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[elpa] externals/denote a59a711f17: Add denote-keywords-sort function

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/denote a59a711f17: Add denote-keywords-sort function
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2022 22:57:31 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/denote
commit a59a711f176723f87d0f3bff283e72b1f22bf4b5
Author: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>
Commit: Protesilaos Stavrou <info@protesilaos.com>

    Add denote-keywords-sort function
    The intent is to abstract the task of sorting the keywords.  Before,
    it was handled by the 'denote-keywords-prompt', which meant that
    keywords were not sorted when the 'denote' function was called from
    Thanks to Florian for bringing this matter to my attention:
 README.org | 11 ++++++++++-
 denote.el  | 19 +++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 7324a27118..3583f04cdf 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -2430,6 +2430,13 @@ might change them without further notice.
   ~denote-known-keywords~.  Else use only the latter set of keywords
   ([[#h:6a92a8b5-d766-42cc-8e5b-8dc255466a23][Standard note creation]]).
+#+findex: denote-keywords-sort
++ Function ~denote-keywords-sort~ :: Sort =KEYWORDS= if
+  ~denote-sort-keywords~ is non-nil.  =KEYWORDS= is a list of strings,
+  per ~denote-keywords-prompt~.  [ This function is part of
+  {{{development-version}}}.  Before, the keywords were sorted by the
+  ~denote-keywords-prompt~. ]
 #+findex: denote-directory
 + Function ~denote-directory~ :: Return path of the variable
   ~denote-directory~ as a proper directory, also because it accepts a
@@ -2572,7 +2579,9 @@ might change them without further notice.
 + Function ~denote-keywords-prompt~ :: Prompt for one or more
   keywords.  In the case of multiple entries, those are separated by
   the ~crm-sepator~, which typically is a comma.  In such a scenario,
-  the output is sorted with ~string-lessp~.
+  the output is sorted with ~string-lessp~.  To sort the return value,
+  use ~denote-keywords-sort~.  [ The ~denote-keywords-sort~ is part of
+  {{{development-version}}}. ]
 #+findex: denote-title-prompt
 + Function ~denote-title-prompt~ :: Read file title for ~denote~.
diff --git a/denote.el b/denote.el
index 8a6b2e1d0f..a1a72f7c20 100644
--- a/denote.el
+++ b/denote.el
@@ -731,11 +731,17 @@ keywords."
   "Prompt for one or more keywords.
 In the case of multiple entries, those are separated by the
 `crm-sepator', which typically is a comma.  In such a case, the
-output is sorted with `string-lessp'."
-  (let ((choice (denote--keywords-crm (denote-keywords))))
-    (if denote-sort-keywords
-        (sort choice #'string-lessp)
-      choice)))
+output is sorted with `string-lessp'.
+To sort the return value, use `denote-keywords-sort'."
+  (denote--keywords-crm (denote-keywords)))
+(defun denote-keywords-sort (keywords)
+  "Sort KEYWORDS if `denote-sort-keywords' is non-nil.
+KEYWORDS is a list of strings, per `denote-keywords-prompt'."
+  (if denote-sort-keywords
+      (sort keywords #'string-lessp)
+    keywords))
@@ -1380,6 +1386,7 @@ When called from Lisp, all arguments are optional.
      (append args nil)))
   (let* ((title (or title ""))
          (file-type (denote--valid-file-type (or file-type denote-file-type)))
+         (kws (denote--keywords-sort keywords))
          (date (if (or (null date) (string-empty-p date))
                  (denote--valid-date date)))
@@ -1391,7 +1398,7 @@ When called from Lisp, all arguments are optional.
                      (or (alist-get template denote-templates) ""))))
     (denote-barf-duplicate-id id)
-    (denote--prepare-note title keywords date id directory file-type template)
+    (denote--prepare-note title kws date id directory file-type template)
     (denote--keywords-add-to-history keywords)))
 (defvar denote--title-history nil

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