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[elpa] externals/compat 787f31425b: Simplify compat-27 struct definition

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/compat 787f31425b: Simplify compat-27 struct definitions, add make-decoded-time
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2023 19:57:25 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/compat
commit 787f31425ba91e2d8fec3c5fc85aa2059282f6f8
Author: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
Commit: Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>

    Simplify compat-27 struct definitions, add make-decoded-time
 NEWS.org        |   1 +
 compat-27.el    | 125 +++++++++++++++-----------------------------------------
 compat-macs.el  |   8 ++--
 compat-tests.el |  10 ++++-
 4 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NEWS.org b/NEWS.org
index 4a5849a318..6335fb2c63 100644
--- a/NEWS.org
+++ b/NEWS.org
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 * Development
 - compat-27: Add ~date-ordinal-to-time~.
+- compat-27: Add ~make-decoded-time~.
 * Release of "Compat" Version
diff --git a/compat-27.el b/compat-27.el
index 1b4bbdfe8c..a7a1754fd1 100644
--- a/compat-27.el
+++ b/compat-27.el
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 ;;; Code:
 (eval-when-compile (load "compat-macs.el" nil t t))
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
 (compat-declare-version "27.1")
 ;;;; Defined in fns.c
@@ -282,63 +283,30 @@ return nil."
 ;;;; Defined in simple.el
-(compat-defun decoded-time-second (time) ;; 
-  "The seconds in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
-This is an integer between 0 and 60 (inclusive).  (60 is a leap
-second, which only some operating systems support.)"
-  (nth 0 time))
-(compat-defun decoded-time-minute (time) ;; 
-  "The minutes in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
-This is an integer between 0 and 59 (inclusive)."
-  (nth 1 time))
-(compat-defun decoded-time-hour (time) ;; <compat-tests:decoded-time-accessors>
-  "The hours in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
-This is an integer between 0 and 23 (inclusive)."
-  (nth 2 time))
-(compat-defun decoded-time-day (time) ;; <compat-tests:decoded-time-accessors>
-  "The day-of-the-month in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
-This is an integer between 1 and 31 (inclusive)."
-  (nth 3 time))
-(compat-defun decoded-time-month (time) ;; 
-  "The month in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
-This is an integer between 1 and 12 (inclusive).  January is 1."
-  (nth 4 time))
-(compat-defun decoded-time-year (time) ;; <compat-tests:decoded-time-accessors>
-  "The year in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
-This is a four digit integer."
-  (nth 5 time))
-(compat-defun decoded-time-weekday (time) ;; 
-  "The day-of-the-week in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
-This is a number between 0 and 6, and 0 is Sunday."
-  (nth 6 time))
-(compat-defun decoded-time-dst (time) ;; <compat-tests:decoded-time-accessors>
-  "The daylight saving time in TIME, which is a value returned by 
-This is t if daylight saving time is in effect, and nil if not."
-  (nth 7 time))
-(compat-defun decoded-time-zone (time) ;; <compat-tests:decoded-time-accessors>
-  "The time zone in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
-This is an integer indicating the UTC offset in seconds, i.e.,
-the number of seconds east of Greenwich."
-  (nth 8 time))
 (when (eval-when-compile (< emacs-major-version 27))
-  (gv-define-setter decoded-time-second (v x)  `(setcar (nthcdr 0 ,x) ,v)) ;; 
-  (gv-define-setter decoded-time-minute (v x)  `(setcar (nthcdr 1 ,x) ,v))
-  (gv-define-setter decoded-time-hour (v x)    `(setcar (nthcdr 2 ,x) ,v))
-  (gv-define-setter decoded-time-day (v x)     `(setcar (nthcdr 3 ,x) ,v))
-  (gv-define-setter decoded-time-month (v x)   `(setcar (nthcdr 4 ,x) ,v))
-  (gv-define-setter decoded-time-year (v x)    `(setcar (nthcdr 5 ,x) ,v))
-  (gv-define-setter decoded-time-weekday (v x) `(setcar (nthcdr 6 ,x) ,v))
-  (gv-define-setter decoded-time-dst (v x)     `(setcar (nthcdr 7 ,x) ,v))
-  (gv-define-setter decoded-time-zone (v x)    `(setcar (nthcdr 8 ,x) ,v)))
+  (cl-defstruct (decoded-time ;; <compat-tests:decoded-time>
+                 (:constructor nil)
+                 (:copier nil)
+                 (:type list))
+    (second nil :documentation "\
+This is an integer or a Lisp timestamp (TICKS . HZ) representing a nonnegative
+number of seconds less than 61.  (If not less than 60, it is a leap second,
+which only some operating systems support.)")
+    (minute nil :documentation "This is an integer between 0 and 59 
+    (hour nil :documentation "This is an integer between 0 and 23 
+    (day nil :documentation "This is an integer between 1 and 31 (inclusive).")
+    (month nil :documentation "\
+This is an integer between 1 and 12 (inclusive).  January is 1.")
+    (year nil :documentation "This is a four digit integer.")
+    (weekday nil :documentation "\
+This is a number between 0 and 6, and 0 is Sunday.")
+    (dst -1 :documentation "\
+This is t if daylight saving time is in effect, nil if it is not
+in effect, and -1 if daylight saving information is not available.
+Also see `decoded-time-dst'.")
+    (zone nil :documentation "\
+This is an integer indicating the UTC offset in seconds, i.e.,
+the number of seconds east of Greenwich.")))
 ;;;; Defined in minibuffer.el
