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[elpa] externals/emms 7bf67ea70e 6/6: Merge branch 'mpris'

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/emms 7bf67ea70e 6/6: Merge branch 'mpris'
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2023 09:57:48 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/emms
commit 7bf67ea70ec5e3162dd7e4597dba70f3a238eef1
Merge: 6910be1656 b00955ad3e
Author: Yoni Rabkin <yrk@gnu.org>
Commit: Yoni Rabkin <yrk@gnu.org>

    Merge branch 'mpris'
    integrate the mpris branch into main
 doc/emms.texinfo |  25 +++
 emms-mpris.el    | 528 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 emms-setup.el    |   3 +-
 3 files changed, 555 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/doc/emms.texinfo b/doc/emms.texinfo
index 791e998b11..6d741bc727 100644
--- a/doc/emms.texinfo
+++ b/doc/emms.texinfo
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ Modules and Extensions
 * Bookmarks::            Saving a place in a media file.
 * Managing Playlists::   Managing multiple playlists.
 * GNU FM::               Connect to music community websites.
+* D-Bus::                Control Emms over D-Bus
 Copying and license
 * Copying::             The GNU General Public License gives you permission to
@@ -3004,6 +3005,30 @@ setup level.
 Then invoke @kbd{emms-librefm-stream} and enter the URL of the station
 you wish to listen to, for example ``librefm://globaltags/Classical''.
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------
+@node D-Bus
+@chapter D-Bus
+@cindex D-Bus
+Emms can provide an MPRIS interface which allows it to be
+controlled over D-Bus.
+To enable this, first load the feature:
+(require 'emms-mpris)
+@end lisp
+and then turn it on with @kbd{emms-mpris-enable}.  You can
+turn it off with @kbd{emms-mpris-disable}.
+At present, Emms only provides a partial implementation of
+the @url{
+MPRIS specification}: changing the volume, shuffle or loop
+status is not currently supported.
 @c including the relevant licenses
diff --git a/emms-mpris.el b/emms-mpris.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e5de25c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emms-mpris.el
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+;;; emms-mpris.el --- Mpris interface for EMMS        -*- lexical-binding: t; 
+;; Copyright (C) 2022  Fran Burstall
+;; Author: Fran Burstall <fran.burstall@gmail.com>
+;; Keywords: multimedia
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package provides a dbus interface to EMMS.
+;; Usage:
+;;  (require 'emms-mpris)
+;;  (emms-mpris-enable)
+;; Switch off with
+;;  (emms-mpris-disable)
+;; Caveats: this is not quite a complete implementation of the
+;; org.mpris.MediaPlayer2 and org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player interfaces
+;; (see
+;; https://specifications.freedesktop.org/mpris-spec/latest/index.html).
+;; What is missing:
+;;  - Volume: this should be easy but there seems to be no way to get a
+;; simple percentage to report the volume---every emms-volume
+;; controller returns a string in a different format, sigh.
+;; - Shuffle
+;; - LoopStatus
+;; The issue with the last two is how to allow them to be set both
+;; over dbus and via lisp/emms-ui.  I do not know how to do this in a
+;; simple way.
+;; TODO:
+;;   * Shuffle: value is emms-random-playlist and
+;; emms-toggle-random-playlist shows implementation
+;;   * LoopStatus: mpris expects three possibilities here: None, Track
+;; and Playlist.See emms-repeat-track and emms-repeat-playlist for
+;; values and emms-toggle-repeat-* for implementations
+;;   * Support more than tracks in files and directories (example:
+;; playlists and urls: I need a way to work out which emms-play-* to call).
+;; NEXT: think through how setting Shuffle or LoopStatus should work:
+;; How can shuffle be set and what should happen when it does?
+;; 1. Can be set over dbus and then a PropertiesChanged signal is
+;; fired.  This should provoke emms into changing state.  This is part
+;; of a general story: we have d-bus state and emms-state and the
+;; question is how to keep them in sync.
