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[Orgmode] Re: Debugging the publishing process?

From: Ángel de Vicente
Subject: [Orgmode] Re: Debugging the publishing process?
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 08:11:46 +0100
User-agent: Opera Mail/9.51 (Linux)


thanks Bernt (and Sebastian) for the help with this. In the end it turned out that I had two places with the ORG files and apparently it was getting quite confused with both. Getting rid of one of them and just leaving the 6.09a one did the trick. (I hadn't touched this computer for a bit more than two months, so one forgets what is installed... :)

Thanks a lot,
Ángel de Vicente

En Tue, 21 Oct 2008 13:20:06 +0100, Bernt Hansen <address@hidden> escribió:

Ángel de Vicente <address@hidden> writes:

I wonder if anyone can give me a tip... I'm just trying to figure out
the  publishing process in Org-mode, but I'm not getting any
results.. is there  a way to debug what ORG-MODE is trying to do?

I started with a basic setting, and defined a minimal (but I think
valid)  org-publish-project-alist as:

(setq org-publish-project-alist
         :base-directory "~/org/"
         :publishing-directory "~/OWD")))

In ~/org I have a number of .org files that get properly exported to
HTML  with C-c C-e h

but if I try to publish them with C-c C-e A, nothing appear in ~/OWD,
and  have no clue where it went wrong.

By the way, I have version 6.04c installed (although the info manual
says  it is 6.09a) (I just installed from the download link at

This works fine for me in 6.09a (as reported by M-x org-version)

,----[ minimal.emacs ]
| (global-font-lock-mode t)
| (add-hook 'org-mode-hook '(lambda () (flyspell-mode 1)))
| (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/git/org-mode/lisp"))
| (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org$" . org-mode))
| (require 'org-install)
| (define-key global-map "\C-cl" 'org-store-link)
| (define-key global-map "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
| (setq org-publish-project-alist
|       '(("OWD"
|        :base-directory "/tmp/org/"
|        :publishing-directory "/tmp/OWD")))

I created /tmp/org and /tmp/OWD and then

emacs -q -l minimal.emacs

created /tmp/org/test.org and C-c C-e A creates /tmp/OWD/test.html

,----[ test.org ]
| * First file
| Data for the first topic goes here
| an example
| This is after the example.
| * Export me
| here is some data
| More stuff

,----[ test2.org ]
| * Another file
| * with stuff
| Whee it works fine.

The publishing process normally writes details to the message window (if
you click in the message window it open the *Messages* buffer so you can
scroll through the messages.)

,----[ *Messages* ]
| Exporting... [2 times]
| Wrote /tmp/OWD/test2.html
| Exporting... done
| Publishing file /tmp/org/test.org
| Exporting... [3 times]
| Wrote /tmp/OWD/test.html
| Exporting... done

If I do it a second time without touching the files I get

| Skipping unmodified file /tmp/org/test2.org
| Skipping unmodified file /tmp/org/test.org

I'm sure there have been lots of changes since 6.04c that affect
publishing so I would recommend upgrading to the most recent version of
org-mode first and trying again.



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