@@ -523,6 +491,12 @@ The return value is a string (or nil in case we can’t find 
 ;;;; Defined in time-date.el
+(compat-defun make-decoded-time ;; <compat-tests:make-decoded-time>
+              (&key second minute hour day month year (dst -1) zone)
+  "Return a `decoded-time' structure with only the keywords given filled out."
+  :feature time-date
+  (list second minute hour day month year nil dst zone))
 (compat-defun date-days-in-month (year month) ;; 
   "The number of days in MONTH in YEAR."
   :feature time-date
@@ -550,40 +524,9 @@ January 1st being 1."
 ;;;; Defined in text-property-search.el
-(compat-defun make-prop-match (&rest attr) ;; <compat-tests:make-prop-match>
-  "Constructor for objects of type ‘prop-match’."
-  :feature text-property-search
-  ;; Vector for older than 26.1, Record on newer Emacs.
-  (funcall (eval-when-compile (if (< emacs-major-version 26) 'vector 'record))
-           'prop-match
-           (plist-get attr :beginning)
-           (plist-get attr :end)
-           (plist-get attr :value)))
-(compat-defun prop-match-p (match) ;; <compat-tests:make-prop-match>
-  "Return non-nil if MATCH is a `prop-match' object."
-  :feature text-property-search
-  ;; Vector for older than 26.1, Record on newer Emacs.
-  (if (eval-when-compile (< emacs-major-version 26))
-      (and (vectorp match)
-           (> (length match) 0)
-           (eq (aref match 0) 'prop-match))
-    (eq (type-of match) 'prop-match)))
-(compat-defun prop-match-beginning (match) ;; <compat-tests:make-prop-match>
-  "Retrieve the position where MATCH begins."
-  :feature text-property-search
-  (aref match 1))
-(compat-defun prop-match-end (match) ;; <compat-tests:make-prop-match>
-  "Retrieve the position where MATCH ends."
-  :feature text-property-search
-  (aref match 2))
-(compat-defun prop-match-value (match) ;; <compat-tests:make-prop-match>
-  "Retrieve the value that MATCH holds."
-  :feature text-property-search
-  (aref match 3))
+(declare-function make-prop-match nil)
+(when (eval-when-compile (< emacs-major-version 27))
+  (cl-defstruct (prop-match) beginning end value)) ;; <compat-tests:prop-match>
 (compat-defun text-property-search-forward ;; 
     (property &optional value predicate not-current)
@@ -621,7 +564,6 @@ If found, move point to the end of the region and return a
 of the match, use `prop-match-beginning' and `prop-match-end' for
 the buffer positions that limit the region, and
 `prop-match-value' for the value of PROPERTY in the region."
-  :feature text-property-search
   (let* ((match-p
           (lambda (prop-value)
@@ -696,7 +638,6 @@ the buffer positions that limit the region, and
 Like `text-property-search-forward', which see, but searches backward,
 and if a matching region is found, place point at the start of the region."
-  :feature text-property-search
   (let* ((match-p
           (lambda (prop-value)
diff --git a/compat-macs.el b/compat-macs.el
index 1c71db92c2..62305efc00 100644
--- a/compat-macs.el
+++ b/compat-macs.el
@@ -74,9 +74,7 @@ ARGS is a list of keywords which are looked up and passed to 
     (when feature
       (when (eq feature 'subr-x)
         (error "Feature subr-x must not be specified"))
-      ;; If the feature does not exist, treat it as nil.  The function will 
-      ;; be defined on the toplevel and not in a `with-eval-after-load' block.
-      (setq feature (require feature nil t)))
+      (require feature))
     (when (if cond
               ;; If a condition is specified, no version check is performed.
               (eval cond t)
@@ -105,7 +103,9 @@ REST are attributes and the function BODY."
       (let* ((defname (if (and explicit (fboundp name))
                           (intern (format "compat--%s" name))
-             (def `(,(if (eq type 'macro) 'defmacro 'defun)
+             (def `(,(if (memq '&key arglist)
+                         (if (eq type 'macro) 'cl-defmacro 'cl-defun)
+                       (if (eq type 'macro) 'defmacro 'defun))
                     ,defname ,arglist
                     ,(compat--format-docstring type name docstring)
diff --git a/compat-tests.el b/compat-tests.el
index 4ee1325d82..98c10d4435 100644
--- a/compat-tests.el
+++ b/compat-tests.el
@@ -2206,7 +2206,7 @@
     (should-equal (compat-call alist-get "one" alist-2 nil nil #'string=)
-(ert-deftest make-prop-match ()
+(ert-deftest prop-match ()
   (should (prop-match-p (make-prop-match)))
   (should (prop-match-p (make-prop-match :end 1)))
   (should (prop-match-p (make-prop-match :beginning 1 :end 2 :value 3)))
@@ -2418,7 +2418,7 @@
   ;; (should (time-equal-p (days-to-time 999.0) '(1317 2688 0 0)))
-(ert-deftest decoded-time-accessors ()
+(ert-deftest decoded-time ()
   (let ((time '(second minute hour day month year weekday dst zone)))
     (should-equal (decoded-time-second time) 'second)
     (should-equal (decoded-time-minute time) 'minute)
@@ -2498,6 +2498,12 @@
   (should-error (decoded-time-period '(0 0 0 0 a)) :type 'wrong-type-argument)
   (should-error (decoded-time-period '(0 0 0 0 0 a)) :type 
+(ert-deftest make-decoded-time ()
+  (should-equal '(s m h d M Y nil D Z)
+                (make-decoded-time :second 's :minute 'm :hour 'h
+                                   :day 'd :month 'M :year 'Y
+                                   :dst 'D :zone 'Z)))
 (ert-deftest date-days-in-month ()
   (should-equal 31 (date-days-in-month 2020 1))
   (should-equal 30 (date-days-in-month 2020 4))

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