+;; Change in d-bus state (via dbus-set-property called from a client
+;; or wherever): this fires a PropertiesChanged signal to which emms
+;; should respond to change its state.  So we need a signal handler
+;; listening.
+;; Change in emms-state (from Lisp or emms UI): this should trigger a
+;; change in d-bus state via dbus-set-property.  This in turn emits
+;; the signal to which the handler must respond without creating a
+;; loop.  This last requirement is the heart of the matter.
+;; Strategies:
+;; 1. Advise the state changing functions in emms to only change the
+;; dbus state and then let the signal handler bring everything up to
+;; date using d-bus state as the source of truth.
+;; Pros:
+;; - Easy to reason about
+;; Cons:
+;; - Lots of advice to keep track of
+;; 2. Have a second signal internal to us which is fired from emms hooks.
+;;; Code:
+;;* What we need
+(require 'dbus)
+(require 'url-parse)
+(require 'emms)
+(require 'emms-browser)
+(require 'emms-playing-time)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+;;* Dbus components
+(defconst emms-mpris-service "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.emms"
+  "The service we expose.")
+(defconst emms-mpris-path "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2"
+  "Our object path.")
+;;* Register and update
+(defun emms-mpris-register-method (iface method handler)
+  "Register METHOD with HANDLER on interface IFACE."
+  (dbus-register-method :session
+                       emms-mpris-service
+                       emms-mpris-path
+                       iface
+                       method
+                       handler
+                       t))
+(defun emms-mpris-register-property (iface property access value)
+  "Register PROPERTY on interface IFACE.
+VALUE is the initial value, ACCESS the access mode."
+  (let ((val (cond ((functionp value) (funcall value))
+                  ((and (symbolp value) (boundp value)) (symbol-value value))
+                  (t value))))
+    (dbus-register-property :session
+                           emms-mpris-service
+                           emms-mpris-path
+                           iface
+                           property
+                           access
+                           val
+                           nil t)))
+(defun emms-mpris-register-iface (spec)
+  "Register an interface with spec SPEC on the EMMS service.
+The spec is a list of the form (IFACE METHODS PROPS).
+IFACE is a string naming the interface being registered.
+METHODS is a list of methods to register on the interface.
+Each method is a list (NAME FN) with NAME a string and FN the
+function the method calls.
+PROPS is a list of properties to register on the interface.
+Each property is a list of the form (NAME ACCESS VAL) with
+NAME a string, ACCESS a keyword and VAL either a function
+that returns the default value of the property, a variable
+which evaluates to that value or the value itself."
+  (cl-destructuring-bind (iface methods props) spec
+    (dolist (method methods)
+      (apply #'emms-mpris-register-method iface method))
+    (dolist (prop props)
+      (apply #'emms-mpris-register-property iface prop))))
+;;* Interfaces
+;;** MediaPlayer2 interface
+(defvar emms-mpris-mediaplayer-iface-spec
+  '("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2"
+    (("Raise" ignore)
+     ("Quit" ignore))
+    (("CanQuit" :read nil)
+     ("CanRaise" :read nil)
+     ("HasTrackList" :read nil)
+     ("Identity" :read "EMMS media player")
+     ("SupportedUriSchemes" :read (:array "file"))
+     ("SupportedMimeTypes" :read (:array "audio/mpeg" "application/ogg"))))
+  "Interface spec for MediaPlayer2.")
