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[nongnu] elpa/parseclj c906de33a1 048/185: Rewrite all tests, and add ne

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/parseclj c906de33a1 048/185: Rewrite all tests, and add new tests for the AST "printer"
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 14:05:15 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/parseclj
commit c906de33a1c914bf3756f45063d77ebbf17a14fa
Author: Daniel Barreto <dbarreto@talpor.com>
Commit: Daniel Barreto <dbarreto@talpor.com>

    Rewrite all tests, and add new tests for the AST "printer"
 clj-parse-test.el | 529 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 360 insertions(+), 169 deletions(-)

diff --git a/clj-parse-test.el b/clj-parse-test.el
index f10c0e4f63..a9888933ce 100644
--- a/clj-parse-test.el
+++ b/clj-parse-test.el
@@ -22,177 +22,368 @@
 ;;; Code:
-(require 'clj-parse)
+(require 'a)
 (require 'ert)
+(require 'clj-parse)
-(defmacro clj-parse-eq-test (parse-to-fn test-string expected)
-  `(with-temp-buffer
-     (insert ,test-string)
-     (goto-char 1)
-     (should (equal (,parse-to-fn) ,expected))))
-;; To Elisp code, ala edn.el
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-elisp-simple-list ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "(1 2 3)"
-    '((1 2 3))))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-elisp-empty-list ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "()"
-    '(())))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-elisp-list-size-1 ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "(1)"
-    '((1))))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-elisp-leafs ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "(nil true false hello-world)"
-    '((nil t nil hello-world))))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-elisp-qualified-symbol ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "clojure.string/join"
-    '(clojure.string/join)))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-elisp-nested-lists ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "((.9 abc (true) (hello)))"
-    '(((0.9 abc (t) (hello))))))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-elisp-strings ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "\"abc hello \\t\\\"x\""
-    '("abc hello \t\"x"))
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "(\"---\\f---\\\"-'\\'-\\\\-\\r\\n\")"
-    '(("---\f---\"-''-\\-\r\n"))))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-elisp-chars ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "(\\newline \\return \\space \\tab \\a \\b \\c \\u0078 \\o171)"
-    '((?\n ?\r ?\ ?\t ?a ?b ?c ?x ?y)))
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "\"\\u0078 \\o171\""
-    '("x y")))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-elisp-keywords ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    ":foo-bar"
-    '(:foo-bar)))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-elisp-vector ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "[123]"
-    '([123])))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-elisp-map ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "{:count 123}"
-    '(((:count . 123)))))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-elisp-set ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "#{:x}"
-    '((:x))))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-elisp-discarded ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-elisp
-    "(10 #_11 12 #_#_ 13 14)"
-    '((10 12 14))))
-;; To Clojure/EDN string
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-string-simple-list ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "(   1 2   3)"
-    "(1 2 3)"))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-string-empty-list ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "()"
-    "()"))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-string-list-size-1 ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "(1)"
-    "(1)"))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-string-leafs ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "(nil true false hello-world)"
-    "(nil true false hello-world)"))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-string-qualified-symbol ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "clojure.string/join"
-    "clojure.string/join"))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-string-nested-lists ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "((.9 abc (true) (hello)))"
-    "((.9 abc (true) (hello)))"))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-string-strings ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "\"abc hello \\t\\\"x\""
-    "\"abc hello \\t\\\"x\"")
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "(\"---\\f---\\\"-'\\'-\\\\-\\r\\n\")"
-    "(\"---\\f---\\\"-'\\'-\\\\-\\r\\n\")"))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-string-chars ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "(\\newline \\return \\space \\tab \\a \\b \\c \\u0078 \\o171)"
-    "(\\newline \\return \\space \\tab \\a \\b \\c \\u0078 \\o171)")
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "\"\\u0078 \\o171\""
-    "\"\\u0078 \\o171\""))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-string-keywords ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    ":foo-bar"
-    ":foo-bar"))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-string-vector ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "[123]"
-    "[123]"))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-string-map ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "{:count 123}"
-    "{:count 123}"))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-string-set ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "#{:x}"
-    "#{:x}"))
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-to-string-discarded ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse-to-string
-    "(10 #_11 12 #_#_ 13 14)"
-    "(10 12 14)"))
-;; AST
-(ert-deftest clj-parse-ast-simple-list ()
-  (clj-parse-eq-test clj-parse
-    "(1 2 3)"
-    '((type . :root)
-      (subnodes . (((type . :list)
-                    (subnodes . (((type . :number) (form . "1") (pos . 2))
-                                 ((type . :number) (form . "2") (pos . 4))
-                                 ((type . :number) (form . "3") (pos . 
