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[nongnu] elpa/evil-matchit 90c8367856 027/244: add sdk v1.2.0

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/evil-matchit 90c8367856 027/244: add sdk v1.2.0
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2022 02:58:46 -0500 (EST)

branch: elpa/evil-matchit
commit 90c8367856208b952a2d69a0d38c8bade05a0562
Author: Chen Bin <chenbin.sh@gmail.com>
Commit: Chen Bin <chenbin.sh@gmail.com>

    add sdk v1.2.0
 evil-matchit-latex.el                         |   2 -
 evil-matchit-script.el                        | 186 ++------------------------
 evil-matchit-script.el => evil-matchit-sdk.el | 117 ++++++++--------
 evil-matchit.el                               |  21 +--
 4 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 257 deletions(-)

diff --git a/evil-matchit-latex.el b/evil-matchit-latex.el
index 89a775fbc4..0fa555fa24 100644
--- a/evil-matchit-latex.el
+++ b/evil-matchit-latex.el
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
 ;;; Code:
-(require 'evil-matchit)
 (autoload 'LaTeX-find-matching-begin "latex-mode" nil t)
 (autoload 'LaTeX-find-matching-end "latex-mode" nil t)
diff --git a/evil-matchit-script.el b/evil-matchit-script.el
index b1618bed90..f0fbee8bb0 100644
--- a/evil-matchit-script.el
+++ b/evil-matchit-script.el
@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@
 ;;; Code:
-(require 'evil-matchit)
+;; OPTIONAL, you don't need SDK to write a plugin for evil-matchit
+;; but SDK don make you write less code, isn't it?
+;; All you need to do is just define the match-tags for SDK algorithm to 
+(require 'evil-matchit-sdk)
 ;; ruby/bash/lua/vimrc
 (defvar evilmi--script-match-tags
@@ -36,186 +39,21 @@
     (("fun!" "function!" "class" "def" "while" "function" "do") () ("end" 
"endfun" "endfunction"))
     ("repeat" ()  "until")
-  "the table we look up matched tags"
-  )
-(defun evilmi--script-get-tag-info (tag)
-  "return (row column)"
-  (let (rlt elems elem tag-type
-        found i j)
-    (setq i 0)
-    (while (and (< i (length evilmi--script-match-tags)) (not found))
-      (setq elems (nth i evilmi--script-match-tags))
-      (setq j 0)
-      (while (and (not found) (< j (length elems)))
-        (setq elem (nth j elems))
-        (cond
-         ((stringp elem)
-          (if (string= tag elem)
-              (setq found t)
-            ))
-         ((listp elem)
-          (if (member tag elem)
-              (setq found t)
-            ))
-         )
-        (if (not found) (setq j (1+ j)))
-        )
-      (if (not found) (setq i (1+ i)))
-      )
-    (if found
-        (setq rlt (list i j))
-      )
-    rlt
-    )
-  )
-(defun evilmi--script-extract-keyword (cur-line)
-  "extract keyword from cur-line"
-  (let (keyword
-        (regexp "^[ \t]*\\([a-z]+\!?\\)\\( .*\\| *\\)$")
-        (regexp-do "^.* \\(do\\) |[a-z0-9A-Z,|]+|$")
-        )
-    (if (string-match regexp cur-line)
-        (setq keyword (match-string 1 cur-line))
-      )
-    (if (evilmi--member keyword evilmi--script-match-tags) keyword
-      (when (string-match regexp-do cur-line)
-          (setq keyword (match-string 1 cur-line))
-          (if (evilmi--member keyword evilmi--script-match-tags) keyword)
-        )
-      )
-    )
+  "The table we look up match tags. This is a three column table.
+The first column contains the open tag(s).
+The second column contains the middle tag(s).
+The third column contains the closed tags(s).
 (defun evilmi-script-get-tag ()
-  (let (rlt
-        keyword
-        (cur-line (buffer-substring-no-properties
-                   (line-beginning-position)
-                   (line-end-position)))
-        tag-info)
-    (when (setq keyword (evilmi--script-extract-keyword cur-line))
-      ;; since we mixed ruby and lua mode here
-      ;; maybe we should be strict at the keyword
-      (if (setq tag-info (evilmi--script-get-tag-info keyword))
-          ;; 0 - open tag; 1 - middle tag; 2 - close tag;
-          (setq rlt (list
-                     (if (= 2 (nth 1 tag-info))
-                         (line-end-position)
-                       (line-beginning-position))
-                     tag-info))
-        )
-      )
-    rlt
-    ))
+  (evilmi-sdk-get-tag evilmi--script-match-tags 
+  )
 (defun evilmi-script-jump (rlt NUM)
-  (let ((orig-tag-type (nth 1 (nth 1 rlt)))
-        cur-tag-type
-        (level 1)
-        (cur-line (buffer-substring-no-properties
-                   (line-beginning-position)
-                   (line-end-position)))
-        keyword
-        found
-        where-to-jump-in-theory
-        )
