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[elpa] externals/phps-mode 9c43bc30c4 103/135: Removed old bookkeeping a

From: Christian Johansson
Subject: [elpa] externals/phps-mode 9c43bc30c4 103/135: Removed old bookkeeping and imenu and integrated new via SDT
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2023 03:11:09 -0500 (EST)

branch: externals/phps-mode
commit 9c43bc30c43ef7e6587eb17f5fa00ea36f5e3972
Author: Christian Johansson <christian@cvj.se>
Commit: Christian Johansson <christian@cvj.se>

    Removed old bookkeeping and imenu and integrated new via SDT
 phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping.el | 257 -------------------------------------------
 phps-mode-ast-imenu.el       | 122 --------------------
 phps-mode-ast.el             |   6 +-
 phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el    |  81 ++++----------
 test/phps-mode-test-ast.el   |   3 -
 5 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 446 deletions(-)

diff --git a/phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping.el b/phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bf8875c65..0000000000
--- a/phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-;;; phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping.el --- Bookkeeping from AST -*- lexical-binding: 
t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2018-2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'phps-mode-ast)
-;;; Variables:
-  phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--index
-  nil
-  "Bookkeeping string index for current buffer.")
-  phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--object-index
-  nil
-  "Bookkeeping object index for current buffer.")
-  phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--superglobal-variable-p
-  #s(hash-table size 12 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 
data ("$_GET" 1 "$_POST" 1 "$_COOKIE" 1 "$_SESSION" 1 "$_REQUEST" 1 "$GLOBALS" 
1 "$_SERVER" 1 "$_FILES" 1 "$_ENV" 1 "$argc" 1 "$argv" 1 
"$http_​response_​header" 1))
-  "Hash-table of super-global variables.")
-;; Functions:
-(defun phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--generate-symbol-scope-string
-    (scope name)
-  "Generate symbol scope string from SCOPE and NAME."
-  (let ((scope-string ""))
-    (dolist (bubble (reverse scope))
-      (let ((scope-type (plist-get bubble 'type))
-            (scope-name (plist-get bubble 'name)))
-        (cond
-         ((and
-           (equal scope-type 'namespace)
-           scope-name)
-          (setq
-           scope-string
-           (format
-            "%s namespace %s"
-            scope-string
-            scope-name)))
-         ((and
-           (or (equal scope-type 'class)
-               (equal scope-type 'interface))
-           scope-name)
-          (setq
-           scope-string
-           (format
-            "%s class %s"
-            scope-string
-            scope-name)))
-         ((and
-           (equal scope-type 'function)
-           (setq
-            scope-string
-            (format
-             "%s function %s"
-             scope-string
-             scope-name))))
-         ((and
-           (equal scope-type 'inline-function)
-           scope-name)
-          (setq
-           scope-string
-           (format
-            "%s anonymous function %s"
-            scope-string
-            scope-name)))
-         ((and
-           (equal scope-type 'arrow-function)
-           scope-name)
-          (setq
-           scope-string
-           (format
-            "%s arrow function %s"
-            scope-string
-            scope-name)))
-         ((and
-           (equal scope-type 'static)
-           (setq
-            scope-string
-            (format
-             "%s static"
-             scope-string))))
-         )))
-    (setq
-     scope-string
-     (format
-      "%s id %s"
-      scope-string
-      name))
-    scope-string))
-(defun phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--generate-variable-scope-string
-    (scope name &optional read-only)
-  "Generate variable scope string from SCOPE and NAME and optionally 
-  (let ((scope-strings)
-        (bubbles-stack (list (list "" nil nil (reverse scope))))
-        (bubbles-data))
-    (while bubbles-stack
-      (setq
-       bubbles-data
-       (pop bubbles-stack))
-      (let ((scope-string (car bubbles-data))
-            (namespace (car (cdr bubbles-data)))
-            (class (car (cdr (cdr bubbles-data))))
-            (bubbles (car (cdr (cdr (cdr bubbles-data))))))
-        (while bubbles