+(defun clj-parse--deftest-mode (mode test-name test-string expected)
+  (let* ((parse-fn (intern (concat "clj-parse-" mode)))
+         (test-name (intern (concat (symbol-name parse-fn) "-" (symbol-name 
+    `(ert-deftest ,test-name ()
+       (with-temp-buffer
+         (insert ,test-string)
+         (goto-char 1)
+         (should (equal (,parse-fn) ,expected))))))
+(defmacro clj-parse-deftest (test-name test-string mode-vs-expected-alist)
+  (declare (indent defun))
+  `(progn
+     ,@(mapcar (lambda (vs) (clj-parse--deftest-mode (car vs)
+                                                     test-name
+                                                     test-string
+                                                     (cadr vs)))
+               mode-vs-expected-alist)))
+;;; Parser modes
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(clj-parse-deftest simple-list "(1 2 3)"
+  (("edn" '((1 2 3)))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:children . (((:node-type . :number)
+                                          (:position . 2)
+                                          (:form . "1")
+                                          (:value . 1))
+                                         ((:node-type . :number)
+                                          (:position . 4)
+                                          (:form . "2")
+                                          (:value . 2))
+                                         ((:node-type . :number)
+                                          (:position . 6)
+                                          (:form . "3")
+                                          (:value . 3)))))))))))
+(clj-parse-deftest empty-list "()"
+  (("edn" '(()))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:children . nil))))))))
+(clj-parse-deftest size-1 "(1)"
+  (("edn" '((1)))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:children . (((:node-type . :number)
+                                          (:position . 2)
+                                          (:form . "1")
+                                          (:value . 1)))))))))))
+(clj-parse-deftest leafs "(nil true false hello-world)"
+  (("edn" '((nil t nil hello-world)))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:children . (((:node-type . :nil)
+                                          (:position . 2)
+                                          (:form . "nil")
+                                          (:value . nil))
+                                         ((:node-type . :true)
+                                          (:position . 6)
+                                          (:form . "true")
+                                          (:value . t))
+                                         ((:node-type . :false)
+                                          (:position . 11)
+                                          (:form . "false")
+                                          (:value . nil))
+                                         ((:node-type . :symbol)
+                                          (:position . 17)
+                                          (:form . "hello-world")
+                                          (:value . hello-world)))))))))))
+(clj-parse-deftest qualified-symbol "clojure.string/join"
+  (("edn" '(clojure.string/join))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :symbol)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:form . "clojure.string/join")
+                           (:value . clojure.string/join))))))))
+(clj-parse-deftest nested-lists "((.9 abc (true) (hello)))"
+  (("edn" '(((0.9 abc (t) (hello)))))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                                          (:position . 2)
+                                          (:children ((:node-type . :number)
+                                                      (:position . 3)
+                                                      (:form . ".9")
+                                                      (:value . 0.9))
+                                                     ((:node-type . :symbol)
+                                                      (:position . 6)
+                                                      (:form . "abc")
+                                                      (:value . abc))
+                                                     ((:node-type . :list)
+                                                      (:position . 10)
+                                                      (:children ((:node-type 
. :true)
+                                                                  (:position . 
+                                                                  (:form . 
+                                                                  (:value . 
+                                                     ((:node-type . :list)
+                                                      (:position . 17)
+                                                      (:children ((:node-type 
. :symbol)
+                                                                  (:position . 
+                                                                  (:form . 
+                                                                  (:value . 
+(clj-parse-deftest strings-1 "\"abc hello \\t\\\"x\""
+  (("edn" '("abc hello \t\"x"))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :string)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:form . "\"abc hello \\t\\\"x\"")
+                           (:value . "abc hello \t\"x"))))))))
+(clj-parse-deftest strings-2 "(\"---\\f---\\\"-'\\'-\\\\-\\r\\n\")"
+  (("edn" '(("---\f---\"-''-\\-\r\n")))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:children . (((:node-type . :string)
+                                          (:position . 2)
+                                          (:form . 
+                                          (:value . 
