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[elpa] externals/phps-mode ae516f9e19 105/135: Using separate imenu item

From: Christian Johansson
Subject: [elpa] externals/phps-mode ae516f9e19 105/135: Using separate imenu items for redeclared symbols
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2023 03:11:09 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/phps-mode
commit ae516f9e19521ef4fb5bcc1657ef7ee75b19bcc3
Author: Christian Johansson <christian@cvj.se>
Commit: Christian Johansson <christian@cvj.se>

    Using separate imenu items for redeclared symbols
 phps-mode-parser-sdt.el    | 13 ++++++++++---
 test/phps-mode-test-ast.el |  6 +++---
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phps-mode-parser-sdt.el b/phps-mode-parser-sdt.el
index 2e72e4b18a..fc4c5fefe6 100644
--- a/phps-mode-parser-sdt.el
+++ b/phps-mode-parser-sdt.el
@@ -647,6 +647,8 @@
+    ;; TODO Should capture unique scopes (without the id)
+    ;; with name and place on the imenu list
     (let ((potential-uris (list "")))
       (when scope
         (let ((scope-count (length scope))
@@ -857,9 +859,14 @@
         ;; and place a reference to it in the symbol URI hash-map
         (if (gethash symbol-uri phps-mode-parser-sdt-symbol-table-by-uri)
-              (push
-               `(,symbol-uri . ,symbol-start)
-               phps-mode-parser-sdt-symbol-imenu)
+              (let ((symbol-uri-duplicate
+                     (format
+                      "%s (%d)"
+                      symbol-uri
+                      (1+ (length (gethash symbol-uri 
+                (push
+                 `(,symbol-uri-duplicate . ,symbol-start)
+                 phps-mode-parser-sdt-symbol-imenu))
diff --git a/test/phps-mode-test-ast.el b/test/phps-mode-test-ast.el
index 65ebb01de2..94604729d1 100644
--- a/test/phps-mode-test-ast.el
+++ b/test/phps-mode-test-ast.el
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
    "<?php\nif (isset($b)) {\n    $b = false;\n}\n$c = 2;\n\nif ($c) {\n    
echo 'Hit';\n}\n"
    "Bookkeeping of variable after isset() block"
    '(((28 30) 1) ((17 19) 0) ((42 44) 3) ((55 57) 3))
-   '(("id $b" . 28) ("id $b" . 17)("id $c" . 42)))
+   '(("id $b" . 28) ("id $b (2)" . 17) ("id $c" . 42)))
    "<?php\nif (!isset($a)) {\n    if ($a) {\n        echo 'Miss';\n    }\n}"
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
    "<?php\n\nfunction myFunction($a, $b, $c, $d)\n{\n    global $f, $g;\n    
if (isset($f)) {\n        if (!empty($g)) {\n            if ($a) {\n            
    echo 'Hit';\n            }\n            if ($b) {\n                echo 
'Hit';\n            }\n            if ($c) {\n                echo 'Hit';\n     
       }\n            if ($d) {\n                echo 'Hit';\n            }\n   
     }\n    }\n}\n"
    "Bookkeeping variables inside nested isset() !empty() blocks"
    '(((40 42) 1) ((36 38) 2) ((32 34) 3) ((28 30) 4) ((320 322) 1) ((256 258) 
2) ((192 194) 3) ((128 130) 4) ((105 107) 5) ((79 81) 6) ((61 63) 0) ((57 59) 
-   '(("function myFunction id $d" . 40) ("function myFunction id $c" . 36) 
("function myFunction id $b" . 32) ("function myFunction id $a" . 28) 
("function myFunction id $g" . 105) ("function myFunction id $f" . 79) 
("function myFunction id $g" . 61) ("function myFunction id $f" . 57)))
+   '(("function myFunction id $d" . 40) ("function myFunction id $c" . 36) 
("function myFunction id $b" . 32) ("function myFunction id $a" . 28) 
("function myFunction id $g" . 105) ("function myFunction id $f" . 79) 
("function myFunction id $g (2)" . 61) ("function myFunction id $f (2)" . 57)))
    "<?php\n\n$var = 123;\n\nfunction test($abc) {\n    static $var;\n    if 
($var) {\n        echo 'Hit';\n    }\n}"
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
    "<?php\nnamespace myNamespace;\nclass myClass\n{\n    private $property1 = 
'';\n    private $property2;\n    protected function myMethod(\n        
$argument1,\n        $argument2,\n        $argument3\n    ) {\n        if 
($this->property2) {\n            echo 'was here';\n        }\n        /* 
@codingStandardsIgnoreEnd */\n        if (\n            $argument1\n            
&& $argument2\n            && $argument3\n            && $argument4\n           
 && !empty($argument1['index'])\n  [...]
    "Bookkeeping of properties inside if condition list"
    '(((180 190) 1) ((160 170) 2) ((140 150) 3) ((544 553) 7) ((537 542) 4) 
((514 524) 3) ((489 498) 7) ((482 487) 4) ((446 456) 3) ((413 423) 0) ((387 
397) 1) ((361 371) 2) ((335 345) 3) ((218 227) 6) ((211 216) 4) ((87 97) 6) 
((58 68) 7))
-  '(("namespace myNamespace class myClass function myMethod id $argument3" . 
180) ("namespace myNamespace class myClass function myMethod id $argument2" . 
160) ("namespace myNamespace class myClass function myMethod id $argument1" . 
140) ("namespace myNamespace class myClass function myMethod id $this" . 197) 
("namespace myNamespace class myClass function myMethod id $argument1" . 446) 
("namespace myNamespace class myClass id $property2" . 87) ("namespace 
myNamespace class myClass id $pr [...]
+  '(("namespace myNamespace class myClass function myMethod id $argument3" . 
180) ("namespace myNamespace class myClass function myMethod id $argument2" . 
160) ("namespace myNamespace class myClass function myMethod id $argument1" . 
140) ("namespace myNamespace class myClass function myMethod id $this" . 197) 
("namespace myNamespace class myClass function myMethod id $argument1 (2)" . 
446) ("namespace myNamespace class myClass id $property2" . 87) ("namespace 
myNamespace class myClass id [...]
    "<?php\ntrait MyTrait {\n    private $var = 'abc';\n    public function 
sayHello() {\n        if ($this->var) {\n            echo 'Hit';\n        }\n   

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