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[nongnu] elpa/swift-mode ed03fde 377/496: Refactor tests

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/swift-mode ed03fde 377/496: Refactor tests
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2021 11:34:10 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/swift-mode
commit ed03fde38fe7b78fb4bb548b9188ec3b7d316e38
Author: taku0 <mxxouy6x3m_github@tatapa.org>
Commit: taku0 <mxxouy6x3m_github@tatapa.org>

    Refactor tests
 Makefile                                           |   5 +-
 test/swift-files/{ => indent}/comment.swift        |   0
 test/swift-files/{ => indent}/declarations.swift   |   0
 test/swift-files/{ => indent}/expressions.swift    |   0
 test/swift-files/{ => indent}/identifiers.swift    |   0
 test/swift-files/{ => indent}/operators.swift      |   0
 test/swift-files/{ => indent}/statements.swift     |   0
 test/swift-files/{ => indent}/strings.swift        |   0
 test/swift-files/{ => indent}/types.swift          |   0
 test/swift-mode-test-indent.el                     | 151 ++++++---------------
 ...wift-mode-test-indent.el => swift-mode-test.el} | 109 ++++-----------
 11 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 194 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 303f864..b7039d4 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -49,5 +49,6 @@ test:
 ## Tests the package.
        $(CASK) exec $(EMACS) --batch -q \
          --eval "(add-to-list 'load-path \""$(shell readlink -f .)"\")" \
-         -l test/swift-mode-test-indent.el \
-         -f swift-mode:run-test:indent
+         --eval "(add-to-list 'load-path \""$(shell readlink -f .)"/test\")" \
+         -l test/swift-mode-test.el \
+         -f swift-mode:run-test
diff --git a/test/swift-files/comment.swift 
similarity index 100%
rename from test/swift-files/comment.swift
rename to test/swift-files/indent/comment.swift
diff --git a/test/swift-files/declarations.swift 
similarity index 100%
rename from test/swift-files/declarations.swift
rename to test/swift-files/indent/declarations.swift
diff --git a/test/swift-files/expressions.swift 
similarity index 100%
rename from test/swift-files/expressions.swift
rename to test/swift-files/indent/expressions.swift
diff --git a/test/swift-files/identifiers.swift 
similarity index 100%
rename from test/swift-files/identifiers.swift
rename to test/swift-files/indent/identifiers.swift
diff --git a/test/swift-files/operators.swift 
similarity index 100%
rename from test/swift-files/operators.swift
rename to test/swift-files/indent/operators.swift
diff --git a/test/swift-files/statements.swift 
similarity index 100%
rename from test/swift-files/statements.swift
rename to test/swift-files/indent/statements.swift
diff --git a/test/swift-files/strings.swift 
similarity index 100%
rename from test/swift-files/strings.swift
rename to test/swift-files/indent/strings.swift
diff --git a/test/swift-files/types.swift b/test/swift-files/indent/types.swift
similarity index 100%
rename from test/swift-files/types.swift
rename to test/swift-files/indent/types.swift
diff --git a/test/swift-mode-test-indent.el b/test/swift-mode-test-indent.el
index 52a78e4..a48236c 100644
--- a/test/swift-mode-test-indent.el
+++ b/test/swift-mode-test-indent.el
@@ -34,79 +34,52 @@
 (require 'swift-mode)
 (require 'swift-mode-indent)
-(defvar swift-mode:test:basedir
-  (file-name-directory (or load-file-name buffer-file-name)))
-(defun swift-mode:setup-error-buffer ()
-  "Initialize and switch to the error buffer.
-Return the error-buffer"
-  (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*swift-mode-test-indent*"))
-  (fundamental-mode)
-  (setq buffer-read-only nil)
-  (erase-buffer)
-  (current-buffer))
-(defun swift-mode:run-test:indent ()
-  "Run indentation test for `swift-mode'."
+(defun swift-mode:run-test:indent
+    (&optional error-buffer error-counts progress-reporter)
+  "Run indentation test for `swift-mode'.
+ERROR-BUFFER is the buffer to output errors.
+ERROR-COUNTS is a association list holding counts of errors. Updated
+PROGRESS-REPORTER is the progress-reporter."
-  (let ((error-buffer
-         (if noninteractive nil (swift-mode:setup-error-buffer)))
-        (current-line 0)
-        (error-counts (list
-                       (cons 'error 0)
-                       (cons 'warning 0)
-                       (cons 'info 0)
-                       (cons 'ok 0)))
-        (progress-reporter (unless noninteractive
-                             (make-progress-reporter "Running tests..."))))
