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[elpa] externals/compat cd9e563ea0 1/4: Drop JSON support for now (libja

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/compat cd9e563ea0 1/4: Drop JSON support for now (libjansson)
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2023 05:57:27 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/compat
commit cd9e563ea036595b3def00f83d2aa9d4a12b7c06
Author: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
Commit: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>

    Drop JSON support for now (libjansson)
    I have not taken this decision lightly. There are currently no
    consumers of the backported JSON api, which allows us to take this
    measure. The problem is that backporting the libjansson API on top of
    json.el is non-trivial and led to numerous problems:
    1. There is a significant mismatch between the libjansson API and the
    json.el API.
    2. The libjansson API did not support RFC 8259 when it was introduced
    in 27 This was corrected in 28, which requires Compat to provide two
    compatibility versions for the json functions.
    3. The `json-serialize' compatibility function was very inefficient,
    since it has to walk and copy the entire object tree in order to
    repair certain objects for the consumption by `json-encode'. This adds
    slowness on top of the already slow json.el implementation.
    4. `json-parse-buffer' (RFC 8259) modifies the buffer in order to
    support toplevel object parsing and relies on undo to restore the
    buffer state. This will not work for read-only buffers and for buffers
    with disable undo and will have other undesired side effects.
    5. The performance of libjansson and json.el are too different. It
    will be unexpected if a backported API is suddenly much slower as
    expected. This leads to performance bugs downstream.
    For now the JSON support lives in the json branch. We can reinstate it
    slowly and on-demand if necessary. However experience with the
    `string-pixel-width' function showed that we have to be careful when
    backports are much slower than the original function due to
    performance bugs.
 NEWS.org        |   1 +
 compat-28.el    |  53 ---------------
 compat-tests.el |  60 -----------------
 compat.el       | 202 --------------------------------------------------------
 compat.texi     | 101 ----------------------------
 5 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 416 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NEWS.org b/NEWS.org
index 3dbf4c9ee4..f5a314ad4b 100644
--- a/NEWS.org
+++ b/NEWS.org
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 - Add tests.
 - Add links from compatibility definitions to tests.
+- Drop JSON parsing support (libjansson API).
 - compat-26: Add ~buffer-hash~.
 - compat-27: Add ~fixnump~ and ~bignump~.
 - compat-27: Add ~with-minibuffer-selected-window~.
diff --git a/compat-28.el b/compat-28.el
index 8219633772..6aef33d8ce 100644
--- a/compat-28.el
+++ b/compat-28.el
@@ -150,59 +150,6 @@ If COUNT is non-nil and a natural number, the function will
       (setf (nthcdr count files) nil))
-;;;; Defined in json.c
-;; TODO Check interaction with conditionally defined json functions
-(compat-defun json-serialize (object &rest args) ;; <UNTESTED>
-  "Handle top-level JSON values (RFC 8259)."
-  :explicit t
-  :cond (= 27 emacs-major-version)
-  (if (or (listp object) (vectorp object))
-      (apply #'json-serialize object args)
-    (substring (json-serialize (list object)) 1 -1)))
-;; TODO Check interaction with conditionally defined json functions
-(compat-defun json-insert (object &rest args) ;; <UNTESTED>
-  "Handle top-level JSON values (RFC 8259)."
-  :explicit t
-  :cond (= 27 emacs-major-version)
-  (if (or (listp object) (vectorp object))
-      (apply #'json-insert object args)
-    (insert (apply #'compat--json-serialize object args))))
-;; TODO Check interaction with conditionally defined json functions
-(compat-defun json-parse-string (string &rest args) ;; <UNTESTED>
-  "Handle top-level JSON values (RFC 8259)."
-  :explicit t
-  :cond (= 27 emacs-major-version)
-  (if (string-match-p "\\`[[:space:]]*[[{]" string)
-      (apply #'json-parse-string string args)
-    ;; Wrap the string in an array, and extract the value back using
-    ;; `elt', to ensure that no matter what the value of `:array-type'
-    ;; is we can access the first element.
-    (elt (apply #'json-parse-string (concat "[" string "]") args) 0)))
-;; TODO Check interaction with conditionally defined json functions
-(compat-defun json-parse-buffer (&rest args) ;; <UNTESTED>
-  "Handle top-level JSON values (RFC 8259)."
