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[elpa] externals/org-remark 6d303ea0a7 29/37: docs: User manual and READ

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/org-remark 6d303ea0a7 29/37: docs: User manual and README
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2023 10:58:02 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/org-remark
commit 6d303ea0a7288dcd146beedb0a27cb11a78d838f
Author: Noboru Ota <me@nobiot.com>
Commit: Noboru Ota <me@nobiot.com>

    docs: User manual and README
 README.org          |  7 +++++++
 docs/org-remark.org | 25 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 22ff56764d..4c4bb0dd30 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -75,6 +75,13 @@ Below are example keybindings you might like to consider:
     (define-key org-remark-mode-map (kbd "C-c n [") #'org-remark-view-prev)
     (define-key org-remark-mode-map (kbd "C-c n r") #'org-remark-remove))
+* Features
+- Highlight and annotate any text file. The highlights and notes are kepted in 
an Org file as the plain text database. This lets you easily manage your 
marginal notes and use the built-in Org fecilities on them -- e.g. create a 
sparse tree based on the category of the notes
+- Have the same highlighting and annotating functionality for websites when 
you use EWW to browse them (new in latest 
[[https://elpa.gnu.org/devel/org-remark.html][GNU-devel ELPA]] and is planned 
to be part of v1.1.0.)
+- Create your your own highlighter pens with different colors, type (e.g. 
underline, squiggle, etc. optionally with Org's category for search and filter 
on your highlights and notes)
 * Contributing and Feedback
diff --git a/docs/org-remark.org b/docs/org-remark.org
index 25b3f23e10..64d951d0b9 100644
--- a/docs/org-remark.org
+++ b/docs/org-remark.org
@@ -56,10 +56,19 @@ GNU ELPA should be already set up in your Emacs by default. 
If you wish to add G
 After installation, we suggest you put the setup below in your configuration.
+#+name: basic-setup
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp
   (org-remark-global-tracking-mode +1)
+  ;; Optional if you would like to highlight websites via eww-mode
+  (with-eval-after-load 'eww
+    (org-remark-eww-mode +1))
+~org-remark-global-tracking-mode~ automatically turns on ~org-remark-mode~ 
when you open a file or website via EWW [fn:1] that has a marginal notes file 
associated to it. This is useful to keep the location of your highlights 
correct across Emacs sessions after you shutdown Emacs.
+[fn:1]: Feature to highlight and annotate websites is new in latest 
[[https://elpa.gnu.org/devel/org-remark.html][GNU-devel ELPA]] and is planned 
to be part of v1.1.0.
 Unless you explicitly load ~org~ during Emacs initialization, we suggest to 
defer loading ~org-remark~ (thus there is no ~(require 'org-remark)~ in the 
example above). This is because it will also pull in ~org~, which can slow down 
initialization. You can control the timing of loading ~org-remark~ by 
autoloading some commands in a similar way with the example keybindings below.
 Below are example keybindings you might like to consider:
@@ -129,6 +138,13 @@ Org-remark lets you create your own custom pen functions 
with ~org-remark-create
 This is all you need to get started. For more detail, refer to the rest of 
this user manual, especially [[#usage][Usage]] and 
[[#customizing][Customizing]] sections. There is more to the commands 
introduced in this section and more ways in which you can customize Org-remark.
+** Highlight and Annotate Websites (new in latest 
[[https://elpa.gnu.org/devel/org-remark.html][GNU-devel ELPA]]; to be part of 
+#+cindex: Highlighting websites with EWW
+#+findex: org-remark-eww-mode
+~org-remark-eww-mode~ lets you highlight and annotate websites just like text 
files. It is a global minor mode. It does not require any additional 
configuration. All you need is to turn it on, visit a website with ~eww-mode~, 
and select text and highlight it. Refer to the example of a basic setup 
[[basic-setup]] given in [[#installation][Instalaltion]].
 * Usage
 :CUSTOM_ID: usage
@@ -222,11 +238,16 @@ In addition to the properties above that Org-remark 
reserves for itself, you can
 *** =*marginal-notes*= Buffer
 #+cindex: *marginal notes* buffer
+#+cindex: Echo text / Tool tip on the Highlight
 When you display the marginal notes with ~org-remark-view~ or 
~org-remark-open~ for a given highlight, Org-remark creates a cloned indirect 
buffer visiting the marginal notes file. By default, it is a dedicated 
side-window opened to the left part of the current frame, and it is named 
=*marginal notes*=. You can change the behavior of ~display-buffer~ function 
and the name of the buffer ([[#customizing][Customizing]]).
 Org-remark displays the marginal notes buffer narrowed to the highlight the 
cursor is on.
+After all the properties, you can freely write your notes for the highlight. 
Once you save the notes buffer, an excerpt of the text (currently up to 200 
characters) gets updated back onto the highlight in the source buffer. You can 
hover your mouse over the highlight to see the excerpt displayed in the echo 
area (bottom of the screen) of Emacs. If you have ~tooltip-mode~ mode turned 
on, the excerpt is displayed as a took tip for the highlight [fn:2].
+[fn:2]: Feature to display an excerpt of the body of marginal notes is new in 
latest [[https://elpa.gnu.org/devel/org-remark.html][GNU-devel ELPA]] and is 
planned to be part of v1.1.0.
 *** How to Change Where Marginal Notes File is Saved
 :CUSTOM_ID: change-marginal-notes-filename
@@ -236,7 +257,7 @@ Org-remark displays the marginal notes buffer narrowed to 
the highlight the curs
 The location of the marginal notes file is specified by user option 
~org-remark-notes-file-name~ and its default is "marginalia.org". This means 
the marginal notes file will reside in the same directory as the source files 
as a separate file.
-If you use the ~customize~ command to customize ~org-remark-notes-file-name~, 
you will have an option to choose a =File= or =Function= (customization group 
~org-remark~). The default is =File= with the default "marginalial.org" as 
noted above.  Use a string to specify the single file name; you can specify a 
relative path like the default or an absolute path.
+If you use the ~customize~ command to customize ~org-remark-notes-file-name~, 
you will have an option to choose a =File= or =Function= (customization group 
~org-remark~). The default is =File= with the default "marginal.org" as noted 
above.  Use a string to specify the single file name; you can specify a 
relative path like the default or an absolute path.
 If you would like to dynamically change the location based on the file and 
various different conditions, select the function as an option.  The default 
function is ~org-remark-notes-file-name-function~. It adds =-notes.org= as a 
suffix to the source file's name without the extension. For example, for a file 
named =my-source-file.txt=,  Org-remark will store highlights in  
=my-source-file-notes.org=.  You can create your own function and use it.
@@ -376,6 +397,8 @@ Org-remark's user options are available in the 
customization group ~org-remark~.
 - Moving source files and marginal notes files :: Moving your files and remark 
file to another directory does not update the source paths and file names 
stored in the marginal notes file. One way to keep the links between the source 
files and marginal notes files is to use relative file names with 
~org-remark-source-file-name~ (default).
+- With ~org-remark-eww-mode~, highlights get displaced when the website is 
edited and its content changes.
 * Credits
 To create this package, I was inspired by the following packages. I did not 
copy any part of them, but borrowed some ideas from them -- e.g. saving the 
margin notes in a separate file.

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