-    (while (not found)
-      (forward-line (if (= orig-tag-type 2) -1 1))
-      (setq cur-line (buffer-substring-no-properties
-                      (line-beginning-position)
-                      (line-end-position))
-            )
-      (setq keyword (evilmi--script-extract-keyword cur-line))
-      (when keyword
-        (setq cur-tag-type (nth 1 (evilmi--script-get-tag-info keyword)))
-        ;; key algorithm
-        (cond
-         ;; handle open tag
-         ;; open (0) -> mid (1)  found when level is one else ignore
-         ((and (= orig-tag-type 0) (= cur-tag-type 1))
-          (when (= 1 level)
-            (back-to-indentation)
-            (setq where-to-jump-in-theory (1- (line-beginning-position)))
-            (setq found t)
-            )
-          )
-         ;; open (0) -> closed (2) found when level is zero, level--
-         ((and (= orig-tag-type 0) (= cur-tag-type 2))
-          (setq level (1- level))
-          (when (= 0 level)
-            (goto-char (line-end-position))
-            (setq where-to-jump-in-theory (line-end-position))
-            (setq found t)
-            )
-          )
-         ;; open (0) -> open (0) level++
-         ((and (= orig-tag-type 0) (= cur-tag-type 0))
-          (setq level (1+ level))
-          )
-         ;; now handle mid tag
-         ;; mid (1) -> mid (1) found when level is zero else ignore
-         ((and (= orig-tag-type 1) (= cur-tag-type 1))
-          (when (= 1 level)
-            (back-to-indentation)
-            (setq where-to-jump-in-theory (1- (line-beginning-position)))
-            (setq found t)
-            )
-          )
-         ;; mid (1) -> closed (2) found when level is zero, level --
-         ((and (= orig-tag-type 1) (= cur-tag-type 2))
-          (setq level (1- level))
-          (when (= 0 level)
-            (goto-char (line-end-position))
-            (setq where-to-jump-in-theory (line-end-position))
-            (setq found t)
-            )
-          )
-         ;; mid (1) -> open (0) level++
-         ((and (= orig-tag-type 1) (= cur-tag-type 0))
-          (setq level (1+ level))
-          )
-         ;; now handle closed tag
-         ;; closed (2) -> mid (1) ignore,impossible
-         ((and (= orig-tag-type 2) (= cur-tag-type 1))
-          (message "impossible to be here")
-          )
-         ;; closed (2) -> closed (2) level++
-         ((and (= orig-tag-type 2) (= cur-tag-type 2))
-          (setq level (1+ level))
-          )
-         ;; closed (2) -> open (0) found when level is zero, level--
-         ((and (= orig-tag-type 2) (= cur-tag-type 0))
-          (setq level (1- level))
-          (when (= 0 level)
-            (setq where-to-jump-in-theory (line-beginning-position))
-            (back-to-indentation)
-            (setq found t)
-            )
-          )
-         (t (message "why here?"))
-         )
-        )
-      ;; we will stop at end or beginning of buffer anyway
-      (if (or (= (line-end-position) (point-max))
-              (= (line-beginning-position) (point-min))
-              )
-          (setq found t)
-        )
-      )
-    where-to-jump-in-theory
-    )
+  (evilmi-sdk-jump rlt NUM evilmi--script-match-tags 
 (provide 'evil-matchit-script)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/evil-matchit-script.el b/evil-matchit-sdk.el
similarity index 65%
copy from evil-matchit-script.el
copy to evil-matchit-sdk.el
index b1618bed90..6ad2bb582e 100644
--- a/evil-matchit-script.el
+++ b/evil-matchit-sdk.el
@@ -1,52 +1,45 @@
-;;; evil-matchit-script.el ---script (ruby/lua) plugin of evil-matchit
-;; Copyright (C) 2013  Chen Bin <chenbin.sh@gmail.com>
-;; Author: Chen Bin <chenbin.sh@gmail.com>
-;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;;; License:
-;; This file is part of evil-matchit
-;; evil-matchit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-;; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; evil-matchit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'evil-matchit)
+(defvar evilmi-sdk-extract-keyword-howtos
+  '(("^[ \t]*\\([a-z]+\!?\\)\\( .*\\| *\\)$" 1)
+    ("^.* \\(do\\) |[a-z0-9A-Z,|]+|$" 1)
+    )
+  "The list of HOWTO on extracting keyword from current line.
+Each howto is actually a pair. The first element of pair is the regular
+expression to match the current line. The second is the index of sub-matches
+to extract the keyword which starts from one. The sub-match is the match 
+between '\\(' and '\\)' in regular expression.
+  )
-;; ruby/bash/lua/vimrc
-(defvar evilmi--script-match-tags