+(clj-parse-deftest chars-1 "(\\newline \\return \\space \\tab \\a \\b \\c 
\\u0078 \\o171)"
+  (("edn" '((?\n ?\r ?\ ?\t ?a ?b ?c ?x ?y)))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:children . (((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 2) (:form . "\\newline") (:value . ?\n))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 11) (:form . "\\return") (:value . ?\r))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 19) (:form . "\\space") (:value . 32))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 26) (:form . "\\tab") (:value . ?\t))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 31) (:form . "\\a") (:value . ?a))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 34) (:form . "\\b") (:value . ?b))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 37) (:form . "\\c") (:value . ?c))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 40) (:form . "\\u0078") (:value . ?x))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 47) (:form . "\\o171") (:value . ?y)))))))))))
+(clj-parse-deftest chars-2 "\"\\u0078 \\o171\""
+  (("edn" '("x y"))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :string)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:form . "\"\\u0078 \\o171\"")
+                           (:value . "x y"))))))))
+(clj-parse-deftest keywords ":foo-bar"
+  (("edn" '(:foo-bar))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :keyword)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:form . ":foo-bar")
+                           (:value . :foo-bar))))))))
+(clj-parse-deftest vector "[123]"
+  (("edn" '([123]))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :vector)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:children . (((:node-type . :number)
+                                          (:position . 2)
+                                          (:form . "123")
+                                          (:value . 123)))))))))))
+(clj-parse-deftest map "{:count 123}"
+  (("edn" '(((:count . 123))))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :map)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:children . (((:node-type . :keyword)
+                                          (:position . 2)
+                                          (:form . ":count")
+                                          (:value . :count))
+                                         ((:node-type . :number)
+                                          (:position . 9)
+                                          (:form . "123")
+                                          (:value . 123)))))))))))
+(clj-parse-deftest set "#{:x}"
+  (("edn" '((:x)))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :set)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:children . (((:node-type . :keyword)
+                                          (:position . 3)
+                                          (:form . ":x")
+                                          (:value . :x)))))))))))
+(clj-parse-deftest discard "(10 #_11 12 #_#_ 13 14)"
+  (("edn" '((10 12)))
+   ("ast" '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:children . (((:node-type . :number)
+                                          (:position . 2)
+                                          (:form . "10")
+                                          (:value . 10))
+                                         ((:node-type . :number)
+                                          (:position . 10)
+                                          (:form . "12")
+                                          (:value . 12)))))))))))
+;;; Printer modes
+;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(ert-deftest clj-parse-ast-print-list ()
+  (should (equal "(0 1 2)"
+                 (clj-parse-ast-print '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:children . 
(((:node-type . :number)
(:position . 2)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. 0))
((:node-type . :number)
(:position . 4)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. 1))
((:node-type . :number)
(:position . 6)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. 2))))))))))))
+(ert-deftest clj-parse-ast-print-empty-list ()
+  (should (equal "()"
+                 (clj-parse-ast-print '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:children . 
+(ert-deftest clj-parse-ast-print-nested-list ()
+  (should (equal "((.9 abc (true) (hello)))"
+                 (clj-parse-ast-print '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:children . 
(((:node-type . :list)
(:position . 2)
(:children ((:node-type . :number)
   (:position . 3)
   (:form . ".9")
   (:value . 0.9))
  ((:node-type . :symbol)
   (:position . 6)
   (:form . "abc")
   (:value . abc))
  ((:node-type . :list)
   (:position . 10)
   (:children ((:node-type . :true)
               (:position . 11)
               (:form . "true")
               (:value . t))))
  ((:node-type . :list)
   (:position . 17)
   (:children ((:node-type . :symbol)
               (:position . 18)
               (:form . "hello")
               (:value . hello))))))))))))))))
+(ert-deftest clj-parse-ast-print-string ()
+  (should (equal "\"abc hello \\t\\\"x\""
+                 (clj-parse-ast-print '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :string)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:form . "\"abc hello 
+                                                       (:value . "abc hello 
+(ert-deftest clj-parse-ast-print-chars ()
+  (should (equal "(\\newline \\return \\space \\tab \\a \\b \\c \\u0078 
+                 (clj-parse-ast-print '((:node-type . :root)
+            (:position . 0)
+            (:children . (((:node-type . :list)
+                           (:position . 1)
+                           (:children . (((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 2) (:form . "\\newline") (:value . ?\n))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 11) (:form . "\\return") (:value . ?\r))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 19) (:form . "\\space") (:value . 32))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 26) (:form . "\\tab") (:value . ?\t))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 31) (:form . "\\a") (:value . ?a))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 34) (:form . "\\b") (:value . ?b))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 37) (:form . "\\c") (:value . ?c))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 40) (:form . "\\u0078") (:value . ?x))
+                                         ((:node-type . :character) (:position 
. 47) (:form . "\\o171") (:value . ?y))))))))))))
+(ert-deftest clj-parse-ast-print-keyword ()
+  (should (equal ":foo-bar"
+                 (clj-parse-ast-print '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :keyword)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:form . ":foo-bar")
+                                                       (:value . 
+(ert-deftest clj-parse-ast-print-vector ()
+  (should (equal "[123]"
+                 (clj-parse-ast-print '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :vector)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:children . 
(((:node-type . :number)
(:position . 2)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. 123))))))))))))
+(ert-deftest clj-parse-ast-print-map ()
+  (should (equal "{:count 123}"
+                 (clj-parse-ast-print '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :map)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:children . 
(((:node-type . :keyword)
(:position . 2)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. :count))
((:node-type . :number)
(:position . 9)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. 123))))))))))))
+(ert-deftest clj-parse-ast-print-set ()
+  (should (equal "#{:x}"
+                 (clj-parse-ast-print '((:node-type . :root)
+                                        (:position . 0)
+                                        (:children . (((:node-type . :set)
+                                                       (:position . 1)
+                                                       (:children . 
(((:node-type . :keyword)
(:position . 3)
+                                                                      (:form . 
+                                                                      (:value 
. :x))))))))))))
 (provide 'clj-parse-test)

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