-  :explicit t
-  :cond (= 27 emacs-major-version)
-  (if (looking-at-p "[[:space:]]*[[{]")
-      (apply #'json-parse-buffer args)
-    (catch 'escape
-      (atomic-change-group
-        (with-syntax-table
-            (let ((st (make-syntax-table)))
-              (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" st)
-              (modify-syntax-entry ?. "_" st)
-              st)
-          (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
-            (save-excursion
-            (insert "[")
-            (forward-sexp 1)
-            (insert "]"))))
-        (throw 'escape (elt (apply #'json-parse-buffer args) 0))))))
 ;;;; xfaces.c
 (compat-defun color-values-from-color-spec (spec) ;; 
diff --git a/compat-tests.el b/compat-tests.el
index e71f2e4230..a6f19388da 100644
--- a/compat-tests.el
+++ b/compat-tests.el
@@ -1960,66 +1960,6 @@
     (should-equal (compat-call alist-get "one" alist-2 nil nil #'string=)
-(ert-deftest json-serialize ()
-  (let ((input-1 '((:key . ["abc" 2]) (yek . t)))
-        (input-2 '(:key ["abc" 2] yek t))
-        ;; TODO fix broken test
-        ;;(input-3 (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
-        ;;           (puthash "key" ["abc" 2] ht)
-        ;;           (puthash "yek" t ht)
-        ;;           ht))
-        )
-    (should-equal (json-serialize input-1)
-                   "{\":key\":[\"abc\",2],\"yek\":true}")
-    (should-equal (json-serialize input-2)
-                   "{\"key\":[\"abc\",2],\"yek\":true}")
-    (should (member (json-serialize input-2)
-                    '("{\"key\":[\"abc\",2],\"yek\":true}"
-                      "{\"yek\":true,\"key\":[\"abc\",2]}")))
-    ;; TODO fix broken test
-    ;; (should-equal (json-serialize input-3)
-    ;;                "{\"key\":[\"abc\",2],\"yek\":true}"))
-    (should-error (json-serialize '(("a" . 1)))
-                  :type '(wrong-type-argument symbolp "a"))
-    (should-error (json-serialize '("a" 1))
-                  :type '(wrong-type-argument symbolp "a"))
-    (should-error (json-serialize '("a" 1 2))
-                  :type '(wrong-type-argument symbolp "a"))
-    (should-error (json-serialize '(:a 1 2))
-                  :type '(wrong-type-argument consp nil))
-    (should-error (json-serialize
-                   (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
-                     (puthash 'a 1 ht)
-                     ht))
-                  :type '(wrong-type-argument stringp a))))
-(ert-deftest json-parse-string ()
-  ;; TODO fix broken tests!
-  ;; (should-equal 0 (json-parse-string "0"))
-  ;; (should-equal 1 (json-parse-string "1"))
-  ;; (should-equal 0.5 (json-parse-string "0.5"))
-  ;; (should-equal 'foo (json-parse-string "null" :null-object 'foo))
-  (should-equal [1 2 3] (json-parse-string "[1,2,3]"))
-  (should-equal ["a" 2 3] (json-parse-string "[\"a\",2,3]"))
-  (should-equal [["a" 2] 3] (json-parse-string "[[\"a\",2],3]"))
-  (should-equal '(("a" 2) 3) (json-parse-string "[[\"a\",2],3]" :array-type 
-  (should-equal ["false" t] (json-parse-string "[false, true]" :false-object 
-  (let ((input "{\"key\":[\"abc\", 2], \"yek\": null}"))
-    (let ((obj (json-parse-string input :object-type 'alist)))
-      (should-equal (cdr (assq 'key obj)) ["abc" 2])
-      (should-equal (cdr (assq 'yek obj)) :null))
-    (let ((obj (json-parse-string input :object-type 'plist)))
-      (should-equal (plist-get obj :key) ["abc" 2])
-      (should-equal (plist-get obj :yek) :null))
-    (let ((obj (json-parse-string input)))
-      (should-equal (gethash "key" obj) ["abc" 2])
-      (should-equal (gethash "yek" obj) :null))))
-(ert-deftest json-insert ()
-  (with-temp-buffer
-    (json-insert '((:key . ["abc" 2]) (yek . t)))
-    (should-equal (buffer-string) "{\":key\":[\"abc\",2],\"yek\":true}")))
 (ert-deftest make-prop-match ()
   (should (prop-match-p (make-prop-match)))
   (should (prop-match-p (make-prop-match :end 1)))
diff --git a/compat.el b/compat.el
index 5e0a52ef8c..3e184246b1 100644
--- a/compat.el
+++ b/compat.el
@@ -67,207 +67,5 @@ See `compat-function' for the compatibility function 
   (let ((compat (intern (format "compat--%s" fun))))
     `(,(if (fboundp compat) compat fun) ,@args)))
-;;;; Emacs 27 (Conditionally defined functions)
-;; TODO Maybe the functions should be moved to a separate file compat-cond.el,
-;; which will be always loaded? However this file maybe empty, so maybe the 
-;; place for these functions is indeed here. Conditionally-defined functions 
-;; a special complicated edge case, which need more testing. Therefore the json
-;; functions are currently marked as untested.
