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[nongnu] elpa/helm c62bd00961 3/5: Move helm-files-save-file-name-histor

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [nongnu] elpa/helm c62bd00961 3/5: Move helm-files-save-file-name-history in right section
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 03:58:38 -0400 (EDT)

branch: elpa/helm
commit c62bd00961f17edcf3a3cbb9a350381f5aa4dcdc
Author: Thierry Volpiatto <thievol@posteo.net>
Commit: Thierry Volpiatto <thievol@posteo.net>

    Move helm-files-save-file-name-history in right section
 helm-files.el | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/helm-files.el b/helm-files.el
index 4629c962f5..0a28bb6025 100644
--- a/helm-files.el
+++ b/helm-files.el
@@ -3671,35 +3671,6 @@ Note that only existing directories are saved here."
     (push helm-ff-default-directory helm-ff-history)))
 (add-hook 'helm-cleanup-hook 'helm-ff-save-history)
-(defun helm-files-save-file-name-history (&optional force)
-  "Save marked files to `file-name-history'."
-  (let* ((src (helm-get-current-source))
-         (src-name (assoc-default 'name src)))
-    (when (or force (helm-file-completion-source-p src)
-              (member src-name helm-files-save-history-extra-sources))
-      (let ((mkd (helm-marked-candidates :with-wildcard t))
-            (history-delete-duplicates t))
-        (cl-loop for sel in mkd
-                 when (and sel
-                           (stringp sel)
-                           ;; If file was one of HFF candidates assume it
-                           ;; is an existing file, so no need to call
-                           ;; file-exists-p which is costly on remote 
-                           ;; (file-exists-p sel)
-                           (not (helm-ff--file-directory-p sel))
-                           ;; When creating a new directory previous test
-                           ;; check for file-directory-p BEFORE its
-                           ;; creation, so check for ending slash as
-                           ;; well to know if it is a future directory.
-                           (not (string-match "/\\'" sel)))
-                 do
-                 ;; we use `abbreviate-file-name' here because
-                 ;; other parts of Emacs seems to,
-                 ;; and we don't want to introduce duplicates.
-                 (add-to-history 'file-name-history
-                                 (abbreviate-file-name sel)))))))
-(add-hook 'helm-exit-minibuffer-hook 'helm-files-save-file-name-history)
 (defun helm-ff-valid-symlink-p (file &optional link)
   "Returns the truename of FILE if it exists.
 If we already know the truename of FILE we can pass it with LINK arg
@@ -6035,6 +6006,35 @@ list."
 (defvar helm--file-name-history-hide-deleted nil)
+(defun helm-files-save-file-name-history (&optional force)
+  "Save marked files to `file-name-history'."
+  (let* ((src (helm-get-current-source))
+         (src-name (assoc-default 'name src)))
+    (when (or force (helm-file-completion-source-p src)
+              (member src-name helm-files-save-history-extra-sources))
+      (let ((mkd (helm-marked-candidates :with-wildcard t))
+            (history-delete-duplicates t))
+        (cl-loop for sel in mkd
+                 when (and sel
+                           (stringp sel)
+                           ;; If file was one of HFF candidates assume it
+                           ;; is an existing file, so no need to call
+                           ;; file-exists-p which is costly on remote 
+                           ;; (file-exists-p sel)
+                           (not (helm-ff--file-directory-p sel))
+                           ;; When creating a new directory previous test
+                           ;; check for file-directory-p BEFORE its
+                           ;; creation, so check for ending slash as
+                           ;; well to know if it is a future directory.
+                           (not (string-match "/\\'" sel)))
+                 do
+                 ;; we use `abbreviate-file-name' here because
+                 ;; other parts of Emacs seems to,
+                 ;; and we don't want to introduce duplicates.
+                 (add-to-history 'file-name-history
+                                 (abbreviate-file-name sel)))))))
+(add-hook 'helm-exit-minibuffer-hook 'helm-files-save-file-name-history)
 (defvar helm-source-file-name-history
   (helm-build-sync-source "File Name History"
     :candidates 'file-name-history

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