)
+    (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+    (let ((progress-reporter (make-progress-reporter "Building...")))
+      (unless
+          (zerop
+           (let ((default-directory project-directory))
+             (swift-mode:call-process
+              swift-mode:xcodebuild-executable
+              "-configuration" "Debug"
+              "-destination"
+              (concat "platform=iOS Simulator,id=" device-identifier)
+              "-sdk" "iphonesimulator")))
+        (compilation-mode)
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))
+        (error "Build error"))
+      (kill-buffer)
+      (progress-reporter-done progress-reporter))))
+(defun swift-mode:wait-for-prompt-then-execute-commands (string)
+  "Execute the next command from the queue if the point is on a prompt.
+Itended for used as a `comint-output-filter-functions'."
+  (let ((command (car swift-mode:repl-command-queue)))
+    (when (and
+           ;; The point is on an input field of comint.
+           (null (field-at-pos (point)))
+           ;; It is a LLDB prompt rather than that of the target executable.
+           (save-excursion
+             (if (and (consp command) (functionp (car command)))
+                 ;; Calls custom function to search expected output
+                 (funcall (car command) string)
+               (forward-line 0)
+               (looking-at
+                (if (consp command)
+                    ;; Using custom regexp
+                    (car command)
+                  ;; Using standard regexp
+                  swift-mode:debugger-prompt-regexp)))))
+      (when swift-mode:repl-command-queue
+        (pop swift-mode:repl-command-queue)
+        (insert (if (consp command) (cdr command) command))
+        (comint-send-input))
+      (unless swift-mode:repl-command-queue
+        (remove-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions
+                     'swift-mode:wait-for-prompt-then-execute-commands t)))))
+(defun swift-mode:enqueue-repl-commands (&rest commands)
+  "Enqueue COMMANDS to be executed on REPL prompts."
+  (with-current-buffer swift-mode:repl-buffer
+    (setq-local swift-mode:repl-command-queue
+                (append swift-mode:repl-command-queue commands))
+    (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions
+              'swift-mode:wait-for-prompt-then-execute-commands
+              nil t)))
+(defun swift-mode:debug-swift-module-library (project-directory)
+  "Run debugger on a Swift library module in the PROJECT-DIRECTORY."
+  (let* ((c99name (swift-mode:read-c99-name project-directory))
+         (import-statement (concat "import " c99name)))
+    (unless c99name (error "Cannot get module name"))
+    (swift-mode:build-swift-module project-directory)
+    (swift-mode:run-repl
+     (append
+      (swift-mode:command-string-to-list swift-mode:repl-executable)
+      (list
+       "-I" (swift-mode:join-path project-directory ".build" "debug")
+       "-L" project-directory
+       (concat "-l" c99name)))
+     nil t)
+    (swift-mode:enqueue-repl-commands import-statement)))
+(defun swift-mode:debug-swift-module-executable (project-directory)
+  "Run debugger on a Swift executable module in the PROJECT-DIRECTORY."
+  (let ((package-name (swift-mode:read-package-name project-directory)))
+    (unless package-name (error "Cannot get module name"))
+    (swift-mode:build-swift-module project-directory)
+    (swift-mode:run-repl
+     (append
+      (swift-mode:command-string-to-list swift-mode:debugger-executable)
+      (list
+       (swift-mode:join-path project-directory ".build" "debug" package-name)))
+     nil t)
+    (swift-mode:enqueue-repl-commands
+     "breakpoint set --one-shot --file main.swift --name main"
+     "run"
+     "repl")))
+(defun swift-mode:debug-swift-module (&optional project-directory)
+  "Run debugger on a Swift module in the PROJECT-DIRECTORY.
+If PROJECT-DIRECTORY is nil or omited, it is searched from `default-directory'
+or its ancestors."
+  (interactive
+   (list
+    (if current-prefix-arg
+        (swift-mode:read-project-directory)
+      (swift-mode:find-swift-project-directory))))
+  (setq project-directory
+        (swift-mode:ensure-swift-project-directory project-directory))
+  (if (string-equal (swift-mode:read-module-type project-directory) "library")
+      (swift-mode:debug-swift-module-library project-directory)
+    (swift-mode:debug-swift-module-executable project-directory)))
+(defun swift-mode:find-ios-simulator-process ()
+  "Return the process ID of an iOS simulator process if exists.