-          (let* ((bubble (pop bubbles))
-                 (scope-type (plist-get bubble 'type))
-                 (scope-name (plist-get bubble 'name)))
-            (cond
-             ((and
-               (equal scope-type 'namespace)
-               scope-name)
-              (setq
-               namespace
-               scope-name))
-             ((and
-               (or (equal scope-type 'class)
-                   (equal scope-type 'interface))
-               scope-name)
-              (if namespace
-                  (setq
-                   scope-string
-                   (format
-                    "%s namespace %s class %s"
-                    scope-string
-                    namespace
-                    scope-name))
-                (setq
-                 scope-string
-                 (format
-                  "%s class %s"
-                  scope-string
-                  scope-name)))
-              (setq
-               class
-               scope-name))
-             ((and
-               (equal scope-type 'function)
-               scope-name)
-              (if (and
-                   namespace
-                   (not class))
-                  (setq
-                   scope-string
-                   (format
-                    "%s namespace %s function %s"
-                    scope-string
-                    namespace
-                    scope-name))
-                (setq
-                 scope-string
-                 (format
-                  "%s function %s"
-                  scope-string
-                  scope-name))))
-             ((and
-               (equal scope-type 'inline-function)
-               scope-name)
-              (setq
-               scope-string
-               (format
-                "%s anonymous function %s"
-                scope-string
-                scope-name)))
-             ((and
-               (equal scope-type 'defined)
-               scope-name)
-              (when read-only
-                ;; Branch off here in alternative scope without this defined 
-                ;; but only for read-only contexts
-                (push
-                 (list
-                  scope-string
-                  namespace
-                  class
-                  bubbles)
-                 bubbles-stack))
-              (setq
-               scope-string
-               (format
-                "%s defined %s"
-                scope-string
-                scope-name)))
-             ((and
-               (equal scope-type 'arrow-function)
-               scope-name)
-              (when read-only
-                ;; Branch off here in alternative scope without arrow context
-                ;; but only for read-only contexts
-                (push
-                 (list
-                  scope-string
-                  namespace
-                  class
-                  bubbles)
-                 bubbles-stack))
-              (setq
-               scope-string
-               (format
-                "%s arrow function %s"
-                scope-string
-                scope-name)))
-             ((and
-               (equal scope-type 'static)
-               (setq
-                scope-string
-                (format
-                 "%s static"
-                 scope-string))))
-             )))
-        (setq
-         scope-string
-         (format
-          "%s id %s"
-          scope-string
-          name))
-        (push scope-string scope-strings)))
-    scope-strings))
-(defun phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--generate (&optional tree)
-  "Generate AST for current buffer or optionally for TREE."
-  (setq phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--index phps-mode-parser-sdt-bookkeeping)
-  phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--index)
-(provide 'phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping)
-;;; phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping.el ends here
diff --git a/phps-mode-ast-imenu.el b/phps-mode-ast-imenu.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b3528ee33..0000000000
--- a/phps-mode-ast-imenu.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-;;; phps-mode-ast-imenu.el --- Imenu from AST -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2018-2022  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'phps-mode-ast)
-  phps-mode-ast-imenu--index
-  nil
-  "Imenu for current buffer.")
-(defun phps-mode-ast-imenu--generate (&optional tree)
-  "Generate imenu from current buffer AST or optionally from TREE."
