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[elpa] externals/embark 736c344252: Use "for display" versions of candid

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/embark 736c344252: Use "for display" versions of candidates in Embark Collect buffers
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 17:57:29 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/embark
commit 736c344252c73e2a93cc10747d3b4aaf415612bd
Author: Omar Antolín <omar.antolin@gmail.com>
Commit: Omar Antolín <omar.antolin@gmail.com>

    Use "for display" versions of candidates in Embark Collect buffers
    We now flatten display properties and remove invisible portions. This
    is done because tabulated list, when truncating strings to the given
    column width, ignores any display properties and invisible portions of
    strings. So, for example if a string has 5 visible characters, then
    100 invisible one, and then another 5 visible characters and the
    column width is 15, tabulated list mode will take the first 15
    characters of which only the first 5 are visible! This leads to
    unexpected ellipsis and seemingly missing information in Embark
    Collect buffers, as reported in bdarcus/citar#504.
 embark.el | 139 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)

diff --git a/embark.el b/embark.el
index 03c8c2d85d..43a429ac56 100644
--- a/embark.el
+++ b/embark.el
@@ -922,19 +922,18 @@ their own target finder.  See for example
 (defun embark-target-collect-candidate ()
   "Target the collect candidate at point."
   (when (derived-mode-p 'embark-collect-mode)
-    (when-let (button
-               (pcase (get-text-property (point) 'tabulated-list-column-name)
-                 ("Candidate" (button-at (point)))
-                 ("Annotation" (previous-button (point)))))
-      ;; do not use button-label since it strips text properties
-      (let* ((beg (button-start button))
-             (end (button-end button))
-             (label (buffer-substring beg end)))
-        `(,embark--type
-          ,(if (eq embark--type 'file)
-               (abbreviate-file-name (expand-file-name label))
-             label)
-          ,beg . ,end)))))
+    (when-let ((button
+                (pcase (get-text-property (point) 'tabulated-list-column-name)
+                  ("Candidate" (button-at (point)))
+                  ("Annotation" (previous-button (point)))))
+               (start (button-start button))
+               (end (button-end button))
+               (candidate (get-text-property start 'embark--candidate)))
+      `(,embark--type
+        ,(if (eq embark--type 'file)
+             (abbreviate-file-name (expand-file-name candidate))
+           candidate)
+        ,start . ,end))))
 (defun embark-target-completion-at-point (&optional relative)
   "Return the completion candidate at point in a completions buffer.
@@ -2655,62 +2654,31 @@ key binding for it.  Or alternatively you might want to 
 `embark-collect-direct-action-minor-mode' in
-(defmacro embark--static-if (cond then &rest else)
-  "If COND yields non-nil at compile time, do THEN, else do ELSE."
-  (declare (indent 2))
-  (if (eval cond) then (macroexp-progn else)))
-(defun embark--display-width (string)
-  "Return width of STRING taking display and invisible properties into 
-  (let ((len (length string)) (pos 0) (width 0))
+(defun embark--for-display (string)
+  "Return visibly equivalent STRING without display and invisible properties."
+  (let ((len (length string)) (pos 0) chunks)
     (while (/= pos len)
       (let ((dis (next-single-property-change pos 'display string len))
             (display (get-text-property pos 'display string)))
         (if (stringp display)
-            (setq width (+ width (string-width display)) pos dis)
+            (progn (push display chunks) (setq pos dis))
           (while (/= pos dis)
             (let ((inv (next-single-property-change pos 'invisible string 
               (unless (get-text-property pos 'invisible string)
-                (setq width
-                      (+ width
-                         ;; bug#47712: Emacs 28 can compute `string-width'
-                         ;; of substrings
-                         (embark--static-if (= (cdr (func-arity 
-                                               3)
-                             (string-width string pos inv)
-                           (string-width
-                            ;; Avoid allocation for the full string.
-                            (if (and (= pos 0) (= inv len))
-                                string
-                              (substring-no-properties string pos inv)))))))
+                (unless (and (= pos 0) (= inv len))
+                  ;; avoid allocation for full string
+                  (push (substring string pos inv) chunks)))
               (setq pos inv))))))
-    width))
-(defun embark-collect--max-width (items)
-  "Maximum width of any of the ITEMS.
-Each item can be a string or a list of three strings.  In the
-latter case, the lengths of the first two elements are added to
-determine the width."
-  (or (if (stringp (car items))
-          (cl-loop for str in items maximize (embark--display-width str))
-        (cl-loop for (pre str _) in items
-                 maximize (+ (embark--display-width pre)
