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[nongnu] elpa/sesman b839a2379a 005/100: More bulk updates

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/sesman b839a2379a 005/100: More bulk updates
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 14:05:58 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/sesman
commit b839a2379a60210f6d03910416cd11edbc280cad
Author: Vitalie Spinu <spinuvit@gmail.com>
Commit: Vitalie Spinu <spinuvit@gmail.com>

    More bulk updates
 README.md |   2 +-
 sesman.el | 138 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9448baafbd..7a1c667001 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Consists of several generics, of which only first two are 
strictly required:
   - `sesman-start-session`
   - `sesman-kill-session`
   - `sesman-restart-session` - defaults to `sesman-start-session` + 
-  - `sesman-greater-p` - used for sorting sessions in "recency" order. 
Defaults to sorting by session name.
+  - `sesman-more-relevant-p` - used for sorting sessions in "recency" order. 
Defaults to sorting by session name.
   <!-- - `sesman-friendly-session-p` - used to define friendly sessions (e.g. 
dependency projects). -->
 Depending on the purpose at hand, sesman system can use several functions to 
retrieve sessions (`sesman-ensure-session`, `sesman-linked-sessions`, 
`sesman-friendly-sessions`  and `sesman-sessions`). Most important of these 
being `sesman-ensure-session` which should be used to ensure that at least one 
session is linked to the current context. It returns the most specific session 
given sesman associations already in place. In case of ambiguity (or no 
sessions) the user is asked for a session.
diff --git a/sesman.el b/sesman.el
index 655bc1da98..6182cfeed4 100644
--- a/sesman.el
+++ b/sesman.el
@@ -46,13 +46,24 @@
 Key is a cons (system-name . session-name).")
 (defvar sesman-links nil
-  "An alist of all sesman associations.
+  "An alist of all sesman links.
 Each element is of the form (key cxt-type cxt-value) where
-\"key\" is of the form (system-name . session-name).")
+\"key\" is of the form (system-name . session-name). system-name
+and cxt-type must be symbols.")
 ;;; User Interface
+(defcustom sesman-auto-disambiguate t
+  "If non-nil choose most relevant session in ambiguous situations.
+Ambiguity arises when multiple sessions are associated with
+current context. By default only projects could be associated
+with multiple sessions. See `sesman-1-to-1-links' in order to
+change that. Relevance is decided by system's implementation, see
+  :group 'sesman
+  :type 'boolean)
 (defcustom sesman-1-to-1-links '(directory buffer)
   "List of context types for which links should be 1-to-1."
   :group 'sesman
@@ -94,7 +105,7 @@ double universal argument, t or 'all, kill all sessions."
        (mapcar #'car sessions)))))
 (defun sesman-info (which)
-  "Display current session info.
+  "Display sesman session(s) info.
 When WHICH is nil, show info for current session; when a single
 universal argument or 'linked, show info for all linked session;
 when a double universal argument or 'all, show info for all
@@ -105,8 +116,9 @@ sessions."
                     system "Info for session: : " which)))
      (mapconcat (lambda (ses)
-                  (format "%s:\n%s"
+                  (format "%s %S\n%s"
                           (propertize (car ses) 'face 'bold)
+                          (cons 'links: (sesman--get-links system (car ses)))
                           (sesman-session-info system ses)))
@@ -189,15 +201,18 @@ By default, calls `sesman-quit-session' and then
   "Return type (a symbol) of the constituents of the session object.
 Depending on this type, sesman might provide additional
 functionality (e.g. a better default for
-`sesman-greater-p'). Currently only 'buffer is understood."
+`sesman-more-relevant-p'). Currently only 'buffer is understood."
-(cl-defgeneric sesman-greater-p (system session1 session2)
+(cl-defgeneric sesman-more-relevant-p (system session1 session2)
   "Return non-nil if SESSION1 should be sorted before SESSION2.
-By default, sort by session name.  Systems should overwrite this
-method to provide a more meaningful ordering; ideally more
-recently used session should score higher."
-  (string-greaterp (car session1) (car session2)))
+By default, sort by session name. Systems should overwrite this
+method to provide a more meaningful ordering. When a system
+method `sesman-session-object-type' is 'buffer, the default
+method orders sessions in the most recently used order."
+  (if (eq 'buffer (sesman-session-object-type system))
+      (sesman--more-recent-p (cdr session1) (cdr session2))
+    (not (string-greaterp (car session1) (car session2)))))
 ;; (cl-defgeneric sesman-friendly-session-p (system session)
 ;;   "Non-nil if SYSTEM's SESSION is friendly to current context.