-  (let ((imenu-index)
-        (ast-tree (if tree tree phps-mode-ast--tree))
-        (global-namespace-name)
-        (global-namespace-items))
-    (dolist (item ast-tree)
-      (let ((children (plist-get item 'children))
-            (item-type (plist-get item 'ast-type))
-            (item-index (plist-get item 'index))
-            (item-name (plist-get item 'name))
-            (parent))
-        (when (and
-               item-index
-               item-name
-               item-type)
-          (if (or
-               (equal item-type 'namespace)
-               (equal item-type 'class)
-               (equal item-type 'interface))
-              (if children
-                  (progn
-                    (dolist (child children)
-                      (let ((grand-children (plist-get child 'children))
-                            (child-type (plist-get child 'ast-type))
-                            (child-name (plist-get child 'name))
-                            (child-index (plist-get child 'index))
-                            (subparent))
-                        (when (and
-                               child-name
-                               child-index)
-                          (if (and
-                               (or
-                                (equal child-type 'class)
-                                (equal child-type 'interface))
-                               grand-children)
-                              (progn
-                                (dolist (grand-child grand-children)
-                                  (let ((grand-child-index
-                                         (plist-get grand-child 'index))
-                                        (grand-child-name
-                                         (plist-get grand-child 'name)))
-                                    (when (and
-                                           grand-child-index
-                                           grand-child-name)
-                                      (push
-                                       `(,grand-child-name . 
-                                       subparent))))
-                                (when subparent
-                                  (push
-                                   (append
-                                    (list child-name)
-                                    (reverse subparent))
-                                   parent)))
-                            (push
-                             `(,child-name . ,child-index)
-                             parent)))))
-                    (when parent
-                      (let ((parent-item
-                             (append
-                              (list item-name)
-                              (reverse parent))))
-                        (if global-namespace-name
-                            (push
-                             parent-item
-                             global-namespace-items)
-                          (push
-                           parent-item
-                           imenu-index))
-                        imenu-index)))
-                (if (equal item-type 'namespace)
-                    (setq
-                     global-namespace-name
-                     item-name)
-                  (if global-namespace-name
-                      (push
-                       `(,item-name . ,item-index)
-                       global-namespace-items)
-                    (push
-                     `(,item-name . ,item-index)
-                     imenu-index))))
-            (if global-namespace-name
-                (push
-                 `(,item-name . ,item-index)
-                 global-namespace-items)
-              (push
-               `(,item-name . ,item-index)
-               imenu-index))))))
-    (when global-namespace-name
-      (push
-       (append
-        (list global-namespace-name)
-        (reverse global-namespace-items))
-       imenu-index))
-    (setq
-     phps-mode-ast-imenu--index
-     (reverse imenu-index)))
-  ;; (message "imenu:\n%S\n\n" phps-mode-ast-imenu--index)
-  phps-mode-ast-imenu--index)
-(provide 'phps-mode-ast-imenu)
-;;; phps-mode-ast-imenu.el ends here
diff --git a/phps-mode-ast.el b/phps-mode-ast.el
index f38af310d2..f73cd46f4d 100644
--- a/phps-mode-ast.el
+++ b/phps-mode-ast.el
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 ;;; Code:
+(require 'phps-mode-macros)
 (require 'phps-mode-parser-sdt)
@@ -67,9 +68,8 @@
-    (message "\nTranslation:\n%S\n\n" translation)
-    ;; TODO Should sort this by position
+    (phps-mode-debug-message
+     (message "\nTranslation:\n%S\n\n" translation))
      (nreverse phps-mode-parser-sdt-symbol-imenu))
diff --git a/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el b/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
index 73dce8050a..320e3c12d3 100644
--- a/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
+++ b/phps-mode-lex-analyzer.el
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@
 (require 'phps-mode-serial)
 (require 'phps-mode-syntax-color)
 (require 'phps-mode-ast)
-(require 'phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping)
-(require 'phps-mode-ast-imenu)
 (require 'subr-x)
@@ -260,46 +258,26 @@
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--parse-trail (nth 7 lex-result))
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--parse-error (nth 8 lex-result))
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--ast (nth 9 lex-result))
-           ;; Catch errors in bookkeeping generation
-           (condition-case conditions
-               (phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--generate
-                phps-mode-lex-analyzer--ast)
-             (error
-              (display-warning