+Return nil otherwise."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (swift-mode:call-process "ps" "-x" "-o" "pid,comm")
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (if (search-forward-regexp
+         " *\\([0-9]*\\) 
+         nil t)
+        (string-to-number (match-string 1))
+      nil)))
+(defun swift-mode:kill-ios-simulator ()
+  "Kill an iOS simulator process if exists."
+  (let ((process-identifier (swift-mode:find-ios-simulator-process)))
+    (when process-identifier
+      (signal-process
+       process-identifier
+       'SIGTERM))))
+(defun swift-mode:open-ios-simulator (device-identifier)
+  "Open an iOS simulator asynchronously with DEVICE-IDENTIFIER."
+  (swift-mode:call-process-async
+   (swift-mode:join-path
+    (swift-mode:locate-xcode)
+    "Applications" "Simulator.app" "Contents" "MacOS" "Simulator")
+   "-CurrentDeviceUDID" device-identifier))
+(defun swift-mode:wait-for-ios-simulator (device-identifier)
+  "Wait until an iOS simulator with DEVICE-IDENTIFIER booted."
+  (while (null (seq-find
+                (lambda (device)
+                  (and
+                   (string-equal (cdr (assoc 'udid device)) device-identifier)
+                   (string-equal (cdr (assoc 'state device)) "Booted")))
+                (swift-mode:list-ios-simulator-devices)))
+    (sit-for 0.5)))
+(defun swift-mode:install-ios-app (device-identifier codesigning-folder-path)
+  "Install an iOS app to an iOS simulator with DEVICE-IDENTIFIER.
+CODESIGNING-FOLDER-PATH is the path of the app."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (unless (zerop (swift-mode:call-process
+                    swift-mode:simulator-controller-executable
+                    "install"
+                    device-identifier
+                    codesigning-folder-path))
+      (error "%s: %s","Cannot install app" (buffer-string)))))
+(defun swift-mode:launch-ios-app (device-identifier
+                                  product-bundle-identifier
+                                  &optional
+                                  wait-for-debugger)
+  "Launch an iOS app in DEVICE-IDENTIFIER.
+PRODUCT-BUNDLE-IDENTIFIER is the product bundle identifier of the app.
+If WAIT-FOR-DEBUGGER is non-nil, the new process is suspended until a debugger
+attaches to it."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (unless (zerop (apply
+                    'swift-mode:call-process
+                    swift-mode:simulator-controller-executable
+                    (append
+                     '("launch")
+                     (if wait-for-debugger '("--wait-for-debugger") nil)
+                     (list device-identifier product-bundle-identifier))))
+      (error "%s: %s" "Cannot launch app" (buffer-string)))
+    (goto-char (point-min))
+    (search-forward-regexp ": \\([0-9]*\\)$")
+    (string-to-number (match-string 1))))
+(defun swift-mode:search-process-stopped-message (process-identifier)
+  "Find a message of process suspension in the comint output.
+PROCESS-IDENTIFIER is the process ID."
+  (let ((expected-output
+         (concat "Process "
+                 (number-to-string process-identifier)
+                 " stopped")))
+    (goto-char comint-last-input-end)
+    (search-forward expected-output nil t)))
+(defun swift-mode:debug-ios-app (&optional project-directory device-identifier)
+  "Run debugger on an iOS app in the PROJECT-DIRECTORY.
+If PROJECT-DIRECTORY is nil or omited, it is searched from `default-directory'
+or its ancestors.
+DEVICE-IDENTIFIER is the device identifier of the iOS simulator."
