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Re: [Orgmode] Bug: LOGGING property does not stop asking for a note

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Bug: LOGGING property does not stop asking for a note
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 20:19:39 +0100

Hi Bernt,

On Feb 14, 2008, at 7:53 PM, Bernt Hansen wrote:

Hi Carsten,

I've been trying to get org-mode to stop prompting for a note for some
of my repeated tasks when they are marked as DONE and rescheduled.

Either I'm doing something wrong or this is a bug.

,----[ minimal.emacs ]
| (setq org-log-done '(state))
| (setq inhibit-splash-screen t)
| (global-font-lock-mode t)
| (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/git/org-mode"))
| (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org$" . org-mode))
| (require 'org-install)
| (define-key global-map "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
| (custom-set-variables
|  '(org-agenda-files (quote ("~/org/test.org"))))
| (org-agenda-list)

,----[ test.org ]
| * TODO one
|   SCHEDULED: <2008-02-14 Thu>
|   - State "TODO"       [2008-02-14 Thu 13:46]
|   - State "DONE"       [2008-02-14 Thu 13:45]
| * TODO two
|   SCHEDULED: <2008-02-28 Thu +1w>
|   - State "DONE"       [2008-02-14 Thu 13:46]
|   - State "DONE"       [2008-02-14 Thu 13:45]
|   :LOGGING: off
|   :END:
| * TODO three
|   SCHEDULED: <2008-02-14 Thu>
|   - State "TODO"       [2008-02-14 Thu 13:46]
|   - State "DONE"       [2008-02-14 Thu 13:45]
|   :LOGGING: off
|   :END:
| *** TODO One Two Three

I have org-log-done set to state globally and I want to override this
for the repeated task (two) and for another normal task (three).

It always prompts for a note when I change the state of the TODO item on
any of these tasks.

Am I missing something?

First of all, you would need

  :LOGGING: nologging

this must be one of the standard keywords, it is parsed exactly like an in-buffer option.

Secondly, I am internally forcing a log entry when repeating an entry,
with the assumption that you'd always want a log of acting on a repeating

Hmmm, maybe a LOGGING property should be honoured also in this case....

- Carsten

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