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[elpa] externals/sql-cassandra a203380be4: Initial commit

From: Filipp Gunbin
Subject: [elpa] externals/sql-cassandra a203380be4: Initial commit
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2022 07:06:08 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/sql-cassandra
commit a203380be4fb70e914945703fb8b022186694e35
Author: Filipp Gunbin <fgunbin@fastmail.fm>
Commit: Filipp Gunbin <fgunbin@fastmail.fm>

    Initial commit
 packages/sql-cassandra/sql-cassandra.el | 195 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 195 insertions(+)

diff --git a/packages/sql-cassandra/sql-cassandra.el 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..825e4fca92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/sql-cassandra/sql-cassandra.el
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+;;; sql-cassandra.el --- Cassandra support for sql.el  -*- lexical-binding: t; 
+;; Copyright (C) 2022-2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Filipp Gunbin <fgunbin@fastmail.fm>
+;; Maintainer: Filipp Gunbin <fgunbin@fastmail.fm>
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; Keywords: sql, cassandra, cql, cqlsh
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'sql)
+(require 'seq)
+(defcustom sql-cassandra-program "cqlsh"
+  "Command to start the Cassandra client."
+  :type 'file
+  :group 'SQL)
+(defcustom sql-cassandra-options
+  '("--no-color")
+  "List of additional options for `sql-cassandra-program'."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'SQL)
+(defcustom sql-cassandra-login-params
+  `((user :default ,(user-login-name))
+    password
+    (database :default "system")
+    (server :default "localhost")
+    (port :default 9042))
+  "List of login parameters needed to connect to Cassandra cluster."
+  :type 'sql-login-params
+  :group 'SQL)
+(defconst sql-cassandra-special-commands
+  '("capture" "cls" "copy" "describe" "expand" "login" "serial"
+    "source" "unicode" "clear" "consistency" "desc" "exit" "help"
+    "paging" "show" "tracing")
+  "Special commands recognized by cqlsh.
+Refer to:
+(defconst sql-cassandra-native-types
+  '("ascii" "bigint" "blob" "boolean" "counter" "date" "decimal"
+    "double" "duration" "float" "inet" "int" "smallint" "text" "time"
+    "timestamp" "timeuuid" "tinyint" "uuid" "varchar" "varint")
+  "Cassandra native types.
+Refer to
+(defconst sql-cassandra-reserved-types
+  '("bitstring" "byte" "complex" "enum" "interval" "macaddr")
+  "Cassandra reserved types.
+Refer to
+(defconst sql-cassandra-keywords
+  '("add" "aggregate" "all" "allow" "alter" "and" "apply" "as" "asc"
+    "ascii" "authorize" "batch" "begin" "bigint" "blob" "boolean"
+    "by" "called" "clustering" "columnfamily" "compact" "contains"
+    "count" "counter" "create" "custom" "date" "decimal" "delete"
+    "desc" "describe" "distinct" "double" "drop" "entries" "execute"
+    "exists" "filtering" "finalfunc" "float" "from" "frozen" "full"
+    "function" "functions" "grant" "if" "in" "index" "inet" "infinity"
+    "initcond" "input" "insert" "int" "into" "json" "key" "keys"
+    "keyspace" "keyspaces" "language" "limit" "list" "login" "map"
+    "modify" "nan" "nologin" "norecursive" "nosuperuser" "not" "null"
+    "of" "on" "options" "or" "order" "password" "permission" "permissions"
+    "primary" "rename" "replace" "returns" "revoke" "role" "roles"
+    "schema" "select" "set" "sfunc" "smallint" "static" "storage"
+    "stype" "superuser" "table" "text" "time" "timestamp" "timeuuid"
+    "tinyint" "to" "token" "trigger" "truncate" "ttl" "tuple" "type"
+    "unlogged" "update" "use" "user" "users" "using" "uuid" "values"
+    "varchar" "varint" "where" "with" "writetime")
+  "Cassandra keywords.
+Refer to 
+(defvar sql-cassandra-font-lock-keywords
+  (eval-when-compile
+    (list
+     `(,(concat "^\\s-*" (regexp-opt sql-cassandra-special-commands) ".*$")
+       . font-lock-doc-face)
+     (apply #'sql-font-lock-keywords-builder
+           'font-lock-type-face nil sql-cassandra-native-types)
+     (apply #'sql-font-lock-keywords-builder
+           'font-lock-type-face nil sql-cassandra-reserved-types)
+     (apply #'sql-font-lock-keywords-builder
+           'font-lock-keyword-face nil
+           (seq-remove (lambda (el)
+                         (member el sql-cassandra-native-types))
+                       sql-cassandra-keywords)))))
+(defun sql-comint-cassandra (product options &optional buf-name)
+  "Create comint buffer and connect to Cassandra cluster."
+  (let ((params (append
+                options
+                (unless (string-empty-p sql-user)
+                  (list "-u" sql-user))
+                (unless (string-empty-p sql-password)
+                  (list "-p" sql-password))
+                 (unless (string-empty-p sql-database)
+                   (list "-k" sql-database))
+                 (unless (string-empty-p sql-server)
+                   (list sql-server
+                        (number-to-string sql-port))))))
+    (sql-comint product params buf-name)
+    (add-hook 'sql-login-hook #'sql-cassandra--setup-interactive-mode)))
+(defun sql-cassandra--setup-interactive-mode ()
+  (remove-hook 'sql-login-hook #'sql-cassandra--setup-interactive-mode)
+  (setq comint-process-echoes t)
+  ;; Remove prefix from echoed continuation lines, otherwise comint
+  ;; doesn't recognize them
+  (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions
+           #'sql-cassandra--remove-echo-prefix 0 t)
+  ;; Use our product's terminator
+  (setq-local sql-send-terminator t)
+  ;; cqlsh doesn't have special command line switch, so we have to use
+  ;; special command and wait for response
+  (goto-char (point-max))
+  (sql-send-string "PAGING OFF")
+  (let ((attempts 3))
+    (while (and (>= (setq attempts (1- attempts)) 0)
+               (goto-char (point-max))
+               (not (re-search-backward "^disabled query paging" nil t)))
+      (sleep-for 0.1))))
+(defun sql-cassandra--remove-echo-prefix (_string)
+  "Remove prefix which cqlsh adds to each line it echoes.  This
+function is intended to be added to
+  (when-let ((process (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)))
+            (pmark (process-mark process)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char comint-last-output-start)
+      (while (re-search-forward "^ +\\.\\{3\\} " pmark t)
+       (replace-match "")))))
+(defun sql-cassandra (&optional buffer)
+  "Run Cassandra client as an inferior process."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (sql-product-interactive 'cassandra buffer))
+ 'cassandra "Cassandra"
+ :free-software t
+ :font-lock 'sql-cassandra-font-lock-keywords
+ :sqli-program 'sql-cassandra-program
+ :sqli-options 'sql-cassandra-options
+ :sqli-login 'sql-cassandra-login-params
+ :sqli-comint-func #'sql-comint-cassandra
+ :list-all "describe tables"
+ :list-table "describe table %s"
+ :prompt-regexp "^[^ .][^>\n]*> "
+ :syntax-alist '(;; map / set / udt literals
+                (?{ . "(") (?} . ")")
+                ;; list literals
+                (?\[ . "(") (?\] . ")")
+                )
+ :terminator `(,(concat
+                "\\(^\\s-*"
+                ;; don't send terminator for special commands
+                (regexp-opt sql-cassandra-special-commands)
+                ".*\\|;\\)")
+              . ";")
+ )
+(provide 'sql-cassandra)
+;;; sql-cassandra.el ends here

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