-                             (embark--display-width str))))
-      0))
+    (if chunks (apply #'concat (nreverse chunks)) string)))
 (defun embark-collect--list-view ()
   "List view of candidates and annotations for Embark Collect buffer."
-  (let ((candidates embark-collect-candidates))
+  (let ((candidates embark-collect-candidates) (max-width 0))
     (when-let ((affixator embark-collect-affixator)
                (dir default-directory)) ; smuggle to the target window
       (with-selected-window (or (embark--target-window) (selected-window))
           (let ((default-directory dir)) ; for file annotator
             (setq candidates (funcall affixator candidates)))))
-    (setq tabulated-list-format
-          (if embark-collect-affixator
-              `[("Candidate" ,(embark-collect--max-width candidates) t)
-                ("Annotation" 0 t)]
-            [("Candidate" 0 t)]))
     (if tabulated-list-use-header-line
       (setq header-line-format nil tabulated-list--header-string nil))
@@ -2718,20 +2686,32 @@ determine the width."
            (if embark-collect-affixator
                (pcase-lambda (`(,cand ,prefix ,annotation))
-                 (let* ((length (length annotation))
-                        (faces (text-property-not-all
-                                0 length 'face nil annotation)))
-                   (when faces (add-face-text-property
-                                0 length 'default t annotation))
-                   `(,cand
-                     [(,(propertize cand 'line-prefix prefix)
-                       type embark-collect-entry)
-                      (,annotation
-                       ,@(unless faces
-                           '(face embark-collect-annotation)))])))
+                 (let ((display (embark--for-display cand)))
+                   (setq max-width (max max-width (+ (string-width prefix)
+                                                     (string-width display))))
+                   (let* ((length (length annotation))
+                          (faces (text-property-not-all
+                                  0 length 'face nil annotation)))
+                     (when faces
+                       (add-face-text-property 0 length 'default t annotation))
+                     `(,cand
+                       [(,(propertize display
+                                      'line-prefix prefix
+                                      'embark--candidate cand)
+                         type embark-collect-entry)
+                        (,annotation
+                         ,@(unless faces
+                             '(face embark-collect-annotation)))]))))
              (lambda (cand)
-               `(,cand [(,cand type embark-collect-entry)])))
-           candidates))))
+               (let ((display (embark--for-display cand)))
+                 (setq max-width (max max-width (string-width display)))
+                 `(,cand [(,(propertize display 'embark--candidate cand)
+                           type embark-collect-entry)]))))
+           candidates))
+    (setq tabulated-list-format
+          (if embark-collect-affixator
+              `[("Candidate" ,max-width t) ("Annotation" 0 t)]
+            [("Candidate" 0 t)]))))
 (defun embark-collect--remove-zebra-stripes ()
   "Remove highlighting of alternate rows."
@@ -2773,23 +2753,28 @@ This is specially useful to tell where multi-line 
entries begin and end."
 (defun embark-collect--grid-view ()
   "Grid view of candidates for Embark Collect buffer."
-  (let* ((width (min (1+ (embark-collect--max-width embark-collect-candidates))
-                     (1- (floor (window-width) 2))))
-         (columns (/ (window-width) (1+ width))))
+  (if tabulated-list-use-header-line
+      (tabulated-list-init-header)
+    (setq header-line-format nil tabulated-list--header-string nil))
+  (let* ((candidates (mapcar (lambda (cand)
+                               (propertize (embark--for-display cand)
+                                           'embark--candidate cand))
+                             embark-collect-candidates))
+         (max-width (or (cl-loop for display in candidates
+                                 maximize (string-width display))
+                        0))
+         (column-width (min (1+ max-width) (1- (floor (window-width) 2))))
+         (columns (/ (window-width) (1+ column-width))))
     (setq tabulated-list-format
-          (make-vector columns `("Candidate" ,width nil)))
-    (if tabulated-list-use-header-line
-        (tabulated-list-init-header)
-      (setq header-line-format nil tabulated-list--header-string nil))
-    (setq tabulated-list-entries
-          (cl-loop with cands = (copy-tree embark-collect-candidates)
-                   while cands
+          (make-vector columns `("Candidate" ,column-width nil))
+          tabulated-list-entries
+          (cl-loop while candidates
                    (list nil
                          (apply #'vector
                                 (cl-loop repeat columns
-                                         `(,(or (pop cands) "")
+                                         `(,(or (pop candidates) "")
                                            type embark-collect-entry))))))))
 (defun embark-collect--metadatum (type metadatum)

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