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Re: [Orgmode] Build error with Emacs 21

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: Re: [Orgmode] Build error with Emacs 21
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 18:50:07 +0200

Hi Michael,

I just pushed a fix.

- Carsten

On Apr 5, 2008, at 5:15 PM, Michael Ekstrand wrote:

At school, we have Emacs 21.4.1, and I got the following error trying to
build org-mode from git:

While compiling toplevel forms in file org-mode/lisp/org-clock.el:
!! Symbol's function definition is void ((define-obsolete-function- alias))

So, in the format indicated in the manual:

1. I typed `make` in the root of a clean checkout of org-mode from git
  (well, via git-cvsserver, since I don't have unlimited disk quota at
2. I expected it to compile successfully.
3. It failed with the error message above.

Emacs version is 21.4.1.  OS is Ubuntu 6.06.

- Michael

mouse, n: A device for pointing at the xterm in which you want to type.

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