+;;** MediaPlayer2.Player interface
+(defvar emms-mpris-player-iface-spec
+  '("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player"
+   ;; Methods:
+    (("OpenUri" emms-mpris-open-uri)
+     ("Next" (lambda () (ignore-errors (emms-next)) :ignore))
+     ("Previous" (lambda () (ignore-errors (emms-previous)) :ignore))
+     ("Pause" (lambda () (emms-pause) :ignore))
+     ("PlayPause" (lambda () (emms-pause) :ignore))
+     ("Stop" (lambda () (emms-stop) :ignore))
+     ("Play" (lambda () (emms-pause) :ignore))
+     ("Seek" emms-mpris-seek)
+     ("SetPosition" emms-mpris-set-position))
+   ;; Properties: Shuffle, LoopStatus, Volume not supported (yet)
+    (;; ("LoopStatus" :readwrite emms-mpris-loop-status)
+     ;; ("Shuffle" :readwrite emms-random-playlist)
+     ("PlaybackStatus" :read emms-mpris-status)
+     ("Rate" :readwrite 1.0)
+     ("MinimumRate" :read 1.0)
+     ("MaximumRate" :read 1.0)
+     ("Position" :read (:int64 0))     ;think more about this
+     ("CanGoNext" :read t)
+     ("CanGoPrevious" :read t)
+     ("CanPlay" :read t)
+     ("CanPause" :read t)
+     ("CanPause" :read t)
+     ("CanControl" :read t)
+     ("CanSeek" :read t)
+     ("Metadata" :read emms-mpris-current-metadata)))
+  "Interface spec for MediaPlayer2.Player.")
+;;** Introspection interface
+(defvar emms-mpris-xml
+  "<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC \"-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 
+<!-- GDBus 2.66.8 -->
+  <interface name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties\">
+    <method name=\"Get\">
+      <arg type=\"s\" name=\"interface_name\" direction=\"in\"/>
+      <arg type=\"s\" name=\"property_name\" direction=\"in\"/>
+      <arg type=\"v\" name=\"value\" direction=\"out\"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name=\"GetAll\">
+      <arg type=\"s\" name=\"interface_name\" direction=\"in\"/>
+      <arg type=\"a{sv}\" name=\"properties\" direction=\"out\"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name=\"Set\">
+      <arg type=\"s\" name=\"interface_name\" direction=\"in\"/>
+      <arg type=\"s\" name=\"property_name\" direction=\"in\"/>
+      <arg type=\"v\" name=\"value\" direction=\"in\"/>
+    </method>
+    <signal name=\"PropertiesChanged\">
+      <arg type=\"s\" name=\"interface_name\"/>
+      <arg type=\"a{sv}\" name=\"changed_properties\"/>
+      <arg type=\"as\" name=\"invalidated_properties\"/>
+    </signal>
+  </interface>
+  <interface name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable\">
+    <method name=\"Introspect\">
+      <arg type=\"s\" name=\"xml_data\" direction=\"out\"/>
+    </method>
+  </interface>
+  <interface name=\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer\">
+    <method name=\"Ping\"/>
+    <method name=\"GetMachineId\">
+      <arg type=\"s\" name=\"machine_uuid\" direction=\"out\"/>
+    </method>
+  </interface>
+  <interface name=\"org.mpris.MediaPlayer2\">
+    <method name=\"Raise\"/>
+    <method name=\"Quit\"/>
+    <property type=\"b\" name=\"CanQuit\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"b\" name=\"CanRaise\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"b\" name=\"HasTrackList\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"s\" name=\"Identity\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"s\" name=\"DesktopEntry\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"as\" name=\"SupportedUriSchemes\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"as\" name=\"SupportedMimeTypes\" access=\"read\"/>
+  </interface>
+  <interface name=\"org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player\">
+    <method name=\"Next\"/>
+    <method name=\"Previous\"/>
+    <method name=\"Pause\"/>
+    <method name=\"PlayPause\"/>
+    <method name=\"Stop\"/>
+    <method name=\"Play\"/>
+    <method name=\"Seek\">
+      <arg type=\"x\" name=\"Offset\" direction=\"in\"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name=\"SetPosition\">
+      <arg type=\"o\" name=\"TrackId\" direction=\"in\"/>
+      <arg type=\"x\" name=\"Position\" direction=\"in\"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name=\"OpenUri\">
