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[elpa] externals/compat 8ebf7984ce 06/16: Revert "Add compat-feature mac

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/compat 8ebf7984ce 06/16: Revert "Add compat-feature macro"
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2023 07:57:27 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/compat
commit 8ebf7984ce3b29ba47ff4b46ea31f4c38bbf78b5
Author: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
Commit: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>

    Revert "Add compat-feature macro"
    This reverts commit de7346396aab592610e05990aab154a02b73f46d.
 compat-27.el   | 405 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 compat-macs.el |   7 -
 2 files changed, 208 insertions(+), 204 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat-27.el b/compat-27.el
index 093294a37b..cff3c820a3 100644
--- a/compat-27.el
+++ b/compat-27.el
@@ -646,6 +646,12 @@ Optional arg PARENTS, if non-nil then creates parent dirs 
as needed."
       (make-directory paren-dir parents)))
   (write-region "" nil filename nil 0))
+;; TODO provide advice for directory-files-recursively
+;;;; Defined in format-spec.el
+;; TODO provide advice for format-spec
 ;;;; Defined in regexp-opt.el
 (compat-defun regexp-opt (strings &optional paren)
@@ -740,53 +746,58 @@ The return value is a string (or nil in case we can’t 
find it)."
 ;;;; Defined in text-property-search.el
-(compat-feature text-property-search
-  (compat-defun make-prop-match (&rest attr)
-    "Constructor for objects of type ‘prop-match’."
-    :realname compat--make-prop-match-with-vector
-    :max-version "26.1"
-    (vector
-     'prop-match
-     (plist-get attr :beginning)
-     (plist-get attr :end)
-     (plist-get attr :value)))
-  (compat-defun make-prop-match (&rest attr)
-    "Constructor for objects of type ‘prop-match’."
-    :realname compat--make-prop-match-with-record
-    :min-version "26.1"
-    (record
-     'prop-match
-     (plist-get attr :beginning)
-     (plist-get attr :end)
-     (plist-get attr :value)))
-  (compat-defun prop-match-p (match)
-    "Return non-nil if MATCH is a `prop-match' object."
-    :max-version "26.1"
-    (and (vectorp match) (eq (aref match 0) 'prop-match))) ;; Vector
-  (compat-defun prop-match-p (match)
-    "Return non-nil if MATCH is a `prop-match' object."
-    :min-version "26.1"
-    (eq (type-of match) 'prop-match)) ;; Record
-  (compat-defun prop-match-beginning (match)
-    "Retrieve the position where MATCH begins."
-    (aref match 1))
-  (compat-defun prop-match-end (match)
-    "Retrieve the position where MATCH ends."
-    (aref match 2))
-  (compat-defun prop-match-value (match)
-    "Retrieve the value that MATCH holds."
-    (aref match 3))
-  (compat-defun text-property-search-forward
-      (property &optional value predicate not-current)
-    "Search for the next region of text where PREDICATE is true.
+(compat-defun make-prop-match (&rest attr)
+  "Constructor for objects of type ‘prop-match’."
+  :realname compat--make-prop-match-with-vector
+  :max-version "26.1"
+  :feature text-property-search
+  (vector
+   'prop-match
+   (plist-get attr :beginning)
+   (plist-get attr :end)
+   (plist-get attr :value)))
+(compat-defun make-prop-match (&rest attr)
+  "Constructor for objects of type ‘prop-match’."
+  :realname compat--make-prop-match-with-record
+  :min-version "26.1"
+  :feature text-property-search
+  (record
+   'prop-match
+   (plist-get attr :beginning)
+   (plist-get attr :end)
+   (plist-get attr :value)))
+(compat-defun prop-match-p (match)
+  "Return non-nil if MATCH is a `prop-match' object."
+  :max-version "26.1"
+  :feature text-property-search
+  (and (vectorp match) (eq (aref match 0) 'prop-match))) ;; Vector
+(compat-defun prop-match-p (match)
+  "Return non-nil if MATCH is a `prop-match' object."
+  :min-version "26.1"
+  :feature text-property-search
+  (eq (type-of match) 'prop-match)) ;; Record
+(compat-defun prop-match-beginning (match)
+  "Retrieve the position where MATCH begins."
+  :feature text-property-search
+  (aref match 1))
+(compat-defun prop-match-end (match)
+  "Retrieve the position where MATCH ends."
+  :feature text-property-search
+  (aref match 2))
+(compat-defun prop-match-value (match)
+  "Retrieve the value that MATCH holds."
+  :feature text-property-search
+  (aref match 3))
+(compat-defun text-property-search-forward
+    (property &optional value predicate not-current)
+  "Search for the next region of text where PREDICATE is true.
 PREDICATE is used to decide whether a value of PROPERTY should be
 considered as matching VALUE.
@@ -820,159 +831,159 @@ If found, move point to the end of the region and 
return a
 of the match, use `prop-match-beginning' and `prop-match-end' for
 the buffer positions that limit the region, and
 `prop-match-value' for the value of PROPERTY in the region."