-  '((("unless" "if") ("elif" "elsif" "elseif" "else") ( "end" "fi" "endif"))
-    ("begin" ("rescue" "ensure") "end")
-    ("case" ("when" "else") ("esac" "end"))
-    (("fun!" "function!" "class" "def" "while" "function" "do") () ("end" 
"endfun" "endfunction"))
-    ("repeat" ()  "until")
+(defun evilmi--sdk-member (KEYWORD LIST)
+  "check if KEYWORD exist in LIST"
+  (let (rlt)
+    (cond
+     ((not LIST) nil)
+     ((stringp (car LIST))
+      (if (string= KEYWORD (car LIST)) t
+        (evilmi--sdk-member KEYWORD (cdr LIST))
+        )
+      )
+     ((listp (car LIST))
+      (setq rlt (evilmi--sdk-member KEYWORD (car LIST)))
+      (if rlt rlt (evilmi--sdk-member KEYWORD (cdr LIST)))
+      )
+     (t
+      ;; just ignore first element
+      (evilmi--sdk-member KEYWORD (cdr LIST))
+      )
+     )
-  "the table we look up matched tags"
-(defun evilmi--script-get-tag-info (tag)
+(defun evilmi--sdk-get-tag-info (tag match-tags)
   "return (row column)"
   (let (rlt elems elem tag-type
         found i j)
     (setq i 0)
-    (while (and (< i (length evilmi--script-match-tags)) (not found))
-      (setq elems (nth i evilmi--script-match-tags))
+    (while (and (< i (length match-tags)) (not found))
+      (setq elems (nth i match-tags))
       (setq j 0)
       (while (and (not found) (< j (length elems)))
         (setq elem (nth j elems))
@@ -71,37 +64,37 @@
-(defun evilmi--script-extract-keyword (cur-line)
-  "extract keyword from cur-line"
-  (let (keyword
-        (regexp "^[ \t]*\\([a-z]+\!?\\)\\( .*\\| *\\)$")
-        (regexp-do "^.* \\(do\\) |[a-z0-9A-Z,|]+|$")
-        )
-    (if (string-match regexp cur-line)
-        (setq keyword (match-string 1 cur-line))
-      )
+(defun evilmi--sdk-extract-keyword (cur-line match-tags howtos)
+  "extract keyword from cur-line. keyword should be defined in match-tags"
+  (let (keyword howto i)
+    (setq i 0)
+    (while (and (not keyword) (< i (length howtos)))
+      (setq howto (nth i howtos))
+      (when (string-match (nth 0 howto) cur-line)
+        (setq keyword (match-string (nth 1 howto) cur-line))
-    (if (evilmi--member keyword evilmi--script-match-tags) keyword
-      (when (string-match regexp-do cur-line)
-          (setq keyword (match-string 1 cur-line))
-          (if (evilmi--member keyword evilmi--script-match-tags) keyword)
+        ;; keep search keyword by using next howto (regex and match-string 
+        (if (not (evilmi--sdk-member keyword match-tags)) (setq keyword nil))
+      (setq i (1+ i))
+    keyword
-(defun evilmi-script-get-tag ()
+(defun evilmi-sdk-get-tag (match-tags howtos)
   (let (rlt
         (cur-line (buffer-substring-no-properties
-    (when (setq keyword (evilmi--script-extract-keyword cur-line))
+    (when (setq keyword (evilmi--sdk-extract-keyword cur-line match-tags 
       ;; since we mixed ruby and lua mode here
       ;; maybe we should be strict at the keyword
-      (if (setq tag-info (evilmi--script-get-tag-info keyword))
+      (if (setq tag-info (evilmi--sdk-get-tag-info keyword match-tags))
           ;; 0 - open tag; 1 - middle tag; 2 - close tag;
           (setq rlt (list
                      (if (= 2 (nth 1 tag-info))
@@ -111,10 +104,12 @@
-    ))
+    )
+  )
-(defun evilmi-script-jump (rlt NUM)
+(defun evilmi-sdk-jump (rlt NUM match-tags howtos)
   (let ((orig-tag-type (nth 1 (nth 1 rlt)))
         (level 1)
@@ -133,9 +128,9 @@
-      (setq keyword (evilmi--script-extract-keyword cur-line))
+      (setq keyword (evilmi--sdk-extract-keyword cur-line match-tags howtos))
       (when keyword
-        (setq cur-tag-type (nth 1 (evilmi--script-get-tag-info keyword)))
+        (setq cur-tag-type (nth 1 (evilmi--sdk-get-tag-info keyword 
         ;; key algorithm
@@ -218,4 +213,4 @@
-(provide 'evil-matchit-script)
\ No newline at end of file
+(provide 'evil-matchit-sdk)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/evil-matchit.el b/evil-matchit.el
index eeaeee6e25..fed417c979 100644
--- a/evil-matchit.el
+++ b/evil-matchit.el
@@ -43,26 +43,7 @@
                          ((evilmi-simple-get-tag evilmi-simple-jump))
-(defun evilmi--member (k l)
-  (let (rlt)
-    (cond
-     ((not l) nil)
-     ((stringp (car l))
-      (if (string= k (car l)) t
-        (evilmi--member k (cdr l))
-        )
-      )
-     ((listp (car l))
-      (setq rlt (evilmi--member k (car l)))
-      (if rlt rlt (evilmi--member k (cdr l)))
-      )
-     (t
-      ;; just ignore first element
-      (evilmi--member k (cdr l))
-      )
-     )
-    )
-  )
 (defun evilmi--operate-on-item (NUM &optional FUNC)
   (let (plugin

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