+      <arg type=\"s\" name=\"Uri\" direction=\"in\"/>
+    </method>
+    <signal name=\"Seeked\">
+      <arg type=\"x\" name=\"Position\"/>
+    </signal>
+    <property type=\"s\" name=\"PlaybackStatus\" access=\"read\"/>
+   <!-- <property type=\"s\" name=\"LoopStatus\" access=\"readwrite\"/> -->
+    <property type=\"d\" name=\"Rate\" access=\"readwrite\"/>
+   <!--  <property type=\"b\" name=\"Shuffle\" access=\"readwrite\"/> -->
+    <property type=\"a{sv}\" name=\"Metadata\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"d\" name=\"Volume\" access=\"readwrite\"/>
+    <property type=\"x\" name=\"Position\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"d\" name=\"MinimumRate\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"d\" name=\"MaximumRate\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"b\" name=\"CanGoNext\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"b\" name=\"CanGoPrevious\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"b\" name=\"CanPlay\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"b\" name=\"CanPause\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"b\" name=\"CanSeek\" access=\"read\"/>
+    <property type=\"b\" name=\"CanControl\" access=\"read\"/>
+  </interface>
+  "Mpris introspection data for emms.")
+(defun emms-mpris-introspect ()
+  "Return dbus introspection data."
+  emms-mpris-xml)
+(defvar emms-mpris-introspectable-iface-spec
+  '("org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
+    (("Introspect" emms-mpris-introspect))
+    nil)
+  "Introspectable interface spec for dbus.")
+;;** Properties interface
+;; We re-implement the "Get" method of the dbus.properties interface.
+;; For why?  Well, the default handler looks up the value of a property
+;; in a table which works fine unless we want the "Position" property
+;; of the Player interface which changes all the time (and we don't
+;; want to update the table every second!).  So we wrap the default
+;; handle to treat this special case differently.
+(defun emms-mpris-get-property-handler (&rest args)
+  "Handle Get event for property in ARGS.
+ The Position property gets special treatment."
+  (let* ((last-input-event last-input-event)
+        (prop (cadr args)))
+    (if (string-equal prop "Position")
+       (list :variant :int64
+             (emms-mpris-sec-to-musec emms-playing-time))
+      (apply #'dbus-property-handler args))))
+(defvar emms-mpris-properties-iface-spec
+  '("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
+    (("Get" emms-mpris-get-property-handler))
+    nil)
+  "Partial Properties interface spec for dbus.")
+;;* Implementation
+;;** Utilities
+;; Emms thinks in seconds but mpris in microseconds
+(defun emms-mpris-musec-to-sec (ms)
+  "Convert MS microseconds to seconds."
+  (* ms .000001))
+(defun emms-mpris-sec-to-musec (s)
+  "Convert S seconds to microseconds."
+  (truncate (* s 1000000)))
+;; Track-id is a d-bus object id and these have rules...
+(defun emms-mpris-track-id (track)
+  "Return track-id of TRACK as D-Bus object id."
+  ;; FIX ME: this won't work if we implement the tracklist interface
+  ;; and the tracklist has repeated tracks.
+  (concat "/" (mapconcat #'dbus-escape-as-identifier
+                        (split-string (emms-track-get track 'name) "/" t)
+                        "/")))
+;;** Update properties
+(defun emms-mpris-update-property (iface property access value)
+  "Update PROPERTY on interface IFACE to VALUE."
+  (dbus-register-property :session
+                         emms-mpris-service
+                         emms-mpris-path
+                         iface
+                         property
+                         access
+                         value
+                         t nil))
+;;*** Playback status
+(defun emms-mpris-status ()
+  "Return the playback status of EMMS as string: Playing, Paused or Stopped."
+  (if emms-player-playing-p
+      (if emms-player-paused-p
+          "Paused" "Playing")
+    "Stopped"))
+;;*** Loop status (not used yet)
+(defun emms-mpris-loop-status ()
+  "Return the loop status of EMMS as a string: Track, Playlist or None."