-    (let* ((match-p
-            (lambda (prop-value)
-              (funcall
-               (cond
-                ((eq predicate t)
-                 #'equal)
-                ((eq predicate nil)
-                 (lambda (val p-val)
-                   (not (equal val p-val))))
-                (predicate))
-               value prop-value)))
-           (find-end
-            (lambda (start)
-              (let (end)
-                (if (and value
-                         (null predicate))
-                    ;; This is the normal case: We're looking for areas where 
-                    ;; values aren't, so we aren't interested in sub-areas 
where the
-                    ;; property has different values, all non-matching value.
-                    (let ((ended nil))
-                      (while (not ended)
-                        (setq end (next-single-property-change (point) 
-                        (if (not end)
-                            (progn
-                              (goto-char (point-max))
-                              (setq end (point)
-                                    ended t))
-                          (goto-char end)
-                          (unless (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) 
-                            (setq ended t)))))
-                  ;; End this at the first place the property changes value.
-                  (setq end (next-single-property-change (point) property nil 
-                  (goto-char end))
-                (make-prop-match
-                 :beginning start
-                 :end end
-                 :value (get-text-property start property))))))
-      (cond
-       ;; No matches at the end of the buffer.
-       ((eobp)
-        nil)
-       ;; We're standing in the property we're looking for, so find the
-       ;; end.
-       ((and (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) property))
-             (not not-current))
-        (funcall find-end (point)))
-       (t
-        (let ((origin (point))
-              (ended nil)
-              pos)
-          ;; Find the next candidate.
-          (while (not ended)
-            (setq pos (next-single-property-change (point) property))
-            (if (not pos)
-                (progn
-                  (goto-char origin)
-                  (setq ended t))
-              (goto-char pos)
-              (if (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) property))
-                  (setq ended (funcall find-end (point)))
-                ;; Skip past this section of non-matches.
-                (setq pos (next-single-property-change (point) property))
-                (unless pos
-                  (goto-char origin)
-                  (setq ended t)))))
-          (and (not (eq ended t))
-               ended))))))
-  (compat-defun text-property-search-backward
-      (property &optional value predicate not-current)
-    "Search for the previous region of text whose PROPERTY matches VALUE.
+  :feature text-property-search
+  (let* ((match-p
+          (lambda (prop-value)
+            (funcall
+             (cond
+              ((eq predicate t)
+               #'equal)
+              ((eq predicate nil)
+               (lambda (val p-val)
+                 (not (equal val p-val))))
+              (predicate))
+             value prop-value)))
+         (find-end
+          (lambda (start)
+            (let (end)
+              (if (and value
+                       (null predicate))
+                  ;; This is the normal case: We're looking for areas where the
+                  ;; values aren't, so we aren't interested in sub-areas where 
+                  ;; property has different values, all non-matching value.
+                  (let ((ended nil))
+                    (while (not ended)
+                      (setq end (next-single-property-change (point) property))
+                      (if (not end)
+                          (progn
+                            (goto-char (point-max))
+                            (setq end (point)
+                                  ended t))
+                        (goto-char end)
+                        (unless (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) 
+                          (setq ended t)))))
+                ;; End this at the first place the property changes value.
+                (setq end (next-single-property-change (point) property nil 
+                (goto-char end))
+              (make-prop-match
+               :beginning start
+               :end end
+               :value (get-text-property start property))))))
+    (cond
+     ;; No matches at the end of the buffer.
+     ((eobp)
+      nil)
+     ;; We're standing in the property we're looking for, so find the
+     ;; end.
+     ((and (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) property))
+           (not not-current))
+      (funcall find-end (point)))
+     (t
+      (let ((origin (point))
+            (ended nil)
+            pos)
+        ;; Find the next candidate.
+        (while (not ended)
+          (setq pos (next-single-property-change (point) property))
+          (if (not pos)
+              (progn
+                (goto-char origin)
+                (setq ended t))
+            (goto-char pos)
+            (if (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) property))
+                (setq ended (funcall find-end (point)))
+              ;; Skip past this section of non-matches.
+              (setq pos (next-single-property-change (point) property))
+              (unless pos
+                (goto-char origin)
+                (setq ended t)))))
+        (and (not (eq ended t))
+             ended))))))
+(compat-defun text-property-search-backward
+    (property &optional value predicate not-current)
+  "Search for the previous region of text whose PROPERTY matches VALUE.
 Like `text-property-search-forward', which see, but searches backward,
 and if a matching region is found, place point at the start of the region."
-    (let* ((match-p
-            (lambda (prop-value)
-              (funcall
-               (cond
-                ((eq predicate t)
-                 #'equal)
-                ((eq predicate nil)
-                 (lambda (val p-val)
-                   (not (equal val p-val))))
-                (predicate))
-               value prop-value)))
-           (find-end
-            (lambda (start)
-              (let (end)
-                (if (and value
-                         (null predicate))
-                    ;; This is the normal case: We're looking for areas where 
-                    ;; values aren't, so we aren't interested in sub-areas 
where the
-                    ;; property has different values, all non-matching value.