@@ -219,25 +234,27 @@ recently used session should score higher."
   (let ((system (or system (sesman--system))))
     (gethash (cons system session-name) sesman-sessions)))
-(defun sesman-ensure-session (system &optional prompt ask-new ask-all all)
+(defun sesman-ensure-session (system &optional prompt ask-new ask-all 
   "Ensure that at least one session is linked and return most relevant one.
 If there is an unambiguous link in place, return that
 session. Otherwise, ask the user for a session with PROMPT.  When
 ASK-NEW is non-nil, offer *new* option to start a new session. If
 ASK-ALL is non-nil offer *all* option. If ASK-ALL is non-nil,
-return a list of sessions, otherwise a single session. If ALL is
-non-nil, search among all system sessions, otherwise only for
-linked sessions."
-  (let ((prompt (or prompt (format "%s session: " (sesman--system-name 
-        (sessions (if all
+return a list of sessions, otherwise a single session. If
+SEARCH-ALL is non-nil, search among all system sessions,
+otherwise only among linked sessions."
+  (let ((prompt (or prompt (format "%s session: " (sesman--cap-system-name 
+        (sessions (if search-all
                       (sesman--all-system-sessions system)
                     (sesman-linked-sessions system))))
-     ;; 0. No sessions; return nil
-     ((null sessions) nil)
-     ;; 1. Single association; return
+     ;; 0. No sessions; throw
+     ((null sessions)
+      (user-error "No %s%s sessions found" (unless search-all "linked ") 
+     ;; 1. Single association, or auto-disambiguate; return first
      ((and (not ask-new)
-           (eq (length sessions) 1))
+           (or sesman-auto-disambiguate
+               (eq (length sessions) 1)))
       (if ask-all
         (car sessions)))
@@ -283,12 +300,26 @@ list returned from `sesman-context-types'."
   "Return all sessions registered with SYSTEM.
 Return a list of all session registered with the
 system. `sesman-linked-sessions' are sorted first."
-  (let* ((system (or system (sesman--system))))
+  (let ((system (or system (sesman--system))))
      (append (sesman-linked-sessions system)
              ;; (sesman-friendly-sessions system)
              (sesman--all-system-sessions system)))))
+(defun sesman-has-sessions-p (&optional system)
+  "Return t if there is at least one session registered with SYSTEM."
+  (let ((system (or system (sesman--system)))
+        (found))
+    (condition-case nil
+        (maphash (lambda (k _)
+                   (when (eq (car k) system)
+                     (setq found t)
+                     (throw 'found nil)))
+                 sesman-sessions)
+      (error))
+    found))
 (defun sesman-register (system session)
   "Register SESSION into `sesman-sessions' and `sesman-links'.
 SYSTEM defaults to current system.  If a session with same name
@@ -328,7 +359,7 @@ session (list SESSION-NAME OBJECT)."
       (if allow-new
           (sesman-register system (list session-name object))
         (error "%s session '%s' does not exist."
-               (sesman--system-name system) session-name)))))
+               (sesman--cap-system-name system) session-name)))))
 (defun sesman-remove-object (system session-name object &optional 
auto-unregister no-error)
   "Remove (destructively) OBJECT from session SESSION-NAME of SYSTEM.