+  (cond (emms-repeat-track "Track")
+       (emms-repeat-playlist "Playlist")
+       (t "None")))
+;;*** Metadata
+(defvar emms-mpris-metadata-dict
+  '((info-album "xesam:album" :s)
+    (info-albumartist "xesam:albumArtist" :as)
+    (info-artist "xesam:artist" :as)
+    (info-composer "xesam:composer" :as)
+    (info-discnumber "xesam:discNumber" :int)
+    (info-tracknumber "xesam:trackNumber" :int)
+    (info-title "xesam:title" :s)
+    (play-count "xesam:useCount" :int))
+  "Dictionary between emms metadata and mpris metadata.
+Each entry of the form (info-field mpris-field dbus-type).")
+(defun emms-mpris-dict (k v &optional type)
+  "Return a dbus dict-entry with key K and value V, optionally of type TYPE."
+  (if type
+      (list :dict-entry k (list :variant type v))
+    (list :dict-entry k (list :variant v))))
+(defun emms-mpris-convert-field (track info key type)
+  "Convert field INFO of TRACK into dbus dict-entry with key KEY and type 
+  (let ((data (emms-track-get track info))
+       value)
+    (when data
+      (setq value (pcase type
+                   (:as (list :array data))
+                   (:int (if (stringp data) (string-to-number data) data))
+                   (:s data)))
+      (emms-mpris-dict key value))))
+(defun emms-mpris-metadata (track)
+  "Return mpris metadata for TRACK."
+  (let ((track-name (emms-track-get track 'name))
+       metadata)
+    ;; standard fields
+    (dolist (field emms-mpris-metadata-dict)
+      (when-let ((entry (apply #'emms-mpris-convert-field track field)))
+       (push entry metadata)))
+    ;; url
+    (push (emms-mpris-dict "xesam:url" (url-encode-url (concat "file:" 
track-name))) metadata)
+    ;; artUrl
+    (when-let ((art-file (emms-browser-get-cover-from-path track-name 
+      (push (emms-mpris-dict "mpris:artUrl" (url-encode-url (concat "file:" 
art-file))) metadata))
+    ;; length
+    (push
+     (emms-mpris-dict "mpris:length"
+                     (emms-mpris-sec-to-musec (emms-track-get track 
'info-playing-time 0))
+                     :int64)
+     metadata)
+    ;; trackid
+    (push
+     (emms-mpris-dict "mpris:trackid"
+                     (emms-mpris-track-id track)
+                     :object-path)
+     metadata)
+    (cons :array metadata)))
+(defun emms-mpris-current-metadata ()
+  "Return metadata of current track if it exists, else return a placeholder."
+  (if-let ((track (emms-playlist-current-selected-track)))
+      (emms-mpris-metadata track)
+    '(:array (:dict-entry "mpris:trackid" (:variant :object-path 
+;;*** update them!
+(defun emms-mpris-change-status ()
+  "Notify emms status to dbus."
+  (let ((iface "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player"))
+    (emms-mpris-update-property iface
+                               "PlaybackStatus"
+                               :read
+                               (emms-mpris-status))
+    (emms-mpris-update-property iface
+                               "Metadata"
+                               :read
+                               (emms-mpris-current-metadata))))
+;;** Seek and SetPosition
+;;*** Signal position change (after Seek or SetPosition)
+(defun emms-mpris-signal-position (pos)
+  "Send \"Seeked\" signal with new position POS (in seconds)."
+  (dbus-send-signal :session
+                   nil
+                   emms-mpris-path
+                   "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player"
+                   "Seeked"
+                   :int64
+                   (emms-mpris-sec-to-musec pos)))
+;;*** Seek method
+(defun emms-mpris-seek (ms)
+  "Method to seek by MS microseconds."