-                    (let ((ended nil))
-                      (while (not ended)
-                        (setq end (previous-single-property-change (point) 
-                        (if (not end)
-                            (progn
-                              (goto-char (point-min))
-                              (setq end (point)
-                                    ended t))
-                          (goto-char (1- end))
-                          (unless (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) 
-                            (goto-char end)
-                            (setq ended t)))))
-                  ;; End this at the first place the property changes value.
-                  (setq end (previous-single-property-change
-                             (point) property nil (point-min)))
-                  (goto-char end))
-                (make-prop-match
-                 :beginning end
-                 :end (1+ start)
-                 :value (get-text-property end property))))))
-      (cond
-       ;; We're at the start of the buffer; no previous matches.
-       ((bobp)
-        nil)
-       ;; We're standing in the property we're looking for, so find the
-       ;; end.
-       ((funcall match-p (get-text-property (1- (point)) property))
-        (let ((origin (point))
-              (match (funcall find-end (1- (point)) property value predicate)))
-          ;; When we want to ignore the current element, then repeat the
-          ;; search if we haven't moved out of it yet.
-          (if (and not-current
-                   (equal (get-text-property (point) property)
-                          (get-text-property origin property)))
-              (text-property-search-backward property value predicate)
-            match)))
-       (t
-        (let ((origin (point))
-              (ended nil)
-              pos)
-          ;; Find the previous candidate.
-          (while (not ended)
-            (setq pos (previous-single-property-change (point) property))
-            (if (not pos)
-                (progn
-                  (goto-char origin)
-                  (setq ended t))
-              (goto-char (1- pos))
-              (if (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) property))
-                  (setq ended
-                        (funcall find-end (point)))
-                ;; Skip past this section of non-matches.
-                (setq pos (previous-single-property-change (point) property))
-                (unless pos
-                  (goto-char origin)
-                  (setq ended t)))))
-          (and (not (eq ended t))
-               ended))))))
-) ;; compat-feature text-property-search ends here
+  :feature text-property-search
+  (let* ((match-p
+          (lambda (prop-value)
+            (funcall
+             (cond
+              ((eq predicate t)
+               #'equal)
+              ((eq predicate nil)
+               (lambda (val p-val)
+                 (not (equal val p-val))))
+              (predicate))
+             value prop-value)))
+         (find-end
+          (lambda (start)
+            (let (end)
+              (if (and value
+                       (null predicate))
+                  ;; This is the normal case: We're looking for areas where the
+                  ;; values aren't, so we aren't interested in sub-areas where 
+                  ;; property has different values, all non-matching value.
+                  (let ((ended nil))
+                    (while (not ended)
+                      (setq end (previous-single-property-change (point) 
+                      (if (not end)
+                          (progn
+                            (goto-char (point-min))
+                            (setq end (point)
+                                  ended t))
+                        (goto-char (1- end))
+                        (unless (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) 
+                          (goto-char end)
+                          (setq ended t)))))
+                ;; End this at the first place the property changes value.
+                (setq end (previous-single-property-change
+                           (point) property nil (point-min)))
+                (goto-char end))
+              (make-prop-match
+               :beginning end
+               :end (1+ start)
+               :value (get-text-property end property))))))
+    (cond
+     ;; We're at the start of the buffer; no previous matches.
+     ((bobp)
+      nil)
+     ;; We're standing in the property we're looking for, so find the
+     ;; end.
+     ((funcall match-p (get-text-property (1- (point)) property))
+      (let ((origin (point))
+            (match (funcall find-end (1- (point)) property value predicate)))
+        ;; When we want to ignore the current element, then repeat the
+        ;; search if we haven't moved out of it yet.
+        (if (and not-current
+                 (equal (get-text-property (point) property)
+                        (get-text-property origin property)))
+            (text-property-search-backward property value predicate)
+          match)))
+     (t
+      (let ((origin (point))
+            (ended nil)
+            pos)
+        ;; Find the previous candidate.
+        (while (not ended)
+          (setq pos (previous-single-property-change (point) property))
+          (if (not pos)
+              (progn
+                (goto-char origin)
+                (setq ended t))
+            (goto-char (1- pos))
+            (if (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) property))
+                (setq ended
+                      (funcall find-end (point)))
+              ;; Skip past this section of non-matches.
+              (setq pos (previous-single-property-change (point) property))
+              (unless pos
+                (goto-char origin)
+                (setq ended t)))))
+        (and (not (eq ended t))
+             ended))))))
 (provide 'compat-27)
 ;;; compat-27.el ends here
diff --git a/compat-macs.el b/compat-macs.el
index 4e3e549b70..c06fc00d8f 100644
--- a/compat-macs.el
+++ b/compat-macs.el
@@ -29,13 +29,6 @@
   (setq compat--current-version version)
-(defmacro compat-feature (feature &rest body)
-  (declare (indent 1))
-  (when feature
-    (unless (require feature nil t)
-      (setq feature nil)))
-  (compat--with-feature feature (macroexp-progn body)))
 (defun compat--with-feature (feature body)
   "Protect BODY with `eval-after-load' if FEATURE is non-nil."
   (declare (indent 1))

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