@@ -399,16 +430,23 @@ in any session. This is useful if there are several
 (defun sesman--on-C-u-u-sessions (system prompt which)
-   ((or (eq which '(4)) (eq which 'linked))
+   ((null which) (list (sesman-current-session system)))
+   ((or (equal which '(4)) (eq which 'linked))
     (sesman-linked-sessions system))
-   ((or (eq which '(16)) (eq which 'all) (eq which t))
+   ((or (equal which '(16)) (eq which 'all) (eq which t))
     (sesman--all-system-sessions system))
    (t (sesman-ensure-session system prompt nil 'ask-all 'all))))
-(defun sesman--system-name (system)
-  (let ((name (cond ((symbolp system) (symbol-name system))
-                    ((stringp system) system)
-                    (t (format "s" system)))))
+(defun sesman--more-recent-p (bufs1 bufs2)
+  (eq 1 (seq-some (lambda (b)
+                    (if (member b bufs1)
+                        1
+                      (when (member b bufs2)
+                        -1)))
+                  (buffer-list))))
+(defun sesman--cap-system-name (system)
+  (let ((name (symbol-name system)))
     (if (string-match-p "^[[:upper:]]" name)
       (capitalize name))))
@@ -418,7 +456,7 @@ in any session. This is useful if there are several
          (cxt-types (or cxt-types (sesman-context-types system))))
      (lambda (cxt-type)
-       (let ((lfn (sesman--lookup-fn system nil cxt-type)))
+       (let ((lfn (sesman--link-lookup-fn system nil cxt-type)))
           (seq-filter (lambda (l)
@@ -427,6 +465,26 @@ in any session. This is useful if there are several
+(defun sesman--link-context-type (link)
+  (cadr link))
+(defun sesman--link-value (link)
+  (elt link 2))
+(defun sesman--get-links (system ses-name)
+  (let ((links (thread-last sesman-links
+                 (seq-filter (sesman--link-lookup-fn system ses-name))
+                 (reverse)))
+        (out (mapcar (lambda (x) (list x))
+                     (sesman-context-types system))))
+    (mapc (lambda (link)
+            (let* ((type (sesman--link-context-type link))
+                   (val (sesman--link-value link))
+                   (entry (assoc type out)))
+              (setcdr entry (cons val (cdr entry)))))
+          links)
+    (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (el) (and (cdr el) el))  out))))
 (defun sesman--link-session (session &optional system cxt-type)
   (let* ((system (or system (sesman--system)))
          (ses-name (or (car-safe session)
@@ -437,10 +495,10 @@ in any session. This is useful if there are several
          (link (list key cxt-type cxt-val)))
     (if (member cxt-type sesman-1-to-1-links)
         (thread-last sesman-links
-          (seq-remove (sesman--lookup-fn system nil cxt-type cxt-val))
+          (seq-remove (sesman--link-lookup-fn system nil cxt-type cxt-val))
           (cons link)
           (setq sesman-links))
-      (unless (seq-filter (sesman--lookup-fn system ses-name cxt-type cxt-val)
+      (unless (seq-filter (sesman--link-lookup-fn system ses-name cxt-type 
         (setq sesman-links (cons link sesman-links))))
@@ -457,10 +515,11 @@ in any session. This is useful if there are several
     `(let ((system (sesman--system)))
        (if (member ',cxt-type (sesman-context-types system))
            (let ((session (sesman--ask-for-session
+                           system
                            (format "Link with %s %s: "
                                    ,cxt-name (sesman--abrev-maybe
                                               (sesman-context ',cxt-type)))
-                           (sesman-sessions)
+                           (sesman--all-system-sessions system)
              (sesman--link-session session system ',cxt-type))
          (error (format "%s association not allowed for this system (%s)"
@@ -485,20 +544,21 @@ in any session. This is useful if there are several
     (sesman--sort-sessions system sessions)))
-(defun sesman--lookup-fn (&optional system ses-name cxt-type cxt-val x)
+;; FIXME: make this a macro
+(defun sesman--link-lookup-fn (&optional system ses-name cxt-type cxt-val x)
   (let ((system (or system (caar x)))
         (ses-name (or ses-name (cdar x)))
         (cxt-type (or cxt-type (nth 1 x)))
         (cxt-val (or cxt-val (nth 2 x))))
     (lambda (el)
       (and (or (null system) (eq (caar el) system))
-           (or (null ses-name) (eq (cdar el) ses-name))
+           (or (null ses-name) (equal (cdar el) ses-name))
            (or (null cxt-type) (eq (nth 1 el) cxt-type))
            (or (null cxt-val) (equal (nth 2 el) cxt-val))))))
 (defun sesman--unlink (x)
   (setq sesman-links
-        (seq-remove (sesman--lookup-fn nil nil nil nil x)
+        (seq-remove (sesman--link-lookup-fn nil nil nil nil x)
 (defun sesman--clear-links ()
@@ -560,14 +620,14 @@ in any session. This is useful if there are several
 (defun sesman--sort-sessions (system sessions)
   (seq-sort (lambda (x1 x2)
-              (sesman-greater-p system x1 x2))
+              (sesman-more-relevant-p system x1 x2))
 (defun sesman--sort-links (system links)
   (seq-sort (lambda (x1 x2)
-              (sesman-greater-p system
-                                (gethash (car x1) sesman-sessions)
-                                (gethash (car x2) sesman-sessions)))
+              (sesman-more-relevant-p system
+                                      (gethash (car x1) sesman-sessions)
+                                      (gethash (car x2) sesman-sessions)))
 (provide 'sesman)

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