-    (setq default-directory
-          (concat (file-name-as-directory swift-mode:test:basedir)
-                  "swift-files"))
-    (dolist (swift-file (file-expand-wildcards "*.swift"))
-      (redisplay)
-      (with-temp-buffer
-        (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
-        (insert-file-contents-literally swift-file)
-        (swift-mode)
-        (setq current-line 0)
-        (while (not (eobp))
-          (when (not noninteractive)
-            (progress-reporter-update progress-reporter))
-          (setq current-line (1+ current-line))
-          (cond
-           ((looking-at ".*//.*swift-mode:test:keep-indent")
-            nil)
-           ((= (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
-            ;; Empty line
-            nil)
-           (t
-            (when (looking-at ".*//.*swift-mode:test:eval\\(.*\\)")
-              (eval-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
-            (let*
-                ((status (swift-mode:test-current-line-indent
-                          swift-file current-line error-buffer))
-                 (count-assoc (assq status error-counts)))
-              (setcdr count-assoc (1+ (cdr count-assoc))))))
-          (forward-line))))
-    (when (not noninteractive)
-      (progress-reporter-done progress-reporter))
-    (swift-mode:print-message
-     error-buffer
-     (concat
-      "Errors: " (prin1-to-string (assoc-default 'error error-counts)) "\n"
-      "Warning: " (prin1-to-string (assoc-default 'warning error-counts)) "\n"
-      "Info: " (prin1-to-string (assoc-default 'info error-counts)) "\n"
-      "OK: " (prin1-to-string (assoc-default 'ok error-counts)) "\n"))
-    (if noninteractive
-        (kill-emacs (min 63 (assoc-default 'error error-counts)))
-      (compilation-mode))))
+  (if (not swift-mode:test:running)
+      (swift-mode:run-test '(swift-mode:run-test:indent))
+    (let ((current-line 0))
+      (setq default-directory
+            (concat (file-name-as-directory swift-mode:test:basedir)
+                    (file-name-as-directory "swift-files")
+                    "indent"))
+      (dolist (swift-file (file-expand-wildcards "*.swift"))
+        (redisplay)
+        (with-temp-buffer
+          (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
+          (insert-file-contents-literally swift-file)
+          (swift-mode)
+          (setq current-line 0)
+          (while (not (eobp))
+            (when (not noninteractive)
+              (progress-reporter-update progress-reporter))
+            (setq current-line (1+ current-line))
+            (cond
+             ((looking-at ".*//.*swift-mode:test:keep-indent")
+              nil)
+             ((= (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
+              ;; Empty line
+              nil)
+             (t
+              (when (looking-at ".*//.*swift-mode:test:eval\\(.*\\)")
+                (eval-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
+              (let*
+                  ((status (swift-mode:test-current-line-indent
+                            swift-file current-line error-buffer))
+                   (count-assoc (assq status error-counts)))
+                (setcdr count-assoc (1+ (cdr count-assoc))))))
+            (forward-line)))))))
 (defun swift-mode:test-current-line-indent
     (swift-file current-line error-buffer)
@@ -151,40 +124,6 @@ ERROR-BUFFER is the buffer to output errors."
-(defun swift-mode:show-error (error-buffer file line level message)
-  "Show an error message to the ERROR-BUFFER or stdout.
-If the Emacs is in the batch mode, the message is printed to the stdout.
-Otherwise, the message is appended to the ERROR-BUFFER.
-FILE is the filename of the test case.
-LINE is the line number of the error.
-LEVEL is the error level (e.g. error, warning).
-MESSAGE is the error message."
-  (let ((formatted
-         (concat
-          "swift-mode-test:"
-          file
-          ":"
-          (prin1-to-string line)
-          ": "
-          level
-          ": "
-          message
-          "\n")))
-    (swift-mode:print-message error-buffer formatted)))
-(defun swift-mode:print-message (error-buffer message)
-  "Print a message to the ERROR-BUFFER or stdout.
-If the Emacs is in the batch mode, MESSAGE is printed to the stdout.
-Otherwise, MESSAGE is appended to the ERROR-BUFFER."
-  (if noninteractive
-      (princ message)
-    (with-current-buffer error-buffer
-      (goto-char (point-max))
-      (insert-and-inherit message))))
 (provide 'swift-mode-test-indent)
 ;;; swift-mode-test-indent.el ends here
diff --git a/test/swift-mode-test-indent.el b/test/swift-mode-test.el
similarity index 52%
copy from test/swift-mode-test-indent.el
copy to test/swift-mode-test.el
index 52a78e4..99410ba 100644
--- a/test/swift-mode-test-indent.el
+++ b/test/swift-mode-test.el
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; swift-mode-test-indent.el --- Test for swift-mode: indentation  -*- 
lexical-binding: t -*-
+;;; swift-mode-test.el --- Test for swift-mode  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
 ;; Copyright (C) 2016-2017 taku0
@@ -26,33 +26,38 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; Test for swift-mode: indentation.