+  (emms-seek (emms-mpris-musec-to-sec ms))
+  (emms-mpris-signal-position emms-playing-time)
+  :ignore)
+;;*** SetPosition method
+(defun emms-mpris-set-position (track-id pos)
+  "Method to seek to POS (in microseconds) if current track has id TRACK-ID."
+  (let* ((track (emms-playlist-current-selected-track))
+        (duration (emms-track-get track 'info-playing-time 0))
+        (current-track-id (emms-mpris-track-id track))
+        (pos-in-secs (emms-mpris-musec-to-sec pos)))
+    (when (and (string-equal track-id current-track-id)
+              (<= 0.0 pos-in-secs duration))
+      (emms-seek-to pos-in-secs)
+      (emms-mpris-signal-position emms-playing-time))
+    :ignore))
+;;** OpenURI
+(defun emms-mpris-open-uri (uri)
+  "Method for opening file URI and playing it."
+  (let* ((parsed-uri (url-generic-parse-url uri))
+        (file (url-unhex-string (url-filename parsed-uri)))
+        (type (url-type parsed-uri)))
+    (when (and (string-equal type "file") (file-exists-p file))
+      (cond ((file-regular-p file) (emms-play-file file))
+           ((file-directory-p file) (emms-play-directory file)))))
+  :ignore)
+;;* Entry point
+(defvar emms-mpris-enabled-p nil
+  "Non-nil if the EMMS mpris service is enabled.")
+(defun emms-mpris-enable ()
+  "Activate EMMS dbus service."
+  (interactive)
+  (unless emms-mpris-enabled-p
+    (emms-mpris-register-iface emms-mpris-mediaplayer-iface-spec)
+    (emms-mpris-register-iface emms-mpris-player-iface-spec)
+    (emms-mpris-register-iface emms-mpris-introspectable-iface-spec)
+    (emms-mpris-register-iface emms-mpris-properties-iface-spec)
+    (dbus-register-service :session emms-mpris-service :allow-replacement)
+    (add-hook 'emms-player-started-hook #'emms-mpris-change-status)
+    (add-hook 'emms-player-paused-hook #'emms-mpris-change-status)
+    (add-hook 'emms-player-stopped-hook #'emms-mpris-change-status)
+    (add-hook 'emms-player-finished-hook #'emms-mpris-change-status)
+    (setq emms-mpris-enabled-p t)))
+(defun emms-mpris-disable ()
+  "Turn off EMMS dbus service."
+  (interactive)
+  (when emms-mpris-enabled-p
+    (remove-hook 'emms-player-started-hook #'emms-mpris-change-status)
+    (remove-hook 'emms-player-paused-hook #'emms-mpris-change-status)
+    (remove-hook 'emms-player-stopped-hook #'emms-mpris-change-status)
+    (remove-hook 'emms-player-finished-hook #'emms-mpris-change-status)
+    ;; Call this twice: we have two methods for "Get" on the Properties
+    ;; interface (there /must/ be a better way to do this!):
+    (dbus-unregister-service :session emms-mpris-service)
+    (dbus-unregister-service :session emms-mpris-service)
+    (setq emms-mpris-enabled-p nil)))
+(provide 'emms-mpris)
+;;; emms-mpris.el ends here
diff --git a/emms-setup.el b/emms-setup.el
index b7a9f4e267..895413bce5 100644
--- a/emms-setup.el
+++ b/emms-setup.el
@@ -119,7 +119,8 @@ the stable features which come with the Emms distribution."
     (require 'emms-volume)
     (require 'emms-playlist-limit)
     (require 'emms-librefm-scrobbler)
-    (require 'emms-librefm-stream))
+    (require 'emms-librefm-stream)
+    (require 'emms-mpris))
   ;; setup
   (setq emms-playlist-default-major-mode #'emms-playlist-mode)
   (add-to-list 'emms-track-initialize-functions #'emms-info-initialize-track)

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