+  (interactive
+   (list
+    (if current-prefix-arg
+        (swift-mode:read-project-directory)
+      (swift-mode:find-xcode-project-directory))
+    (if current-prefix-arg
+        (swift-mode:read-ios-simulator-device-identifier)
+      swift-mode:ios-simulator-device-identifier)))
+  (setq project-directory
+        (swift-mode:ensure-xcode-project-directory project-directory))
+  (unless device-identifier
+    (setq device-identifier
+          (or
+           swift-mode:ios-simulator-device-identifier
+           (swift-mode:read-ios-simulator-device-identifier))))
+  (setq swift-mode:ios-simulator-device-identifier device-identifier)
+  (let* ((build-settings
+          (swift-mode:read-xcode-build-settings
+           project-directory
+           device-identifier))
+         (codesigning-folder-path
+          (cdr (assoc "CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH" build-settings)))
+         (product-bundle-identifier
+          (cdr (assoc "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" build-settings))))
+    (unless codesigning-folder-path
+      (error "Cannot get codesigning folder path"))
+    (unless product-bundle-identifier
+      (error "Cannot get product bundle identifier"))
+    (swift-mode:build-ios-app project-directory device-identifier)
+    (let* ((devices (swift-mode:list-ios-simulator-devices))
+           (target-device
+            (seq-find
+             (lambda (device)
+               (string-equal (cdr (assoc 'udid device)) device-identifier))
+             devices))
+           (active-devices
+            (seq-filter
+             (lambda (device)
+               (string-equal (cdr (assoc 'state device)) "Booted"))
+             devices))
+           (target-booted
+            (string-equal (cdr (assoc 'state target-device)) "Booted"))
+           (simulator-running (consp active-devices))
+           (progress-reporter
+            (make-progress-reporter "Waiting for simulator...")))
+      (cond
+       (target-booted
+        ;; The target device is already booted. Does nothing.
+        t)
+       (simulator-running
+        (swift-mode:kill-ios-simulator)
+        (swift-mode:open-ios-simulator device-identifier))
+       (t (swift-mode:open-ios-simulator device-identifier)))
+      (swift-mode:wait-for-ios-simulator device-identifier)
+      (progress-reporter-done progress-reporter)
+      (let ((progress-reporter (make-progress-reporter "Installing app...")))
+        (swift-mode:install-ios-app device-identifier codesigning-folder-path)
+        (progress-reporter-done progress-reporter))
+      (let ((progress-reporter (make-progress-reporter "Launching app..."))
+            (process-identifier
+             (swift-mode:launch-ios-app
+              device-identifier product-bundle-identifier t)))
+        (progress-reporter-done progress-reporter)
+        (swift-mode:run-repl
+         (append
+          (swift-mode:command-string-to-list swift-mode:debugger-executable)
+          (list "--" codesigning-folder-path))
+         nil t)
+        (swift-mode:enqueue-repl-commands
+         "platform select ios-simulator"
+         (concat "platform connect " device-identifier)
+         (concat "process attach --pid " (number-to-string process-identifier))
+         "breakpoint set --one-shot --name UIApplicationMain"
+         "cont"
+         (cons
+          (lambda (_string)
+            (swift-mode:search-process-stopped-message process-identifier))
+          "repl"))))))
 (provide 'swift-mode-repl)
 ;;; swift-mode-repl.el ends here
diff --git a/swift-mode.el b/swift-mode.el
index 8dcee93..5622f5e 100644
--- a/swift-mode.el
+++ b/swift-mode.el
@@ -60,10 +60,18 @@
         :help "Swift-specific Features"
         ["Run REPL" swift-mode-run-repl
          :help "Run Swift REPL"]
-        ["Send buffer to REPL" swift-mode-send-buffer
+        ["Send buffer to REPL" swift-mode:send-buffer
          :help "Send the current buffer's contents to the REPL"]
-        ["Send region to REPL" swift-mode-send-region
-         :help "Send currently selected region to the REPL"]))
+        ["Send region to REPL" swift-mode:send-region
+         :help "Send currently selected region to the REPL"]
+        ["Build Swift module" swift-mode:build-swift-module
+         :help "Build current Swift module"]
+        ["Build iOS app" swift-mode:build-ios-app
+         :help "Build current iOS app"]
+        ["Debug Swift module" swift-mode:debug-swift-module
+         :help "Debug current Swift module"]
+        ["Debug iOS app" swift-mode:debug-ios-app
+         :help "Debug current iOS app with simulator"]))
   "Swift mode key map.")

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