-               'phps-mode
-               (format "Failed to generate bookkeeping: %S" conditions)
-               :warning
-               "*PHPs Bookkeeping Generation Errors*")))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping
-                 phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--index)
-           ;; Catch errors in imenu generation
-           (condition-case conditions
-               (phps-mode-ast-imenu--generate
-                phps-mode-lex-analyzer--ast)
-             (error
-              (display-warning
-               'phps-mode
-               (format "Failed to generate imenu: %S" conditions)
-               :warning
-               "*PHPs Imenu Generation Errors*")))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu phps-mode-ast-imenu--index)
+           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping (nth 10 lex-result))
+           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu (nth 11 lex-result))
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--processed-buffer-p t)
-           ;; Apply syntax color on tokens
+           ;; Apply syntax color
+           (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--clear-region-syntax-color
+            (point-min)
+            (point-max))
            (dolist (token phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens)
              (let ((start (car (cdr token)))
                    (end (cdr (cdr token))))
                (let ((token-syntax-color
                       (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-token-syntax-color token)))
-                 (if token-syntax-color
+                 (when token-syntax-color
-                      start end (list 'font-lock-face token-syntax-color))
-                   (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--clear-region-syntax-color
-                    start end)))))
+                      start
+                      end
+                      (list 'font-lock-face token-syntax-color))))))
            ;; Reset buffer changes minimum index
@@ -425,49 +403,30 @@
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--parse-trail (nth 7 lex-result))
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--parse-error (nth 8 lex-result))
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--ast (nth 9 lex-result))
-           ;; Catch errors in bookkeeping generation
-           (condition-case conditions
-               (phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--generate
-                phps-mode-lex-analyzer--ast)
-             (error
-              (display-warning
-               'phps-mode
-               (format "Failed to generate bookkeeping: %S" conditions)
-               :warning
-               "*PHPs Bookkeeping Generation Errors*")))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping
-                 phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--index)
-           ;; Catch errors in imenu generation
-           (condition-case conditions
-               (phps-mode-ast-imenu--generate
-                phps-mode-lex-analyzer--ast)
-             (error
-              (display-warning
-               'phps-mode
-               (format "Failed to generate imenu: %S" conditions)
-               :warning
-               "*PHPs Imenu Generation Errors*")))
-           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu phps-mode-ast-imenu--index)
+           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--bookkeeping (nth 10 lex-result))
+           (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--imenu (nth 11 lex-result))
-            (message "Incremental tokens: %s" phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens))
+            (message
+             "Incremental tokens: %s"
+             phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens))
            ;; Save processed result
            (setq phps-mode-lex-analyzer--processed-buffer-p t)
            ;; Apply syntax color on tokens
+           (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--clear-region-syntax-color
+            incremental-start-new-buffer
+            point-max)
            (dolist (token phps-mode-lex-analyzer--tokens)
              (let ((start (car (cdr token)))
                    (end (cdr (cdr token))))
                ;; Apply syntax color on token
                (let ((token-syntax-color 
(phps-mode-lex-analyzer--get-token-syntax-color token)))
-                 (if token-syntax-color
-                     (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--set-region-syntax-color start 
end (list 'font-lock-face token-syntax-color))
-                   (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--clear-region-syntax-color start 
+                 (when token-syntax-color
+                     (phps-mode-lex-analyzer--set-region-syntax-color start 
end (list 'font-lock-face token-syntax-color))))))
            ;; Reset buffer changes minimum index
diff --git a/test/phps-mode-test-ast.el b/test/phps-mode-test-ast.el
index d08cb31e05..65ebb01de2 100644
--- a/test/phps-mode-test-ast.el
+++ b/test/phps-mode-test-ast.el
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
 (require 'ert)
 (require 'phps-mode)
 (require 'phps-mode-ast)
-(require 'phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping)
-(require 'phps-mode-ast-imenu)
 (require 'phps-mode-lex-analyzer)
 (require 'phps-mode-test)
@@ -38,7 +36,6 @@
             (car (cdr production))))))
      (message "\n")
-     (phps-mode-ast-bookkeeping--generate)
      ;; (message "symbol-table: \n%S\n" phps-mode-parser-sdt-symbol-table)
      ;; (message "phps-mode-parser-sdt-symbol-table-by-uri: \n%S\n" 

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