-;; Execute swift-mode:run-test:indent interactively or in batch mode.
+;; Tests for swift-mode.
+;; Execute swift-mode:run-test interactively or in batch mode.
 ;;; Code:
-(require 'swift-mode)
-(require 'swift-mode-indent)
+(require 'swift-mode-test-indent)
 (defvar swift-mode:test:basedir
   (file-name-directory (or load-file-name buffer-file-name)))
+(defvar swift-mode:test:running nil)
 (defun swift-mode:setup-error-buffer ()
   "Initialize and switch to the error buffer.
 Return the error-buffer"
-  (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*swift-mode-test-indent*"))
+  (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*swift-mode-test*"))
   (setq buffer-read-only nil)
-(defun swift-mode:run-test:indent ()
-  "Run indentation test for `swift-mode'."
+(defvar swift-mode:tests '(swift-mode:run-test:indent))
+(defun swift-mode:run-test (&optional tests)
+  "Run TESTS for `swift-mode'."
+  (setq tests (or tests swift-mode:tests))
   (let ((error-buffer
          (if noninteractive nil (swift-mode:setup-error-buffer)))
-        (current-line 0)
         (error-counts (list
                        (cons 'error 0)
                        (cons 'warning 0)
@@ -60,38 +65,13 @@ Return the error-buffer"
                        (cons 'ok 0)))
         (progress-reporter (unless noninteractive
                              (make-progress-reporter "Running tests..."))))
-    (setq default-directory
-          (concat (file-name-as-directory swift-mode:test:basedir)
-                  "swift-files"))
-    (dolist (swift-file (file-expand-wildcards "*.swift"))
-      (redisplay)
-      (with-temp-buffer
-        (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
-        (insert-file-contents-literally swift-file)
-        (swift-mode)
-        (setq current-line 0)
-        (while (not (eobp))
-          (when (not noninteractive)
-            (progress-reporter-update progress-reporter))
-          (setq current-line (1+ current-line))
-          (cond
-           ((looking-at ".*//.*swift-mode:test:keep-indent")
-            nil)
-           ((= (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
-            ;; Empty line
-            nil)
-           (t
-            (when (looking-at ".*//.*swift-mode:test:eval\\(.*\\)")
-              (eval-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
-            (let*
-                ((status (swift-mode:test-current-line-indent
-                          swift-file current-line error-buffer))
-                 (count-assoc (assq status error-counts)))
-              (setcdr count-assoc (1+ (cdr count-assoc))))))
-          (forward-line))))
+    (setq swift-mode:test:running t)
+    (unwind-protect
+        (dolist (test tests)
+          (funcall test error-buffer error-counts progress-reporter))
+      (setq swift-mode:test:running nil))
     (when (not noninteractive)
       (progress-reporter-done progress-reporter))
@@ -108,49 +88,6 @@ Return the error-buffer"
         (kill-emacs (min 63 (assoc-default 'error error-counts)))
-(defun swift-mode:test-current-line-indent
-    (swift-file current-line error-buffer)
-  "Run indentation test for swift-mode on current line.
-SWIFT-FILE is the filename of the current test case.
-CURRENT-LINE is the current line number.
-ERROR-BUFFER is the buffer to output errors."
-  (back-to-indentation)
-  (let ((original-indent (current-column))
-        computed-indent
-        (known-bug (looking-at ".*//.*swift-mode:test:known-bug"))
-        (status 'ok))
-    (delete-horizontal-space)
-    (when (= original-indent 0)
-      (indent-line-to 1))
-    (swift-mode:indent-line)
-    (back-to-indentation)
-    (setq computed-indent (current-column))
-    (indent-line-to original-indent)
-    (when (/= original-indent computed-indent)
-      (setq status (if known-bug 'warning 'error))
-      (swift-mode:show-error
-       error-buffer swift-file current-line
-       (if known-bug "warning" "error")
-       (concat
-        (if known-bug "(knwon bug) " "")
-        "expected "
-        (prin1-to-string original-indent)
-        " but "
-        (prin1-to-string computed-indent))))
-    (when (and (= original-indent computed-indent) known-bug)
-      (setq status 'info)
-      (swift-mode:show-error
-       error-buffer swift-file current-line
-       "info"
-       "known-bug is fixed somehow"))
-    status))
 (defun swift-mode:show-error (error-buffer file line level message)
   "Show an error message to the ERROR-BUFFER or stdout.
@@ -185,6 +122,6 @@ Otherwise, MESSAGE is appended to the ERROR-BUFFER."
       (goto-char (point-max))
       (insert-and-inherit message))))
-(provide 'swift-mode-test-indent)
+(provide 'swift-mode-test)
-;;; swift-mode-test-indent.el ends here
+;;; swift-mode-test.el ends here

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