-(eval-when-compile (load "compat-macs.el" nil t t))
-(compat-declare-version "27.1")
-;;;;; Defined in json.c
-(declare-function json-serialize nil (object &rest args))
-(declare-function json-encode "json" (object))
-(declare-function json-read-from-string "json" (string))
-(declare-function json-read "json" ())
-(defvar json-encoding-pretty-print)
-(defvar json-object-type)
-(defvar json-array-type)
-(defvar json-false)
-(defvar json-null)
-(compat-defun json-serialize (object &rest args) ;; <UNTESTED>
-  "Return the JSON representation of OBJECT as a string.
-OBJECT must be t, a number, string, vector, hashtable, alist, plist,
-or the Lisp equivalents to the JSON null and false values, and its
-elements must recursively consist of the same kinds of values.  t will
-be converted to the JSON true value.  Vectors will be converted to
-JSON arrays, whereas hashtables, alists and plists are converted to
-JSON objects.  Hashtable keys must be strings without embedded null
-characters and must be unique within each object.  Alist and plist
-keys must be symbols; if a key is duplicate, the first instance is
-The Lisp equivalents to the JSON null and false values are
-configurable in the arguments ARGS, a list of keyword/argument pairs:
-The keyword argument `:null-object' specifies which object to use
-to represent a JSON null value.  It defaults to `:null'.
-The keyword argument `:false-object' specifies which object to use to
-represent a JSON false value.  It defaults to `:false'.
-In you specify the same value for `:null-object' and `:false-object',
-a potentially ambiguous situation, the JSON output will not contain
-any JSON false values."
-  :cond (not (condition-case nil
-                 (equal (json-serialize '()) "{}")
-               (:success t)
-               (void-function nil)
-               (json-unavailable nil)))
-  (unless (fboundp 'json-encode)
-    (require 'json))
-  (letrec ((fix (lambda (obj)
-                  (cond
-                   ((hash-table-p obj)
-                    (let ((ht (copy-hash-table obj)))
-                      (maphash
-                       (lambda (key val)
-                         (unless (stringp key)
-                           (signal
-                            'wrong-type-argument
-                            (list 'stringp key)))
-                         (puthash key (funcall fix val) ht))
-                       obj)
-                      ht))
-                   ((and (listp obj) (consp (car obj))) ;alist
-                    (mapcar
-                     (lambda (ent)
-                       (cons (symbol-name (car ent))
-                             (funcall fix (cdr ent))))
-                     obj))
-                   ((listp obj) ;plist
-                    (let (alist)
-                      (while obj
-                        (push (cons (cond
-                                     ((keywordp (car obj))
-                                      (substring
-                                       (symbol-name (car obj))
-                                       1))
-                                     ((symbolp (car obj))
-                                      (symbol-name (car obj)))
-                                     ((signal
-                                       'wrong-type-argument
-                                       (list 'symbolp (car obj)))))
-                                    (funcall fix (cadr obj)))
-                              alist)
-                        (unless (consp (cdr obj))
-                          (signal 'wrong-type-argument '(consp nil)))
-                        (setq obj (cddr obj)))
-                      (nreverse alist)))
-                   ((vectorp obj)
-                    (let ((vec (make-vector (length obj) nil)))
-                      (dotimes (i (length obj))
-                        (aset vec i (funcall fix (aref obj i))))
-                      vec))
-                   (obj))))
-           (json-encoding-pretty-print nil)
-           (json-false (or (plist-get args :false-object) :false))
-           (json-null (or (plist-get args :null-object) :null)))
-    (json-encode (funcall fix object))))
-(compat-defun json-insert (object &rest args) ;; <UNTESTED>
-  "Insert the JSON representation of OBJECT before point.
-This is the same as (insert (json-serialize OBJECT)), but potentially
-faster.  See the function `json-serialize' for allowed values of
-  :cond (not (condition-case nil
-                 (equal (json-serialize '()) "{}")
-               (:success t)
-               (void-function nil)
-               (json-unavailable nil)))
-  (insert (apply #'json-serialize object args)))
-(compat-defun json-parse-string (string &rest args) ;; <UNTESTED>
-  "Parse the JSON STRING into a Lisp object.
-This is essentially the reverse operation of `json-serialize', which
-see.  The returned object will be the JSON null value, the JSON false
-value, t, a number, a string, a vector, a list, a hashtable, an alist,
-or a plist.  Its elements will be further objects of these types.  If
-there are duplicate keys in an object, all but the last one are
-ignored.  If STRING doesn't contain a valid JSON object, this function
-signals an error of type `json-parse-error'.
-The arguments ARGS are a list of keyword/argument pairs:
-The keyword argument `:object-type' specifies which Lisp type is used
-to represent objects; it can be `hash-table', `alist' or `plist'.  It
-defaults to `hash-table'.
-The keyword argument `:array-type' specifies which Lisp type is used
-to represent arrays; it can be `array' (the default) or `list'.
-The keyword argument `:null-object' specifies which object to use
-to represent a JSON null value.  It defaults to `:null'.
-The keyword argument `:false-object' specifies which object to use to
-represent a JSON false value.  It defaults to `:false'."
-  :cond (not (condition-case nil
-                 (equal (json-serialize '()) "{}")
-               (:success t)
-               (void-function nil)
-               (json-unavailable nil)))
-  (unless (fboundp 'json-read-from-string)
-    (require 'json))
-  (condition-case err
-      (let ((json-object-type (or (plist-get args :object-type) 'hash-table))
-            (json-array-type (or (plist-get args :array-type) 'vector))
-            (json-false (or (plist-get args :false-object) :false))
-            (json-null (or (plist-get args :null-object) :null)))
-        (when (eq json-array-type 'array)
-          (setq json-array-type 'vector))
-        (json-read-from-string string))
-    (json-error (signal 'json-parse-error err))))
-(compat-defun json-parse-buffer (&rest args) ;; <UNTESTED>
-  "Read JSON object from current buffer starting at point.
-Move point after the end of the object if parsing was successful.
-On error, don't move point.
-The returned object will be a vector, list, hashtable, alist, or
-plist.  Its elements will be the JSON null value, the JSON false
-value, t, numbers, strings, or further vectors, lists, hashtables,
-alists, or plists.  If there are duplicate keys in an object, all
-but the last one are ignored.
-If the current buffer doesn't contain a valid JSON object, the
-function signals an error of type `json-parse-error'.
-The arguments ARGS are a list of keyword/argument pairs:
-The keyword argument `:object-type' specifies which Lisp type is used
-to represent objects; it can be `hash-table', `alist' or `plist'.  It
-defaults to `hash-table'.
-The keyword argument `:array-type' specifies which Lisp type is used
-to represent arrays; it can be `array' (the default) or `list'.
-The keyword argument `:null-object' specifies which object to use
-to represent a JSON null value.  It defaults to `:null'.
-The keyword argument `:false-object' specifies which object to use to
-represent a JSON false value.  It defaults to `:false'."
-  :cond (not (condition-case nil
-                 (equal (json-serialize '()) "{}")
-               (:success t)
-               (void-function nil)
-               (json-unavailable nil)))
-  (unless (fboundp 'json-read)
-    (require 'json))
-  (condition-case err
-      (let ((json-object-type (or (plist-get args :object-type) 'hash-table))
-            (json-array-type (or (plist-get args :array-type) 'vector))
-            (json-false (or (plist-get args :false-object) :false))
-            (json-null (or (plist-get args :null-object) :null)))
-        (when (eq json-array-type 'array)
-          (setq json-array-type 'vector))
-        (json-read))
-    (json-error (signal 'json-parse-buffer err))))
 (provide 'compat)
 ;;; compat.el ends here
diff --git a/compat.texi b/compat.texi
index 201385344a..a92b9f0c70 100644
--- a/compat.texi
+++ b/compat.texi
@@ -935,79 +935,6 @@ accurate results with raw bytes.
 @xref{Text Comparison,,,elisp}.
 @end defun
-@c copied from lispref/text.texi
-@defun json-serialize object &rest args
-This function returns a new Lisp string which contains the JSON
-representation of @var{object}.  The argument @var{args} is a list of
-keyword/argument pairs.  The following keywords are accepted:
-@table @code
-@item :null-object
-The value decides which Lisp object to use to represent the JSON keyword
-@code{null}.  It defaults to the symbol @code{:null}.
-@item :false-object
-The value decides which Lisp object to use to represent the JSON keyword
-@code{false}.  It defaults to the symbol @code{:false}.
-@end table
-@xref{Parsing JSON,,,elisp}.
-@end defun
-@c copied from lispref/text.texi
-@defun json-insert object &rest args
-This function inserts the JSON representation of @var{object} into the
-current buffer before point.  The argument @var{args} are interpreted as
-in @code{json-parse-string}.
-@xref{Parsing JSON,,,elisp}.
-@end defun
-@c copied from lispref/text.texi
-@defun json-parse-string string &rest args
-This function parses the JSON value in @var{string}, which must be a
-Lisp string.  If @var{string} doesn't contain a valid JSON object, this
-function signals the @code{json-parse-error} error.
-The argument @var{args} is a list of keyword/argument pairs.  The
-following keywords are accepted:
-@table @code
-@item :object-type
-The value decides which Lisp object to use for representing the
-key-value mappings of a JSON object.  It can be either
-@code{hash-table}, the default, to make hashtables with strings as keys;
-@code{alist} to use alists with symbols as keys; or @code{plist} to use
-plists with keyword symbols as keys.
-@item :array-type
-The value decides which Lisp object to use for representing a JSON
-array.  It can be either @code{array}, the default, to use Lisp arrays;
-or @code{list} to use lists.
-@item :null-object
-The value decides which Lisp object to use to represent the JSON keyword
-@code{null}.  It defaults to the symbol @code{:null}.
-@item :false-object
-The value decides which Lisp object to use to represent the JSON keyword
-@code{false}.  It defaults to the symbol @code{:false}.
-@end table
-@xref{Parsing JSON,,,elisp}.
-@end defun
-@c copied from lispref/text.texi
-@defun json-parse-buffer &rest args
-This function reads the next JSON value from the current buffer,
-starting at point.  It moves point to the position immediately after the
-value if contains a valid JSON object; otherwise it signals the
-@code{json-parse-error} error and doesn't move point.  The arguments
-@var{args} are interpreted as in @code{json-parse-string}.
-@xref{Parsing JSON,,,elisp}.
-@end defun
 @c copied from lispref/control.texi
 @defmac ignore-errors body@dots{}
 This construct executes @var{body}, ignoring any errors that occur
@@ -1974,34 +1901,6 @@ This compatibility version handles the optional 
arguments @var{from} and
 @end defun
-@defun compat-call@ json-serialize
-@xref{Emacs 27.1}.
-This compatibility version handles primitive, top-level JSON values
-(numbers, strings, booleans).
-@end defun
-@defun compat-call@ json-insert
-@xref{Emacs 27.1}.
-This compatibility version handles primitive, top-level JSON values
-(numbers, strings, booleans).
-@end defun
-@defun compat-call@ json-parse-string
-@xref{Emacs 27.1}.
-This compatibility version handles primitive, top-level JSON values
-(numbers, strings, booleans).
-@end defun
-@defun compat-call@ json-parse-buffer
-@xref{Emacs 27.1}.
-This compatibility version handles primitive, top-level JSON values
-(numbers, strings, booleans).
-@end defun
 @c copied from on lisp/window.el
 @defun compat-call@ count-windows
 Return the number of live windows on the selected frame.

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